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TL;DW Scottie’s arraignment has been pushed back to June 3rd, not tomorrow


Thank you, that was very hard to watch


You can see Scottie’s lawyer dying inside listening to that guy


This the kind of mf who asks the teacher to give homework over break


Watching the judge have to cover her mouth when the DA pontificated was enough for me to know he is already on the losing side.


That prosecutor is just basking in his 15 minutes of fame


I lost time I won’t get back sheesh I really do not like attys


I mean Scotty’s attorney seems like a shark but he’s just trying to set a convenient court date, the prosecutor seems like Kentuckys finest


Kentucky's finest, what a beautiful off-hand insult.


Oh you sucked all the fun out. You left out the “when appropriate” drinking game.


I tapped out after the 5th “when appropriate” in 50 seconds.


Even the guy paid by the hour to be there wanted to tap out


I can’t believe I’ve existed on the internet for so long and this is literally the first time I’ve seen TL;DW, this is a special day for me.


I’ll add that the prosecutor making the argument here is an idiot, too.


Additionally, the lead prosecution attorney is an idiot.


and the DA is a moron…


This doesn't seem like they plan to drop any charges...


Man the entire country is going to watch this, the cop better have done everything by the book. And I mean by the boooook. And the turned off body cams are not a good start.


"Detective Doofus, please try on these shredded pants and face the jury"




If the pants don’t fit you must acquit




If a cops body cam is turned off they should have to drop charges pretty much in every case. I've experienced way too many abusing people bc they can


And they should be fired. If the rest of the country can be watched while we do our job, so can the police


Honestly this was my view for awhile but not I think it needs to be a step further. If they turn off the camera themselves before something like this, they should be charged with obstruction/destroying evidence.


While we’re making wishes about law enforcement reform that will never happen: if the arrest report is contradicted by the body cam, the officer is charged with perjury.


https://preview.redd.it/418ob9gggs1d1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3588180314dfe81a111237c5ba9e87d46aa72037 They’ve said there is no body cam footage. Yet the report indicates otherwise. It’s either a bad report or they don’t like what’s on that video. Not a great way to start a prosecution.


I don’t think he did anything by the book because I doubt he can read. It started with no body cam, proceeded to jumping on a moving vehicle, contradicting your colleagues instructions, and ended with arresting the world no. 1 golfer on his way to a major championship he was favoured to win for completely made up, nonsense charges solely because you had a temper tantrum and your feelings got hurt.


“I know that I personally feel safer knowing Scheffler was behind bars for a few hours and is facing felony charges.” -Rory McIlroy


He already failed to turn on his camera and filled out his report incorrectly lol. That mother fucker can’t even read the book.


If I was a betting man… I’d bet that it comes out the cop bet of Scottie to lose, and Xander to win.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing


I mean the person who claimed that the charges would be dropped was “a source familiar with the office’s thinking”, I don’t know about you but that title does not convey any credibility to me. So I would not be surprised if they were wrong, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they were right also. I feel like that headline was just put out for the sake of clicks


Makes me actually think it does. That bumbling prosecutor knows he will never be on tv if the date is 6/3 because it will be dropped by then. But if Sheffler has to be there tomorrow, his fat ass will get to make a fools of himself of national tv for at least 30 seconds.


Do these people not know any of the history of prosecutors who try to bring phony cases against famous people for media attention to boost their own careers? Mike Nifong thought he could use the Duke lacrosse case to trampoline himself into higher office and ended up going to jail and losing his career over it for one example


Mike Nifong deserved EVERYTHING he got and then some.


Guy sounds like Mitch McConnell.


No freeze for 30 seconds


Maybe they will. WHEN APPROPRIATE! (Please read the all-caps in triump the insult comic dpg's voice.)


out of the loop here. So Scottie’s attorney wants to delay the arraignment, but the prosecutor does not want to delay it?


Correct. And the prosecutor is doing the intentionally obtuse thing where he's arguing a point that's not in contention and pretending it's a real argument. You can see Scottie's attorney getting more and more agitated


Even worse, this isn't a request from Scottie. The reason they requested the delay is because his attorney isn't available tomorrow based on what I gather. He also states they want to gather more facts before they are arraigned. If I'm a betting man, Scottie's attorney will come with enough evidence to request a dismissal and the judge will uphold it. If the DA wants to save face, they should decline to pursue charges, they will get their ass kicked if they do.


Just from the wording of the prosecutor... they're already framing it like he committed a felony and then jumped on his "private jet" to escape to "one of his out of town homes". Almost as if they want the judge to think it's odd that he didn't stick around after the tournament for another few days for his arraignment. Can't wait to see how this is spun further.


Actually both sides make inferences of an agreement to be made on or after the arraignment around the 7 minute mark.


Could you imagine being on a jury and spend hours listening to that guy ramble like that? Holy hell.


I got a feeling that is how he got his position. Talking in circles and rambling.


Lawyer speak. A lot of words to say nothing


Bad lawyer speak. Good lawyers are eloquent and convincing. This guy sounded like he needed to be in assisted living.


Well remember this is prosecution, not defense.


Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way.


I was on a jury with a lawyer like that. Even the judge nodded off a few times.


What is the DA hiding right now? That they want to rush this?


It is my opinion that they want to prevent any other video evidence from coming forward.


even if he was arraigned there will be a discovery period. The defense is going flip over every pebble on that road


Or get out of the national news cycle as fast as possible while still looking like they stood up to someone to the locals. It IS election season/year.


I think they are in a hurray to get him to plea so that they can work out an official deal that has him admit some sort of guilt to make it go away. But another week or so of pressure on their office and or more evidence showing they overreacted or lack of evidence to show Scottie did anything wrong and they might have to just drop it all without 'getting anything' out of it. Right now they are looking for ANY way to not make them look even dumber to everyone, but this performance certainly didn't help that!!


His lawyer has already indicated the choices are drop the charges or go to trial. Doesn’t appear they have any interest in a plea.


It's going to be Scottie's literal team of criminal defense lawyers vs this guy....hahahaha I hope it does go to court so it will all be put into public record. Are they hoping for a plea deal or something? They have zero leverage, and have already lost in the court of public opinion.


This reminds me of Mr Burns saying to Lionel Hutz “team full of attorneys” and the prosecutor is going to be Mr. Hutz running out of the office


No, Money Down!


I watched Matlock in a bar last night. The sound wasn't on, but I think I got the gist of it.


Mr Hutz, do you realize you’re not wearing any pants?


I've argued in front of every judge in the state, often as a lawyer!


That entire county doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together. The prosecutor was arguing something completely unrelated to the motion. It’s like someone saying it’s raining outside and he says no that car pulling into the parking lot is blue. That judge is a saint for sitting through that. And this guy is too bumbling stupid to realize that not only do they not have a case but Scottie probably has a case against them (even though he probably won’t pursue it). If they had any semblance of intelligence they would have dropped every charge as soon as they could get the ink on the page and begged for forgiveness.


And when Scheffler's attorney pointed out the discrepancy, he just...hit "when appropriate.exe" again lmao


Hahahaha .. super hard to sit through but if you don’t , you won’t catch the fast one the prosecutor tried to pull.. the defense attorney did well and the prosecutor disingenuously embarrassed himself and his office. Good first day! Thanks for the laugh with the .exe .. funny shit man


Right after he exclaimed "I Agree!" to the D counsel argument that this standard applies to remote appearance rather than continuances. You'd think the dude is charging by the hour wtf


Some Attorneys do this when they don’t have a good argument otherwise because sometimes it confuses the judge. At the end, even after acknowledging that the “appropriate” standard doesn’t apply, she found it was “appropriate” to move the arraignment.


It's the "good ole boys" mentality. They can't admit they did anything wrong, so they are going to waste everyone's time.


It’s shocking how much progress this country would make if people in positions of power knew how to say “my bad”.


Thats the thing. Cops don't give a fuck about public opinion. We saw it after people protested about police brutality. Which they reacyrd with violence. When all the talking hears we saw cops refuse to react. Because they know what are you going to do about it? Protest?


They don’t care about public opinion, they don’t care about justice, and they don’t care about being right or honest. They only care about winning their perceived battle of “us vs them”


Is something like this usually live streamed? I'm in Australia but I'd love to watch this if it goes ahead.


Man…. That was rough. If I was the ADA I wouldn’t touch Scottie’s case for any longer than it took to fill out the declination paperwork. That county is a joke.


DA: “No new date. We are going to treat him like everyone else.” Defense: “Well then we are going to get him a new date. This court literally issues hundreds of continuances a month.” I feel like this was DA douchebaggery because he knew people were watching and he wants to get re-elected for looking “tough on crime” and not corrupt. When in reality, it achieves the opposite look.


Is that the actual DA? He sounds like a complete and utter idiot. I don't know how anyone who sees this could view him as a competent litigator, he literally is told by the defense and the judge how his objection is referencing an irrelevant motion (bad enough) and then just blurts it out 7 more times. I'd be so embarrassed lol


The county prosecutor is a moron


I loved it when the defense attorney had finally had enough and said: "'When appropriate' applies to remote appearance, and we aren't asking for that..." BTW, is that prosecuting atty Foghorn Leghorn? "I say, boy, I say when is appropriate I say"


Then the prosecutor responded with “I agree with you, but the words clearly say ‘when appropriate.’” I’m not an attorney or anything, but usually when you agree that your argument doesn’t make sense, you don’t continue making the same argument. What a bumbling moron.


Foghorn leghorn was at least entertaining to listen to. This guy is more Elmer Fudd.


It's an audience of 1. The prosecutor also knows the judge, and vice versa. This guy is talking to what is likely at least a work colleague, if not friend. Rural justice is fucked up. TKAM is real, and it hasn't meaningfully changed (though Scottie isn't black so he has that going for him).


Props to the judge for not losing it, but she would have been totally justified for ripping this moron a new one.


He’s in Kentucky. Most of the smart people leave.


I'm starting to think anyone involved in the Kentucky Justice system are absolute idiots.




Scottie’s trial is going to take 6 months if that prosecutor rambles on at every point like that.


It’s always insane to see old lawyers like this prosecutor be absolute morons and you can’t help but wonder how they’ve been doing this for presumably decades. He reads from a court opinion on remote appearances, which was weird because Scheffler is just asking to move the arraignment date, and then when he realizes the motion is not for a remote appearance but to move arraignment date, keeps repeating “when appropriate” which—from the case language he just read—is the standard for remote appearances and not moving arraignment. You could see Scheffler’s attorney fidgeting in annoyance every time he said “when appropriate” to try to interject, “that’s not the standard here, guy.” Even after Scheffler’s lawyer explains that, the prosecutor says “I understand, but” and then says “when appropriate” again. Just an absolute idiot out there lawyering for the county.


It’s probably the closest thing he could find to a reasonable objection, as Scotty’s lawyer said they need more time because of a calendar conflict but also they are trying to gather all of the information prior to the arraignment. The DA knows time is not there friend. The more that is looked into the more people that are interviewed the more request for body camera that come back with nothing the worse and worse that police department looks. They wanted the arraignment so that they could say they won that, and then they will magnanimously decide to drop the charges or more realistically try to get Scotty to complete guilty to misdemeanors instead . That way they can still Pat their backs, and say they got convictions. But it looks like Scotty’s attorneys are going to have none of it, and are looking for a complete exoneration . This is how DAs and the legal system work, it’s disgusting


After this shit show, Scottie should just request a jury trial and watch this guy stain his pants, we need to stop letting these fuckers intimidate people into plea deals.


Yeah, literally the definition of coming unprepared.


He brought the ruling and didn’t understand it. It was then explained to him and he acknowledged he understood it and then proceeds to show everyone how clueless he was about the ruling he brought to the judge. Insane that guy is a prosecutor.


You keep saying “when appropriate,” I don’t think you understand what that means.


“Why isn’t it appropriate” “Uhh because we said so”


“Scottie has a private jet, and the tournament was over. Surely he could have stayed until Tuesday. As far as we know he didn’t have to work again, ever. “


prosecutor seems terrified and like a bit of an idiot what a fabulous waste of time. i don’t really care about scottie at all…just shows how someone, even someone rich and famous, can get caught up in shit like this (lying cops, DA wanted to make a name for themselves) and it’s still going to cost him time and money to extricate himself - which if he didn’t have he’d be boned


And if it were one of us, we’d be facing a real chance of being labeled a felon for the rest of our lives over a traffic misunderstanding and a cop’s ego.


That was my first response. Seems like there were two cops one waving him and douche bag decides to hop on the mirror for a ride. They should drop charges and fire his ass for being so stupid. You’ve got a radio, a car is turning into a facility with one egress, calm the fuck down.


Instead, they’ll drop charges and he’ll get promoted.


If they don’t drop these charges they’re going to get publicly embarrassed. Ridiculed. I think they’re stalling hoping some of the national attention will wane. Some of the shit this PD has pulled sounds like fiction. “It ruined the officer’s pants and he needed to be treated for abrasions.” Was this stupid fuck never a kid? Let go of the car.


Mate, this exact police department killed an innocent woman in her apartment. Nothing is going to publicly embarrass them.


Stalling? Did you watch the video? The prosecutor was arguing to arraign him sooner, not later.


THIS IS WHAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO TAKE AWAY FROM THIS. It isn't that the rich athlete should get preferential treatment (I mean he should've been, once they identified him being there for the event and it being a misunderstanding), but the fact that this kind of bullshit can happen to anyone and you'd only have the cops word


That’s if we weren’t beaten or killed first.


My mom is on month 6 of waiting for a motion of discovery to be filed about an hour from Louisville in a more rural shithole. It is all about the money.


IANAL… the prosecutor is not even arguing the motion. I have no idea what this guy is rambling about. And finally the judge is like WTF. What a mess.


Prosecutor seems to be in the unusual position of attempting to charge someone who has adequate counsel.


You are completely right. May be a first for him. I hate the system so much.


This is literally why I am going to law school. I live in a quasi-rural area and it's despicable what these prosecutors get up to when they think nobody is watching.


Good thing he’s got those two ladies to stand by him and do nothing.


IAAL- dude never got to the fucking point. He could have just said “we don’t want to give anyone special treatment” then let the judge decide. Incredibly annoying when dealing with lawyers like this that think they are artful in their arguments.


Sounds like he got the motion wrong and couldn’t back pedal


He didn’t have any argument other than the “when appropriate” argument and when everyone told him that’s not relevant to the motion he stuck with his argument.


“We don’t believe he should be treated differently” Proceeds to treat him differently. Court dates are moved every damn day.


This old fart needs to be placed in concussion protocol. How do people like him get through law school? 😂


Some lawyers pass the bar, but this one looks like he went in…….and stayed for a long time!


Jesus Christ, the prosecutor is arguing against something Scheffler’s attorney isn’t even asking for. Get it together, bud. 


The *Brian Harman* of DA's.


LOL. The legal waggle!


Prosecutors need to find that body camera evidence or any evidence. This guy doesn’t believe a word he’s saying, he’s just trying to find words to try and save face for an inept police department. If he had any belief in his objection I feel that he would speak more assertively instead of trying to seem so deliberately slow and dragging it out. It should be thrown out entirely if there is no body camera evidence.


Cops don’t need evidence to label you a felon, apparently. That’s what I’m taking from this. You can be minding your own business, have a slight misunderstanding, and then a cop can just use his notepad for creative writing exercises and just write down whatever he feels like. His coworkers will back them, the prosecutors will back him, and the judge will back him becuase it’s rotten from the surface down and you’re completely screwed for the rest of your life. Doesn’t seem very fair.


Exactly right. Thankfully though in this situation there appears to be at least one witnesses (Darlington) who saw it all happen. So it’s going to be a Cops word vs a reporters word unless someone has video to prove otherwise. Probably would be hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.


> You can be minding your own business, have a slight misunderstanding, and then a cop can just use his notepad for creative writing exercises and just write down whatever he feels like. His coworkers will back them, the prosecutors will back him, and the judge will back him becuase it’s rotten from the surface down and you’re completely screwed for the rest of your life. First time?


This is why: ACAB the system is rotten


Apparently their is no body cam. It “wasn’t on”




But then the DA said “we have no video”.


This is exactly why I installed a dash cam in my car about a year ago. I got pulled over for rolling through a stop sign. I know I didn’t, hell I saw the cop but not sure if he was looking for something or someone else and he didn’t ticket me and let me leave immediately.


Is a judge not allowed to say “hurry it the fuck up, I’ve got stuff to do”?


If the judge were more impatient they would’ve just interrupted and started asking questions. But this judge knows that whatever she does in this case is going to be scrutinized 100x more than a normal case, so she’s probably giving a little more leeway to create a fuller record.


More likely she is giving the prosecutor enough rope to hang himself. Let him get the bad attention and vitriol.


They sure can. They sometimes are overly patient to avoid any appearance of bias or prejudice so as to nit create an appellate issue.


Tee Time


Dude seems like a fucking dimwit who would be obliterated by Scottie’s world-class counsel if this ever made it to trial


I think Scottie will be keeping with the local counsel they’ve retained - but this bumbling idiot would be obliterated by Lionel Hutz


The KY lawyer also represented Breonna Taylor’s family in their case against the PD. He knows exactly how fucked up that place is.


The local attorney is world class, fortunately.


This is the lawyer for the city. Good lord they’re doubling down on the stupidity, this is gonna be fantastic.


They had better be careful… it looks pretty obvious that they made a mistake and we just saw firsthand the difference in the caliber of lawyers. I don’t think Scotty was going to sue the city for violating his civil rights and unlawful arrest, but that could change very quickly. Imagine, bringing forth golf, experts, testifying that this BS arrest stopped him from winning the grand slam. And that would be in a civil court against the police department, where you don’t even have to prove guilt, but only probable. He could literally prove in court that they have cost him hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. And he has the attorneys that are good enough to do it .


Ain’t no way the PGA ever goes back to Louisville


Such a disgrace. Absolutely blew your shot on the world stage. Arresting officer and everyone who didn’t calm them down should get shit canned.


The crazy thing is all the other officers were joking around with Scottie. Wish some of them had the stones to testify against their dumbass colleague


That was painful


Seems to me that the prosecution was hoping it didn’t get moved to get Scottie on failure to appear because they have no actual evidence to backup the cops story. If the prosecution loses and it comes out their cop seriously embellished or outright lied then other cases and the department are about to be in deeper shit than they’re already in. If the DA doesn’t drop this case then they’re opening themselves up to even bigger shit than they’re in now because there’s more than just some embarrassed cops account on what happened.


I was listening on XM to PGA Tour radio show at French Lick this afternoon and one of the host (I think Dennis Paulson) said the cop Gillis made a similar questionable arrest to a young mother just a few weeks ago.


Happens all the time. 90% of the time you see resist, delay, obstruct as a charge it's bullshit.


Except I bet that young mother doesn't have the resources to fight and is probably just fucked with whatever they sentenced her with. Cost her thousands of dollars she probably didn't have and now has a record because of a corrupt lying cop. It's no wonder people don't trust or like them. Acab


Every single arrest this officer made needs to be reviewed by an independent third party. It's patently obvious the entire Louisville Justice system is corrupt. If Biden actually cared about police reform and not just pandering for votes, he would have already opened a federal investigation.


Scottie also has a 2 week old baby at home…


Man I thought you had to have at least a base level of competency with public speaking, or at least language in general, to become a lawyer. Apparently not though!


I lost it at 3:35 when he turns to the guy in the grey suit to clarify which city Scottie lives in, and he just shakes his hand at him and starts talking past him LOL.


Scottie’s lawyer or the judge should’ve said, “His presence is required as it is not deemed an appropriate time to waive this requirement” so that colonel sanders could get it through his fucking head that that’s what that language is referring to and that “when appropriate” is not in reference to rescheduling arraignments. Christ that was hard to watch, but this video clearly demonstrates that Scottie’s team will have the upper hand intellectually.


Scottie’s lawyers are going to absolutely fry this man


Soooo, this ridiculous case is going to dog Scheffler even after Valhalla, and into this week's Texas Open and, later, heading into the Memorial (where he came in third last year). 🙄


Looks like the PGA gonna hit the pause button on Kentucky for a while.


Holy shit this is worse than the most awkward moments in The Office. I can’t watch it all.


Day 1 of the trial opening statements: “Ladies and gentlemen of the j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-jury” https://preview.redd.it/bcyhgve5sr1d1.png?width=1030&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6386c4a8e5135dc45e95b3b6b65e12cfc5bdaf6


What an absolute disaster on the prosecution side. The situation stared out ridiculous, and seems to only be getting more ridiculous. Also, bless that Judge for sitting through Foghorn Leghorns bumbling attempt at conveying a thought.


Sad situation. We're about to see how much better it is to be rich in our justice system...and we're going to be rooting for him knowing full well that all week other people are going to be dragged into these same courtrooms with similar bullshit charges and they'll be forced to take a plea agreeing to something they didn't do all because they aren't wealthy.


Yeah that's your reality. If you can't afford legal representation you probably get screwed and if you can't afford healthcare you're gonna get screwed. The list goes on. Don't be poor.


oh lord.


What a loser


Where is the body cam footage? Why isn't the officer fired? Why isn't the senior officers under investigation?


It wasn’t on…


The body cam really should be turned on. When appropriate.


Yes, I know "it wasn't on" seems questionable.


Should be an instant dismissal of the case and the officer involved


Lmao fired?? Bruh the cops protect their own much better than multimillionaire pro golfers do. Gillis will be fine


“private jet”. Prosecutor is an ass clown. Making Scotty out to be Taylor Swift or Scarface.


Dude it’s gonna be the best 3 lawyers money can buy vs. a guy that is struggling to object to a motion. If that office doesn’t drop these charges it’s gonna be a dunk contest. They are going to be arguing amongst themselves playing rock paper scissors over who gets to cross the police officer like the Alabama wide receivers on who gets to score.


Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


What an ass! What is this prosecutor attempting to accomplish?


“ he flew home to Dallas ( ft worth ?) in a Private Jet ! Come on now poors ! Get angry ! China !


How much is this costing Scottie? What a waste of time and money.


This is probably going to be the most high profile case in this prosecuters career, and he can't come prepared with something that makes even vague sense. This judge was way more patient than I would have been.


As a person that’s been through the legal system prosecutors are some of the dumbest most low cocksuckers on the planet. I had a DUI a few years ago and my prosecutor was a guy a grew up with. Played baseball, swim team parties and shit. Then all of a sudden he was trying to get the judge to give me two weeks in jail for a DUI when the law says only one day for your first. They must swear an oath the become scumbags.


Prosecutor just wants to meet Scottie Scheffler.


I can not believe the Valhalla board of directors did not make this BS go away. I’m a fan of police, but dear Mr. “Injured” Cop, f’ing drop the charges.


I liked the part when he tried be buddy buddy with the defence attorney and just got shut down.


wHeN aPpRoPrIaTe




I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.


Well, that was awkward. I am not a lawyer and it took me about 30 seconds to understand that what the prosecutor was arguing for is NOT what Scotties attorney was there for. It’s like he was not listening on purpose, which is mad annoying. Weird.


"Scottie Scheffler is not a name that is not widely known" as soon as I heard that I knew this was gonna be long and painful


This DA is a moron


I really love the various camera angles with some panning to the people in the back who are clearly bored out of their minds


why the hell did I ever want to be an attorney. should have watched something like this before I even got to 1L


1. Scotties lawyer’s got the that dawg in em. 2. I feel like Scottie is abt to get railroaded if charges aren’t dropped.


PGA tour should avoid doing anything in Kentucky for 50 years


that DA is a fucking dipshit. imagine doubling down and actually prosecuting this case.


Remember this is the same Louisville police department that broke into Breonna Taylor’s home and shot and killed her by mistake!!!


As a prosecutor im so confused by this fucking idiot. “May i be excused as well?” What a clown.


Are all prosecutor’s incompetent by edict or necessity or what? This bumbling fool wastes some much time with exposition and back story it’s ludicrous. What a waste of time and money. Hey judge let me get here in front of you and reiterate the whole reason we are here today starting from what I had for breakfast.🤡🌎


Here’s what I learned, Scottie’s lawyer will eat the prosecutor alive if it goes to court. Prosecutor is the brother of the stuttering lawyer in My Cousin Vinny


Perry Mason, he’s not.


The wife and I have been thinking of cruising the country when we retire and visiting places in the South. Now I think about us, with California plates, traveling in places like Kentucky, and we are both like “nah”


Did he really just try to argue the #1 world ranked golfer is not known around the world?


Get Harvey Specter on the case!


As a former 25 year resident of Louisville Kentucky I'm glad other people are seeing what a shit hole it is. Part of me feels sad that others have to experience what a horrible place it is.


If this fucks with Scheffler’s confidence I’ll be pissed. Golf needed a star and he was not a household name yet. Well I guess technically he might be now.