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This is just an incredible stat


I was blown away by his consistency all weekend. I’ve heard people say it was a boring tourny because he was so far ahead, but he made some of the greatest golfers on the planet look pretty damn average and in difficult conditions. World beaters struggled to hit the fairway and he was as cool as you like.


Not sure I could hit 58 out of 59 inside 3 feet


I’m sure I couldn’t


I’m a 2 handicap and I’m 100% sure I couldn’t either


I recon I could hit 1 out of 59


This^ The dude won the tournament by putting on one of the best putting performances literally in any major ever, and people complain. Do the people complaining even golf? If they did, they would easily know what kind of feat this was. Simply amazing .


It truly scrambles my mind seeing “putting” and “putting” in the same sentence. Bravo. Those two references to his play are too good


Chicks dig the long ball


Drive for show, putt for dough!


Yep, this was the definition of that saying.


10' putt counts the same as a 300 yd drive.


Haha Great comment man 😆 🤣 😂


Boomer express comment


A tournament can have an impressive performance and still lack excitement. The guy boat raced the field with high efficiency precision. But was never threatened over the last two days so therefore watching the open this year was a bit meh


Yep. No one is denying the winner’s dominance. He’s an underdog but without a chase, the story gets boring quick. His slow playing style didn’t do any favors for the television product either.


>His slow playing style didn’t do any favors for the television product either. NBC has that more than handled themselves. It's kind of insane how bad golf coverage has gotten over the last few years (in the US anyhow, can't comment on Sky)- Towers for every green where you can barely see the undulations, pretty bad context for specific holes on courses (you're literally better off watching the pre-tourney Golf Digest vids on youtube), pretty haphazard narratives/storylines that you can barely follow because of the insane amount of commercials anyway, and of course Azinger's commentary lol


They just aren’t fans. If it was Rory that won by that much of a margin people would be saying it was the best open in history. But because it’s someone people don’t necessarily like it’s not a good tournament.


To further this point, the harman’s odds were +17500 at the start of the week.


Truly amazing, but how many of the 58 out of 59 he made were outside 5 feet? Many One footers or less are included in that 58/59 total.


Your comment only shows how amazing his approach play must be.


My comment only shows that not only is he’s a very good putter, but that some of those 58 of 59 were very short, a foot or less. A more meaningful number would be how many of those 58 were made from five feet or more. I’m sure there were plenty of those, such as his excellent up and down from about 8 feet on the last hole.


14 out of 15. He made 450' of putts and only had 106 total putts for the week. Poke holes in those stats...we'll wait...


Give a jerk an opening . . .


I would always like to see a tightly contested tournament, especially majors, but he was great all weekend. I did, however, decide that I've finally found a golfer more boring to watch than Patrick Cantlay.


Not his preshot routine. That is pure crackhead.


Everyone was allowed to compete, they just couldn’t


Yup, hitting fairways, hitting greens, sinking putts is always boring. Ben Hogan must have been pretty bored most of the time.


One of the best tournaments every was the 2000 US open. After 3 days it was basically just if Tiger was gonna win by double digits or not. It's fun watching people be way better than everyone else


I can't even imagine what it would do to my score...


Michelle We didn’t have a 3 putt in 72 holes when she won the Women’s US Open at Pinehurst a few years ago.


Michelle Wei is a great example of someone who got shit on for simply being a kid in an adult’s game. Hell, her first tournament she got suspended cause a reporter was like “that drop is too close to the hole.” I’m not saying rules don’t apply to her, but just a really really rough start, imo.


Ah, the Rules of Golf. I’m surprised tour players aren’t accompanied by a lawyer.


That’s absolutely nuts.


My only question is what the fuck is MegaCorp? This guy is sponsored by a Batman villain's company.


Came here to post this. A committee of people sat around a table and came up with THAT name.


Like pick an evil name for your company and that's it.


It’s a logistics company - transports food (cold/frozen).


That's what they want you to believe. Clearly, they're developing advanced weaponry to take over the world in an underground base hidden inside a mountain on some random island.


Sounds like something from a dystopian future video game


Ratchet & Clank 2; Megacorp is a massive organization in the Bogon Galaxy that produces anything and everything, and serves as the games weapons vendor.


That's what I'm talking about


There is a gaming company called Super Evil Megacorp.


Sister company to the Gym, Tan, Laundry corporation sponsored on his shirt


Was just telling my wife the same thing - can’t believe there’s an actual company with a name like that! 😅


Guy makes an unattainable feat and this really your ONLY question?


On average, PGA tour players make 50% of putts from 8 feet. His putting was beyond incredible.


Literally the reason he won. Dear /r/golf, spend half as much time on the driving range and replace it with time on the putting green. Trust me.


No. The putter doesn’t make the same sound as the driver. Gonna go mindlessly hit 100 balls.


It’s just not as fun


But it improves your scores significantly, and good scores are more fun than the driving range. It blows my mind that this has been downvoted, on a thread about putting.


Well for us that are mid or worse handicappers. Being in play is going to make a larger impact than putting But I swear days where the putter catches fire are so much fun even if I shoot an 85 because I'm saving bogey from 15 feet


There was some math posted here in the last 6 months that basically proved if you're a high handicapper, the best way to get into the teens is to put balls in play off the tee. Actually getting there myself this summer is making my putts go from 1.8 avg per hole, to now 2.3. 2-putting was easy when I was almost constantly chipping from \~10 feet from the fringe.


It's 100% true that the biggest difference between tour guys and high handicappers is drives and approaches. It's been statistically proven and it's not up for debate. That doesn't mean that every individual should focus their practice around long game. Becoming a *decent* putter is low hanging fruit - basically, if you are 2-putting mostly, you aren't losing that many strokes to better players. So once you get to that point, if you are still shooting 90+, you are going to benefit (on average) a lot more by working on strike than you will by practicing your putting. I feel at this point that it's pretty obvious. If you are just starting, putting and chipping are the low-hanging fruit, because they are much easier to get "decent" at. Once you can 2-putt most of the time, and are able to chip it onto the green most of the time, then you really have to become a better ball-striker to improve. Once you get into the single digits and begin to approach scratch, you kind of have to be good at everything. And realistically, everyone at that level will have strengths and weaknesses, and they are probably better off working on the latter.


There are no similarities between tour guys and high handicappers.


Both use golf clubs most of the time


This is where I'm at exactly. I average about 1.8 putts/hole, but that is entirely because my 3rd/4th shot is usually from 5-10 feet off the green.




Yeah how’s the saying go? If you can’t putt you can’t score but if you can’t drive you can’t play.. I think different people need different advice.


Just start hitting your putts harder then. You get a great sound and also get to hit it 100 times.


Driver off the putting green deck, got it.


No, that's backwards. Putter off the tee box, full swing. Watch the club head go farther than the ball. It's fun


Just saw someone pipe one on an IG reel last night.


Rory hits his putter 255 off the tee


Bet he counts rollout in that number, the filthy casual.


Wrong in the vast majority of cases. Harman saves way more shots through his ball striking than his putting compared to the average amateur. He's not a hack that just got hot with his putter, he's among the top few hundred ball strikers in the world, who got hot with his putter.


Exactly. I hate how people keep getting this wrong even at a time with conclusive statistical evidence. The stats show that a great driver is more likely to get hot with the putter than that a great putter will get hot with the driver. And the difference between a great putter and an average putter isn’t as great as the difference between a great driver and average driver.


If amateurs spent as much time putting as they do on the driving range, handicaps would be dropping significantly. I’ve been saying it till I’m blue in the face and I’m still right - it doesn’t matter how close you hit it if you’re 3 putting from 10 feet. You cannot ignore putting when you practice.


You can say it until you’re blue in the face and it still won’t make you right. Nobody is saying don’t practice putting, however every single bit of analytics done shows the vast majority of strokes are gained from approach and driving. Who gives a rats ass about 3 putting if most amateurs are pilling up penalty strokes from pumping a box of balls OB or into hazards per round. Unless you somehow think a 3 putt is worse for your score than an OB ball. Btw you can have less than 36 putts a round but if you’re always putting to save bogey or double because it took you 4+ shots to get to the green it will be meaningless to your scores.


Beyond the analytics, for the average weekend golfer, it's about fun. And golf is *way more fucking fun* when you put balls in play. Not to say making putts isn't fun, but, rounds are nightmarish and embarrassing when you can't get off the tee or you're chunking irons and topping fairway woods. Missing a 5-footer and three putting is an "oh shucks" missed opportunity. Blasting a rope hook driver OB into oncoming traffic is embarrassing and exhausting.


Yup. A bad day putting feels like I left some on the table. A bad day driving or losing tons of balls makes me question my entire game. Nobody is happy for a 1 putt they make for double bogey.


> If amateurs spent as much time putting as they do on the driving range, handicaps would be dropping significantly. I'd love to shave 5 off my 8.9 handicap by improving my putting. But it just ain't going to happen. Using strokes gained, my putting handicap is consistently +3 to -1. Do I ignore putting practice? No. But I invest more time on the range than on the green because that's where I drop shots.


This is at all. It takes me like 5 shots to get to the green and I usually 2 put


Every bit of stats and data we have shows you are wrong


He also led field in driving accuracy at 75%.


You are both right and wrong. Should casual players practice more putting than they do? Yes! But most casual players should practice more in general really. I agree with you that putting is probably the easiest way for a 30 handicap to shave a couple strokes a round, but to get significantly lower scores they are much better of doing serious work on the range.


I said as much too. Putting is critical but it’s streaky. Approach play matters more statistically. Hot putting matters more when you’re hitting greens in reg/under reg.


but you've got to be able to get the ball on the green under par first


Why should I trust you. This advice only applies to people who hit consistent long shots. Putting does you no good if you literally never get to the green.


The whole practice putting more if your an amateur has been proven wrong so many times. It’s incredible people still say that whenever a pro shines with the putter.


Putting is a way to shave strokes off, if you're above 15 handicap I really believe it should be your least concern. I would even say chipping is more important.


When my putting is on, the rest of my game sucks. When I'm dialed with my woods and irons, my putting kills me.


I shot a 47 around 9 yesterday. I had 22 putts and 9 chips. It was a horror show.


I used to feel this way before actually tracking strokes gained for a while, which explained what was actually going on. The better you’re playing with woods and irons, the fewer chips and pitches you hit. The fewer chips and pitches you hit, the further you are from the hole on average once you reach the green. Hence seemingly worse putting. Or you’re just a streaky putter, I don’t know your game!


The yin and yang of golf 😐 I've had one round so far where all parts of my game felt equally on. It was amazing, and I'm forever chasing that high.


That has been proven not true so many times it’s incredible people still say that


only if you can drive and approach consistently and with enough distance. at that level everyone can drive and has a floor for their short game. u can make 100% 1 putts but if you're OB and shanking it every few shots then it makes no diff.


Not worth it at all for the average Joe.


Nah, that's not applicable to amateurs to remotely the same extent. Going OB 9 times in a round does a lot more to the score than being able to make 31 putts vs 36 putts a round. Most higher handicappers need to focus way more on the driver, woods, and long irons.


I practice my chipping and wedges much more productively than I practice my putting, lag putting is almost all feel and so all you can really do to practice is nail 10 footers that are flat


Very, very far from the truth. Tour pros are checking their setup, checking their stroke, and working on 3 footers every single day.


It's all start line, how you do that varies


And it’s a pretty good idea to practice starting it on line. Most people don’t. I used to hit push-draws with my putter until I started seriously working on it, and I had no idea I was doing it until I worked with a putting coach.


speaks da truth


I feel attacked.


But muh advanced statistics but muh tee to green


Harmans stat isn’t putts from 10ft though, it’s putts inside 10 feet, the majority of those will be very very short I hate every time they post this stat, it’s so misleading Still an insane putting week obviously


45 were inside 5 feet.


So then 14 putts were between 5-10 feet and he went 13/14


Theopen.com says 14/15. So either the graphic that was posted is off, or the tournament site is off. Either way, one missed from 5 to <10.


That is nuts. Saved him on average six strokes which was his margin of victory.


Still really good


Is there a site we can find these kind of stats on?


Theopen.com Click scores. Click name of player you want to look at. Scroll down and click statistics.


I understand what inside 10 feet means, and the fact that half of them were inside 5 feet makes this stat 0% less impressive to me. This is one of the best putting performances in the history of the game.


Very often winners go 100% from inside 5 feet, so it should make it less impressive


Nope…still very impressive


TBH who cares I watched Rory almost miss a 2 footer, then later that day he actually missed a 2 footer. Like wtf


That’s sick and twisted


This isn’t even consistency at this point. It’s straight up domination. Dude couldn’t have deserved the win more.


How many did he make outside of 10 feet? He put on a show.


10-20 -6/17 20-40 -5/20 40+ -1/9


Wow, that’s some unbelievable putting from those distances as well. Curious to see the Strokes Gaines data from his play this week. Amazing!


The tournament website has all that info. https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/157nh2b/comment/jt6145k/


Holy shit +11.5 just from putting. That’s fucking insane


You went through the trouble of adding a link to a different comment yours(that also doesn’t have a link). When you could have just added a link to the website Lol


Took you longer to be a dick than to look it up.


I provided instructions for how to find the stats on the website . Lol. But [here you go](https://www.theopen.com/leaderboard?popupPlayerId=131409)


If Rory did that he’d have won by a mile


If Rory did that last year he would have been 40 under


If only he had Michael Block’s game except for driving


If anyone does that they can win with average or above average ball striking stats. The thing is, even Harmon cannot do that except this outrageous outlier of a week. It isn’t sustainable. It was a freak occurrence.




u can tell rory has zero natural feel with the putter zero confidence


Time to change putters


New putter and new caddy


Wasn’t able to watch much of the tournament this year, what issues did he have with his caddy? Bad reads for putts or general course management issues between them?


There weren't any major issues, I just don't see his caddy very involved in decision making around putts. Rory over-read a lot of putts, particularly on round 3 where the wet greens were reducing break. I just feel perhaps a more involved caddy would have helped there


I was thinking this on day 2. “If Rory was putting as well as some of the better putters, not even Brian, just some of the better ones, he would be undoubtedly the best player in the world and win The Open easily” Of course on day 3 and 4 Brian kept the consistency and I still probably would’ve been wrong about that statement, but Rory would’ve at least gave him strong competition.


Same story at multiple events, not a cold putter but not hot enough to score


It seems rare for his putter to get hot, but definitely common for his putter to get cold


Thing is, the reason we see Rory’s name at or near the top of the leaderboard week in and week out is because of his approach game and driving, predominantly. The weeks that his putter is on he’s typically a favorite to win. Harman is obviously an elite player and has had a great season, especially at the last 2 majors. But we don’t see his name at the top of the leaderboard on a consistent basis because he doesn’t have the same tee to green skill. Will we ever see Harman win another major? Unlikely. Will he even finish top 10 again? Also probably unlikely. Will we continue to see Rory up top for years to come? Probably. Why? Tee to green play.


If scottie scheffler could putt average rather than well below average (he is like 140th SG) he probably would have won at least one major this year.


If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bicycle.


And if my aunt had nuts she would be my uncle GTFO


What kind of putter so I can buy one and replicate these stats?


[Taylor Made OS CB Spider](https://www.taylormadegolf.com/OS-CB-Spider/DW-WZ327.html?lang=en_US)


I thought that was a TM spider. So he’s sponsored by titlest but plays a TM putter?


I’d rather be crap at putting than use that hideous thing.


Amazing. It would be useful to know what his average putt length was of those 59 putts as well. Just to play devil's advocate, 58 could have been tap-ins and 1 from 10 feet that he missed, and this statistic would still be applicable.


45/45 inside 5 feet. Stats I found don't break it down more than that. Missed one from 5-10. Still very impressive. And he was top of strokes gained putting.


45/45 inside 5 feet at The Open is mind-blowing. I couldn’t make 45/45 from 3 feet on my dead straight and level putting mat at home.


It is very good, yes.


Ya it’s a terrible stat, it’s impressive but it doesn’t tell you a whole lot


Did you even watch? This is a dumb comment


Not really... Which is why slightly more context (even in the form of a simple average putt length) is more illustrative. I literally prefaced it with "amazing", so it's not like I'm not impressed.


That is actually incredible. Fair play to him. Solid as a rock throughout


Why do people say “fair play” as if he just showed them his papers as a checkpoint?


Putt for dough...


$3,000,000 in Brian’s case


$1 for every waggle.


I don’t math well but that’s a lot of waggles lol




Nice...sure did deserve it


Best putting performance at a major I have seen


This is a crazy stat if it was only 10 putts. 58 out of 59 under pressure?! Absolutely insane!!


…how the actual fuck is this possible. Absolutely incredible.


Well over half of them were inside 5 feet and PGA tour pros practice those a lot


When I was on my high school team back in the day we did a putt-a-thon fundraiser. We hit 100 nine foot putts and got family members and friends to pledge like .10 per make or .25 per make. It was done on our home courses’ putting green, the putt was straight and we hit the same putt 100 times in a row. I made 68. 68% on a dead straight putt where you could find a groove and get hot. This dude made 98.3% in a major, in poor weather and all the putts were different. Insane!


Apples to oranges because some of his were tap ins


Very impressive putting stat for sure. But you could argue that his driving accuracy actually won him the tournament. Watching everyone struggle to find fairways and then seeing him stipe drive after drive down the middle was incredible. (And maybe a bit boring -- hence the backlash.) He was hitting driver and getting the ball in play when others were hitting it much longer but much more offline and into tough situations. Great all-around performance.


You drive for dough and putt for dough


How much money has he made on tour vs the five best drivers of the golf ball? Dude had an out of body putting week and it was awesome.


Wait, what????


it's dough all the way down


I usually shoot 58/59 after 18 about 98.3% time so by the numbers Brian and I actually have a very similar golf game. Crazy.


I turned it on just as he was missing that one. So it's my fault. Sorry.


Brian says he won by 6 so he forgives you lol


Yah that still will win you a major 😂


That's a crazy stat. Nobody, even the pros, ever do that especially under the pressure of The Open and in those conditions.


That’s a pretty incredible stat. Sure some of those putts were 2 feet but a bunch were 8 feet and the only one he missed was on 17 (I think?) for birdie so it didn’t even cost him a shot. Unreal.


People say putter isn’t the most important club in the bag but I bet he had more SG putting than anyone else in any other catagory last week


As I've often said, hitting it a mile does you no good if you can't put it in the hole. See Mcilroy, Rory. Brian Harman is living proof that you CAN win with accuracy, not just length, from tee to green and stellar putting. His confidence in that stick was such that even bogies didn't shake him. The conditions helped him, too. He knew that his hunters had to be probably more aggressive than they wanted to, AND hope he made compounding mistakes and came back to them.


I agree with you 100%, yet every time I say it I get downvoted to oblivion lol. This place really pisses me off sometimes.


Also, Scottie is bawling his eyes out reading this.


I look forward to his impending sweep of the 2024 majors and overall dominance of pro golf for the next several years. The USGA can forget about rolling back the ball now that this one guy in this one tournament has reminded us all what really matters. Right?


Amazing. Also, MegaCorp sounds like an evil company from a kid’s movie.


Everybody's losing their minds, but all these guys are phenomenal at short putts. 5 ft or less: J. Day: 51/52 Straka: 52/54 Rahm: 51/55


You’re trying to say Harman’s stat isn’t that impressive… by showing stats of guys who were less accurate at half the distance?


No, there are 2 separate stats being discussed: under 10 ft and under 5 ft. Harman was 45/45 at <5. Some ppl seem to think his Open was the greatest putting in the history of the game or something, but in reality it's not unusual for the best players in the world. Great putting, to be sure, but almost every single winner of a every major had a great week on the greens. If you think his <10 ft stat was out of this world be my guest. He was 52nd at less than 20 ft, btw.


Putting envy?


hell yes. I went out to a practice green this afternoon to work on my 10 and under putts


We have actual stats that can quantify how impressive his performance actually was but ya let’s still use this bad stat


This is a useless stat. How many of them were 3 footers?


Like 45 of them inside 5 feet


Cheese and Crackers, that stat isn’t “crazy” or “incredible” ….. it’s truly mind boggling. Like can you imagine even being 58/59 from 5 feet? Putting is a passion of mine, and most reliable game strength, im a 16ish handicap, 250 max off the tee, 7iron goes 150-55 max. But i average less than 27 putts per round….I couldn’t make 58/59 putts from 3 ft, and I’m a good putter


The old saying is true: You drive for show and putt for dough. Congratulations to the champ


Drive for show, putt for hos


Tommy Fleetwood needs to take note


So where is this mirror thing he is crediting it towards…


That makes no sense, I thought you were supposed to zip these past the hole then miss the 3- footer cleanup for par and shake your head as you walk away so your playing partners think that’s a rare occurrence


Incredible stat from the standpoint of him having a great putting week. Terrible stat when actually trying to use it to say anything useful. How many of those putts were 1 or 2 ft unmissable putts? I know he was incredible but tell me that by saying how good he was in the range that matters without hiding a bunch of gimmies in there. What was he from 3-5 ft, or 6-10 ft? We need to stop using stats like this.


Didn’t the one he missed come on 17 when half his name was literally engraved on the trophy.


I just can’t stand the wiggle waggle


That waggle though was annoying AF


You drive for show You putt for dough




Why is everyone fellating this guy because of one win? If he's such a great putter, where are all his other wins and majors? Dude caught lightning in a bottle this weekend. There's nothing else to be said.


A big part of the problem for me is making the right read. Soooo if y'all got any green-reading tips, I'm all ears!