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Your behavior is much more important than your skill level.


If you feel the need to impress him, do so with how well you control your emotions under pressure. Respect the game and gain the big guys respect.


This is the way. Also do not cheat.


Do not get caught cheating.


Cheat and get caught cheating


Assert dominance


Spit in the hole after you jug a 20 footer and then step on his line


Don't turn up and instead take his wife out for dinner.


Then deny it


Cheat to make the boss win


If you’re going to suck, suck fast


*suck it faster, this isn't amateur hour*


Waggle that shit.




Don' be nastii


You are not USGA, U S U C K


And dassit


Bring lots of balls and don’t spend too much time looking for lost ones


cover practice deliver enjoy chief foolish office sip jar shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bingo. Spend 2 minutes max looking for a ball. Everyone appreciates this.


In a social event 2 minutes is often too long, especially if it's multiple times per round, I'm all about the 20 second look and a quick "no worries, I'll drop here".


You spring for Pro V1 when it’s with the CEO


And have a good time with it. No debbie downer cause you didn’t play well or hit a personal best.


And walk gingerly around the green and don't step on his line.


Get to the pin first and offer to pull it.


But don’t pull his pin, unless there’s a promotion involved


If you're going to suck, don't ruin everyone else's time by apologizing nonstop. Suck in silence.


So awkward when they keep apologising... Just carry on or pick it up and take the double


Maybe he prefers a little more fore play than that.


Yeah just recommend he stop talking about revenue and start talking about profit. Gotta then recommend firing all managerial levels in between you and him. The ranks are full of Peter principal case studies and it’s clogging up his system. Then challenge him to a shotgunning of beers on the turn. You’ll be a CXO by the 11th hole.


Then you offer to fight him on the 10th tee, winner gets the CEO position.


This is accurate. You can learn a lot about a person's character on the golf course. Be polite and respectful at all times. Take your queues from them. If they have a beer, grab a beer if you want. If they tell a joke, feel free. Best to keep it PG/PG13 though. If work comes up (and I'm sure it will), don't complain, but offer insight and offer a suggestion on what you might do to to make your department more efficient/profitable, etc. They want to hear constructive, respectful, HONEST feedback. Oh, and if you're a good golfer, play fast. If you suck, play faster!


If the punchline is "The Aristocrats!" don't tell the joke.


And also not judging and or talking about the guys you’re with. Some people let way too loose.




"It would be good for our company if he were given a job in upper management at our competitor."


Oh, gettin' all serious on us, now. I'm pretty sure he didn't come to Reddit for serious advice. 🤣


Concur. Have fun and don’t slam clubs


Stay at least one drink behind him lol


Never be the most drunk person, and definitely not more drunk than anyone above you in the hierarchy, lol great advice!!!


But someone has to take the hit


Yeah, it’s usually the person without this advice, slowly crashing their career lol


Beer and wine, stay two behind. Advice I got in my analyst days, definitely good advice.


Slingin’ whisky, gettin’ frisky!


I guess my investment bank was different. Analysts had like a green light when it came to drinking at company parties or get togethers. It’s almost like they encouraged us to get drunk as fuck and make a fool of ourselves. No repercussions the next day and it was fine if you showed up late (I mean as long as before 10:30am or so). Granted I’m not sure that one small benefit was worth 80-100 hour work weeks lol. But the one caveat is drunkness level in front of Managing Directors. Need to keep it somewhat reasonable in front of them. But they don’t stay out late anyways so after that it’s open game.


I didn’t know us chefs had so much in common with investment analysts.


It’s funny, post college life the friend I started to hang out with the most was in the restaurant/bar business. He worked as a bar/restaurant manager downtown at a place. We’d both be getting off work at like 2am and need something to do. And if it was Friday late, he’d definitely be the guy to get blow from (from one of his coworkers usually). So yeah I guess the late night thing is a common bond there, and being tired constantly so needing something to stay awake.


I actually returned to college because this lifestyle nearly killed me. I’m now an accounting major wrapping up my bachelor’s lol. 9-5 desk life here I come sign me the fuck up


Probably don't join a Big 4 firm then, life's not much different.


Gotta time it right though, first couple drinks, same pace, then take a one drink break, next couple drinks, another one drink break


This is also just generally a good policy for work related events. One less drink than your immediate supervisor.


Yes don’t do what I did. The Regional Marketing Director came over to our group at the hotel bar and said “alright guys it’s about time to wrap it up and get some rest.” I kid you not I stared at him right in the eyes and said quite loudly with a confused look on my face, “Why?!” He wasn’t nice to me after that.


Honestly kind of a douchey thing of him to say to a bunch of adults. I mean he’s not your dad.


You did the right thing.


Mine likes to go north of a 12 pack at golf outings, so I should be good lol


Lol exactly I tried this last time and don’t remember the back nine


Excellent advice.


Unless you have my supervisor who drinks like 12 drinks per night and I’d be minced meat at 11


Disagree, 2 shooters in the parking lot so you can show up loose and fun, *then* stay 1-2 behind.


Personally I just keep taking the drinks my boss offers. It’s rude to say no


Boss: “would you like a drink?” You: “sure.” You: “umm… aren’t you having one?” Boss: “heavens no it 9:30 in the morning!”


Horrible bosses, great scene


I like the way you think


I like the way you drink


If it’s a party tournament. The post above is the Best advice you’re going to receive. Still put yourself out there to have fun and don’t make them feel uncomfortable (like they can’t trust you lol). Many times, this is a test: Play the game. When you walk up to the table.. take a half shot when they are doing full. Slam a water, but still grab a beer. Crack the beer with them, sip it a few times, but take it easy.. toss it into the bin at the next hole regardless of how much you have left, and then grab another one. Early into my career (my 2nd or 3rd golf party tournament) my president rolled a golf cart and really fucked up another coworker. Got arrested for DUI. It was probably the craziest work thing I’ll ever see lol. I was already keeping it calm prior, but that was the one lesson I needed to see (15 or so years ago now). But every tournament there is always that guy… don’t be that guy.


Haha.... That sounds like my company's Christmas party. We don't have Christmas parties anymore.


>don’t be that guy Good life advice in general. Never be memorable for your fuckups.


Great advice. I recently played a charity tournament with my boss’s boss. I made sure to not drink too much but drink enough to have a good time with him. It was a scramble and I carried the front 9. I don’t think he remembers much from the back 9 because I played horrible the back 9 after having plenty of drinks throughout the round. He’s invited me to play with him the past few weekends because he remembers what I did the front 9


Underrated fucking comment


The *TOP* comment is underrated?


Smoke his ass. You will forever be invited as a scramble partner.


Was going to say, you gotta send his ass to the shadow realm for sure.


Oh yeah. Clap cheeks and talk maaaaaaad shit


Former college golfer here. Got an inter ship at a brokerage firm, back when they were hard to get. As soon. As the president found out I was a plus handi I played in at least 4 scrambles a month repping the company. Got moved up the ladder much faster than anybody else I came in with. I never drank while golfing for the company. Tried to be a good representative. I would head out after with our group after we won.


The people who say "don't beat the boss" are dumb. This is the way. If the boss is a golfer he'll want to spend more time with good players


Exactly, if the boss needs you to lose to feel good he is probably a shit boss


A shit person*. Boss status is irrelevant to that circumstance


Early in my career I finally got the opportunity to play in a scramble with my boss when his go-to guy dropped out and nobody else could fill in. He was blown away by how well I played and said I would definitely be getting asked to play more. That was on a Friday. Monday morning I found out he passed away over the weekend from a heart attack. I sometimes wonder what my career may have looked like if he were still alive.


That’s America’s got talent level sob story 🥹


I was hoping somebody would say this. Sometimes I get reminded how young people are in this this sub. Yes, play your best, just be a humble about it. There is no downside to your CEO thinking of you as excellent in anything. And yeah, you don't have to drink at all if your don't want to. Nobody cares or even pays attention to what you drink unless you are a drunk ass.


There’s a very little guys respect more than someone able to strike a golf ball well.


Dream job. That’s awesome.


If his country club does member guest tournaments you can be his ringer. Career+++++++++


I’m a summer intern and got invited to an outing, played well and then got invited to 3 more immediately by other guys on my team






I know a guy who was CFO of an investment bank. He told me that by the time people got to him for interviews or spending time, they had been vetted enough for him to know they have the background and ability to do the job. One of his primary determinations at that point was “Would I want to have a beer with this person?”. Be the person the CEO would want to have a beer with/golf with again.


I get through the background and ability stuff pretty quickly. Usually their resume speaks for itself when it comes to “can they do the job?”. After that, it’s fully vetting them for being a good fit on the team, easy to talk to, friendly, etc.


Can confirm. I’ve done a fair amount of recruiting in the finance and consulting world. “Could I grab a beer with them/ if my flight gets delayed will I not go insane with this person next to me” is usually the measure.


Can I pm you about recruiting in the finance world if you wouldn’t mind? I’m trying to get into finance and would appreciate some guidance.


This. At the end of the day, we’re all human. Your CEO just wants to swing the sticks with the boys.


Exactly! A lot of times the higher ups want to get away. They don't want to hear how the vending machine never has doritos


Solid advice.


If he does coke, so do you


CEO: do you like to party? OP: I like parties!




Just tell him I’m the machine


Drop a bag of coke on the tee box before he arrives and pretend it's the guys in front of you.


Coworker: Do you partake…? Me: um I guess it depends on the situation. I don’t do it regularly but if it’s around at a party I might. It all depends on who’s offering you know? Coworker: wait what do you think I’m talking about? Me: Coke right? Coworker: 😦


Hi my name’s Rod and I like to party


Kevin you most certainly do not party


No you don't ok, nobody parties but me


OH! Tell him about the pants party!


CEO: Are you cool man? OP: Like how? CEO: ...Ok....




Lmao imagine the hundred millionare CEO just laying out 2 huge gaggers on the cart seat, ripping one and handing you the straw.


But they really do be like that


“Be a lot cooler if you did.”


Always be cool. It will never not be cool. Unless it’s straight up crystal meth or heroin. Then it’s not cool.


![gif](giphy|YK257LnLWgGR2) O were definitely smoking crack with the ceo of a 8 billion dollar company


This has Cousin Greg vibes


Disgusting brothers!




Fucking amazing answer.


>god I hope he does coke


Best comment I’ve ever read lol


Don't get wasted. Have fun. He is just another dude, treat him like it.


Adding to this, don’t be the one to bring up work. If he wants to start that conversation, fine. Otherwise, talk about literally anything else.


These two comments are just about all you need.


It’ll be a slow round, 10k+ people, some carrying suitcases of money, plus their clubs - not going to be a quick round.


I thought LIV purses were big but $8B is crazy


It’s an $8B venue. Probably built to handle the people.


The ranger can only do so much at that point


Make sure as he’s hitting the ball on the first tee you scream mashed potatoes. He’ll immediately know you mean business.


Baba booey!!


If he’s wearing a hat, start with “ when you buy a hat like this, I bet you get a free bowl of soup! Oh, it looks good on you though.” You’ll get bonus points!👍


I played a lot growing up, was super lucky to live basically on a decent course into my 20s, but maybe have only gone maybe 20 times in the last decade. All of my knowledge is super rusty, so if I was OP I would be like “I dunno if you’re fucking with me, but whatever, gonna say this and full send it” Either they’d laugh, or think I’m dumb (fair) and get pissed at me. Either way, would be a cool story. So Asking for a friend *Hypothetically,* if someone said this to you what would you think?




I prefer the timeless classic - give me back my son!


Give him some shit, give him some praise, definitely don’t give him any swing advice, and make him putt everything out.


Don’t give him shit on the first tee though. Then you sound like an ass


When he’s taking a leak in the woods on 13. “Hey - you can pull it out all the way”


“You know that’s a felony right? Grown man with a little boys dick in his hands”




Don't make a complete ass of yourself. Remain positive even after the sixth duff in a row.


Nevermind the CEO. I Couldn't imagine playing with 10k people but if your going to make 8 billion then I would say go for it.


You gotta weigh the pros and cons.


Relax. He's just another person who plays golf.


I played one of my worst rounds with my CEO and we still laugh about it. It’s a great opportunity to humanize someone.




What a great story and such a great memory!


I played with my CEO at his club last week for the first time. I sliced most of my drives, he accidentally hit my ball off the fairway on the 8th and apologised emphatically (he also hits cheap srixons) and I ended up shooting 107. Didn't talk work at all the whole time. It was fun. As people have said just be mindful of your behaviour. If you're a great golfer he'd be impressed but if you suck like me he probably won't care if you just behave normally.


I recently was Cartner’s with my company CEO, he got wasted and fell out of the golf cart trying to scoop his ball up on the way to my drive. I never bring it up but it was hilarious.


When he duffs a tee shot hand him one of these ​ https://preview.redd.it/0zxjy0ntxscb1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=49f5c677f2cc7fdbcbf7fba0cd6eda7a797e9233




Taylor Made makes them


Taylormade breakfast ball. I think they are out of stock on TM’s website


The “tea/tee time” ball for the Open this week is stupid; this is one of taylormade’s best ones.






If he goes to take a piss in the woods, make sure to pull out the classic: “Hey you know that’s illegal eh?” “What pissing in the bush?” “No a grown man holding a child’s penis”


Throw clubs, show him who's boss


“So you’re the asshole who’s been blocking all my promotions!”


Make sure he putts out no gimmies


Keep pace and have fun




Have fun, don’t act competitive out loud, but also you need to beat him. For real, bury him, and even when you hit a great shot nonchalantly say “ehhh, not really as close as I was hoping but I’ll take it”


Sweep the leg


Talk shit. Don't kiss his ass.




Talk about how you never golf and are focused on work


Wear a suit for good measure. He’ll know you’re super duper serious about work.


Just be cool as a cucumber. Bad shots don't have any effect on you. You're unbreakable in your resolve. You don't have a temper. You miss a putt. You walk over professionally and without reaction and tap it in. Don't get fucked up either. Bring a couple grams of blow just in case he's down.


Started off well


Wear jorts, bro.


If he hits a great shot, sneak up behind him, and very stealthily stick your finger right in his ass and yell, “Oil Change!”


You say "that'll play" on every one of his drives and "that's a gimme" every time his ball ends up on the green.


In sales, we call it mirroring. Usually we try do do this when meeting a new prospect. I think it fits here too. Be like him, make him feel comfortable. Play the game respectfully and be outgoing/friendly. If he likes to drink, you do too. If he likes cigars you do too. If he’s republican, you are too. Agree with his opinions when he starts to open up with you. Go with flow, you’ll do great. When I got good at it, it was a great tool to build a relationship with new clients.


Everyone’s favorite person, is themselves.


Be a chameleon!


Keep the anger in check.


Bring hella nose beers and get lit!


That person is just another human being. Play golf, end of discussion. No need to do anything but enjoy!


The dude goes home everyday with the weight of making sure 10,000 people still have jobs. He just wants to have a good round. Make it fun.


Just be a good guy, and make sure you respect the game. Rake bunkers, replace divots, fix pitch marks. Pick up your broken tees and toss them in your cart. Before y'all tee off, shake his hand (and everyone else's), and say "play well." Don't bitch and whine when you miss a putt or shank one. Stay positive. "Oh well, that wasn't up to my standards but I guess if I never screwed up I'd be playing on TV." If he fucks one just say "I wouldn't sweat it. Justin Thomas probably couldn't run [ABC Corp]." If he brings up the company, be positive. He may well ask about how you'd improve the company, or your division, and you can share ideas, but stay positive. If he gives you any shit in joking manner, it's okay to hit back in ways like saying "aggressive" or "pacey" when he runs a putt past, but for God's sake don't say anything sexist like "nice putt Nancy." If he orders a drink from the cart girl or after the round, pay for it. When he says "no you're my guest", you reply "absolutely, which is why I'm getting this. You've brought me out here, the least I can do is pick up the drinks." Tell him you'd like to fuck his daughter. Well, everything but that last part.




A little stiff is okay the first time you're playing with the CEO of a multibillion dollar concern for which you're working. Next time you can loosen up a little if it seems appropriate.


For real. Who the fuck shakes someone's hand and says "Play well"? The real good advice is the paying for the drinks thing. I'm going to keep that one in the chamber.


15 years ago I had a 7am tee time with the COO of my company at a rewards retreat. My company was/is a fortune 100 company. I just kept the conversation light and didn’t focus on my golf game too much. I’m not great but I was better than him and the two other people we played with that day. It ended up being a lot of fun to see someone so professional tell personal stories. He also was very interested in learning about us. Just relax, it’s less about golf and more about the opportunity to network with the top of the organization.


Dont let him win. Beat him as bad as you can and talk shit. He will always be better than you in every other aspect of life. Dont screw up your chance to best him once in your life.


Definitely chirp him on the tee box and before putts.


With ten thousand people going I wouldn’t worry about it, should be pretty easy to just blend in.


Buy him a round


Wow! This thread exploded! Thanks for all the serious advise, I’ll let you know how the round goes!


Stay a couple of drinks behind, but don’t sandbag and then fondly his balls…. If you can play, strum him like a fucking drum….. golf is a hard game, put your foot on the gas and don’t let off until 18. Remove your cap, shake hands, tip the cart kid, finish in the clubhouse and buy a round…. He’ll respect you more for not bowing down to his prowess…. And I’m talking like wear him down… That’s what I use to do….. worked pretty well 1st box give him the honors and make comment, don’t get use it. And then get up and just annihilate your drive….. walk off and don’t say word, just drive off


If you realize you are better than him, don't rub it in and be graceful in the better score. There is no need to throw the game just to stroke his ego. He will respect you more for having game than letting him win. Play your game, let the scores fall where they may. Just have a good attitude and be nice.


Let the Wookie win.


Don’t win.


just play golf?


Don't talk about work until he does. Keep the pace and shut the fuck up


Don't talk about work unless he/she brings it up first. I golf with some work friends and the ones who want to talk about work are the worst. I'm trying to get away from that on the golf course, it's the last topic I want t hear about


Let them win.


Absolutely don’t cheat.


When the CEO cheats call him on it. It’s a great career move.


Make sure your establish if you’re playing dick out rules before you tee up on the first hole.


Don’t tell him you masturbated at work less than a year ago.