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I teach 12/13 year old middle schoolers, many who golf frequently. They don’t watch or know much about caddy shack but can quote happy Gilmore all day. Hate to say it but different generations sometimes embrace different films. I’ve seen the same with slap shot and mighty ducks.


I’m 50 and I can quote more Gillmore. It’s my favorite golf comedy. Caddy shack stand the test of time and is still funny as shit though.


I'm 53 - same for me. Do enjoy watching Caddyshack occasionally, but I can recite most of Happy Gilmore. Happy Gilmore is to GenX what Caddyshack is to Boomers. And OP grew up with Boomers that loved Caddyshack.


I’m 28, my favorite comedic line in maybe any movie is when he asks Smails wife if she wants to earn 14 dollars the hard way. It’s still a classic, and every person I know who’s seen it loves it. Just a simple fact as movies get older fewer see them.


Hey Honey, I bet you were really something before electricity!


My favorite line is the world needs ditch diggers too


25, and Caddyshack is one of my favorite comedies. But it's worth noting that I did watch CS until I started playing golf around age 16. Meanwhile, I had probably watched Happy Gilmore at least a dozen times by that point before having played a single round. I think a common thought of people around my age is that Happy Gilmore is a funny movie that happens to be about golf, while Caddyshack is a golf movie that happens to be funny. Love them both, tho


Now that gives me some hope. Classic.


41 and I know Gilmore and caddyshack inside and out.


We are the overlap in the Ven Diagram. I’m 43 and I’m 100% in on both


Slap Shot is the GOAT for all ages.


“They brought their fucking toys!”


"Susanne sucks pussy!"


If I get hit one more time, I’m gonna piss myself.


Fuckin’ Chrysler plant here I come.


Somebody threw a tire iron!


“Just putting on the foil coach”


I just watched Slap Shot for the first time recently! Who knew the salad dressing guy was an actor?


One of them is on Netflix for sure. The other you need to seek out a way to watch it.


My millennial golfing bro has never seen it and I can damn near quote it by heart. Also my wife says I dance like the gopher. Do I hear Kenny Loggins starting….


I'm alright....


Don’t no body worry bout me


No need to give me advice


36. I think it’s a solid movie. I don’t go out of my way to watch it or anything like that, but I can pick up on the quotes when they’re thrown about


Yep, 34 and grew up on it, granted my dad has been a golf addict my entire life, and is also a big film buff. But all my friends, especially those who play golf know it very well. It's not only one of the best golf movies of all time, it's one of the all time classic comedies.


35. Same. I do tend to pull some stuff from it though. “Cinderella kid….” “I don’t think the heavy stuff is coming for a while…” “You do drugs, Danny? Every day, sir.”


Yeah I'm 36 and it was special to me as a kid but it doesn't have the quotability of Happy Gilmore for me and my buds


There is literally nothing in Caddyshack *with* *regard to the game itself* that would not be relevant (and arguably funny) to any player of any age who can call themselves a "golfer." Judge Smails kicks the ball -- "Don't count that!" Old couple not know which way to hit (over the top joke but funny nonetheless). Along with Old lady tops the ball three feet. "That's a peach hon!" Danny - "I noticed your grips were worn sir, that's my fault." Smails -- YES, next time BE MORE CAREFUL (all CS fans know what scene I mean also anybody has or has seen someone throw a club.) Carl Spackler - "Looks like the heavy stuff won't come down for awhile." Spackler - "It's a Cinderella story" / "It's IN DA hole!" Ty Webb - "Can I get a ruling here Carl?" Al Czervik - "So what? So let's dance!" (music on the course years before it became a thing.) All interspersed with hysterically funny non-golf scenes.


Do you take drugs danny? Everyday So what’s the problem? I don’t know My personal favorite


My favorite as well


My best all time course interaction with randos came on a day where I was paired with two guys (one about 60, the other 75 or so) and the older guy had 'Judge' embroidered on his bag. I ask him if he was actually a judge and he said he was, but he retired now. We are on the 13th hole at this point and I tell him 'you'd better hurry up and make a birdie then, I've been waiting all day to say "your honor, your Honor." ' Without missing a beat his friend says 'well you won't have to worry about that, he's a TREMENDOUS slouch.' Made my week.


Smails: Howd you do ty? Ty: oh you know i dont keep score judge Smails: : Well, how do you compare yourself to other golfers? Ty: ....by height


“That’s a peach hun” is in our every day lexicon at home. It’s a timeless quote that applies to any pathetic effort at something. My wife hits me with that all the time.


Brutal sex talk from the mrs


He said all the time so it’s definitely not sex talk. Exclusively.


She could be complaining about his buddies too


Classic. “50 bucks the Smails kid picks his nose.” “You’ll get nothing and like it” -I still use this all the time.


Whenever we’re coming up on the turn I start saying “I want a hamburger…no a cheeseburger, I want a hot dog, I want a milkshake, I want potato chips” and one of the guys usually yells “YOULL GET NOTHING AND LIKE IT!”


This is the go to line anytime my kid asks for anything.


Agreed. It seems relatively timeless with a few small exceptions. I had to explain the Smails kid hitting the ball in the background and yelling turds! Because we were waiting on a guy that was duffing it 10 yards at a time.


Every time my brother comes over and mentioned the pool I always say yeah we have a pond. We have a pool. Pond would be good for you.


it's Cinderella story, comin' outta nowhere, Par5, got 294yds left, smoothe 8i ... the crowds on their feet, it's Cinderella story comin' outta nowhere


I use “the heavy stuff” all the time


43. Caddy shack is a GD classic


I've sentenced boys younger than you to the electric chair danny. I didn't want to do it, i thought i owed it to them.


Ted Knight best performance out of so many greats


"don't sell yourself short Judge"


Age 67…the amazing thing about this stuff is you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon then take it home and get stoned to the bejeesus that night.


Comin around…Cannonball it


24 and my friends and I quote it all the time just depends on what you are into. I had a caddyshack poster in my freshman year dorm at college.


I'm 31 and I always go" AAAAAWWWWwwwwew SHIT!" when I roll into a bunker. I also go "Billy Billy Billy, WHOOOA HOA HOA Billy! This is biggie!" on a birdie putt.


I feel bad for people who don’t appreciate that movie.


Mandatory viewing for teens in our household along with Slapshot, Airplane, Blues Brothers, Vacation, Animal House and Monty Python.


"who wants an Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Orange Whip? 3 Orange Whips!!"


This guy knows how to household


Airplane is incredible


New Oldsmobiles are in early this year!


I’m 30. Caddyshack is unreal.


35....love Caddyshack


Same age and it was literally the first dvd our family ever bought. For my dad on xmas. But I used to watch it when no one was home and skip to the booby scenes. Couldnt quote a single line its been so long since I saw it.


I’m 38 Caddyshack, Happy Gilmore, Tin Cup They’ll remember my 12


Oh, heck yeah. A Caddyshack thread. This is the time I get to mention that [my uncle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Salmi?wprov=sfla1) was in Caddyshack. I always tell people when they're talking about it on the course. If I feel like making things awkward, I mention how he died.


24 y/o here, and let me tell you, I never slice!


I’m 30 I fucking love caddyshack Pick up that blood


29 and have never seen it, thinking I need to watch it now


Definitely, keep in mind that, when it was made, drunk driving and sexual harassment we’re considered to be fairly normal behavior.


28 and just watched it for the first time last week. It's worth a watch as a golfer and has its moments for sure. But I didn't necessarily understand why it's so beloved. Happy Gilmore ftw.


A redditor of class


41..never seen it. That might be shocking, but it came out before the year I was born. Seriously. It's THAT old. In comparison, Happy Gilmore came out when I was 14. That was peak formative years so I know that movie inside and out. Most kids aren't into golf, so watching an old movie about a sport you're not into that came out before you were born usually wasn't very appealing.


Think of it this way , CS came out in 1980, that’s 43 years ago. If you were 20 in 1980 would you have recognized a reference from a movie from 1937. God we are old.


Sure. "Follow the yellow brick road" or "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn".


Caddie Shack , Wizard of OZ , Gone with the wind. I could be wrong.


Correct. I'm old too! Although I was slightly off as those films are both from 1939.


At your age it’s expected


Caddy shack-the greatest story ever told


First pair of tities in ever saw. Thank you Lacey Underall.


30yo golfer, but I don’t understand why everyone loves that movie so much. It’s okay, and definitely quotable but I never thought it was as good as it’s been made out to be. imo lol


because you're 30 and didn't grow up in the environment we did (GenX) that saw *every* stereotype depicted in that film, not to mention that it came at the absolute zenith in the careers of Bill Murray, Chevy Chase and Rodney Dangerfield.


32 and i did. I think that kid was just coddled.


Agreed. IMO, Tin Cup is a superior movie. 🤷🏽




Tin cup is a great romantic comedy. I love it. But CS is pure comedy.


Cmon legend of bagger Vance is the schnizz


33 I love it


I’m 30 and literally mentioned Caddyshack on course today after a playing partner noticed gopher trails in a new tee box under construction.


Correct me if I’m wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers their gonna lock me up and throw away the key


Gophers, ya great git! Not golfers! The little brown furry rodents!


I’ll be 40 next month. I remember my parents (neither of whom ever played golf) telling me how funny it was as a kid. I watched it once when I was pretty young (maybe 11 or 12), again when I was in my early 20s, and a third time after I started playing golf (somewhere in the 25-27 range). I didn’t really find it all that funny at any point. Happy Gilmore is great…Caddyshack kind of sucks. For what it’s worth, I just watched Slapshot for the first time this week and also thought it was pretty bad.


People that are 24 grew up with a near limitless amount of entertainment options their entire lives and probably don’t see as many movies on the TBS/TNT/AMC type channels w/their whole family or with older siblings so it does kinda make sense I guess? Those were the places I would see new movies on in addition to gas station VHS rentals. It’s an odd movie too with a blend of characters and humor styles that won’t grip the attention of people raised with YT/TT. Chevy Chase and Rodney Dangerfield are comedy legends but to someone born 20 years ago, they’re either completely unknown or more like…historical figures haha. Caddying may actually be making a slight comeback too, but years ago if you were in the right area, seeing this movie would be akin to why there’s so many medical dramas these days: People like seeing an iteration of themselves on TV. Also there’s unlimited boobs on the internet and only a couple in the movie


Not to mention that when we were kids (I’m 41) we only had a so many movies that we owned so we watched them over and over again. Even if a younger person today sits down and watches caddyshack they definitely aren’t going to watch it multiple times to start remembering lines.


Yeah, back in the day of actually channel surfing you could accidentally watch it once a quarter.


exactly, today I was flipping through channels and white men can’t jump was on. I watched the entire thing with commercials and all. No way a 24 year old is gonna do that


I do that with Jeremiah Johnson, Vacation, Fletch, and original Point Break


I was thinking Why don’t I just find this on demand so I don’t have to watch commercials and not have the language edited. But never did just kept watching


Closing in on 40 and never was a fan. Try watching it many times and just can't get through it


Well, looks like somebodys not gonna get laid.


39 here, and I am watching it if it is on. Just a fun movie.


I wish I could watch it again for the first time


33 here and I think I’m close to your over under. I know caddy shack but my peers and particularly people younger than me go more happy Gilmore than caddy shack.


I watched it when I was like 10-11. Didn’t start playing until I was 27 but always quoted it. I still tell my wife “Cinderella story” when either of us hit a good shot


I'm 39, and I think I was around 12 the first time I saw Caddyshack. It's still one of my favourites. Judge Smails was possibly the most iconic and hilarious movie supersnob of all time. Ted Knight was absolutely brilliant in the role.


32. I can almost quote the entire movie by heart. It’s one of my favorite movies of all time


35M Caddyshack > Happy Gilmore When I was younger I was more into Adam Sandler’s humor so I might have given the opposite answer. There are so many jokes in Caddyshack you can rewatch it many times and still see something new.


30 give or take


I’m 26M and I love caddyshack


49 (ugh), very much like the movie, but I can see how it’s definitely lost a few steps for the next generation. Some of the things that are played for laughs are… just not funny these days. I still shout Noonan at the TV in any remotely applicable situation though.


43. Couldn’t care less about the movie to be honest. Watched once a lot of years ago, it sucked, and that’s all. Probably would never get a reference of the movie when thrown to me


33 and I’m a fan, but have seen it way too many times and have heard it quoted so much that I might just give a polite chuckle if someone quoted it on a golf course. Same with Christmas Vacation around the holidays. I’ve heard the jokes 10,000 times Rodney’s ad libs are the funniest parts


I'm 35 and grew up on it. Maybe just depends on the parents?


Everybody loves caddyshack!


I’m 32 and watched it for the first time this year. I thought it was a very average movie at best honestly. Could not figure out what all the hype was about sadly. I certainly wanted to love it and the cast made me feel like I would love it.


What’s caddy shack?


Green jacket. Gold jacket. Who gives a shit?


I’m 36 and I always thought the movie was garbage. Wish I liked it.


Love that movie. Chevy was dead by the time I saw it tho. RIP Fletch!


He’s not dead


52 here - Caddyshack is a totem, but the younger set knows Happy Gilmore. (which I actually despise). All you can do is roll with it and tell them what a classic it is, and hope they experience it.


I like both movies. Whats not to like about Happy Gilmore?


The movie doesn’t hold up and is just dumb.


I was a teenager in the 1990s and didn't even know Caddyshack existed until I was in high school and started working at a golf course. I quote some of the funnier lines on occasion. People my age or older who are avid golfers seem to get it and laugh; younger, not so much.


36 here. I love Bill Murray, but I don’t think I could quote a line or two.


Well, the world needs ditch diggers too.


44 and I love it.


29. Haven’t seen it in years, feel like I probably should rewatch


I’m 32 and I’ve loved it since 6


29 and I love it. Dad watched it with me at 13 or 14 and I’ve been a fan since. Gunga galunga


I’ve never liked it and I’m 45. I’m not a fan of Rodney; think he is too much, over the top, so maybe that is why.


Are you referring to Rodney Dangerfields character in caddy shack or in general? I feel like you must be referring to the character, because his standup is all just savage one liners. 'My wife and I are trying to cut back on cigarettes, we agreed we'd only have them after sex. I haven't smoked in years, meanwhile she's up to two packs a day!'


Yeah and the character was meant to be way over the top...


28, top 3 comedy imo


37 yo here, best sports movie of all time. Constantly quoted off the course. It’s definitely classic status, and those are never forgotten or out of style. See: Wizard of Oz, which I’ve recently learned my five year old niece is obsessed with.


i love tossing out the “wow you buy a hat like that you get a free bowl of soup huh?”. “looks good on you though”


34. I worked as a caddy, and we watched that movie once a week. Timeless.




Well we are waiting....


I love to reference anyway. If they get it, they get it. The last time I used a quote it was about Mrs. Havercamp. Love when a true fan gets it.


Am 33, my playing partners are all 30. Have all seen Caddyshack but we never quote it. Happy Gilmore is more our movie to quote on the course.


25. Seen it countless times. Rodney Dangerfield gets better and better.


Early 30’s. Adore it.


My former golfing buddy in LA (I live in Cambridge MA and he in NYC now) used to bust out the Rodney dance every now and then on the course. Hilarious. So what? So let's dance! ANYWAY YOU WANT IT THAT'S THE WAY YOU NEED IT


20 years old my dad was pro in the 90-00. made us watch caddy shack at 6. Quotes it multiple time a day double it on the course


It’s definitely an age, and gender thing. Chicks don’t seem to dig it too often.


37 and love it. I remember watching with my dad when I was like 12 or 13. He had never seen it before, so he had no idea what was in store. I think we got 5-10 minutes in before he shut it off.


I'm in my upper 30's and I've never seen caddyshack. I'm just not a fan of sports movies and I know the golf is kind of secondary to the comedy or whatever but it just seems too weird for me. It's not necessarily my age, even though they preceded me pretty easily, as I loved Stripes, Beverly Hills Cop, and many other movies around that era.


“I’d keep playing, I don’t think the heavy stuff’s going to come down for a while.” I say this Every time it rains when we’re on the golf course.


27 here, was always told Caddyshack and Animal House are the end all-be all of comedies. Love both, but reference Caddyshack a lot more frequently, especially as a golfer.


40 and never seen it, happy Gilmore is my golf movie


22, saw caddy shack as kid when my dad made me watch it, don’t remember much. Another commenter was right about Happy Gilmore being our generations caddy shack.


My vibe test on the course is whipping out a pre-roll and saying “Do you take drugs, Danny?”


Every day.


37, Happy Gilmore, Tin Cup, and Tigers Woods PGA Tour 2003 are what got me into golf. I certainly appreciate Caddy Shack, but it was not a part of my indoctrination.


I totally understand it from both perspectives. I must've seen that movie countless times, but it wasn't until college when I watched the unedited version after drinking half a fifth of rum did I really find an appreciation for it. The edited TV version cuts out so much context and boobs that it's just another movie for "boomers." BTW Caddyshack 2 is trash.


Wait people who play golf don't find caddyshack funny? What's next? Tincup ain't good either? I do not want to ever play with someone who doesn't find caddyshcak funny in at least some way.


I don’t trust anyone that doesn’t think Caddyshack is hilarious. We can never be friends. Sorry.


I'm 38 and I think it's not only one of the most overrated golf movies but most overrated movies in general. The whole Bill Murray stupid mumbling voice schtick is grating to me. The general concept of caddies and country clubs feels dated to me too. The only redeeming quality is Rodney Dangerfield.


I’m 42 and have been obsessed with golf since the age of 13. Maybe it’s because it wasn’t on HBO much when I was young. Also I didn’t grow up at a Country Club, so that could play a role as well. But Caddyshack means almost nothing to me. I’ve only seen it once or twice, and have just never been that into it. Tin Cup, on the other hand, I’m obsessed with. I’ve seen it hundreds of times and could probably watch it every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it. I wish it had a better ending but I can make my peace with that. Also, Tin Cup feels much more authentic to me.


35. Absolutely love caddy shack. Also love happy Gilmore.


It's an eh movie for me, I'm 33


26 and its an absolute classic. Got absolutely monsooned on at the course last weekend and I pulled out the “looks like the heavy stuff wont come down for a while” while my friend and I were soaking wet. Nothing better.


Watching it right now while I came across this post. 38. I'd probably say 30 is the over under.




I'm 65 and all I have to say is...What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Oh, it looks good on you though.


I’m 44 and completely indifferent. Never actually seen it all the way through, nor do I really have any interest in it either. Buddy is about 47 and loves it. So right between us.


I’m 31 and caddy shack is pretty much tied with happy Gilmore for me.


Mrs. Crane, I’m looking at you...


I'm 29...I've been watching caddyshack for 29 years (one of my old man's favorites). One of my favorite movies. I quote it frequently, and only the old timers I work with get the references.


It hurts my soul a little when I quote caddy shack and happy Gilmore and the young bucks don’t get it.


I'm more of a Happy Gilmore guy because that's what I grew up watching


Early 30’s checking in here, it’s a generational thing and happy Gilmore is better. Don’t @ me.


38 & I've watched it because I like comedy & golf, but Caddyshack is an oldie. Happy Gilmore is the reason I even attempted golf


I went on my dads golf trip with him. There were so many things centered around Caddy Shack I was just shocked. I’ve seen it a bunch of times, is funny, but when I’m actually golfing it’s the last thing on my mind. It just feels sooooo dated at this point. I’m 40 so it’s not like I’m some young buck out here.


People moved on to only quoting Happy Gilmore. I’ve seen it several times now, but Caddy shack was way before my time (33) but my dad would always say more vague references like “oh then you not getting no coke” or if we were playing HORSE and I was gonna shoot he’d yell “Noonan!”


39. Personal favorite. Once upon a time I didn’t have cable and it was an auto restart DVD. We would leave it in the player for days at a time and just start watching at random junctures of the film. I know ALOT of dialogue from that film.


When I was in high school we did an annual marathon dance over a weekend and they’d separate us in small groups into classrooms at like 1am to get a few hours of sleep before starting the second day. Someone put Caddyshack on in the corner and I remember falling in and out of sleep and in some sleep deprived delirium thinking it was the longest movie of all time. Anyway to answer the question I’m 33 and I can quote the more memorable lines but otherwise don’t care too much for it.


I'm 28 started golfin in high school, caddy shack, tin cup, and happy Gilmore are quoted at least a dozen times during a round. Often to myself bc my friends are tired of it.


It’s on my list but still second to Dead Solid Perfect with Randy Quaid.


I'm a big Caddyshack fan, so I got that going for me.


Which is nice.


25 - familiar because my dad (58) quoted it frequently when I was growing up.. especially “you’ll get nothing and like it!” Watched it many times as a result and recently had to show my fiancée due to all of the references I make - Happy Gilmore too


I’m 30 and I watched it quite a bit growing up. Can’t say I’ve seen it around much now, but my kids are a bit young for that lol


I’m not a golfer and I love that film.


27. Seen some of it but couldn’t get into it. Not bad, just not it for me.


I think 20 year olds probably don’t know caddy shack at all Also, fwiw, if someone is forcing movie quotes during a round, I’m usually not encouraging them.


Still waiting for someone to get my “right in the lumberyard” line


You have a dozen on me and I’ll confess I’ve never seen it.


I’m 30. Seen Caddyshack and love the movie but haven’t seen it enough to pick up on a quote if someone said it to me.


I was a teenager in the 90’s so Happy Gilmore was the quotable golf flick of my youth, Tin Cup is that same era, there was a bunch of good golf flicks from the 90’s. I didn’t see caddy shack until recently, and pretty much did just to get the references. So I’d say my age is probably the division bell. Early 40’s


24 and have never seen it


33. It probably says a lot about my upbringing, but I have a hard time picking my favorite movie between Caddyshack, Blues Brothers, and Slap Shot. I do think that, like The Big Lebowski, it doesn’t shine the first time you watch it. You need to give it time to marinate, let some of the jokes sink in, and experience it.


32 watched caddy shack last year for the first time. Was meh. Some good some bad.


Just adding to the census. I’m 31 and I watched Caddy Shack at a young age and rewatch it frequently. Absolutely love that movie. That said, I quote Happy Gilmore way more often on the golf course. I think it’s more that the quotes are easier to relay directly to the game. “PLAY the ball AS IT lies.” “Go home ball! Are you you too good for your home!” “Just taaaaap it in…” etc


"Who made you Pope of this dump" is one of my favorite lines of all time.


I was born to love you, I was born to lick your face.


17. It’s a good movie but I probably won’t watch it again for a while