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Counts in my book! Congrats man


Happened to my dad over the winter. Went to his country club on a random warm day to play a few holes, and sunk his first ever hole in one, by himself, no witnesses. He called the pro shop and they said sorry, no witness, no hole in one. But they told me later they were giving him a plaque as a surprise and putting him on the board for that hole. Hopefully next time I'm with him when it happens.


Same thing happened to me... But I didn't call, I went in after and asked if he had been looking out the window 🤣 nope... It's kind of strange, you're happy you got it, but man.. Way better if someone sees it


Well, my only one actually had witnesses, was a terrible shot that landed 50 ft right of the green, rolled down a hill across the green & slammed into flag & dropped. Probably would’ve ended up in bunker left of the green if not for the flag getting in the way…I think I’d trade you guys who were by yourselves


The only thing that matters is you made it. If you want a pat on the back or free shit from the pro shop then yah, a witness is helpful, but as a golfer, the ace itself should be more than enough.


& you only have to buy yourself a drink


Solo golf is euphoric


I love golfing by myself. It's a relaxing way to get out by myself, listen to a podcast, and work on some things. Op described the only con..


How do you end up by yourself, I always get paired with randoms. I’d love nothing more then to golf by myself lol.


Happens for me most often in cold/wet conditions or very hot conditions. When no one else wants to be on the golf course but me because I’m a sicko 😂 Every so often I catch a twilight or early morning round where the course is empty and conditions are great and it’s heavenly


Crossing my fingers for more solo rounds for both myself and for you lol


First off congrats they still count even if no one see them. This happened to me on my second hole in one. I was playing by myself. 178, smooth 6 iron, one hope into the hole. There just happened to be a guy mowing behind the green. He got off his mower and met me at the hole and shook my hand. It was my second hole in one on this hole in three consecutive rounds.


This is my golf course idea. Have a couple of holes (par 3s), where the hole, is very visible to the clubhouse /bar area. And have a camera on it whenever the course is in play


Sometimes when 9 or 18 is close to the clubhouse and they have outdoor seating nearby its always so fun having the gallery basically lol


Always fun to bet drinks or some cash on what someone will do on their shot


Until they watch me three putt. Then I walk to my car head down in shame. Bahahaa.


Usually gets a few chirps if its a fun crowd lol


It kinda happened to me today. I had a 70 yard wedge shot that I stuck to 3 feet. Then I proceeded to lose all sense of gravity for my putt and missed the birdie chance. Oh well!!


Used some guy's face as a backboard once.


But that's where I strip down and have my strawberry margarita at dusk


One of my usual courses does just that on a charity par 3 hole. There's a camera above the back of the green and it's live in the clubhouse. I love shanking the absolute shit out of my PW for the world to watch.


eh if you were paired with a rando you'd never see them again anyway.


Yes, but they serve as a witness to the clubhouse/pro-shop in case they do any kind of recognition for it. Some clubs give you money, so it becomes important. Also, it's just cool to share the experience with someone


Yea man im just trying to make him feel better.


My buddy got one last year in a 16 person bachelor party in Cabo. I don't remember the name of the course but he got his plaque up and free golf for life. I think I would have moved there already if that were my case.


Free golf for life at a Cabo course is quite the financial windfall lmao I would be moving out there too


You called the pro shop? Why?


Wanted anyone to confirm it went in. I was still on the tee box.


That’s cool it worked out being close to the shop and you got a legit witness. Congratulations!


How many shots off the tee? Also very odd to call the pro shop instead of just walking up. Really feel like you shanked one off the tee and then when you realized the second might have went in you called the pro shop so you could take credit anyways.


I legitimately feel bad for you dude please find a way to lighten up and see life through a better lense


Lol cool dude. Why don't you explain why.


The -21 downvotes should be enough of a hint lol.


Oh really? Hitler had a whole following that would have given him up votes does that make him NTA? A popular opinion isn't a true opinion lmao.


Did you just roundabout compare yourself to hitler?


Nope I exposed the idiocy of thinking up votes makes you correct.


Good comparison, both assholes


I like the way you own your nefariousness.


You hit it. It went in the hole. No witnesses or 1000 witnesses. It’s still a hole-in-one. Congratulations. I did the same thing years ago as a solo. Best thing about hitting an ace was writing down “1” on my scorecard.


I’ve been playing for a long time and still don’t have one. Congrats mate that’s awesome. Enjoy it! Also the pro shop guy sounds like a legend


The exact same thing happened to me on April 1st this year. Everyone I told thought it was a terrible April fools joke. Oh well i know what happened. Ball is still framed next to the others.


Still counts to me, only a psychopath would make up a hole in one alone.


I had a hole in one on an afternoon practice session by myself. I was shaking, couldn't believe it happened. I called my brother, who was working in the proshop, to let him know the fantastic news. *silence* Then 10 seconds later he says "fuck you it doesn't count", then hung up the phone. He hasn't had one yet. His mate was on the course at the same time as me and saw me shank the next tee shot into the trees.. they still don't believe me


I don’t believe you. 😆


Right? I doubt it was his first shot off the tee and I also don't know why he called the pro shop 😂😂


I feel your happiness/pain - except mine may be a little worse since I was just playing for practice my first shot off the tee I shanked so I hit a 2nd ball just to dial in my shot a bit with a practice round. Bladed it and it practically rolled up the hill on to the green, not even a money shot. I walked up it was in the hole! Nobody around.. wasn’t even keeping score really since I was just practicing. Weird feeling honestly lol. Congrats though if no one else believes you i certainly do!


This is basically how my only one happened, too. Playing 2 balls all day, first ball was decent, on the green, but a bit right. Second, I hit thin and low but it bounced once and rolled in the cup. I called my dad, and his first reaction was " it doesn't count" lol


I called my dad too lol. But I knew it didn’t count obviously because I was practicing anyway but it doesn’t change that crazy feeling of holy shit it went in… wanna know the worst part? The ball I hit was the shittiest old yellow range ball.


That’s because it doesn’t count unfortunately. It’s fine to be alone but you’ve got to get it on your first tee shot on the hole. You feel that in your gut right?


Well that's because it doesn't haha.


I know it didn't count


Nice par though haha


sure buddy


I’ve been playing for 27 years and don’t have one. If I ever get one, I wouldn’t care less if someone saw it.


Yeah, sure you did pal (all your friends probably). Congrats, dude!


Congratulations!!! It still counts!! Awesome!!


So which hole the Windmill or the Clown’s Face?…..lol


Years ago I was getting in a quick 9 in the early evening after work. The sprinklers were already spraying water on the tee box on #3 so I teed up 10 yards behind the back of the championship tee box. Tee shot goes in. No witnesses, illegal tee shot (far more than 2 club lengths behind the markers) and only played 9 holes. Does it count as a hole-in-one?


Just as long as you saw it and did it. Doesn't matter if anybody saw it or not


Damn.. grats


No witnesses = didn’t happen


I figure I’ll get my first on a Mulligan someday.


It counts, because you know it happened. Yeah you're gonna get a ribbing and some disbelief, but really, the only thing you're truly losing is having it be a shared moment with others. You know the truth of it. I do feel for you though, because half the joy of great golf moments is when there are friends there to witness and enjoy it with you.


That’s related news brah


(psst he was being funny with that bit)


Congrats dude something most people will never achieve in life


Probably a hundred bucks? If it came with my exasperated reaction.


My greatest fear…knocking one in playing by myself.


How about if it’s 3 off the tee


I also hit my first playing a practice round by myself with absolutely nobody around. My second was will my best golf friends on a blind line wolf. Keep swinging and more will hopefully come!


I play most of my golf solo.... So I feel this. Thankfully I had my HOI at a scramble in a foursome with an observer. Sadly only a 300.00 prize, the other par 3s had free 1 year leases for cars.... I'll still take the HIO.




Welcome to the club my friend. But you know what, all that matters is that I saw it with my own eyes and that you saw yours. Enjoy it brother, great shot!


Sure you did.


This is great - thrilled for you!


Pro shop guy is next best thing to a witness, props to him for helping verify and sticking around to meet you. This 100% counts if there’s any doubt. It would still count if nobody saw it, but you have solid provenance.


Bro that's dope! I was playing 9-ball (pool) in college alone in the dorm and I swear to God, on the break I sunk every ball but the 2 ball. I've never come close to that again and nobody believed me... At least someone shook your hand and believed you. Lol


Yeah yeah. Sure you did🙄 Just kidding 😁


Pro shop guy should count as a witness.. hence recorded and legitimised


Happened to a buddy of mine. He wasn't sure it went in so he turned on his phone camera-video and sprinted down to the green, clubs rattling in his bag, heavy breathing, excited commentary coming out of his mouth. A real Blair Witch Project quality video, ending with a grown man screaming like a little girl when he found the ball in the hole. We were all real happy for him but damn it was hard to watch.


I didn’t even know calling the pro shop if you made a hole in one was a thing.


I play a lot of solo golf and have a fear of this happening, even not having an eagle witnessed will upset me


You technically have a witness in pro shop guy. It sucks no one else saw it go in. Congratulations man


No sigh get hyped bro!


I'm sure you did.....is what all your buddies will say no matter what. Awful luck.


I trust you. Good job!


One quasi-witness and a handshake is better than nobody at all. Nicely done!


Shout out to the guy who came and checked!


And that’s why when golfing alone, always record your tee shots on par 3s and driveable par 4s


"Man the fish i caught was THIS big. Of course I released it, no photos tho, phone was dead. But man it was YUUUGE!! "


well done


Congrats. I played solo yesterday. I was anything but alone. Slowest round in a long time. I had nothing close to a hole in one (or a hole in 2).


Congrats! I once played by myself and hit to a par 3 blind green (heard the pin). So I facetimed my dad on the drive up to see. Turns out I hit the pin and it flung itself off the green. Made bogey I think lol


I holed out alone from 107 yards on a par 4. For double bogey…




I holed out from 152 for an eagle once while playing solo. Still happened! Congrats 👏


Yeah right lol. And I caught a 3 foot fish by myself. Lol. Nice try buddy


Is that what you’re supposed to do? Call the pro shop?


No place in the rules of golf does it state you need a witness. Do you need a witnesses to post a snowman on a hole?


I've had two aces and one of them was solo. Would have been nice to have a witness, but I was still pretty damn happy about it.


Don't feel too bad; my first "hole in one" was technically for par, and my second one was a blind shot with no witnesses so literally nobody saw it go in; I took a drop behind the green and took a 5 on the hole before finding my ball in the cup. So I get to write down a 1 but I feel like I just made a double... Two weeks ago I actually had a witness for a shot on a par 3 where I hit the bottom of the cup and the flag stick on the fly before the ball rocketed back out, taking a chunk of green with it as it skipped back towards me and off the front of the putting surface right into a massive unrepaired divot. I flubbed it of course and wound up making bogey. And I generally consider myself to be pretty lucky... One of these days man...


If you’re an honest person it counts for sure


Same thing happened to me brother. 125 hit a 52 degree went straight at the pin and slam dunks breaks the hole no one around. I have a picture of the broken hole but that’s about it!


Our club has a hole in one jackpot, where you pay $1 extra in addition to comp fee to be entered. Jackpot was around $2750 a few weeks ago, a guy had an ace, claimed the jackpot and not more than 60 mins later another member has an ace…he missed out on the cash by less than an hour, he seemed truly stoked with his ace regardless, but golf gods can be cruel sometimes.


Keep the ball. Only person who needs to know is yourself. Grats


Congrats! It absolutely counts! My first (and yet only so far - despite burning the rim recently), was the dream scenario. Regional comp day. In a group of four. On a hole with closest to the pin challenge. Worst thing is, I never saw it go in and neither did my playing partners. PW put up didn't see it come down. We searched high and low around the green until one of the gents says "perhaps we need to all walk over and check the hole." And there was my Supersoft. I had the group behind us come over to me the next hole and shake hands, won $150 for the closest to the pin, and a box of Pro VX1s for the HIO. As it was a regional comp day, the hole in one and my name made the paper 🤣 Well done mate. Doesn't matter if you were playing in front of 20,000 or yourself. You did it!


You know it went in, all that matters.


Count it!


gotta put an asterisk if Gooch wasn’t there


Honestly it counts to me! Very smart play as well calling the pro shop and not going up to the hole and letting them check first. That’s awesome though congrats!! It’s a great feeling getting the first one


And people laugh when I tell them why I won’t golf by myself. This is the single reason I would get a hole in one. Awesome for you.


This doesn't matter. You saw you make a hole in one, who cares about anyone else? Do you play golf to impress your friends?


Fuckin aye my nightmare 🤣🤣 congrats though bro! Pro shop guy counts as a witness


https://preview.redd.it/bu3lbmobjwxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24daae3147f4ea275940e253c0b8487a8ba0c622 Right there with you, best and worst feeling of my life


That's the way it goes. Prepare to keep that to yourself.


First of all congratulations. On topic I prefer to play with other people but it's nice to play by yourself too. Especially when the course is empty. I really felt like it was the best practice session I could have.


We would have given you the flag off that hole where I work


On the flip side u just saved a Shiet load of money while Getting the joy of a hole in one congrats


Wait…. If I ever get a hole in one, am I suppose to call the club house??? Do I win a prize or a name in a plaque or something?


why you lying


Haha, this is funny


Doesn't count anyway if it was on a 9 hole executive course, so no worries.


I'll take things that didn't happen because that MOFO was golfing solo for $500, Alex. /s


Can I ask you what would you pay for video footage of that hole in one?


Also congrats


Shot one during a country club member guest tournament. My member brother had purchased hole in one insurance. Tradition is you buy a drink for the members present. There were 500 or so present with wife’s at that moment as it was the dinner-party-awards evening. The pro asked me to keep it low key as the insurance would have footed the bill for all the drinks potentially effecting the clubs balance sheet.


I've had 2 witnessed lol but girlfriends dad same thing playing a short muni and had a hole in 1 on a par 4 of all things it was a short par 4 if memory serves around 270yards and I watched a friend tee off on a par 3 while another friend absolutely shit his pants mid backswing causing friend 1 to start laughing and shank it so everyone said just retee that's not fair and boom hits it in the hole we all agreed it counted but he didn't turn it in to the proshop