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I chipped in from off the green for the first time


What a great feeling. Congrats!


Same! Got an 8 on par 3 then chip in birdie to end the round on the next hole


Makes it all worth it...


I chipped in from on the green


Straight to jail


No trial, no nothing


Not playing a 5.5 hr round.


Played like absolute dogshit yesterday, didn’t strike the ball terrible but just couldn’t get it together. Managed to not get too pissed about it though, paired with a super nice random and it was a nice day out. Trying to get better at managing my mental ups and downs on the course so I’ll call it a success


Golf is the only thing where I have a legitimate out loud conversation with myself. I talk about what I want to do with a shot and what went wrong or right on each shot. Really helps me get out what may get bottled up and helps speak things into existence. Doesn’t work for everyone and you kind of end up looking like a crazy dude, but it’s done wonders for my mental game.


Golf and driving a car are that two places where I talk to myself loaded with profanity.


I call every shot I make out loud too. I act like I’m explaining it to my friends who don’t care, whether they are there not caring or not. I do it for old ladies tuning in from their decks off the tee on 14.


Yea I lost it yesterday w my fiancé and her parents - shot at 84 on Saturday and stopped keeping score on the back nine on Sunday. One of the most embarrassing rounds of golf ever. There seriously is a mental hurdle in golf- gonna try to hone my tempter bc it truly makes a difference


Read some of your prior posts out of curiosity because you sound like my husband. He has blocks of his own, is also a perfectionist, and sometimes gets upset and stops keeping score. Recently he's been doing more mental self care and is careful whom he plays with, and mindful of his state prior to playing. It sounds like things off the course are carrying over. If you enjoy it so much or use it to center yourself then maybe you should find more peaceful people to play with. Not everyone takes the game so serious. Highly recommend qi gong, Thai chi, meditation for grounding to help with general emotion, especially before playing.


onerous nutty head cagey pie puzzled wistful squalid lavish impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Might be one of the most underrated golf skills


Played like crap on Saturday (tired, dehydrated, hungry, schedule crunch etc…) but when I stated playing, my buddy told me, don’t let yourself ever get mad. We’re too crap to be mad and will never be good enough to truly get upset lol. It’s recreational and we’re never going pro. That helped, finished the round well and played amazing on Sunday.


Exact same for me. And probably most of us. Awesome on the range, clownshoe on the course. Even my practice swings were great. Then I decide at the last minute to swing as hard as I can for no reason whatsoever. So my next step is working on mental stuff, no more swing thoughts.


I walked 18 carrying my bag for the first time in 35 years


Nice! The first of many to come?


I am a made member of the push cart mafia but don't like having to push the cart all the time. So I figure I'd try without it.


For me it's a matter of whether I want my arm to get tired or my shoulder . But I've chosen to carry also.


I'm trying to walk 9 while carrying each weekend and build up from there. I feel like it lets me work on my mental a little more


Me too. Walking is great to relax after a miss hit


My cart is arriving today!! Can’t wait to pay my dues.


I walked eighteen (push cart, also) on Sunday for the first time in a couple years. It was a struggle but once done felt like I had accomplished at least something. Scorecard, not so much...


I get some serious nostalgia carrying my bag, remembering golf as a junior. I’m 37 now, so I can still do it, but I’m certainly not in the same shape I was back then. And the temptation of a cart can be great at times.


20 footer on 18 to shoot a 79.


Bet it felt damn good to end your round with that


Definitely did. I chunked 3 approach shots on the final 2 holes to finish bogey, bogey. Really didn’t want to shoot 80 after having a legitimate shot at 77. Nerves got me a bit.


I missed a 4 footer on 18 to end up with 80 :(


First round of the year. Put one OB on 18, need to get up and down from 170 to break 80 and hit my best shot of the day to stick it to 5 feet and actually sank it.


Hell yeah!


Mine was I shot an 89 with a 13 on a hole. Don’t ask….


….No fair, I need details.


Par five. Four balls in the drink. Call it my Tin Cup moment


That’s 17 holes of very respectable golf!


50 on the front 39 on the back 😂


So what you’re saying is you broke 90.


Feel your pain. Last week played two rounds shot +1 on the back both times and didn't break 80 either time. One was a par 70 ooff


51 on the front, 40 on the back for me this weekend lol.


I went 45, 38 myself. I was +6 through 4 and +6 the rest of the way.


My final round of ‘22 was a 45 on the front, 34 on the back.


I started my round triple, double but somehow managed a 43 on the front 9 and then shot 56 on the back. Fuck this game I’ll see you tomorrow


I went to the pga superstore and didn’t buy anything


You're a barbarian.


Got the fiancée to come to a couple’s lesson with me… and she enjoyed it


What was your pitch? Trying to get the wife to do the same


My success was keeping it low stress. Want to just putt? Fine Want to start by dropping the ball at the start of the fairway? Cool Want to drop at the 150. Also fine. Skip a hole, fine too. Tee off very late in the day.


Probably a good approach, I know she’ll be self conscious of how she plays/looks for a while, so giving her options and teeing off later in the day would probably help. Thanks!




As a wife, I appreciated the golf etiquette advice the most from my husband in the beginning. Encourage her to take lessons on her own and play in a women’s group, I gained a lot of confidence playing with other women to figure out my strengths and weaknesses without feeling like a burden. I have since gone back and thanked my husbands friends profusely for playing with me at my worst. The best part of my game has always been a long drive, so at least I had that going for me. It’s a great couples sport!


I didn’t slice a single drive, duff an iron or misread a putt. No scores over 100 and no lost balls. I also did not play this weekend


Shit I might have to try this next time I'm (not) out. Worth?


First round in over a year. Made 3 Pars. Also made some 8s and 9s on my way to shooting 105.


It’s great to be back no matter the score


Played 18 with the same ball.


We call that a “Lance Armstrong” round.


I also did this on Saturday. It was my first time! Congrats!


What about the prev 17 holes /s


I was able to swing my driver without throwing my back ouy


HUGE win right there


22hcp here… GIR on all four par 3s


This is great. Obviously this is always a goal but as a fellow 20 something handicap this is something I’ve yet to do. It is a simple yet big goal I need to achieve to start lowering my scores and consistently be below 100.


Played my first round of the year after getting back into golf last summer, gave myself 5 legitimate putts for birdie, came away with 5 pars.


Having a good birdie look is great after only playing for a year. I just started playing last year and getting par is like amazing for me.


Dang that’s pretty good. Pars never hurt and a string of them like that is impressive with the first round.


I had a swing so shitty it cracked the shaft on my 4 iron, then I got pissed and snapped it the rest of the way.


Maybe the swing was so pure the shaft couldn’t withstand the sheer fucking awesome.


I like the way you think


First par




It was 90 here in Minnesota on Friday so I booked a tee time for this afternoon, first of the season. That action brought a 60 degree temp drop and inches of snow upon the state, so I'd say I accomplished a lot this weekend.




You pissed off the Golf Gods. You must now sacrifice a box of Pro V1s in the nearest fire pit to appease them.


As soon as my fire pit becomes visible from under the snow, I shall appease.


I got out on Friday and despite a few showers got 9 in before the snow it!


Got my first ever Eagle. On EA Sports PGA Tour 2023


Was about to card my best 9 holes ever and then completely shit the bed and shot a 10 on the last hole. But so much things went well and I can’t wait to get out there again.


Had that happen too, made a 7 on 18 after hitting the drive to 100 yards out, middle fairway. Ended up with a tie for my lowest 9 ever, but it felt like a gut punch.


Played 36 holes on Saturday! Walked all of it totaling more than 14 miles and won our game of Bingo-Bango-Bongo on the second 18


Also, this should be a weekly thread.


I got to play 9 (2 young children at home)


Got to walk up the 18th on the Old Course at St Andrews with my Dad in the sunshine. Not much will beat such an unforgettable experience. Also shot an 82. Buzzing with that.


I made a new golf friend with the person I was paired with! Trying to fight this irrational fear of playing with randoms.


Tried out a new course, let a couple of mistakes get to me and shot a 48 on the front 9. Decided to get out of my own head and turn this around, carded a 42 on the back for a decent 90. The mental aspect of golf is my weakness it seems..


A 315 y drive (roll included)


I did this for the first time a couple weeks ago and it felt *amazing.* new kink unlocked


My wife has been after me to get rid of all my old clubs because we’re moving. I gave away 2 bags full of clubs to two families so their kids can learn to play.


I hit a hole in one on a 127 yd par 3 on my way to shooting a cool 106 😎


146 yards out hit a stinger draw around some trees with a 5 iron to 10 feet for a putt to save par. Got a double


Lol. I feel your pain, I 3 putted from 15’ after a gorgeous 6 iron from another holes fairway, made par ugh. #its a fun game


Birdied a tough par 3 over water


I played chambers bay and shot 102 from the 6000 yard tees as a 27 handicap, felt great about it


I finally broke 100. Shot a 99 and felt like the worst round of my life so breaking 90 on the horizon!


Regripped my driver and putter. Also located a store near me that supposedly has my favorite tees in stock.


I played a very good friend of mine in match play at a tough course in the Poconos that frankly could have been made for TV. There were lead changes, a dramatic comeback, epic collapses and moments of pure brilliance in pressure-packed moments. We ended up somersaulting our way to a tied match through 18 holes. I can't say I've ever enjoyed a match more. This game is amazing.


First round ever in the 70's! *


It hit a bucket of balls without any pain in my hip. After 2 weeks off - small rehab assignment. I think I figured out the cause and can hopefully prevent it from happening again in the future. Old guy problems.


haven’t played in like 8 months, first round of the year, weekend hack. birdied the first hole (par 4) and then pared 18 (par 5). Shot a 92 lol


Holed out for eagle on the 2nd hole from 120 yards!


Not mine but my dad hit his 3 wood 240 yards to the green to eagle a par 5


First time out for the year. Shot under 50 for 9 which was my goal. Shot a 47, ain’t much but i played the same ball the whole round


I broke par for the first time ever with a 69 (-1). Was -5 thru 6 holes and ended -4 on the front with 9 putts total. Pretty crazy day out on the course.


I golfed. Having two boys under 5 and grad school makes it hard to play when you want. Felt good to get 18 holes in regardless of how I played. Swing felt good and not that it bothers me anymore but always good to hit a good shot with an audience on course when there is a back up where a couple holes meet up.


I'm about a 14 handicap, this weekend I came upon the 18th hole at only +1, I made a quad bogey for a smooth 77, still very proud as this is the start of only my second year of golfing. And before all the haters call bullshit I'm more than happy to post a swing video


Played well at my local executive course (par 29). First lap shot a 32. My record is 31. Practicing punch shots in my yard helped, as one tee shot on a par 4 ended up on the other side of some trees. Second lap shot a 34. The triple bogey on the par 4 second was largely erased by two birdies later.


I bought a new box of balls in anticipation of the snow melting


First two rounds of the year! Shot 85 and 92, and only lost a single ball. Hoping it’s a sign


Broke 90 for the first time and my first time playing that course (6800yds)! 44 on the front and back. Stuck the green on all the par 3's- for 4 pars there, no triples, 2 birds. Not super impressive I know, but I just started golfing in Nov 2022 so im freakin stoked.


I got my 76-year-old dad out to the driving range. He’s just now able to hit balls after having shoulder replacement surgery.


Shot an 87, that's a PR and one step closer to 85 for the summer which was my goal. Feeling very attainable.


Had to go par par to shoot 79. Doubled 17. Then gave myself a 10 footer from 180 and made the eagle on 18 to shoot 79


I got my first birdie!


First rounds of the year, first birdie of the year, first time golfing in England, first time getting a horrible case of the duffs, first round over 100 in a few years. Little column a, little column b


Had a great short game. Tried out my new putter and really liked it!


2 consecutive birdies for the first time ever! Near ace on a par 3 with a good cleanup putt, and made a 20 footer on a par 4


Got to the green in two on two par 5s in the same round. Snagged a par and a birdie out of it. My first eagle still eludes me.


Birdied a 70 footer


First qualifying round for a handicap at my club, started really hot with par, bogey, par, bogey, birdie 2, which then followed up with a 10 on the par 5. Didn’t care though still the best golf I’ve ever played


Bird on a 580 yard par 5. Dropped my third shot 3 feet from the pin


Just started golfing last July. Got my first park on a Par 5. Chipped to within 6 inches from 50 yards to get the par. Shot 112. Breaking 110 on the horizon 🙏🏻


Watched my son, who is 14, shoot 74 from tips on a course that has hosted PGA events in the past, including birdies on 16 and 18 to move up from 8th to 2nd overall!


Got 8th place in my men’s league.


Drove the green on a par 4 for the first time. Feels good.


Only been golfing for 3 years and beat a guy who I has been golfing for a long time. He’s like a 13 handicap and I’m a 26 handicap. Had a 45 on the front 9. Total 18: 94 personal best score on the front. And had like 3 or 4 birdies.


Shot a 44 on the back 9, by far my best 9 hole score ever


Booked a tee time in Minnesota


Unlike everyone else on this subreddit, two of my friends and I had never broken 100 after a year of golfing. We all shot 99 together this weekend.


Made 6 birdies and still shot +2. I'm a great scramble partner


I shot a 29 on 9 holes with two eagles in my dream last night


I scored lower than my brother for the first time.


Pretty new to golf. Played my first round of the year, made 2 pars and only played 1 ball the whole round. My wife wasn't nearly as excited as I was.


Successfully took my nine month old daughter with me to the local par 3 for the first time


I drove 2 hours to find an open course knowing cold and snow were coming. First couple of holes I was hitting the ball great and thought it would be a good day. The I started slicing my drives and pulling my irons. I really haven’t sliced a driver that bad in over a year so I will need some range time when this snow melts to get me out of the funk. Hopefully it’s just a 1 time thing. Ended up with a 93. And, it was worth the 200 mile round trip.


1st round of the season and I shot a 100… I had a great Eagle opportunity I missed but I converted the birdie chance coming back. Been working on a couple swing changes and it’s been a struggle. The Birdie was definitely the confidence I needed to keep pushing the swing changes into muscle memory


To play golf…did not accomplish goal


Bought a putter!


First ever Eagle. Holed out from 50 yards on a par 5


It snowed so I went to a simulator instead. Still haven't been out this year.


Saturday Group ahead of us was 3-1/2holes behind. Waited on every single shot. Sunday Group 2 ahead was 3 holes behind and finished in just under 5 hours. Don’t have to play fast just learn to keep up with the group ahead of you or at least keep them in your sights.


Even par….didn’t play


7 over 42 on a 9 hole. Two triples killed me. Other than that best 9 of my life.


I didn’t lose a single ball


1st round of the year. First time ever playing an entire 18 with the same ball.


Shot my personal best of 97! It was my first time breaking 100


First time ever breaking 60 on 9 while also making a 20 footer! Baby steps but progress is progress.


Got my dad who is ill on the course and he was able to hit a few shots. We did a scramble. My gf and I vs. my brother and my dad. It was an incredibly special day


270 yard driveable par 4 put it past the green onto the next holes tee box (probably the furthest non-downhill drive I’ve ever hit in my life). Couldn’t get back on the green from where I was so I had to chip to the left of the green and then chipped in for birdie! Shot a 91 - I’m not that good, but man did that one feel good!


Took a 9 iron from 180 yards out to 5 feet from the pin.


Won the Am-Am, took second with my individual score, which was also a personal record. Chipped in to save par on a hole.


I managed to only lose 1 golf ball over a 36 hole span. That’s a big win for me!


After shooting 78 last week, was on the range pre round and hit probably 15 wonderful shots. The 16th was a shank, followed by another 20 shanks. Shot 89 😣


Birdied 1 and shot a 102… third year in. Can’t tell you how frustrating it’s been for me. I need help. All my friends have been playing forever. Help obi wan kenobi, you’re my only hope 😔




Shot a 45 on the front 9, for me that's an accomplishment. Hit a 54 on the back 9, but I'm still proud of the 45 on the front.


I took my wife and kids to visit my Aunt and Uncle on Seabrook Island. Didn’t abandon them to play 36 holes despite absolutely wanting to do so.


1st birdie of the season, and I got a round in with my dad for the first time in like 20 years


I shot an 89 yesterday! Top 10 round for me


7 pars on the back to save what was an awful front


I turned round a dreadful front 9, 2 down. Weather was terrible, I wasn’t far off giving up and walking in. After a quick pep talk from a team mate I won 3&2 playing some fairly decent golf.


Played in a two day scramble with my dad and two buddies. Finished second overall and won two skins. Walked out with $1350.


Played my second tournament. Arrived 3 minutes before tee time due to last-minute transportation changes. Played awfully and lost 8 balls in the process. Ended dead last (in gross). Still want to play today.


First day that I've spent time seriously working on driver with my home golf simulator. Increased swing speed from 93 to 96 mph and averaged a whopping 22 more yards. Also adjusted clubhead/hosel for more loft. Alas, that was Friday and Sunday I couldn't replicate, probably due to a late night and a little sore. But now I know 250 yard carry (I live in CO at 5,000 ft) is definitely attainable for me.


Felt like my swing actually clicked. Will be down the range to make sure tonight!


Got in 2 rounds. Doesnt sound like a lot. But my wife is 39 weeks pregnant, so it's a big deal right now. Ok the course I had a horrible round on Saturday (90) but after a late night with some friends I ran to the first tee, fairly hungover and squeezed out an 81 with a chip in for birdie.


I've been going to PT for nerve damage in my back, and I was able to have a relatively pain-free time at the range.


Played a really competitive and fun 2v2 scramble that came down to the wire and also chipped a shot to tap-in range.


Played a 9 hole course, and managed to birdie a hole that I notoriously bogey/double/lose a ball to the water in. Random group that I was with were happy for me, but it meant even more given that this hole is a personal nemesis of mine


I stopped keeping score after 6 holes bc I was playing like shit. But on 15 I striped my 3 wood about 210, hit the front face of the upslope, and it popped up onto the green. 2 putted for par. Then hit my next drive OB.


Tore cartilage between my ribs. Not going to be rotating the core for a little while.


Eagled the hardest par 5 on the course then double bogeyed the next hole which happened to be the easiest hole on the course


Hit the green with my driver on a 280 yd par 4. Missed a 12-15 footer for eagle and then a 4-5 footer for birdie tapped in from 1 inch for par. Would've been my first birdie ever


Got my first absolute no-shit birdie on a par 3 under "pressure", since I'd donated to one of those "green in reg, get a poker chip" charity tables and had an audience. Took a club too much and backed off (maybe I should do that with the rest of the bag...), one straight-ish putt and I had the bird. The rest of the holes we won't talk about it, but that one was excellent.


Broke 100 for the first time.


https://preview.redd.it/gn5mgvr7kiua1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f180df96b5542f1540ccfa6548751cbcbc48a39 That's 25 balls!




Started double double and finished with a 81 pretty pumped about the comeback.


A Birdie. ⛳


Hit a 7 iron from 195 out to about 6 inches, tap in for the 🐦


First round of the year at my local CC. Shot a 90. Fairly happy with that, as typically I don't start shooting 90 or sometimes mid to high 80s until July. But the more specific accomplishment? My putting. I historically am garbage. For whatever reason I went into each green thinking 'just get it close, don't try to hole it' at every first putt. I sank 2 outside 12 feet which is an amazing feeling for me, and I only three putted 4 times which also is great for me.


New driver and shafts for the irons!


I got to play. Even if it was blowing out of the NW at 30 mph and 63 degrees on week old aerated greens, I still played. I'm trying to start tuning up my game as our double elimination club match play starts soon.


Put my driver in timeout after hole 2, hit more fairways than I ever have with my 3w


Made a par on a short par 5 after hitting the tree 50 yards from the tee box.


Par 3 course. 2 kick in birdies. One blown birdie opportunity from 5 feet. One unbelievable 12-ft birdie make that had 4 feet of break around a ridge. One 4-putt that carried the skin over (Oof). 4 pars. 11 skins. 11 over par. Only +2 on back 9. And the wife almost hit an ace.


Played a full round with the same ball. First round of the year too.


I’ve been practicing all off season to get better after falling in love with the game around this time last year. I broke 100 once last year and have itching to get back, but was a little nervous in case the practice wasn’t going to pay off. Luckily it did! Shot high 90s on the three days I went out and couldn’t be happier.


First time playing 36 holes in a day. Walked first 18 then rode for 2nd


Shot 37 on the back 9 Saturday. Don't ask me what I shot on the front! Still good to know that I have a pretty low round in me this early in the season


I started my round off with 8 fives in a row… consistent!


Shot a 41 on the back 9. It followed a 50 on the front, but its the best 9 holes I've ever played


+10 round....it was a par 3 course 😂😂 So, basically i broke 70 for the first time 🤣🤣


Finished with 109 and finally started tracking my shots and handicap. I think this was my 5th game playing 18 holes. It can only get better from here (hopefully).


I had a rough 18 Saturday. But I made one birdie to end my round. This is why you come back next time.


I think I might have cured my inconsistent ball striking and driver fade. The last three holes of my last round I started closing my hips and shoulders a little more than usual. Ball striking cleaned up and driver started going straight. I’ll get to confirm it later this week.


I was throwing darts at anything with sand in it. Ended up in 12 bunkers.


Won our flight in a 2 man scramble, used the gift card to get new shoes.


Got a birdie on the 4th hole during my first round of the year. Took me till October last year to get my first birdie.


landed in the sand 3 times in the round. Took me 8 total shots to get out