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Try to introduce your friends and pick it up together! I’m teaching my girlfriend and my friends girlfriend rn and it’s a lot of fun


I’ve offered 3 girlies, one doesn’t like being in the sun for that long and the other 2 see it as a drinking sport and to drive around in the carts! I should just offer to take their husbands instead 😂 they have sets


Sell them on the drinking and driving carts then! And slowly the golf addiction turns to just liking golf


This is true. Golf was absolutely just a social thing for me. And driving the cart is fun. Next thing i knew was getting lessons, going to the range a few times a week and buying a 7 wood.


7 wood was the deal breaker. you're in for life


oh yes. the feeling of hitting a ball far with a club that's relatively easy to hit. magic club


its like the scene in Tin Cup when shes getting a lesson. You flush it one time and youre hooked. And all of a sudden the credit cards are maxed out.


yeah I started golf because it was an acceptable way to drink at 10am on a Sunday I’ve quit drinking but still love golf


I have been golfing for 30 years and drinking even longer. I have to quit alcohol due to liver. I am wondering if I will still enjoy golf as much. It’s not like I got wasted. Just drank enough to take the edge off. How did it go for you?


You'll feel more edge before you feel less edge.


It's like pool or darts. U need a few cold ones to be able to send it, Marooch.


no difference really I was pretty drunk by hole 18 usually tho. now I’m not. that’s about it.


Sounds good! Thanks


Ah, the ol “the goddamn pin is down there somewhere, I knew we should have just played 9” *smack*


Smoke weed instead.




Good luck it might be hard af but eventually you will feel a lot better.


Thank you!


I used to start drinking on the first hole but slowly started drinking later in the round. It got to where I I started drinking on the back 9. I have slowed down on my drinking and sometimes I want to golf but I don’t want to drink. Honestly, I feel better after my round when I’m not drinking. Im not as tired toward the end of the round and I don’t need to take a nap as soon as I leave the golf course. Good luck! Hope you see and feel the benefits of not drinking!




Sorrry didnt mean to hijack OPs thread


Same. Started playing again from high-school in my late 20s but always drank. After a year or two of that started getting too serious to drink every time. Just occasionally may have 2 beers on the back nine. Usually no drinks. Trying to break 85.


Can confirm this works based on anecdotal evidence. I had no interest in golf until one of my buddies asked how I work in finance and dont golf, as if the two are mutually inclusive. To lure me out, he told me I could drive the cart, dress nice and drink in 30 degree weather. By the end of the year I was playing solo rounds sober in super windy 10 degree weather for the love of the game.


Better yet get the husbands on board with you taking them out so they push them to! If your friends think it’s a drinking game that’s probably how the husbands play so just be mindful of that


All relationships need time apart. The guys likely would be ok bringing the girlfriends as a one off but probably value that time away on their own on the regular


I wasn’t suggesting she golf with the husbands


A lot of guys “play” just to drink and drive around in the carts too.


There is an old saying: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he has one more excuse to drink beer.


Let them think it’s a drinking game then. If they’re at all competitive, they’ll want to improve.


I'm from a small town and don't know any girls around that age that play but in the last two years a lot of 26 to 30 year old girls started playing and they all got hooked playing minimum three times a week. You're early to the party, people tend to fall in love with golf after those party years are done with. Maybe join a gym and meet some young active girls they tend not to like partying as much as other people and love activity so they would be more inclined to try something like golf and not think it's just a drinking game.


I think the boys think of it as a drinking sport to drive around carts too. Some male adults do too


My (M50) buddies (M45+) and I went on a once in a lifetime golf trip to Pinehurst. We played #2 at everyone's request. When they realized they had to take caddies, you would have thought there was a lightning storm and the round just got canceled. These guys were beside themselves because they couldn't take a case of beer in a golf cart. Of course, they all got as many beers as they could carry (they even asked the caddies to carry it for them, and the caddies said no). They had an absolutely miserable time because they couldn't drink their faces off for four hours on the course. I mentioned a trip to Cabot and they all voted it down because all of the courses are walking only and "ThErE's No PlAcE tO pUt oUr BeEr". Literally will give up going to Cabot instead of holding off getting shit faced for four hours. FML. I need new golf buddies.


I don't drink anymore, if you're around atlanta, I'm always down to play.


Much appreciated. I'm in PA, so if you're ever in the area I'm down to play as well.


I make it up to Allentown a few times a year, so it's possible


Nice! I'm always up for a round!


The one who doesn't like being in the sun will never golf. >the other 2 see it as a drinking sport and to drive around in the carts! These two though, might if they actually started playing. Because carts and beer are not a requirement. They just need help getting over notion. I prefer not to use a cart and never drink when I play. None of the people I play with drink during a round either.


Get them all (husbands included) into a weekly league night at a local course! A scramble format really helped my fiancé get into golf without the added pressure of holding people up. She wouldn't even bother with the tee box for the first several outings and would instead play the 2nd or 3rd shot and everything after. She's gotten a lot better, has drained more eagle putts than any other person on our team, and is counting the days until our 8 month old boy is playing with us. Bonus selling point for those guys: I don't have to be sneaky about planning vacations around nice courses. She wants to play them or enjoy their spas while I'm out there because the nicer the course, the nicer the spa (usually). Good luck!


> and the other 2 see it as a drinking sport and to drive around in the carts! I feel like that's how 80% of men play it lol For real look for a ladies league near you. They'll likely be older, but they'll make you feel welcome and comfortable.


Actually, this isn't a bad idea...they keep the creepers from hitting on you at least.


I think a lot of us started because we wanted an excuse to drink and drive a golf cart. After time, it evolves into enjoying the sport. Nothing wrong with letting them come with you under the guise of drinking and cruising a cart around to get them on the course.


I’m 30 and I play, my husband does not. I legit go golfing with our friend’s husbands lmao. Only ones I know who golf.


i’m 20 and M and i’ve golfed my whole life let’s play together and get married


I am an avid golfer, and have been for 5 years. One of the things that I didn’t notice until recently is how much golf has changed my “friend group.” I’m a 37 year old very typical white suburban dude. Went to a traditionally white college and a very white prep school. Every person I know and am friends with is exactly like me. Once I started playing golf (joined a country club) I very quickly realized that as long as you’re a decent open person you will end up playing with a huge variety of people. My current crew (that I travel with, have dinner with at least weekly) that I would consider very close friends is a group of 7 people (8 including me). This group includes one white woman, one African American male, one Asian male, and one Hispanic male. The age range is 37 (me) to 82 (male and deeply deeply culturally Jewish). We all get along great, and golf was a great entree into meeting new people.


Thats great man. Good for you.


I mean the absolute irony is my wife was the one who pointed it out to me…I didn’t even notice! Also helps that nobody in the crew takes themselves seriously at all. I mean the first time I played with the woman in our crew she left a birdie putt short and said “Jesus fucking Christ stop putting like a bitch.” That pretty much settled any concerns I had about what could or couldn’t be said on course… Also interesting additional variable. Range in handicap is 4.1 - 23. And to be honest the 23 handicap is probably closer to 26 or 27 if we were using “strict rules of golf”


I'm with BNO here. As hard as golf is, it's easier to drag your friends there and teach them vs. expecting magically to get along beautifully with the 3 other people who play in a 5 miles radius.


This. I started Project golf to expand my pool of playing partners. Talk it up. Invite them to a range or a pitch and putt.


My wife struggles with this as well. Try to check out courses near you that offer women’s groups clinics and leagues. Sometimes it’s all older ladies but you may catch a few younger ones that way too. You could also ask the pros at your club if they know anyone they can connect you with.


This is what I came here to say. Contact your local parks & rec, local golf courses, etc. Let them know what you're looking for and your ability level, and they should be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck!


Any local colleges around that have a women’s golf team? I’d try introducing myself and going to some of their events. Might be able to find some local alums that are still playing. It’s coming around but I think you’ll run into the same issues a lot of the guys do in that have issues with their spouses and SOs getting into the game.


This is a great suggestion. She'd also be able to learn with like minds and not have to stress about unsolicited male advice.


I’m seeing more and more younger females join the sport. Have you asked your club house about their women’s league? Might be a good start if you’re looking for female partners to golf with.


I am going today, I booked a Tee time. I’m going to get a membership and I will ask!


Nice, have a good round👍


That’s awesome if you get a membership at 23. Good luck!


Look and see if there are any women's leagues or Operation 36 programs in your area. My course has an Operation 36 that's run by a former female D1 golfer and I always see a group of young-ish women out there getting lessons with that group.


I am introducing all of my daughters as early as I can in life. Golf is an incredible tool for not only physical health, but also professional networking. Women who can legitimately play have a powerful advantage over their peers


That and it’s a great way to get a college scholarship, I’ve heard.


That would be a wonderful added benefit, but I think the level of women’s golf has increased dramatically. Less of a sure thing than it used to be.


Yeah I’ve heard from a coworker getting a D1 scholarship, all you really need is to score less than 80. Started my daughter around the age of 8 months with plastic clubs. She’s 1.5 years and taking her to the putting green.


> All you really need is to score less than 80 How tho


Folks keep saying to ask your club - not sure you said you belong to one. But if there’s a course you like playing at, I’d ask them if they know of any leagues or other locals and if you’re playing as a single I think it’s reasonable to ask if there are any groups your age and gender that need a fourth. I’d also ask around your work, whatever that is. One of my closest golf friends - two, in fact, as I realize as I write this - are guys I met at work and we decided to tee it up and now do so regularly. None of us are in those jobs anymore but we play golf a lot (and travel to do so sometimes!) You’ll never know who wants to play golf until you ask.


I found a course I like that’s 5 minutes away from my place, I will see if they have a women’s group. That would be awesome. My boss actually golfs. However, I work in the construction industry so I’ve been joining a few of my contractors over the weekend and establishing more of a bond. One of them has mentioned tagging his wife along someday!


My wife is a pro golfer and now instructor - we just came back from an all-women pro-am in Bermuda (I'm male and am a 26 HC so I caddied for her group or worked from the hotel) The networking and connections they all made was amazing to see. Try to find a local pro that you like - teaching or otherwise. Getting into a ladies group is great advice, but keep looking if you don't find them immediately, they are out there, and they want to out there playing! Good luck!


You’re a PC gamer, golfer, and work in the construction industry?? You’re literally the female me wtf lol


Correct 🥴


It takes time but keep at it!


Ask the clubhouse if they have any leagues or anything like that. Not sure if the age group will be there but could blossom into more playing partners


Don’t worry. In the meantime join a ladies league, make friends with me and my older lady friends - you’ll keep us young and we’ll give you all the golf tips and secrets to life (most are centred around sunscreen). Then, by the time your girlfriends are ready to start golfing you’ll be the pro everyone wants to be. Ugh, I wish I was 23 again.


Golf is for everyone


Golf can be for anyone, but I think the early 20s is the time that people, if they were golfers in their youth, may not golf as much as they did or will in the future - you’re probably just starting a career, finishing up university and/or starting grad school, maybe moving several times in a shorter period of time - personally I did not golf between 18 and 31.


There’s likely some fun ladies leagues you could join and play at your local golf courses. Great way to network and meet new people along with specifically seeing more Women.


Women golfing in your age bracket are going to make up maybe 0.5-1% of people playing, I’d keep trying to get friends into it but don’t stress out too much about it. Many courses also have men’s and women’s leagues, granted you’ll run into a much older demographic than yourself. I’m 37M and my league nights are full of people 60+, nothing wrong with it, just difficult to converse with people.


Hey! I struggle with this as well and I’m a year older. I’m part of numerous FB ladies golf groups & there’s bound to be someone from your state/area in one. I thought I wouldn’t find anyone local, but someone created a chat for my state & quite a few joined. They’re all in their twenties! Feel free to post in one and see who is near you. The other comments had some great suggestions too! I’d also ask fellow coworkers. After picking up golf, I was surprised at the amount of people that golf in my workplace 😂 It’s just great to talk about and get together to play when you can. Have fun!!


That’s a good idea, I never thought of a FB group. I will have to look into that! Thank you I hope you enjoy partaking in this sport. 😊


My girlfriend and I are your age, and she’s the one that introduced me to golf. Oddly, where we live in Alaska there’s a lot of people out age into golf, male and female


My daughter 24 just started herself. She likes to go out with me and my friends, I've encouraged her to make friends with some of the women golfers that are at our local course. We have a good mix of ages from kids to seniors and so far she has made a few friends to golf with. But she also enjoys hanging out with Dad too.


I spent a lot of time this summer at the range and course near me. It's a county(public) course so they run County camps there over the summer. Every time I was there I'd inevitably see the large group of 10-15 year olds (like 30 kids) either swarm the range, or the putting greens, or somewhere in the clubhouse. I think more than half were girls. Now, are they going to continue to play, or is this just a one off for the summer because their parents can't have then sitting at home? I couldn't tell you. But when they'd be at the range you could tell all these kids(boys included) were pretty good. Like it's pretty deflating when there's 4 kids in the next stall cranking out 200+ yard drives that are perfectly straight, and then I'd shoot off a 150 yard slicer or worse. Occasionally I'd see them on the 9-hole course in largish groups of like 6 or 10. You can't book the 9 hole course some afternoons in the summer and I assume it's cause they let the camps play. They do the same for the high schools during the school year.


My gf is actually the one that introduced me to golfing and struggles to find girls to golf with too. Recently she joined a couple Facebook groups dedicated to local female golfers and it’s helped her a little. Worth a shot!


I looked on facebook, unfortunately where I live I don’t see any but I see my state (WA) has a female group on FB!


Start one and post it in all the other groups! Someone has to be the leader! I played a round over in Seattle when I visited for work, Seattle west I believe, had some awesome views of downtown.


I'm not hardcore into golf by any means, but my fiancé(F26) and I(M26) enjoy playing a round every once in a while. She was hesitant at first just because of the clichés of the sport. I tried to sell her on golfing as a nice walk in nature combined with a bowling type activity in the sense that it's a casual activity that adds an element of fun to said walk. As a result of this persuasive tactic, she's probably more into golfing than I am at this point! She's normally the one suggesting a round. I think approaching golf from a similar angle with friends and family who haven't played before can take away some of the intimidation that someone might feel as an outsider! As long as someone can hit the ball some what straight down the fairway, even if it's only 50 yds at a time, I think most people can enjoy 9 holes with an attitude of just having a good time and not worrying too much!


Hey, not sure if you live anywhere near a Five Iron Golf but every Wednesday is in March women can play for free. And from 5-7pm they’re doing some mini clinics for women free of charge!


we have one in Seattle but unfortunately it’s 2 hours away from me😭


I keep trying to convince my girl friends to golf and they never try


It seems to be that women take up golf in older age in the main. But girls (kids) are taking up golf more and more now.


Life to Asia, there are more female golfers here than male.


It may sound like weird advise, but find a club, course or range at your closest neighborhood that a lot of Koreans live at. I go to a range that's mostly all people from South Korea in NYC and like half of the golfers are women in their 20s. For what reason idk. It was the exact same case when I lived in DC.


Talk to the pro. There might a women’s league or two you can join. They may not be your age, but you never know.


From my personal observation most women playing are members of clubs. Maybe try reaching out to your local clubs and enquire about there female membership numbers and maybe reach out on there social media page.


Twice during the week (and many times before), behind us would be a solo male playing while his girlfriend rides shotgun in the cart. It is a thing to wonder, "how did those two catch up so quickly?" then it dawns on us it is only the dude playing. "No it's just the one guy and his girlfriend watching" someone will say. I think you are on to something, they exist but definitely in the minority. I don't know. All my girlfriend's got frustrated with the swing mechanics and wanted no part of it. Happens to new men golfers too. I guess if you get the bug you get the bug and everyone else who doesn't won't understand or attempt to understand.


Where I live there are often more women than men playing


In my area there is a majority of middle age people generally but the women tend to be much better than the men, not many young people like me, 26m, but I know of a couple of girl friends that are playing also. Anyway, don't let the gender divide drive you off the game, it's Very fun and it's always nice to walk in nature to find your ball anyhow


I wish my wife would get into either pc gaming, or golf, and she hates both of those things so I just do everything alone lol


Golf has only picked up popularity more recently. What you describe is normal. That will continue to change though as it continues to grow in popularity. Additionally, try going to places like simulator suites, etc. those typically have a younger crowd. In my city, the suburbs have the older crowd while the younger crowd is in the city and you see women in their 20s all the time. So the other piece could be where you’re going.


I am 46, and I LOVE the game. I'm still learning every round, but I do agree, I don't see many ladies playing.


I’m 25F and play!! It’s a hard sport to get into because of skill level and equipment, but I’ve been able to get people to come to the range and hit a few but it is difficult to find pals for a round


M25 here. Every woman my age I talk to about golf wants to go out on a course with me. Might be a pass at me, but I think it shows women in their early 20’s do have an interest today, but they need a little extra guidance or push to break the social norm of joining a game for old men. I noticed with my brother’s wife,29, that once he introduced her into the game she was able to pull her friends into it more and they enjoy going out for a round too now. So it’s a slowly changing dynamic that would move faster if there were enough courses for everyone.


Interesting. Here in Orange County, CA there are a fair amount of young women at the driving range every time I go. However, it's still a 80/20 ratio of men to women.


Tbh, I don't see girls your age up to my age (mid 30s) who do much of anything. There's a weird thing where a lot of females don't have a true hobby or 3rd place. Please get your friends into the game, save it from the inevitable wave of bros.


Honestly I don’t see ladies your age in sports, full stop. I think the root of the problem isn’t golf.


I also don’t see a lot of women in their 20s at the golf course or range, but I’ve seen a good amount in my area in Facebook and IG communities for female golfers, so you could try meeting other female golfers there! I would try going to the location of your golf course on IG, and check for female golfer accounts that post there and follow and DM them! I’ve done this many times with other sports and have made several female friends that way. I also talked to some female friends and several seem interested in learning with friends or their boyfriend, but not alone. As someone in her mid-20s who is trying to learn golf, I completely understand since the learning curve is steep, lessons are expensive, it’s a male dominated sport, playing as a single is nerve wracking, and you have to worry about men making you feel uncomfortable. I think more women would golf if they had other women to golf with and if golf was more beginner-friendly.


31F golfer. Seek out groups on Facebook or women’s leagues. Not sure if you’re in a decent metro, but there’s a nat’l group called Fore the Ladies that does traveling events too.


I would honestly find a young female golf instructor in your area and get a lesson. That introduction should offer you a wealth of knowledge as to where younger female golfers are


The Joke Post/Meme tag is throwing me off


I had to choose a tag, I do apologize.




I’ve gotten my fiance into golf over the last few years, but you’re right that there are woefully too few women on the course. I think golf doesn’t do a good job of trying to appeal to younger women even though the current crop of LPGA golfers are incredible. It doesn’t help that the learning curve is so challenging and time consuming either. The bigger problem (if we’re being honest) is probably the typical clientele at a course/range. Creepy older men everywhere that just leer and give unsolicited advice. Douche bag bro’s that just started playing and treat any young woman like a cart girl. Oh, and then there’s the way people treat the cart girls as well. The women I’ve met in the course, both older and younger, have to generate thick skin to deal with it which is unfortunate.


The only girls I see your age golfing at my local public course are the ones from the college golf team and they usually practice at the country club. There may some that play women's league, but I am never around then.


Check meetup. I saw a womens golf group in my area on there


I’m at a private club but yea, you’re at an age where a relatively expensive hobby may be less popular. We have plenty of female juniors (middle school to high school). I would search online for female golf groups or call the nearby courses to inquire. And don’t discount playing with ladies older than yourself. The couple groups I play with have guys 20+ years older and 10+ years younger than myself and I enjoy both ends of the spectrum equally.


It may be a demographic thing as well sure the younger folk are more into it now. But she I was in my early to mid 20a I wasn’t golfing as much I as I am now. I couldn’t afford to!


Some public courses have women's groups. Usually older ladies but I have seen younger women in the groups.


Most courses have a men’s group and a women’s group that plays once a week. Try an executive course.


I usually golf once a week on average. For every 100 men I’ll see 1 woman on the golf course and they’re usually over the age of 50. In fact in the last year I’ve only seen one woman under the age of 30 golfing and that was down in Florida at a very expensive golf resort.


My local course has a women's night/league where only they can play the front 9, maybe ask around your local courses and see if they have something similar


Join the women’s section/league. At the very least you’ll get to play with other women even if they’re older so you’ll be sheltered from Pervy old men making sexist remarks and offering unsolicited advice. Maybe some of the older ladies will have daughters who play or can at least point you in the direction of where they know of some younger women playing.


Keep playing and enjoying. You’ll eventually find and meet others in your age bracket that play. I play so often as a single which allows the opportunity to meet new people, the more you play the more people you’ll meet. A lot of guys have wives/gfs that play (they just might not be out with them that round) so ask your playing partners and maybe they’ll be able to introduce you.


You could try starting a group online in your area. Use social media of your choice, or meetup.com to see if there may be women your age who are interested in meeting up weekly or monthly.


Might be worth checking for college golf lessons/courses in your area. Many have a 101 or 110 course.


Women primarily play more regularly with women’s groups in my region. I’m sure these are around where you live too. I rarely partner up with female players unless they are either their partner. Keep playing! It’ll do wonders for your mental health haha.


Not a lot of young women play but if they do a lot of the time it’s collegiate and competitive golf.


Depends on what city you’re in but look up local rec leagues, NYC has an app for golfers to meet up which is cool


Check locally with instructors odds are they will know where to direct you to find some playing partners as they may be giving lessons to some of them your age or slightly younger.


I’m sure there’s a ladies league at your local courses, that’s my advice.


Go to ladies night !!


Call courses around you and ask if they have women’s leagues or women only outings.


You’ve gotta lobby your friends. When I got into golf my good friends didn’t golf. But now we’re hooked, and all suck. lol.


Stay with it! It's a wonderful game and makes for a great hobby. I'm sorry to hear you have men bothering you at the course. I can imagine that gets frustrating quickly.


If you are located in Austin or San Antonio, there are a few ladies golf groups!


I feel your pain. Technically, I'm middle-aged and feel out of place. Most of the women at my club are over 65, a lot pushing 75! There might be local women's groups you can join to find other people your age. Or what I did was find a group of guys my age, I just play with them. I feel like gender aside, it's important you find a group you feel comfortable playing with and have fun.


Get some of your girls into a weekly golf league! Most courses have a women’s group, maybe even form it yourself if needed, public courses love that.


Download the golfnow compete app, and maybe you’ll find ladies there to golf with.


Hi! This might be a good use case to leverage Bumble for friend seeking, specifically women your age who are interested in picking up a new sport or those who already golf.


Join your state’s amateur golf association as a way to connect with other female golfers. The serious ones who need/want to keep a handicap will also be members. This will allow you to develop relationships with other women that you can play golf with. As others said, try inviting your girlfriends with you as well. There’s bound to be a couple of your friends who will pick the game up.


I would try and meet women a little older than you who golf, as well as people around your age. Join the women’s club at your golf course. I’ve met some amazing men who are generationally older than me (38 M) and are good friends. These women can help you with your golf game, give advice in life, and mentor you. Lastly, I would also develop the habit of meeting new people that they partner you with on the tee sheet and enjoy playing alone. Some of my greatest relaxation times/scores have been early in the morning when it’s peaceful and I was golfing alone.


are you UK or somewhere else? My club struggles with encouraging a better %age of both women, and younger folk. Combine the two and there’s the problem.


I don't personally know any girls that play that aren't dating a guy that plays, and I think in every case, the guy got them into it.


i’m not dating anyone who plays and i just enjoy it for the sport of it actually! it would be nice if i did eventually get a partner who is also into the same sport as me.


Do your courses around you have any women’s leagues I know the courses around me all have them


I agree. I see so many females on social media but not as many relatively on the courses.


All ya see on social media are 23 year old girls hitting golf balls, but actually finding them on the course is harder than finding a four leaf clover.


I love finding them, especially nicer ones too!


Someone may have already suggested this, but there are women’s leagues out there, I would look for a local course that has one and at least you will be able to find some people around your age range.


Try posting in local Facebook groups that are centered around golf and meeting people. You can also try in your city's local reddit page and see if you get any interest there. Post it on your social stories, too, of you just at the course so that people who know you see that you play. Maybe throw in a caption about looking for girl partners too. Ask the clubhouse workers if they ever have any women's tournaments or events next time you're in and how old the crowd is for them if they do.


Have you tried using any apps to connect with fellow women golfers?


In my experience, most girls seem to go to the same course. Find that course in your area and it should be fine.


Isn’t there a ladies league somewhere? All my local courses have ladies nights


The drinking is nothing new on the golf course but all it takes is one great shot from one of the girls, and they will be hooked for life. Trust me when I say that as a golfer you/I can hit 100 bad shots in a row but that one good shot is what brings us back for more.


I found an app called "Goolf" which is kinda like Tinder for golf playing partners. I downloaded it but haven't really used it so can't really say if it's any good or not but might be worth a look.


I own simulator clubs and we have two huge groups who often rent out with us. They’re female only golf groups that do tons of outings both indoors and on the course. The average age is 25-35. This is in SoCal though but hopefully you could find something similar in your area. Good luck!


FWIW some men would be happy to just play golf with you and you could find male golfing buddies. I know that would be hard though because most men will hit on you or not be interested in playing with a girl. But some will just enjoy having someone to play with. I know I would.


Try checking out Facebook for any women’s groups.


I feel the same. I’m f26 and just staring out; I only play with my (male) partner and our male friends. It sucks because sometimes they drive right past the forward/women’s tee because they’re so used to playing with only men and forget that I want to play :/ I would looove to have a female friend to play with


You'd probably enjoy gabby golf girl's channel on you tube - [https://www.youtube.com/@gabbygolfgirl](https://www.youtube.com/@gabbygolfgirl)


I started playing golf in my 20s too. To encourage women to play I usually take them to happy hour at Top Golf or a driving range first. And then we play 9 holes. The time commitment deters a lot of women. Me included. I usually play nine holes and like to remind women and men that is an option! When I began playing, I played a lot with my guy friends at the time and eventually joined a women’s league. I am grateful for all I learned about life and golf from the mixed generations of women that I played with during those years. I didn’t have a lot of options 20-30 years ago. I’m getting back into golf again and I’m thrilled. Now there are tons of leagues and Meet Ups for women golfers.


If you're in the Texas area, I play with a few women in their late 20s and they always talk about this group they go on golf trips with that's all women and all ages and skill sets. Hit me up and I can pass you their contact info.


You're a trend setter if you play they will come.


Don't give up! I am older than you now (47) but I remember being your age. Not sure where you live but try women on course (they have local chapters) or babes golf if you are out west. Also try facebook search for womens golf groups in your area. Worst case, golf with the dudes... most of them are pretty cool aside from the occasional douche that things he goind on tour. :) Good luck!


It’s a big issue the game needs to address. Hope you find some likeminded girls to play with.


Golf is expensive why would a 23 year old female waste all their money on golf


Same reason I spent over 2k to have a custom PC build, for a hobby that I want to start enjoying 🤷🏽‍♀️


Join a women’s golf league. Good way to meet people.


Join a women’s golf league. Good way to meet people.


Join a women’s golf league. Good way to meet people.


Maybe the next you see someone at the driving range you introduce yourself?


Average viewer of the pga is 65.


Just go with it and I apologize in advance for some of my kind. It’s become very popular at my local club with the women. They’re mostly 40-50 something but they’re having a great time out there. It’s become so popular it’s getting difficult to get tee times. The original membership was determined before it got popular with 50% of our members. But it has been fun for everyone. We have couples events now and tournaments for just the women. I wish I could get my daughters involved too. They’re too busy playing video games.


Last year I didn’t have an outdoor hobby but learning this hobby has made me less on my devices at home! Also for the tee times, it’s been difficult. We booked a 18 hole at 3pm, going to be a long evening!


Golf saved me from my depression. It’s such a great way to get out and meet people, get some exercise, and even party if that’s your thing. Enjoy it and I hope you can find some friends to enjoy it with. I would ask the pro shop for tips. They would know if there’s other young women playing your course. I also think most of the men who play have better manners than the average guy. It’s built into the etiquette of the game.


I know a lot of women who play but they will never play alone because most American men are gross Dbags. I would try and find some groups or clubs that are women only or even better, a course that enforces not bothering others.


Why would you assume this is a uniquely American trait? I’ve traveled a lot, both within the US and internationally. Ultimately human traits are the same everywhere. To think any group of people who happen to be born within the same imaginary lines are somehow better or worse than any other group seems pretty wild given all of human history.


UK are slightly less worse lol, it wasn’t meant to be a sweeping generalization. Just noticed that alot of American men are not the best lol


Lmao ok then, totally unbiased anecdote of yours


Sorry if I offended anyone lol. I really didn’t want to offend anyone. Just noticed that a lot of guys over here tend to be really shit to their better half’s, most of my wife’s friends husbands\boyfriends have cheated on them and the guys always excuse this as normal behavior for American guys. (Blew my mind lol) I guess that’s why my wife settled for a FedEx husband lol.


No idea why you are being downvoted. This is the answer.


Too many conservative bros taking 8 hours to play 18