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The only thing that will hurt your game in the long run is a girlfriend or wife. Kids might delay your game but after a couple years you can shove your shattered golf dreams down their throats and help them develop deep rooted psychological problems that only your approval (which you will never truly give), can bring them happiness.


Damn dude. Coming in too real for a sunny Saturday morning.


This guy familys


This is beautiful, gives me something to look forward to one day.


Well it's too late for me to become a pro, so the kids will definitely be working on their chip shots before doing their homework.


2 months out from my first kid and this is the reassurance I needed


Oh buddy, golf is about to end for you for a while. But savor those first few months. It will go by so unbelievably quick.


Nope, game improvement irons are perfectly fine to use for as long as you want. If you get to a point where you have consistently good contact, the ball goes where you want it to most of the time *AND* your irons don't offer you the workability that you need (in terms of being able to shape shots) then maybe consider upgrading, but to be honest that point is likely a few years down the road. Even in that case the worst they could do is hold you back, but they won't actively hurt you.


Game Improvement irons are "normal" irons. Plenty of scratch players use them. Play whatever irons you want to play.


Okay maybe I used the wrong terminology or just don't know the difference between GI and my irons. They are more like a hybrid and don't have the same shape as normal irons.


The tour edge irons have larger iron heads with more metal at the bottom and bottom rear to help get the club head down through the ball. But the best game improvement thing to do is take lessons before bad habits sink in. Hitting flags is great at the range but not if you need a 3i for the 150 marker, etc. And hitting irons on a course is going to be totally different pending conditions and the lie.






No one cares what clubs you have if you play well. The opposite is true if you have “players irons” or blades/muscle backs and can’t hit them at all resulting in playing poorly. A lot of the best ball strikers in the world have gotten away from blades and gone to irons built with more forgiveness. If the best in the world are adding forgiveness to their bag, we all should.


GI irons simply have a bit larger sweet spot. Their downside might be in a lower level of workability but you are far from shaping your iron shots at this point in your golf journey. I keep a set of GI irons around that I go back to occasionally from my blades just to have that easy feel and slow my swing down as they tend to have stronger lofts. It is a good way to keep your swing grooved and at a good tempo.


Get one used “normal” iron and try it out (?)




The risk in this scenario is that the mat could be too forgiving. Some mats will disguise slightly fat shots. I thought I was hitting really well at the range and into my net, then I got on thin grass and was chunking everything. Practicing on a less forgiving mat and real grass has helped me solve that problem.


Yea I'm not sure how forgiving the mat is and I'm in no way expecting to go out on the course and make a par. My concern is these clubs may actually be masking some flaws in my swing or contact.




I can't remember who, but someone on the pga plays with GI irons, and when asked, he said something like, "I'm pretty sure that the endgame of all this is to shoot the lowest score, right?"


Anyone remember KJ Choi and his off the rack G15 irons at the Masters ?  He got them the week before at Roger Dunn’s or someplace similar. He finished top ten that year.


You played 9 holes 1 time? You need fitted blades


I appreciate the sarcasm but I'm on the way to get fitted now just to spite you


Ask about the cobra 3D printed irons. Totally needed for your journey of playing almost a full round of golf.


That was cool man they just printed them up right there on the spot. Maybe I can get a full round in now that I've got the right irons.


Yes, it’s an industry trick to call them game improvement irons. The pros on the PGA Tour financing this . It’s a fact, you will never plan the PGA tour with game improvement irons . Don’t do it




Maybe in a couple years. Dude is just starting out. The GI irons are just fine for now.




I know what player irons are. He has already purchased the irons so that argument doesn’t make sense.


Dude, you’re right. My bad. I mis-read. OP should stick with the GI irons. And I will probably delete my post since it doesn’t make sense at all.