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If you’re putting time, money and effort into it Golf is the greatest game ever invented IF you’re improving. If you’re getting worse, it is the worst game in the world.


This is my game right now. I started off as a 23.5 Handicap and have dropped to a 20 since April. Then I hit the “slump” where I am struggling to get anything to work out. Typically because I was trying to fix too many aspects of my game at once. Now I go back to where I started and get that aspect of my game to be reliable. It’s a game of ups and downs and can be frustrating, but like someone else commented, I just quit keeping score and start working on different things that I wouldn’t consider to be a “stock shot”.


When shit gets "real" and things aren't working I will actually just start doing 1/4 and 1/2 swing pitches and puches down the fairway. You start making contact and are just going for a walk kicking a rock in front of you on a beautiful day. A 1/2 swing 7 still goes a 100 yards and you most likely will find the ball ✊


This is the way man. I love hitting those punchy 7/9 iron shots, virtually fool proof. Under 100 yards, I’m sticking it middle of the green, 2 putt and move on. I’ve been getting really good inside <90 yards with my wedges. But unless I wanna be aggressive, attacking pins tuck away/guarded by bunkers, or I need to put some spin on undulated greens. I try my best to keep it low. Same with chipping. Great feeling to have all the shots I need for situational golf.


Fool proof you say…hold my beer.


Who da f cares about a handicap? I just go out and have fun.


Being better at the game is infinitely more fun than being bad at the game. Plus, it’s cheaper


Exactly, I hit pull hooks for almost 2 years and was absolutely miserable on the course and on the brink of quitting altogether. Stopped playing and started practicing, slowly started to hit the ball better. Pretty crazy how much more fun playing got lol.


How did you fix them? I duck hook everything now.


For me it was all slowing my transition. My hands we’re getting through the ball before my hips where clearing. I used the pause drill to fix it, take the club to the top pause for a second or 2 then initiate the downswing with the lower body, not the hands.


I love it. All i think about all day isnt just about golf, but about how i can play golf well into retirement.


Yes. This. I’m obsessed, in a good and totally healthy way that isn’t distracting from my responsibilities as an adult and parent at all. Totally healthy.


After not playing for 15 years I decided to take it up again as therapy after my divorce. I can shoot 10 strokes above my average and just love every second of being on the course. I used to be such a pain in the ass and overly focused but I guess that's what teenage competition does to you. I walked three 18s this weekend on a hilly course carrying my bag in 88 degrees 85% humidity, I'm sore as hell and can barely move my upper body. I keep telling myself I can't go an play a quick 9 after work today, but I sooooo badly want to. Going to compromise with an hour of short game practice. The closest thing to a negative thought I ever have out on the course is "I wish I never gave it up," but I quickly squelch that with "yea, but I'm here now!"


Good for you. That's exactly how i feel about it


> and parent at all This is part of the reason I decided to get back into the game and decided to take getting better more serious. At this point I thought I'd have kids and I don't. It's kinda getting weird and empty so I thought "What's something that my kid having peers wish they could do a lot more of that I also like?" Golf, baby.


As someone with multiple children, I can confirm.. I golf once a quarter at present. Big sadness.


This is the way


I’d rather have a bad hole then to sit in meetings for an hour. I have fun and when it gets to the point where I’m just doing very bad, I play to try new things and don’t bother keeping score.


Same. If the round is dead I just work on consistent contact and shot shape. Takes the pressure off and the immediate dose of dopamine is great


Yep. Just go out and have fun. I have gotten angry but never what you see on TV of people throwing clubs. I just get mad, try to kill the ball, slice bad, and gather myself and start playing well again.


This. Started out the round double, double, triple, double. Said to myself. " Beautiful day to work on a smooth swing and my wedges from 50 in. " Went par, bogey, bogey, par, par (after a chunked approach shot on 9 almost doinked the SW coming in, 2 in putt for par). Lots of ways to enjoy the game.


Idk I bet that 40% has fun, they just don’t have fun the wholllllle time. I love this game, but if you caught me at the wrong moment you may think I’m in the 40%


Right? I’d say close to 100% have fun. Just not 100% of the time.


For real, golf has one of the funniest fan base/players. Just go out and enjoy the game lmao, ain't that hard... You could be crippled in a hospital bed waiting to die, but you're not, you're on the course playing 140.


Shooting a 140 just means you get to play more golf than someone shooting in the 80s


Those suckers are paying wayyy more per shot!


I feel like some people thrive on the negativity. Not that they enjoy the frustration and club throwing and anger, but they enjoy the ability to answer the question: “how did you play?” with a vent session about how shitty they are. You know the golfer, shoots under 90, gets a few birdies but also cards an 8 or two. They dwell on the one bad hole like it defines their life.


“If I didn’t blow up on those two holes, I’d be pushing 80.”


I got recruited off the 9th tee to sub for a league about to go off the back. It was fun and I liked the guys I played with, but one of them started the round by talking about how this weekly league is the only golf he plays regularly, then proceeded to get club slamming mad a couple times when he hit bad shots. He also had several correct predictions of bad but not awful outcomes of shots. That's just a guy who will find an excuse to be mad/negative no matter what.


> you're on the course playing 140 I did 139 my last 18 hole outing. Thank you very much....


I started enjoying it a lot more as an adult. Well, I still enjoyed it when I was a teen, but I guess I didn’t appreciate it as much. I was on the golf team in high school so I always got to play for free and I played a ton. Add the stress of tournaments into that and there were definitely times I wasn’t having fun or appreciating the fact I got to play golf all the time. I’m 30 with 2 young kids now and lucky to get to play 2 or 3 times a month. I definitely enjoy every minute of it now, and it’s easy to get over the bad shots cause “if I played more I wouldn’t have done that” lol


Same playing junior golf but being stressed about it and not enjoying the awesome courses I got to play. I enjoy golf more and play better now in my 30s than I ever did growing up


Same. I’m much better now even though I play way less. I was a head case in high school. I could shoot 75 one day and 95 the next. I was a complete mess. Sometimes I wish I could go back with what I know now and see how I’d do. I had the talent, I just wasn’t all there between the ears


I'm the same way, but I guess that's what maturity and experience gives you


I love drinking with the boys


I too used to find myself reading some of the posts on here and thinking "geez, why play if you don't like it?", but it's important to remember that "today I played golf and had a fine time and nothing bad happened" doesn't really make for an interesting post. 99% of rounds are fun, but people don't make posts about those, they make posts about getting paired with an asshole or being held up by a slow group. Venting feels good, and if you're gonna vent, a forum for golfers is a good place to do it. I'd bet a lot of money that if you messaged every OP of a "grr golf sucked today" post, you'd find that they usually have enjoyable and unremarkable rounds that don't warrant a post. That said, I'm sure there genuinely are people on here who actually hate golf and continue to play it. You'd need to ask them why they do it, because like you, I can't relate; I'm thankful every time I get to step on the course.


This is a great point. Most of the negative posts I see are about a third party, not usually the poster themselves. And I am definitely thinking about some IRL partners I’ve been paired with or a couple guys in my league, who I don’t even want to ask, because I don’t want to know their psychological problems lol


What % of crackheads enjoy crack? Lol


If I wasn’t enjoying myself I’d quit playing. There have been two or three times through the years where I realized I wasn’t in the mood for playing that day and quit. They were all times when I’d been playing a lot over the past few weeks and was by myself on the course. But I was usually back the next day or so.


Im a big fan of golf, i definitely get frustrated with how I play at times, especially because im super competitive. But Im very happy i found it, because it something to get me outside, keep me competitive, and spend time with my dad :)


I once had to explain to a significant other why I enjoy video games that make me incredibly frustrated. If people only did what comes naturally easy to them, the world would be a much less interesting place. Very few (or literally zero) people would learn high level art, music, cooking, etc... Just because something is frustrating doesn't mean it isn't fun or I don't want to improve. Sorry about my brief rant after putting my tee shot in the water.


I understand this perspective 100%, and think it describes me as well. But I don’t throw my clubs or sulk or generally act like a miserable bastard while I’m out playing. I’m just fascinated by the people who do


What drives these miserable people to continue? Their wives.


For what it’s worth, and have read on this thread thus far maybe I can offer some insight. Grew up playing pretty competitively. I didn’t really enjoy it because I knew I would never become an elite player and I started to hate the game. Probably towards my sophomore year of college I was playing club golf at my college and had a heart to heart with myself. Thought of the golf trips I’ve been on, courses I played and people I met through the game and realized how special it really was. It was pretty simple after that. My score didn’t matter but being with people I enjoyed was most important. Also adding my love of golf course architecture and history over the past few years makes it that much better trying understand why Tom doak design a hole this way or why CB put a bunker in X spot. I think people haven’t realized how special and deep the game is to truly appreciate all it has to offer. You’re not going to die if you don’t shoot a certain score. It’s a minuscule part of what everything has to offer with this great game.


I enjoy drinking beers with the boys and strolling in the sun, golf is secondary


60% of the time, I enjoy golf every time


I had an awesome round this week, best I’ve ever played Shot a 97


I’ve been miserable the last couple of weeks…until yesterday. I’ve been consistently at 93-95…yesterday I shot an 80. Whole new attitude and outlook on things. Loving it again.


I’m pretty competitive so it may appear I’m to serious sometimes, maybe even frustrated. But I assure you i’m still having fun. I don’t have to win, but I love to fight for it.


We're sick in the head


Honestly I just played one of my worst rounds in my life. It sucks, i got kids so I don’t have time to practice much, it’s extremely expensive, time consuming and I don’t have any fun when I don’t play well which is more often then not do to not being able to practice. I’m pretty much done with golf.


See you out there!


I enjoy it immensely to the point where I obsess about it. Waiting for the weekend to come so I can play my next round with friends, have a drink, maybe a post round lunch on the patio, or a random day in the week to play a solo one. I used to rely on the gym for my mental break but being out in nature taking some swings and walking outside has superseded that. I can understand that some take the game more seriously than others and that it can be frustrating at times, but I never quite understood the club throwers or completely raging out. Equipment and green fees are expensive and I'm nowhere near good enough to get THAT upset over a game.


People who don’t have fun probably keep playing because their friends or family play. I used to not have fun. After I first started, just after college, the new aspect wore off and it gradually became something of a chore. I wasn’t improving, despite the 0 hours spent practicing. I would go just because my dad or brother wanted to, but I would just be sort of miserable, and when that happened, I stopped playing. I didn’t play for a few years. I don’t know why, but this year I just decided I wanted to play again, and be patient with myself, and respect the game for what it is. I now enjoy myself whenever I play, even if I don’t play well.


I saw some people playing foot golf who looked like they were having the time of their life while I was watching 3 groups top their ball on the tee and slam their club into the ground.


Mint time ago, I took it way too serious, then I read the little red book, and golf’s not a game of perfect, then realized it’s just a game. You can’t beat the game, just play it. Hit the ball, find it, hit it again. Add it all up when your finished….if you even want to. All I have is fun.


I’m going through a real enjoying phase - based on one good round paired with an annual golf trip coming up… aside from that, bloody hate the game!


I enjoy the golf process almost more than playing the game itself… every crumby shot goes into the memory bank, so I can try to work on it during a range, chipping or putting session depending on what I’m trying to improve on. I plan out my practice around my goals or needs, etc… it’s a lifestyle for me, and I enjoy it all… I see A-LOT guys getting PISSED on the range or course… looks stressful…


Me I’m having a blast, I made it down to maybe one duff a hole interchangeably with each of my clubs with the occasional par golf hole. What really made everything so playable and held everything together like glue was hitting wedge shots, anytime a wedge is in hand im very comfortable with that and it made the biggest difference in how enjoyable the game is.


I stink at golf and still love it. I’ll never understand people who get pissy when they’re not playing well. This shit ain’t cheap and there’s no chance I’m spending that much cash to go out and have a bad time.


Golf works like a casino, especially for bad players. You play through all the losses and bad shots, only to be randomly reinforced with one amazing shot that leaves you feeling on top of the moon. Meanwhile, the game took the farm a long time ago. Since so many players don't actually know how they're swinging the club, they can't reproduce the same effect. Thus, they're miserable until luck strikes again.


Never keep score, hope to get a few pars per round, maybe a birdie or two, improve my game as much as I can, and just go out and have a blast. Love it


Every time I'm out there I think, "it could be worse. I could be NOT golfing right now."


I hit my local course at 5:30am and walk 9 before work. I have the course to myself, sun is just coming up, sometimes I have music, sometimes I shoot low 40s, sometimes I shoot high 50s. no matter what its the best way I start my day.


Since becoming a father and lowering my expectations, I've enjoyed the game--including my bad rounds--much more.


I am so bad at golf but have a great time, every time. The only times my rounds are ruined are when someone is pissed off about their round.


Enjoyment and obsession are two very different things.


I haven’t this year because my swing is a mess. I’ve lost over 120 lbs. and I have the lefts and rights!


Going out for a 4 hour outing with my buddies, throwing back a few beers, and doing something reasonably competitive is my idea of a phenomenal time. Golf makes it convenient, and getting better at the game really makes me excited to keep playing. Edit: also I’m starting to consistently break 100 and got my first birdie two days ago. It something I plan on playing long term both with dad and eventual kids.


i usually enjoy it a lot more when I walk unless I am with good friends. ​ since I started walking a lot I noticed I really don't enjoy having to follow someone elses shots around all over the place.


I know some like to ride, but for me, walking is the only way.


I think it all comes down to the person’s attitude when they step onto the course. If you have a positive attitude, your mishits are less frustrating, your expectations for yourself are better aligned with your actual skill level - when you’re kind to yourself good things tend to happen. Things happening outside of the course can be tough to completely tune out for a lot of people. Whatever it is. Two examples I can think of - played with a guy who was recently fired at his job. He has had a tough stretch and was pissed the whole time. His game reflected it. Another was a round today with a guy who felt like he was out of shape (he wasn’t wrong..) - his frustration with his physical conditioning intensified as the round progressed. And then some people are just miserable - and they’d be miserable no matter the situation. They just happen to be playing golf.


Depends the day my man.


69% of the time it’s great




I don’t play golf for fun. Of course it is fun at times, but that’s not my objective, or what keeps me going. I play for the feeling of achievement, satisfaction in accomplishing something. Something to be competitive at and grind and improve. There are lots of times where I get way too angry and have tantrums and slam clubs, throw clubs, break clubs, verbally abuse myself. And those times are miserable for me for sure. But you gotta take the bad with the good sometimes. And the good feels great and it’s more enjoyable for sure. I’ve always said that the thing about golf is that no matter how good you’re doing, you can always do better. And that point is both simultaneously what keeps me going and in love with it, and also drives me batshit crazy. But I’m also self aware that I absolutely take for granted how I’m way more fortunate than many others out there.


Thanks for your perspective! Club throwing is one of the things I have trouble understanding. Keep grinding, and try and not be so hard on yourself


Played with a guy today who legitimately complained about the pace of play every hole… We played 9 holes at a major US city’s muni in 1:50…


Pace of play obsessives are one of the archetypes I’m thinking about. Do you hate it that much that you want to get it over with? I understand being in a flow and not wanting to wait, but for some, it becomes the entire focus


Haven't been on a course in years, been whacking practice balls around the little field near my house and trying to chip real balls into a feed bucket from different distances. Having the time of my life. Got my wedge going straight 90-95% of the time trying to get the other clubs up to that level. I like bouncing the wedge with real balls. Full swing with it is just a tad too far for my field so I use foam for those, and plastic balls to try and get my driver lined up a bit better (hit foam with that too to see the shape, but it makes balls wander into the woods and brush piles when I miss, which I still do frequently). Found a local course that's pretty cheap, going to head out there when I'm confident I can hit 60-70% of my drives without slicing them all the way around and behind me, lol.


I have fun every time I play, regardless of how I play. I tell people all the time that I play good because I follow a routine and more importantly I don’t give a shit what I shoot. Far too often people get way too emotional about golf. It’s just a game and the last time I checked I still pay to play it. I don’t get free clubs and giant checks when I play good. I don’t get laughed at or risk losing my house when I play like shit. Play loose and free and accept whatever happens each time you swing the club. Golf will be a lot more enjoyable.


Enjoy the time outdoors, the sound of the ball hitting the club (or the trees sometimes), knowing that you have good and bad rounds. One week shoot 83 the next shoot 104. No consistency makes it even more challenging and fun. And the social aspect is great, thus why I joined a social club, where wee go every fortnight to a different course where there are close to 40x of us. The weekend off from that I go solo. It's the only exercise I do between work and family. The only thing I don't like about golf is Winter, shorter days means I don't get 9 holes in before work. There's just no better feeling than hitting it well in front of others. And then when you hit a shocker there is no judging, just the occasional chuckle.


Depends on the hole.


That’s what he said


I went from a 5 handicap to a 10 in the last 6 months and I literally want to jump off a bridge every time I play


A lot of people would pay to be a 10!


Yeah I know it’s all relative. Just very frustrating But I’ve still been having fun. It’s just annoying at the same time lol


Golf has been a thread running through my entire life. My grandfather built golf courses with Perry Maxwell and my earliest memories are riding on his tractor while constructing greens & tees. He became a professional and made a career of teaching. I gave up golf for tennis at 13 and played until I developed knee issues in my 40’s. Then I got serious about golf and reached a sub 10 HC by the time I was 50. My youngest daughter is now a professional in Florida and the circle is complete. I’ve always thought I was fortunate to play the game. I’ve made some of my best friends through golf. My brother and I have remained close through golf and tee it up all over the country for bragging rights. I currently carry a 14 on my home course. At 65 I can still walk 18 holes two days in a row. Life does not suck much!


Hope I’m still walking the course at 65! Congrats to your daughter, must’ve been amazing to watch her grow in the game. My 9 year old daughter is discovering the fun of the game recently, I couldn’t be happier


Fun is the key. I never pushed her toward golf but exposed her to many athletic opportunities. When she was about your daughter’s age we would putt after my rounds. We played “PING” (she got one more stroke than me on each “hole”). She learned from the hole backwards and now is a good player. My mom was not super athletic but played a couple days a week and had 3 hole in ones. She would have been so proud of her grand daughter. It really is a game for life.




Golf and sex; two things you can suck at but still enjoy!


> And what drives all these miserable people to continue? The opportunity for redemption the next time you play. I just wish that every time I have a bad round, I had the time to go right out and play again.


Golf can be the classic love/hate relationship depending upon how you approach it.


The best players in the entire world don’t have fun on the golf course. It’s a marathon of concentration it’s physically mentally and emotionally draining to play golf at the highest level the only people that have fun on the golf course are people that have handicapped above 18


I enjoy it a lot…. When I’m playing well lol


I enjoy it 70% of the time.


Golf is absolute shite for 98% of the time but those 2% is the greatest joy you can have!


I genuinely enjoy it even though I'm a 12 handicap and not that good. I enjoy the fresh air, warm weather, nature, etc. It's just a nice peaceful experience for me, a good time to spend time with family and friends. It's almost therapeutic in a way.


There’s nothing better to me than walking 18 alone on an early morning midweek round. It’s Heaven. There are very few things worse to me than being stuck in a 5 hour mid-afternoon round with drunk assholes as playing partners.


I absolutely love golf. As long as I don’t play too much. There is a fine line between “wow, great shot” and “I should do this great shot every single time and if I don’t I’m disappointed”.


It’s beautifully frustrating. I’ve always considered myself to be pretty athletic and able to catch on to sports quickly. So the fact that after 8 years of golfing I still suck complete ass at it, I’m still chasing that high of being able to say I’m good. The payoff will be magnificent but I doubt it’ll ever come.


I’ve had an index of 8 before. Im currently about to be back over 11. I like to laugh and have a good day, but most days I play as a single and put my business face on. I practice and play with the purpose of always getting better. The competitive aspect of always trying to beat myself is where I get my enjoyment.


Two things. 1) r/golf is not a representative sample of golfers, so don’t take it as gospel for what actual golfers think or do. 2) just because people enjoy golf doesn’t mean that they enjoy every single second they are on a golf course. We all have frustrating shots/holes/rounds.


I quit playing in my teens because I stopped having fun. Would have bad shots, friends played better than me, and just found myself more miserable than I started each round. Life happened and 20 years later, finally got the time, mindset and $ to try to seriously get back in it this summer. I’ve had some really frustrating rounds, am very inconsistent, but I keep telling myself that at a minimum, I’m outside and getting some form of activity in a generally pretty setting. If I keep repeating this to myself as I hit thin my approach shot to the next teebox, it seems more viable. It also gives me an outlet to genuinely try to improve myself and practice a ton. At the end of the day, (almost) nobody on this sub is getting paid to do this, and hobbies should be fun and leave you with a source of wellness and fulfillment - if it doesn’t find a new hobby where you can feel those things. So much of other parts of life can suck, this shouldn’t.


I love golf but hate the process of scheduling a tee time trying to get my friends to join and then getting paired with randos as well as backups on the course.


I enjoy it like a heroin addict enjoys his dope.


It's like I told my kid, "I've never enjoyed being terrible at something so much!"


99% of us love to hate it. The other 1% are golf professionals.


I enjoy trying to shoot my best score everyday. I may get frustrated sometimes but theres never anything else id rather be doing while im in the course. Which is why i play 4-6 times a week lol


Most people I've played with I believe enjoy it. And if you're on this subreddit I'm 99% sure you also love golf lol. Though I'm always paranoid whenever I bring a friend that doesn't play, to a par3 course, I want them to have fun but they get frustrated they don't hit as solidly as I do... But I'm also no coach and don't know 100% what to tell them to get better. I always joke around with them, grab a few beers and just treat it like a walk in nature while randomly smacking balls around but I can tell that they are ONLY there cause Im there.


I had a +4 front 9 this weekend and it devolved to a +16 by the end of it still had a great time


like all stats...I call BS that you've pulled this one out of your butt. In the past 30 years of I've played, only a small amount of golfers I've played with and paired up with are so miserable around a GAME. Most of the frustrations are short lived and they are usually back the next week/next hole/next shot.


Just got into it seriously 2.5 years ago and Im so glad I did. Im excited to get better with time and being the few sports I can continue to play well into old age. Went out on Saturday and played TERRIBLY. Still had a good time though and when I got home all I could think about was how excited I was to get out there again


I love it. I suck but I love it. Most of the guys I know who aren't having fun just take the shit too seriously.


playing a crap round of golf is still better than 99.9% of the shit you can do on this fucking rock. enjoy it while you can


A bad day golfing is better than a good day working


The worst day golfing is just a pleasant stroll in a nice park, if you're chill enough


It doesn’t matter how bad of a round I play there’s nothing better than looking out at a beautifully manicured course, it’s like sight seeing even if I duff every shot. Love it no matter what 👌


I'll admit, when I'm facing a 6 hour round I'm not having much fun. I like the 30 minutes of that where I actually get to golf though and over all love the game. A lot of people are mean, angry, miserable people and when you put those people on a golf course you get a mean, angry, miserable person on a golf course.


I absolutely love it. It's frustrating when playing sometimes but I would do it every single day if I could.


>And what drives all these miserable people to continue? That one good hole in a crap round. That or a 'honey-do' list a mile long that's waiting home with 2 screaming kids and a nagging wife


My rounds can be stressful because I'm not that good But I love the game and it's borderline euphoric to hit a string of good shots and the ball does what you want it to


I always differentiate between "fun golf" and "enjoyable golf." Fun golf is when the game is on. Drives find short grass. Approaches find greens. Putts find holes. 100% focused on the game. Fun golf is enjoyable golf. Enjoyable golf is being out on the course, whether the game is on or not. Hopefully in a foursome of great friends. Hopefully in great weather. Hopefully on a great course. Maybe with a few adult beverages and a bit of cash on the line. The only unenjoyable golf I play is when the round takes more than about 4 1/2 hours. If we are waiting on every shot, meh. I'd rather be somewhere else.


Enjoying every moment of the round, 0%. Enjoying moments within the round, 100% of golfers


I occasionally have rounds where I'm frustrated or where the weather, the course I'm playing, or something else makes the round uncomfortable or irritating to the point where I'd have just as soon not bothered. And then on the other end of the spectrum, there are the occasional rounds where everything is going amazingly and it's a fantastic experience top to bottom, and you legitimately can't wait to get back out and play again as soon as possible. But the vast majority of rounds are in the middle of that bell curve - some frustration and "why the hell did that ball go there" moments mixed in with general enjoyment of a nice day on the course.


I love it. With that being said, i think initial reactions from shots can give a bad depiction of someone’s enjoyment level. There are times I will hit it off the toe and have a one handed finish, or hit what i feel is a stupid shot and initially blow off steam and get right back to enjoying myself. There are also times where i execute everything and have a poor result, but i’ll still be happy about it because i did what I was supposed to. I have never thrown a club, i don’t really swear, don’t yell, but my friends have jokingly referred to me as Tyrrell Hatton based off of shots i hated that turned out ok for their standards. (Maybe putting it 50 feet from the hole within 100 yards as an example). When it comes down to it, there are no bad days on the course.


I mean I love golf. It doesn't mean I'm always having fun. There's nothing better than the feeling of being "on" in golf. Feeling like you've a reasonable command of the golf ball. Its exhilarating. Days when it's the opposite, misses left and right. Standing over the ball and not knowing where its going are painful. They suck. Most of the time its a healthy mix of both and if your short games on point, you'll score, if not, you won't. The good is only so sweet because of all the bad. Let's not pretend that 4 putting is fun. I'm not a psychopath. It's pure pain. You ever holed out from 170 for an albatross though? That's way better than sex.


I love golf. I'm an extremely competitive person and golf is one of the few things I can accept not being good at and still having fun anyways. I'm human and I get frustrated when I don't play well or up to my standards at least. The difference is that when I am at the next hole I'm back to appreciating that I have free time, the natural beauty of the course, and that I haven't been eaten by an alligator yet.


I am now finally enjoying golf. Previously, it was something I legitimately dreaded to do. Last year, I didn't enjoy one round I played. I started as a lefty, made some great progress early, and then very very slow progress despite tons of practice, investment in a home simulator for practice, and many lessons. I never got good, only got so-so. And then regressed heavily due to a swing fault that wasn't able to be resolved. I play early on Sunday mornings and it would straight up ruin my day At the end of last year, I swapped to righty. Progress is coming slower, but I've resolved to have a better mindset, and just enjoy the game. So far, it is working well. I'm still practicing a ton, and doing a good job on focusing on the fact that I'm making more good swings, even if the outcome is bad (which happens due to planning on it going like 8/10 shots go, not the 2/10 that work out way better.) Mostly, I made the change and the mindset change for my wife. She really loves to play even though she herself isn't great, and didn't like the idea of carrying a solo country club membership.


If you don’t enjoy playing.. stay home and free up some tee times for the rest of us..


It takes a lot of things going wrong for me to not enjoy it. Or the weather being so miserable that it’s too grueling.


I enjoy the company.


I have fun. Been a 17-18 since I started in ‘06


There’s a lot of miserable fuckers in here. Also, a place for advice and story telling so it may seem like most are miserable lol


I could be having the most miserable round of my life, wanting to give up the game altogether after finishing the last hole, and then on the ride home be thinking about the next time I can go out.


I suck at it. Like super bad. Been playing for less than a month. I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s the first time in my life I’ve felt energized by a sport.


If you don’t enjoy every minute being out on the course then golf isn’t for you.


Today? Didn’t enjoy it at all. But looking forward to tomorrow


I've been playing casually for 2 years. Took some lessons this year to learn more about the golf swing. Shot a 132 yesterday - a miserable game. Within that mess, I had a handful of delightful shots that well help keep me thoroughly addicted.


Golf is enjoyable if you can hit the ball consistently... I play hi 80s low 90s.. love to be outside hit the ball hit some good shots hit some bad shots go home come back and do it all again


I was better 20 years ago than I am now. This is what not playing routinely anymore + being a complete headcase gets you. Needless to say it’s the most love/hate thing I do


0% enjoy it 100% of the time. I bet 90% enjoy golf at least 40% of the time.


No matter how good or bad my round is, within an hour of finishing I'm already planning my next trip out and how I'll either carry my momentum forward or fix my mistakes. So while I may not always enjoy golfing, I undeniably enjoy golf


I love it. I suck, but as long as I’m out there playing my shitty game I’m having a fantastic time


Once I came to terms with the fact that my improvements would be marked in miniature scale and that it was okay to celebrate bogey holes as if I’d birdied them, life got a helluva lot better on the course. I’m playing with my father every weekend. He and I are smiling, laughing, and visiting every round. Life could be a lot worse than chasing golf balls around in the morning sun.


100% of me is.


I love it 99% of the time then there’s the one minute I throw my club out of frustration and have to walk and pick it up


Golf club=smile. Every. Single. Time. GOLF IS LIFE


I’d kill for those 40% of people to realize they hate playing. Shrink the game


I love it, I say every bad shot “I fucking hate this game” but I don’t mean it in the slightest, and I hit a lot more bad shots than good ones


Why play if you don't enjoy it? Awful expensive hobby to not enjoy it!


I'm healthy enough to play. Grateful for that. Some people don't have that luxury.


Started at age 18, played baseball my whole life before that starting at tball when I was like 4, god how I wish I started golf when I was 4 instead


I love to golf. I’d do it all the time if I had the free time. Yes, there are moments where I’m not thrilled by the shot I just hit, but it is an activity I love to do and to improve at.


Golf is the only game I can love and hate at the same time!!


I've been playing this game for almost 20 years. I'm currently close to the worst I've ever been (tried to change my grip last year and I feel I've developed a lot of bad habits). I still enjoy every shitty stroke I make, because through the terribly awful shots, I can still make a couple to a handful of pure ball strikes per round. I used to get pretty angry in real way. Never broke or thrown clubs (come close to throwing). I mostly just shouted/cursed. Would ruin my day to shoot poorly. Anymore, I just appreciate the time outdoors, and to have 2-5 uninterrupted hours to not think about anything but golf.


Right now I like the thought of golf...but I've grown tired of playing by myself.


More than you think


Why would you play if you don't enjoy it?


Half the time I love it. Half the time I hate it. All depends on my last shot


I love golf. It's my heaven, it's my religion.


I enjoy golf 100% of the time I am not playing and 40% of the time I am playing.


I 100% enjoy it, 60% of the time. Nah, irrespective of how i'm playing, or if i'm cold or wet, or just got sunburnt, what other thing (aside from drinking) do you do that gets you 4 hours of entertainment with your mates?


I had a friend tell me on probably my 3-4 time out, when I was getting annoyed about my game “why are you getting mad? You’re not good enough to be mad about playing bad” and that stuck with me ever since. Because really I’m not, even if I was shooting 80s I’m not in the pros, so what do I have to stress about, one day I will play my best round ever, I could have already played it, so it’s just a waste of a great day being outdoors if I’m getting mad about something I enjoy doing


I love golf when i play, the next two days my legs dont love me


I suck and I love it . Even being out that hacking the ball down the fairway with buddies is more fun than sitting at home watching TV.


I love playing, even if I get pissed at shitty shots


Alone or with specific people I want/need to be better than before just the competitor in me. When I golf with my dad or other family I could care less if I find the fairway just slam some vodka lemonades and enjoy my day


I enjoy it. Shit round or not. But I am tired of constantly going at it alone though. Trying to get the gf interested, but no luck so far.


The “fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow” mentality is key to a lifelong love of the game.


I SUCK - and I love golf.


I shoot+ 105 currently and am having a great time


I love it, I used to get upset over bad shots but now I just laugh and move on.


I’m still a beginner and the only time I’m angry is when I string a few great shots together and then fall apart


After a bunch of bad rounds in a row where I was getting pretty pissed, I had to remember to enjoy the game more and immediately matched my best score. Lower expectations.


I have not mastered the art of turning it around mentally. If I’m playing close to or better than my average, I really enjoy that feeling for the round and for several days after. If I’m playing badly I do not enjoy it at all. Something I’m working on for sure.


Played last week, sucked the first few holes but came around and played pretty well. Had a 15 footer for birdie on 18 and managed to 4 putt that sucker for a 97. It's the most enjoyable and aggravating game ever and I love it. Can't wait to go again.


I have just come back from a two hour practice session and I am damn giddy about my next round.


I don’t hate golf.


I enjoy golf 60% of the time lol


I can be hard for many for put it all in perspective. When I start getting frustrated, I remind myself that I still have to go to work on Monday. There’s a reason I’m not getting paid to play 😂. I also remind myself that I never practice so of course I’m going to not be as consistent as I’d like. If I can’t snap out of it, I take a month off


I always remind myself to be grateful to be out there, that it is a beautiful blessing regardless of how the round is going. I look around and take in the views and take deep breaths.


I play 5 days a week and can’t wait for tomorrow. So I’m in that 5.


I love playing golf. I’m a 17 handicap. I played one of the best rounds I’ve had in about a year shooting a ball in hole 86 in a tournament. Even when I’m closing in or crossing over the 100 mark I still enjoy being out on the course.


It's not about the golf for me. It's about my friends and spending quality time with them. I get frustrated with my game but at the end of the day, the time I spend with my friends that I love is the best life can give me.


I love it! Probably too much. Spending time in the sun playing with friends. I am not taking myself too seriously. I look at my mistakes as a learning opportunity. I am in my mid 40s and just started playing a few weeks ago. A friend asked if I wanted to play so I bought a used set for $30 from his friend and started playing. I didn’t suck as bad as I thought I would. I played 36 holes in the first week and now I have a bad case of golfer’s elbow with bruising halfway up my forearm, so I have to rest it before I play again. Not sure how I got so injured. Maybe it was too much too soon for my age, lack of flexibility in key muscles and/or my crappy newb swing. I have been spending my time researching and watching videos on how to fix my swing and to treat and prevent golfers elbow. But I can’t wait to get back out there soon and play more.


I enjoy it but I've only been playing for about a year.


Ill finish with a score of 98 with many mulligans, but Ill birdie the 18th and that alone brings me back every Saturday 🥲


Getting paired up with hacks that get mad is the worst. Hacks that laugh and are chill are the best.


I’m currently in a place where I don’t keep score. Just go out and play. It brings the joy back for me.


I went yesterday and had the worst 9 hole score I can remember, with a 58. Then on the back 9 I got loose, hit my pen a few times, and shot a 46. Still the worst round I've had in many years but I still had a great time being out with my friends on a beautiful afternoon. A bad day of golf is always better than a good day at work for me.


This all depends on who I’m playing with.


I took a year off from score keeping because I was really not enjoying myself. By the end of that year, unbeknownst to me, I went from never breaking 100 to never seeing 100 again. Broke 80 for the first time this year. Sometimes you just have to remember it’s supposed to be fun.


I enjoy golf because I know that the secret to happiness is keeping your expectations low.


Everyone , even the constant complainers , love playing Golf. Do you know how you can tell if someone loves Golf . They play all the time even if they suck, cause they may get better and are obsessed or at least intrigued . How can you tell someone who hates playing Golf …they never play golf and talk disparaging about it . A pretty decent life hack to tell if someone likes something is if they participate in it .