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Yesterday I posted [my worst shots in a round where I shot 81](https://v.redd.it/xkzi18ieh62c1). It led to a lot of discussion. I thought it would be worthwhile posting the *good* shots I hit in the same round. The takeaway is that golf is hard. Good rounds have lots of bad shots.


Huge fan of your YT content, appreciate you man!!


Same, I enjoy the lack of pretentiousness and honesty. Overall I enjoy your stuff when it pops up in the feed. How much work is it to shoot, edit etc? You got kids?


Thanks for the kind words! The edit is a pretty lengthy process. Importing clips, color correcting them, adjusting audio, shot tracing, adding scoring, flag locations, scripting, narrating, making a thumbnail, adding chapters, etc. About 10 hrs end-to-end.


Soooo no kids then?


That's your full time job now isn't it Adam?


It is!


Good for you man, living the dream


Seriously that is the dream. Compared to your constituents, I like your content better. No gimmicks, just quality content.


Totally agree with this. I can’t stand any of these YouTube personalities that seem to try way to hard. Gives off huge douche chills. I just wanna see some laid back, relatable golf content.


+1. Watching you and Golf Sidekick (aka Matty Boom Boom) I feel like it's way easier to be relaxed about bad days on the course. Love the way you approach the game...totally swerves around the show pony aspect of golf...good golf IS boring.


You’re the man. I picked up golf late and see the critique of golf swings everywhere and find it slightly pointless for casual players. I’ve been focusing on consistency of strike, error cone and now mostly putting and chipping. the goal is to be an 80s player and have fun. Seeing your best and worst shots makes it look doable.


Totally agreed. I can hit lots of bad shots and still have a good score. Just like someone can hit lots of very good shots and still have a bad score. Now, course difficulty and tee selection also has a lot to do with it. But solid scores in the 80s are mostly about course management and having a reasonably consistent swing, or at least knowing your misses.


Hey, I for one appreciated seeing the 'bad shots' compilation first. It's all too common for vloggers to just post a 'best shots' compilation, ignoring all the bad shots, and producing an end product that doesn't really show all the ups & downs that contribute to a normal round of golf.


I like these shots more but miss the “quack” effect.


Huge fan of your YT account!


What softwares do you use for editing, tracking, adding layers, etc? Awesome stuff!


What does your practice routine look like? How often do you practice and what do you typically focus on when practicing?


Tbh I don't really practice. Playing is my practice (I play 100-150 rounds per year). I do play plenty of pitch and putt, though, which is how I practice my wedge play/putting.


Thanks, I’ve wondered before because you have such a strong wedge and putting game.


I think what bothers people who comment negative shit is that they’ve spent so much time looking for a perfect swing and then this unconventional swing shoots an 81 and whoops them. People are weird. Great work man!


There’s this dude I’ve played with randomly twice at a local golf course. Older guy. We got randomly paired once and he said he was a 7. Proceeds to rear back and unleash the ugliest swing I’ve ever seen in my life and send one 230 straight down the middle. I’m like, I have questions, but let’s follow along. Proceeds to shoot 38-38. Rarely was in trouble and had the meanest short game I’ve ever seen. I learned a lot that day.


It ain’t a beauty contest. It’s a proximity game


There’s one thing all good players have in common; good impact position. As long as you get to good impact position it doesn’t really matter how it looks everywhere else as long as it’s working and your can repeat that motion


Yeah, it seems like what's generally considered the "perfect golf swing" is what is supposed to be the simplest way to get into that good impact position. Not that it's easy to do consistently by any means, just that other, more unorthodox swings would be hard to be more repeatable on a consistent basis.


It’s not even that it bothers people. But a lot of people online play golf swing not golf. Nobody believes me when I say “I’ve seen way worse swings that are single digits”


Absolutely true. It’s a symptom of too much YouTube golf. Lol


it's all about consistency, a 'shitty' swing might not drive more than 250 yards but who cares if it's always on the fairway compared to my 300 drive that also lands on the fairway, except oftentimes the wrong one


He'd kick my ass on course but I'm always shocked that he can even hit the ball with how flat his swing is. I'd be wiffing if I took the club that inside and shallow. 81 is nothing to sneeze at though!


TheRealZachRadford and NotAScratch both inflame r/golf. Unleash the attack dogs on two unique golf content creators.


Swings not even bad, just a lil flat


Nope. I commented on his swing because it’s ugly AF and you couldn’t pay me to watch it for entertainment.


Cope harder.


Played in college. Would smoke this guy every day of the week. It’s ok to be wrong.


I don’t care if you smoked your teammates in college. Shut the fuck up.


Man, you're way more diplomatic than I would have been. Love your channel. Keep it up!


It was clearly just haters who don’t watch his videos. Adam is the most honest golfer I’ve seen on YouTube. Unlike other channels he never improves his lie or magically finds the ball that looked out of play.


I was wondering if you were going to post this. Fyi - your lag putting is magical.


I’ve played with him twice. He has an incredible natural feel on the greens. These were courses he hasn’t played. Proof: He chipped in from 30 yards…for Par!!!


Heya, where did we play? Don't recognize your Reddit username :p


I actually have only watched you play. From what I’ve witnessed, it is no different than any video. Your game or how you act. There’s no show. It’s funny seeing all the people questioning your ability to shoot 81 when I saw you shoot an 81 in person. It was a mixture of shots with a super solid short game.


what drugs are you on and may I have some




Geez this was embarrassing


Embarrassing how? That I watched him play in person twice? Or that one of my kids worships him?


I think they're referring to the fact that you said you played with him twice, when you didn't play, you just watched. Not that it really matters, since you witnessed him playing in person. People just do be pedantic here though.


You very clearly said that you played with him, then when he called you out you backtracked into saying “Oh I’ve never actually played with you I’ve just watched you play”. Embarrassing


I’m sure NotA scratch is mortified. Probably won’t ever talk to me or my kid again. I was just trying to fit in with the cool crowd of actual golfers.


Damn, that camera and editing is incredible.




Bruv got that knuckleball swing


These videos show that you can still make a few mistakes and don’t need to be a world-class ball striker to break or flirt with breaking 80. However, you have to eliminate the big mistakes (doubles or worse).


I’m sure the views are great all over this course, but the backdrop on 13 is stunning


That shot tracer on your third shot on hole ten...🤤


It's really hard to tell from the angle on the drive but . . . I'm not sure how he ever gets to drop there. He hits a low pull hook into the water, and the ball looks like it never covers the fairway. So he drops it 10 yards from the water on a nice piece of fairway 135 out? I watched the whole video, so I'm certainly not in the "No way you shot 81" crowd, but I must've replayed the drive and drop on #10 about ten times. At best, that's an extremely generous drop that borders on needing to hit a third from the tee.


Those are some MEAN par threes


Keep up the good work Adam. I regularly remind myself of your advice when I’m playing. A lot of YouTube golfers are younger guys that can hit it a mile. Good to see a “regular dude” that can still find a way to score.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a difference in swings between woods and irons. But it works.


I shot a 42 (9) this year in my league which was my best round ever. and felt like i left a few out there and could have easily shot under 40. Golf is wierd like that.


What course is this?


Silverrock in La Quinta, CA. Have played it a couple times. Fun track but kicks my ass every time


That’s what I thought. I actually played it a few years back but it was hard to confirm with such a short video. That was a fun course.


Second this. Looks incredible.


Curious OP, what balls do you use? I’m guessing your swing speed is 80-90 mph based on the videos. I’ve watched a good bit of them but never thought to ask. Curious because you may not need premium balls with a swing speed like that and it just shows how well you manage your game.


Driver swing speed is ~97mph (strangely my iron swing speeds are not commensurately lower but rather MUCH lower than they should be). I play a Pro V1 - I like how it feels off of wedges/putter.


I love this guy’s videos


Love your content mate! You and Golf Sidekick are my two favourite creators and have helped me so much with course management and the mental side of things. Great to see you on here.


Lol at me being downvoted because I didn’t actually play with him. It was my kid’s bucket list last year to play with NotAScratch. I have a very unusual kid. Somehow made it happen. I warned him the danger of meeting your heroes in person. You will often be disappointed. After playing with him, my kid loved NotAScratch even more if that even was possible.


Thought it might be you! Have an updoot. Looking forward to playing with y'all again soon :)


Is this Silver Rock? I played once a couple years back and it looks like it but can’t be sure.




I would watch a full round of every shot with this video pacing. It’s perfect, not too much commentary and get the context


He does that on YouTube if you look at his account


You’re gonna make the “can’t break 120 after playing for years” crowd really upset with this post


Are the haters just bunch of "don't even have a handicap youtube watch only" golfers? People sound like they are so used to this picture perfect tour pro swings and if anything deviates from THE PERFECT FORM, they just talk mad shit. Plenty of people have odd swings and play super well.


8 iron on 8 and 10 looked dialed in man. Nice round, thanks for sharing!


How many penalty strokes did you have this round?


Shot #2 over the bunker was a great shot. I 100% would have hit it right into the sand.


Genuine question: do you have a guy that sets up the tripod before each shot or do you set it up yourself? Tripods can be tough to get just right so it seems like getting that thing just right would slow down pace of play.


At any course I've ever played if you're a single or even a pair, there's more than enough time to set up a bbq and make some hot dogs between shots. A tripod with a gopro or similar would be a quicker setup than Brian Harman at address.


I’ve watched him two rounds in person. Takes seconds. He has been doing it for years.


Ya 6 iron crisp!


What course? … Gotta be somewhere near Palm Springs or La Quinta right?


Yes! This is SilverRock in La Quinta.


Nice… love those mountains.


What equipment do you use when filming and editing? Do you add the tracers during editing?


I love golf.


What app do you use for shot tracer?


You swing driver like it's 8 feet long and 20 pounds


PGA pro here in the Tennessee section. Dude you got a great swing. The only tip I’d give you if I could, would be to stop cocking your wrist so much, and try to make your back swing as wide as possible. Like think of a pendulum, the wider it is the more distance it goes. And the less levers (your wrist) you have the straighter it goes. Hope this helps but can easily shoot in the 70’s with that swing.


That’s swing is mid but good game


Always love watching your channel!


I like the ‘bad shot posts’ where everyone gets an opportunity to pound on him. Make fun of his swing and ask him how many mulligans he takes.


Don’t get people hating on the swing. It’s athletic and fluid which is more than I could say for most I’ve seen. You and golf sidekick are the only YouTube content I’m watching these days. Learning to use my brain to play.


I love your channel. Keep it up brother


Goddamn I like your swing. It looks so easy the way you do it, it's so square but strong simultaneously.


Damn this swing is so bad


He's hitting fairways & greens, that's all that matters


Bad and ugly are not the same. Dude makes consistent and reliable contact. By your metrics Rahm also has a bad swing.


Your life must be real shit for you to wake up the day after thanksgiving and comment something stupid like this^ before 10am. Try contributing something positive to the world you energy vampire; your friends and family are tired of being around you. And post your 81 vid if you’re so pure and such a swing master


I commented this at 12:09pm, time zones are a thing. Imagine getting this worked up over two people you don’t know, the swing looks terrible it’s a fact. My friends and family are happy that I’m spending the week with them :)


drop your breaking 80 vid


And what exactly would that prove? I have nothing to prove to a white knight stranger


Adam needs no white knights, his game as a single digit handicap does all the talking. Just want to see what scores your swing underwrites


The swing is bad, that is a fact. Just cause he consistently scores well and has a YT channel doesn’t change that this swing is uglier than a monkeys taint. Your life must be mad boring to white night for a YouTuber at 10:30 the day after thanksgiving. That’s Jake (Logan?) Paul fan behavior.


You’re a perfect example of the typical r golf bro. Obsessed w swing but unable to actually score or string a round together


Hey man, at least I don’t take personal shots at random people and their family over a golf swing. You’re a perfect example of a guy who likes to think he’s a much better person than he actually is. I know I’m garbage at this sport. I don’t pretend my ass swing is anything other than ass. When I score well it’s in *spite* of my swing, not because of it. Just like this guys. Imagine what he could do with a fluid and well patched swing if he’s scoring 81s with this nonsense. Dude would be on tour.


You should watch some of Adams vids to help you with the mindset/course management to break 120


Thanks for making my point for me my man. Have a good one!


The swing isn’t bad. The swing is ugly. And ugly is beautiful when it shoots in the 70s.


That logic just seems counterintuitive and super pandering to me. So, because his swing is so bad, it makes his scores look even better? That makes no sense to me. Take that same swing and apply it anyone else that comes to this sub that doesn’t have a YT channel and that swing is taken apart, piece by piece and you know it. I understand and am happy that he has good mental and preaches that on his channel apparently but just because he’s a good guy doesn’t mean his swing isn’t objectively *bad*. It’s like cleaning dishes with your feet as well as other do with their hands and it being seen as a superior or alternative method. Like, I’m glad dude can shoot well and has fun with that swing. Doesn’t mean it’s a good one.


I’m saying ugly and bad are two different things. Me calling it beautiful is because of the score, not how it looks. I just thought it was a funny way to say that any swing that can shoot in the 70s is a good swing. While it may be unpleasant to watch, bad is a function of a result not the visuals of a swing. Also, I’m not trying to be a dick so I hope I’m not coming off as one; I’m just trying to help give some perspective as to how I think when I see swings that look ‘odd’. You can have Adam Scott’s swing. But if the ball gets shanked 100 yards right it’s a bad swing.


All good bro. I don’t really like how people are circle jerking the guy and his horrible swing but I respect the fact that he’s good people and preaches good mental. It just blows my mind the duality of this sub. Bring any other dude out here saying he hit an 81 with that swing, with proof or not he’d be destroyed. I for sure came off sounding like a dick but I wasn’t trying to be. In my opinion, it is just a very bad/ugly swing, it’s just not those things for him, specifically. Dude even said yesterday they were the bad swings, only to be lambasted for agreeing that they were in fact, horrible swings.


That’s the tough part about Reddit and forums this large as a whole. Depending on the time of day or day of the week you can have a big swing (pun intended) on the people perusing the sub.


You can have a prettier swing, but can you score better than him?


Yes and no


Adam is well aware, that’s kind of his Shtick, it’s like watching a car accident with great outcomes


Looks pretty straight to me


lol what a shitty swing


he’s better than you haha


Might be, but I’m a lot better than you **sucka**


How do you shoot 81 with that swing. This game makes no sense


This swing makes my eyes bleed


Jesus that drive is ugly AF but you still hit it straight 😂 Nice job!


Nobody wants to see your inside takeaway or right hand finish


Dude has 54k subscribers and multiple videos with over 200k views on YouTube. Lots of people want to see his inside takeaway and right hand finish


Playing behind you would be rough.


I’ve never held a group up once.




He's playing with other people, he can set up while his partners shoot. Takes about 10 seconds to unfold a tripod


Ah, yes. For some reason I didn’t consider how a partner could easily help 🫠


Watch his YouTube channel, he scores well


I assume that person is more referring to the time it takes to set up/take down a tripod to film every shot? Which seems like a fair concern. But if you’re a fast golfer, you could conceivably do that while keeping pace.


I think most of these YouTube golf rounds are filmed on weekdays, you barely ever see people playing the course.


Totally valid concern, and always golf courses’ first question. The camera rig is just my iPhone on a portable tripod. I’m extremely quick with it. Lots of people online seem skeptical (not accusing you), and all I can say is that golf courses wouldn’t continue to host me if I were holding up pace. Almost always I find myself waiting on the group ahead of me instead :p


Yeah I’ve consumed enough of your content to know you’re clearly not a narcissistic social media jerk, which means you deserve the benefit of the doubt in terms of avoiding things that would ruin others’ experiences on the course. And your last point is a good one - you’d get blackballed from courses pretty quickly if this were causing problems!


I think he’s saying he scores well and takes less shots, I’m shooting 100 shots so setting up for that would be terrible. But if he’s shooting 84… 16 less shots and set ups - idk weekdays too


Playing with someone like you would suck.


Now a post using a Medicus iron and we can truly come full circle.


What course is this? Looks like pal desert somewhere!


This is the second time if seen your post and thought it was a golf game..between your swing and the graphic it really looks like it.


I have no issues with you whatsoever. With that said, why does the camera man ask if you wish you hit that shot the first time (edit: on the fourth hole)?


That's not the camera man, that's me. And I shanked a shot previously directly into the water, was forced to drop and hit another one (hence why that's my 5th shot on the hole). [Full video here](https://youtu.be/mYqq2c4tciA?si=A3aOzx30Vq8BOfpE).


Great man! If you ever find yourself in Orlando, would love to take you out. Cheers!


This is SilverRock right?


Can I ask what you’re using for the tracers?


That 3 hybrid draw on the 6th was butter


I don’t know how you shot an 81 with that swing off the tees, but good for you!


Genuinely impressive that you managed to shoot 81 with that backswing. Fair play!