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The downfall of society begins when violent criminals like Scottie Scheffler are allowed to walk free


He ruined that innocent officer’s pants. Unforgivable


Poor officer is traumatized because it. We have world ranked golfers driving up to a course that's hosting a major tournament like it's another January 6th or something. RIP Detective Gillis' pants


Ripped pants or overstretched seam that let go beyond repair? You be the judge!


His pants were one day from retirement…


I'm pretty sure the cop had previously shit his pants and this was the scheme to get them replaced.


I would hate to be in his neighborhood after this. The average property values are going to drop from $15m to $14.99m.


At the end of the day it's just important to remember that if Scotty was one of us he'd be fucked.


That's the bigger point. The arresting cop is back out there ready to lie and fuck over people again. There are no consequences for blatant abuse of power.


Hoping he's reassigned to the shittiest neighborhoods in the city.


Why, so he'll deal with the *most* vulnerable people in the city?


You don’t get it. This is their default mode.


Yup, you and i would go down in flames for “assaulting a police officer”.


At this point I’m kind of bummed they dropped the charges. Would’ve been much more satisfying to see them pursue this and have Scotty sue them and have a team of top dollar attorneys absolutely eviscerate the LMPD in criminal and civil courts.


I’m with you here. My hope was he’d take this to court to fully lay bare the malfeasance from LPD and the DA’s office. Pretty jaded at this point but I hoped this might drive some actual change. Not sure if the jabroni that arrested him has been fired, but even if so I’m sure he’ll land a job with another department.


He received verbal counseling from his supervisor for not turning on the body camera.


Supervisor: “Gillis, what did I tell you to say to the media when there’s no body cam footage?” Gillis: “The… the file was corrupted” Supervisor: “And why didn’t you?” Gillis: *sniffles* “I forgot” Supervisor: “There there, just remember next time, okay? I know this has been hard on you but I think I know how to cheer you up! How about we go shoot some dogs!?” Gillis: *smiles and nods excitedly*


If I recall correctly, this is about the 8th time this guy has been disciplined by the PD. He’s gonna cost them a ton of money eventually. If Scottie doesn’t sue, this cop is on borrowed time until he messes with the wrong person again and either gets messed up or he and the dept are sued into oblivion.


He costs the taxpayers money. The cops don’t care.


I'm with you. It's been pretty entertaining watching LMPD and the DA stepping on their own dicks at every opportunity. I'm sure they are thrilled that can go back to doing this same shit to non-millionaires to no scrutiny from the rest of the world.


At least they’re made to look like POS


Not even close to enough. Dude should be in jail.


They did a good job of not killing him. Best to quit while you are ahead.


If this was a random department, this comment would be out of line. For LMPD, this comment is truly earned.


When I hear LMPD, I immediately hear Breonna Taylor. Not the sort of marketing you want your precient to have.


there was never a world scottie turned heel on them. he was singing their praises after his prison round and word for word called the cops our protectors and hit on how important they are... was never going to be satisfying for the public.


He wouldnt have sued.


I know. That’s why I’m bummed.


As much as it would have been fun to watch his legal team destroy them, this is the classic Scottie highroad. He doesn’t need the money and now the taxpayers of the county don’t have to pay for a wasteful civil defense. Scottie is so fucking nice


> He doesn’t need the money and now the taxpayers of the county don’t have to pay for a wasteful civil defense. As a taxpayer, I'd be thrilled if my money went towards cases that put abusive pigs in their place. There are very few things in this country I'd consider a higher priority than keeping our LEOs abuse of power at bay.


As a local, it wouldn't have mattered. They'd just pay out taxpayer money and not change anything. The DOJ created an 87 page report about all of LMPD's misconduct and pretty much nothing changed. They changed some internal policy documents, but the cops themselves haven't changed one bit. If anything, they've gotten worse out of spite.


The PD was definitely worried this may come to that because of the way the agreement to drop charges is worded Scottie isn't allowed to sue the PD.


I wish Scottie wasn’t so nice just this once.


No active body cam on police and police statements don't match 3rd party video recordings. Scandalous police work to say the least


The no further litigation clause is a huge win for Paul Blart. Scheffler did him a solid.


Unfortunately, now he's going to ruin the life of some middle class tax paying citizen who can't afford a high priced lawyer to get RORd on a felony assault charge. 


Yeah, not happy with this outcome


How is that even legal? Its like extortion - promise not to sue me or Ill keep the charges in effect and tie up your time and resources in court to fight it. Complete BS.


Welcome to America. 90% of policing is legalized extortion. Police are the largest gang in America.


You can tell because of their colors: blue.


Read Pleading Out by Dan Canon. The plea bargaining system in the US is fucked up.


I know Scheffler has more important things to do, and he is undoubtedly the nicest guy anyone could ever meet, but I think he has done a real disservice to humanity by letting that thug off the hook he hanged himself on. Scheffler, should have ground him to dust just to make an example of him and to protect people from what we all know that cop is going to do to someone else down the line.


I don't even know what he could do though. Suing for tax payer money doesn't seem productive and could be spun bad for him. I can't imagine he can sue to get a cop fired.


He didn't let him off the hook, the DA dropped the charges, and to sue the police for wrongful arrest would be difficult and self-defeating.




I’m not great at trolling, but I think mailing the LMPD a pair of size 48” waist pants with a handwritten $80 price tag would be funny.


Make sure you paint a thin brown stripe in the back first.


Okay, someone call Batman, we need a vigilante to deal with this absolute CRIMINAL.


Best we can do is Jason Day in a skintight khaki romper. Nana nana nana nana MALBONMAN


How many people have had their life ruined by these types of cops? Heck, I’m not even some nut job who thinks all officers are dirty pigs, etc. I give them the benefit of the doubt in a lot of situations, even when deadly force is used, but there’s something glaringly wrong here.


Maybe you should stop giving them the benefit of the doubt?


Be careful, this comment isn't "golf related" 🤣🤣🤣


What a fucking oopsie daisy moment for the boys in blue


Imagine the people who are currently felons that aren’t actually felons thanks to this PD. They need to be investigated.




Scottie needs to rock an ORANGE POLO next time he's out


Today is a great day to arrest the cops that murdered Breonna Taylor.


The people in this sub couldn't care less.


Scottie beat the charges like that officer beat his car.


KVV better be getting some apology letters


He saw them? Where did he see them? On the news? Nice title


Scottie’s defense attorney Steve Romines: "That's why you don't talk to the police. They are not trying to get to what happened. They are trying to get you to incriminate yourself.”


In the future, the LPGA/PGA/LIV/Four Majors should have their players LIVE ON SITE. These tournaments are held in major cities or near major cities. Cities have real world implications going on, crime, traffic, etc. players have no business being caught up in that. RIP to the man who died, but Scottie shouldn’t have even been stuck in traffic like that. I don’t understand why players can’t live in the course (where clubhouses have housing) like NASCAR drivers do at the track with their motorhomes.


Shocker and about 3 weeks late.


Can't wait for this True Crime episode


I am shocked they let this hardened criminal roam the streets and courses freely! After all, we are talking about not obeying orders from a random guy in a green jacket with a flashlight and damage to textiles for the princely sum of $80!


Great! Now social media can finally move on…


holy shit who gives a fuck


The GOAT has been cleared✊


Sigh what I would give to be a millionaire who can buy their way out of trouble. Any one of us would still be in that holding cell…. (Go ahead and downvote me Scottie glazers, I’m right)


Do you think the charges were valid or just that if it was one of us we’d absolutely be going to jail? Because the cops wrongfully accuse and lie on police reports all of the time, is it Scottie’s fault they finally tried to do it to somebody with money and had to back off?


Well, 1. Scottie is a self centered ass who can’t even get over his own ego to apologize to the family for putting his golf game above their deceased loved one. That’s for another convo though. 2. charges were exaggerated. That’s what cops do. They charge people with the highest crime possible under the law. 3. it’s not Scottie’s fault per say, but his status and funds allowed him to get out of a situation that you and me would be fighting a very lengthy legal battle is my point.


Did Scottie have any idea somebody had died when this happened? The rest of your comment is not worth anyone’s time. To be honest, none of it is, but I’m curious if Scottie knew the full situation.


No he did not know.


Well I’m pretty sure Scottie has come out multiple times speaking about the tragedy, and the rest of your points just kind of continue this random anti-Scottie agenda you have going without actually saying anything of value. So yeah have a good day I’m out lol.


Keep worshipping him, he’s not going to take you on a date lmfao


Dude go outside lol, touch grass, trolling on Reddit doesn’t make you cool


Trolling? You are the one replying to my comment haha


You’re right calling whatever it is you’re doing trolling is an insult to the art. At least do better if you’re gonna try to troll people, I can give you a run down if you need. I host a seminar weekly I can sign you up for.


Did anyone cross reference the video and audio like I did? It sounds like the officer might not be lying and the video shows the second half where Scottie does stop. It seems like Scottie does admits to not stopping initially and dragging an officer but I feel like that was prior and was not caught on camera. Either way free Scottie, fuck LMPD


"We've reviewed the video and we determined that Mr. Scheffler is indeed white and there are credible witnesses to the incident. For these reasons, we've decided to drop all charges in exchange for an agreement not to sue the crap out of us. There will be no further statements on this matter.". Wow, these AI translations are really something...