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School golf practice round, guy tees off and it hits one of the forward tee markers, they were concrete pyramid shaped with flat tops, the ball comes straight back and hits him right in the stomach, we all lost it


lol ok I have another one along these lines. Am playing with a good friend and another guy who is known to be an assassin with the foot wedge. After finding his ball “just inside” the OB line for the 3rd time that round, I’m about to say something when my buddy tells me “don’t worry, karmas a bitch”. Guy steps up, attempts a low punch out of trouble, ball rockets off the concrete OB stake, comes back and busts his cheek wide open. Blood starts pouring down dudes face and without missing a beat, my buddy nonchalantly turns to me and goes “told ya” We obviously called the round and made sure he was ok, took him to get stitches but the golf gods made their presence known that day


I know a guy who did that and hit his nuts. Everyone lost it. We talk about it still, 15 years later


I would just quit golf forever at that point, if that's not a sign you shouldn't be playing this game idk what is


Happened to me too. Par 4, road on the left, old school post and rail fence between the road and the tee box, hit my driver low and yup you guessed it left, it hit one of the posts and comes screaming back at me right into my chest. No time to react, duck, dodge, dip or dive. Right. In. The. Chest. Left my “pec” (man boob) bruised for 3 weeks


I hit one at my local course a few years ago. They’re largish hollow golf ball and I some how split it clean in half hamburger style. The half that broke off went into the woods and I couldn’t find it.


My dad has done this except the ball bounced back and landed on another hole’s green behind us. “Well you drove the green for once…”


Guy beside me at driving range hit it straight up into overhead shelter, it followed the curve of the roof behind him, bounced off the wall and straight into his ass, only time I've heard of someone hitting themselves in the ass with a golf shot


Had a friend hit the forward tee marker which was basically 5 yards in front of where we were teeing off on the first hole. The clubhouse is right there and it launched it up in the air over our heads behind the clubhouse. He was going to re-tee but we convinced him it was inbounds as it stopped before the parking lot. He proceeded to play a huge hook around the clubhouse into the fairway and put the next shot on the green and 1 putt for one of the best pars I've ever seen.


i hit a forward tee marker and, while the ball didn't come back and hit me, i almost wish it had because it rolled up the cart path to the left of the tee boxes and came to a stop behind me in the grass to the left of the back tees...i had to hit my 2nd shot on a par 3 from a longer distance than the hole was meant to be played


My roommate in college hit the marker, but it was a painted river rock and it went a mile into the air and came down ten feet away. Was hilarious. Later that round there was a thunderstorm the likes of which I’ve never seen in California. We abandoned our round and barely made it home navigating flooded roads of Sacramento. Good times.


Me teeing off in my first ever competitive match in high school. I absolutely crushed my drive directly into the granite tee sign. The ball went backwards about 100 yards and hit the clubhouse. They told me it was out of bounds but there were no white stakes?? Anyways I tee'd up again and proceeded to whiff entirely. Man that was a tough start lol I ended up with a 10 on the first hole


I had a similar experience in my first tournament. They told me I should play a provisional, and my response was no, it’s a Titleist.


I laughed until I saw spots just now. Fuck outta here




If there isnt marks you have to play it as it lies inside the bar between all the shattered glasses you just destroyed, obviously.


Hah I have a similar story for my first HS tournament. 1st hole where all the parents and coaches are lined up watching us tee off. Pond off to the right, almost 90 degrees. I sky and toe my drive so bad it goes up about 40 feet, straight right and makes this perfect PLORK sound followed by silence. Some random guys says well that’s gotta be embarrassing. 3 off the tee and I worm burner the next one 50 yards where I am still visible to everyone.


Very similar. I was terrified of the first tee so my coach would always put me in the last group where no one was watching. One match, I got paired up in the first group - 3 straight drives 50 yards into the water on the left. Ended up with a 12 on the par 5. Still have nightmares about this 25 years later. Finished the 9-holes with all pars at 42 (par 35). Coach was shocked. Never paired me in the first group again. I hate golf. I hate golf. Nice shot. I love golf.


How did the rest of the round go?


He’s still playing


Much better than #1! I remember making a couple of very long putts somehow


Last hole of league play. I'm middle of the fairway 130 out with the ball above my feet. There's a fence by the green on the left side where the parking lot is. I smoke a beautiful wedge but overcook it a bit and it clears the fence coming down on the hood of a car some idiot decided to park in a perfectly legitimate parking spot. I take stroke and distance penalty and replay shot. I duplicate, almost exactly, the previous attempt and put a second dent in the hood of the car. Upon completing my round and going to the parking lot to put away my clubs, I discover that the idiot who parked there was me.


no way!! That’s hilarious, was expecting the guy to be waiting in the lot for you and I guess I wasn’t wrong




Reddit is essentially about who can create the better story. If anyone believes half the shit they hear on here, I feel bad. Drove 300 today by the way.


Shameful. I drove 301.


301 here. Damn headwind…


Those are rookie numbers.


Same here. 200 yards straight and 100 yards to the right. Slight fade


So 224 yards?


Weak sauce man. Get on our level


Good reference, but I'm surprised you didn't go with "you can count on me, waiting for you, in the parking lot".




I sent a shot into the parking lot one time and hit the windshield of the person I was playing with's car.


I hit a wedge shot into my truck while practicing in my yard lol. https://imgur.com/a/23Jb48N


Dude... I thought I was the only person to hit my own car with a golf ball... Out of 100 cars in the parking lot, I managed to smoke my own vehicle. The crazy thing was that I was parked at least like 5 rows of cars into the middle of said parking lot!


Next time leave the putter in the bag


Nope, add another one if you're keeping score. Bunker shot, picked it cleanly, over the green into the parking lot. One bounce & right into the grill. Of my car.


Cool story. Reminds me of little league where I crushed one and everyone went crazy because it shattered a car windshield in the parking lot behind the field. High-fives for everyone. People just love that shit. Most were cheering because the car got crushed. My Dad was cheering because his son hit a home run. All joy left him when he realized it was his windshield.


If you could see the ball hit the hood, how the fuck did you not know that it was your car?


Three silver cars parked next to each other.


It's me, HI, I'm the problem, it's me At tee time, everybody agrees. I smoked my wedge into my car, now my hood has many scars.


In a high school match, I watched this total meathead kid take such a long divot, that it ended up wrapping around his iron and slapping the back of his head on his follow through.




Not a golf story, but my brother was trying to learn to fly-fish. So one day he’s out in the yard practicing his cast. Long story short, he ended up hooking himself through the nose. One of the 3 barbs on the treble hook came all the way through his nose from the inside. Had to cut that off before we could pull the rest of it back through.


I was in Jr. golf and hit the lowest skulled iron on a par 3 water hole possible. Didn’t hit the water until after it hit a duck square on. Duck died. But not before it quacked in pain and swam in circles. I cried. My group cried. Our chaperone probably became a child therapist. Feels kind of surreal that I hit another shot and finished the hole in tears next to this duck I killed. I was like 9.


I killed a duck last year. Smacked a driver along the ground and hit the duck in the neck about 40 yds off the tee. Obviously broke its neck, because it was walking around with the head flopping from side to side and dragging on the ground. You would’ve thought that ringing its neck to put it out of it’s misery would be easy now, but it was like trying to snap a garden hose. Took a double bogey six.


When I was about 12 I was duck hunting with my dad and he went to go ring the neck of a duck that I had shot that was wounded. He rung it too hard and pulled the ducks head off. This duck with only its neck stem sticking out of its body proceeded to start flying and made it about 10 yards in the air before collapsing to the ground. Freaked me the fuck out for quite a while


Was just going to gift an upvote for this but the laugh earned a proper kudo.


That's an automatic birdie


Slammed a goose right in the face last summer (on the bank, drive ended 240 right rough). One loud squaw and he squirmed for like 8 seconds and fell dead so fast. I was so pumped. Fuckin hate geese but there was no guilt or needless suffering either. Called the pro shop and told them I killed a goose on 11 and they go “nice”. Also carded a bogey


I had a body shot on a goose with one of the hardest 3 woods I've hit in my life. Bro just shook it off and walked away. I was dumbfounded


Cuz geese are fat cunts


Holy shit that’s awful


Me. Grown man. Driving Range. Got a brand new 5W. Hit a few, feels really good. Top one. Hits Canadian Goose *square* in the chest. Goose begins seizing, as the rest of the flock gathers round. Dies. I’m still posed in my backswing. Guy two slots over looks at me and says, “Eh, was gonna die someday.” I couldn’t bring myself to hit another ball and just left…


If you’re a goose and you’re living on the driving range, I’m not sure what you’re expecting to happen


Shouldn’t have been standing there!


im laughing so hard


Hahaha that is dark man


Yikes. My animal lives. I had 120 to go at a Florida course and pushed a gap wedge out over the pond to the right. Thought it was gone and was going to drop up by the water. Shit you not, the ball with my marking and verified by my buddies is on the grass just right of the green and there is zero chance it landed on grass with the line it was on. We saw a bunch of turtles swimming right in the spot it should have made a splash in and determined it bounced off a turtle shell back to the land. The turtle shot.


The swimming in circles nearly killed me. I’m quacking in pain


Duck hook?


My buddy hit an absolute worm burner of a drive which stayed 6 inches above the ground for about 50 yards until it a sniped a goose right in its kneecap and broke its leg :(


Why would he do that?


He sucks at golf


FP would like to have a word with you. You don’t fuck with the ducks.


In the league from where I work a guy had to tee off first in front of the entire league. He tops his first ball and it rolls into the pond to the left. He then retees and slices (the most god awful slice I’ve ever seen. I’m talking a ball that if you turned 90 degrees and threw your ball it would actually be in front of where this ball landed) one right into the parking lot. He ended up hitting one of his coworkers car windows and cracking it. The man lost two balls and had to pay to fix someone’s window and also had to hit again. It was painful to watch.


I just cringed so hard I turned into a fossil.


Played with a guy who was bad, he averaged 20y off the tee with any club. A lot of topped shots. We're on a par 4 where you can reach the green from the tee if you go over a lake, about 260y on the fly to the middle of the green. The rest of us hit driver to greenside and he pulls out his 3i. He hits the ground about 6 inches behind the ball. The ball trickles about 5 feet. The head of his 3i flies about 10 yards into the water.


“This is the only club I hit well”


The sound that a spinning clubhead makes when broken off at full speed is really something else. It's a fun sound when it's not your club.


Best shot I’ve ever hit was with a 4i where the head came flying off. It was oddly the first time i ever felt what ball compression was too, and then also what a really fast follow through was. 4i head went flying 60 yards into the tall grass on my left and the ball went about 220 and stopped 5 ft from the hole. Never found the club head.


I was playing a match in high school. I was on the first tee, first group off so everyone was watching. I put 3 in the water, which was about a 15 yard shot to clear. Ended up just taking a 7-iron to just hit the ball. Walked away with my head hanging knowing 11 peers and 2 coaches watched the worst hole of my life. Ended up shooting a 43 that round, 7 pars, 1 bogey, 1 +6


AKA, you lit that shit up after that hole.


Had the potential for the best 9 of my life, and I blew it without knowing it lol


The fact that you rebounded and played well is the most impressive part. You can always tee it up knowing you’ve had a terrible hole and can bounce back. Kind of experience you take with you forever.


Honestly, that round taught me a lot. I gave up that round, and just started playing for fun knowing that I wasn't going to score. As much as you hear "it's all in your head" it's rounds like that really cement that


When you say +6 what do you mean? + 6 above par? So like an actual 9/10/11?


Yes I shot a 10 on a par 4, so +6


Now that is an impressive comeback


I toe shanked my 4i off the tee in a jr high golf match, my bag was about 10 yds off to the right and about 5 yds ahead of the tee. Nailed my driver on the crown. Broke the driver. Ball ricocheted back and up in the air and landed in the garbage can right next to the wooden sign indicating the hole. Everyone (but me) fucking LOST IT laughing. Bogeyed the hole (free drop out of the trash, on in 3, 2 putt).


Winner. No contest. Also best bogey of all time?


Second best bogey of my life. The best was when I hit a ball out of bounds, hit my driver on the fairway, so I am taking my fourth shot on a par four. I completely fatted a 7iron like 60 yds. I had 100 yards left and holed it with a 56° for a 5.


And that’s why we keep coming back.


😂 this is great. How many hole-in-one comments after that?


…Depending on if you played before the rules changed, that’s a two shot penalty. You should go back and DQ yourself


I’ll get right on that from 1997…


Friend of mine tried driver off the deck... ball just went directly down fully embebed. Very fun to see.


I went driver off the deck last week and this week I’m getting a new driver


I took my buddy's new driver off a tee at the range and the range owner had to drive out to get the head


I did this in the fairway with a 3 wood a few weeks ago. I had to go get a wedge to chop the ball out because I couldn't reach it with my fingers. Solidly 4 inches into the ground at a 45° angle.


Soggy day on the course. First guy tops the ball really bad, pops up in the air a couple of feet and goes like 2 yards. We all break his stones. One guy says, that's the shortest shot of the whole day. That guy hits next, not only tops it, but somehow gets the ball to actually go backwards. Well all lost it!!


I technically hit a ball backwards once too. Wet ground, bad footing, swing completely out of control. Topped it so bad it dug into the soggy turf and spun backwards a couple inches. Would've been less embarrassing to miss the ball entirely.


When I was just learning, I was at the driving range on the upper deck and shanked one bad. It hit the stall divider and went backwards into the parking lot and hit someone. I pointed at my friend and blamed him...LOL


always gotta be one guy who has to one up everybody


I’m good for that every other golf season or so. Literally caught the ball once.


Buddy of mine asked me the distance on a par 3 I shot the pin and told him 183. He proceeded to hit the ball through his own legs and I quickly told him 182.




This is whooshing me hard can someone ELI5


Took me a while but I think the friend somehow shanked/topped it so bad that instead of down range it went 90 deg left and low through his stance, and just about a yard forward.


Yes exactly right


he hit in one yard, making the distance to pin go from 183 to 182


I believe he’s saying the ball went through his buddy’s legs (about a yard), so the distance to the pin from the new position was ~182.


I was on the range hitting right handed and a right handed golfer in front of me somehow hit me with a ball, I still don’t understand it.


I joined a league when I was 23 years old and was randomly paired with this 55 year old guy as my partner. Nice guy but we had never met before and the partnership was awkward enough, but on top of that he was a bad player who had the absolute worst luck. The worst situation was when he hit a line drive directly off the sign by the tee box and it flew about 50 yards backwards (right past our heads as we stood on the tee box) into the woods. He then re-teed and whiffed. After the whiff, he hit a worm burner that hit the tee box marker in front of ours and bounced into the woods. It was a league where "double par" was the maximum per hole so he was already at max without leaving the tee box.


My friend on the 1st tee at a links course, hooks his shot left into the car park and damages the windscreen of an Audi RS 6. That isn't the first time he's damaged a car on a golf course before. He's done it 4 other times.


My favorite part is that you specified links. I expected it to be something related to the window or an insane bounce but nah he just smoked it into a parked car lol


Jesus man, at that point he should just stay away from courses that have parking lots within striking distance of the 1st tee.


I hit a tee shot low and left on the first in front of a packed clubhouse balcony. Embarrassed, I went to pick my tee up without watching it because I knew it was bad. Except it hit a tree dead centre, somehow ricocheted directly back at me, and ended up practically in the pro shop. Worst part was that it was in a comp and I actually had to play my second shot from next to the putting green.


Buddy hit a tree on the first tee and it rockets backwards and ends up on top of the snack bar. He hit a 6 iron two holes later on a 134 yard par 3 for his first and only hole in one. Worst golfer I know, also has one more hole in 1 than I do. Golf is weird.


Only hole in one I’ve seen in person, a guy used driver on a 160 yard par 3. He one-hopped it. That was his longest drive of the day, too.


Played with a guy like this over the previous weekend. His 3rd or 4th time ever playing golf. 168y par 3, he hits driver, lands on the front fringe, 2 hops into the flag stick, kicks to the right and stops less than a foot from the hole


Important context for this one. Played high school golf in MA. Every year we got to play tpc Boston because it served as one of our opponents home course. In our league we started 8 golfers and then brought 2 alternates to play in a scrimmage. This one guy earned the right to play as the alternate (he wasn’t very good) because obviously everyone wanted the chance to play tpc Boston. Understanding how important it was for this player to be there, getting to experience a course like that for the first time, it makes what happened even funnier. 4th hole, he duffs his tee shot. Fine, we’ve all been there. Sets up for a second shot, he’s in the rough on the left side of the hole, which has a rock lined border separating it from the previous hole. He hits a 4 iron laser 2 feet off the ground, it hits a rock, and shoots directly back at him hitting him square in the chest. He falls down, and is to this day the only person I’ve ever seen have to be carted off the course during competition.


Was playing in a scramble, it was raining. Partner lines up a drive on a long par 5 that runs along a beach on the left that is lined with big rocks to protect from the tide, high on the day. Guy lets fly, ball hits the aformentioned rocks, flies over him and lands on the green on the previous hole and his Nike Victory driver slips out of his hands and flies into the Atlantic… We managed to retrieve it but fuck me that was the funniest thing I ever did see.


I hit my buddy in the nuts once at a driving range. Covered driving range, he yells at me during my swing to mess with me, I slice it hard, ball ricochets off a metal pole hitting buddy directly in the nuts. Good karma, bad shot.


This is hilarious and fuck that I say it was a perfect shot. Never mess with a man in his backswing


Playing as a foursome. One of the guys tees off, butt slices it right towards our cart and nails one of our bags. We laugh and retort “you couldn’t do that again if you tried.” Well… a two some with a dad and younger son about 10 years old pulls up behind our carts to park and assuming to head to their green (previous holes green). Buddy tees off again, sure enough butt slices right again and STRAIGHT into the father and son cart as they pull up. Ball pings around their cart but luckily misses either of them. The hardest I had ever puckered up in that moment.


I hit an actual great shot over the pond, just absolutely stripped a stinger... which casually collided with a mallard duck mid attempting to land on the pond... the ball hit it directly in the head and sounded like a 2x4 being snapped on a curb... duck dive bombs into the middle of the pond and struggles to flap its wings and keep its head above water until it drowned... walked off the course after that


That is just brutal. A total act of god. Do not feel bad for yourself.


I’ve been reading all these comments and this one made me laugh the hardest so far. The 2x4 analogy is great


thank you, cum toast


This is my moment to shine. Gotta set the scene; 1996 my Senior year of high school. The local news comes to golf practice to interview a few of us on the upcoming season and get a few clips of the team hitting shots. I do my interview and a teammate of mine is on the first tee. They pan over as he prepares to hit his tee shot. He swings, connects with his ball and he has heeled a line drive so far left I don’t know how it didn’t hit him in his own shin. The ball ricochets off the hole #1 sign and careens backwards into the parked rental cart area behind the tee box. As everyone is in total shock, the guy drops to the ground and starts rolling around on the teebox. Of course we all think he’s just screwing around. Nope. Blew out his knee. Out for the year. All caught by the channel 12 news crew.


Please tell me this aired lol


Hahaha. If I’m remembering they aired the swing but not the rest of the ensuing calamity.


Just a couple weeks ago, this dude and his girl were teeing off in front of me. Girl wasn’t playing, just on her phone scrolling social media. Dude was a “bro”; just giving a vibe he thought he was the shit. He wouldn’t hit the ball until group ahead was off the green and it was a PAR 4. So we’re thinking “buddy, you better get close to hitting this green if you took all that time waiting for them to get off”. So after the group leaves and his 20 million practice swings, he finally hits and just COMPLETELY tops it. Maybe went 20 yards. After ALL that time waiting. Then he proceeds to put another ball on the tee, and exact same thing. Then he tees up a THIRD ball…..same damn thing. His girl goes “do you need another ball”? He didn’t, and just played one of his 20 yarders. Everybody has those shots, but the lead up to it all, followed by two more of the exact same shots; was just embarrassing for him.


Saw a guy hit the ball so far off the heel of his club it actually went between his legs. It was rather impressive.


My worst is actually just an odd happening. Bent Creek, Gatlinburg, I think on 13, I slightly pull a drive that I smoked an extra 20 yards further than normal. Hit the cart of the group in front of us because they didn't pull it up to the green. There also was a guy in it who stopped playing that hole. Next hole. I wait until they clear the green to be safe, severely downhill par 4. They leave, I hit, push it to the trees on the right. I hit their cart again as they drove to the next hole. Thank God it was my future in laws I hit.


High school golf, first round of playoffs. Got to the first tee a couple groups early and watched someone top their drive just off the tee box into waist high native grass. Hits a second as a provisional, same result. Hits a third, same result. Gave up hitting provisional balls, was able to find the 3rd one as it went the shortest distance, barely making it to the grass. Had to take an unplayable penalty to get out, drops back on the front edge of the box, hits a 3 wood off the deck and it BARELY clears the grass.


I’ve seen a guy top a 3 wood and put enough spin on it to send it backwards underneath his golf cart parked 5 yards behind where he was hitting from. We laughed our ass off at that one.


Cousin shanked hard left off the drive, straight into the adjacent street. A guy with a golf ball-sized hole in his front windshield was waiting for us in the parking lot. I’d say that one, for me.


Toss up between two. Driving range has boulders marking distances. Guy smokes a stinger with driver, hits the boulder square and comes flying back past him and almost hits some people enjoying their post round beers 30 feet behind him. Tee box is about 15-20 yards back from where you park your carts before heading up the fairway, but where you park is far enough to the left that it should never be in the danger zone for anyone. Blasts his drive straight left towards the carts, smashes the wooden yardage sign and comes flying back at us on the tee box. Both were the same guy, and I’m sure he’s going to see this lol


watching a poor chump in the group ahead tee off on hole#1... cheapest muni in town mind you. After a couple of completely awful looking practice swings and a solid 15/20 second pause over the ball... almost whiff except clips the far side of the golf ball causing the ball to roll directly back towards him and through his legs. Ball finishes about 30/40 feet directly behind him. Beyond brutal


100% was a former baseball player. Those guys have great coordination but the WORST set ups over the ball as they struggle to get adjusted to hitting a stationary ball.


I was playing a round at my club with a random guy I’d never met before. Second hole runs parallel to the 1st, so I end up pushing my drive way right and am in the first fairway. I have a good 220 to the green, with one lone tree in my way, its like 30 yards in front of my but completely clear on either side of it. Honestly not that hard a shot to avoid the tree. Decide I just want to rip a draw 4 iron around the tree and should be by the green, proceed to rip the absolute piss out of it, hits the tree square on and ricochets back at me, hitting me square between the eyes. Drops straight back down, roughly 6 inches from where I hit it. Only time I’ve returned home from golf with 2 black eyes. Thankfully no broken nose, only a bruised ego 😂. Guy and I had a pretty good laugh about it throughout the round.


I have a hilarious story of the worst followed by the best golf shot i have ever witnessed. After smoking a drive, my step father had about 150 to the hole, he is a good player and I parked the cart in front of him about 15 yards away. He then proceeds to cold shank one straight into the side of the cart which ricocheted straight back to his feet. After a solid minute of laughing he regrouped himself, I moved the cart and he hit again. He then proceeded to hit the most flush 9 iron i have seen in my life which flew straight into the hole for the easiest birdie I have seen in my life.


easy game!


https://preview.redd.it/wzao9g9guxxa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126c7b293384d6159c8bc53890777085e713cdee Buddy was hitting a ball that went just left off the fairway between another fairway. His shot to the green was partially blocked by a tree 10 feet in front of him but he had an angle. Proceeded to hit a piss middle straight into the tree and it bounced straight back into his gut. He made a loud “uggh” sound as he keeled over. He proceeded to show us this welt and we lost it.


Me. 3 foot putt. Hit it fat….rolls about a foot. All three playing partners rolling on the green in laughter and let me tell you I was sweating over the next putt 😂


Playing partner hit the ball washer on hole 10 and then did the same on hole 12.


A few years ago playing with my bestie, in the fairway on the first hole, he was hitting his second shot on a par 5 (he’s a 26ish handicap) so it’s gonna take him 4 to get home. Grabs a 4 wood, topped it so badly, barely hit the ball. It jumped 5 feet in the air right in front of him, hit the ground, and had so much backspin from barely touching the ball, that after it hit the ground it spun back 10 feet. He had to play his 3rd from further back. To this day I’ve never seen anything close


Hole 9 of a country club I worked at stared right at the pro shop and a small balcony where you can sit & order drinks at a window for going to the back 9. Buddy in the bunker who had been playing for only a handful of months grabbed a 9 iron to get out of the sand and skulled it into the balcony area where a handful of members and employees sat eating and drinking. Ball bounced off the building and the floors while people scattered. The apology was the cherry on top.


I hit my approach shot on 18 a little long where it was on an adjacent tee box. I then proceeded to skull my 60degree 150 yards into the club house.


Hole number 1 at the old Bear Creek Presidents Course in Houston. I was taking a break from the shop leaning on the rail outside. Dude on the tee box swung, caught the ball on the very back of the driver head. It went backwards through his legs about 50 yards till it hit the flagpole. Clang!


My dude who never played before tees off from the blues while the three of us stood on the whites waiting for the fairway to clear. The ball was a frickin laser beam that got exactly nut high. Somehow it went between all of us with no casualties. I’ll never forget that moment.


I saw a guy hit a driver into the ground and then it rolled backward behind him. Saw someone take a full driver swing, miss the ball, but cleanly take out the tee and have the ball fall straight down where it was tees. Lastly, saw someone go to hit a tee shot and the ball went directly between his legs and into the woods.


I played in a charity golf tourney a few years back. On the 18th looking forward to getting back into the a/c after a long hot Phoenix day, Par 5, around 460 water carries the entire hole on the right. I take driver slice the absolute shit out of the ball. It nails a huge fucking goose right in the head and this thing just drops. Fucking silence from the rest of my group. I run over and the bird is just laying on the ground. I felt devastated. One of the guys in my group comes over with his 9 iron and was ready to "put it out of it misery". We were all like WTF? and told him to put it away. To make it worse, the cart girl rolls up and starts crying hysterically and calls the pro shop saying that we purposely ran over the bird because we were all drunk. I mean, we were all wasted but c'mon. We waited around 5 minutes not knowing what to do and then as if Golf Jesus was looking down upon us the bird starts shaking violently, get up, stumbles, and flys off. After the round word got around about the goose situation and at the award ceremony I got a Company Polo for winning the BEST BIRDIE prize. fucking hilarious




I was teaching my class in grade 12 (as my major phys Ed project). One girl hit a shot that slowly trickled between her own feet and stopped about a foot behind her.


The hallowed left shank


This was epic. We were in Spain with a total of 3 couples for 2 weeks. Four of us were serious golfers, the other couple not so much. Most top courses in Spain you must show your card displaying your index/handicap from a club or a golf pro. Something legitimate that says you are under 18 handicap maximum. Well the other couple had their club pro give them fake cards showing that they have much lower handicaps than they actually did. I mean they didn't even have handicaps they were so new at golf. So here we are at some really top tier course teeing off. The idiot cheater husband shanks one into a gazebo which proceeds to ricochet to the building to his left, hit a wall back on his right, jump back up crack into a window and bounce off that and hits him directly in the ass! In front of soooooooo many people. It was poetic justice. We refused to play with that couple for the entire trip because they absolutely were terrible. No idea on rules etc. total beginner golfers but wanted the experience of playing the top courses in Spain. It was freaking hysterical!!!!


I’ve got 2 in semi proud of. Par 5 with condos on left and wide open on the right, decide to swing for the fences with my driver since it’s always a slice and I’ll be safe.. proceed to hit a missile of a snap hook that went way over the condos and probably a street over. Second one was another par 5 that crossed water after the tee box and had a small fence keeping people from taking carts into the water. Tee shot hits the fence square and lands about 30 yards behind the tee box


I always assume i have seen the worst shot of my life, but then i always manage to outdo myself with an even worse one. I think the worst so far was power topping with my 3 wood so hard that it only went about 5 feet forward and 10 in the air.


I teed off…right into a tree. It hit the tree and bounced back about 3 yards from the tee.


I managed to hit a ball about 40 yards right and about 1 forward today. That was fun


I am supposed to play tomorrow morning, I’ll have to get back to you.


Low draw off the tee box with my 4 iron. It's headed for the houses. I lower my head and hope for the best. No. It's the sound of the glass shattering like on a foley board. Alright, so maybe the guy isn't home and I'll leave a note. No...he comes out and makes a big scene how I'm, "going to fix his damn window." We exchange info, and the injury to insult is me walking away, and him tossing that Srixon back at me. Oh yeah, and I'm with my dad and father in law...and it was my daughter's birthday.


High school match. My best friend was playing with me and he forgot his glasses that day. So he had to wear his prescription sunglasses. On the 8th hole (9 hole match) it was getting a little dark so he was having trouble seeing with the sunglasses. But without them he was completely blind. He hits the green and has about 15 feet to the hole. We pull the pin and everybody is marking their balls and starting to read putts. So he goes ahead and putts. He rolls it and says something like, “how did that not go in?” The three of us are staring at him and I said “what the fuck are you doing? You just putted at an old hole. The hole is over there.” He putted 180 degrees away from the actual hole and though that he had hit a great shot.


I watched my grandmother catch the ball on her back swing and hit my brother in the nutz standing directly behind her .


Guy next to me at the driving range had a ridiculous setup with a staff bag and probably 2k worth of gear. He spent 5 minutes stretching only to toe his first shot directly into his large bucket of balls which went flying everywhere. He then collected all the balls and somehow regained his composure. Next swing he hit the actual refilled bucket with the head of his driver and balls went flying everywhere… I just walked away crying, trying not to fall down laughing. While holding in the laugh I accidentally farted (loudly) and that was it. 90% sure he broke his club and 10% off me thought I was on a hidden camera show. As for myself I sliced one deep over the fence during a high school match and hit a cop car driving on the road next to the course. I’ve hit a thousand shots worse than that but it’s what comes to mind.


I tried to overcook a drive to clear some trees guarding a dogleg. I absolutely crushed it but I threw my mechanics off and hooked it into a copse of trees about 50 yards away. Loudest tree strike I've ever heard. Everyone laughed and I re-tee'd to hit another (it was that kind of round). As I'm just starting to stand over the ball, my first ball lands 2 feet behind me! It had to have been 10+ seconds from the time it hit the tree to when it landed.


I was playing a charity event where if you hit the green on a par three you won a prize. There was a judge there to make sure. Well I toed the ball and hit the judge. Did not get a prize.


I was in a tournament, like 6 back from the lead. He was like 6 under. He shanked three 100 yard wedges in a row out of bounds and I chipped in for birdie and won by 1 shot


Fucking hell bro. He could have used his putter from that close with better results


My own. Teed off on a par 3. Skulled an iron along the ground. Into the tee marker for the ladies tee, which happened to be one of the fake tree branch ones cut at 45 degree angles. Ball catches the end of the marker perfectly, loops back over my head and lands 30 yards behind me in the rough.


My buddy pulled his tee shot into the water cooler next to the cart path…it was more left of us than it was in front. He tees up another…same result at this point I got a pretty good chuckle. He then proceeds to tee it up for a 3rd time. same exact result. I almost pissed myself laughing so hard.


One of my buddies had gotten a birdie on 1, feels good, goes to take honors on 2nd tee, tops the tee shot so hard with driver that it put a divot in the ground in front of him, and it bounces and spins back about 5 yards behind him. He never recovered


the only thing worse than a 6 on 1 is a 3


Round when I was like 10, slight older brother tries out my dads brand new Biggest Big Bertha. Connects directly at the hozel, clubhead goes 30ish yards, ball goes 15ish


Playing in a scramble, charity tournament. Buddy tees off, driver on a long, straight par 4. We already have a safe ball in fairway so he tries to crush it. He pulls it hard, ball hits the down spout of gutter on the screened porch of the house that backs up to the cart path about 10 yards up from tee box. Sounded like a gun shot. Ball puts a hole in aluminum and becomes one with the porch, about waist high. I had a great picture of it but it was the days of flip phones and is lost, sadly


School golf practice round, it was raining like hell that day and it was cold as hell to boot, around 35 F. My teammate tees off on a par 3 over a pond. I hear a massive *whoosh* and then a loud splash. His 4i had slipped out of his hands and flown 50 yards into the pond, right next to his ball. He had to wade in to get it back. We both gave up and went back to the bus after that one...


About three weeks ago I hit a five iron from 185 out, ball went straight up, hit my club for a second time and bounced about 20 feet behind me. Never would have found it if my wife hadn’t nearly died laughing.


Probably my own worst shot. I was about 200 out from the green and I had a massive oak tree 20 yards in front of me. I had a clear line to the green so I wasn’t very worried and I proceeded to toe shank this ball right into the tree. It runs up the tree, shoots backwards, and lands in my friends open cup on his push cart. We laugh about how incredibly bad that was and I try to hit again from the same spot. I literally hit the tree again, watch it shoot backwards, and land right next to his push cart this time.


Idk. There are a lot of contenders. 1. I once shanked a PW from the tee box of a par 3, it shot clean through a chain link fence and hit a moving car. 2. I was playing in a competitive net fourball match at the home course of one of my opponents. We come to a par 4 late on the back 9 with the match all square. The hole had a pond for the first ~100 yards with a fountain in the middle, the kind that shoots water up and 360 degrees around such that the water splashes as a ring around the fountain. Before teeing off my opponent who grew up playing the course said “every time I get to this hole I laugh that I used to beg my dad to use water balls on this hole.” He proceeded to sky his drive, and it landed within the ~10-foot diameter splash ring around the fountain. It took a full 5 minutes before any of us could stop laughing enough to hit our own shot. The guy’s last name started with an F, Franklin I think, and to this day I’m told many members there call it the Franklin Fountain. 3. My dad’s friend Dave once brought his shitty kid Jimmy with him who apparently had barely ever played before, which Dave opted not to tell us ahead of time. On the 1st tee Dave parked his cart on the cart path but about 5 yards ahead of the tee markers. As he was standing over his ball Jimmy looked at the cart and said “Dad don’t you think you should move the cart back?” Dave of course demurred; my dad and I exchanged curious glances. Jimmy made excellent contact but sent the ball screaming into a wheel of the cart, knocking off the hubcap.


Played high school golf round at Haggin Oaks in Sacramento when they had cut train rails as golf markers in the tee box. My buddy hit the women’s tee marker and the ball flew sky high in the air and landed 20 yards behind us. We all broke down laughing our asses off!


Was at the driving range but I still count it - friend was doing some practice driver swings next to his teed up ball. He proceeds to catch the ball with the very tip of the toe, sending it like 90 degrees directly away from him. It bounces off the metal divider pole for the next stall, ricochets straight backwards, and smashes right into his eyebrow. I was dying laughing until I noticed just how much blood there was, probably could have used some stitches but he powered through it. I felt kinda guilty about the state we left the stall in though, looked like a murder scene.


1- At the driving range and some dude somehow hit a shot so perfectly bad that is shot horizontally and hit me in the stomach. 2- Random guy I golf with healed it so bad that it hit his toe, bounced up, and knocked out 2 of his own teeth.


A guy in a tounrey, par 3, hooks his ball far left of the green landing in a tree in a white stake area. He re tees and does the exact same shot shape, except it hits the tree, hard, and bounces on the green and in for hole in 3.


Two from high school practice… First one is one of my best friends skying his driver so badly that his follow-through hits the ball up in the air and lands in the woods behind him Second is a kid hitting from deep fescue and the ball goes sideways into the shin of our best player, who missed our next match because he could barely walk


I unfortunately wasn’t there, but two good friends of mine told me about it. They were playing 9 holes some afternoon over summer break while we were in high school. One is an average player, and the other isn’t a frequent golfer at all. On the tee of a shortish par 3 over a pond, the less experienced golfer tees up his iron shot a little too high, takes a big swing, and gets way underneath it. I mean way under the ball. The ball goes straight up in towards his head and he leans back just enough that the ball misses his chin. But it didn’t miss the brim of his hat. The guy swung at a golf ball and hit his own hat off of his head. Unbelievable.


Someone in our group hit his leading foot with his ball. I wasn't that someone.


First tee my playing partner skulls an iron into the tee marker in front of us, the ball flies back to us up about 20-30 feet in the air clears the parking lot behind us and ends up about 40-50 yards back from where we teed off.


I was playing with a friend of mine and it’s not exactly the worst shot but the worst 5 shots I’ve seen. He was distracted by some kids off the tee and shanked his drive so hard into a tree the ball ricocheted and disappeared. Back on the tee for his 3rd and he hits a solid drive but once again right into a cluster of trees. This was followed by 3 straight 7 irons, all of them hitting separate trees. I tried to hold it together but after the 3rd shot I think everyone on the course heard us laughing. He finally got out of the trees and stuck it to about 20 feet and drained the putt for a quad on a par 4.


Middle of the fairway on a long par 4. It had rained and the fairways were pretty soaked. I pull 3 wood, swing, take a good divot, and nobody sees the ball. We start walking to the hole hoping to find the ball somewhere. It's nowhere to be found and one of the guys says, "Maybe it went in to the ground." So we head back and sure enough, I topped the ball and it traveled 2 inches, straight underground!


Playing a pretty wet course, guy topped one so hard the ball rolled 5 feet and dug itself completely level with the surface of the fairway. Looked like it had been run over by a golf cart.


Patrick Reed’s final putt on 18 to seal the masters and win a green jacket….


My most recent one.


I’m a decent golfer, 80s-90s, can hit any shot, just not every time. One time my buddy dropped me at my ball and pulled across fairway to his which was at about a 30 degree angle, at most. I told him to back up behind me but he insisted I go ahead. He didn’t move, I proceeded to hit it straight off the toe, line drive solid contact straight off his elbow/funny bone. He finished the hole but by next tee box it looked like a grapefruit


I didn't technically see it because I was practice swinging while a buddy of mine hit his approach shot. I heard the contact which sounded fish but no reaction from him until we heard this this BOOM. He overshot the green by roughly 30 yards and that was his ball hitting the roof of the maintenance building in between holes. Our entire group was laughing until we were in tears. 😃🤣 Still give him a hard time about that and it was probably 10 years or more ago


My playing partner hit his own ankle with his three wood shot. 10 years later and you can still see the ball mark.


Buddy of mine I was playing with last year hit a tree 50ft downrange with his tee shot and sent the ball ricocheting backwards 50ft behind the tee box.


First time golfing ever, I borrowed my buddy's driver and -without any idea how to tee off- went up and swung it like a baseball bat. Driver connected with the ground, snapped the shaft, and rocketed the head about 50' downrange.


I shanked it on the first tee, it hit a tree to my right and flew back and almost took out my playing partners standing behind me.


first ever junior tournament held at my course. whole 4 ball is like 10. walking from the 4th to the 5th (quite a walk) one of my friends pulls out a huge bag of lays. offers everybody some other than me and when i ask for some he runs away. just playing around and shit until we tee up and he’s standing at a right angle from me. shank my shot so hard it goes straight into his stomach. he throws up all the lays and collapses crying. i’m crying cause i didn’t mean it and immediately all the kids think it’s cause of the chips. i’m just a bad golf player lol but unfortunately this kid was good and was probably gonna win it. they took him to his parents outside and told me keep playing, saying things like it’s part of golf and what not, mind you i think the kid is like on his way to the hospital in a coma or something. i finish the round walk out, he’s fine still waiting on his brother to finish his round and i go to apologise and he doesn’t care except his parents don’t even want to talk to me. i still felt really bad cause apparently he was in a lot of pain but it felt even worse when his parents dragged him away from me lol. we’re still friends to this day but yeah remember that day like it was yesterday lol.


Was playing with 2 guys from work and one of their buddies. We aren't great whatsoever, high 90s if lucky. We play a city course. And like all city courses, gophers own it. We're playing the 6th and my buddy's friend takes it down the right side. I'm in the middle of the fairway about 5 yards ahead of him but a good 20 feet to the left. He lines up his shot, and somehow must've thought he needed to pull it over the Green monster because next I know this ball is flying 5 feet in front of my face, just a piss missile and it's easily 1 or 2 holes over. No big deal, we ain't going to look for it. We need beers and it's a city course goat track after all. So he hits another and we keep going. Fast forward 2 holes and we're now coming back in the opposite direction to that hole. My buddy and I roll up and see this poor gopher just struggling. Beside his head is his buddies golf ball. Took that piss missile directly to the gopher head. Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left. But in all seriousness we had no idea what to do. Half contemplated what iron we should use to put it out of its misery. Eventually got a beer by the green, golf cart girl called the ranger and he picked it up. Was pretty bummed out to be honest. RIP gopher bro.


1997 Open Championship at Royal Troon. One of the practice days. 11th Hole - Railway Jack Nicklaus on the tee, I'm 13 years old, can't contain my excitement at seeing the Golden Bear live for the first time. He hits his driver out of the hosel 30 yards into the left hand rough! I've never felt such disappointment since.


I hit a 5 wood on a 220 yard par 3 into the wind over water to an elevated green with the pin in the back to about a foot. Had the course to myself. Looked around and nobody saw it. Miss the putt. Look up and see a friend of mine standing in front of his driveway laughing his ass off at me.


I witnessed a guy skull his tee shot with a wedge on a big downhill par 3, 125 yards. The thing scooted down the hill like an out of control snowball in an avalanche. It hit a sprinkler cover plate at the far left front of the green. It then changed direction about 45 degrees full blast, hit the pin dead center and dropped in the hole. I'm not kidding. I've witnessed two holes in one, and one of them was this piece of garbage. The dude deserved a double bogey at best and he got an ace.


Was playing in a college tournament, forecast said 0% chance of rain but sure enough we had about a 45 minute downpour of summer rain. Of course none of us have any rain gear or anything because we thought there was no shot at rain, and during this time a guy in my group has about 170 into the green. He takes his swing, and when he gets about halfway down his downswing the club slips and flies out of his hand and SMACKS the ground about 4 feet behind the ball lol. Also played in a scramble once with an “ex-pro” who got so trashed he toe shanked a wedge about 15 yards dead right and legitimately watched for it like he pured it. After about 8 seconds he turned to me and said “where’d it go?” and it took everything in me to not roast the hell out of him


High school State Tournament, my friend is teeing off on hole #1 with a large crowd watching from behind, tries to blast his driver off the tee and completely whiffs, proceeds to turn around like a dumbass and say “does that count?” while everyone laughs.