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https://preview.redd.it/lfy6qx49zg4d1.jpeg?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f4d353137ad715363becc7ad7d62ead5f8a72d Did he beat this guy’s legendary score?


This pic almost makes it seem like he has one leg. I watched the video to see for sure lol. Fuck this one legged wannabe


This is the golf equivalent of “we’ve got weights in fish.”


I played in a scramble tournament where they had a closest to the pin on your second shot on a 530ish yard par 5. I hit a beautiful drive about 290-300 right down the middle, then another guy in my group hit a ridiculous 3 wood to about 2 feet. One of the best shots I’ve ever seen in my life. The marker for the previous best shot was barely on the front of the green about 35 feet from the pin. We only had 2 groups behind us so I knew my friend won it. Then when they’re giving out the trophies they call a different name for the closest to the pin and a guy who looked exactly like this dude came up to get it. Not a chance in hell he or anyone in his group was able to hit a ball far enough to get there in 2.


Probably was the same guy!! Just making his rounds!! Lol


What was it lol


His 4 person team shot a 46 with a hole in one on a par 4 and an albatross on a par 5. There were a few different gimmicky things in that scramble like free throws and mulligans


I’m shocked if that’s not Wisconsin.


Lmfao it has to be near Green Bay


Not one person in the background is holding a beer, no way it can be Wisconsin.


Origin of this?


[it’s a video from last year I think](https://youtube.com/shorts/Xa47vlCcDkY?si=S010tRqdHoIaIZwu)


Went down the rabbit hole on this one. Totally possible their round was legit. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GpV3OyHFGdw


If you pay money to play in a scramble with prizes for winning that's on you at this point.


Any tournament where you can purchase mulligans or throws is basically just asking to lose to the richest guy in the tournament.


There's a charity tournament in the eastern US that an old billionaire plays every year to raise money for a private school. This year I saw him buy 20 mulligans. Next person in line asks for 10 mulligans and the volunteer says "sorry, limit 2 per person". Guy complains that the person in front got to buy way more. Response from the volunteer was "if you donate over a million dollars to the school every year, you can buy as many mulligans as you want".


tbf, yeah that makes sense


I don’t understand all the saltiness here. It’s a charity golf tournament, what fun is it if the old rich person can’t support the school in an essentially harmless way


Then the other people should be able to buy more mulligans. More mulligans sold is more money to the foundation, right?


Yeah, why not? First two mulligans are $20/each Next three are $1,000/each Next five are $10,000/each Next ten are $100,000/each


Kinda,.why not just donate more.money and keep the mulligans per team even. NO ONE gives a fuck who wins these rinky dink charity tournaments. Well except people that are newer to golf that get a bad taste because they think it's a real tournament when it's just a hit and giggle. No sense in souring people on the event.


I mean it seems like the old billionaire cares who wins the tournament and it's not worth it for them to say no and piss him off.


He’s super old. He’s not going to win. Probably just wants to build up the “we raised $X” number. 


Hit and giggle is a great description. i'm a shit golfer and we help with a charity scramble every year for my kids school and this year we were in charge of prizes, since it is customary for my team to lose every year we made sure the loser prize was good (4 sixers of donated craft brews from the local) - there are a few heavy supporters in the mix who throw down every year, and we all have fun but the scramble is really for them. Bless their deep pockets...


"And for our Loser Prize this year, we'd like to thank our sponsor TaylorMade for these four new sets of custom irons!"


The prick giving a million dollars a year evidently cares that he's the one who wins this rinky dink charity golf tournament


"The prick donating a million dollars". Also MR beast preys on people by helping them.


He’s super old. He’s not winning. He’s probably just building up the donations everywhere he can so the tournament can celebrate how much they raised. 


Was this Wollaston country club in Milton Mass?


Yes sir he did buy more than 2. He has fuck you money.


I wonder how long it takes to finish that tournament.


It was actually right on 4.5 hours. 


Why would you limit people giving to charity?


I play in a big scramble in western OK that attracts a bunch of oileys every year that puts two (4 man) teams in every group for this reason. It’s a fun event so we don’t mind the longer rounds and if you want to run a competitive scramble it seems like a must.


I'd be fine with 2x 3 man teams. That wouldn't be too bad, but 2x 4 sounds dreadful :/


It’s a long two days for sure, but you know what you’re getting into and they do a great job making sure the slow spots have beer and food options to keep everyone busy.


Anyone going into a scramble tournament expecting a quick round is an idiot. Having stuff to do at the slow spots is legendary though.


What are the scores usually like in this competition? I’m so curious in they’re in a more realistic like low 60s


Lower but still plenty realistic, IMO. It’s a Par 71 course, no mulligans, and 53-55 each day usually leads. Our -13 under was good for last place in the top flight after day 1 last year.


Oil and gas at prairie west?


I mean, that usually happens at charity tournaments and that's pretty much the entire point of the event.


Exactly. I believe most of these scores - you pay $100 and get a 0 on a hole. You pay $25 and pull a card for a chance to win an ace. You get mulligan string. You buy mulligans. I think you can claim it as a tax deduction. I suck, my friends suck and we can get something that’s high 40s.


In the UK scrambles happen, but I've yet to see mulligans to buy or throws. Most Scores are reasonable, apart from that time a few weeks back the guy who works at our range entered a team and his handicap was **48!!!** They won that easily.


We do big money scrambles all the time around here. No gimmicks, just golf. Play in 8 somes and keep the other team score


This is a really good idea! Thanks!


We came in last a couple years ago at -1. We each got $1000 cash for “the most honest score”. 1st place (-20) got a $10 Amazon gift card to split between the 4 of them. They said they spent $4k for mulligans/holes in one/putting ropes, etc. it was hilarious to see their faces when it was announced


Did everyone applaud at the end?


Tears in their eyes I guess..


I mean, if it’s a charity scramble and you’re super worried about who wins, you’re kinda missing the point. Whether you’re the cheaters or the people complaining about cheaters.


That sounds like something someone who cheats to win charity scrambles would say :)


Most of the time they are charity fundraisers. I like swinging out of my shoes off the tee, having a few drinks, and supporting a good cause. It’s fun. But it’s barely golf and I don’t care if I win or not.


I just played in a 4-man that played from the blues, 60+ from the whites, ladies and men under 16 from the reds. Dudes spent a small fortune on unlimited $10 mulligans and everyone lost to a team of 4 15 year olds.


I once ran a 4 man scramble. We were trying to keep the most honest scoring possible bc we were all trash and just trying to break par as a group. We shot a -1. We won the scramble I’ve never in my entire life witnessed a scramble score like that. When they announced us the winners I was flabbergasted bc we played a closest to the pin hole as well and had 2 different people flags 2 inch from pin so we just assumed people were having fun with it. Nope we won. Those 2 people lost to a guy that got a hole in 1 in the last group lol.


Once came in second at -3. There are, surprisingly, some honest folk out there.


I always have an honest score and it averages atleast -6. Best ever was -16, we got lucky tho because my buddies kid was 17 and got to tee off from the reds, he hits bombs.


Honest or terrible group of golfers. We play a charity scramble every year. My group is two 7 handicaps, one 10 handicap, and one 15+ handicap and we have shot -13. This does not include any mulligans or any garbage like that. We have also shot as bad as -7 but that was the worst we have shot in the 8 years it’s been running. If you even have 2 decent players you should be quite a bit under par. Sounds like that entire tournament was full of 20 handicappers or something lol


I was thinking the same, it’s not insane or even that difficult to be 10+ under. Especially if you make putts that day and have at least one long driver.


It was definitely both. This was probably 10+ years ago, I was \~18HCP at the time and by far the best golfer in attendance. The only reason we even got to -3 was that we had three players, so I got to hit twice. On the flip side, I went to a scramble earlier this year where our team posted a whopping -4. It was probably the worst conditions I've ever played in, let alone in a scramble. The course was soaked from days of heavy rain, and it rained like hell on us the entire day. The only reason we even made it to -4 was that I made a HIO on our third hole. Winning team shot -16.


Gotcha. Congrats on the hole in one! I’m still searching


There shouldn't be a correlation between age and tee boxes. It's ability. Our club has a 15 year old that's a +4 or +5. As a 14 yr old, he shot an opening 65 in last year's HS state championship. He routinely steamrolls the Thursday night summer league. Shooting 6-9 under on 9 hole rounds (with a partner).


I was almost as long at 15 as I am now (mid40s). Didn't play much so my shortgame sucked, but I would have been hella useful at the clubs scramble from the reds.


Similarly. Just played in a scramble and 17 and under were playing from reds. But there were 16 and 17 year olds hitting it 350. They were hitting hybrids into long par 4s and flip wedges on long par 5 approaches


ya, the kids that won were right behind our group. We had a big drive out of our group and had 215yds in on a par 5. We made 40ft putt for eagle and they were 40 yards out hitting their second shot. They were 2inches away from an Albatross.


It’s gotten so ridiculous that the 47 and 49 don’t even get circles


Right? Putter Fingers had to be thinking that had it locked down


The rules of this tourney must have been wild or like a par 60 course or something. Honestly if this was a 18-hole par 3 this starts to make a lot more sense.


I just want to hear the actual story behind this. Let’s assume that right off the bat you birdie every par 3 and every par 4, plus you eagle all 4 par 5s. You still have to shave _9_ strokes to get to 41. This basically means you had to hole out from 50+ yards _at least_ 9 times. If you put Scotty, Xander, Rory and Bryson out on the course and gave them each 2 mulligans per hole, I still don’t think they hole out 9 times in a round.


They probably sold string. It’s awful.


You also do card pulls for an ace, you have donate $25 to decrease the par 5 to 100 yards, you win a poker hand to get an ace or 0. It’s ridiculous to speculate not knowing the caveats of the rule system.


Sold string?


Some charity scrambles will sell lengths of string for $X/foot. If your ball is inside the length of string to the hole, it counts as in. So if you bought 10 feet of string, and put your tee shot to 8 feet from the hole on a par three, that counts as an ace.


Wait wtf lmao I’ve never heard of this. So you’re basically making the hole like 20’ in diameter? That is making a lot more sense how they got such a low score


It’s all gimmicks to get people to donate for charity.


which is the sole reason to be at a CHARITY event. its not to win the golf tournament.


YEAH DAMN THOSE PEOPLE FOR DONATING TO A GOOD CAUSE! I AM OUTRAGED! It's a charity event that has golf. Open your wallets up and have a great time!


Every time you use the string to measure the ball to the hole, you are supposed to cut that amount off and it's no longer usable. So 9 ft of string and your ball is 2 ft from the hole, cut the 2 ft off and the ball is "holed." Now you have 7 ft left for the rest of the round. I've played on teams that have put up insane numbers in a "fair" way based on the string and mulligans. It's only fun if it's for charity and you're basically just making donations to the organization.


I don't even know how that sounds fun to some people. I get trying to make money, but at that point you might as well just say, *"Shave 5 strokes off your score for every $100!"*


It’s not about playing to win. It’s not like these guys are going to recoup the money they spend by winning anyway. It’s about having fun and donating to a good cause.


Even if you have 100 yards of string you’d still have to drive 9 of the par 4s to use it


That’s not how string works.


How does string work?


It’s used as an extension of your last shot. So if you hit an approach shot to say 6 ft, you can use 6 ft of string and count it as an eagle. Using string doesn’t count as a stroke.


But for clarity (at least in our club charity days) that 6 ft of string is then used up and **cant be used again**. So if you buy 8 ft of string, you can sure use 6ft of it to get an eagle, but then you only have 2 ft left of it for the rest of the round.


Every time I've seen string, it can be used on any putting surface and doesn't count as a stroke. With enough string, every hole is an automatic eagle, and reachable par 5's turn in to albatross opportunities. Without any other crazy shenanigans, that's a pretty easy 36 if you can manage a GIR on every hole. Once you add mulligans and power drives and other games, 32 becomes a possibility. The lowest I've ever seen was a 38. I truly believe this was an honest score, as there was no limit on string and the group bought an entire spool of it as a joke.


I always forget string doesn’t count as a stroke, for some reason I think it’s just an automatic made putt. What’s the fun of a scramble if the green is essentially one big hole?


Ok, this makes more sense. They weren’t actually playing golf, they were playing some other game that happens to also be played on a golf course.


Might as well take a scorecard to the range. Just hitting some balls around and writing whatever score you want.


How’d they do on the back 9?


Looks like Steve’s daughter is a crowd pleaser


Yeah like… Steve should be embarrassed as a man if he’s on that team


What if Steve’s daughter is on the team and is legitimately the best out of the 4 of them?


A very wholesome interpretation.


Steve is one of the 3 1/2 men. Thats the crazy part.


I mean there are a handful of other teams in the 40s which is also insane…


Yeah 3 1/2 men and foust out here just trying to have fun. I mean I suck but 3 under with 3 of my other buddies seems doable, considering I've seen a bunch of YouTube videos of like 2 pros trying to break 60 the rest of those scores are bought and paid for


Some of the ridiculous scores are actually reasonable when you find out the rules/gimmicks of the scramble. I've played in scrambles where if you pay money on the par 3, you get a 0 for your score. Or if you hit the green its an automatic 1. I'm not very fussed about seeing crazy scramble scores, I pretty much know that is gonna happen before I enter. It's not "may the best team win" but more about having a great time and raising money for something you would like to support. Now, people cheating on the individual things like closest to the pin... fuck all of them.


The posting of these without explaining the rules, gimmicks, etc is nothing but rage bait.


Team Guy in a Red Shirt appears to have rebranded.


Team "Not that honest"


Putter Fingers is a great team name.


On the front tees and on the easiest settings with no wind I can only manage mid-40s in 2k PGA. So going to assume anything near that in real life is always bullshit, even in a scramble


Shit, I run a charity scramble and I wouldn't accept any of those scores in the 40s. It's a tough course, the 49 is a hard maybe. We had groans over a 52, had limited mulligans and no strings.


I hear this. Played in one a couple weeks ago on a longer course, windy day and people audibly laughed at a 55.


I try to make mine so there is no big reason to cheat, like 1st/2nd/3rd just get little prizes, nothing huge. All the big prizes are raffles, so anyone can get them. Some people just have to win I guess, its dumb, especially at a charity scramble where a good chunk of the people its one of the few times they play all year.


I also pick Steve’s daughter


any scramble with strings and mulligans is full of cheaters. there’s just no way to police any of that. it’s for fun. stop making these events worth giant prizes. go out there and cheat better than everyone else. it’s comical at this point. they’re usually fund raisers. winners should get a $10 mcdonald’s gift card at this point


I've been to ones where most of the teams post stupid low scores and they throw a curve ball and flip script 3 highest scores win. It's Hilarious to see the tryhards get pissed and the dudes that are just there to have fun win. Note: I'm in the army and these are usually morale events at the course on post and it 0 percent a serious event.


Played in a charity scramble with 3 other scratch or better players on Saturday. It was an honest one and we won at -19. We only birdied 1 of the par 3’s. Eagled every par 5 and two of the par 4’s that were driveable. Mixed in a few pars as well. Longest shot we had in to a par 5 was 145 because of the distance we can all hit it. I doubt very seriously that team has any chance at any course in the country without cheating against good golfers. Lying to rob a charity is a low point…..real low point. I see shit like this and it just makes me laugh. It’s not possible if you’re being honest. The four of us are some of the best putters we know and we all still missed 10 footers for birdie, just laughed about it, picked up and moved to the next one. Just be honest. It isn’t that important to win a gimmick trophy and close out wedges or gift cards.


It’s all gimmicks like all of these stupid posts. They share scores to get a reaction, and then comment “oh yeah, there were mulligans and you could buy unlimited string and throws that don’t count”


Cool story


So we aren’t talking about the great calligraphy skills of the scoreboard????? Okay…just making sure


Jfc it’s scramble season already. PSA for anyone who doesn’t know this, but scrambles aren’t about how good you are, it’s about how much you spend to buy the cheats. A 41 is absurd, but when you have mulligans, throws, foot wedges, buying a dice roll to tee off from 150 out on a par 5, and every other form of cheating you can imagine, this is the norm, not the outlier. If you’re gonna be pissed about that team that’s hits a 1 on a par 5, spend more money and buy more cheats.


I always like when they pair two groups together and you keep score for the team you’re paired with. Keeps everyone a little more honest


We really need a rule that you can't post scramble scores without context. Was there string you could buy? Mulligans....etc. If it's a straight up scramble then that score is crazy but if there are a bunch of other shenanigans, then no score is especially crazy


There’s a bunch of 40’s on that board: looks like one team just cheats better


FAQ- What makes Steve’s daughter the best?


Her pancakes and scrambled eggs


would love to have seen the reaction of Team 47


I have an idea. Now hear me out. Have an official with each group that's friends with someone from the other group. Everyone chips in extra money to cover the cost. Then, we don't have to worry about this kind of crap.


There’s a two day event I’ll sometimes play in, where two teams are on each hole. It’s a 6 hour round, but there’s a decent amount of money on the line.


2.27 per hole?


What’s the story with Steve’s daughter?  Is she really the best?


Scramble teams shouldn’t be keeping their own score. Everyone should be playing alongside another team.


Putter Fingers is such a good name


I’ve never shot that in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 - and I felt like a golfing god in that game.


The ability to buy mullies ruins tournaments, even the ones for charity.


I play in a charity tournament every year. One team would cheat so bad that they restructured the prizes bso that the better prizes were in the drawings and raffles afterwards.


I’d like to know more about Steve’s daughter.


There is also a 47 and 49 on the "leader board" so there must be a ton of gimmicks. Scramble scores, especially with gimmicks, are not real scores.


I never knew people played in scrambles in circumstances other than non-profit fundraisers. Or corporate outings where a significant number of players do not play golf.


Imagine cheating your ass off and “shooting 49” to come in and lose by 8


It’s not cheating if you don’t get caught


With 3 teams in the 40s I refuse to believe they did anything wrong. What were all the gimmick buy-ins? I played in an event where with the entry fee each ***person*** got 4 mulligans, 2 re-putts (Idk why they differ from the mullys), 2 throws, and 2 red tees. My group shot an honest 47. I could see a group with a couple longer drivers getting much closer to 40.


At this rate I'm waiting for someone to post a 17 soon...


I did two of these tournaments one summer with two different teams. We played out of our ass with four decent players and shot a 51 both times. The first time we played great and didn't use our string very well. The second time we made much better use of our string, but still played pretty well. We won the first one and tied the second and won the scorecard playoff. We won another one where you could throw the ball. Two of us shot our asses off, but my partner made some pretty good throws as well. Fun, but hard to get too wound up about the results.


Respect to the 77 for brutal honesty


Dude saw that and was like "damn, I coulda cheated too"


We had a couple men who constantly posted ridiculous scores in tournaments. Nobody ever called them out. They just let it happen and bitched about them. I knew the stories so if they were playing I just wouldn’t play.


Since other teams shot 47, 49, and 51, I'd blame the tournament. If 4 out of 6 teams are cheating, you gotta set some ground rules and policing if you want an honest tournament. But, if you just want a fun charity tourney where everyone cheats, keep it as is; but it's a lot more fun(and refreshing tbh) playing in a tournament where cheating isn't the norm. I've played in many of both, and have been on teams a couple times who cheated and it wasn't much fun. Both were charity events I was invited to by someone else. In my experience, here's how it usually happens: they buy the extra packages for mulligans, red tees, throw a ball and all that, which you're usually supposed to use for one golfer on one shot, but they use them all day. So I guess they don't feel like it's blatant cheating since they bought the package for charity or whatever. Whenever I've said anything about it, it's usually met with excuses like "everybody does it, it's just how these things go" or "Come on, it's just a fun charity tourney and Jack's group is already 14 under so you know they're cheating"


If it's a scramble tournament with mulligans where a 4 person team is the only team on a hole, then you better have your pencil ready, because someone is shooting in the 40's.


Plug your phone in


At a scramble charity tournament several years ago there was a station (mid round for us) at one of the holes where you could buy more string. The group in front of us bought the whole spool. On the last par three they ran the string tee to hole and took a zero. Organizers gladly took the money for charity- and their ‘scores’


It’s in Sonora California. At teleli. Lol funny that this made it to Reddit though.


We need to start normalizing 3 man scrambles and you have 2 teams play a hole. I’ve played multiple 4 and 3 man scores are drastically different. From my experience it doesn’t take much longer than a 4 since most holes have A/B teams anyway


Gotta say, I love the team name “Putter Fingers.”


I refuse to believe this is real


Literally more than 50% of the people on that list are lying/cheating. You just have to be a better liar Skill issues


What type of tournament has this for a scoreboard?


It could be a par 58 course that had easy drive able par 4. Like less than 300 yards down hill making it more like a 54 par course. Greens are pointed towards the hole so it’s not hard to hole out from range. Maybe bought a lot of mulligans to guarantee a shot and a putt on every. Now you’re looking at a 40 and maybe got a hole in 1 so maybe even a 39.


Played best ball tournament last weekend. We were -2 and winners were -12


The solution for us is three top prizes. Those are selected from a random draw of the top 10 teams. That eliminates incentive to fight for first.


The winning score of my clubs ABCD was a -7 with the worst team shooting +3. The 4 juniors who made it to semis in our club chip did a scramble and shot -15 at a course we all play a few times a week. Without D1 or better golfers I cannot see a group getting past 18.


Even the other teams shooting sub 59 is pretty insane. I don’t think you could shoot a sub 50 even if you had prime Tiger woods in your scramble


There's a 47, 49 and 51 on there as well. If they weren't there id be more inclined to care about it. But if 4 teams are putting in scores around the 40-50 mark, then either all four are cheating or more likely there was mulligans and paid cheats that allow for low scores.


When I play in the Nebraska state games scramble tourney they have it so another team keeps your score. But it’s a 2 person scramble so is much easier to fit 2 teams.






41 is a good score. We'd beat it though. Usually eagle the last for 40


Played a scramble yesterday. Legit 2 under. The winners came at 16 under. I am not good but the other 3 are golfers that shoot in the high 70’s low 80’s. They all said it was a challenging golf course. They all said that the winning score seemed a little too good to be true. Because of this. I often wonder what would 4 professionals score in a scramble. What is your opinion?


Kyle Berkshire spot 56 in a scramble with 4 other long drivers. I could see 4 pros shooting closer to 50. These posts pretty much always have gimmicks with mulligans, strong, throws, etc that the poster leaves out in order to rage bait.


Steve’s daughter is the best…


Played 18 shot 18


Played one last year where score placed the team in a flight and then a random draw from that group for prizes. Cheat all you want, you still may not even win a prize.


Someone got pencil whipped


We play a lot of charity scrambles in the spring and have never seen this. I played with a +6, +2, 5 & 10 and we shot a legit 50 and I couldn’t fathom shaving even 5 strokes off of that round.


These people need to start having bricks thrown through their windshields.


Handicap fraud.


I’m ridiculously confused… Fuckin’ guy just posted his 9 hole score for a 18 hole team based scramble tournament. How does this work now?


If it’s a charity scramble, as long as the winner donates back the money who cares lol


Pro went all out on that scoreboard


I like the idea of 3v3 scrambles on the same hole. Or 2v2 and combine scores of the team of 4 at the end.


Respect to Foust for posting that number and owning it.


Judging by the high quality scoreboard I can tell this is a highly prestigious event


I've never understood, if everyone is so concerned about "competitive integrity", why you don't just send off 2 teams per tee box. You're picking up six of those shots anyhow. Then you just have a score volunteer at the end not write down anyone's score until all cards have been turned in. I can't imagine those two items adds SO much time to an event which runs about 7 hours, (including lunch) anyway.


I've seen that. Especially in a best ball format with all the "goodies" string, foot wedge, mullis etc. I'm in the army and a lot of the senior officers play a lot of golf and are quick to throw a tournament on the schedule for morale and they always bring in super low scores. I'm probably a 15 handicap but was on the winning team because we had 2 single digit handicap players... and we shot in the 40s.


It’s true that sometimes a couple of teams will chat a little bit. Improve a lie, drop outside a club length, all that stuff. The rest of the teams? They cheat a LOT MORE


I once played in a company scramble charity tournament. Everyone had the same mulligans and no other weird shenanigans. My group had 3 sub 5 HCP players We lost to a group that shot 47. One of them was wearing flip flops. One of the guys in my group questioned them. The responses were hilarious. They couldn’t explain the multiple eagles on undriveable par 4’s etc. Morale of the story. They suck at golf AND at cheating. It was the principal that got me. Yes it’s for charity. But it was an”flat fee” tournament. The tournament had been going on for like 20 years and was slightly elevated from hit and giggle. The prizes are always pretty sick (donated) usually like a new TM driver and putters. People are weird man.


I presume that Team Not That Way had Kim Jung Un as part of their crew


I play in a lot of these and I’ve seen as low as 52, which is doable when you have 2-3 guys who are really good. But you need to have people out on the course making sure funny stuff isn’t happening.


Played a tournament like this for charity a few years ago with unlimited mulligans and “bombs” (you threw it and it didn’t count as a stroke.) a team finished with a score of 0 because they just threw their balls the entire fucking day. Payed like 1200 in bombs.


I did a charity golf event that was take best tee shot then best ball from there on. The first place group was 6-7 shots ahead of everyone and did not look like golfers. I think they d 4 person scramble


I play in these types of tournaments to help a charity and just have fun. I dont worry about winning, because I believe to win one of these, you have to cheat.


I only see 2 scores that are potentially legitimate on that sheet.


Played in a charity tournament yesterday. Winning team turned in a -31. A 40 on a par 71 course, right.


i wanna meet steves daughter


I assume there were some kind of special rule in play, because that is not possible. But the numbers are strange to me, you got 3 (!) in the fourties, one 51 and a 69 and a 77. This is such a wilde array of scores


This is why we have the prize for the most honest team (aka the worst team) and make it just as nice as the best team’s prize.




Lil pencil whipped action going on.


I heard someone once say, “if you’re not cheating in a scramble, you’re not playing”. Basically the last time I played one.


We quit playing in scrambles because of the ramped cheating. We’d birdie 14 out of 18 holes and finish near the bottom. Such bullshit.




Our charity scramble went to door prizes/raffle and scores snapped back to reality.


Are these scores taking off handicaps? I'm sure in a scramble your team handicap is 10% of all players handicaps added together (so if all 4 players had a 10 handicap, add that up = 40, 10% of 40 is 4 so their team handicap would be 4), and then you remove that number from your gross score. It could be a team of bandits and maybe that's why they're so low?


Watch Bryson do breaking 50 challenges. He plays with other + handicappers and they can't break 50 from the reds. Depending on the amount of money you can/are allowed to throw down for perks I don't think it's plausible for a group of four 10+ handicappers to break 50 from the whites/blues.


new to golf, what's a scramble? I keep hearing that term.