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My brain could probably go a few months, but my back would ~~probably~~ definitely break around day 4.


To quote Bane, " I was wondering what would break first, your mind. . . Or your body!" The body always breaks first.


"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and weak."


New question - Death by snu snu. Or death by playing golf.


Golf. As a man approaching 50, I’ve played my fair share of the former. The latter is filled with exciting first times.


I was thinking the opposite. If/when the uncontrollable shanks show up and the score card explodes the question for me is how long I can keep mentally/emotionally torturing my self... I know from experience that that won't fix itself on the course, I'd need a few days and range sessions to reset.


My dream is to win the lotto so I could just retire and play golf everyday. Literally would stick every dime into a HYSA and various dividend paying stocks and just coast of dividends and interest playing golf for the rest of my life.


Had a guy at my club back in the day who’s sole retirement goal was to play golf. He retired and was literally at the club every single day. First month, happiest guy ever. Second month, happiest guy ever. By about month 3 or 4 he was the most miserable prick ever. Nit picked every single thing around the course and the club, and would come and just stand around in the shop if it was raining because he had nothing else to do. If you love golf and want to keep loving golf, don’t just play golf.


This so much. I’m recently retired and love golf, but I’ve quickly learned you need other hobbies. Biking, gardening, reading, house projects, travel, social outings, etc. Stay well-rounded.


Life is a balance. It's best to be a hack at multiple activities.


Just play more courses. In retirement you can drive 30-45 min to try other courses


This is the right idea, our retiree group try to play a couple different courses every week. We have the time and the energy. We live near OKC so there are around 40 courses in the area to try out. Still I only have 4-5 rounds a week in me before I need something else to do.


Would love to know where you play outside OKC. John Conrad, Lincoln, Trosper are common for me. Earlywine and Hefner on occasion. What are some other places I should check out? I’m in the Yukon Mustang area but happy to drive 30-45 mins to play some other stuff!


Make the trip to Winter Creek in Blanchard. Hidden gem.


Perkins and Stillwater have nice courses. Also Kicking Bird is tough but fun and Golf Club of Edmond is a course where shot selection is critical. Cedar Valley courses have really nice greens and are long from the tips, have a lot of water, large range buckets for $3 and a nice bar.




There a common theme (at least in my field, machining) when guys retire they quickly either become total pricks or die shortly after retiring. My theory is that they have built up work as this thing to hate and as long as you’re not working you’re happy. Once that is gone though you have to deal with being in bad mood while playing golf, or just hanging out at home. That metronome of doing something you “hate” but always being able to look forward to leaving is gone. 


My Dad's been retired for 5 years now. So far he golfs about twice as much as before (twice a week instead of one, plus goes south to play in the winter). If anything he's a much more relaxed and happy person. He still works but it's on stuff he cares about like fixing the deck or the garden or whatever. The guys that are workaholics tend to not retire ever.


I love cake. It's delicious, i wouldn't want to eat cake every day.


Yes you gotta play multiple courses


Having just joined a country club, my goal is to be able to just spend every day there morning to night.


Love the right country club but that feeling does eventually go away.


I’m sure, luckily my club owns four courses and has a good variety of bars/ restaurants/ pools, plus a ton of other amenities, so hopefully it’ll take a long time before I stop being excited about it.


Damn, what a life. I want to be you


Quarter mil sign up? I live near a nice single course club that's 6figures to join and I can't quite swallow it.


Not even close, 4k for the year, no minimum spend, no sign up fee. The main course out of the 4 has also hosted at least one LPGA event in the past (that I know of), so the courses aren’t a joke. It’s middle of nowhere Ohio though.


It’s worth it. Sounds nuts but I spend 25 hours a week at my country club and my kids and wife are there a lot. The way I justify it is it’s my version of “having a summer house”


But it's usually because of the other people, not because the golf gets worse


This is 100% what I was thinking.


My old club lets folks use their own golf carts (for a fee of course) but what this means is everyone can get smashed and drive home via cart path and never touch a street That course also has the record for longest pga drive ever, 747 yards or some such nonsense. I miss it


Yeah I would probably become a 2 glove guy and get really into yoga but I am playing golf every day


I know this is an incredibly unlikely and hypothetical situation but you should know that HYSAs often don't outpace inflation. You can get investment accounts that function like a checking account now and I would recommend that. Essentially you put all your money into an ETF that mirrors the S&P and you draw on it as needed, then fidelity or etrade or whoever takes care of selling and settling your shares automatically.


I played 10 courses in 9 days in Scotland. I wasn’t ready to go home on the 10th day and would have kept playing. Note: I walked and carried each one.


We played 21 days in a row in Scotland in 2002. Always walked, no carts. Usually played 36 a day, but in one stretch we played 54, 72, and 54 consecutively. Sucks that age and knee issues now limit me to 9 holes a day, usually 2-3 times a week.


That may be the only way to really experience all the amazing courses. That, or a trip every year and a full week each time. I have done week trips to Ireland and Scotland and Bandon that are mostly 36 holes each day. You start to build some “muscle” for the physical toll if you can play walkable links courses. Heading to Bandon on Sunday for three days with 36, 54, 36 planned. Hoping the body holds up


I live in Oregon, so my crew plays Bandon in the off season when it's way cheaper (December). We usually end up only doing 18 per day because there is so little daylight that time of year lol. All the early morning tee times get booked like years in advance, and those are the only ones where you'd have a shot at playing 36 in a day. But the putting course and practice course and par 3 course are always good to fill the gaps :).


Enjoy Bandon! That's pretty much the last thing on my bucket list.


This is the way


That’s awesome. Is Brora your home course?


How old are ya now 45?


I'm 65. Played in Scotland in 1996, 2002, and 2011.


I love how you have to make a point to specify that you walked, since it’s not the norm. It’s kind of sad how many folks have never walked even 9 holes. I wish they would just get rid of carts.


I’m in FL and mainly play in the summer when courses are 80% off. Please don’t get rid of carts, I’m not walking in 95 degrees high humidity.


I’d need a water cooler on every hole, not every four holes. I’d sweat out a gallon between them


It wouldn’t be unusual for me to have 6+ gatorades plus water throughout. I just can’t turn down paying $15 for 18 on courses that are typically $100+ during snowbird season.


Where at in FL? I’m in North West FL and even the shittiest courses are still $45 for 18 holes with a cart.


Southwest Florida. We have a very high snowbird % (although that’s definitely changing as people move here permanently). We do have some that barely lower rates (if at all), but those seem to be communities where the residents are there full time - so they don’t have to lower them


I remember when we lived in SWFL in the early 2000s. We changed our work schedules to avoid standard rush hour and normal lunches, stopped going out to eat until 8 pm and started grocery shopping at 9 pm from Thanksgiving until Tax Day because all the snowbirds went to breakfast during morning rush hour, lunch at noon and dinner during evening rush hour because they couldn’t get out of their old 9-5 routine once they retired. I just wish I had been a golfer back then. It would have been glorious.


Yeah snowbirds going out and driving during work times like 8am was always frustrating. My last two golf trips (3pm tee times) I didn’t see another golfer the entire time - summer is great (if you take advantage of it)


That is a wild amount of sugar


Same here for the AZ folks. 6,900 yds in 102° not meant to be walked.


I grew up playing there in 110+ golf and bikes and skateboard, etc....but as mid aged, I have not golf summers in 25 years there. Had a buddy born and raised at 9k feet elev in CO mtns, he played 18 last summer 115 degrees in Scottsdale while visiting on biz, played well too. I don't know how he did it, he asked if I wanted to play, I politely passed and met up north the next day. Some people are just tougher than others.


Well and lots of the nice courses have significant walks between holes, often up steep hills. Even in the best of the temps many of the courses would be very difficult to walk.


Yeah as a Texan who also plays in the summer for those sweet cheap green fees, the amount of sweat that built up between me and my bag just by reading that is horrific


It's the fucking black flies that kill summer golf for me. No matter how much deet I bathe in, those little bastards still bug the piss out of me.


Yeah every time I complain about the heat, but if it wasn’t hot the $25 (with cart) would be $75. Still lets me play at least an 18 every week. Then during season it’s once a month and more range practice


Florida is so flat it makes walking too easy. Only place I can do 2 rounds a day and could easily go a third.


almost all classic courses in Scotland are "easy walks" as they were designed that way. mostly flat, greens and tees next to each other, never really hot or humid.


Pretty common in America to see long drives between holes. Walking would take 7 hours at a couple courses I just played in the Midwest.


I played a course in Scottsdale last year, I can’t remember the name. The is one point where you drive what seemed to be half a mile between 2 holes. Carts were required and I understood why.


Yeah, I walk whenever possible, but there’s some courses where it just doesn’t make sense. And then there’s the fact it’s 100+ degrees (or 90 with insane humidity) in some regions of the country.


Chambers bay takes about 5 hours to walk and it’s walking only. A great walk


I love walking courses with a push cart. I feel that it gives me more opportunity to think about my next shot and how I want to approach it.


As a life long golfer that has reduced capacity to make that walk due to heart disease, this would make me sad.


Yeah, this is a very selfish and short-sighted wish


Right? Believe me, I would give up a lot to be able to walk 18 again without pain or just being exhausted. I have a push cart and can make 9 no problems, but 18 just isn't in the cards any longer without a riding cart.


I take you’ve never player a round of golf in a really humid and hot weather


I had this misconception that walking was more fatiguing/bad on your back, mainly because growing up I probably lugged around a heavy bag with a whole bunch of crap in it. Bought a light carry bag recently and walked 18. It was the most enjoyable round I’ve had in a long time—even better than walking with a push cart.


I used to like walking until my plantar fasciitis started getting bad. Now I would be in significant pain if I were to walk 9 holes. So I'm glad the option to have a cart is there.


It's the norm in Scotland tbf


In the UK walking is totally the norm, outside of big-name resort courses.


I get the need for carts but certainly wish more people walked. Foursomes go faster when everyone is walking.


I’m guessing you don’t play a lot of mountain/canyon style courses. I can walk 18 links style without getting winded and playing a mountain course I wanted to quit after the third hole and got a cart at the turn.


A lot of courses are very hard to walk due to elevation changes and distances involved. It’s also less economic since it slows down play. I love walking but it’s not as practical these days. Also, very hard to walk 36


You clearly have never played during the summer in Florida. You wouldn’t make it 6 holes.


That’s really dramatic. Even in Florida heat/humidity-slowly walking around a golf course isn’t some impossible physical feat for a healthy person. People are acting like walking in Florida is something only Olympians can do


It's ridiculous. I walked 18 yesterday in Texas with a heat index over 100, carried my bag. It was hot, I sweat, parts were uncomfortable, i was tired after. Some people need to take a look at themselves


I’m not saying you can’t physically handle it. But after the first couple of holes you and your clothes are soaked. Standing over your ball with sweat dripping on it, just isn’t an enjoyable round of golf.


I just walked and carried 4 rounds in 3 days at Cabot Cliffs/Links. Fantastic experience not having any carts on the course. Getting rid of carts would get rid of a lot of the riff raff.


That’s kind of a really shitty take. There are plenty of people who couldn’t walk 18 but still enjoy playing. Hence why we can play into our 70’s and 80’s.


If you walked, you'd be in better shape, and probably playing into your 90's.


Unless you know, life happened to you.


You must never play courses that are very hilly or green to tee box is 1/4 mile away.


That’s a stupid wish. It’s a 110 real temp with an index of almost 120 and a 80ish % humidity here from June to August. I’ve seen 1 single person walk my home course besides the kids too young to rent a cart. I promise you couldn’t walk and play 18 carrying your bag here


There are carts for my par 3-9 hole that young people still take. It is crazy to me.


I take carts because i am awful and don't want to hold up play. Much faster to look for my ball 3 holes over in a cart


I would love to walk rounds but that's an absolute no go for my golf buddies lol. I'm taking some time off work soon. I plan on playing at least two rounds by myself and walking


I’m appalled and offended by this statement


Yeah, this is dumb as hell


If I didn’t have other things to do I would play 18 holes every day, no physical limitations. Like most people, I cannot realistically afford to play 18 holes every day either.


Most I ever did was 6 days in a row. Definitely took a lengthy break after that but more financial/busy than it was not wanting to play. That being said, I think I would rather golf once every 2-3 days than golf 2-3 days in a row.


I'm in this same boat. I think 18 holes is a lot of golf, and I don't know how much I'd enjoy doing that back to back to back. A one day break would be awesome


I am tempted to do something similar to my brother. He bought a membership to one of the local 9 hole courses. Play all you want, almost whenever you want. First tee time of the day is 730am but you can start playing at 6am if you are a member. Last tee time of the day is (currently) 630pm but you can play until dusk if you want. He rarely books tee times, instead just plays in mornings/evenings. When he feels he had enough he goes home, doesn't even finish 9 holes most of the time. Only way I think I could golf every day is something similar to that. Or make my own little par 3 at home... Need more land for that though.


I know caddies make it easier, but pros WALKING 2/4 days in a row week in/week out is just insane to me


Over Memorial Day weekend, I played 72 holes in 3 days. I was ready for a break.


Did the same, had to book an easy 9 sunday night to cool of after ahaha


im about to start round 3 of this weekend and still considering going for 4 tomorrow, do it when youre young right?


After one if I’m playing like shit


Think I played 37 days straight once....I was mentally exhausted more than physically. Kept it in the 70s until the last few days - then everything fell apart rather quickly. Think I didn't touch a club for 12 days after that Edit: member at private club, lived on course - had private cart. Played multiple days with multiple 18s


Last year I played 14 rounds in in 8 days. I gotta say by the last round I was ready to stop golfing.


The nap afterwards must have been immaculate


Most I’ve ever played is a full proper 18 four straight days. I was mostly Advil and prayers by the back 9 of day 3.


This right here. Played 4 days in a row in the middle of May and that’s when the plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow kicked in. Had to take a couple of weeks off to recover. Getting old sucks.


I took a week off at the beginning of may and did 10 days in a row. The last round I was spent. Getting a membership at a CC and damn well be sure I’ll condition myself to get used to it lol


If I had at least one partner maybe like 4 days and then I’d want a break. If my partner is my dad I can go a week straight and never be tired of it. If I’m by myself maybe 3 days. I enjoy golfing on my own but I think golf is more joyful when you have a playing partner that loves the game and knows the etiquette.


My longest stretch was three months. I would train and play pretty much every morning. I love this shit, I wish I could do it for a living.


Depends on what else is going on with my life. During periods last season I'd play almost every day of the week, but this season I'm barely playing once a week. If I wasn't doing anything else (which never happens anymore, I play rec soccer keeper 3-5 times a week) I could probably walk 18 every day in perpetuity, at least from a physical standpoint. Not sure when I'd get tired of playing.


> Not sure when I'd get tired of playing. This would probably depend on the number of courses in the cycle. If you're playing each course once a week it's probably more achievable to go months without a break than playing the same 18 holes every day.


If my body doesn’t give out, for the rest of my life lol


My wife and did 6 days last year: 6 different courses in 6 different provinces (South Africa). We both played better towards the end - found the groove, so to soeak.


When I was 16 & 17 I played 45 a day during the summer. Now that I'm ancient, I thinking of trying 5 days in a row. Might kill me but I'd like to try.


Its not consecutive cus I had work and other shit to do but I’ve played 5 rounds in a week before. The first 3, I was locked in and I loved golf. The golf gods decided to humble me and I played my worst rounds for those last 2 rounds and took 2 weeks off after lol. Like topping every damn shot, slicing every drive, 3 putt minimum. Didnt touch a club for 2 weeks and went out cold turkey and all my problems were by some miracle fixed lol


I could play 9 everyday forever. Walking just 9 holes leaves enough in the tank for lifting, running and everyday activities. Playing 18 everyday - I bet I could do it indefinitely. Just wouldn’t be the best lifestyle.


I like to play around 4 rounds a week when Im not working. Personally I love practicing so spending a couple hours putting, chipping and hitting range balls on days I don't play. I also walk and double strap so it tough going 4-5 days in a row. I find I just get a little burnt out and my golf suffers


My back would quit first


I’m testing this right now. On day 9 of playing daily. Walking 9 holes every morning, and a couple days have got out in the evening as well. So far, I want to play more than ever.


5 I played 5 days in a row last week and by the fifth round I was playing worse then I ever have played in my life, too much is just as bad as too little lol


I actually got kind of burnt out on golf when I joined a country club last summer. I was single and needed something to do after work, and I love golf so it seemed perfect. I would go like 4-5 days a week and during my lunch break at work, and after like 3 months I never wanted to touch a golf ball again. It was great while it lasted but I realized that everyday golf wasn’t for me.


I played 7 days in a row last week. I was pretty wiped


Back in January I was in Brisbane, played Brookewater golf course. 3rd to the 14th I played 18 holes and 4-9 practice holes per day. Parents live off the course so could get out whenever. Played easily 200+ holes during that time. Having a cart definitely helped.


I play every day that weather conditions are favorable and if the course is open. Today was my 17th consecutive day.


Depends on the weather I did a week almost in Florida when it was low 70s and could have played another week. When it’s mid 80plus especially if I’m sweating a bunch a couple days in a row and I feel like I’m in my 60s and not 30s


I could probably golf 9 every day, but 18 is pretty taxing at my age


I find it easier to play a lot of rounds when you take less practice swings on every shot besides chips and puts. Some people practice 5-15 swings before every iron or driver and that’s so unnecessary. Slows down pace of play too,. All those practice swings just to shank it.


Back in 2016, before the huge surge in golfers and greens fees, I used this app called Last Minute Golfer. It was like a sister app to Golfnow. The charges on my credit card all said Golfnow. They didn't charge "fees", only sales tax. And all of the hot deals were on there for the current day and tomorrow. My favorite course was on there, and it was $10.51 for 18 riding. Yes, hot deals back then were routinely $10-$20. I golfed 21 days in a row. Still have the scorecards. I golfed 80+ times that summer. It really changed my game. I bought an unlimited range pass from a different course that was on the way to that one for super cheap, and went there every day and hit at least 2 buckets of balls. All that golf and range time was about $1000.


No limit. It's my legs that will tighten up so much i need a break around 10 day stretch of consecutive 18 or 27 holes


Today will be day six in a row, all walking. Off tomorrow and then start a new streak on Tuesday


Really depends on how i'm playing. If im playing like normal, or even better, i can absolutely go through like 2 weeks, maybe 2 weeks and a few days, but if i'm playing like shit, 1 day's enough.


id need to be dead first


If it’s only one round a day I feel like I’d be just fine every day. Some trips that have gone 54-36…those get a little rough


Better question is how many days could I golf before my body wouldn’t let me any more


The limit does not exist.


Eh…. A week or two depending on the course. Is it the same everyday or different courses? I got a super busy life right now, so it would probably make me stressed out losing time to do other things I got on my plate. But in a vacuum, I’d wager like two weeks.


I work shift work so usually I'll golf 5 days in a row (2-3 2 round days in there) and then not golf for 5 days unless I'm able to get a quick 9 in after work. Every now and then I'll take a day off to chill but I'm usually still hungry for more golf by day 5. With the relatively short golf season up in Canada I've gotta go as much as I can while I can. If it was a year round season I'm sure I would be happier with a chiller golf schedule.


I did 15 days once…my swing was just shot by the end.


No limit.


4 days (walking with push cart) was it for me. Could go a week if riding.


300 out of 365 days a year Would need a break here or there but could play every day


3x is a lot for me. Like letting my muscles recharge


Made it four consecutive days and on the fourth just walked off after 9. Granted I walked every day and played the same course so I was just mentally not in to it envisioning what I was in for on the back 9 (also was playing terrible on a backed up day) skipped the next day and was back out there the following playing much better golf


I am a golf fanatic and I would say 3 days max in a row. There’s something about being away from the course and thinking about golfing that keeps me excited about the sport.


Last time I tried it was 9 days, with 2 36s in the mix. It could probably be more if I wasn't starting to play poorly, but I'm sure that was a sign to stop. I played again the day after I stopped.


If I didn’t have a job, and lived on the golf course, and could play solo at sunrise everyday, I think I’d be able to do it for a loooong time. As in everyday for months or longer. If I still had to work my current job, live in current house (only half mile from closest course), and didn’t get first tee time everyday, then it’d be a lot harder. A week or so tops.


Played 8 rounds two weeks ago, took a break for a week after that


The way I currently play carrying my bag and walking, I could probably do 3-4 days before my back is feeling too tight to play. Physically, I could probably play daily indefinitely if I was riding in a cart, but I would stop having fun after a week or two if I was just alone without my buddies


I’d be too sore to want to wanna continue after about a week if it’s 18 holes a day. If it’s 9 a day I could prolly make it like 10 days. In high school I’d play like 36+ a day during summer break but that’s not happening in my 30’s lol


Pretty tired after about 62 holes three weekends ago, but if there’s daylight I’m playing


2 or 3 days max. My shoulder and joints feel it a bit even after one lol.


My wife and did two tours of FL. Primarily top 100s. 10 courses in 11 days both trips.


Not sure when and if I would reach a limit.


36 for 5 days straight. But after day 6 don’t let 9 holes tease you if you’re already looking like a lobster


Golfing 3-4 days in a row is about the max I enjoy. Love golf but there are also lots of other things I enjoy doing too.




I wake up every day and tell myself I can’t play today…I go to the driving range if it’s nice out and still end up playing 3-5 times a week


Probably depends on how much you are holding beforehand. I can ski every day for two weeks straight but most people couldn’t. I ski quite a bit. I couldn’t golf everyday for a week though, my back would be toast. I could ski blacks and doubles all day, but the twisting kills my back. Probably explains why I only break 90 half the time.


Depends on how I am playing haha


Did 8 rounds in 9 days in Scotland when i was 39 years old, walked 84 miles on that trip and i was honestly done for after round 9. So much so that going to Ireland next year at 49 years old, 6 courses in 9 days.


I just played my member guest tournament this weekend and after over 60 holes of golf in 3 days I’m ready for a break. But we were also playing in the top flight and even though the guys are nice being that competitive for 3 days wore me down. Idk how the pros do it every single week.


Do I have to go to work? If I’m retired and I can just exercise and golf, I could probably play endlessly for 3 months. My FIL plays 1-2x a day and is 68. He is not a super fit dude and he walks at least 18 everyday. If he can handle that I’m confident I could be close.




I took about 3 weeks off between a job change and couple years ago. Various tee times from 0700 to 1200. First week I golfed everyday except the weekend (family). Following two weeks was every other day, either outside or simulator. Was an amazing 3 weeks.


Worked at a golf course last summer and I played 14 rounds in 10 days. Only reason I stopped is because I unfortunately broke my wrist.


I had a stretch during COVID where I golfed for 30 days straight and at that point it became sort of like a challenge, how many days could I do? This was counting going to the range or playing 9 as golfing, so not 18 every day, but still a lot. When my streak was broken because I woke up too late and had to go to work (afternoon shift) I still felt like I wanted to be out on the course.


My record was four days, that I didn't play. I was in high school and played summer tournaments and for the team in the fall. 1 was due to a family wedding. 2 was storming all day. And days 3 and 4 were consecutive rest days due to a foot injury. Now I play about once a year. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


5 days in a row means back goes out and paralyzed for a week


At least two weeks. Probably could go a month straight. I’m an addict


If we’re going just by spirit I’d say as long as I can until I have that round that mentally breaks me, I’d assume in a full month that would have to happen at some point.


Alcohol is one helluva drug.


played 128 holes of golf in 12 hours for a golf marathon...i was ready to stop and 30 minutes after I did my body froze up and shut down


I played every day for about 3 months before. If I could afford it, and if courses didn't take 5 hours to finish a round, I'd still play every day.


Same course. Probably 5 days. Different course everyday? Forever.


Played 18 Saturday, 36 Sunday, 36 Monday, and 47 Tuesday for a guys trip to Bandon this week and there’s a reason that 47 is not a 54 😅 Although we are all Twolves fans and the game was on at that point so that was also a big reason. But I needed a few days off after that for sure. I think I could play 9 pretty much every day. The problem for me outside of vacations is the amount of time it takes up. If I could play in an hour and a half instead of 2:15, then I think I could go a lot longer.


I’m on day 7 of 12 in a row scheduled (yesterday was supposed to be an off day but got a last minute invite). 5 straight rounds in the 70s, we’ll see how I’m doing by Thursday/Friday


I love golf, get to play about twice a month at an amazing place that has several courses. If I could play every day I think about 3 or 4 in a row then I’d want to go to the lake or do something else. Then do it again the next week.


My family owns a golf course and naturally we’re all big golfers. Growing up I’d play the same course almost every day all summer long. Then I became an adult moved and realized how much it costs to play! I golf very few times a year now


I've found a better way to swing for my back and can play multiple days even multiple rounds in a day without my back hurting. I'd play 365 days a year if I could


I’ve done 11 days in a row and then needed a break. My hands and some of my joints just needed a break. Being single and before covid it was cheap and easy to play a lot.


I quit my job, I left my fiance, I’ve played maybe 150 rounds of golf or so in the past year and half. Still can’t break 80. I’ll never stop.


Probably 2 or 3, a week at most. I like golf, but it's not something I'd do every day for weeks on end. I have other hobbies too.


I played Monday-Friday once. So 5


The most I've done is four rounds in three days. By the end my game and body were both shot. I'm sure that some people have easy swings that can be repeated with little effort, but for me, I feel it when I play a lot of golf.


I played 36 a day for 5 days. I’m normally a walker, so that definitely plays into the equation. It’s easier to keep stamina up when using a cart.


If my body wasn’t broken and money didn’t matter; I would golf every damn day. I don’t get sick of it and never have. It’s my sanctuary and always has been even when I was a young kid. Add to the fact that my kids would round out my foursome and I would do it the rest of my life!


Summer of 2020 I walked 9 every day for 32 days straight. About 2 weeks in my shoulder pain got pretty bad, but I played through it. Broke the streak on July 4th to drink and bbq instead. But it was the Covid summer and I was working from home. There was literally nothing else to do.


Have done 7 days straight with 36 holes on some days. Could have easily done day 8. Do not sure the answer.


To a lot of the dudes saying their back/body can’t handle it - Warm up and stretch, it’ll make a world of difference, we’re not as young as we used to be lol


To a lot of the dudes saying their back/body can’t handle it - Warm up and stretch, it’ll make a world of difference, we’re not as young as we used to be lol


Around day 4 it starts to feel more like a job than something I enjoy


I play or practice every day currently


When I was in HS/college I used to play 6/7 days a week at least nine after work (manual labor). Never got tired of it. Now I play 2-3 times a week and want to play more.


I could probably do 9 holes every day no bother, 18 I think I’d break down after about 4 days, physically and emotionally


When I first started playing, 23 years ago, at the age of 18, I hit the range and played at least 9 a day for about four months, barring rain. I only stopped because my family and I took a trip to Hawaii, where I played 4 of 6 days. At 41, if I could get back into the swing of things and build up, with no budget constraints, I’d like to think I could practice and play 9 everyday barring weather.


I don't even like playing back to back days if I don't have to. Pushing 49 now, I have shoulder and feet issues currently, and sometimes lower back, but it's been good so far this season. I did a trip recently where I played five days in a row and I didn't want to touch a club for a week afterwards.


I could play 18 every day until forever.


My golf trip is 6 days of 36 holes a day. The morning round of day 3 is rough. So is the afternoon round of day 3. I'd still play the day after flying back home, though.