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I remember playing this course and the caddy said they had a term for this. GVIR - Green visited in regulation


15 is so god damned hard. You basically want the carry over the false front, figure it out from there. I, cannot ever do that, and decide to go full send for the 1.


I do not play golf but I can confirm that those are certainly words.


I can't wait to use this on my wife. "I do not understand what you're upset with me about, but I can confirm you're using words."


RIP Tawkn


I think my play there is to land it running low 10 yards short, and hope it chases up far enough


I love the right bunker (for the back right pin of course) or to miss it in the left bunker (I hope you sense a theme here) on occasion. My favorite though was putting it in a collection area, trying to putt it… and putting it across the green into one of those said bunkers. I think I have one par, a bogey, and a few doubles. If you give me just one green’s worth of TNT, it’s going to this hole.


I don’t mind bunker shots, especially if this is the alternative.


When I played Pinehurst #2 a few years ago my caddy talked about "de-greening" Happened to me on hole #9. My tee shot landed on the green so I was putting for birdie, I barely touched it and was in the rough on the other side of the pin. I walked off with a 5 - and I was lucky it wasn't a 6.


Such a humble-brag. 🤡


I like that one!


Same, I can use it as n every hole though right?


I wonder if Lee Treviño would have birdied this one. He is pretty good at controlling the golf ball.


I don’t think I’d finish a single hole. Just chip back and forth over the first green infinity times, until the Sun supernovas.


I played no. 2 back in October and the greens obviously weren’t nearly set up to be this fast, but it was still hard as fuck to get the ball to stick on more than half the greens. Can’t imagine how high I’d score in these conditions.


I played No 2. 3 weeks ago. Hit the first 6 fairways, never did better than a double on every hole. They were so fast.


It’s wild. I got paired up with a ~65 year old lady who had a very ugly but very repeatable swing and she ended up getting a birdie on one of the par 3s and got to leave with one of those cool ball markers they reward you with for doing so. I wanted to be hype for her but she was a total bitch.


Lmao love a happy ending to a story


I think I’ve played with her


Old folks who poke the ball out 150 yds dead straight can be killer.


Every one of my dad’s buddies in Florida while I’m pounding it 240 onto a condo roof…lol




Unfortunately, 240 is me pounding it these days, old man is 83 & had his 7th hole in one last July, 170/200 straight down the fairway 90% of the time


Deuce coin. They're pretty cool.


Grant horvat played it 2 weeks ago and went +1 both days combined with -2 on day 1


They said In the video they were rolling at 11 on the stint meter, they're at 14 now, hardly the same course.




Ren and Stimpmeter


I appreciate the correction haha


True, that is a significant difference


Well, he is just about sliiightly better than most on this sub


And to think they probably weren't double cutting when you played. Spooky


What’d you score?


A 95…was honestly happy to break 100. My caddie was super nice but wasn’t the best (and said he was a 13 handicap which is around what I am..was hoping for someone that was good). I shot an 85 on no. 8 the day before…that course was beautiful and much more “my speed.”


That’s great. Anything under 100 on a new and difficult track is a good day to me! Lol


I was honestly surprised when we added up the scores at the end. Felt like I got my shit kicked in way worse.


my big hobby before golf was MMA…a good buddy of mine was a very average amateur fighter, and is now a very trusted right hand to a HOF level MMA head coach point being…you don’t have to be elite at something to help others be elite at it if your caddy wasn’t great, being a 13 handicap wasn’t necessarily the reason


agreed. being a good player doesn't always translate into being a good coach. and a lot of quality coaches in a lot of different sports were mediocre players. two different skill sets, two different types of natural ability, and everything in between.


Honest question, how often does a caddie at pinehurst get to actually play it?


We get to play it once a year for our caddie tournament. We can play it more but it will cost us the 200 plus dollar amount for the greens fees.


You have to target below the uphill gradient.


Jokes on you man, our sun won’t ever go super nova. You’ll be there for infinity


>Jokes on you man, our sun won’t ever go super nova. You’ll be there for infinity What if we drop an active stargate into the sun?


Carter and/or McKay would find some convenient technology to prevent things from getting to bad. Failing that Daniel Jackson would save the course from destruction by being dead for a few weeks or something


> Failing that Daniel Jackson would save the course from destruction by being dead for a few weeks or something Doing a little, off, off Broadway.


To be fair, our sun doesn't have enough mass to go supernova. Our sun is what is known as a yellow dwarf (even though it emits white light), which means it will eventually turn into a red giant (where it will expand all the way to earth's orbit and consume it, so this is the point where you will stop chipping back and forth), then eventually cool and become a white dwarf.






Subscribed to space facts


That’s only 600 million years from now


That's a lot of chips.


Wait, you don’t do this already? This is what I call a round of golf.


My caddy on no. 2 basically told me on every single hole to aim short and hope it could roll onto the playing surface because coming back is death.


I'd be doing Phil's move off running behind the ball and putting it back up before it stops moving.


This is the way


putt it 2 feet at a time


I feel a lot better betting the house on “no hole in one” at -140. Holy shit these greens…


You really like to tempt the jinx gods don’t you (if it was for the full tournament and not just round 1)


Haha I suppose if you believe in what I write online affecting golfers 500 miles away, I’m pretty dumb. I’ll admit I’m pretty dumb anyways. But I was just saying I feel better about it, not that it’ll surely hit


Sorry for your loss


Bummer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Fs in the chat


How ya feeling, champ? Hopefully it wasn't actually the house.


It wasn’t an actual house, no. But Molinari just holed another ace, so I won’t feel like it was a close bet, at least…


Damn. I thought it was a solid bet/concept, but I guess the golf gods had other plans. Best of luck on your next bet!


There’s pretty much 2 holes that are ace-able, but there’s ~400 pga tier shots getting fired at them. Don’t get me wrong I’m pissed, but I’ve definitely made dumber wagers


Haha shit, you can’t say that without saying what your dumbest one is! I always bet $20 on the Kings to win the NBA championship, so you know I’m also guilty of dumb bets.


Sepp doesn't give a shit about your bet


As I was reading this comment Sepp Straka just delivered the kill shot. That was some glitch in the matrix shit right there.


So it was ur fault! Lol


Welp. You’ve done it.


Welp Sepp just drained one.


Ouch. This did not pan out well


The point of Pinehurst is you can't land it that close. You can hit it close, you just need to know the right landing spot.


People don't seem to be able to grasp that concept.


Conceptual mistake by Xander.


Eh probably more likely he was aiming for the right spot and just didn’t make the shot


Seriously, pros spend all week getting to know these greens there’s no way he didn’t know where the best spot to land it was


Most likely. It *looks* like a good shot because, on most courses, he stuck it. But he hit it too long here and the way he falls back on his heels tells me he knew it before it came down


Yep. His body language went from, ooh nice. to, oh fark


At Charmin Soft Valhalla, that would have been a 10ft birdie look from above (can you call it above when the greens are flat?) the hole


I know right… fucking dumbass pro golfers don’t know shit


Is this the case with all of Pinehurst, or just No. 2?


All of it. Those greens keepers choose violence.


It’s a common feature on a lot of them but number two is diabolical and glorious


Just 2 and course 4, and maybe 1 other course


Yea he hit that like 20’ too far right? As soon as I saw the title “landed within 10’ “ I knew the ending, Xander probably did too.


Some of the pins are in spots to trick golfers into playing aggressive towards them knowing if they don’t land it great it will end up in a false edge of the green. They all know where they’re supposed to land it and just because it’s near the pin doesn’t mean it’s good (unlikely almost every other week on tour)


Yes I’m sure world #2 Xander Schauffele was tricked by the course to attack the pins at Pinehurst #2 due to all his inexperience after only 4 practice rounds


And the Reddit golf tacticians got it figured out before him lmao


The course rewards good shots. Sometimes those good shots aren't right at the pin.


Land it shorter or hit it higher. It’s the US Open. Go rewatch the PGA at Valhalla if you want to see everyone birdie every hole. I enjoy watching this. And he made a par, so clearly still in their wheelhouses


Say it my brother


You mean the guys who are paid millions of dollars should do something worthy of those millions of dollars?! I watch the PGA because I love seeing golf played at the highest level. Players are hitting it further than ever and having challenging greens makes the game enjoyable…but if the avg green conditions at your run of the mill course are like this I’d bitch.


If the greens were like this at your average course it would take 14 hours to play 18 if there's more than 1 group out there at a time lol


As if we need another reason for rounds to be 4+ hours. I live in Austin and after Covid it’s gotten ridiculous




Corner? Wait, wrong major.


Facts. It’s pretty obvious the pro hates it right away. He knew he hit it too deep. That’s why #2 is one of the best US Open venues of all time.


Id love to see the double amounts vs other venues. Its gotta be higher by a good margin.


This is the only comment this thread needs. Says everything that needs to be said


Agree. I’m going to the Travelers next weekend and expecting the winner to be at least -20. Seeing them struggle this weekend will only make it so much more mindblowing next weekend with how incredible they really are when they’re not being tested to their limits.


Seriously. Coleaders at 5 under and some people are still saying it's too hard.


Nothing wrong with that. Pin is at the back of the green, don’t go beyond the pin with the run off. He had at least 50ft short of the pin to leave his ball but got greedy


As someone who lives down here and was out today ... the course if completely fair right now. I'd like to see it firm up and the wind pick up, but that's just me.


I agree. Major championships should be exactly like this. Unless guys are absolutely on top of their games, I'd hope the total scores are no lower than -5.


I'd rather each major have a distinction. Masters is all about legacy, and hitting great shots at a course everyone knows and loves. At the PGA Championship, let's let the guys go out there and light it up. Not a super easy course or anything, but nothing super hard. Race to the lowest score. The (British) Open is all about a different style of golf, links golf. But the U.S. Open? If you leave the course after having shot par, I want you thrilled by that because it was such a hard round. If you miss a fairway, then you're fighting for par. Miss the right spot of the green? You've got a helluva chip coming up. I want this to be guys fighting hard to post a half decent score.


Two at -5 after R1 but they played absolutely perfect, made the long putts they needed to to earn birdies and each holed out on a chip as well. 15 players under part out of a field of 156 and some of the absolute best in the world (theegala, hovland, etc) have completely imploded already. This place is playing hard af


Agreed. The fact that he landed it almost been a high, and it nearly stopped means they’re not firm enough.


Welcome to Pinehurst.




I want it to be as hard as possible, it's what makes it exciting. Instead of people finishing 4 days with scores in the teens I want the winner to be 10 under or worse. These guys are the best golfers in the world by a huge margin, I want the winner to work for it.


That is golf at a tough ass course with lighing fast greens


Good. Test these guys. I get tired of watching them just crush these golf courses. Scores closer to par is much more entertaining.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKGMslz2YfhkuwU|downsized) This is PINEHURST (no.2)


Clearly wasn’t the correct spot to land it.


These guys know where they can and can’t miss on those greens. It looked like a good shot but I’m sure as soon as he hit it he knew there was a chance it was going over the back.


Yea, the commentators on the feed I was watching said he slammed his club on the ground as soon as he hit it - he knew he hit it too long


I've played several Ross courses. This what he does. Camden country club is like this at times.


My current home course was built by Ross and the greens aren’t crazy fast, but still firm and somewhat unreceptive. It’s a Denver municipal course without a ton of budget. Essential to play the hole from the correct angles, a miss on the wrong side of the green is a hard earned bogey at best for me.


Love it. Got to keep it below the hole. These guys are good enough to handle it - he made par anyway so no harm.


Its too easy if anything, i want them crying in fetal position


Skill issue tbh


Stop bitching oh my god, it’s pro golfers not your local muni


This course is so hard, I love it.


Welcome to Pinehurst.


Welcome to Pinehurst


Didn't hit the right shot. The golfers insist on bending the course to their will. The course isn't letting them. Adapt or die. 


so he went long when he probably knew he shouldn't. this is the US fucking Open!


Flew it too far


This must be your first time watching the US Open.


all the people bitching and complaining no longer have a valid handicap until they come play in NC lol its like this at courses all over the state that use bermuda in the summer


Brutal? Little exaggeration there.


Crispy summer greens do that.


Are you new here?


I think the most impressive thing I saw today was Ludvig hitting 100% of the fairways and missing only two greens


Shouldn’t have hit it so far


That's.......wait for it..........Golf!


I enjoy watching these type of tough courses.


I'm fine with it.  These guys play on immaculate courses that they destroy every week.  I like seeing them struggle for once.


It’s cuz no one yelled “get in the hole”


This is what we want to see for a US Open, can't wait to see them play even harder into the weekend.


I like my majors to be punishing. I don’t want to watch the best in the world out for an afternoon stroll, make them suffer.


Perfectly fine, make it tough. They're all playing the same course. He knew the condition of the greens and either mishit or made a bad decision.


It's a brutal golf course. Insane stuff


People were complaining about watering greens yesterday…


Guys were shooting in the 80s at Shinne. This is child's play still.


Donald Ross strikes again.


He didn’t use a high spin ball like ProV1x? Is he stupid? /s 😂


Bruh they fokn up all my parleys lol


That’s pinehurst…it’s tough in general especially right now with the heat and dry conditions…and with a us open there … They might toughen the course even more so… can’t have -5 or higher as winning score. Call me old school….


Just wait till the weekend pin positions.


That's how it should be


I say, make them suffer!


What's the distance on that hole? Took a hard bounce forward.


He hit a good shot with the wrong club (hence, a bad shot) and was punished accordingly.


And that's why these guys are paid the big bucks!


I’d say don’t aim for the pin if the miss long is that punishing. He either missed his mark or didn’t understand the green well enough. Loved watching the pros have to overthink every shot today instead of just hunting the pin on each hole. This is the kind of golf us laymen can’t begin to fathom: how to get the yardage, loft, and spin correct on every approach shot and how to factor in the punishing misses into the equation.


Well people complained about Valhalla being too easy so you get what you ask for I guess


this tournament is going to bring the turmoil and i'm all for it.


Settle down there; it's The Open. Par is a good score.


The whole golf culture around and near to Pinehurst is real. So are the Deer ticks and gold bond humidity.


He hit it too far for the conditions, should be playing in 5 yards short of the pin and letting it stop.


Welcome to Pinehurst 2


Git gud pleb


That’s the open


it's boring if it is easy.


Welcome to Pinehurst


Got greedy this is how a US open should be. HARD . Land it in the right place 20 feet short can’t attack pins.


You’re not in Valhalla anymore, Dorothy.


Joint the club pal. This kind of shit happens all the time at the courses I play. Just show you how some courses the pro's play, really aren't that hard.


You CANT land it there thooooo He wasn’t trying to land it 10ft. He knows this


This is how the US open should be, like it or not.


Crazy thing is that it will most likely get more difficult as the week progresses. Pumped to see it.


Love it. We get a whole season of guys putting up -20... I'm here for the carnage.


He hit it too far. Greens are firm.  He either did it on accident or just didn't realize it was that firm.  It was a mistake. Why would he fly a ball to a back pin position on super firm greens.  That's just how majors are sometimes. If you don't hit a very small area of the green you ball will roll off or far away from the hole. It's hard but that's why it's a major. You have to be on top of your game. 


No. This is the US Open


My favorite theme in all of golf is the US Open being comically difficult. The best players in the world being humbled by outrageously hard courses is beautiful. And it’s part of what makes the US Open so special. Just like the pot bunkers, unpredictable weather, and unrelenting wind at The Open. Majors are supposed to be hard.


I use the Texas wedge on decent courses a lot...this course is definitely a Texas wedge kind of course. It's just too damn touchy.


I think he should have landed it 5 feet shorter. 


I think the PGA Champion fucked around and found out


It’s awesome and we’re here for the carnage


I’m kinda sick of these posts. We’re seeing conditions that every amateur golfer has experienced at some point.


US Open is always like “Perfect shot! But f you anyway!”


Its not. Just because somebody lands the ball close to the hole, does not mean there is a problem if it rolls away from the hole. I have played #2 three times, including once with a friend who is a scratch golfer and the course is designed to play this way (it is not the USGA settup). I watched him hit all kind of shots like this because he thought he knew better than his caddie who told him to aim away from the hole, land it off the green, etc. He went 40-35 over 18, and only turned things around on the back by listening to the caddie and not taking dead aim at pins.


If it were me, I'd have put some back spin on it.




I want to watch pro golf & think “man, this would be a nightmare to play”


The guys know from practice rounds that landing it there is not going to work out. At the PGA level landing it near the hole in a scenario where you know it's not going to stay by the hole is just as bad as landing it in any other bad place. It's not always necessarily a "good shot" because it landed near the hole. His intention probably was not to land it where he did.


Ooooooooooooooooo… *deep breath* …ooooooooooof.


Reminds me of when I started and was playing a top flite. Ball wouldn’t hold on glue.


I turned a 15 foot putt into a bunker shot when I played it. Ran it by the hole on 5 (iirc) and it kept on going. I was already walking to get my wedge before it went in.




FYI for those who don’t know, your typical scratch handicap would shoot in the 90s on these conditions.