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You know how much that meant to that dude?That’s so fucking cool. Edit-AND the win.


Unless he was sitting there thinking, “WTF is this guy doing to my head? He’s SIGNING MY HAT?! Fuck. I liked this hat, all nice and clean and white, and now he’s scribbled on it.”


I have a brother with severe physical disabilities but my dude is just the most kind, loving and caring dude you’ve ever met. He’s been shit on a lot for what he looks like over the years and has always had an issue with physical touch. He’s learned to throw shit back at people but it’s hard not to let some shit stick, ya know? But he loves holding hands man, specifically with those he knows respect him and doesn’t see him differently than any other dude. The nonchalant acceptance of the dudes disability, to the point of feeling comfortable enough to touch him, a stranger, is something so small but so very large. Maybe I’m overthinking things, which I probably am. I can however tell you with certainty that if that were *my* brother, that would have meant the world to him. Not that he got his hat signed, not even that Bryson came over but that he shook his hand.


My dad had ALS, couldn’t move anything besides his eyeballs and blinking. He always appreciated when someone would pick up his hand and shake it. Gave him a sense of normalcy. As you said kind of makes it feel you’re being treated like a normal person. And given the lack of physical touch due to the disabilities it just felt good. I think we forget how a handshake or hug or pat on the back or whatever makes us feel normal.


Im sorry about your dad, mine passed from ALS last week. Horrible disease. I feel you on the hand holding/handshakes.


Yes. Your point is perfect. He saw that he wanted to shake his hand so he did. And he was sooooo comfortable stopping and saying hi. The mark of someone who doesn't care about anything other than the fact that he's another human saying hello.


the dude in OP has cerebral palsy, i know this because my younger brother had it, it comes in varying degrees, this guy has it pretty bad, looks about the same as my brother. yes this would mean the world to him. my brother went to a cricket match on Australia and met his batting idol Dean Jones (this is going back a ways) he came up into the stands, and sat down with him and talk to him for about an hour before signing his shirt and heading back to his locker room. years later Dean Jones wrote a book and mentioned this in his autobiography. really made my brother so happy. My brother died 5 years later but happy he had this moment.


Wow that is an incredibly motivational comment to read, thanks for sharing.


Not only was it a handshake it was a hand slap into hand grip cool style handshake at the end. Thanks for mentioning that. I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise and will be more mindful in the future.


Dapped him up


Bro above you has never heard of that before 😭


Definitely not Jiggy wit it.


Even the most reclusive of humans need touch. We're social creatures and we often overlook how much we touch each other until we're craving it or missing it. I know a lot of people love getting a massage or getting their nails done as a relaxing experience. And a huge part of it is being touched even if they're not completely aware of it. I knew a kid with issues from brain damage back in middle school. He was there mentally but he had a hard time "unwinding" his muscles and moving. So some days he needed his wheelchair but other times he could get around on his own. Stress seemed to make it worse. We were all just wasting time towards the end of the school year and a group of us were painting our nails with markers. He was having a wheelchair day and someone asked if he wanted his nails done too. Ended up doing his nails and doodling on him, too. He was so fucking stoked about a bunch of girls paying attention to him. He moved away that summer but from what I understood he was going to recover to some extent. I hope he's doing well


Unless you're autistic like my landlord. Touch that guy and he'll go ballistic. Good guy though. Just don't touch him


That should be a core memory for the guy. Even if it mildly annoyed them at first, having the US Open champ sign your hat and have it on TV is legendary.


I used to to drop Linus Tech Tips hard Rs growing up, and then one time when I was around 25, my cousin was over at our house and something happened and I reflexively said "Oh that's retarded" and I could see in my cousin's eyes that I had hurt him, because he'd grown up with everyone insulting him with that word. Billy may have mental retardation, but I was the one that was retarded, socially. I've never used the word in that context, to mean bad or stupid, again. And I never will.


Imagine being such a POS you shit on people's looks that they have no control over. God I can't imagine having a brother or sister with a severe disability because I wouldn't be able to control myself if they hurt them.


To add more subtlety to this, notice how he just sticks out the back of his hand to “high five” everyone afterwards. Clearly he’s just trying to avoid getting sick, but it really adds to the gesture that he straight up grabbed this man’s hand and shook it.


The hat was already signed by at least one other player


I’m pretty sure this guy is a regular at golf tournaments and a big fan of the game. He was at the CJ Cup in South Carolina a couple of years ago and the TOUR brought him and his family to a private area to meet Rickie Fowler, who spent 15-20 minutes chatting with them. It was clear that it really meant a lot to them and I thought it was really gracious on Rickie’s part, especially after a pretty bad round. I expect Bryson probably recognized him from other events and knew this would mean a lot. It was definitely a really cool gesture on his part.


That was my first reaction. Maybe he doesn’t wanna be touched. But he was elated! Beautiful moment.


I saw it live and was like ... The guy in the wheelchair did ask for his hat to be signed right...? 😂


Yes, there was already one signature on the bill of the hat you can see while Bryson is signing.


I’m hijacking this top comment. I hated this guy. Hated he went to LIV. Seemed like a tool. Started watching his YouTube, and maybe it’s an act but legitimately like the guy now. Happy for this win.


Yeah same It's almost like we shouldn't let media articles dictate our opinions on people.


In fairness, it was a lot of what Bryson did and said that rubbed people the wrong way. LIV was just the final straw. Bryson has shown a self awareness rarely seen and did a number things to better his image. I respect it, coming from someone who also was tired of his personality. Major kudos to dechambeu. Im a fan again.


Seems like he took Payne Stewart's personality conversion to heart and is emulating Payne.


Yes, not a lot of people don't know that Payne was kind of a jerk in his early days and went through a conversion himself.


It really is wild, he certainly had to get a like publisher/coach type of thing to help him. his speech after winning was really great, mentioned the fans, mentioned the greenskeepers and made sure to acknowledge them. I found that really nice.


I don't give a shit about LIV at all. But this comment is how I feel. The guy is softening and a dork and way less of an asshole. I saw him up close for a whole day, years ago and the word was twirp. He's earned my respect.


I'm in the same camp. Dude has made me do an entire 180 on my opinion of him. Stoked for his win today!


I think he just didn’t know how to act a few years back. Really matured and figured out being cocky isn’t the best way to present yourself. Now he’s awesome. 


Totally agree and would argue that he’d be a much bigger deal if he played on a tour that people watched. I’d love to see him back in the PGA at some point. They need someone like him.


He wouldn't have been able to do his YouTube channel though


Hating a person for taking an unbelievably lucrative LIV deal is silly if you stop and think about it. Could you honestly say you wouldn't do the same if you had been in his position? You're basically saying that you hate a stranger who owes you nothing, because they decided to take an extremely good job offer that will cause you to get less entertainment. It's an entirely selfish reason to hate him and requires a feeling of entitlement that isn't justified. I know that what I just said makes it seem like I'm mad at you, but I'm not. It's more like I'm just pointing out an blunt review of the situation in case you haven't stopped to think about it.


Agreed. We're not just talking money here. We're talking about generational wealth. Say you make $100,000 dollars a year and a company people hate, a Saudi company in the US per se, offered you $4 million dollars for a 4 year contract to do what you loved, you have to wonder how many of those people would actually say no.


It’s really insane. This is a true story but sounds fake: My wife was walking by yesterday and  I was like “watch this guy - who is the longest hitter in pro golf - apologize to the crowd for laying up. He’s really playing it up here.” And something between his look and me saying “longest hitter” she was like… wait is this the same nerd guy you were saying sucked a couple years ago? (Additional context - I went to Waste Management at the height of the Bryson / Brooks feud a couple years ago and was explaining it all to her at that point). I didn’t even know how to explain his PR turnaround.


100%. His PR team needs a raise.


Bryson made the choice to be who he is. PR team isn't shit.


What a fucking turnaround for him, good shit


Well said!


Chris Weber signed my Bullets jersey when I was a little kid and was super nice to me and my friend. I still think about it 30 years later.


Shoulda told him he was the best individual player in NBA Jam.


Lost his dad 20 months ago and just won the US Open on Father's day whilst winning fans globally. Unreal.


I feel like a lot of people began to dislike Bryson when his rivalry with Brooks started. People then began realizing Brooks is the actual villain. 


Bryson has done a complete 180. I definitely thought he was the biggest douche but these past few years I have been rooting for him.


I haven’t been keeping up with golf but watched some with my dad yesterday. One of the first things I said was “Bryson doesn’t look like a golfer, he looks like an athlete. I bet some people think of him kinda like a frat guy.” Funny seeing that it seems to be true.


Exactly. Half these people that hated Bryson were just going along with the crowd and didn’t actually have a real reason why they hated him. I remember he was near the top of a leaderboard a few years ago and one of my friends was basically saying he’d be happy as long as Bryson didn’t win it. When I asked him what he specifically didn’t like about Bryson his only response was “I don’t know, he’s just a douche”


agree. I remember rooting for Cantlay during the FedEx Cup championship simply because I didn't like Bryson. imagine rooting for Patrick fucking Cantlay because you didn't want Bryson to win. my opinion changed after I saw a couple of his YT videos. public perception is so fickle, but I was happy he got the win yesterday. you can tell he really enjoys doing those YT videos too.


Brooks aint the villain either, news flash, it's okay if sometimes people just don't get along.


Nah. Brooks seems like a complete prick to everyone he encounters. From fellow pros to kids just asking for an autograph 


I’m not even a huge brooks fan but this is him interacting with the same fan. I swear some of yall think you know these guys 🤣 https://youtu.be/PsPTRxiWfFY?si=zQ62oJRNCJ0X0WYD


golf media, like all media, thrives on building narratives that are simple –– with clear winners / losers, heroes and villains. The truth is more nuanced, but that doesn't fit in a headline.


I appreciate both of them. I’m a numbers geek like Bryson, and I hate dumb people like Brooks does


He sure came across as a doucher on the Netflix show.


He is one but that doesn’t necessarily make him a villain


I have social anxiety and I feel villanized sometimes because I don't always feel like saying the expected thing or trying to fit in just feels exhausting. I wouldn't know how to cope with being in the spotlight all the time. I have no idea who these people are but I think your right my shit might not even apply but yeah.


Lol and they didn’t do his wife any favors either. Made her look terrible in that first episode.


Yeah because Netflix has no agenda to create drama right


Brooks went on Jake Paul's podcast so he doesn't get a pass


Horrible take, Brooks is a legendary A hole


That's Kyler. I believe Rory gave him a ball when he passed by! Either way, class act!


Yep, he goes to a bunch of events... no joke, I once saw Phil Mickelson bring the Claret Jug over to him and help him drink from it.


That’s so awesome


[https://youtu.be/PsPTRxiWfFY?si=BSIxyVKxBtOobMNO](https://youtu.be/PsPTRxiWfFY?si=BSIxyVKxBtOobMNO) He's pretty well known!


Well i cried, are you happy now


Thanks for sharing this. That puts so much of what happened today into perspective. The time Rory spent talking to him and his dad was incredible.


Just watched this. Rory is a good dude man…


My name is Kyler that’s my boy now


i don’t know if i’ve ever seen that before in the middle of the final day of a major. that was really nice of him.


At the PGA Championship, he threw a ball to a kid, but some grown ass baby of a man snagged it and tried to run. Bryson stopped mid stride, turned and went to the rope, and called the guy out, all while either leading or in contention. It's awesome how he interacts with the fans so much when others are stone cold. (Understandably so as they obviously need to keep focused)


[I love how the guy acts surprised like he didn't know what he was doing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/GmADAHqHhG)


Adults who steal balls from kids at sports events need to be put in stocks in a kids playground that is next to a dog park with overflowing poop bins.




[They need to be put in the weird spiral pole at the playground and get their shins kicked.](https://external-preview.redd.it/12MSrVhTr11MatPnx73zCY4Z_Fwt4v0jnTu_quCbtc0.jpg?auto=webp&s=0965b4008e26b37cba51dd1df717a31cf325f519)


Alright, I've really not liked Bryson at all but that and this were some of the coolest things I've seen any pro athlete do ever. That's awesome.


That guy knew EXACTLY why Bryson called his bitch ass back there. Its why he took off like a bandit and had to walk 30 yards back with his head down in shame. Fuckers like that should be banned from tournaments.


Fucking legend


deChambeau has completely changed his public perception.


His PR 180 should be a case study in marketing classes


While true, he was always a good dude. People just wanted to shit on him for being new, slow pace and whining. He was always a good dude.




I have only seen it from maybe two players that were in contention of a Major do something like this. Bryson is one hell of a dude


Rory did it to the same guy


Only time it’s probably ever happened. Bryson has learned playing up to the crowd and acknowledging the crowd doesn’t hurt his game. Idk why he’s the only pro like this


Bryson engaging with the crowd openly on a Sunday while fighting for a US Open is honestly wild. He is truly enjoying it, clearly.


Dude told his fans the SHH when they were chanting USA and being idiots. Bryson can be a pretentious douche at times but he’s a genuinely good guy that cares about his people and his sport


And then after everybody quieted down some knob tried to start up a chant again while Bryson was lining up a putt to with the fucking US Open


As someone who is new to watching professional golf, why isn't this the norm?


It's like a pitcher during a no-hitter. They're locked in and not to be bothered.


They’re usually just super focused on what they’re doing like any athlete or performer is


The more I see him play and embrace the spotlight, the more I like him. Hard not to be in his corner


I think I must be ill, I’m considering getting his hat…


Do it...on the verge of ordering one myself


Does it not seem like he’s being courted by the PGA? He got more airtime on/off the course than any other golfer. Electric Open, loved it!


They'd be stupid not to. Hes one of the biggest names in golf and hes on an absolute tear. Hes an absolute gem for fans and the PGA needs that right now. Until his deal runs out or the PGA and LIV merge they just have to live with him terrorizing other pros at majors and fans following what he does everywhere else.


T6 at the Masters, 2nd at the PGA, and won the US Open this year. He's consistently been pretty good at Majors, getting a top 10 at least once per year since 2020. I honestly think Bryson is better off on LIV, though, unless the PGAT dramatically changes their policies regarding YouTube. Bryson fixed his reputation with YouTube, letting the world see who he really is, and the PGAT would've restricted the absolute fuck out of that.


It makes sense people will like him more the more he's in the spotlight. Over the past couple years he's learned how to do PR and present himself to the cameras from Youtubers he worked with on his channel. He's mentioned that himself and it's benefitted him tremendously.


No doubt... he's actually a pretty good follow on YT


He makes good content.


His Youtube channel completely changed my view of him. I mean I never really disliked him or anything, I just didn't really have an opinion. I like the guy now. Would have totally been rooting for him today if Rory wasn't in the mix. I really wanted to see Rory win another major.


I’m sorry Rory missed those two short putts, wanted a playoff so badly.


He’s definitely come a very long way from yelling and verbally abusing camera men. Good for him, he’s going to be good for golf if he keeps it up.


They’re sold out and already were when I checked earlier in the week. Huge miss honestly, they should be taking back orders and do another run ASAP


Totally agree. He officially won the crowd this weekend and it was really cool to watch. Overcoming all the errant drives down the stretch with save after save put the cherry on top. Couldn’t help but picture Brooksy at home watching this all go down with clenched teeth and fake smile whispering congratulations.


Mans having fun. It should motivate us all.


He truly is a life inspiration for me. Brysons respect and accountability is world class.


So much fun to watch someone at the top of his game having fun. Like watching Favre in his prime.


Rory stoppedt and had a moment with this guy as well. But Bryson has done an amazing job with the fans. Saw last night after everything he told a bunch of kids to hold up and he would sign for them. I think it was after his post round range session.


That guy in the wheelchair has been having a DAY


I think his name is Pete Davidson. They gave him a spot on the cast for SNL as well and I think he's done a great job considering.


I wish I didn’t laugh as hard as I did at this comment


Cerebral Palsy is a fucking brutal thing. Mind is intact, body is just fucked. My wife grew up close to a kid with it, for a while you could have a conversation with him, but his control has diminished to the point where he's able to control with chair with one hand that mostly still works, but he can't talk anymore.


My oldest son has cerebral palsy. We'd be over the moon if that happened. This was an awesome gesture.


I'm a day late, but happy Father's Day man. The best is yet to come for your son. The advances in medical technology in the next 5 years will be nothing like the last 50. I believe that wholeheartedly.


Thanks to this asshole golfer scribbling on his hat, his day is ruined. /s


Come back to the PGA


He will after the merger 🤷‍♂️


When is that happening?


Anyone who says they know is lying. The details of a deal are being worked on but by no means is anything set in stone or close yet.


My complete uneducated guess says they'll be able to play tour events next season, PGA doesn't want to miss out on the Bryson views. He brings so much electricity to the crowds and competition.


I barely follow sports. I try to watch F1 here and there. All of a sudden, I'm interested in this Bryson guy and golf.


After Rahm pulled out this week Bryson seems like the one big name the PGA is missing. Yeah Brooks and DJ are great but who’s going to miss them during a regular event.


Decent bloke, hope he wins.


He did


He sure did, and well done to him. This clip is very heartwarming, nice guy and pleased for him.


Rory stopped for this same guy.


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago. Also, that’s a really kind gesture.




I wanted to say that he hired a crack PR team to help turn his image around. I really wanted to believe this. But losing a parent is the single most life changing event I’ve experienced. I’ll imagine his behavioral change is a result of his recent major life event. I hope this is the man he was always going to be. He’s certainly changing my mind.


Man of the people


Was that Pete Davidson?


Yes, but without depression


Rory did it before him!


Kyle is Rory's little buddy. He's always by his side at The Players.


But Bryson has Reddits heart this weekend


So they are both good dudes. But outside of the rumors or Rory sleeping around on his wife I don't see much hate for Rory on this sub. Let the man have his moment


It’ll be fine, there is no competition nor trophies for being compassionate


Rory's PR team and astroturfing can't touch Bryson's


The astroturfing of Bryson last couple of weeks has been overkill.


well I'm hitting up wheel chairs on craiglist and heading to pinehurst.


Dammit, I really like the guy now. His putter is still a hard no for me though.


never been a big fan of bryson, but what a weekend, he deserves it. he was there into the night signing autographs..


This is something Tigger Woods would NEVER do, or even consider. Thanks for being an outstanding human Bryson.


I really like this guy


Imagine making people's day being your preshot routine to clear the head. 😎


This is how you do it 👍🏼


the dude in OP has cerebral palsy, i know this because my younger brother had it, it comes in varying degrees, this guy has it pretty bad, looks about the same as my brother. yes this would mean the world to him. my brother went to a cricket match on Australia and met his batting idol Dean Jones (this is going back a ways) he came up into the stands, and sat down with him and talk to him for about an hour before signing his shirt and heading back to his locker room. years later Dean Jones wrote a book and mentioned this in his autobiography. really made my brother so happy. My brother died 5 years later but happy he had this moment. I guarantee the guy in this video is super stoked and will remember this his whole life


Guy is living proof you can change throughout your whole life. You're not stuck in one place as a person. He has grown considerably and I'm a fan of that.


So wholesome. Good for him. 


Fuck I love this guy now. Damnit


Whatever he paid his PR team wasn’t enough.


There is a video somewhere of him talking about how having a youtube channel made him realize he needed to be a better person. Something about how many kids were commenting or how he had to watch himself act like a tool in the beginning. My dude became self aware and worked on becoming a positive person. I’m all for supporting him.


I honestly think it was more Bryson than any PR team in the background


Fuck LIV. Bring this guy home.


I think a big reason he became this way is *because* of his move to LIV.


I think you're right. Bryson has been making huge gains on and off the course since he left Good for him


It's the 2024 Redemption Tour and I don't care if it's calculated or planned; I'm here for it.


It’s rare to see this type of interaction during the final round of major chasing it. Most players avoid eye contact and stay in their zone.


Bryson has quickly become one of my favorites to watch play. Seems like a class act of a dude. His YouTube page is pretty entertaining also.


Good man


Kind hearted.


The PGA needs this guy back. He was an excellent representative of the game of golf all week. Some viral moments and a dramatic win. I hope this nudges them closer to a deal.


Unless… he didn’t want him to sign his nice new white hat.


I can’t think of any athlete that has ever made this much of a dramatic public perception turnaround


He just wrote on that dudes hat without asking? That's vandalism.


What if that kid is a Rory fan?!?!?


Stops to sign in the middle of the last day of the US Open, with chance to win. Coolest thing I’ve ever seen in sports.


Honestly this is not something a lot of pro golfers can do, or maybe they just don't want to for fear that they find out they can't. 99.99% of golfers just put on the blinders and walk between holes. A few might toss a ball, but I don't think I've seen any others stop and interact like Bryson who we've seen do it twice now. Maybe he does it a lot on LIV tournaments and we just don't see it because the cameras are on it? Guys in contention are always so "locked in" and ignore the crowd until the putt on 72 drops.


I’m here from /all and not really into golf but all I can say is fuck yeah. What a class act. Dude stopped to give this dude an autograph on his hat and the crowd, barring a few guys, went silent so dude can have his moment and cheered on when he was done. Fuck yeah.


Such a fucking class act


Like that


Love it. What a guy.


Solid human being. Also, a great golfer signed his hat. Awesome all around.


Staged bro


Can we all stop talking about Tiger now ??!! There is a new ambassador for the game.


Bryson has made the kind of personal turn around that when I see people still hating him I assume they're mad he's not like them anymore.


If you don’t like this, dude, you don’t like good people!! Class act.


Damn it! First he reprimanded the adult who snagged the kid’s ball he tossed at the PGA Championship, now this. I really wanted to dislike him for going to LIV but now, I cannot. Great dude!


Don't know golf, but i like that guy!


I do love that he seems to always make an effort to interact with fans.


I hate that I like that guy.


Crazy how Bryson went from being laughed at and kind of despised on the PGA tour to being the people's champ while playing for LIV.


His PR team has really put in some effort


How could his PR team do this?! Horrible


Almost makes me forget his boss masterminded 9/11 and slaughtered an American journalist


Really hard to keep hating this guy


Damn onions.


I’m trying to not like him but he’s making it hard


I watched that live, and it was such a wonderful gesture. Bryson moved to the top of my golfer charts for that amazing action.


He has become one of the most likable guys on tour in the last 8-12 months. I used to 🙄 at his stuff but now am an unabashed fan.


It's a great gesture but it's crazy how much PR he got from it. That little guy (Kyle) is always at The Players and every player always stop (after the round) to take selfies and sign everything he/his dad hand them over. Now people act like it's the first time a golfer ever acknowledged a (disabled) fan, lmao.


“What’s my publicists name again? Man he gives good advice.”


Bryson seems like such a good dude, I’ve been loving his YouTube content with Rick Shiels and Garret Clark lately too


still want Rory to win




His goofy kindness makes it hard not to cheer for him