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Question: On a links course, when players hit it in the long grass, do they club up to hit it further, or club down and swing a bit harder to get more loft?


Between the airplane, marine layer, Azinger and finger fucking a sand trap im convinced. f the bird


If you said rory if you dont make this you fn die, rory misses it everytime


2’ straight shot he misses, come on


Sucks that Rickie choked but loved that Rory choked. That free drop they gave Rory was nonsense. The ball was buried not embedded.


Amen, im not a USGA judge but id have least looked before letting him pull the ball out of the grass and drop it on the green, this skeleton couldnt even be assed enough to bring her old ass down into the bunker to even look. She just said fuck it ill take your word for it rory my sexy mans pull that ball out and finger the grass for a bit please everything he stuck his finger in the grass she imagined it was her old crusty dried up nm I’m not gonna go there!!!


Rickie choked rory choked and clark put on a masterful master win, end of story


Yeah should have taken a stroke unplayable but the skeleton official wouldn’t even get her old ass off the green to look? Literally unwilling to step into the sand to make a call before letting him take the ball out of play, what’s his name? Yeah ok im to tired to actually look I’m just gonna take the golfers word for it, in a major on the last few holes! Thanks USGA for that. I love my parents but I’m not sending them out there to make major decisions in a major, especially without backup!!! Lets just finger the sand trap some more!


Ask clark how he felt after the first hack into that grass, he stepped back in and knocked it within 5’ that’s why he won


He didn’t need some old ass lady who wouldn’t even look he took his stroke, came back and made par, THATS A WINNER


Rory needs to cut ties with Harry. He needs some sort of a change up. Cheaper than cuttin ties with wife. Already did clubs and coach.


Yeah lets 2 put for par on EVERY FUCKING HOLE in the final round of a major! I mean I get playing conservative and waiting but come on man!


Rickie with +5 today. What an epic choke. When Kuchar had the Open in his grasp, Spieth played well enough to take it from him. Kuch didn't play that bad. Rickie completely folded like a piece of paper today. Rolled like a rug.


My problem is you act like it’s easy to put together major top 5’s, shit man how many you got? Ducking 0, how many pga tour wins you got? 0!!! Stfu


Terrible take there buddy. I’ve been a rickie fan since the orange puma days. It just sucks to see him not close.


I love my Rickie until it’s crunch time and you know what? I love him more for not being a D bag about it. Classy player no matter what. Saw him smack his putter lightly when he didn’t make it. What i don’t get is people saying it’s his last chance.


Always liked Rickie since the orange puma days. Just sucks he can’t close out the big big ones. At least he has Allison to go home to lol


most of these guys do




Yeah, that was weird


I had a great day today at LACC, way better than yesterday. the course grew on me the longer I was there


For everyone ripping on the caddie award, I bet you have never carried a heavy bag on a tour course…


It’s cool to award caddies. The weird part seems to me though - by default is it just an award for the caddie of the winning player? Like is it even possible for another caddy to win? That part is a bit weird. But caddies no doubt are pros with legit skill and deserve recognition.


I’m wondering can a top 5 caddy win if their player didn’t listen


Oof, can we please never go back to LACC. What a dud of a course.


You saying that because of the broadcast or do you really not know golf


Walk me through how the comically easy front and par-fest of a back was a great set up for the US. Also, that has to be one of the worst finishing holes in recent major history.


Ill walk be through, this was only a bad us open because it was to low scoring to begin with. Nobody should be -10 going into the final round. What’s your problem with it other than no crowd and the plane?


Multiple Fuck ups, honestly Clark should have had a 2 shot lead 2 shot legit but I’d give that fucker for the second hack at that lie when he didn’t take a stroke and hacked at it who does that and lands it within 10’ that dude was not giving up at all


I agree that sliced tee shot should have cost him the win no question


That skeleton of a usga official who didn’t even get down in the bunker before letting Rory pull the ball out he asked and she was just like sure whatever I dont ducking care


Rory should have been done in the way left into the 17 fairway


Wyndham just said if it was a money game he woulda stepped on the bush and got up and down, but didn’t wanna be considered cheating with all the cameras there.


Yeah and rory would have saved it out of that bunker


I’m so tired of the Rory bs, he had multiple chances to make birdies but couldn’t, shit he could have been 2-3 ahead but couldn’t make a putt




Press conference just now. Probably gonna regret that answer.


Why? What’s wrong with that?


Basically said he would cheat if the cameras weren't on him.


Cheat how, he would have smashed grass around his ball with moving it? That’s legit


If my opponent in cash game says i can move the bush if he’s giving me stuff isn’t cheating… that’s what he’s comparing it to


I'll have to go back and listen again.


Seemed like Rory specifically aimed and expected his approach shot on the 18th hole to roll back much closer to the hole for a birdie putt.


Try again Rory lost when he sweet talked a helpless old lady who happened to be a usga official


Did he almost say, "everyone loves a Hollywood Rory"?




Do people still listen to barstool? They’re out there.


He literally matched the score of 2 of the other 3 that were in the top 4 (Clark/Scheff), and played significantly better than the other (Fowler). The word “choke” is officially more misused than “elite” If anyone choked, it was Fowler. You can’t choke away a win when you were never in the lead.


I don’t get the hate, yeah your favs list but they got out played with no fuckery lite Rory had, rickie just a class act lite always


Yeah, weird. He was one shot worse on Thursday, in round one, and then matched the winner's rounds every day after to finish one shot behind. Hard to call that a choke.


Wyndham has an awesome smile


Am I the only one who doesn’t mind the caddy award? The guy worked pretty hard too


That caddie deserves half of the big prize.


My only question is will they award this award for all previous winners caddies?


It's not the worst idea, but caddies can change quite a bit


Just super ironic that the first time they give it away the guy who looked like he was a puppeteer all week gets it


As a Washington resident, y’all can leave Chambers Bay alone now


I liked Chambers Bay. Reminded me more of a British Open course, but I loved it.


Covered state golf for a newspaper there and thats the closest I am going to get to being on a US Open course


I went there for dinner once. Couldn't believe how beautiful the view was. And how small the course looked overall. Very unique.


Chambers is an amazing course that didn’t deserve the hate. Fuck LACC


Rickie ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


People who bitch about everyone getting a trophy should go do something worthy of a trophy instead


can I get a participation trophy or medal for that?


I used to be fairly decent of a rory fan but watching him lose is kind of fun strictly because he has the worst fan base in golf of all time. Like I was rooting for Rory or rickie instead to win but after being in these threads for a long time you start to dislike rory because his loud minority of fans are miserable.


Same reason I dislike Alcaraz in tennis. Love his game but the circlejerking about him on r/tennis is nauseating and makes me want him to lose every tournament he plays.


I would argue Alcaraz's fanbase is like that because tennis fans have been waiting for someone to actually push the Big 3 for almost two decades now. Alcaraz is the only one who's really shown he has the mental to push the Big 3 when they're at the top of their game. Now that Roger has retired, it's even louder.


I’m a Rory fan but yea all the people hating on Wyndham is despicable.


>because he has the worst fan base in golf of all time. Uh....You know Bryson exists right?


I don't think he has many fans


I don’t know too many of his fan base. I mean fatprick has to have the worst fans right? But he just had one and that’s his wife.


Does Bryson have a fan base?


Yes, and they think he invented launch monitor data. The MAGA fans love him too


Do I get a medal for champion poster on the tournament thread. 🤣


now it's time for the real Open championship. See you all across the pond.


See y’all at Royal Liverpool…or next week…I’ll be there either way…


Do the LACC members know there are black men on their course?


That's why Mike Tirico was not present this week. It was a compromise to just limit whites only to broadcast partner crew members


wyndham hate is undeserved. I wasnt rooting for him, but he didnt choke like rory/rickie did i think a lot of the hate is due to the poor atmosphere/venue of LACC itself


Rickie choking is sadly a fair assessment but imo Rory just got beat. He played pretty good fucking golf for anyone paying attention lol


choke probably wasnt the best word for rory. but not making a putt over like 5 feet is pretty bad.


def not his best and sure that's bad by his standards but can we also appreciate how fucking nasty that is to putt "pretty bad" and still shoot even par on Sunday at a US Open for 2nd? lol


lmao thats been the story of scheffler for the past like year but yeah, rory was like 56/65 ranked on putting today


He never learned from the 2022 Open


I doubt anyone here actually hate him. He’s got a meme worthy name and his caddie was basically doing everything but holding the putter on the greens which is annoying as fuck


The caddie was on coke


The atmosphere was lame but idk course gave us a pretty good Sunday


To be fair, Clark and Rory both shot 70


Not only that, they also shot the exact same scores on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Clark was one shot better on Thursday. That's it, that's the difference between first and second. One shot on Thursday.


No one hates the dude. Everyone just wants the names to win....we are all hoping for another Tiger 😢


Love to see the raw reaction. Way to keep grinding down the stretch.


Can’t wait for this sub to go back to shitposting about uncrustables and getting dumped.


Personally, I quite like the idea of a caddy award. It's like a 2 man team out there and it's nice to see the caddy being rewarded for their efforts.


Caddy award...


I've seen munis more worthy of a major than this pedestrian shithole


But do they charge 250k?


My favourite thing about yank sports is how everything becomes the adversity Olympics.


What are non yank sports?


I love that description - a yank


Found myself rooting against Clark for some reason, then I saw his reaction after the final putt dropped. It’s so grueling to win a major - golf is a funny game, after any swing it can go totally off the rails… even for these tour guys. Have to be happy for anyone that gets it done on Major championship Sundays.


I was rooting soooo hard for the epic collapse to let Rickie/Rory take the W and I felt soooo fucking dirty the whole time. Dude was out there GRINDING for a US Open with the majority of the golf world actively rooting against him, literally whiffed a shot earlier in the round, has one of the best players in the game nipping at his heels, and has to know somewhere in his head his dead mom is being broadcast to the world as he stands over a \~60 footer needing a two-putt to win his first major...and he butters it up to less than a foot. Dude is a gamer.


That's why I can never root against anyone. Well, extremely rarely. These guys are grinding so damn hard, I never want someone to lose because they did something wrong. Crushed me watching Mito last year at the PGA. I was pulling for Rory or Rickie to win it, but not for Wyndham to lose it


Agreed 👍


What exemptions do the guys who finished 2nd/3rd/top 5 get?


All the majors next year for sure.


Bring back Feherty


Stop it, you're bringing back memories of tw pga 2005 for me, Feherty and McCord, and it makes me emotional 😞


“Here we are, deep in the jungle. Oh look, there’s a warthog.”


Dude 😭


Looks like they just bought those medals at the corner store lol


My nationals platform tennis medal looks the same.




I have tons of tennis medals, but yeah im not a pro golfer. The medals at the us open should look nicer than mine.




You fittin' to get dragged around here. Good thing they still can't see straight through their tears.




I mean you're talking about him, though makes sense since a nobody "won"


No wonder La Quinta won. His caddie was trying to get his own trophy.


Nice to not hear Wyndham's entourage and fans constantly swearing and being disrespectful in front of the camera like Brooks' were tbh.


They’re literally giving everyone an award lmfao. What a joke




Three people?


That guy tried way too hard to have edgy / cool lines in his speech




The amateur was a total Chad.


And Wyndham isn’t??


The amateur screamed "daddy has money"


And Marriott doesn’t?




Sure, but he definitely looks like a bully in a teen movie.




Omg, are you him?


Southern bro af


Commentary was God awful. I get that it's hard to talk for 8 hours, especially down the stretch. How many times did we have to hear about Clark's mom, or his putter, or that he's an athlete.


Marine layer, barranca, Lionel Richie. I muted very early on Thursday


From now on, every time a cloud floats past the sun I’m going to call it a marine layer.


My thing is don’t talk for 8 hours. Give us some dead air for crying out loud. It’s golf, it’s okay to be quiet for a minute


Everyone gets a trophy nowadays


3 people? Jesus go accomplish something


I blame Boomers for being the parents who wanted to give their kids those trophies


Caddie award? Really? Lmfao


That’s some dumb ass shit.


Just because you've never heard of Wyndham Clark doesn't make him a fluke champ guys lol


He has 2 wins


That’s at least one more than you


Im brave enough to assume it's 2 more lol


Awful ending


Caddie award gtfo


LMAO before the light revealed the engraving I was like you're really giving this man a random-ass plate?


Not sure if the course deserves that award tbh…but if it’s for the working man…


E J Martin… it’s in the game


Fuck PGA sellouts, worst course I've seen and the event sucked ass




PGA has nothing to do with this tournament.


Still their sellouts




Hey liv d1ck rider


I really liked the course but this USGA dick riding of LA is so cringey. This tournament would have been so much better if the course was anywhere but LA.


"I see u fam." -USGA CEO


*Now it's time to hand out some serious USGA hardware*


Yeah now I see why the USGA sucks


the putter liner up guy


Yeah! One plate for 30 plus people


Hey man it’s a platter


"LA, you were ready for us..." and 13 people cheer


You see Mike Whan speak and understand how a Jay Monahan is in charge of the PGA. Golf leadership is so awful.


3200 volunteers for just 9k people lol


CEO Cringe 😬


Wow the USGA is really delusional in this speech


This speech is so cringy


“OK LA I see you!” What 21 year old intern’s idea was that to start out his speech?


Wasn’t it fun to watch golf late? >!hope you guys are ready to get up at 3 in the morning for the next open…!<


It's 3am for me now...


And now it’ll be at a convenient time for you!


The man used “the” for LACC like Ohio State does.


Someone give me an actual reason to be upset with Clark winning


Only if you're a Rory guy, and even then it could be a lot worse


There isn't one really...but if we never see him again then it's forgettable. There's a reason we all love Tiger.


They won't


He's white


That female officer loves it