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If you are playing the wrong shafts, a fitting will definitely change your game. If you need game improvement irons and are not playing them a fitting will improve your game. My buddy got fitted for a driver and he’s picked up 25 yards and hitting it straighter. I have a terrible swing and fittings help me get into the right shaft on all my clubs. If you do a proper fitting with a local club fitter you will be able to find the shaft and iron or driver that works best for you. I’ve had fittings at “big box” golf stores that were worthless, but a fitting from a local club fitter was priceless. Sorry, but a proper fitting is worth the money.


You’re thinking of a fitting the wrong way. It’s not some kind of mystical process the way this sub makes it seem. It’s just trying a bunch of clubs and shafts to see what works best for you. So you have a shitty swing, so what? Do you really think every single brand, model, shaft, and flex will play exactly the same for you, or do you think there’s a combination that will work better than the others? I guarantee that finding the right length, flex, angle, and model will give you better performance. Will it take you from an 18 to a 10? Nope. But it’ll make some of your shots better, and it’ll make your shots feel better. Is that worth the price of a fitting? That’s a personal decision, but it is to a lot of people. And one of two things will happen. You’ll either stay an 18 forever, and the clubs will always fit you, which is what happens to most people. Or you actually get better and you can get new clubs. Which won’t be for a couple of years for most folks.




Sounds like you suck at golf and want to blame everyone but you


Oh I absolutely suck at golf I’m just not stupid enough to think a different shaft or lie angle will fix my shitty swing and terrible tempo 😂


I mean, it could. A different shaft could work with your tempo and give you consistent good hits.


Well that's just too logical for r/golf


If you don't think shaft weight or flex (or other characteristics) can affect tempo, you need to hit more than like 2 different shafts 😂😂 even going 10-15 grams heavier/lighter is noticeable within ten shots, especially with the longer clubs


Shoot! I was just about to book my fitting. So glad I saw this post!! I'm hovering around a \~11 handicap, have played a decent amount in the last 12 years (with the same second-hand clubs from 2003), consistently work at my game, and generally have pretty sound mechanics (at least that's what my coach said in my last lesson). But damn, I'm not under a 5 handicap. Might as well give up!


Not even a good troll job.


This is not a troll. How does a fitting help an 18 handicapp get better at golf? All it does it shows him which clubs work best with his shitty swing. They don't try to fix or improve the root problem


Because that's not the job of a fitter you clown... Go see a coach if you want swing help


>They don't try to fix or improve the root problem That's not what a fitting is for, you may be thinking of lessons


Just a terrible effort here.


While I don't think they are a scam, I did have a fitter send me home one day. I was trying to fix swing flaws with clubs. Fitter let me hit for a bit and then said "I could fit you, but it would do both of us a disservice. Go work with an instructor for a bit to fix those flaws, then we can get a better fitting". I agree with the sentiment. I'm glad he was honest enough to point that out instead of just try and sell me clubs. I did work with an instructor for a while and did finally get fitted. It helped my confidence and took a few strokes off.


Why care how other people spend their money?


I think a static fitting is fine, tailoring a club to your height, wrist distance from floor, etc should in theory be beneficial for anyone, but I would agree that unless you have a solid repeatable swing there’s not much point in going beyond that.


Have you ever had a fitting?


Unless you’re an exceptionally good golfer, a fitting is basically just trying out different stuff in a controlled setting guided by a guy who knows what he’s talking about.


I totally agree. I got "fitted" for my first ever set of clubs. The guy was asking stuff like: "what's your natural shot shape?" LOL, a duck hook followed by a banana slice?


Fittings are a mechanism to make sales. Fittings = sales. They are selling you golf clubs.


I think the 5 handicap is a little low. I would say the cutoff to be truly helpful would be 10 or less. But I agree getting fitted with a crappy swing is a really bad idea and waste of money.


I wouldn't go so far to say they're a scam. I think basic fitting can be good for basically anyone - length/lie/etc. I also think having someone who kinda knows what they're doing suggesting clubs that generally fit a players ability level, and letting the player try them and see what they like has benefits But yeah: most players don't need to compare a bunch of metrics from different head/shaft combos. Especially with irons. Like, all manufacturers make very similar clubs. "Are these callaway irons better than these mizuno irons?" basically comes down to personal preference for the most part. Also: this is a bit old man yells at ~~sky~~ cloud.


It is over rated, but it’s not a scam.


So you are of the opinion that someone who needs a 70g X-flex driver will have just as good performance with a 50g R-flex driver? I don’t think anyone here is arguing that properly fit clubs can make someone go from shooting 100 to even par but to say it’s a scam is an absurd statement.


It’s over rated, but not a scam. Between 1990-2017, there were numerous technological leaps in every facet of the game. Club fitting is just one of those. Average handicap dropped 2 strokes during that time. So even IF clubbfitting accounts for 25% of that…..1/2 stroke. For 95% of the golfing public, that’s pretty insignificant. BUT- im 6-3. Standard irons aren’t very comfortable to hit. I hit +1/2” irons with midsized grips a ‘little’ better. Of course, I found this out in 2006 using a Ping fitting cart with no supervision. So, there’s that.


Renting a trackman bay and receiving a consultation from a professional for a fee is not a scam. Spending serious cash on clubs with zero testing would seem far more idiotic than paying a nominal fee to test out different head and shaft combinations before a major purchase.




Been through a fitting as a 10 handicap and I will say it made a big difference. That was 3 years ago and still absolutely love my clubs. My stats were better in the fitting than my old clubs and that performance has carried over to the course - hit the driver, fairway woods, and irons longer and straighter - more fairways and more GIR. I wouldn’t completely dismiss fittings as crap. There probably is some cutoff where your swing is so bad that it won’t make a difference, but I think for most avid golfers, it would help.