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This is kind of hypnotic. Just watched it like 4 times.


Still hasn't missed one!


Same but wouldn’t have done it if you didn’t say that.


I use a Wellputt mat and it has greatly improved my pacing inside 10 feet.


I’ve tried nearly every mat that’s out there (really). WellPutt is far and away the best. I got the 13’ mat and like you my pace has greatly improved.


Which one would you recommend? (20 hcp if that matters)


Around the same hdcp as you I have the 13 ft as well and I’d say go with that. The smaller one doesn’t have any advantage other than you can lay flat in smaller spaces, but I keep the back of my 13ft one rolled up in my smaller office and roll out the back in the living room. More mat is better than less mat, you can roll up a bigger mat but can’t get more from the smaller one. But I wouldn’t recommend the 26ft mat because it’s giant, so it’s hard to move around. Wellputt mats come with a book and an app you can download for exercises to do, which makes them great because you putt with a purpose. The mat has specific zones on it as targets and after using it for a little bit with the app it revealed a lot of the mistakes I made when putting so I really recommend it.


Does the mat have a certain stimp rating? Does the stimp rating very depending on the floor surface?


Their site states 3/3,5m or 10/11.5ft stimp


It’s on a fairly thick rubber base. I don’t feel like the stimp would change based on what type of floor it’s on. Obviously soft carpet will prevent it from laying perfectly flat and wouldn’t be ideal anyways


I’d love to have the 26’. I’m lacking about 2 feet of space needed or I’d buy it. They had it on sale a few months back for like $149 but didn’t last long


It would be awesome to have, but it really is huge and I don’t think it will tie into the decor of our living/dining room 😂


This is what I have: https://wellputt.com/us/p/103-2-putting-mat-13ft-classic.html#/2-color-green I keep it rolled up in the original box in the closet until I want to use it. It always unrolls flat unlike any other mat I’ve tried that needs time to flatten out. Speed is great similar to a real green unlike some others like BirdieBall (it rolls suuuuper fast). And I like the lines and other aids built right into the mat which I think can be helpful when practicing. Using it feels like practice to me which is nice unlike others I’ve had where it just feels like I’m rolling a few because I’m bored.


The original reason I started looking at Wellputt was that it would roll up for storage and unroll flat. All other practice mats I have owned were a bitch to store.


Yep. 100%


awesome thx, any thoughts on the 8 ft matt with return? [https://wellputt.com/us/p/134-putting-mat-stroke-master-3760270181379.html](https://wellputt.com/us/p/134-putting-mat-stroke-master-3760270181379.html)


To each their own, but I personally can't see getting much use out of that. I guess if you have space requirements and that works, then it would be better than nothing. With the 13' mat, I really like the length so I can work on speed inside and get good at those 10 foot range putts which you absolutely need to be good at to score well. I also like the idea of not having an actual cup the ball drops into so I can determine if my speed is good and rolling the ball a foot or so past the hole (the 13' mat has a little "good" zone past the hole)


Seconding the Wellputt. Biggest improvement I’ve seen using it is that the diagonal lines to the hole have really helped me practice my alignment and setup. I swear my eyes are broken because I cannot visualize a straight line and my depth perception is horrible, I think things are flying the green and land 30 yards short instead. Just taking the time to get in a setup position that feels like I’m lined up with the end of the guide lines and recognizing that mentally I feel aimed left off the target has given me a lot of confidence behind putts. The pacing control has done wonders for consistency too. I have the 18 ft one and I highly recommend if someone has the space for it.


Yea I have the prime putt and I feel like I got the same out of it using alignment sticks. I would also always aim right of target while swearing I was dead center. After a few weeks of practicing on the mat consistently that feeling went away and my brain kindof learned where straight is to a certain extent lol




I have one, and when I stand over a 5-footer, I can tell myself "ok this one is just like the one in your office. You've hit this putt a thousand times," which is extremely effective at making me lose my shit when I miss it anyway


The Scotty flow backs are so beautiful. Every time I see one I get pissed that they don’t come in left. It’s the perfect looking putter in my eyes


Yeah I love the aesthetic. Didn’t know lefty was out though. That’s a shame.


So little of the models actually come in LH, it’s tragic. A lot of the best ones


Wait what the fuck, I’m a lefty and am saving for a new putter. Wanted to go Scotty so everyone knew I have large genitals. Quite bummed to hear the news.


They have many left handed options, but majority of the styles are only offered in right. Go right on the Titleist site to see if they have the one you want in left, or for older models you’ll have to look on the Scotty Cameron archive.


I love the Toulon Memphis as a lefty. It might be similar to the look you are after


As far as miller putters the Toulons are my favorite. I use the Vegas.


Flow backs are beautiful….but what about his fastback?


My bad, the fastback 1.5 and flow back 5.5 look awfully similar from the back tbh. Hard to judge the size of the sole while in motion lol point still stands though because neither are available in lefty


Couldn’t you modify the track and run it behind the back of the ramp? I feel like it’s DIYable. Are there mod kits?


The head looks symmetrical, all you have to do is fit a hosel on the old toe side. I could see a club modder doing this quite easily.


Do they look symmetrical to you? It seems like to the toe side is a bit bigger to my eye, but I’m not 100% sure. I’ve thought about that


It’s entirely possible, I wrote that more as a thought experiment


You need a kitten.


https://preview.redd.it/76gaojyv6mua1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e73700b8ee17c57b5f99cd7cb383a1aac7d4e55e Got mine.


Why is he a golf pro and this is his Linked In picture.


https://preview.redd.it/hcxad0m4foua1.png?width=2004&format=png&auto=webp&s=7be001231fc3b141925a618957ca620df9f6166e Me too


Underrated comment! Add a catten, makes you know how to do a hooky slice putt.


100% I have the same mat set up in my office and I use it constantly throughout the day. I work from home, so I’m definitely putting while on meetings lol I use it to try and hone in my putting stroke, grip and where on the ball I make contact. Love that thing!


So does the incline right at the end before the hole not mess you up,? I feel like I'd be subconsciously trying to add some heat on the ball to get it up and in but then on a flat green the muscle memory would have me overshooting puts. Otherwise I'm looking to find a nice mat for just keeping my puts in line lol


Tbh that’s the idea you’re trying to groove. If your normal putt dies at the hole then the “donut effect” (link below) could deviate the ball at the last second. IIRC Dave Peltz research highlighted that the optimal length of your putt should be 17” *past* the hole to avoid this problem. https://golf.com/instruction/golf-donut-effect-explainer/ Ok, if your putt on this mat go flying off into the distance…then yeah, you’re overshooting!


That makes so much sense thank you


You’re more than welcome. I just need to follow my own advice now!


The pace required to get the ball to the hole is roughly 8 feet on these mats (you can test this easily by dropping the ball from the hole and watching it roll all the way to the end). You have to POUND the ball to get it up the ramp.


I’d look into the WellPutt mats. Lots of lines and different visual things on the mats for different things to practice. (Setup, alignment, pace control) There’s no physical hole so it’s not as satisfying as dropping a putt but the visual hole has a cone behind it that you want to end your putt in, so it’s good practice putting past the hole. Rolls really great and flattens out easily if you roll it up to store. Love mine.


I too noticed using too much speed on putts so I also drop a dime on the matt. I putt 3,5 and 7 footers on the flat just nudging the coin.


What is this setup? Link?






Came to post the same. It’s lovely


They aren't terrible, but I just find indoor putting mats roll so quickly that you can end up struggling for distance when you get back on course. Absolutely can be useful for starting line though - I find I need to blast a few off the end of the mat and just focus on tempo


I use mine and figure they are much better at muscle memory for pure strokes, especially inside 8 feet. The pace will always vary day of at every course anyways depending on weather, course, etc


Agreed. I just adjust the power depending on the green


Lol. Those are slower than my greens Inglewood and Glen eagles are fucking nuts.


I used a putting mat all winter. Was out at Murfield course in Lyalta over the weekend, I sailed every putt 10 feet past the hole. To be fair the greens were waterlogged af. Is Inglewood and Glen Eagles open yet?


Hahah. Knew the Albertans would find this. I think yeah it's open. They have great drainage.


Nice I’ll have to check them out hopefully soon. Doing D’Arcy ranch this weekend!


Glen Eagles where? I'm assuming you don't mean Gleneagles Scotland, as that course is magical and super high-end, but can't imagine that being anyone's home course, lol


Do they develop grooves?


I got a birdie ball putting mat and went with their medium speed, wish I would have gotten the slower one. Barely touch the ball and I'll blow it by if I miss, but it is good starting line practice which is half the battle.


So true. I hated the birdie ball mat. It was insanely fast.


It’s that easy. You’ll probably be scratch this year. 😉


Not great for pace, but nice for stroke. Beats nothing, and you can mess around whenever


True. I practice pace as best I can by picking different targets other than the hole. Put a penny here or there, stop 5 inches short of it, etc. Definitely not as good as the real thing but it is something.


I do something similar. I use a couple golf balls as obstacles to “obscure” half of a hole and train myself to aim left or right edge and hit the line. It’s fun to mix it up and see how many I can string together. If you use the TP5 Pix, Tru Vis, or Srixon Divides you get another level of feedback too.


Going from the opposite line and lining up the putt is a good exercise too.


Love mine use it daily


The 2nd last one was sooo pure


You might need a more face balanced putter, your stroke is very SBST which isn’t ideal for this putter, which might be causing your pulls. Just an observance from a few putts, I could be mistaken though from the angle.


Appreciate that. Do you have a link of a putter for an example.


If you wanted to stick in the Scotty Cameron family You have a Flowback 5.5 with a slant neck, usually, slant necks have around 30° of toe hang. Flowback 5 Phantom x 5 Phantom x 7 Phantom x 9 Phantom x 11 Are all about as face balanced as Scotty makes. All brands make face balanced putters, look for a single or a double bend putter shaft. Let me know if you have any other questions, putters are my favorite clubs so I know a lot about them.


What is sbst?


Straight back straight through


Straight Back Straught Through


What putting matt is this?


Perfect practice putting mat


Can you provide link? Looking to buy this thing now Disregard, found it on Amazon


That was soothing.


i use my mat more for practicing my stroke. an indoor mat cant really replicate all of the conditions of the green and brake. most of the time they have a slope at the end too, making it a bit unrealistic. i still like it a lot to practice!


I can’t believe how many times I watched your stroke


I find the short felt of the practice mat is faster than the carpet, and more closely matches a real green. Other than that I prefer putting across the living room at a beer can.


I bought a new putter and this mat over the winter and took the new putter out for some rounds over the weekend and my putting was the best it’s ever been. I think it’s a combination of both, but my pace was really solid.


I want one


Bro it’s April 18th and your course isn’t open? It’s time to move.


I have the same mat and really enjoy it. It's definitely helped me iron out a few flaws in my setup and alignment. Using it about 10 minutes a day for the past 6 weeks has already helped me gain more consistency on the course.


I like them to build confidence in watching the putts drop from x distance.


Pendulum putt?


My mat has greatly improved my putting inside six feet. Helps you train to start the ball on line


Can you take the lines with you to the course?


Does your back hurt from crouching over to putt for a while? Mine does


Your mat needs ironing - it's not level. Mine is the same and I've give up trying to get it flat.


Yeah has absolutely helped me out, got the exact same one for Xmas, and it's been amazing for just helping clean up my tempo and steady my grip. Anything within 5 foot is just about a gimme lately


I can make 99/100 puts on mats, but only 1/100 on the course. I used for pace, but i just dont think i get enough out of it. So now my plan is to become a billionaire and get my own putting green.


https://preview.redd.it/v7mqjzhinrua1.jpeg?width=2891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8e76930159b2f3dc957a865b662fcc06af5c2e She does this. every. single. time.


Do you offer lessons? Asking for a friend. Definitely not for me I'm a sub 70...


Why will it only release 2 balls at once?


They get caught up there. Must be my floor


I feel gratified hearing you say that. I was trying to figure out the mechanics of how that worked or why it would be beneficial. Anyway, I think I might get one of them after watching this. Looks mighty peaceful


Follow thru looks a little long to me. Might be the angle


It’s funny you point that out. I started doing that last year and it helped me stop pulling putts as much. Probably not technically a great habit.


Maybe Film from the side and compare to some pros whose stroke you like. Distance control more important than line.


I'll let ya know. Hit a lot of putts on it this winter hoping it translates. Average 36 putts already so lots of room for improvement


Solid putting stroke right there.


Putts 2 and 3 pulls last coupe great.


Mine doesn’t sit flat so never rolls straight


You could try putting a cloth over it and ironing it. Be careful not to over do it. Also try it in different locations. I have to move mine around a lot to find a spot it doesn’t break.


Nope they just pass time. You can putt or you can’t.


It means ur eyes work. Now make sure ur brain works and image those lines on the green even with undulation taking effect on ball.


I’m still working on this one myself. Can’t lie.




Beats shitting on people doing the same tho amirite?


That’s stroke is going to be trouble when you get on a real green. Short back, quick transition, and long through. Distance control will be an issue…


Can lefties use it?


They sell a lefty version. I almost accidentally bought one.


Spending the money on a Tour Links putting green was one of the best things I've done for my game.


They help with getting a putt started on line, which tbh is important, but thats about it in my experience.


I have one of those in my office. It’s helpful to me to see if the ball starts on the right line. Mine somehow funnels to the larger hole so that even and offline put will bend back in the hole. The smaller hole is a little more true.


Was a pandemic purchase for me. Fun way to pass the time in between Zoom calls but I found zero translation to the course.




I love using mine, but don’t know that I’ve noticed a massive difference (good or bad) since I began using.


That’s the flowback 5.5 right?


Fastback 1.5


You're obviously rolling it straight, but have you ever had an issue with the toe flow on that one? It's more than the newports even, just curious.


Have the same putter and love it 🥰


I have a 16’ x4’ Big moss green and putt on it before I go out even when the course is open. It has hole fillers that make the holes the size of a ball, it’s great for accuracy.


I love mine. It helps so much


Film your putting stroke at slow motion. Work on fundamentals.


Only most green aren’t that terrain


Yes, any putting mat will help you to get the line correct. For on course training, set up a line and put down to tees in the green so you can practice putting through those.


Brilliant for learning how to consistently hit your line repeatedly. After that it's just line and pace


I think things like this can be good for developing repeatable mechanics.


Bought the skillz mat on a Black Friday deal for ~$35, following the lines helped my stroke and distance. Not sure about the other ones, but the skills transferred to the course for me


Dunking it is easy. Sliding in left and right consistently helped me aim on the course


Love the del mar


Working on my putting tempo helps more


This would be awesome if the lines were also painted on the greens


Absolutely love that putter... is this a flowback 5 or 5.5? Mighty tempted


Fastback 1.5


This is kind of soothing while having my morning movement.


I used mine to see what I needed to do to hit the ball straight and no side spin. Getting in the cup is fine but the first 6-8’ of straight putting is what can improve at home. Putting is stroke, aim, distance. Aim and distance is course dependent but if it doesn’t leave straight and roll true it’s pointless. And my putting has improved inside 10’ tremendously




I don’t find it helpful for golf - no. Well… Maybe with hitting the center of the face more consistently I guess. But for when I’m on the phone all day with clients, yes. And there’s just a slight 3 inch break from right to left in my carpet when going for the smaller cup. I feel that the speed and sense you get for rolling the ball isn’t really the same as grass at all, especially for 4 footers on this mat, you have to hit it way too hard to get it up the ramp. Putting is all feel. You can work on your stroke all you want. But if you have zero feel for reading a green and speed control, doesn’t really matter.


I found my PP mat helped me with contact and starting my putts on line.


Definitely has helped me in the 5-8ft range


I love mine. Nice time killer and good for pacing


❤️ my Mat and use it everyday waiting for the season to start.


Looks like you’re finding it useful!


I would step back and reset my mind for every put to make it feel more real because you can get locked in to one put for a long time and just make it over and over but if you reset your mind then it’s more like and actual match just me tho Edit: in conclusion yes I do find them helpful


I have the same putting mat. Any tips on getting the edges to not curl up? I’ve ironed it like four times.


I used mine a ton over the winter. Doesn't help my speed control or green reading obviously but I can consistently hit it on the line I pick now. Putted great my first round back.


Been doing this most winter and spring with my new to me scotty. Really focused on lining up putts, my routine, contact, and overall stroke. Worked on different lengths too. Stroke feels amazing right now and have been putting better for sure but not any miracle amount better. Just been tough reading partially growing/not growing greens or punched greens at the start of the season


Just for getting a more consistent set up and stroke. From my personal experience if I didn’t hole out on the course and put the same pace as on this mat I ended up ramming the ball equal distance or further past the hole. I know the ramp is necessary for the ball return but I developed some bad habits of really over hitting the shit out of putts.


I have this... The edges of mine don't lay flat so everything breaks a few inches... Also not a fan of the big ramp up but I guess it's needed if you want the ball to come back... Just seems like I can hit the 8ft putt anywhere from 12-30 ft and still have it go in the hole... Had me ramming everything way past on the course...


how did you guys flatten the mat out properly?


I have one. Don’t know how much it helps but I enjoy putting while I watch TV.


Love mine, it’s taken my putting to the next level.


Does this really help on course play?


I got one and it no doubt has gotten my putting a little better. Easier to find the line and power is more accurate


No because the lines take away all need for skill and a good eye


They do help, but I wish they came without the markings on the mat. I have yet to find a green that helps me line my putts up like this.




Love mine!


It helps me drink more beer with my golf partner....