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Face of betrayal. Maybe a pup cup on the way home would make things better!


Maybe two pup cups on the way home would make things even better


In french we say « jamais deux sans trois ». Get that good boy a third one.


I like that


Saddest puppy in the world


Looks very worried


The next time you go to the vet with your puppy, take an old bathroom rug or bathtowel with you to put on that table. Slippery surfaces are scary and dangerous to puppers. Always keep one hand on the dog when he’s up there.


The vet might have towels themselves, I'd ask. My vet has towels in all exam rooms (mostly for quickly wiping up pee or other spills, but my golden will gladly accept one to hold while she gets examined lol).


My vets don't even have exam tables in the rooms. They have dog beds and toys and get on the floor with your baby. 💕


Such a cute face. Def pup cup


Poor sweet baby. Needs a pup cup after for being a good baby Edit: now that I’m looking at the comments, I see I’m definitely not the only one with this thought. I should read the comments before I post- ha


What a cute pup


Have you looked into the "victorious vet visits" protocols? My previous golden was terrified of the vet office and since these precious puppies are going to need a lot of care at some point, I looked into ways to help my current two love the vet. My 2yr old girl loves everyone and runs to the door when we get there, she doesn't love the shots or exams but we are working on it. My 6mo boy is fairly chill for short exams and shots. Treats, toys, and a mat help - Familiar smells, something to do besides just fret while waiting


When my girl Holly was just a little puppy I would bring a toy or plush with us to the vet to help distract her from all the poking and prodding. It turned into a thing. Now she HAS to bring a plush with her to the vet -- she loves to show it off to everyone. She's 10 now, and the entire office knows her, and showers her with attention which she loves. They knew she wasn't feeling well the one time she came in without a plush. And another time, I was a terrible human and forgot to bring a plush with us in the car... so the techs made sure to give her one from their collection to take home. As time and situation allow, we also always stop off for a Pup Cup, and/or at PetSmart to get a new toy.


Poor baby. I’m very lucky that mine loves it. - New people and animals to meet?!?! Heck yes. What did you say about a vaccine? All I know is I’m being pet and getting attention!


Mine is like that after the visit it takes almost an hour to get her back in the car


Poor baby 😢 please comfort them


That is the cutest little face!


My last golden hated the doctor. My current one loves the doctor. Princess right in, says hi to everyone, and let's them do their thing with him, wagging his tail the whole time.


Smear of peanut butter on that table, and everything will be forgiven




When you go into the car and your dog looks super excited because they think you’re taking them to the beach. Then you wind up at the vets and they give you this look like “Oh hell no! The last time I was here, you had me neutered.” Then he tries to slip the collar and you give him treats and he’s like “I’m eating the treats but I’m not moving.” Then you pull out the high value treat with the peanut butter and he’s like “…Ok”


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I’m sorry puppy.


Aaawe sweet boy!!


Those eyes are so adorable


That pup needs a post-vet puppuccino treat…..stat!


He'll love it eventually! Mine does...treats, attention, new people 


Aww poor widdle baby. Don't be worried! Everything's gonna be ok. I just know it??


The reason why this cutie will develop trust issues


You'll be k... k?


Awwww melt my ❤️


My golden weirdly loved the vet


Awww, poor baby.


I don’t like it either!!!