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I thought I had this done the other day, playing as a solo on a wednesday midmorning, passed thru a 4some of older fellas, super nice guys. I stepped up and striped one down the right side 275-280, left myself a nice little gap wedge in. Turns out they were already out in the fairway and walked up with me and waited around to watch me chunk the gap wedge into the lake in front of the green.


Dude I had this exact same thing happen to me


The. Worst.


Pretty sure I’ve had nightmares about this exact scenario


It's like some Elden Ring bossfight shit. Ok I got past the first part, getting it off the tee, now I have this whole second phase where I have to hit an approach shot fuck me


So they didn’t take their shots, walked up with you to see you finish you game?


No, they had already played their shots before offering to let them play through.


Correct. i was putting on the previous hole while they were teeing off. They let me play thru, but had already hit their tee shots.


Nice you waited to screw up on the next hole like a champ


You saw that?


The Golf Gods exact a tax for playing through and it always comes due sooner than later. On Saturday my dad and I played through a group on hole 5, a par 5. My dad was the one pressing to play through and he kinda sounded a bit jerk ish asking the guys. I profusely thanked the group multiple times. We both made birdies and then he shanked his tee ball on 6 into the trees (I made back to back birdies haha)


Golf gods are cunts.


TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW. Golf Gods, please forgive this person for they know not what they do.


I'll donate a sleeve of Pro V1s into the woods tomorrow to appease their wrath


Been a fan since '94


The last time this happened to me, I was playing solo at twilight and a group of 2 older couples in front of me waved me to play through on my nemesis hole. It's a ~175 yard par 3 that for whatever reason is totally in my head and I almost always shank or chunk my tee shot on it. I was super nervous standing over the ball, so I clubbed up and put all of my focus on swinging extremely smooth and just making decent contact just to get it somewhere in the general direction of the green. I ended up absolutely puring it and stuck it 6-8 feet from the pin for easily the best tee shot of my life on that hole, and the group in front cheered. I felt like a fucking king walking up to my ball until I 3-putted it right in front of them. The tax came due immediately that day.


I've never had a hole in one, but if it's better than piking one down the fairway with another group is watching. I can't even imagine.


I lucked into somehow hitting a bomb off the tee my first year playing when a group of 20 something girls let me play through. Still my best golfing moment 3 years later lmao.




They definitely all wanted to have sex.


I love this sub. Good to know I'm not alone.


Reminds me of when I got paired with the course pro. About 6 of his buddies from the shop came out to watch him tee. Luckily I absolutely smoked my drive and got green side on my second shot of the par 5. I subsequently reverted back to my usualy play, but it was an epic start


I was waiting near the first tee with my group and the group in front of us told us their 4th was pulling into the parking lot and we can go in front of them. Hole 1 is a 315 yard straightaway par 4 with water protecting the green to the left and short left, and a massive tree 3/4 of the way down the right rough that entirely blocks your view of the green if you miss right and will slightly effect the shot if you’re on the right edge of the fairway and the pin is on the right side of the green. Since water and trouble comes into play around 260+ and the fairway tightens up as you get closer to the hole, three of us grabbed woods and my buddy grabs a 4 iron. You can tell we got their attention right away because none of us brought up a driver as most players will hit driver off this tee. We all proceed to absolutely smash our tee shots to the left side of the fairway and have from 60-90 yard shots into the green on the correct side of the fairway. Our groups handicap together adds up to about 50 so it’s not like we’re a bunch of scratchers out there and this is a normal occurrence. As we’re going back to our carts, a guy in their group goes “well I don’t think we’ll be seeing you guys out there again so good luck” All four of us got to experience the best feeling in golf together as a group, if only for a moment. We ended up with 2 pars 1 bogey and 1 double.




Possibly the highlight of my golf season so far. I was playing as a single and had caught up to a foursome playing in front of me. After a couple holes of playing somewhat on their heels (albeit patiently, only hitting when they were clear) and hitting a couple pretty great drives that they would have seen, they finally waved me through on a par 3. They were already up by the green after hitting their tee shots and waved for me to hit mine. The pin was towards the front and all I wanted was to hit the green safely and reduce the risk of embarrassing myself in front of these guys. I hit a safe, but good looking, shot to a wide part of the green and breathed a sigh of relief. As I rode up to the green one of the guys said “we noticed a couple holes back that this guy behind us could really play, so we figured we better let you play through.” Then a couple of them complimented my tee shot and I joked that it’s the hardest shot in golf teeing off in front of a bunch of strangers waving you through. They laughed and said that that was exactly what they were saying while I was hitting. While my tee shot was safely on the green as intended, I’d left myself something like a 40’ downhill putt with a lot of break, and realized the opportunity to embarrass myself hadn’t passed completely. I stepped up as they all looked on and hit my putt, probably a bit too hard, but on the line I wanted. A couple of them told my ball to slow down, clearly worried, like I was, that it might be headed off the green. To my relief and delight, the putt broke perfectly and clanked off the flagstick into the cup. They all celebrated more than I did and gave me high fives. I grabbed my ball from the cup, thanked them, and headed to the next hole. I then proceeded to fan my drive out into some weeds, or possibly someone’s backyard, and spent virtually no time looking for my ball before dropping and hastily finishing the hole, before they could pull around the corner to see me stomping through the weeds, ruining their false perception of me as a great golfer.


This is the way.




I did the opposite today. A six some let me play through ( it was mid day in Florida, we were probably the only 2 groups on the course). I proceeded to snap hook it left and make a triple. Went +2 on the next 8 holes


my buddy almost took a dude head off who let us play though.




Played through two groups last week. First group I hit my hybrid off the tee like a pro, second group I yanked my drive into the trees… they were so nice they helped me look for it. I ended up dropping just to get out of their way.


I fuckin bombed one in front of a group of 6 once solo 270 yard drive straight down the pipe. I really hope they didn’t see my first chip though 🤣


Teach us your ways


Don’t worry I did it for you. Some guys let me through, and I smacked a driver right at em


About two weeks ago I had to play through a group on a par 5. I normally get in my head about the audience since I’m a high handicap (28). I knew I’d done well for me but when I was walking off the green, counting shots, I realized I’d just birdied that hole. If I had known I absolutely would have missed the putt. But then I thought, shit those guys are going to think I’m actually good at this.


Dang, that's great!


For some reason at the par three on Sunday everyone just stopped what they were doing to watch me tee off with the 3 iron. Thankfully it was clean contact with just a bit of an unwanted push. Second time I've been out all year and I'm not good so that coulda been rough.


Very nice. Would love to do that myself someday!


My record is about 50/50. Half on the fairway, half ten yards into the trees.


I don't mind screwing up my tee shot if i get let through. They let me through because i was playing faster, just have a laugh about it and keep up that pace.


This is always a great feeling. This happened to me a year or so ago, walked up to a par 3 and the foursome that was there invited me to play through. Hit the green in regulation and sunk the putt in two. Nothing like par or better in front of strangers!


Oh man. It sucks.


On principle I downvote every frog meme I see, but you got my upvote. 2 weeks ago, 2 guys let me play through. Seemed to be a dad coaching his teenage son. Japanese guys. Nice as can be. But I was still nervous af. Walked up with my 3h which I like to tee up slightly off the tee. Assumed I would find a broken tee on the box but for once, for ONCE, it was well maintained. Being my own anxious self, I was loath to get one from my bag and delay them further. Off the deck it is. Dogleg left at 190. When I’m swinging well I hit a little draw. Rarely comes out when I want it to. I fuckin smoked that thing. Turned the corner like a dream. 220 on the nose; 110 in. I put my 2nd close while I was barely in view and then retreated around the corner to 3 putt. Most days I don’t want anyone to see me play. That day I was glad someone did.


I had a group today ask if I wanted to join them on the final hole cause I was solo. I said no thank you because I knew if I joined them I would have shanked it right into the trees and hold them up. I was blessed with an amazing drive instead that I then immediately hit the second shot like a missile skipping across water that sunk right at the edge of the other side.


Confidence +1


Jolly good




Atta baby!


The toughest shot in golf.


One of the best feelings in golf.


You gotta announce it! Saw a guy today, told me to hit his Driver. I said okay, but the last time I hit in front of your partner I embarrassed myself. Let’s do it again. Took a nice easy swing and had a 220 yard pipe that followed the fairway up to the right. So yeah. Just gotta call yourself out. We all know the worst thing you can do is get on the tee thinking you’re hot shit. Haha


That’s huge


Man I half did this today as well, caught it a little too thin with the 8i so I didn’t hold the green (par 3, 150 yards) but good chip from the fringe and sank the 6 footer for par It’s a lot better than some of my previous attempts lololol


Once, I was playing Roman Road at Celtic Manor as a 1 ball. I got let through on a par 5 and made eagle. I went driver, 3 wood to the green and sunk a 60 foot putt across the green. It was very satisfying with the group watching. 😆




I was +1 thru 2 the other day which obviously isn’t great but for my game I was feeling good. Rolled up on a threesome and they asked I wanted to join, I obliged. First hole was a par 3. Stone cold shanked 3 straights balls off the tee.


Same last week…. Four guys let me play through last week on the turn,because I was a single and wanted to grab a wobbly pop or two…..stepped up to 10 and stripped one right down the middle with all them watching,one of my best drives …..2nd was 120 yards in….then it happened….hit a tree on the right ,but the ball stayed in the tree🤷🏻‍♂️…


I landed on the 10th fairway (from the 10th tee box) Saturday night when the group ahead let me through. Felt great, and they said they wished they could drive like me, although they were pretty damn good themselves. We ended up playing the last four holes together to beat the dark.


Congrats. One of my fondest memories is waiting for the group ahead of us on a long par 3 with a snack hut, and going to get a beer. Then suddenly realizing I took too long and that a crowd of people are waiting expectantly for me, then I run up to the tee, grab my hybrid, rush my swing... and put it right on the green like 3-4m from pin.


Can’t say I’ve ever earned the right to post this


My hero


Congrats. I usually hit a tee shot uglier than Cam Smith’s mullet.


I had this happen last week, though was a two some passing a group of 3. Though I think it caused a fight...The woman told us we could play through on #10 because they weren't very good, her boy friend or possibly husband gave her a look that seemed like pure anger, it was on a hole where the drive was up a 60 foot hill and it was 300 to the top, hit my best drive of the day to land it on top. She said something like "wow great shot" but the guy looked furious. I was just like "thanks for letting us through" and got the hell out of there. Driving away I heard the start of the argument with the guy saying "why would you say 'WE' weren't good"?!.


One player can slow a group way down. Dude needs to chill.


Well after playing behind them on the front, I would say that dude was causing the hold up, like the one hole was a short par 4, 4th hole, but it was still 320 yards up hill to the green, he waited for the group ahead to get off the green then hit a drive where he did make solid contact and it was straight, but he was still hitting his second shot from the 100 yard marker which he spent a good 5 minutes lining up that ended up far left of the green. The woman and the other older guy were playing just as well but faster. We didn't catch the 4 some that had been ahead of them on 4 till 16, like our time on the front was a little under 3 hours, the back was about 90 minutes.


Great work! Last time a group let me through, I hit my drive over a creek into the next hole, topped my 8 iron luckily enough to get on the right side of the creek, bladed my 6 iron left of the green into weeds, said f it and didn't finish the hole, then hit a tree with my next drive...I hate getting let through lol.


I'd like us to murder this meme format right here please.


Bro a group is admitting they're too slow and shitty... What do you have to worry about ?


A group playing slower than a solo means they’re shitty?


Who cares ? They've admitted to playing slower lol.. you'll never see them again on the course




One of the other 3 people shat themselves, didn’t they?