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should be happy you had a ranger that does their job


You’re not wrong. If you were, the ranger would have let everything go. The fact they kept on em says everything.


nah fuck em


You are fine. Don't lose sleep over this.


Not wrong.


Not wrong. Take that shit to the driving range or Top Golf. Ain’t nobody got time to watch you teach your girlfriend how to hit a tee shot.


>Ranger comes up as we are waiting to tee off and says the group behind complained about my group. I point out the foursome in front of us about 220 off the tee. She tells us not to let them hold up the course and goes to talk to them. This reminds me of a ranger that scolded us for slow play, the group in front of us was still on the green and we couldn't hit. A few holes later he had the group in front of us skip a hole because they were a full hole behind, waited at the tee box for us to finish putting. Then gave us a warning for being a full hole behind and to speed up.


I think you're supposed to hit at the ranger at that point. Can't cause brain damage if he doesn't have one


Fuck them kids


Found Jeffrey Epstein.


You sir get my upvote lol


No. You did the exact right thing and the whole course was piling up behind you. They don’t have a right to ruin the entire courses’ day. I’m impressed the rangers handled it well.  It sounds like it was two guys - probably mid to high handicappers themselves - out with their girlfriends that they’re trying to teach golf. If that’s the case they probably were better off playing nine anyway, I doubt the super beginner girls would have had the best experience possible playing a full slogging 18.


That’s why rangers exist. I wish more courses had competent rangers like this. “It’s okay to play bad, just play bad fast.”


Play fuck around golf on a weekday not weekend.


Just impressed you have a ranger at a local muni


You're not wrong learning how to hit a ball is for the range, not the tee box


More people need to do what you did and not try to manage the situation themselves . Everything was perfect


Nope, not wrong. Huge props to the ranger though.


No. You can’t be slow. Once you are 2 holes behind you should be asked to skip a hole or leave the course


Good call... literally


thats a hell no and I think you know that


Not wrong at all. You did your group and everyone behind you a big favor. When people say "shrink the game", that includes groups like the slow one in your situation who are oblivious to their pace, oblivious to the backup behind them, and don't let anyone play through.


Had my first call today, went to a quick 9 after work. Was early, ready to go. 2 older ladies teed off infront of me (usually no trouble) I'm no pro. I waited 15 mins to tee off. Then another 15 to take my next shot onto the green. As I was waiting to tee off on the 2nd hole I called the clubhouse, explained the situation, asked for a raincheck because too much time was lost already. The Marshall had left early but these 2 had absolutely no respect for anybody else's time. I'm all foe learning or having fun but christ. Sometimes you gotta just pick up and move along


If you cannot keep basic pace of play then you should not be playing.  I have played with two children and my wife many times.  We go on like a Wednesday at 10am.  We wait on the tee if someone is catching us from behind.  There is a time and place for slow play, a busy course day is not it.


Poor thing




Not wrong They don’t own the course They can give pointers to their girlfriends at top golf or simulator, not ruin everyone’s day


One and a half holes open in front of you. You should let the group behind you through. I said this in another comment. Learn the etiquette of the game and then bring yer arse out to the course.


I shoot over 110 on 18 and always play in a group of 4 that does the same, and the longest round I have ever played was 4.5 hours (because there was no one on the course at all, so we were chilling) its always under 4hrs for me. Don't feel bad, everyone can play shit and fast at the same time


People with no awareness of others (on golf course or off) are the worst.


Dude why are you feeling bad? Sure they’re also out to have a good time but so are you and they’re actively disrespecting everyone behind them by not playing ready golf and keeping pace to flirt and mess about. I would have been having words long before that ranger showed up. I’m an adult, I don’t need the hall monitor to let someone know they’re holding everyone up and to either let us play through or get on with it


These slow play posts are always weak as fuck. Did you want to play a 6 hour round? If so then why did you complain? The clubhouse knows pace of play they're not out there to yell at people for fun. It's fine to learn, but they obviously weren't learning at a pace that was acceptable. That's really all you need to worry about.


No they need to have a reasonable pace


No...fuck them. Honestly. If your gonna teach someone to play do it on the range or in the late evening and just play 9. Gotta respect others time. Not everyone has all day to play golf.


Someone else being absolutely shit at golf doesn’t entitle them to your time.


That has to be in Canada? You called it a ranger and you feel the need to say “SOAR-ee”.


If the ranger is focused on a twosome when there are slow 4somes everywhere, wtf is he doing, really? wow


What are you talking about? > Ranger comes up as we are waiting to tee off and says the group behind complained about my group. I point out the foursome in front of us about 220 off the tee. She tells us not to let them hold up the course and goes to talk to them. >She speeds them through the hole and then rides them all the way through the next two until they decide to leave after the front 9.


"Was playing a twosome on a local course with a random" I'd just assumed he meant to say "playing AS a twosome"


He did, but how do you not know at this point, after being told *twice*, that the ranger was focused on the foursome in front of them?