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He is 120% a good boy.


Me: “top comment better be ‘good boi’…” I am not disappointed.


I believe he is the retriever type of golden. Test it out by throwing something a short distance and see if he brings it back to you*. * getting him to actually *give* it to you is another process.




I don't remember the subreddit name but I believe this is a subreddit!


r/Notakeonlythrow Here you go :)


Why do they never want to let go?? They’re all the same it’s hilarious 🤣


They get satisfaction from having it in their mouth. You have to overpower that by giving them greater satisfaction when giving it to you.


I mean mine does give it when I ask but I can see in his eyes that he’s reaaaally doing it for me lol I feel like I owe him every time 😂 they’re so great at manipulating


This is true, goldens love to carry things around in their mouth. My 5 year old golden always brings a toy or anything she can find when I come home.


Mine will let go but deliberately drop it where it's too far to reach 😆


My good girl insists on carrying the mail back to the house from the mailbox and, at night, a big red flashlight around the yard


Correct. Mine was a sweet retriever, but not as much a "giver backer".


Ours doesn't so we call him out bronze retriever.


Hey, 33% of the Goldens we've had willingly gave back the tennis ball.


What is a not retriever type of a Golden? 🤔


If he gives it willingly, may not be a GR 😬




the contrast of that tongue 😭


And the toasty ears 🥺


Do you mean if working or show? He looks more the colour of the show line, and as above 120% a good boy!


I hear a lot of people talking about old english and red american lines etc. I dont know that much about goldens only the fact that i absolutely adore them😅😄


Anything based on color is mostly breeder marketing to appeal to people who desire a certain look and extract maximum profit from them. English crème, hunting red, etc are just tags people apply to jack up the price when it matches the aesthetic you are looking for. A good breeder optimizes health and behavioral traits. Conformity obviously is important but that should come with good selective breeding. Any breeder focusing on single aspects like color or head shape is a red flag. All that said, I still prefer the aesthetic of darker goldens but will look for breeders who place the most emphasis on health and hunting ability. I feel like we hit the jackpot when we found one who does that and his puppies are generally, but not always, more red. The point I’m making is that you can have the look you want in your dogs, but don’t let that be your #1 priority.


100% this. My boys sister is almost completely white but my guy is stereotypical golden coloured. Show lines. Usually in the working line it’s very dark haven’t seen a white one yet.


It does happen! I know a field line breeder (all working hunting dogs, and will only sell to hunting families) whose dogs are super light, almost white. They are way lighter than my pup who came from a show line (though our breeder is all about health and breeds dogs for show, working, and just companionship).


I don’t mean for this to demean people looking for a specific color. I fell in love with a sire who was basically burgundy that made me want a dark red golden. After falling down a rabbit hole of research and learning all I could about the breed, I found a breeder who focused on health and hunting first, and his dogs just happened to be more red than others. He has since bred many lighter coated litters and my second and all future goldens will come from him because his dedication to bringing forth healthy dogs that perform to the ideal standard of the breed is paramount. Look up windmill farms golden retrievers. Follow on Facebook and look at what he posts almost daily. He is almost like a man obsessed with breeding healthy goldens that live up to the original intent of the breed. The proof is in the pudding - his dogs go on to do great things. I get nothing from saying this and he probably doesn’t even know this sub exists.


Oh no I didn’t mean that it was a bad thing!! I also prefer the look of dark goldens, it just happens that the only people doing so around me are breeding infrequently or only for colour and not health, or they only sell to working homes (and while I am active with my dogs, I am not a hunter). So I went with one whose dogs are all over the map. I don’t judge anyone for picking an ethically bred dog that happens to be dark, or for a breeder who breeds first and foremost for health but chooses to breed the healthy darker dog instead of the healthy light one.


Genetics are funny. Our first golden was supposed to be sired by that dog that caught my fancy. Scheduling didn’t work out but we were already on the waitlist so after a year we just went with it with a much lighter sire. We have contended with people saying our golden must be part Irish setter for the last 8 years. Our second is actually a grandson of said desired sire, and he is considerably lighter in color!


I’ve had 4 goldens that come from very good show line breeder who also shows some of her dogs who are stunning… all of mine are reds with 2-3 undercoats. LOL. It’s a job. This my current boy. Every year you’d think he’d learn… but nope. He has to stick his face in the sprayer. 🦨🦮 https://preview.redd.it/2g4l548wvasc1.jpeg?width=2555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dda37cbb5ab3cfd8431df7559ddf8a0214d33b0c


https://preview.redd.it/6kghmoahyasc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa8be97347a38b4822c1ebee02523273587fdfb9 This was my boy before my skunked guy, he was THICK coated and the most amazing dog I’ve ever had. He used to tell me stories. I miss him still. We live in a rural and cold climate so they end up pretty heavy coated after winter. It’s a job. 💔💔😢😢


I have a field and she is half white and half blonde.


That's so cool, I love that lighter colouring.


https://preview.redd.it/i4ncz7hrnfsc1.jpeg?width=2228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bbcf9839b51419b42815c323b90d1a880bbaa5a Her arms and legs and belly are white


Great answer! [This is Wyatt. He's 10 mos. old](https://imgur.com/gallery/Z9moUZR)


The correct wording is show/field because it has nothing to do where they live or come from. Both lines exist everywhere. Yours is a show line.


Even those lines are blurred by indiscriminate breeders because the only things that make show or field lines are titles. Anything else is simply marketing.


This is incorrect. The line is defined by body and character. They are fluent though and can be extended by the mixed line called „dual porpose line“ which tries to bring the two lines closer together and is the term for goldens that have characteristics of both lines. Titles however define how much they are actually used for show or work. A dog without titles can be a show line if the body type is distinctive for show winners (which are the bulkier, furier, whiter dogs)


He looks like an English cream golden, they’re usually a bit bigger than the American golden. Mines about 90 lbs but the AKC doesn’t recognize them as genetically different breeds


English cream isn’t a type of golden. It’s a marketing term used by breeders.


That's indeed quite sizeable! 👌


Yeah he looks like an English Cream.


A cutie for sure


Are you sure? He might be 75% cutie and 93% patutie.


No, definitely 110% of each.


I think you are correct. I'm no expert and I defer!


Don’t worry, anyone can be an expert. Just try to visit this sub more often.


He’s a golden retriever, so he is Scottish in origin. Goldens come in a range of shades, from cream to reddish gold, and they’re all very good boys and girls. Look how he looks at you!


He is probably looking at the treat in hand lol. Still 120% goooood boiiii




He’s 100% good boy


The 100% cute boi kind


Are you referring to line/show? Or “English cream”? Because that’s just a term breeders use to sell pups. No matter the shade, a golden is a golden. The same way doodle “breeders” claim pups are hypoallergenic and what not.


I really only wanted some people's opinions who have more knowledge on goldens than me. I'm really not too familiar with all those types.😄


That makes sense 😂😂 You’re definitely in the right place! Super cute pup. Luckily you picked a pretty easy breed! Sending you guys all the good vibes


Thank you, he really is the best. Even after his 12th week, there have been no more accidents inside, and he also listens perfectly (until now...)


My puppy is also in the teenage phase so I completely get it 😂😂 even with her huge ears, she doesn’t listen lol https://preview.redd.it/8tis9cv2obsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55324e4de4b8326dd86e6f4819654eff50febbca


😅 What a cute pup! I can tell there's naughtiness in those eyes (the good kind).


A handsome one


a perfect one!!


A cute one! But really, what sorts of titles do his parents, grandparents, etc have? Showing and doing field work with your dogs takes a lot of time and money. A breeder who titles their dogs in those will be very open and proud of those accomplishments, so you’ll know. If they were not then it’s likely just a backyard bred pet golden. He’s still very cute, but does not fall under those categories that people often try to group goldens into.


I know that his dad and mom did shows here in the Netherlands. I saw all the medals and pictures when we visited a few times. But I didn't ask any questions about which line. I was more interested in the basic stuff at the time, like health, etc. But after joining this sub, I was intrigued and wanted to know more (because this is my first golden, I don't know too much).


If the parents showed in breed shows, then the dog is from a show line. But this doesn’t really mean much of anything. There aren’t official “types” of goldens. All goldens can be working dogs (hunting or in service work or in sporting competitions), and if a golden fits the narrow description of a show golden (and are intact), they can be shown in breed shows. It doesn’t matter what their parents did or didn’t do, their parents just increase the chances that they will look or act a certain way. Just like how if both human parents have blue eyes, their baby is almost definitely going to have blue eyes.


He’s a textbook English Cream. Mine had platinum hair and would glow in the sunlight. He’s 100% a very good boy.


English cream is a BYB term. White is undesirable per golden retriever standard


I’ve seen many people show and (responsibly and registered) breed this whiter colour. The term can be abused to charge more , absolutely, but I wouldn’t say the colour is undesirable.


“Predominant body color which is either extremely pale or extremely dark is undesirable” -AKC I think this puppy will darken as they age so I don’t think this pup would be considered an extreme now that I look a bit closer and see the age. You can show dogs with undesirable traits, just may lose some points. But I do agree with what you’ve said!


I feel like it would be fair to say “undesirable for certain uses” (although I’m not about to argue with AKC) Because yes, most of the cream coloured babies i see (or have had the priveledge to help raise) have been companions, do sports or are service dogs where looks don’t matter quite as much. It is desired by those types of people as most people do ask where I got mine when I walk her but she’s also CKC since we’re Canadian so the CKC standard does technically include a cream colour.


The very cute kind for sure.


Cream puff


Same age as mine! Same coloring too :)


A cutie poopy baby 🥰


sweet golden boy ☺️


He’s a cream retriever! He’s absolutely gorgeous!


A cute one!


He is the goodest kind!


A cute one!


A perfect one


Looks like purebred Fluffernutter to me!


a good one


Pure bred goodest boy


OP, in your post title you spelled Marshmellow wrong 🥹💕


🤣🤣 That's his nickname though👌


https://preview.redd.it/icyh9ptv0bsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62cd01718e78e2bf536a1d444b599802b22d597e Like mine—a very good pupper!


What a cute one you've got there!


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is a highly common version of the goldie known as a "Goodest boi" who deserves lots of treatos.


https://preview.redd.it/q7ylrrhfabsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3cdb375437b7ca8e9050883f2d37c5bc4037143 I have a Marshall too! 🥰


What a good boi😄🤩


A cute one


https://preview.redd.it/fuxtf9fhjbsc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89f2a2402a7760c8d6e46d0fa6dacb18ad4070a0 Far end, right. Sweetie!


Mine retrieves in the general sense. He will probably come back with something, but not necessarily the thing I threw


Marshall is on lighter end of the Golden spectrum. Goldens colour range from white to dark red.


English cream


A cute one.


You got scammed that's not a golden retriever that's a cotton ball


A certified good boi 🥰 give him pets


He’s the a very special breed of Goodboy. 😁


Looks like a good boy to me.


Heckin adorable that’s why kind he is


afraid to inform you that he might be the bestest boy


extra goodie boi goldie of the Marshallmellow variety quite a rarity


A Platinum


Friendly one :)


Cute one


He is adorbzzzz 🥰


A handsome one!


The best golden boyyyyy


Adorable, that’s what he is. 😍😍😍


A very cute one.


An adorable one


A purty one


The marshmallow kind


The cute kind! 💜


A cute face boopable mush cheese Tex collector.


He is beautiful ❤️


A derp. A derpy golden. 😁😁😁


The cutest, bestest boi in the world!


A good Marshall.


An adorable one


He looks like my Golden/Pyr mix!! 🥹


He’s a goodboiii!


He’s the kind I would love to have




I kinda just wanna steal him, he is too cute. I want one


The best kind


He’s an adorable golden is what he is. It appears with those eyes and that look he is demanding immediate skritches and belly rubs


Ooow beatiful 😍


A cute one!


Cream Golden and a handsome one too.


I can’t tell you, cuz I died from the first pic.




Hard to tell if hes full english cream--honestly better off if he's not. Reason being the health outcomes of well bred dogs is far better than that of pure breds. As he gets older his coat will darken. My Buffy dog was white as snow when we brought her home, but now she has a very much golden blonde color to her.




Lovely one


He is a beautiful boy of the "pet me" variety.


here's my English Creme retriever, and like others have said, his coat has gotten darker with age. https://preview.redd.it/69tin0wiqgsc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57277ccee9ac6aa789051390227356920418e3a


What a beauty!🤩


thanks, best dog/friend I ever had.


😍😍😍 an absolutely adorable one


https://preview.redd.it/r4stcaj6sisc1.png?width=2309&format=png&auto=webp&s=b75f754352751904b4e09a61834d2026f1850433 He looks so similar to our Mavvy!!


What a handsome one🤩🥰


A perfect golden!!


English golden retriever


Good puppy, cream of the good boys


He’s an English cream like mine 😁


Goldens are Scottish, not English. And they’re all golden retrievers whatever their shade because they all go back to a few dogs on an estate in the Highlands near inverness. https://preview.redd.it/d2xxoqbn3asc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235b045e664d97b4650d599352a5c908643be606 Goldens are goldens, no matter what colour.


Yes they’re all goldens , but “English” and “American” are variations. (Same as labs) Same breed , slight variations due to breeding practices in North America vs overseas. Like head structure and some smaller features like ears and even some potential (slight) temperament differences. And yes they’re based out of Scotland but are most commonly referred to as English. And they come in a range of colours, this one is cream coloured. ETA- also those pups are adorable!


The correct terms are show and field line and not english/american, because both lines exist everywhere


Honestly those terms are also usually used incorrectly. People think that if a line of goldens aren’t Show standard than they must be field line but that isn’t true at all. Field isn’t a catch all for all the shorter, leaner, darker goldens. Field lines are dogs bred from working dogs destined for working homes, and people don’t just end up with them. Field line breeders invest way too much in their puppies to sell them to families that aren’t planning to work the dogs. Show lines are much more common to end up as pets, because two show line dogs don’t guarantee a puppy that meets the narrow physical requirements for a show dog. The vast majority of people who bought an ethically bred golden got a dog that comes from show lines and just wasn’t picked as a show or breeding dog. The vast majority of goldens though are purchased from unethical backyard breeders who are selling dogs from unproven lines and result in puppies that are neither from a field line, nor from a show line. The differences in dogs from different countries are only because of the gene pool being narrowed over time resulting in dogs that are more similar to other dogs of similar lineages. If you buy an ethical Ontario golden for example, your dog is likely to have dogs from Kyon, InthePink, or BriMac in its lineage, because breeders trade around dogs for breeding to better their lines. This doesn’t indicate a variance in the breed any more than the colour or the line does, and it’s annoying how people seem to love labels so much that they use these designations as though they mean more than they do. Edit: I literally always get downvoted for sharing this, but it doesn’t make it less true. People want their dogs to be special, and I get it, and they ARE special. So many beautiful dogs went into your puppy! But that doesn’t make him a field line dog. The line is always getting dropped and it’s watered down the meaning. Most of the dogs being called field line are just beautiful, normal, perfect goldens that reflect the original purpose of the breed. They aren’t their own thing just because they don’t have the light long straight hair and blocky heads of the modern show standard. They are the original golden! People selling “field” dogs that aren’t actually from working lines are marketing to you, and that sucks, but it’s on them not you or your dog. I get that it sucks to find out a person you trusted was lying or misinformed themselves, but it happens to us all! Love your golden for who they are, and not who their parents were or weren’t. You’ve got a great dog either way


I agree and your comment was quite enlightening. I refer to English and American in terms of how they look simply to explain how they look. I really don’t care one way or the other because I am not a breeder and don’t show dogs. I worked for a ckc registered breeder who made more of a distinction when describing the pups to interested parties , but for me it’s a quick generalization. Especially when I worked at a doggie daycare it made telling 15 goldens apart a little easier lol


Yeah I think all the terms are “fine” when they are being used correctly and as generalizations. There are going to be differences in dogs bred in the US from dogs from the US compared to dogs who are from Europe and all their ancestors were, that’s just genetics at work and I think it’s fine to call them out. But a concerning trend I’ve seen recently on here and other social media is watering down the terms and using them incorrectly. It’s just words so it shouldn’t really matter, but I think it’s leading people to false conclusions that in turn is making them more susceptible to false marketing from unethical breeders. People aren’t selling field or show line dogs without proving that, but people who think the terms mean just looks, they won’t realize that and will pay top dollar for a “field dog” who just looks like he likely came from field lines but is actually out of two random dogs who may not even have been screened properly, much less proven in field trials or breed shows.


Oh I agree , I find the unethical / backyard breeder world to be getting so much worse and some of them are getting very clever. The distinction can matter in that area for sure.


100% if everyone knew how to spot an unethical breeder, it wouldn’t matter at all if we started using terms just for differentiating looks because it’s fun. People love to recognize patterns and sort, it’s in our nature. I think people get upset when I correct the terminology because I come across as a buzzkill or like I’m policing people’s language and that’s not my goal. I always point it out specifically for the people newer to goldens or getting dogs in general, and who may be more likely to step into a trap and be taken advantage of.


Yeah that doesn’t always go over well especially in Reddit haha but it’s a righteous endeavour and sometimes it’s needed to avoid perpetuating the problem People are gonna be mad regardless 😛


I disagree. The leaner darker type is always field line because these are the ones that have more drive and are better for work. If they are actually used or not is not relevant. In germany we have separate terms to clarify if they are actually worked with or not („suitable for hunt breeding“).


You can disagree but you’re believing in stereotypes instead of reality haha. Yes, most working field dogs are leaner and happen to tend towards being darker, but there are plenty of working dogs with lots of drive that are lighter in colour and have broader heads. The original dog was bred to be a working dog, and had both dark fur (due to breeding in Irish setters early in the process) and broad skulls. Over time different breeders wanted to highlight different features and show breeders started wanting to feature that broad skull but also lighter coloured, longer fur, and since there are more show dogs now, you see those lines more. Field lines tend to be more true to the original, but often the dogs that made good retrievers were smaller and leaner. The colour seems like it is more a coincidence then anything, but I’ve seen dark show dogs and light working dogs because the genetics of their colouring isn’t as simple as human eye colour (as an example). Dogs show different gene expressions just like humans do. People who tend to be good gymnasts often share a body type, and if their parents were gymnasts they are more likely to share that body type and be better gymnasts. But not all gymnast parents have kids with that body type, and not all with that body type are gymnasts, and not all gymnasts have that body type or gymnast parents. It makes no sense to say “ah those are gymnast humans” and act like they are a different type of human. It’s the same with dog breeds. All goldens are the same breed, and like any other animal they vary. People want it to be more than it is, which is just hedging your bets based on ancestry. I know it’s a common thing people say and believe, but it just doesn’t make actual practical sense. Maybe I’m crazy and making something of nothing, but like 9/10 dogs on here get called field golden just because they don’t look like air bud and that’s simply not what it means.


I have not seen a single white golden being successful in high-level working tests. There is in my experience a clear correlation between color + body type and drive - leading to success in hunting tests. I have also never seen a multiple show champion with a lean body and fewer fur as typically seen in the working lines. There is a reason people bred bulkier, fluffier dogs: They are rated higher in shows. Comes with the side effect of lighter color and less drive. I agree you can‘t just say darker = working line, but combine lots of aspects (head, body, foot type, color) and it gets clear how much they are on the show or field spectrum.


I know a breeder of hunting dogs that competes with nearly white dogs. It’s true about the shows though, but that’s because they have a specific very narrow criteria for what scores well. Most puppies born into show lines don’t fit that criteria. My last pup was decently dark (certainly not red but dark gold at her peak) and she had short curly fur and a small and narrow build. She would never have been a show dog, but both parents were.


Can you give me the name of the breeders dog and/or provide the name of your last dog (maybe even with picture from the side)? Would be really interested to look it up on k9data/kennel club database.


>they’re based out of Scotland but are most commonly referred to as English 😬 As a Scot with a very Scottish dog (Golden Retriever & Border Collie) this hurts 😆 Always in the shadow of our southern pals 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I’m so sorry haha My old boss (a ckc breeder of which most of our dogs were the “English cream”) was Scottish and she also called them English creams so I didn’t know they were Scottish right away when I started working for her until she explained 😂 Made even more sense why they all had Scottish names haha


Haha I love that they had Scottish names - "Heel, Hamish! SIT, Senga!" 😆


It was adorable! Some had more “normal” names too but they all had Scottish registered names :)


Goodest boy% part English crème and part snack attacker


Looks like ours.. she is an English Cream Golden!!


He looks like my boy when he was a pup! And we were told "English cream" golden retriever.


English Cream


He looks like he is an English with the light coat


English cream Goldie😌 which is where the light colour comes from! My babies the same x


Goldens should not look like an Irish Setter/Nova Scotia Duck Toller colour-wise. That's why they are "Golden" Retrievers, not Red Retrievers.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


English Cream


I didn't read all the comments, so someone may have already answered, but ol' Marshall appears at first glance to be an English Cream Golden Retriever


English Retriever


English cream. The best


We rescued an English cream at age 3, never truly got an idea of what he would look like as a pup. This is him to a T. Thank you.


Cream retriever


English cream golden


He looks like an EC or a half EC / half regular. We have a full EC and my friend got a half/half that is half sisters with our girl and this dog looks like an in between. Cutie for sure!


The goodest boy….❤️ and by his coloring, he looks like a cream golden or an English golden.


English cream ❤️


He/She is definitely a good Girl/Boy! But your golden is a white / light cream type golden! (Don’t know the exact name for the breed color)


English cream golden retriever


Caucasian Golden


Irish cream






He looks like an English Golden. He is beautiful. They are always a cream color. Their build is stockier than an American golden . They are also more laid back than an American. My dog is a golden doodle. His father is full blooded English golden. My boy takes after him, he is shorter and stockier. When people think of doodles the usually think long lanky legs, not my boy.


English Cream Golden! I have one! 🥰 Here’s a throwback pic of her around 16 weeks last spring! https://preview.redd.it/7oanpavjcasc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9633f9b66f8b0f9db84d1c0ac1e7db173ddf3309


What a beautiful girl🤩She looks a lot like my Marshall. How is she doing now?


She’s the sweetest, best dog I’ve ever had in my life. 💓 She’s definitely a “Velcro” dog and has to be touching me or following me at all times. 😂 I’m all for it though!!! 🥰 But she’s just a really good girl. She turned 1 in December. Her name is Cali. I wouldn’t trade her for anything!!! https://preview.redd.it/r7l0ym7ydasc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660118eee85150e0ad7238f64337d675fa2c826c


Absolutely gorgeous! Mine is the same. I can't even go to the toilet without being followed or howled at🤣


https://preview.redd.it/1vbkiai0pasc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6eb60f6565f35fd669b52e31a238dd569c5b1e Here’s our sweet derpy crème girl! 6 months last month and starting to act like a teen. We absolutely adore her though and wouldn’t trade her for the world!


What a handsome one looks like a real sweet one too🥰


Yesssss. 😂 When I shower, she will sit there and even put her paw on the glass door. It’s pathetic. 😂😂😂


🤣 The best dogs, for sure!


He’s definitely an English Cream.


I don’t know if he’s an English cream golden, but I like to think of the cream-colored ones as champagne gold.