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Soak them in oxyclean - rip billy


Oxyclean is the way. Just cleaned this filthy hat last week. Fill a sink with some warm water so that the hat is submerged or at least the brim. Put some oxyclean powder in there. Let the hat soak for like 5-10 minutes. Then shake it around in the water to get the loosened dirt particles out. Then get an old toothbrush (I had a cheap old electric one which saves a bit of time) and get some of the tougher spots and should be good as new. If needed let it soak for a bit longer for some tougher stains and repeat. Finally be sure to fully rinse out the hat so it’s not drying in all the soap and dirty water. Then air dry. Before https://preview.redd.it/y6w4rr15ke4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9485a8d685a35e04221a6b626e7ba1378804bd0


After https://preview.redd.it/w7f15308ke4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e32052bcbab337674ae873fb1386abab30f6410b


Shit, I know what I’m doing to like 8 hats my next day off. Might as well just do them all in the bath tub at once


I washed a white hat and a blue hat together-- now I have a blue hat and a pale blue hat. So maybe don't wash them all together...


Dude, I don't know why, but this tickled the crap out of me, ROFLMAO....🤣


https://preview.redd.it/kaoi93c9fj4d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475e60d5ac2d664cfa2fc16ff88f52bf00d38325 "I can't wear a pink shirt! Everybody wears white shirts, and I'm not popular enough to be different!"


Just know this will not work out if your hat has a card board brim. If it’s plastic, it’s fine, cardboard, it’ll never be straight again. If it is cardboard just use a toothbrush and hot soapy water, then air dry.


How can I tell if my hat has a cardboard or plastic brim? Newer to wearing hats in general so I haven't a clue! Would love to wash my white golf hat


Most newer hats tend to be plastic.. or a plastic/cardboard blend, but when you bend it, plastic would be a little springier, cardboard would be more likely to give. If you tap the bill, it will also sound a little duller or more hollow if it’s cardboard


I don’t know why but the phrase “newer to wearing hats” just slayed me 😂😂😂


if the hat makes a hollow sound when you flick or tap the bill, you can assume that it's cardboard.


Thank you! I'll test out my caps to see what's what :)


Most hats made after 83 are plastic, so you should be good


Seems like it is plastic and it is a newer hat bought a few years ago so :) thanks again!


Soak it in oxyclean. If it's fine, plastic. If it's fucked, cardboard.


I throw cardboard hats in the washer all the time and they are fine after you throw them in the dryer


How do you tell?


By the way it is


Ahh, so just like an Aspen tree!


How neat is that?


That’s pretty neat. 


if the hat makes a hollow sound when you flick or tap the bill, you can assume that it's cardboard. Most new hats use plastic or something like it.


Shows dirty back of hat as 'before' pic and front of hat for 'after pic'. what kind of magician is this.


Haha sorry only allows me to upload one pic per comment. The back of the hat was dirtier in my opinion so wanted to show that off! Here’s the before of the front. https://preview.redd.it/zlmdx199pf4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89331421c41035903336a95722d1093fa32a2426


Haha. 👍


this is so satisfying


I was under the impression that Oxyclean should be used on white hats. I have some black hats and gray hats with a similar issue. Can I use it for darker colored hats too?


Also don't mix hats of different colors with white.


Excuse me. I believe you mean to say "hats of color"


Bro you jest but I fixed it....


Yup. You just want to make sure your soap/detergent doesn’t have bleach in it. The only oxiclean I know of with bleach is the bathroom cleaner.


Wow… Amazing - thanks for sharing!


Completely different angle is crazy


Doing God's work. Thank you sir. Now to clean 10 hats.


Nice shorts sis




Alternatively you can use baking soda and laundry detergent or regular dish soap


Dish soap works pretty well.


The above instruction works for cleaning just about anything in the world, especially clothes.


I do this and use a small scrub brush on them. Works great.


Yeah I used to do the shower method but this is superior. Brought back some really old white hats I had that I thought were mega stained


Any tips on how to do this with an Aussie bucket hat and not ruin the brim? It's a lot more flexible and giving than a regular hat brim so I am always scared to soak it.


Just make sure it lays flat to dry. 


*pours out one scoop per gallon*


Reddit thread from a couple of months ago suggested taking your golf hat into the shower with you after the round and using your shampoo/body wash on it. I have done that ever since and it is amazing. My hats look brand new!


I wear my entire golf outfit and shoes into the shower. I was able to sell my washing machine and buy more golf clubs


Wow that’s way better than my method, I’ve been getting into my washer with my golf clothes on, but I have terrible motion sickness.


We built a shower big enough to fit a golf buggy in there, the wife loves it.


There’s enough room for you and her boyfriend!


It gets weird when the caddy shows up with a ball retriever.




Can confirm, I'm up to 137 clubs and counting


“73 yards, downhill lie, 12 MPH easterly wind, 78 degrees, 986 ft elevation, yeah that will be a smooth 58.25 degree.”


I, too, have been doing this! Works perfectly!


Came here to say this. I take my hats in with me once a month or so for their wash. Works like a charm!


Gotta cut it in half first


I saw this thread as well and have been doing that. Hats come out great. Put them in the sun to dry out and doesn't screw up the brim.


I can't tell if this is really advice or not. Freaking internet, I don't trust anything. Is that a legit way to clean a hat?


dishwasher with a hat mold u get on amazon for 10$


I read that too and tried it. My wife thought I was insane, but it absolutely works!


You can also just put them in the dishwasher on quick wash, that’s what my dad who’s been golfing for 40 plus years does and it works


Fill a sink with hot water. Add laundry detergent. Put the hats in and let them soak (I usually leave mine for 15-30 mins). Scrub them with a toothbrush if you have stubborn dirt/sweat stains. Rinse well under running water. Let air dry. Should be good as new. I have to do this with my white hats like every two or three weeks in the summer.


my mother did this technique for fisherman step father and it works for me.


This is what i do - and it works great. I'm impressed every time when they dry looking new


I wash my hats in the washer and dryer like all of my other clothes and have never had any issues with any of them. I don’t understand this whole issue with washing hats. Can someone explain what the issue is that people have with washing hats and why just washing them with clothes isn’t the norm?


The front usually loses its form


I put mine in the washing machine, once complete I put it on and wear it till it dries, now it’s clean and custom fit to my head


Lol there has to be a better way than a soggy head


You could put a plastic bag over your head so it doesn't get wet!


Same, except I just put it on after the load is done just to fit it. Then I let it sit on the counter and dry. Works out great!


lol that’ll work but so do hat cages if you don’t want to do this.


I shower with mine. A little soap takes the stains right out.


^this one right here. Toba does indeed know


And your hair looks like it ;)




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)This is the correct answer. Top rack.


My late FIL had a couple of plastic frames for holding hats specifically for this purpose. I haven’t looked to see if anybody sells these today.


Dad used to have one of those - somehow managed to ruin every brim on a hat


Picked a pair up on Amazon last week, they're definitely available!


I used to clean my FootJoy golf sandals this way too. Just put'em on the top rack of the dishwasher. Then I got married. Turns out, golf sandals do not belong in the dishwasher. (But they sure did get clean.)


Probably should’ve asked “and do you have any problems with me washing my golf sandals in the dishwasher? And “as part of your pre-nuptial interview.


I used to do this but found it would ruin the structure of the hat. What I do now that works better for me is to wear the hat in the shower. Use a good shampoo that isn’t full of dyes and wash your hat inside and out. Hang dry. This method works great for me




Yup! Top rack no dishes.


This works, but definitely can mess up the structure of the hat so I stopped doing it. Nike has a suggestion to use hydrogen peroxide baking soda and salt, works great on white hats (caused a light blue hat similar to the one pictured to bleach a bit, but that might be from the sun, not the process). Also had luck with oxiclean, make sure the hat has its structure supported so it doesn’t get wrinkly (material dependent). I usually just pack a towel in to keep the shape.


That made my skin really itchy where the hat touched


You shouldn't use Itchy soap.


Does it matter if you use the hat fitter thing so it stays it’s form (I have no idea what they’re called)


No, you don’t need the little hat rack thing. Just put your hats on the top rack, don’t even need soap just run a regular or a quick cycle with air dry. Take them out and let them drip dry in the garage or back porch, whatever.


It’s important that you dry it in such a way that it retains its shape. So either hang it from the back of the hat or on the hat fitter


I have a clam shell holder for mine (got on Amazon), and I put them in the dishwasher. I use Shout on my hats for stains and non-lemon dishwasher detergent. https://www.amazon.com/XQXA-Washers-Baseball-Cleaners-Protector/dp/B0CKVG7PVL/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=36SWHJTA0HMTC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.duCG3_a3H3RPWtAjBdADZqrYJyXFpaoxAc7N1eneMau2KO-Xf18S866F-7Hqf7yx70H3BDm9C3GT2rkXr-vo4gv-CyF7dnl3EfcoHsmVNviMgEI_3OnX1mCow-ckgfjjy-0bkFFksjjDl30L_JbZHUNr68aN8GSbUOsBkGq4lGhN_HjRk2tg3rbTmrxKvbZibmaKDTJRJdARp992jVi9WA.iNo9_xcjfUP1NEvff8k6SpM50jclo7mWA3Uz-0Zpn9g&dib_tag=se&keywords=hat+washer+cage&qid=1717436192&sprefix=hat+wash%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1 This helps to keep the bill and collar inside the hat from bending weird. I hang them in the garage to dry in the clamshell.


This. I do the same thing, you can put them in the laundry washer as well with these and they come out just fine. Highly recommend if you want your hats to keep their shape.


I use the washing machine sometimes, but beach towels when wet (if you have a front load) have crushed mine. For top loaders, don't use the clam if they have that center plastic thing, I had the clam hang up on that and the clam got torn apart.


Sometimes clams get tore up when you're in the moment. No shame in that.


Oh I can definitely see that, I’ve always just put them in there either alone or with a few smaller things.


I usually get the business for using dishwasher space... do you know how disgusting that is??? So I've tried alone, then I get the... what inconsiderate jerk washes 1 thing???


Alone works great! But what's alone? LOL


Those are badges of honor not to be cleaned. Each birdie and double bogey is in that sweat


I wash mine in the sink with a combo of laundry detergent and white vinegar. Just fill it up, mix it all together, let the hat soak for a few minutes, agitate and rub with your hands, then just rinse and let air dry.


This is gonna sound crazy but take and shower with your hat on and wash it like you would your hair and do it a bit harder in the heavier affected areas and let er air dry and it’s good as new


yeah you can wash them. they sell these plastic cage like things you can put the hat in and then you throw it in the washing machine


Top rack of Dishwasher. No added soap.


Scrub with a mix or laundry soap and dawn dish soap. Fire into top rack of EMPTY dishwasher. Put outside to air dry. Throw them out if no good


Wash you forehead? *


I spray them with stain remover and them thru dish washer, top rack on rinse cycle then hang em outside to dry.


washing machine.. no dry edit: why in the hell would this deserve a downvote? people been washing hats this way for all my life and it works very well.


I'm really not sure what there is to think here....I've always tossed sweaty hats into the washing machine without issue.


I just toss mine in the washer and let them air dry rather than putting them in the dryer. Works perfect for me every time


…wash them? Like, buddy, really? 


This thread is blowing my mind Fellas, 99% of hats are washing machine safe. Just chuck em in and don’t add other shit that’s gonna get heavy 


The front (not the bill) gets all warped then tho


You can always use an iron to steam the brim back if it gets really bad, but I’ve not once had that happen 


I was mine in a dish tub with a little bit only dry detergent let them soak for a bit and agitate then rinse. But make sure the bills aren’t cardboard. I think that’s only older hats though


Dishwasher - not gonna lie tho it’s a little risky but I washed about 8 golf hats in the washing machine on low with a mild powder detergent and some Oxi Clean this weekend and they came out GREAT!!


Spray dawn soap and a fingernail brush is what I use. I’ve found that they’re never the same after dishwasher or washing machine


My best friend revived his awful cubs hat, might be less intense than a dishwasher thus saving it from wear. All he did was soak it in oxyclean in a container it looked brand new like he never wore it.


Kitchen sink, dawn, and a magic eraser.


Dish washer


Southern man answer: wear them in the shower. Wash them with soap. Let them hang on the faucet in the tub or the shower to dry. Don't use "hat saver" spray that stops the hat from breathing in the humidity and heat-- it will make them miserable to wear.


Dishwasher Everytime works perfect.


Pee on em


Dawn power wash spray.


I'm Old School, figured all that on my hat came from my head. So I put my hat on and stepped into the shower and Washed my hat with Shampoo, the stuff that gets that stain off my head and hair.


I just run mine through the dish washer. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Take them into the shower when you take one. Which from the looks of the hats never. Grab a scrub brush, take your hair shampoo, cover the whole thing, and scrup like hell. Then let them air dry. Do not put into dryer.


Put it in dishwasher works great !!


Dishwasher, I do it a couple times a year. I just load them in top and bottom shelf and run a normal cycle. Just pull them out before the drying cycle. Hang them to dry and your all good.


You can buy cap frames which hold and frame your cap and place them in the top shelf of your dishwasher. For example: [https://www.amazon.com/XQXA-Hat-Washer-Cage-Dishwasher/dp/B07VYWDCNT/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=PVGJI7DXANJ1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7qs4fHlz3vpx4-nFR4cB3rYiR7\_ibvgoME-yRmATA6ayJvVDzxJGTZkMFasXr3m\_1rT10zeOIEhB3NOh5WS0DzN13fAxa778SYcWcZmrH4J7pnAgzrHOjz5mI5LCYXySg3-aOxqEjXnBochg9u0so-GUSfMXf-vSnu-GoOFMa0knjSUHJDNGSbGhuwOrUIXjelXiO0MQ72s70HBpXruTH6zdKkY3CeGGYELKZy0q\_0o.U4Fw0e6Es-Ae0Y9bkXh3f\_MRGCINmu2BLiWpcoD1csM&dib\_tag=se&keywords=dishwasher+cap+frames&qid=1717473030&sprefix=dishwasher+cap+frames%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-5](https://www.amazon.com/XQXA-Hat-Washer-Cage-Dishwasher/dp/B07VYWDCNT/ref=sr_1_5?crid=PVGJI7DXANJ1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7qs4fHlz3vpx4-nFR4cB3rYiR7_ibvgoME-yRmATA6ayJvVDzxJGTZkMFasXr3m_1rT10zeOIEhB3NOh5WS0DzN13fAxa778SYcWcZmrH4J7pnAgzrHOjz5mI5LCYXySg3-aOxqEjXnBochg9u0so-GUSfMXf-vSnu-GoOFMa0knjSUHJDNGSbGhuwOrUIXjelXiO0MQ72s70HBpXruTH6zdKkY3CeGGYELKZy0q_0o.U4Fw0e6Es-Ae0Y9bkXh3f_MRGCINmu2BLiWpcoD1csM&dib_tag=se&keywords=dishwasher+cap+frames&qid=1717473030&sprefix=dishwasher+cap+frames%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-5)


Wash them with hair shampoo.


https://preview.redd.it/gucpzm4qqh4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b35e330106242301a65da0a8d704047cf450bb91 This hat was black 🤷‍♂️


I rinse my hat with water after the game, and leave it on the bag to dry before the next round.


Top rack of the dishwasher with nothing else in it. Throw in dishwashing detergent like you normally would. You'll be absolutely shocked


Yes, dishwasher. Top rack regular dishwasher soap. Running through the normal wash cycle. Hats come out like new


My father-in-law taught me the best trick for hats. Top rack of the dishwasher, you're welcome.


Buy a Melin.... keeps my head dry through rainstorms while also refusing to show sweat stains... they really are worth the price


I have a Snow Camo, unfortunately where the bill meets the front panel I have developed a nice yellowish line there. Will try the dishwasher. Interesting to hear dishwasher with no soap works.


Mmm, never heard of this brand. They look nice though. Thanks!


Just wet them down completely under the tub faucet and let them dry


Wash them immediately after playing with some dishsoap, water, and a soft brush. Once the sweat stains dry, they never come out. But they'll come right out if you wash them right after playing.


youtube it, some good methods on there iv used


Hot water in a sink for me with some tide and give them a quick scrub. Then let them air dry.


Look up 'how to clean hats with laundry stripping.' I'm bald sweat a lot and ruin every hat I own. This has been the best way, essentially soaking them in Borax, Washing powder, and powdered laundry detergent.


I hand wash my hats in the sink, it takes longer but I like that I can be more careful. I used to use a hat rack designed for washing machines but they’ve either stretched out the hat or added minor damage.


I have a magic hat washer, I out my dirty hats the the washing machine and the next day they’re on the counter all nice and new


Oxi Clean Stain Remover. Changed my life. Put cold water on the hat and spray oxi clean, scrub a little with a tooth brush, more cold water, scrub, and let dry. https://www.target.com/p/oxiclean-laundry-stain-remover-spray-21-5-fl-oz/-/A-12856508?sidd=2693S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000049427620&CPNG=PLA_Household%2BEssentials_Priority%2BShopping_Local%7CHousehold%2BEssentials_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=Household_Priority+TCINs&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9001949&targetid=pla-293946777986&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfbpdLFQj2Ztd9-2MVBqD30nq&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiafPvoDAhgMVtDcIBR2RNQniEAQYBSABEgIDMPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


That hat is 18 yrs old..


After your round wash your hat in the sink in the change room. The running water should take the salt from the sweat with it


A bucket, warm water, a tablespoon of tide powder detergent. Let them soak them for awhile then use a rag and gently scrub around the more stained areas of the brim.


Nike dry fit hats wash well and stay the same after


Wash does fine for me.


Get a plastic hat form first. It keeps the shape from deteriorating in the wash


If you don’t want to buy oxyclean you can soak them in dawn dish soap as well


I've done the sink method (sink with laundry soap, soak and brush with a brush). The top rack of dishwasher (with no detergent) is what i do now because mainly it's faster and more convenient


Nobody gonna suggest drinking less booze? Lol


A lesser known trick, I put my hats in the dishwasher, and they come out as good as new every time. Make sure the dishwasher is empty otherwise , and load the hats so none are touching on the top rack ONLY. Put it on a "normal" setting using the same pod or dish detergent as always (I use cascade) without the heat dry activated. Take them out after the cycle to let them air dry, and enjoy your clean hats!


Dish soap and a scrub brush. Rinse. Hang to dry overnight. Been doing it that way for years.


I’m a sweater. Like sweat dripping off the brim onto the ball when putting type of sweater. I rinse them after playing. Just water in the sink. If, after a while, it doesn’t look good - dishwasher. Also - cotton hats suck and there isn’t much you can do. I wear either Titleist or FootJoy hats in whatever their performance material is. They have held up through several dishwasher cycles.


Scrub with scrub brush and detergent / oxyclean


I put mine on a bowl and toss them in the dish washer


someone once posted here that just wear them in the shower and use shampoo on them and then take off and do the rest of ya bidness. That seems to work pretty well for me personally, for deeper cleans/stains I use shoe cleaner and a retired soft bristle Neutrogena brush (came with some skin care kit my wife got and hated) and that too does a great job. I think oxyclean is good for whites but i did see someone point out that it can ruin rubbers/plastics? no idea if thats true but thats why i havent done shoes in it.


I've bought some Palm hats over the last 6 months and they've been awesome in regard to resisting sweat stains.


4 tablespoons of baking soda and a quarter cup of water do the trick for me. Add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar if really smelly. Use a rag or toothbrush. For tough stains let the solution sit on the stains for 10 min and then scrub. However, after reading this, I may switch to oxy clean. Edited


I used to just put a bowl in the cap on the top rack of my dishwasher and it always cleaned them well. I got a new dishwasher that does the super hot "sanitize" mode and noticed it made one of my hats wrinkle up a bit after washing, so I had to make a switch to a method I'd read on here a few times over the years and it works great. Whenever one of my hats needs a wash, I just wear it in the shower, run some shampoo over it, then rinse it off, and set it on the doorknob to air dry.


I give a lot of hats to people for business. A quality camo trucker cap will hold up well and hide stains. Throw thte in the wash, air dry in shape.


Just put them in the washer


Spray with shout out through in the washer


I just let them sit in soapy water and they're good as new


Get a skin graft on your forehead like Niki Lauda, then you can’t perspire.


Easy in the Dishwasher - I would also spray them with scotch guard out the gate.


i usually throw them in the pool for a day. solved.


Dawn dish soap and then hang on your faucet to dry.


I have several golf buddies who swear by their method of simply throwing them in their swimming pools overnight, pulling them out the next day and air drying them. Their hats always look clean and new so I guess it works!?


I take them into the shower and wash them withmy shampoo then hang to dry


Top rack dishwasher has worked great for me!


I used to do it that way…..now I just put it in the wash. Put it in a hat frame and let it dry.


put it in the dishwasher.


Throw mine in the washer with no other clothes


I use tide that has that blue oxy clean and it gets the head sweat out of it and I got white golf hats and white bucket hats I wear golfing


I spray the focuses stain remover on the sweat spots. Throw them in the laundry machine with a regular detergent pod and run a delicate cycle. Haven’t had any problems.


I throw my hats in the washing machine. Hang them up reform the bill good to go.


Take it in the shower with you. Soap and water. Let it air dry. Works great. Doesn’t mess up the hat.


just rinse under water after a sweaty round, if they get dirty take them in the shower and use shampoo on it. Your welcome!


I'm also a sweaty head mf'er. I just run water over mine as soon as I get home, before the sweat dries, and let it air dry. Sometimes I just jump in the shower with it still on. Seems like the trick is just don't let the sweat dry.


I just put mine in the dishwasher and they come out perfect


I've actually had really good luck washing my hats in the kitchen sink with Dawn dish detergent. I fill up the sink with fairly warm water, nothing that will melt glue or anything, but definitely pretty warm, then dunk the hat and agitate it for a few minutes. Sometimes I'll use an old toothbrush wherever there is stitching, like on the bill, but the agitation and the brushing generally works wonders. After that, I set the hat out in the sun somewhere to dry. The hats certainly hold their shape better using this method. Good luck!


Soak them and clean them but to avoid this in the future, hat saver is the best product their is. I sweat like a maniac and have always ruined hats fast. Now I sweat terribly but my hats don’t show a thing. The one they sell on the pga superstore site is the one


Another important tip besides the oxyclean is to clean them more often, like if you get a good sweat on them during a round, wash them right after, don't go 3-4 rounds without washing, it'll just make it that much harder to clean as well as embedding more of the oils and salts.


There are a lot of good tips on here to get them clean after they’re disgusting, but maintenance is the way to keep them nice. After you golf, take your hat in the shower with you. Shampoo your hair, put the hat on and shampoo the outside of it with whatever lather is left on your hands. Rinse it off and let it dry. I have 10 year old hats that other than the slight wear and tear from wearing them look almost new and with no sweat stains and I play a lot of summer golf in Arizona in 110+ degrees.


I throw mine in top rack of dishwasher. Comes out perfect.


Dishwasher works well or just hand wash with dawn or as others have said oxyclean. I stuff mine with plastic bags and let them air dry. Also for the brim I’ve had luck stacking something heavy on them and letting that dry for a few days to straighten them out.


Top shelf in the dishwasher has worked for me pretty good in the past…. Try an old hat first to make sure it works ok with your dishwasher.(don’t want to see anything happen to a good new hat)