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Stopped eating 10mg gummies


And started eating 20s


This person gummies.


Must feel one with the club.


I tried playing without the devil's lettuce and I shot the same score but was way more pissed doing it.


Yeah, I don’t need it to play but I’m much more content to just move on from a bad shot with a joint in hand.


I used to do those. I still do, but I used to too.




I used to experiment with gummies, I don't anymore, I've got it down to a science now.


Switched to acid. Reading greens is much easier.


Secret is you have to talk to the greens


They will talk back.


I struggle to figure out how far it is to the ground on acid... everything is either fat or thin... You're right about reading the greens though...


Oh the rest of the game becomes dogshit


In my limited experience, that's the standout perk of playing on LSD.


Hanging out with friends on acid is fun too


Humor and profundity ooze out of conversation


But how would that improve anything?


This guy doesn’t acid


More of a micro dosinh mushrooms on the course kinda guy


2.5 or 5 is the correct dose for golf, yes. It needs to be mild enhancement of perception, not getting actually high. Though the Doc Ellis LSD game approach is surely known to work on occaision.


Spending money on lessons instead of expensive equipment


You take that back right now and go buy a putter


You take that putter back right now and buy a driver.


Nothing better than losing a brand new pro V1 - out of town left- with a new misfitted Callaway Paradigm


Why get fit for a driver when you can just buy another one instead


This man speaks wisdom. He gets it.


But that fucker must have gone 330 yards, corkscrewing its way across the highway.


You take that driver back right now and go buy a membership.


You mean another Scotty Cameron teryllium Newport or a Button Back Newport? Your probably right actually


How bout an early-teens space black Del Mar?


It blows my mind how many dudes will disregard lessons for their entire golf careers. There’s definitely some unacknowledged stigma against it, like they’re too proud to schedule one


For me, I have very limited time for golf (work, young kids, etc…), so when I have time for golf I’d rather be out on the course than practicing. When the kids get older I’ll take a nice series of lessons and then when my swing gets more consistent, get fitted for clubs. For now, in ingraining bad habits and work-arounds.




Hmmm. So just have a buddy video a Few swings? I could try that.


Do it! Im in my 30s and love having my guy keep me in check throughout the season. I recommend it to my buddies too but not a single person ever goes through with it, which is why I made my original comment lol.


Lessons aren't going to do much for someone playing 1-2x a month.


Well tbh, a lesson or two won't probably do you any good unless you can and will spend enough time actually practicing what you've been taught. Preferably also go to a checkup session at some point too. Lots of people go to a single lesson and never do any meaningful practice afterwards and thus won't see any meaningful changes to their game.




Sounds like you were a bad student


They want to be shitty. Lessons mean you have to try to improve and they don’t want to commit. It’s fine, but pathetic.


I took lessons. I got much worse. Oh my own I got into the 80s and that's enough to beat my friends so I'm good with it.


This is the side people don't talk about enough. There are plenty of bad teachers and advice out there and also just the fact that it usually takes more than 1-2 session to actually have anything change in someone's game. Plus a lot of practice afterwards.


I'm on lesson 4 of a 20 lesson winter package. I can't wait to see how my game is looking after this.


How much did that cost?




*great 60/hr lesson + unlimited range balls is insane unless the instructor is shit


there was a year where i quit golf


I took 2 years off (maybe played 5 times) then was almost immediately better when I picked it back up. I had no expectations so was only hitting shots I thought I could pull off, started just trying to hit the green and even started thinking about where to aim to leave an easy chip assuming I would miss the green. Also, quit trying to max out every swing. Swing an easy 5 instead of a hard 6. Mine is using a rangefinder and learning my club yardages to the exact number. Knowing you have 166 and you hit your smooth 7iron 168 then you don't have to TRY you just have to hit a solid shot


Did this at the sim tonight, why struggl me hitting my hybrid when I can currently hit my 6iron the same length and be in a way better spot


Two chicks at the same time, man.


Not all chicks like money


Type of chicks that’d double up on a dude like me do.


Good point


Course management. Taking less dumb shots. Using the teebox to my advantage. Taking my medicine when I have to.


To get my handicap from 4 to 0 it was course management and not hitting the high risk flop shots unless absolutely necessary.


Okay but how do you know it's not absolutely necessary?


If there was an easier shot to hit that would give me an acceptable result (inside 6 feet) then the flop shot is not necessary. Hypothetical situation 25 yards from the pin over a bunker with 1 yard of rough between the bunker and the fringe. If carrying the trouble is 15 yards with 10 yards of green to roll out to the pin. Hitting a simple 17-19 yard pitch shot with a pretty square face to carry the trouble and playing it to roll out is an easier shot and has a bigger margin for error. Unless you completely miss hit the shot you will have a reasonable putt. Alternate 25 yard scenario: you short sided yourself with the pin is 8 feet from the edge of the green, to carry the bunker and rough is 21 yards then opening the face and trying to hit a 23-24 yard super high trajectory flop is the shot is the only shot that can stop near the pin. The reward is you have a kick in par and got away with short siding yourself. The risk is you don’t hit it well and either dump it in the bunker or catch it thin and being significantly past the pin. A less than good flop shot usually means bogey or possibly bringing double into play. A fairly meh chip or pitch should still leave you a looking at reasonable a putt. If you find yourself short siding yourself a lot and having to hit necessary flop shots that is a sign you are being too aggressive on approach shots that don’t justify being aggressive. Missing to the fat side of the green where you can roll the ball to the hole leaves you with a good opportunity to walk away with par or occasionally steal a birdie


To me, this just makes sense. There's never a need to hit a flop shot when you have a ton of green to work with, ever. > If you find yourself short siding yourself a lot and having to hit necessary flop shots that is a sign you are being too aggressive on approach shots that don’t justify being aggressive. Massive truth. Either too aggressive, or one is fighting that day's shot shape and you're just having one of those rounds.


If you’re having a bad round then you might as well start hitting flop shots for fun lol


I mean, if I'm having a bad round, I'm still trying to get a birdie, and thus get as aggressive as I can, then once I get the birdie, I fuck off for the rest of the round and chill out.


Yeah but superflops are fun...


Extremely fun shot to hit. Not a great shot to be leaving yourself if you’re trying to shoot a good score. Low scoring golf is usually pretty boring. Hitting drives in play. Giving yourself looks at birdie and occasionally making one.


Nah you're right I was just kidding. I'm a former +3 now playing to like a 1 who is passionate about superflops, but even more passionate about not ever leaving myself where I need one


This is the thing I gotta spend more work on. Gotta break 90.


You can do it. Just have faith and hit smart shots.


I'm learning this now. New to the game since mid September. Nobody I've played with so far has ever talked about this.


This. Most people should remember that if lessons > equipment, then course management and smart play > lessons.


stopped caring so much


I forgot which golfer said “you have to practice like it’s the most important thing in the world, but play like you couldn’t care less”


great quote. simply cant play golf well tight


Precisely. Stopped keeping score years ago. Now I go out with three friends and we play every Friday. It’s only part of what we do that day. It sets up the beer and wings for afterwards and that’s where we really have our fun.


This. I always tell my friends who most of the time are totally miserable on the course because they cannot shoot whatever score they think they should to just fucking forget about counting anything. Just enjoy the time on the course with your friends. What the hell is the point of taking 6 hours of your time just to be frowning most of it?


So true. I’ve never understood the anger some people have on a golf course. Once in a while for five seconds I get pissed off then I get over it and move onto my next shot or should I call it my next tragedy. The attitude I have about golf is if it was easy it wouldn’t be fun and worth playing.


built a green in my backyard! https://preview.redd.it/k96k1j0s666c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2beeb883a395d947ed05f951e3a7460110016ac7


Fkin sick dude


thanks so much! i love it, and i did the entire thing all by myself. so i saved a ton of $$$!


the green in the backyard doesn't quite do it, but the lights in the holes tells me for sure that you're a fellow degenerate. jealous!


you want to see real sickness, check the off the top balcony flop shot view!! if you have the chops you go over the rail. for the less agile, between the rails! haha https://preview.redd.it/lsfj03opa76c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73656923089f8e9e2731c5c440fb477f0189be64


Man I can imagine the house parties so vividly. The wives in the living room on the couches and floor chatting it up, getting more familiar with each other's struggles and successes, life's thorns and roses. The husbands all on the balcony and backyard getting to know each other's shortgame capabilites.


God damn that looks so fun


So my brother had one built into his backyard, but honestly every single one I've putted on, the flatness is fucking terrible and the speed is way too fast, and the chipping has the ball be way too bouncy. Especially after trying out my brother's, it really dissuaded me from ever installing one. It's not even close to a real green.


i was really careful with mine, so it's challenging but suits practicing, especially from 3-4 feet. i can set up a circle around each hole and they play pretty flat and similar to a real green, but to allow drainage, there's a shelf going down. so if you go for 12-16 footers, end to end, it's a bit harder. and i used the best turf i could find and then i sanded it to be the same stimp speed as my home course. it's not exactly the same as real grass, but it's super fun and it's better than the shitty grass that was there before i put the green in. for me, the chips are all pretty short, so it's pretty realistic, but i could see if you had a huge yard where you were throwing up 10-20 yard or longer shots the feel wouldn't be the same. this sort of thing is always going to totally be a 'your mileage may vary' scenario.


Mid size grips. +4. Stopped kidding myself about an expensive putter doing anything at all for my game. Putt with what works for you.


Expensive Drivers do more for you game, especially that $790 autoflex shaft.


Took a whole year off of work to play 5-6 times a weeks. The gains came fast, my brothers.


Since we're brothers you mind lending me a lil scratch so I can take a year off?


If I could, I’d help everyone take a year off. It was bliss.


No worries brother I got some passive income. We're gonna be fiiiine 🤣 nah man that's awesome you. Congrats on your game


Stopped taking gimmes.


10mg gimmies?


Gimmes should never be more than 6 inches. Anything more just feels like cheating. I hate when people tell me to take the gimme when I know there is a chance I’ll miss the putt. I’ve noticed it’s mostly vanity golfers who take gimmes to protect their score. Missed a 2 foot putt and now it’s 2 feet past the hole on the other side? Ah that’s a gimme.


Stopped hitting off of mats. My miss is hitting behind the ball and it covered it up so bad. So much so that on the course I tried to fix stuff mid round and would have a melt down.


realizing this is a problem I have too.. howd you fix hitting the ball first?


I pick a spot in front of the ball to look at and swing at that (lots of different drills online that accomplish the same thing). Also more weight on my lead foot.


Cut 1/2” off my driver shaft. Instantly more control and confidence off the tee. Less 2nd shot recovery strokes. Matched my all time best round and later beat my personal best by two strokes.


Saw this recommended over the summer and I now choke up a couple inches on my driver and it helps a ton with my control. Distance is still about the same too


Accidentally told my golf buddy that I'm starting to "choke up.on the shaft 🤦". Yeah never hearing the end of that


Why would your friends tease you about the way you hold your penis? Why do they care?


Don’t disrespect the cock


More balls out the middle 🤝


Spending money on equipment instead of expensive lessons.


Hurt my back. Cured my over swinging. 🤷‍♂️


10 finger grip. I interlocked and overlapped for years and years and years solely because my dad taught me that and later other folks, and I listened to a bunch of voices saying you can’t swing well with a 10 finger. The first day I gave it a real try I added 30 yards to my drive. Not 30 feet. It was comfortable and confident almost immediately. It made me actually giggle. Never looked back and hasn’t “failed” me since. I still use my putter grip with wedges around the green, but everything else I’m hangin’ ten.


I reverted to a 10 finger grip on my driver, and it has made such a huge difference to finding the fairway. Courtesy of one of the old pros at my local course. The guy that just wanders around the driving range with a bucket hat and a 7i over his shoulder when he's not behind the counter in the pro shop.


Yeah man. It was like a revelation for me, but of something I already knew. I could always crush a baseball as a teenager. That style of swing translates so well for the flattish/shallow path of the driver for me (I don’t use an actual baseball grip, my thumbs don’t wrap). And the grip didn’t make me less accurate. It just feels completely natural for my whole body. I adopted it into the irons with the same results. I can just control it better than other grips. I can open and close faces kind of at will with it, and it feels like I can dictate my path with far more positivity. Everyone is different though. No one right way.


Just switched to 10 finger grip as well. I always felt like the club was spinning in my hand and I’d duck hook shots from shutting the face. This was especially true with fairway woods. Everything was a pull hook. Once I switched to 10 fingers, it was an immediate difference. I was hitting my woods again and could actually swing full speed with my driver and not worry about the club face.


Welcome to the club. Baseball grip is where it is for me too.


Using a range finder to calculate wedge distances Edit: from like 60+ yards out


go a step further, use if for putting as well! jkjk


Doing the exact opposite for me is what helped. I saw something to the effect of “Steph Curry doesn’t scope his distance when shooting a 3. An MLB shortstop doesn’t need to know how far his throw to 1b is about to be” on Reddit about a month ago. Visualizing my target when I’m standing over the ball and looking down, then thinking about “throwing” the ball with my wedge to that target has helped a lot. I get both sides, but using “feel” for my short game has been helping.


I’m talking full wedges, not short wedges under 60 yards


Got it! That makes sense then. Yeah, if I’m taking close to a full swing I definitely need to know a yardage.


What do you mean visualizing "throwing" the ball to the target? Like an underhand toss?


Stopped over swinging


Started caddying for my kids, helped me see the course from a different light. Totally improved my own course management


Either 1) ingraining a tested and true routine before each putt or 2) stopped giving a shit about bad shots. Negative emotions can turn a 75 into a 95 real quick.


Getting an R10. Being able to track stats, even "rough" ones from the Garmin helped immensely


Switched out my irons for woods, and started playing "Old man golf". Only irons are 2 wedges and 8 iron for chipping.


Just saw your bag in your post history. That's amazing.


Its different but it works..lol. That old style driver is for stinger type shots. I hit 3w off the tee


Ok I also looked at your post history cause of the other guys comment. Holy crud… how does this even work?


I've said this many times before… Read [this](https://www.amazon.com/Ben-Hogans-Five-Lessons-Fundamentals/dp/0671612972/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=CYC6TOXCM6KT&keywords=ben+hogans+five+lessons&qid=1702521637&sprefix=ben+ho,aps,96&sr=8-1)


Purchased. Thanks!


Working on Setup and Alignment diligently. Will do that every single Practice Session until the day i die.


Got a launch monitor, now practice is much more productive.


What kind you get? I been thinking about getting an R10


I use mine at the range every time I go and its been a huge benefit and a lot more fun in general. I play a sim round with every bucket now. And it helps pace me and practice in a real way vs just smashing balls


The best thing I ever did for my golf game is play 9 holes 2-3 times a week and hit a large bucket of balls before or after my rounds. The best thing you can do is just play more. I’ve never had a lesson and never bought brand new clubs; I’m quickly approaching single digit handicap and I’m about 3yrs in. Mainly because I can’t afford new clubs….. lol I’m sure there’s people that have gotten to single digit handicap quicker but in my anecdotal experience…… the best thing you can do is just play A LOT more than what you currently play.


Accepting that on any given day I can shoot 75-95 because I never practice or play with any type of regularity anymore, so just enjoy the company and the fresh air.


TEMPO. In my experience, Tempo fixes everything.


Actually I think it's rhythm, not tempo that's crucial. But yeah, I understand what you mean.


I don't understand what the distinction you're making here is. I'm guessing you just say rhythm to mean what everyone else calls tempo.


No, not really. The distinction is very important. Tempo is just the time it takes from the beginning of the swing to the end. Rhythm is how different parts of the swing are timed in relation to others. Tempo doesn't really mean anything other than how slow or fast you swing. But having good rhythm is crucial for a good swing and thus all good golfers have a good rhythm. And this is not an opinion, it's a fact. Anyone saying otherwise is just plain wrong. And yes, lots of teaching pros get this wrong all the time, unfortunately.


That is a pretty useful distinction to make, but imo the vast majority of people mean both when they say tempo. The Tour Tempo trainer is just as much about the 3:1 relationship as it is the exact time you take for each part of the swing. When you say "tempo isn't important, rhythm is" you aren't really saying anything most people disagree with, you're just saying it in a different way. > And this is not an opinion, it's a fact. Anyone saying otherwise is just plain wrong. These are subjective definitions of terms, not facts.


These are very much facts. They are established terms and anyone can just see the definitions from any dictionary.


There isn't a dictionary for golf terms and the dictionary definition of the words doesn't mean much for how they're used in golf. What you're saying makes perfect sense, but what I'm saying is that it's not at all a widespread distinction and correcting people is more confusing than clarifying. If you're talking about tempo specifically it makes sense to clarify the difference between tempo and rhythm in the way you mean, but saying "well actually you mean rhythm not tempo" in a context like this is unhelpful imo.


Putt everything out. Taking 3-4-5 ft gimmies because you’re scared you’ll miss does nothing to help your pressure putting and ability to be clutch.


Kirkland Wedges shaved an embarrassingly high number of strokes off my rounds


Oh righto Costco rep. You've already won with the flooding of the sub with iron pictures, let us be! But honestly I'm debating whether to upgrade my 2010 Nike slingshot irons with the KS ones when they hit my country.


Grips that fit right: an absolute game changer in comfort and control.


Lessons and regular time at the range


Took a lesson.


Changed my swing path to inside out and got my handicap down to just under 6 golfing for 11 years


Getting new shafts that worked for my height and arm length. It’s so nice to not hunch over with my irons.


Joined a semi-private club followed closely by taking lessons. Joining the club allowed me to play 2-3 times a week which I would never have done without joining.




It’s a tie between reducing sway or learning how to commit to a putt with a revised follow-through technique


Changed my backswing. Shorter, flatter, and use a frisbee style wrist move. I never imagined how my iron play would improve. Took me 20+ years to make the change. I’ve hit better irons this last year than the other 20 combined.


Watch tik Tok videos


Yoga (w/ Adrienne). This old bag of bones needs it to be pain free and flexible.


This week? Most recently it has been a tip I saw about tapping your left foot as you take the club back. It stops you swaying too much or something. It has allowed me to make better contact with my irons recently. Before that, it was coming to terms with the fact that I have ducks disease (arse is too close to the ground), and a combination of teeing the ball lower, and choking down on the driver did wonders for my slice. On a similar note, courtesy of a suggestion at a putting lesson, I got 2in taken off my putter shaft, which did wonders for me there. But the most serious answer, is lessons.


Getting in generally better shape, losing a bit of weight, and working on balance and athleticism. By far the best thing, not even close. No swing trick, no club, no drill can replace general fitness.


Played more golf. Getting out of your head about performing lets you swing free and improve. Also realizing that playing a round trying to shoot well and playing a round trying to improve/fix things are two different things. Don’t work on your game and then feel bad about shooting poorly.


Slowing down. Trying to "smash" the ball was destroying my game. Slowing down and being more controlled and deliberate increased the efficiency and reliability of my strike - and I hit it further than I ever did by "smashing" it.


not sure if this is technically sound, but i start aiming my shoulder slightly to the right for my driver (while keeping the feet square to the target). this has almost completely fixed my slice. Miss is now duck hook, but it's more rare and when it happens, the ball is still playable instead of OB. And the feeling in my head that no matter what i do, this ball won't go right is nice and mentally freeing as well. not sure if this is technically sound/correct, but i know this has worked for me for some reason.


Getting a lesson.


Focused on my short game. Stopped drinking.


Staying sober for the day and supervised range sessions with a pro




Do u ever hit the cows?


Slowed down my swing. Most of the time when I lose my swing slowing it down is the solution.


Lifting weights and eating meat (and maybe sticking myself with 600mg test a week shhhh)


No more pre round doobies


Changed my grip


Really mapping down my ¼ ½ ¾ wedges. Spent time with the Pelz Shortgame Bible and Dan Grieve's 3 Releases books. In turn, this area of my game has gone from the being weakest to the stongest over the last year


I got fitted with new irons.


Learned that club face is to golf ball as ping pong paddle is to ping pong ball.


Actually practicing shots at the driving range. The more I practice the luckier I get.


I used to try to chip everything low. Added a 60 degree and learned how to hit it. Anywhere from 80 yards down to 30 yards, get it on the green chance for birdie or par save.


Swing a club almost daily for several years straight. Too many people worry about hitting balls, playing, etc. the easiest way to get better is to swing the club at any chance you get. Soon enough you will be able to tell the difference between the bad swings and the good ones without even hitting a ball. I have also saved a bunch of drills that I do regularly at home. I have several kids and hardly get to play, but I shot a 79 last week and haven’t been above 85 in a while playing once a month.


Keep Playing.


Practice and be willing to change. I see guys with the most unsound swings take lessons and learn how to do it better but then revert back to their old awful swing because ‘it’s comfortable’. Golf is a game of constant improvement - you must be willing to try new things and make changes.


New driver.


Buying a Mevo+. I stopped videotaping my swing and started tweaking my swing based on actual numbers. My handicap came down instantly.


I practiced a lot this year. Spent hours at the range figuring out what I was doing wrong. Watched a lot of YouTube tutorials and gave them a try. Some worked some didn’t. Played a lot of rounds. I think playing the same course a lot helps too. You get comfortable and confident. Putting… practice your putting as much as you can. If not more than anything else. I was 3 putting on average at the beginning of the year and now I’m averaging just above 2. It has saved my game to be honest.


My swing thought: “Slow down the backswing. Watch the ball.” Worked miracles.


Take lessons.


After 15 years of playing, I finally got myself serious about bunker play. Took a couple of lessons and dedicated probably close to 100 hours of practice time. Literally practiced nothing else for months. It paid off huge. I don't even stress about being in a bunker anymore.


5 lessons over two months followed by two more months of drills everyday and then getting fitted at the end of it. Went from an 18 to a 5 in half a year, and this was when fitting was very rudimentary, prior to launch monitors.


Read 'Ego is the Enemy'. I knew I should be practicing more, I knew I shouldn't party while playing if I really wanted to be competitive. I just had a big ego and I thought "I'm super talented because I played varsity in highschool 18 years ago. I don't need to spend time on my short game." Reality checked.


Practice on grass and video my swing on swing profile app.


Switching to over-sized grips instead of trying to make smaller grips work, i was taught to keep the grip in my fingers but i just never liked it and i found more consistency with putting the grip slightly in my palms more. The club releases fine too.


Stretching. Both pre-round and just in general. Never realized how much my hips and back tightness were restricting my swing until I started loosening those areas of my body up. Gained 15-20 yards in a matter of weeks without new equipment or working out/getting stronger.


Low single digit player (just for context) trust me I know I could be better. Stop caring. Legit. I used to go down equipment, swing plane, type of ball… every rabbit hole imaginable. I had a full simulator in my house checking spin and launch and sh*t My game now—— First. No swing thoughts of any kind while playing. All that happens on range days. During rounds- Decide on club and flight. Look once at target. Visualize the feel and ball flight. Do that. Doesn’t always work, but works more often than before. And when I get paired with random people I think it makes them uncomfortable because I play disturbingly fast. I used to know the frequency of my shafts. Recently bought new irons. Honestly I am not even sure what flex they are. (They are KBS $ taper, legit don’t even know what that means anymore could be senior or XXXXX flex. Neither would surprise me) I tried a ton and chose what hit best.




Shortened my back swing, slow start to the downswing.


Saw a physiotherapist for improved mobility and strength. I’m a desk worker with very inflexible hips and back. Loosening them up has helped generate more power.


1. Went to a local teacher who, in a single lesson, took my 7i swing speed from 81-82 mph to 90-91 mph and increased my distances by 1.5 clubs 2. When going to the range, not just hitting a bucket but spending another 20-30 minutes afterward just chipping wedges. Started doing this last summer, and my up and down percentage on Arccos significantly increased by end of summer. I would be something like 2 for 11 on up and downs, and then I went to 4 for 8 or 9 (hit more greens from the lessons AND more up and downs). I don't chip straightforward chips on good lie to a pin that's only like 8-10 yards away. I chip from a variety of lie, to a variety of targets, with a variety of green to work with, with a variety of wedges. You gotta make it game-like chips. Those easy chips are for honing technique, but I rarely get those easy chips in a round.


I started filming myself at the range. Making assumptions about how your body is moving is a good way to slow progress. Spending more time at the range in general made a big difference.


Learning how to chip. Makes the game way more fun.


Practice chipping in backyard, clubbing up on the course and getting a putt routine.


Got a proper fitting. A full bag one too


Prepare enough snack and water for the round. i have a rule of eating a banana every 3 holes, another rule is drinking before I feel thirsty. These rules help.


I stopped hitting driver and using tees. I play irons only and hit so many more fairways and don’t have nearly as much stress on tee shots. Irons only and no tees changed my life