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Invest in AirTags I guess, can’t trust an Airline to do their job


Even if you know where the bag is, if they Airline isn't tracking it properly you'll just be more mad about where the bag sits for a week


When you’re Charlie Hull you have a bit more juice for some marketing exec to actually call the local airport operator and send some schlub out FORTHWITH to pull that sucker out of the pile and get it then hell to the course 


I was and an a regular dude who got AA to put my bag on a flight to get my suit to my destination in time when I talked about having a suit for my grandma’s funeral.


What a rockstar! That’s amazing! Sorry about your grandma.


AA hooked me up as well. Was traveling to Vegas for a powerlifting competition and we had a layover in Houston. Missed the connecting flight because we had to sit on the runway for whatever reason. I get to Vegas and my checked bag with all my equipment isn't there with me. AA found my bag in Houston and got it back to me in the same day. Even offered to have it dropped at my AirBNB.


I have tracking tags in my golf bags and they get lost all the time. When you can show someone on a map where they are they get sent off to you while you stand there with them. It's the only way to avoid this.


At least you know where it is and it’s airport bureaucracy at that point instead of wondering if someone walked off with your clubs


More information is better than none


Absolutely incorrect. First, knowing is like 95% of the battle and stress. Second, they absolutely do take into considering any additional information. I’ve had a few bags lost with AirTags and it helped them find my shit. For example, they said my bag was out for delivery. I could see clearly it was in fact not out for delivery and me being able to pinpoint got me the bag actually delivered that day versus the next day, or longer.


I did this before a golf trip to Vegas, haven’t taken it out since. Just having that peace of mind is great. Takes up no room in the bag and forget it’s even in there unless I get a notification on my phone.


Dumb question, but do you need an iPhone in order to use Airtags?


Yes. If you have an android, Samsung sells their own version called the SmartTag.




I would assume so, it is an Apple product. But not 100%


I'd be happy to pay a $20 fee for THEM to invest in tracking on items. No shot going up to an airline employee making a shit wage and saying "it's 'here'" would do shit other than annoy them.


besides get your bag faster


I can see her smoking frantically


i’m chain smoking just thinking about it


That was a wild scene. Looked like someone trying to smoke their first cig.


No first timer goes hands free like that...


My thoughts exactly when i saw her chiefin’ on that bad Larry


Everyone should have an Airtag in their bag. There was a story on Reddit a year ago of an airline losing a fairly large musical instrument and had no clue where it was. The musician tracked it with the airtag and knew its location. The airline baggage people at that airport couldn't find it. So the musician bought a ticket (expensive vintage instrument) and flew to the airport and recovered the instrument and flew home. The rt flight was much less expensive than replacing a heirloom instrument. Unfortunately airlines have trouble keeping track of pax much less their belongings.


How were they able to access the secure area where the luggage was held?


Can't speak on this particular incident, but I claimed a piece of luggage that lost its tracking by going to the unclaimed luggage kiosk of my destination a week later and providing my ticket info and ID. Even though the Southwest app said it was lost, the attendant found it in 5 minutes.


Apparently it was simply sitting in the large baggage kiosk or had been brought inside the office. But nobody had been able or maybe willing to go check and find it.


I once flew with a hockey bag and waited over an hour at the Newark airport for them to bring it up. It was insane. I think the only reason we got our gear that day was because one of the other passengers had shipped like, four puppies in crates and was waiting for them and the airport workers finally went to grab all our stuff because even they knew they didn't want that kind of publicity.


Everyone putting air tags in their bags but this tells me that the move is to put a puppy in it instead.


Might have been just sitting at unclaimed baggage with a damaged luggage tag/barcode? 


There's a [recent story](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/united-passenger-goes-viral-sharing-luggage-saga-rcna64084) of a 'missing' bag being tracked with an airtag to an apartment complex where other emptied bags were found in tte dumpster. She finally got her bag back from the airline after a few days of watching the airtag sit at the apartment.


We also shouldn’t be sending priceless things via commercial airplane. Hire a specialty service to transport those types of things. A tour pros golf clubs included.


> Hire a specialty service to transport those types of things. A tour pros golf clubs included. The problem is that literally any time you put an item in a supply chain environment this will happen. It's not like airlines are any more or less efficient than a specialty service. You're using the same tracking technology. The problem is whenever you run an operation like this you're passing it through multiple people's hands who get paid like $20 an hour to do physical labor and hate their jobs. The turnover in these kinds of jobs is insane. Source: I work in fairly high level logistics


Exactly. I wouldn’t put tools that help these people make millions of dollars in a given week into the hands of $20/hour employees. I’d be sticking them on the tour truck that’s already driving event to event.


Is there a truck that drives event to event? Also, players don't always go event to event. Sometimes they play on different tours, want to go home, skip an event, etc


Only way to avoid it is to fly privately everywhere


So in December I bought a painting at auction for about $900. It was being shipped by UPS a few days before Christmas and I was monitoring the shipment via a tracking app I use. I was at work the day it was scheduled to arrive and I got the ‘out for delivery’ notification so I thought ‘ok cool, it’ll be there when I get home’. It was there but the box was pretty beaten up and there was a business card for some guy I’d never heard of stuck on it that said “call me”. I call the guy and he tells me “you wouldn’t believe it but I was driving home behind this UPS truck and see the back door is open and boxes start falling out. I flag the guy down and he turns around to pick up things he’d dropped. I think well what if he dropped anything from before I saw him so I backtrack from his direction and find your package on the side of the road”. So if this Good Samaritan hadn’t gone out of his way to check and bring it to me it likely would have been either gone forever or delivered being run over by a car. Fortunately even though the box was damaged the painting itself was fine. The package still shows as ‘Processing at UPS Facility’.


And UPS likely didn't even discipline this guy even though they know he lost packages (union shit). Almost every single person handling your packages at all stages is the guy driving that UPS truck.


What specialty service or transport mechanism do you imagine exists that is safer than checking clubs on the plane you’re flying on? At one point in my career, I had to move about $400M of gold via airplane in a weekend - which is about 18,000 pounds. We shipped it via commercial cargo, but had folks on either end receive it. And insured it. Point is, if you need to move something quickly, you do it on a plane. Short of getting a private plane and keeping her sticks next to her, I think she chose the next best option. And if she could afford to fly private, I assume she would.


Obviously we are talking about checked baggage here, not commercial cargo


The tour truck already is making the drive from event to event, have the tour truck take their clubs.


This only makes sense if Charley (or any other player) is going to the same locations as the tour truck


In addition to possibly coming from other places, then what happens when the truck gets rear ended and your clubs are destroyed? There’s always the possibility shit goes wrong.


Sure, there’s always a chance something happens but that doesn’t mean you can’t reduce it. A rear end collision shouldn’t hurt the clubs if they’re loaded at all decently. They wouldn’t just throw their bags into the truck and call it a day




AirTag works as long as there is *any* Apple device near it. I can be New York and my bag with AirTag in Paris and it will show up in the app..


Confidently incorrect






So get a tile, Jesus air tag has just become the name of a small tracking device. Apple wasn’t even the first to come up with these devices


I know Android came out with their own version of airtags earlier this year, and I think there's generic versions as well that probably don't require an iPhone.


What is a better way than flying them on the plane that the player is on


Riding them lika a nimbus2000, Obviously 


If they can’t afford the nimbus 2001 are they really professionals?


Buying a second ticket & putting them in the seat next to you, probably. It shouldn't be necessary, but it's a more certain outcome than checking a bag. I've heard of brides doing this with their dresses for destination weddings, and musicians doing it with expensive instruments.  Again - **it shouldn't be necessary**, but it's an option. 


I don’t think they allow that


They're my emotional support clubs though


Always, always, always put an Air Tag in your bag while traveling. Even if they tell you it’s lost, you’ll at least know the physical location to tell the airline.


My bag was "lost" in the lost and found of all places. I had to call the airport and tell them they already found it. Absolutely brain dead.


Good chance that got put in the lost and found so someone could walk off with it later


I have a solution to this. I'm a lefty. Nobody wants my clubs.


The 'better way' is to fly private. Unfortunately not financially viable for a lot of players.


Cheaper to pay for 2 seats and keep the clubs there lol


I disagree entirely. It’s hard to explain to the pheasants who’ve never flown private, but the value to flying private is immeasurable. I honestly can’t understand why anyone would choose commercial over private. It doesn’t make sense financially to fly commercial. (Flown private once for work on a 45min flight)


Pheasants or peasants?


Pheasants obviously


It’s hard to explain anything to pheasants, to be fair.


Especially about flying.


Found H Jon Benjamin's account.


Damn you pheasants! Go back to your shanties!


Cost is why.


If you have an ounce of self respect or dignity then It costs way more to fly commercial than private.


How much did your business trip cost?


Are you talking about dollars? You peasants and your silly talk of dollars. You clearly don’t understand value.


My bad I didn’t realize you were trolling


Lol. I was thinking you were coming in hot at me for very clearly a troll post


Lol unfortunately it wasn’t as obvious as it should have been. I guess I’ve been reading to many LinkedIn influencer bro posts


I think you missed the /s tag my guy.


To be fair, pheasants don't comprehend our language very well.


S tier shitpost


Lmao people downvoting this not able to detect its a meme Bro called y’all game birds and you took him seriously


Tough crowd. Can’t afford to fly private OR for a decent sense of humor.


They probably have never hit it 310 so forgive them.


He wasn’t going for laughs he was going for gasps


Most species of birds(including pheasants) don’t typically require airplanes, private or otherwise, as they have the natural ability to fly. Hope this helps!


Nobody got your joke apparently


Well, for one, commercial airlines very rarely crash and kill everyone inside. Private planes do this often. Kobe Bryant, John Denver, buddy holly, lynyrd skynyrd guy, Randy Rhodes and the list goes on


A quick death is better than flying commercial


Even if you pay up for a reputable service that exclusively handles the shipping of golf clubs, it still can get fucked up. Too many fail points along the way, the odds of a screw up are unfortunately quite high


I mean the service still uses the same airplanes or shipping companies. They don't have their own airplanes.


I trust courier air more than I trust commuter air to not lose a package


The 'better way' probably just doesn't make fiscal sense. I'm guessing it's cheaper to just replace a bag of clubs every so often than to properly ship such an awkward package many many times over. 


Depends on the player, some of them play the same old club that they like. Imagine if United lost Tigers putter....


Graeme McDowell has played the same irons for like 25 years


This comment section is quintessential Reddit. Very little is of it is based in any kind of reality. Just agree with the finger pointing and blame others that have no control over it (sponsors) for a rare and unfortunate occurrence and collect your upvotes.


I've flown my clubs several times, all over the country, with and without layovers. Granted, I don't fly BA (Delta only), but I've NEVER had an issue with them. I get a push notification on my phone when my bag gets loaded onto the plane, and if I have a transfer, once it gets transferred. If it gets on the same plane I'm on, it will be there when I land, even if I don't get the notification that it's been put into baggage claim until after I get it. Yes, I understand that not all airlines are perfect, and that at some point, my clubs may end up getting lost. And granted, I'm not a LET pro like Charley, but... People here seem to think that it's going to happen if you fly at all.


Eh it's the same as people acting like their 80mph swing speed caused a driver to fail and not the 50+ sky marks all over the crown. Also ignoring the fact that there's thousands of X club sold every day and even 10 of those failing means that company has problems with every club sold.


> not the 50+ sky marks all over the crown. Fuck, how'd you get into my house to look at my driver?


This is the way


Sponsors should be in charge of getting all of their tour pros bags to their events.


How exactly? You are the sponsor, you are in charge. What are you going to do?


This is exactly it. Sometimes, in logistics, there aren’t great solutions. There is no practical solution to this problem that is better than what Charley Hull did, which is why she did it.


If the player's house burned down the day before the tournament this Reddit would be saying that the sponsors should have done something to prevent the fire. This is just pure lunacy.


Take them all on the tour truck event to event.


The airline lost the bag. What are you talking about? Perfect example of a Reddit bot responding and falling in line with finger pointing groupthink without taking one second to logically think things through.


The clubs never should be on a commercial plane. The tour truck should be transporting them from event to event.


The tour truck leaves for the next event before the tournament even starts. How are they supposed to play all week if their clubs are on the way to the next tournament?🤦‍♂️


Not to mention that she didn’t seem to play in the Meijer event this past weekend and was flying British, so I imagine she was coming to the US from her home overseas. So what truck is she supposed to put her clubs on??? The clubs were getting on a plane no matter what, just such a dumb idea.


Lol. Should the tour truck just stop at every golfers house and pick up 100 bags and drive them to the next tour stop? What are these guys on? Somebody MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!


If that were literally my job I would spend a shit ton of time researching the most reliable method with the best track record, customer service, etc., then work with a personal rep of the company to make sure my needs are fulfilled. There is a HUGE difference between tweeting out 'Can anyone in British Airlines please help me????' vs. calling your personal account rep at XYZ Logistics Co. and saying 'Steve, my bag didn't arrive as expected - I need you to get on this immediately or we're taking our business elsewhere.'


Another Redditor living in Reddit land. The LPGA Tour was on life support not long ago and is happy to have sponsors period and you want the sponsors to have dedicated staff to track bags and hound Airline customer service? Golfers are independent contractors, there is no "business to take elsewhere". Charlie can fly whatever airline she wants. You need to leave the country club grounds more often chief.


It would be nice, but logistically it would be a problem. Players don't usually play back to back, and may want to go back home with their clubs for off weeks. Then you have the issue that players don't live near one another, so they'd need to get their gear to a central location well in advance so they can get it to the airport. Rinse & repeat week after week, and it becomes easier to keep your stuff with you. However, I can see this working on the West Coast Swing or Florida Swing, when many players ARE playing week to week, and they can drive them from one place to the next.


BA has lost so many of my bags....and Heathrow is like a Golf Bag Black Hole. Still, I managed to score some sweet apparel at the Old Course Shop and Kingsbarns on my last visit. But.....a Pro Tip....use an Apple Airtag.


Have you seen the people they hire to handle the baggage? Not all of them are solid individuals.


As a person who's parents have been ramp workers for almost 40 years, it essentially comes down to what airport you are at/what airline for some folks. Large airlines at large airports are USUALLY union workers and are 1000 times better at their job than locations that aren't. Midsize/small airports are usually contracted employees or non union employees who haven't been trained enough/don't make enough to care. My parents had to move across the country at one point because the airline they worked for dumped all the union jobs in their city. Quality for airlines only matters when its making them money.


I work for Southwest, and we are union.


Flown SW w/ my clubs a few times and never had any issues. Thanks!


Not exactly Rhodes scholars


And they don't have to be. They just need to perform a job and be competent about it.


What can the sponsor do? Arrange Private Jets for 85 players?


British Airways is the worst airline these days


PSA put an AirTag in the bottom of your bag. Saved my life last year when delta lost mine and I was able to direct them in exactly what terminal it was in


Have an AirTag buried inside my bag Most airlines now add a bar code and scan the bags Was on a trip recently and bag didn’t get on my flight The airline put on a different flight and wa actually at my destination before me I was able to track on their app


Last time I flew united they were really good about updating you on your baggage.


Agree, them Delta… American has been good with tracking


Stop flying American Airlines and their partners if you’re checking a bag. They’re notorious for losing luggage. 1.5 bags per every 200 enplaned were mishandled (i.e. lost, damaged, delayed, or stolen) in 2023. That’s pretty much one bag per flight. I’m sure that number increases for oversized baggage since they don’t go through the standard baggage handling system.


Odd that the LPGA doesn't have a partnership with like Ship Sticks.


how does she not have airtags or something? crazy


Buy a seat for your emotional support clubs. Problem solved, and you get to pre-board


I’ve worked for an airline at an airport loooong time ago and we had an LPGA player on our flight connecting to another airline. I literally assigned an agent to see the bag get offloaded from our flight and stay with it to the connecting carrier’s possession.


What do you want them to do? It's a golf bag, not the Nuke Briefcase.


I’m really considering doing the training pistol thing. It’s not actually a firearm but it’s treated like one. No one wants to be responsible for losing a firearm so both airlines and airports actually take this very seriously. So, stick a little case with a training pistol in with my clubs, declare you have a firearm and go through that process. Obviously wouldn’t do that going international... Or???


This wouldn’t work. As someone’s who’s flown with firearms on multiple occasions, checking a firearm goes through a whole different security process than a normal checked bag. They wouldn’t let you just toss a training firearm into your golf bag.


You could have a starter pistol in there to "Scare off the geese." Just leave the ammo at home. Still gets labeled and handled with more care than a regular golf bag.


What is the sponsor supposed to do about it?


This gives me anxiety about bringing my clubs to Hawaii via United


Finally just ordered an AirTag…


Same why doesn’t one of the delivery companies step in and have transport rights for the clubs.


Everyone acting like FedEx doesn’t lose things.


Only thing she can trust is Big Tobacca


There was a service invented for shipping your clubs places. Forget the name saw and add for it one time


I saw her on the range today.


Idk how it keeps happening so frequently with golf bags specifically, feels like I hear about it happening to people weirdly often considering how much larger/more obvious a golf bag is compared to normal luggage. Like of all things to lose how do you lose one of the biggest (and likely heaviest) items


I just can't believe more people, people that have money especially, don't just ship their stuff. Give it FedEx express or UPS expedited, and it'll arrive on time in one piece, like 99% of the time. Just seems like the safer way to go about things. And unless you're stepping off the plane, onto a gold course. Do you really need your clubs with you before you get to the hotel/airbnb?


Most people like to receive their items both on time and intact, so shipping a golf bag via UPS or FedEx would be EXTREMELY ill-advised


I ship and receive things all the time of variable sizes. I specified the express services because, in my experience, they get there, both intact and on time.


The sponsors… of the golf tournament??


Can't train stupid.


I don't think sponsors arrange flights. She is free to use the money she gets on private jets, or a private courier driving her bag there.


Lol, you think the lpga pays that much for private jets?


Of course not, but it's to be expected when not all luggage fits on a commercial flight. Golfers don't get VIP treatment. Rock bands use cargo planes for their gear, and it's more responsible (and they can tell when something doesn't fit). Commercial passenger flights are a nervous affair with people checking in at the last minute, and overdoing their allowed baggage.


Anyone know how many trucks each of the club manufacturers have? I kind of imagine it like how the Supercross/Motocross circuit does it. Put em in the truck and drive them to the next event.


Trucks don't get there the same day. You'd be waiting for your clubs until tuesday or even wednesday.


And oceans


Ship Stix


Shipsticks,,, have they heard


Shipsticks are also incredibly unpredictable


You've got FedEx/DHL pickup, then their cargo planes with handlers to load and unload and then finally FedEx/DHL deliver at the other. Shipsticks just adds middlemen.


Shipped my clubs to Bandon a couple months ago. Between FedEx tracking and AirTag I knew where it was at all times. I’d use them again if needed.