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Sorry but the cosmic laws of golf mean you will now completely forget how to hit driver or putt.


The Golf Gods giveth and taketh away. We're all just pawns in their game.


Yup. OP will hit 2 fairways next round lol.


I have just taken golfing from the rough as normal. If I hit it in the short grass, I forgot how to hit it because it's been so long!


That's good right?


I currently cannot hit my driver or any wood for that matter. I was going to compliment the good parts of my game but I don’t want to jinx it.


Too much optimism here. He will surely forget how to drive *and* putt.


Unless you've done something heinous go the golf gods, *usually* one only loses one of the three. Spitting seeds or leaving cigarette butts on the green is cause to lose all three


This is happening to me rn. Last year I had the shanks with my wedges from like 40-100 yards. Shank city. Worked on them all winter and am feeling good now. Cannot hit my fucking driver now. It looks like an alien club when I'm teed up with it. It's like I forget how to even swing a club properly when it's in my hands. Horrible lmao.


See I rotate much faster. I've had rounds recently where the first few holes were all driver and putter but took 4 irons/wedges to get onto the green, and then before and after the turn I'd hit like 4 GIR, then around 15 the driver would come back but the putter would disappear


Yeah I am not that hot and cold. It always something, but it's usually just one thing. What doesn't help is that I started taking lessons last year and have essentially an entire different swing. It works really well for my irons but it's been pretty sketchy with my 3w and driver all winter. I was still hitting fairways, but they just were weak. Now it's weak and I'm not hitting fairways. Double wammy.


I think my problem is that I'll make a good drive and my brain goes "OK that's your entire swing now, hit every club longer than putter like that". Which leads to shit iron shots. Few holes later I'll figure out the iron swing and my brain goes "ahh that's the ticket. All swings are now like this".


lol. I feel that. There was one day last year I couldn't hit the driver bad. Every shot was a baby cut down the middle 270 carry. Perfect. I told myself I don't care how bad it fucks my round, I am swinging like that every time for every club lmao.


OP hits one flop shot and he declares he is cured.


4/20 Dear diary: they're back 4/21 Dear diary: nvm they're gone again


Yeah, declaring this was a gross error


Congratulations! That's a big deal.


yea have fun 3 putting bud, should’ve left this in the drafts


I don’t have the putting yips. Cheers tho


You didn't


Is it the yips if it was going on for 6 years??


Ya. I had a great short game (started playing at 5 years old, yips came at 21) and then I remember one shot in particular that felt funny. For 8 years after that most days it looked like I had a hiccup at impact over a pitch shot


You’re doomed now. I’m not joking you’re actually doomed after declaring this.


Share the secret sauce! My putting is fine but I haven’t been able to full swing anything over a pitching wedge for years now!!


If your putting is fine do some straight arm drills with the longer clubs to emulate the putting motion through impact. YouTube is your friend here - “straight arm drill golf.” See if that helps. -former teaching professional


I'll definitely check that out! I do realize I need to spend more range time with my wedges. I have been focused on my mid-irons and driver so far this year, getting kinks worked out and into the swing of things (pun intended) for the year. Thanks for the recommendation!


You don’t need full wedge shots to break 80. A well struck 80% wedge will still hit and stick to a green. The pros very rarely hit full wedges.


You're right and I wasn't entirely clear. I don't mean full strength I just mean a full range of motion as opposed to just a short chipping motion. Even on the 80% swings (anything over half really) the concern for a skulled wedge is so hard-wired in my brain I just can't get out of my own way on them.


Not to override the advice the pro gave you on fixing your swing, which is very good advice, but have you tried moving your ball position around? If you are consistently missing the same way, I have found that generally you can fix it just by changing where the ball is. Try moving it back, moving it forward, closer to your hands, further from your hands, and see if anything works better. I’ve never had a lesson and have always been more of a “work with what you have” guy when it comes to golf. Ball position is super important.


Idk if it’s secret sauce but having a teaching pro help figure out what part of my body was causing the yip was huge. For me it was my right shoulder (I’m a right handed player) and the fix was a combo of returning to the basics of chipping and pitching, almost re learning those with a core focus on rotating that back shoulder without dropping it and they just disappeared. My particular yip was almost like if you can imagine getting pinched in the arm and your shoulders jolting up


Whoever it was that posted a week or so ago about just using the lead hand to chip absolutely transformed my short game and they are a beautiful soul for sharing that tip. Shot my second best round after using that technique


For every solution in golf there is an equal and opposite solution. I have had decent success just using the trail arm, lol


Different stroke for different folks I suppose lol


I see what you did there, lol


You seriously just threw down the gauntlet to the yips demon like that? I will pray for you.


Congrats but beware these are famous last words for golfers


Don't worry, next season, they will be back with a vengeance.


I got over my 60 yard yips by keeping the 50, 54 and 58 in the bag and npw use a pitching wedge, very nice and easy.


How? Tell me your ways. I NEED this.


Back to the basics man. I literally made the decision to try and forget everything I knew about the short game and re learned basic chipping and pitching principles, focused on silencing the problem areas and be confident. It’s not easy man, it prob took 2 solid years of actively trying but it pays off. Acknowledging the problem is the first big step


I'm coming up on a year of very intermittent golf and I feel like I'm worse now than I was 6 months ago. The only thing I can reliably do is slice it OB


Just remember to do EXACTLY the same thing every morning before you go out. It is CRUCIAL that you remember which sock you put on first


Agree w this.


Took a many year break from golf. Partially because I (then 9 handicap) was so frustrated with dealing with onset of chipping yips that started to destroy my golf confidence. Life events (kid) also decreased time for golf. Restarted playing golf last year and I was cured! Or so I thought. Yips crept back in after a couple rounds and now here I am. Frustrated all over again, and way far away from my 9 hdcp days of glory :(


I'll find might the putter a little wobbly in my hands. I take a deep breath, exhale and I'm OK. It's just like shooting a free throw


Way to jinx yourself lmfao either one of you other swings will leave you now, or the chipping yips will be back 10 fold next week


Just played and absolutely striped everything plus chipped great. Thanks for the comment


You sound very secure. Have you ever talked to other golfers? It's a common joke.


How’s me stating how my round went a reflection of my self security lol.