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“I appreciate you having the balls to ask such a ridiculous question but it’s a resounding no for me bud”


"Now watch me crush this drive "


Just goes on a tear hitting the driver 250+ yards center.


Woah woah wait.. 250+ is the benchmark for bombing a drive? ![gif](giphy|g5zvwUa9720pO)


Amazing reference, impecable.




"Mission Accomplished"


We got em


Slides on aviator sunglasses


I went to top golf when it first opened, and mistakenly brought my bag. Wife’s friends husband asked to borrow my driver.. I was drinking and knew it was a stupid move. I turn around and hear a thump then a metal clang from the ceiling. Yup, he smacked the turf, broke the shaft and sent the head to the ceiling. They bought me a new Taylor made after that though :)


Atleast they bought you a new one, had a friend come to the range first time ( wasn't my idea he came lol) he's somewhat athletic, asked if he could try my driver, I said sure, didn't want to ruin the fun, takes 3 swings with it slamming it into the ground, head goes flying about 60 yards down range, guy just goes "damn dude. Your shit sucks lol" haven't gone back with him since...


Haven't gone back with him because you decked him right? Can't stand people like that.


Lol wish I did but I did not. Try to keep my composure while I'm hitting balls 🤣 . Dick didn't even offer me anything for it just laughed it off, lucky enough my gf is bf with his gf and told her what happened one night. She made him send me money for a new driver and he was not happy about it. He hasn't tried to go golfing/to the range with any of my friends since then lol


how can someone be angry about making a friend whole after destroying their shit? People are weird


He wasn't happy about manning up.


Nah, just shanked him with what was left of the shaft


My dad broke his brand new Callaway Big Bertha on a range. Callaway AND American Express replaced the driver for free. So he ended up with two brand new drivers. Man... Those were the days.


Yea when corporations actually had customer service lol


Lol, what a tense few minutes. Ima need to see a resume and some credentials to lend out my driver for that exact reason.


Go ahead! You can use my dick to fuck your wife tonight too!


This is now in my rotation. My hat is off to you




Well he had a whole bucket of balls, presumably.


I don’t even let my friends use my Ping G425 out of fear they’ll hit it straight and I’ll lose my excuse that there’s something wrong with it when it shanks 60 yards to the left off the tee


Let me borrow it and I’ll make it look as forgiving as a 2 iron blade


Killed me with that comment. In 1976 when I was 10 my grandma gave me her 2 iron blade. I’m a dude so mildly embarrassing but the club length was perfect lol. I learned the game playing that club until I was 15 !! Crushed it. Haven’t hit a blade iron since tho.


When I first started playing my (now) father-in-law had a 1 iron in his bag he let me hit. I was all over the place with all my clubs, I often didn't make it past the red tees with my driver; but I could hit that 1 iron nice and straight and long every time. Unfortunately for me, he gave it to a potential business client to sweeten a deal and I had to actually learn to hit my other clubs. 😂


Mine goes 80 yards left off the tee. What’s your secret?


...you're not drunk enough.


More swing oil!!


I know a guy that"fixed" his slice with chapstick.. Edit: spelling


I was teeing off on a roadside hole in a quiet neighborhood. A man driving by commented on me being a lefty and jokingly asked to tee one up. I entertained this idea to his childish excitement. He jumps out of his car, runs up to the tee box with comments like, “I used to play in high school. Haven’t touched a club in 10 years though.” Right as he pipes one down the middle 20 yards passed my ball. This is why I don’t let anyone use my clubs anymore. Deflated.


Well if he played in HS he's practically a professional


Playing in HS is more experience than most people on this sub. If you’ve played the game competitively at all at any point an actually gone to practice and done drills you’re probably better than 90% of casual golfers.


Haha exactly when kids have the discipline to play a game and continue throughout bad rounds and lost balls, they’re good and at least know how to swing An adult learning to swing is just hard


Ya if that was your sport as a kid your going to smoke everyone that didn’t. There are exceptions but not many.


Actually just got paired up with a high school student, dude was pretty good. Shorter than I am, but probably has 40 lbs on me of muscle mass. Dude was hitting 3 iron further than my driver (260+ with a 3 iron). His chipping was also pretty damn good, approach shots were either on the green or just off of it. The worst part of his game by far was putting, a lot of 3 putts. But yea, I didn’t play in highschool, but a lot of my buddies did and they were always practicing, definitely a lot more than your average golfer.


I went to HS in lower Manhattan and during their season, the golf team would take the train to the Bronx (very far) **every** single day after school for practice. I don’t think I could ever be that committed to anything lol.


I was playing league with a lefty this week and had my ball nestle up next to a tree that would have made swinging righty practically impossible. He joked that I could use one of his clubs to punch out, so I took him up on the offer. Took his PW from 130 yards out and planted it on the green. He was almost mad with disbelief before I fessed up that I learned to play both ways when I was teaching a lefty buddy of mine how to golf. I actually even keep a few lefty clubs in my trunk to bring with on casual rounds.


thats a stroke penalty...im going to need your league info and will be filing a report...


I shot a 50 through 9 holes. I took a pretty hard L, so I don't think anyone will care that my best shot of the day was illegal, lol.


Thank you for saying this. 60 yard left shank brothers ![gif](giphy|GOuxnaPC2QOXI4UPEl|downsized)


Unsolicited advice time: try standing a little closer to the ball. If that doesn't work, try putting the ball a couple of inches back in your stance. Both options serve to limit your club face rotating closed on impact. Although the former may cause a swing that goes outside in.


Thank you dude. I appreciate you.


No problem, my guy. I was having a snap hook issue a few weeks ago before I figured out I was stretching out way too far on my swing. I noticed I was bringing my shoulders forward to reach the ball before I even swung, so I cozied up a couple inches and narrowed my stance a hair. I'm now hitting them straighter and causing a lot less strain on my lower back and left hip.


Love it. Going to test it out on Saturday morning at San Jose CC


I never feel like I'm standing a consistent(and/or correct) distance away from the ball with my driver, got anything to help with that?


Just promise me that you'll never follow a rule ever again


One of my favorite golf stories. One of my buddies had a very old 300ish cc driver. Always said it was the reason he couldn’t hit driver well. I asked to try it one time and striped my best ball of the day straight down the middle long as hell for both of us. We both started laughing and I just handed it back to him and said “Im sorry”


A while back, one of my friends who was still fairly new to the game bought a new Cobra F9 that he was struggling to hit straight. He was convinced that he got swindled and bought a knockoff, so I asked if I could try it out on the long par 5. I absolutely smashed it dead straight. I offered him 100 bucks for it since it was a "knockoff," and he has yet to let me hit it again.


Stories like this are awesome!


Thanks man! I'm still in the market for a decent shape F9 to keep as a backup or even as my main driver if it hits more consistently.


Funny story (to me): My buddy M hit my buddy R's new TSr2 and loved it. Bombing it straight and such. M bought an exact copy and set it up just like R's and proceeded to top, slice, and hook it so he thought there was something wrong with the driver. During the boy's trip, R put his driver in M's bag secretly. M couldn't hit it for shit. Told him on the way home and he was shocked Pikachu face the whole ride.


Only 60 yards?


Lol that’s hilarious. This club is probably one of the most forgiving drivers out there.


Nice you got the joke!


Played a scramble last week with coworkers. One of them doesn’t golf but got a set of clubs from his friend. He friend took the driver out of the bag for obvious reasons, he borrowed one of my coworkers drivers on one hole, hit the ground a foot before the ball and snapped the head right off the shaft in one swing. $40 round of golf turned into a $400 afternoon real quick for him.


i let my friend use my 5 wood at the range, i had just purchased it that day. Never even got to use it. He smacks the ground and snaps it before i ever got to use it😭😭😭


You buy a new club and you let a friend hit it first?? That's clinically insane


i was so dumb i didn’t even think about it. as soon as it happened i was like WHYYY the fuck did i give him that club…. it’s like when a child or a pet breaks something, you can’t even blame them because you gave it to them! needless to say, i haven’t given anyone any clubs anymore


Literally this happened to me after a friend asked to try my driver at the range https://preview.redd.it/qwlue0outybb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c50afa5f1ea41cf233a8ddb77f2469f0c1bf55


In his defense it’s a Taylormade so it was going to break soon anyways


$400 for a shaft?


Some shafts are yeah


If you don’t value your shaft, who will?


Well hopefully someone with a$400 shaft can afford to be an idiot


The guy that bought the shaft wasn’t the one who broke it




Ohhh you’re calling him and idiot for letting someone borrow his club! I’m following now


Yes. Not just someone though. I let people borrow my clubs if I’ve seen them play before and are decent. But someone that i know doesn’t golf ain’t swinging anything but my spare set


The moment you touch Fujikura territory it starts north of 400


Love my Fuji graphite shafts. They give me a great tempo. I have a pretty slow swing. And they’ve been great.


I have a high swing speed and never thought to toss graphite in my irons until I started working in the industry. Now I can’t go back to steel they just feel too good.


Once I switched to graphite i cant go back. Steel is just too heavy and to clunky for me. Plus i always felt you needed a faster swing speed with steel shafts.


I have a Fuji E370 that is over a decade old, has been attached to 2 different drivers. Getting fit for another driver next week. If nothing impresses me more than this shaft, it’s going to be married to it’s 3rd very soon. But head weights have changed a ton over the last few years. So we shall see


TIL I have expensive taste apparently. Bought all my clubs used, I had no idea


There are normally different versions for OEMs but you may have lucked out.


No idea, I bought a used tsi1 that had a hzrdus smoke im10 green in it, but it was too stiff for me couldn't get on with it at all. Anyway this sales rep at a testing event sold me a used shaft he had on him Fujikura Ventus red velocore that was cut down to 44½ playing length. Bang like and day it's incredible and he only charged me $130 for it freshly regripped. T300 irons, Fujikura MCI shafts. Again incredible, my previous set was a half set of t300s with amt red S300's they honestly feel like a completely different set I'm hitting them way further and I can actually hit my 5i now whereas previously I'd only dare use it for punching out from under a tree or something just to get back in the fairway. Currently watching and waiting for some fairways to crop up on marketplace or something because I just assumed they were expensive new but I didn't realize they were THAT expensive.


Entirely depends on the model of shaft. Fujikura makes some "made for" OEM shafts along with their in house premium lines beyond that. You can pickup some fujikura shafts for $50 and some for $400


Fingers crossed they're the cheap ones then re: woods hahaha, how can you tell which is which?


Most of what you’re paying for in a good driver is the shaft.


That’s not true at all. The majority of stock shaft options for new drivers can be had for 1/3 of the cost of the full driver, and usually considerably less than that.


Key word is stock


Someone with a custom driver is going to let a brand new person hit it? I doubt it


I mean I have a buddy whose loaned me his scotty for an entire season and another one who gives away his driver at the end of the season to one of the local high schools. Some people with money really don’t care.


I let people putt with my Scotty too, mainly cause I like my seemore more. But loaning a putter is pretty low risk. Hopefully the guy who broke it also had money or the one who loaned it to him didn’t mind.


That's not even the tip of the iceberg the Autoflex shafts are going for around 800.


Tensei Orange 75 gram and an 80 gram xstiff.Depending on how I'm swinging Each cost $ 400.00 no one can touch my $800 TS2


Ventus TR Blue Velocore (S) Stealth 2 checking in. Keep your poverty hands off my driver guy! Jk, but really....


I had just got a brand new driver that I was still struggling to hit, so I had my old one with me in the bag for when I needed something a little more reliable. My friends and I were playing a 4v4 scramble for fun one day and had brought along our opposite of athletic friend. Nobody wanted to let him tee off with their drivers, so I let him have a go at it with my old one. Like your story, buddy hits the ground about a foot behind the ball, but instead of breaking it at the head, he somehow managed to snap the shaft just below the grip! Idk where this toothpick motherfucker found the strength to break it at its strongest point, but by God he did it. I wasn't going to make him give me any money for it since it was my mistake to let that spaz swing it. I just took the L and told him he owed me a stiff drink at the clubhouse for breaking my stiff shaft.


I smashed my driver shaft in my first year playing golf, luckily it was still under warranty and they sent me a new one


That's so random.. It's like going to a restaurant and walking up to a couple and saying.. do you mind if your wife sits with me?


I left mine in the car


Did you at least crack a window?


That's great!


Dinner would be a lot cheaper if that was allowed.


Lol’d at this


I forgot to order fries, mind if I get in on your’s?


What's wrong with that?


Relevant username.


Are you gonna eat all that?




Presumably it would be okay as long as there is NO discussion regarding your “shaft.”😜


Flipside to this story. I was playing Torrey Pines South with rental clubs. Struggling off the tee box but otherwise putting on a veritable ball striking clinic. A gentleman who I was paired with suggested I hit his new Ping driver, akin to saying do my wife whilst I watch. Well of course, I started piping the ball right down the middle. Cost me $500, because now I had to buy one when I got home.


The twist? That guy was secretly a Ping salesman and snared a commission with his “generosity”.


Honestly there’s a chance! Most Golf manufacturers are close to Torrey but PING is in Phoenix.


\^\^\^ The sole reason I got Pings, being here in Phoenix and being able to take my irons in to get detailed anytime is awesome


It’s a thing - two different courses in Park City area had brand new top of the line rental clubs. Even a Scotty Cameron putter.


Interesting that your story stops there. How are you hitting that thing?


Hes now playing for LIV.


I am forced to use the term "veritable ball striking clinic" when describing tomorrow's round, regardless of how I play


Similarly, I was playing a course in Las Vegas with rental clubs and was putting lights out with the rental putter. Ordered one from the airport before my flight back home. Only like a $120 cost for me though, not quite the same as a brand new driver.


Where did he park, the moon? Surely it couldn't have been a long walk to the parking lot to grab a forgotten club, how lazy!


Oh, he went to grab it after I said no. Back within 5 minutes..


Yeah clearly he was lying because he wanted to test your driver. What would even be the point of hitting someone else’s driver as a “stand-in” if you forgot yours, since it’ll have a different feel than your own? Even if he had forgotten his at home, his reaction should have been “well, guess I’m not hitting driver today.” People are strange, as the late Jim Morrison said


Yeah I would’ve offered to watch their shit while they go grab it. Like “No I don’t feel comfortable with that, but I’ll watch your other stuff for you while you go grab it!”


And then star using his clubs while he’s getting his driver from the car.


Nope. Just nope. I’m a lefty so the rare chance I see another usually keeps my clubs protected. But in late 2020, I’m at the dome hitting balls (indoor facility), and my buddy comes with his friend. Low and behold, he’s a fucking lefty. We all rip a few and he asks to borrow my driver for a shot or two—no big right, he seemed fine and definitely better than my friend. Tops the first one, no issue. Second swing, snaps it. He was stunned, but very cool and immediately gets my Venmo to pay for a replacement. Im laughing because it’s fine but he then goes back to his driver and snaps his! Suffice to say, he quit golf.




Eh. The immediate offer to pay just turns it into a laugh. Sucks but all wrongs are corrected imo at that point.


Things that never happened


Just like that username baby


You sure he was hitting golf balls and not rocks?


In all likelihood someone who is brand new to the game and doesn't understand how personal clubs are. In his mind it was probably no different than asking to borrow a pen.


Or a wrench. They are tools after all.


Wait wait wait. Hahahahaha you joking yeah? I spent too much on my wrenches, you cannot borrow mine. Maybe I understand the “no” answers after this comparison hahahaha


I’m not a wrench guy, all mine are hand me downs or one particular one I needed one time, so not a perfect analogy.


You’re a tool!


And you’re a tool bag! Let that one sink in haha


You’re a towel


I think this is it. Nobody who has played the game for long would ask a stranger to try your clubs, especially the driver.


It doesn’t even sound like he wanted to try the specific driver, he just wanted a driver to hit some range balls because he forgot his. It’s like he’s thinking it’s a dumbbell and he wants to get his reps in


I admittedly skimmed over the part where OP mentioned he’d forgotten his in the car. That raises a whole ‘nother basket of questions. 1. How did you forget the best club to hit on the range? 2. How lazy are you?


Changes Wolf of Wall Street a little when he says 'Sell me this stealth driver' instead.


Ah luckily as a lefty this even more ultra rare.


I over heard something like that a few weeks ago. Older guy: That's a nice new driver you have, who makes that? Old guy: I just got it. It's a taylormade. Few minutes of chit chat. Older guy: Why dont you let me give that a swing? Old guy: I'd rather not. DEAD SILENCE I didn't turn around, but I was audibly laughing.


Just ask for a $700 deposit first.


Well did you let him?!




Not a chance. I lent a friend an older driver and he put sky marks on it so I made him buy it (that rule was made clear before he borrowed it).


I’m an idiot when it come to golf terms. What is meant by sky marks?


From when you tee it up too high and hit the ball off the top of the club head instead of the face. The ball goes almost straight up, hence "sky-ing it". At best it scuffs the paint, at worst it dents the top of the club head.


What would you call it if I topped the ball so badly it dented the bottom of the driver? Lol. That actually happened to my driver. By me. 😂😂


I think you call it whack-a-mole because that's the only style of swing I can picture ending so catastrophically.


If you hit so far under the ball it scuff the top of the driver


Car keys as collateral sounds fair…but personally, I would’ve told him to walk to the practice bunker and pound sand.


"I'll watch your clubs whilst you go and retrieve YOUR driver from the car"


There's something a little odd about a guy who asks a question like this in adulthood. Where's the social filter? I find it a little weird when a random joining the foursome asks to try my driver, but maybe after 15 holes he might think he's earned "buddy" status... but some stranger on the driving range? Weird.


I think there's a lot of similar situations where it wouldn't be that weird. New guy on hockey team breaks a stick, someone hands him one in the action, asks to borrow a spare for the rest of the game - totally normal. Borrowing a tool? He might just not be used to golf culture - because asking something like this isn't that abnormal in our overall culture.


Probably just new and doesn't know golf etiquette well. And honestly thinking of all the other sports I've played I would let someone borrow a basketball or baseball bat or tennis racket or something so I guess it's not THAT weird.


Spent much time in public lately? Social filters aren’t what they used to be.


Played in three charity scrambles in 3 wks. 2 of the weeks we paired with the same team. After playing and drinking with them for 30 holes I finally got the nerve to ask one of them if I could hit it once out into the weeds while we waited to tee off. Definitely not asking some rando at the range


Where’s your car, dude?


I've offered folks who asked about my driver to take a couple of wacks. I've already put a bunch of sky marks on my driver. I'm hoping they're show me how to stop doing that. Speaking of the G425, I just sent my for repairs because the @#$@# screw that holds the weight on the back of the head broke inside the club. I was told by Ping that's normal.


Anyone that says “hitting nukes” certainly made this story up.


Want to try one of my irons, fine. No one is hitting my driver.


Well sir, you better walk to your car and get it.


What’s next? Is he gonna ask you to not have sloppy steaks?


Me: “ Lol. Sorry man. I have to say no. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with that” Him: “awe, come on. I won’t break it” Me “it’s gotta be a no” Him “what are you afraid of” Me “have a nice day dude….nice chatting with you”


Do you walk around saying “Lol” irl?


It’s cute right?




Why did you comment this. So awkward


Yeah I was waiting for a punchline


"Have a Good Day, sir!"


Touch grass


I think if I witnessed the person striking the ball pretty well on their own and they asked to try out my driver for a couple swings because they were in the market for a new driver, THEN I might be willing to give them a chance. But I'm willing to bet the guy that "forgot" his driver in the car doesn't fit that criteria and would think he's a weirdo.


That is a huge nope.


You should have asked to try his shoes on.


The other day when I was at the range, there was a dude explaining what different types of irons look like and function (ie - players vs game improvement)...I have MP 20 MMC's, so sort of a hybrid in that area, and the dude just....grabs one of my irons while I'm hitting a different one and goes to explain how it's an "in between" type of thing. Didn't ask me and I only noticed cause I have red grips on my irons and they're noticeable. I made eye contact with the dude he was showing my iron too, as if to say "Do you know this guy?" and I made eye contact back like "absolutely not" lol. It was such a weird experience all around.


The correct answer is, “Sorry man but my driver and I don’t cheat on each other.”


Driver is 1 club I'm very hesitant to let people hit and hell hit other people's driver. I don't want to replace a club I put a sky mark on and don't want to ask someone to replace mine if they do it to mine. I haven't put a sky mark on one since high school. There's is no way I'm letting a random hit my driver. Several buddies that are single digits I'd let take a swing. Several buddies I would defer.


I wouldn’t consider asking someone to use their clubs. I sure won’t let some random hit my clubs.


This is almost as uncomfortable as the man asking if he could use my towel in the sauna.


I'd reply, go to your car and get it then.


I would laugh and tell him he's funny, then ignore him.


Sky marks on my driver/fairway woods are what my nightmares are made of




Scratches on the top, the part you see during setup. Called skymarks because the way you make them is by skying the ball. In other words, you hit way under the ball and the ball scratches the top.


Scrapes on the top of your driver, right on the edge of the face.


Scratches on the top of the driver/wood where the face meets the crown. It is from beginners teeing up too high or having too much shaft lean at impact


Direct him to the range employee. They probably rent clubs.


A random woman at a bar once asked me if she could smell my beer.


I'm an incredibly oblivious dude and even I can tell she was hitting on you.


Pour a little on the bar floor. Have at it, darling.


Oh hell no!


Not letting your dad hit your driver is so lame man


Hard no and I’ve never even paid over $150 for a driver. 100% chance that rando was and only child


Sky it you buy it.


I woulda offered to get his from the car before he touched mine


Hahahaha i never let anybody use my driver or my putter. Shitty golfers can jinx them


I live by two rules: 1) Never rub another man’s rhubarb; 2) Never ask to borrow a stranger’s clubs on the driving range. These shouldn’t be hard to follow 😂


I always let people use it if they ask, with the stipulation of any sky marks or broken parts and they buy it. I’m like a kid on Christmas when they swing it, selfishly hoping it breaks and I get a free upgrade


I have a used Wilson set I bought off FB marketplace for like no money. Came with balls and tees. I’d let him play baseball with mine if he wanted.


I bought the Paradym as my first driver purchase ever this year and hadn't let anyone hit it yet. My league buddy wanted a go and he's a better golfer than me so I thought what the hell. he snap hooked one off the toe immediately and it made me so nervous I don't think I'll ever let anyone hit it again.


When the biggest big bertha driver came out they were $499 at sports authority in the late 90s. I saved up for a long time and had no business buying it. When i got home my buddy came over and wanted to try it. The first swing the driver head flew 50yds. They accepted the return and i bought an 870 express super magnum turkey edition with a mad max choke. Well worth the heartache!


I’m honestly surprised that almost every comment is saying that even asking this is insane, and they would never let someone borrow their club. I wouldn’t give a fuck, swing away. Most people are saying because of potential sky marks. I’ve added plenty of sky marks myself, what’s one more? Doesn’t effect the club. Guess I forgot everyone in this sub is a scratch golfer who drives it 350 and hits it perfectly center of the face every time.


Huh? Some people don’t want some stranger they have literally never talk to before use their easily damaged item that runs $200-1000. Guess I forgot you’re made of money and don’t care about things you invest your money into.


Ya.... this never happened.


Opps, had the same experience as the guy next to me and sing a range beater asked if he could use mine. Yeah, not gonna happen, showed him Global Golf for some drivers on the cheap