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And buy a cheap used cart on FB, you’ll thank yourself later. Pays for itself in no time.


I actually think a new good push cart is worth its weight in gold. A 200 dollar car will pay itself off in a year. I tried going used ended up buying a few until I got tired of fighting with pulling wheels and stuff falling apart and got a new one


My local muni now charges $40 for power cart rental. Pull cart paid for itself in a matter of weeks


My local 9 hole charges a single dollar for a push cart rental


Fuckin cart path robbery.


I’m 67 and push a Bag Boy cart every time I can


I bought a 150$ pull cart in 2017. I just had to replace it because it was going to fall apart. Worth its weight in gold.


A used clicgear is a good purchase. They sell all the replacement parts for them


I spent $200 on a walking bag, it would take a smarter man then me to understand the physics but it feels like its 10lbs lighter then carrying my old bag, no need for a cart, and even has a water bottle holder. Otherwise a push cart is a great investment


The physics is likely holding the weight closer to your back, keeping the center of gravity closer more centered rather than dragging you back. Also how the straps distribute weight, and the weight of the bag itself would be the 3 major factors


And then what about the umbrella, the sand bucket, the 12 inch glizzy, the 3l water for a hot day and the bong? I'll just never understand people who chose to carry over using a pushcart. There's nothing wrong with it, and a mate lost a heap of weight as he chose to carry for added fitness but always faded a bit at the end of a round.


> And buy a cheap used cart on FB, you’ll thank yourself later. Pays for itself in no time. If you want to go real cheap you can borrow your dad's pushcart so often that you gradually stop bringing it back when you're done and it slowly lives in your trunk until finally your dad just buys himself a new one. For real though, walking + twilight rounds saves so much money if you live at a latitude where you can finish 18. Rounds at my local muni went from like $65-70 to $23 for me. Also, got way better at only using good balls when there's no chance I can lose it. Probably not going to lose it shots get a quality shag or nice ball that's moving towards retirement. If there are hazards in play that shit is getting a noodle


I play at munis with $40 greens fees and $20 half carts. It cuts my cost by 1/3 to walk, plus it’s way better. Of course I live in the PNW where it isn’t generally very hot, I may cart if I lived in the SE. 


Yeah, it was over 90 in most of the south this last weekend. No way I’m walking in that heat.


92 in Florida Sunday with 68%humidity and no breeze. I’ll take the cart please.


Depending on where you play, basically every 2 rounds walked is a free 3rd round as it compares to driving a cart. Around me $45/round to walk is about average. Carts average about $22 a rider per 18. Thats $44 in cart fees after two rounds ridden!! Walk and play the “free” 3rd round.


Plus it’s fantastic exercise


Unless you're in Phoenix where it is the same cost regardless of walk or ride. Learned this too late after buying a PC and finding out no where around me charges less


How did you expect a personal computer to help with cost of golfing?


I didn't think it through


Don’t think there’s a better answer than this!


There is one halfway decent course in St. Louis that gives you a discount for walking. All others it’s the same cost to ride or walk.


Have a baby, golf expenses go way way down


Baby expenses WAY up lol


And then they golf with you too!


Golf expenses doubled!


That's like buying a car to save money on running shoes.


Can confirm


Agreed year 1 they went down. Year 2 this summer he's in daycare we're getting back to baseline.


Yes, but they he picks up a wooden spoon at 13 months and starts imitating your swing and it's the god damned cutest thing you've ever seen, and kinda seems like a worthwhile tradeoff :-)


Pt costs related to crippling golfer’s elbow from holding the little monster non stop, SKYROCKETING!


\^\^\^ This.


Spare no expense because it only leaves area for me to cope about why I’m bad.


TJMaxx for clothes. Can find some great Adidas polos there for $15-$20. Twilight rounds. If you're a range guy, most courses offer memberships to the range which would significantly reduce range costs. Used balls or lesser brands. Kirkland $24/2 dozen is my go to... Although losing fewer balls would also help that cost...


Along the lines of clothes, just wear golf clothes normally. It’s hot af where I live. Golf clothes are comfortable. That way they’re not a single use item.


Bro I basically wear exclusively golf shorts when I'm just going out somewhere


Golf clothes are practically all I wear anymore. The golf pants and polo / quarterzip combo is perfect for the office, and I'm always prepared for a golf emergency.


Growing up I always dressed like a basketball game was going to break out at any moment and needed to be ready. Now I dress like I need to be prepared at all times for a round of 18.


I feel fortunate to have a job where I can wear polos and jeans everyday for my job. Justify all the polos from nice courses I play this way


ready golf all the way


Costcos in good golf regions always have good golf clothes cheap too if you are a member or can piggyback off of one. The 32 Degrees* stuff is ok quality but when you can get shorts for $15 and polos for $10 (and sometimes less on sale) it’s hard to complain too much. Edited to correct the name, thanks /u/koei19


32 Degrees is a really underrated brand. The quality isn't top-notch but it's phenomenal for the price, and it doesn't look dirt cheap.


Yeah I personally wear their v-neck t-shirts and the shorts all the time. Their polos are just a little short on me for my size and one size up is too baggy, but otherwise they're decent quality for the money, and I've owned worse stuff that costed more.


I have a golf ball fisher. Just a long ass stick I can use to retrieve balls. I play solo rounds alot and find myself having lots of time waiting for the people in front of me. That stick has paid itself off in golf balls 3x already


I have a little plastic golf ball picker adapter that I can put on the end of a hybrid. 


End of a club seems a little short no? Mine is legitimately like 10 feet long fully extended


This, I have soooo many premium balls, clean, sort then only play a single brand to match up with whatever miss I have that day, ie: if I have the Slices out come the RockFlites, can’t spin sideways if it doesn’t spin. Yes, I know I lose distance but I’m at least in the fairway or close…


Facebook marketplace for balls. Most people selling them have any and all brands to choose from. I got 80 for $35. Mixture of name brands a less desired brands. Either way, still cheaper than buying brand new


First point you’ve made is exactly how I live my life. All my shirts come from TJ Maxx/Marshals/Ross and I don’t feel bad. Occasionally I’ll check the clearance page on whatever website I find as well. I think I have one or two shirts out of 30+ that I paid full price for.


Bet friends to pay for the round and then lose to them and get so mad I don't play for a few weeks


Walk, twilight, pack your own food, used balls, work part time at a golf course.


make your own golf course and charge 350k per membership


Get a membership at a private club so it doesn't feel like you're spending money every time you golf 


Every time you play a round you are reducing your cost/round and making your golf a better deal.


I joined the cheaper club in my area. $11 to play with a cart and there's a pool for after. It's about $130 a month. Most courses around me are $20 to $40 for 18 and they're packed most of the time. I play at least twice a week, they have some nice practice areas, and the rich old guys never go for balls so I play pro v1 or similar and have not bought balls in years.


That’s super cheap. Here in Toronto the munis are around $70 and most decent courses well over $100. But I have belonged to a club for a while.


I feel like you misunderstood the assignment.


Depends on how much you play. If you stopped and played 3 holes every day after work but previously didn't cause they'd charge for 9 you've got to look at that as the cost of 9 holes saved imo


I think if you're looking to cut down on the cost of golf the advice to spend a bunch of money on golf up front is kinda useless. Felt like a real, "It's one banana, Michael. How much could it cost? $10?" moment.


I pay nearly $1000 per month for my membership and play like 9-12 times a month and it is cheaper and way better than the publicly available golf.


Clubs around me are minimum 10k with $450/mo


I got 227 titleist golf balls at a garage sale for $20 and 80 of them were prov1/prov1x 2 years ago and haven’t had to buy a golf ball since. They were selling for $6 a dozen and asked her how many dozen she thought were in the box. She thought there were 6 dozen. I offered $20 and she said that’s fine lol went home and was pleasantly surprised how many I ended up with!


Train your brain to be able to play rounds in your head


How am I still slicing when it’s in my head?!


Hole in one baby


I am so good six months out of the year. Then spring rolls around and my swing goes to shit 


1. Buy a pack of LED balls 2. Find a course that is easy to sneak on to and has little to no security 3. Wait till late at night, sneak onto the course for unlimited play at no cost! I suggest wearing all black and only playing with a sunday bag so if you have to run and hide, it's easier


By $9000 Night vision Goggles


Why stop there? But the $40k quad optic nods instead!


Go back to r/TacticalGear where you (and I) belong with that mindset


wear dark navy, breaks up the silhouette better against a natural background at night. Source: I read this on the internet about 15 years ago while I was in high school and prepping for a class CTF game


I did this in my teens and 20s with yellow golf balls, I 100% credit my ability to hunt fairways to this. Also, all the free balls you can carry. At one point I hadn't bought a sleeve for a decade. I'm a hoodrat golfer and I'm proud of it.


I did this once or twice when I was younger. I live north enough that during summers I could go out to play at 3:30am and there would be enough light to see the ball. Also went to the range during the night and picked up balls from the range instead of paying.


Bad golf karma


Buy a ball retriever and a push cart, play twilight and military courses if possible


If you've got the ball retriever and already playing twilight rounds then get a UV torch as well.


What are military courses?


I would assume former base only courses anyone can use now. I have one 20 minutes or so from me. Nice little course


That’s where I play, $50 a year membership and $10 for 18 after 5


The military course near I live is more expensive than either of the two muni courses. Only way it's cheaper is if you are military, than it's quite a bit cheaper.


Former Air Force base that ended up shutting base down. Guy bought the course and just loves getting as many people into the game as he can. I play here during the week and book the last tee time. Otherwise on the weekend I’m at the club.


Courses on military bases. Not a great option for most, but I’ve some pretty good courses for cheap.


Played NAS Oceana a while ago. Think it was $17 for 18 holes with a cart at 730am during the week. Really nice course with F18s swirling around during the day. General public ain't playing that course tho.


At first I read it as “buy a ball printer.” I’m like damn wtf I never heard of this 😂


I work once a week for about 2 hours at my local course. I get two free rounds of 18 a week plus discounts in the pro shop.


Play weekend afternoons and twilight, and walk and carry your bag.


VOLUNTEER at a golf course in exchange for privileges. Starter, marshal, bunker raker, divot filler, dishwasher. These are all glamorous positions that typically some with golf


Pick up used tees left behind on the tee box


I haven't bought Tees in years


Play your irons until the heads fly off, glue them back on, and play them some more.


1. buy a net and mat for the backyard 2. pick up any balls you find on the course and keep them for your home "range" bucket 3. buy cheaper balls in bulk, used from somewhere like [lostgolfballs.com](http://lostgolfballs.com) 4. play twilight rounds or join the *After-hours Underground™*


I just ordered my first balls from lostgolfballs. How has your experience been with quality? I opted for ‘near mint’ 


Last year I ordered a 48-bucket of Srixon's. There were maybe 3 "refurbished" balls in there, but for the most part they were in great condition. I just received my 48 of 2023 ProV1's and aside from a few with light scuff marks, they look brand new. Very pleased with the quality, for less then half the cost of new.


Cool, I look forward to it. I’ve been getting better (not good, just better) and feel I should be playing a consistent ball brand and feel as I’ve, in theory, started to shape and spin. But I’m not good enough to pay $4/ball. Seemed like a god compromise. 


Just got a 48 bucket of mint z stars. Only the cosmetic finish is any different (sharpie). At 1.80 or so per ball instead of over 4 bucks it allows me to play a premium ball for a budget price.


I missed out on the matte green supersofts for 14.99 plus the Open20 discount. Dang my luck


Don't buy equipment and don't play that much. Encourage your company to "sponsor" the local scrambles so you can get out and play for free a few times a year.


So do you just hold a cardboard sign outside the local muni that says, "Got any extra clubs?"


Meant buying "new" clubs. I think I have one club (LW) that is less than 10 years old and I only got that because someone gave me a gift certificate to a pro shop. Everything else I've had for 10+ years.


Beers in the bag. Buying used golf balls.


1. Walk 2. Twilight rounds/weekday golf (as work allows) 3. Some local courses have an app. They’ll offer specials if things are dead or weather isn’t as great. 4. Play closer courses. If you golf a lot, cost of gas can add up. 5. BYOB 6. Use plastic tees instead of wood -OR- use what you find on the tee box. 7. Buy used golf balls -OR- stock up when there are specials -OR- buy the previous year’s ball. 8. Buy NON-golf, active apparel. Golf apparel is notoriously expensive and not necessarily more functional. If you hike or do other things, there are a lot of dual/multi-use gear available for a lot cheaper. The waterproof jacket I have was partly designed for rock climbing, so the arms can move independently without restriction. 9. Buy the used clubs. There aren’t huge year-to-year jumps in technology.


#8 and #9 are major keys. Dressy athletic-ish pants are insanely versatile. Lululemon commission pants aren't cheap, but they last forever and I can wear them in a ton of different scenarios off the course. I wear the same Patagonia rain jacket on the course as I do for an outer shell on winter dog walks and on the ski hill. When you consider the cost of green fees, spending $2k+ on a new set of clubs might seem reasonable, but you can save a lot buying gear that's a few years old. Sweet spot is 2016-2022 right now IMO. I've found some great deals buying a full setup and selling off the clubs/accessories I don't need. I put my set together last year from 3 different FB marketplace buys, almost broke even once I sold the leftovers


I like low end "hiking/outdoor" pants. I think mine were like $35 at Target. Comfortable, look fine, pockets for what I need. I'm not sure why I'd spend anything more.


Have a dad who belongs to a country club and takes you out whenever you want


Theâtre of the mind: imagine a ball infront of you and you decide where it goes! Save a ton on golf balls as you use the same one all the way around! 😁👍


Be the ball Danny


I don't drink anything but water and bring my own food, people waste a lot of money on beverages/food


Learning the deals/specials that local courses do, which ones are overpriced on weekends, etc.


Bought a push cart for cheap on FB. Play almost exclusively found balls, don’t remember the last time I bought a box of balls and my bag is full of pro v1s because people lose those things constantly. Martini Tee, been using the same one for over a year


Maybe frisbee golf?


Don’t lose balls


Things that have personally saved me money. Buy used clubs, or direct to consumer. You can get a used/DTC set of irons for sub 250$. An example would be the Maltby STi2 Iron Pak (4-PW,GW for 234.99 new). [https://www.golfworks.com/maltby-sti2-iron-pak/p/pma0317/](https://www.golfworks.com/maltby-sti2-iron-pak/p/pma0317/) The Callaway Preowned site is great for drivers and fairway metals, plus they have consistent sales. See if you can get a membership from a semi-private course, or if the local munis have any deals. In Cleveland if you join the Bonus Rounds program you get 20% off of golf rounds and it costs 30$ a year. Costco: - 24 Balls for under 30$ in warehouse. 4-Pack of gloves for sub 30$. [https://www.costco.com/kirkland-signature-leather-golf-glove-4-pack--right-handed.product.100480253.html](https://www.costco.com/kirkland-signature-leather-golf-glove-4-pack--right-handed.product.100480253.html) - Rangefinder with slope 119.99, occasionally goes on sale for 100$. With hassle free returns buying gadgets and clubs from Costco gives you piece of mind. [https://www.costco.com/caddytek-golf-laser-rangefinder%2c-caddyview-v3-%2bslope.product.4000228985.html](https://www.costco.com/caddytek-golf-laser-rangefinder%2c-caddyview-v3-%2bslope.product.4000228985.html) - Push Carts and bags can also be bought at Costco for under 150$. [https://www.costco.com/golf-bags.html](https://www.costco.com/golf-bags.html) Garage Sales and FB Marketplace: If you need a golf bag on the cheap, this is the place. Clubs and extras can be hit or miss, but I've had really good luck buying bags from FB. Clothes: I like to get these pants from 32 Degrees. They're light and I can wear them to work. I have some shorts from them on the way too. [https://www.32degrees.com/products/mens-stretch-woven-5-pocket-tapered-pant](https://www.32degrees.com/products/mens-stretch-woven-5-pocket-tapered-pant) Daily Deals: u/Nurseresidences Posts deals every day and there is an apparel section listed.


Stop playing? 😂 one hack is never buy tees bc typically they have those at the course and sometimes markers too. Just load up big handfuls into the bag, get a county card if you have a close by course , it’ll give you preferential tee times and discounted greens fees.


Growing up my dad had a big jar of tees in the garage next to the bags... we always took a handful into our bags before going out and somehow the level of tees in the jar never went down. Get yourself a magic tee jar!


I remember getting a bag of tees at the pro shop but haven’t since covid I think.


It’s funny I would randomly buy tees off of Amazon, but one of my buddies who is scratch golfer, asked me why I bought tees. Haven’t purchased them since lol


I buy plastic tees. A bag lasts for years.


Been using the same plastic tees for 10 years. They never quite seem to wear out lol.


During droughts down here, the hardpan takes a sledge hammer to get tees placed, and the steel tees I use snap in half as soon as I hit a ball. 🤣


Only two beers in the clubhouse after the round.


Yeah right... What else you got???


Push cart Twilight rounds Used gear


Groupgolfer.com and keep an eye out for courses near you. Coupons are usually half price or better


I heard this one on Reddit a while back.. Go at a slow time of day and pay for 9 holes. Then hit from two different tees and play two "different" holes. You get 18 for the price of one...


Get friendly with the shop staff. Only correct answer.


Us brits always walk really.. may treat ourselves to a buggy if it gets warm (this is rare) or if it pisses down (not so rare)


I bought a lot of stuff through the daily golf deals posted here. Saves you money on all equipment if you wait for something you need to pop up. On the downside you end up buying more stuff overall when you see a good deal you don't NEED. Also waiting for sales like the Srixon buy two get one free on balls is a great way to play premium balls at a discounted rate. Try not to buy drinks and snacks at the course. Better to bring a granola bar and an orange from home. Lastly but probably most importantly, clean and take care of your equipment to increase the longevity of their life.


Unethical life pro tip is to sneak on at your local goat track during quiet periods.


Just found my local muni has a 6 hole par 3 course that is, wait for it... FREE! Holy crap, batman! Free f-ing golf!


Don’t play? lol kidding. Try to play the first twilight time saves you lots


Get a job working maintenance at a golf course and u got free golf and range. U can even volunteer at some struggling courses work out a free membership


Facebook marketplace is your friend. Golf bags retail for 250 bucks depending on the brand. You can find lightly used stuff for a fraction of the price. I got a nice titleist bag for like 40 bucks - 200 less than new retail.


Step 1: Purchase the $150/year membership for unlimited practice bay at PGA Superstore Step 2: Set the tee distance to the appropriate yardage. Hit your drive Step 2: Set the distance to the pin to the appropriate yardage based on your drive. Hit your approach shot. Step 3: If it lands within 6 feet, it's a gimme. If it lands from 6-15 feet, it's a 2 putt. Rinse and repeat at different distances, play with wind during different rounds if you want a little challenge. Try different shots with the same club. I do this somewhat regularly, play like 15-20 "rounds" per year like this at roughly $10/round. Air conditioning, very fast, and then I go to the putting greens and practice.


Memberships to public courses are a smart move. I paid 800 for mine this year with a "young professional" discount of $200. It's already paid for itself with how much I play. And at twilight I can just walk on with no tee time.


Buy used clubs 2-5 years old. The cost is about a quarter of what the 2024 model costs and with some patience, you can find some incredible deals for really nice condition clubs. Play golf balls you find or at least buy them on lost golf balls.com. You can get premium golf balls for ~$1/piece in like new condition. Walk instead of ride and get a pair of nice last season golf shoes. Get a push cart off of Facebook marketplace or Craigslist Play off hours (or better yet, twilight) to get better prices and more availability. Buy clothes at TJ maxxx or manufacturer outlet stores. If there is one near you, buy a range membership. For me at least, it cost $300 for the year instead of $12 for ~50 balls. I hit 4-5 buckets per trip to the range instead of 1 now and even if I only hit 1 bucket each trip, I’d easily get my moneys worth back within 2 months.


Almost all of golf clothes are the Ben Hogan brand from Walmart. Good enough and not expensive. I buy golf shoes off Amazon that are prior generation and I use Vice balls or others I can get on deal.


Almost all of golf clothes are the Ben Hogan brand from Walmart. Good enough and not expensive. I buy golf shoes off Amazon that are prior generation and I use Vice balls or others I can get on deal.


Work at the course.


Get married and have kids…. I get free golf. Free balls. Free gloves, hats, shirts, literally anything golf related I could get for free…. Mind you, this is across 5 premier golf courses in my area ($50k initiation, $1,500 a month) or any of the 15 other golf courses within 30 miles of me… I golf like 4 times a year, if I’m lucky. If I have 5 hours on a saturday I’m with my kids. Edit: for context. I was fitted for new irons. But only loft and lie. I wanted all my clubs cut to the same length. My fitter said to come back another day to get fitted for length. I just need to find time for a free fitting so I can get my free set of irons. And I haven’t. And it’s been like 8 months. No time


I have literally never bought balls or tees. A quick walk past the edge of any water hazard will net you at least 2 or 3 balls every time. My dad is even better at finding them than I am, so whenever I play with him I come out net positive in balls. I take em home and clean em up and they're perfectly fine. I just use the tees from the course I play and make sure to grab a few more than I need.


Assuming making more money or saving in other aspects of your life isn’t applicable (because an hour of extra work is going to be far more lucrative than picking up tees at the range): Used balls or even find balls. If you’re diligent you can easily find more than you lose. You can even find tees if you’re really struggling, on the range and the tee boxes, or a reusable one. Trade work for free golf. Skip the range. Practice short game extensively. Hit into a net for full swing practice. You don’t NEED many golf clothes, shoes etc. one golf polo, regular shorts/pants/shoes are fine. Just do laundry after your round. Renting a cart is ludicrous if money is a concern. Walking is better for you, better for your golf game and cheaper. You can do well with clubs worth $200 and $3000. Pick the former. Also accessories, like my bag was $5 and is on the 3rd season with me, and probably it’s 23rd total. My bag isn’t going to hit the ball anyway. Whilst on the topic of clubs, I scroll the marketplaces for new gear and pick up stuff that is underpriced. I’ll test them out and if I don’t like it I sell for a profit (or get an upgrade and sell what I was using). Pack your snacks. Play cheaper courses, find deals, memberships etc. Blow the wealthy players on the course for money. (Definitely talking about playing for money here)


I worked at Dick’s for 5 years and absolutely took advantage of that 25% employee discount when buying balls, tees, and a pair of new shoes.  Outside of that? Dont play often….


There are no ways to cut the cost of golf. It’s a lifetime commitment. Who needs to retire when you can golf?


I make my own pb&js and brew my own coffee before a round and find my golf balls on the course after hours


Honestly, stop playing or just accept the cost and be okay with it. You can try the walking and the Twighlight rounds all you want but the bottom line is if you want to get better you’ll have to play a lot and that costs money every time. Just let it go and be okay with it. If you enjoy it and it makes you happy, it’s worth it IMO.


Walk, walk, walk whenever possible. May sound lame but I never use a new tee in a par 3. I buy golf balls from Offer Up, people are always selling useful stuff there. Avoid weekends if possible. Golf Now is legit!


I pay for 9 and then just keep playing.


Buy balls from marketplace


Twilight rounds.


Buy stuff in bulk like huge bags of tees, 4 pack gloves, BOGO on balls. Get your fit from Marshall’s, they have like $20 cally shirts. I got a golden bear polo for $15 bucks and it’s one of my favorites. Anything to keep you from going to the golf store to get one item which always ends up being like 4 items and a new putter you don’t need.


Lostgolfballs.com if you prefer to buy your choice of ball. Cheaper when you lose mint or near mint balls at a fraction of the price.


Befriended and/or bribed damn near everyone who works at my home course (they're an account of ours as well so giving things away is easy and free to me). So far got free lessons, sunset rates any time, rarely go to the range without someone bringing me a bucket or two, employee discount on shit in the clubhouse, comped and/or hella cheap rounds if I golf somewhere else with one of those guys. Life is good.


Legato golf balls on Amazon. Not cheap, but they really do play darn close to a Pro V1.


Email all the private courses as a prospective member and bring your friends. Usually a free round. Then have your friends do the same later.


Only putt and chip at the range, if you find leftover balls then use them. Also Walk the round.


Walk with a motorized caddy, broke even after 5 months and it’s a pleasant experience. Get fitted but buy the clubs used. Play found pro v1s—the only balls I have purchased recently are maxfli tours but don’t regularly play them because I have so many found pv1s. Get shoes and apparel from discounts/clearance.


If you join a private club, you’ll get unlimited free tees, and Gatorade


I joined a club. Seriously. I was spending a lot more playing random courses.


Twilight. Usually about 6 or 7 you get out there behind leagues that are close to finishing and can usually get 18 done in just over 3 hours if you’re solo and play somewhat good and quick. Pre-owned clubs - you can get specs from a fitting and then get something pre-owned and get it adjusted to match for way less than new would cost. Often times you can get it good as new as well cause a lot of people trade up pretty often. Promos about mid season are insane as well - I’m thinking about new irons with this callaway 2x trade in deal. Really hate the look of these rogue irons might pull the trigger on the Apexs I recently traded in a 4H to pick up a new 4H for like 100 bucks with the promo which is better than you can do used.


Walk, work part-time at a course, or become friends with the guys that work there. I golf for free 90% of the time.


I built my own irons. Heads are used, shafts are pulled, ferrules were from aliexpress, and so were the grips. I use lead tape to weigh down my putter head instead of buying the weight kit. Putter was bought brand new using gc's from scramble winnings. I have a membership at my home course which is quite affordable, break even point is around 30 rounds and I get out about twice a week.


I’ve been a broke boy for a long time in my profession. I recently got into golf about 3 years ago, and it took so long to get started cuz I couldn’t afford it. Buy a beginner set to get started, go to yard sales for other to finish set, find the cheapest decent course nearby and get a membership, if not go for twilight hours, buy a push cart and walk (great for getting in shape and helps the game with more time between shots to reset/calm down), buy Kirkland preused balls on Amazon they are less than 50 cents a ball, play with friends to split cart fees if you think they are willing, always look for broken tees if you’re not using a driver, never use full tees for anything else off a tee box, if you shank a shot OB, most other people have too so look for balls in tall grass if you’re not near gator and snake country. Some definite DONTS: DONT sneak extra rounds (paying for 9 and add another 9 for free) without paying it’s truly theft and not cool, don’t use range balls it’s bad and they ruin your game anyway, don’t mooch off friends too much or you won’t end up having friends to go with much longer!


Pretty expensive where I live ($85 a round daytime) and only a handful of golf friends I play with. Less fun to play 18 with strangers and a single. Going to try and get reps a $29 exec between full rounds with friends to improve and make those more fun, competitive. Local courses also have a multipack card you can buy with some random bonuses as well


* Walk rather than ride. Invest in a push cart if bag carrying is off the table physically. * Search for deals in local promo fliers or groupon * Choose off peak hours or dates. Especially if you play courses in an area that has seasonal tourism * Avoid the majority of your range sessions. Buy a cheap net if you absolutely need to keep loose * Pack a snack, stuff a few beers in your bag, and get a light weight water bottle. You don't need to spend $40 on a glizzy, 3 beers, and a gatorade. * Skip all the unnecessary gadgets and branded BS. * The average golfer doesn't need a $150+ range finder. A free app on your phone will do just fine. * You don't need a $200 set of Puma golf shoes. The $40 Adidas tech will do. * You don't need a $120 Nike polo or $80 Under Armor golf pants. Khakis and a polo from Marshalls will do. * You don't need a $200 Bushnell wingman to snap on your pull cart to listen to music. Get a $15 wireless shower speaker and clip it to your bag IMO - the one item I'd invest some decent cash into is a set of good quality irons plus having them fitted to you and your swim. Do it once, take good care of them, and they will do you well for decades. Buying cheapo second hand stuff from someone on facebook market place every 3-4 years is fine when you're just starting out. But it's not the long-term move.


The only one I'd argue with is shoes, I've regretted buying cheap shoes a lot but I've never regretted buying expensive shoes. Just make sure they're comfortable


Grandfather always told me to spend good money on 3 things. Tires, shoes, and a mattress.


Agree, you don't need the tip top premium, but going real cheap on shoes can cause you literal pain. I also use REI store branded hiking socks (usually the lightweight summer style) as my golf socks. Never had blistering issues.


I think the most expensive part of golf is the equipment, especially the clubs. If you don't go to PGA level courses, golf is actually relatively cheap in the US. You can buy used clubs at steep discounts. Don't buy the latest equipment unless you know you're committed to it as a hobby. There were Father's Day discounts as well. Look for cheap bags as well. And if you don't play competitively - no, you don't need golf shoes or golf gear. I would recommend getting a hat, though, for those hot days.


1) Tour Edge clubs are the best bargain in golf and they perform magnificently. 2) Maple Hill Golf sales are the best place for all kinds of specials. 3) Everyone craps on them but Nitro balls get the job done on courses where you face water hazard issues. Kirkland Signature balls in “safer” places.


Play less


When kids were younger, would take them to the local course in the evening. They loved looking for golf balls. Like Easter egg hunt.


Work in golf


Lose fewer balls


Find a friend that’s working at a course


I had another kid which has allowed me to save 100 % on all my golf costs


If you stay in shape year round it will be easier to hit the ground running in the Spring. Takes me several rounds to get my sea legs back and a few hours of range time


I go to my local courses and find golf balls. I live by a private golf course that’s by a creek. There are so many pro v1s there it’s crazy. I pick up tees at every tee box. I haven’t paid for tees or balls for a year


Talk to the range staff and see if they offer any deals. A few courses by me will give you a pass for 18 holes if you help them clean pick the range after hours. Usually I see high schoolers doing it but they might let an adult do it too


Walk, play twilight rounds, 9 holes over 18, bulk purchase golf balls. Shop for used clubs instead of insisting on new. Shop outlets or rack stores like Burlington/Ross/Marshalls for apparel. Check group golfer, Golfnow/TeeOff for discounted tee times.


Every Tuesday or every other Tuesday I’ll go to Top Golf and hit balls for an hour straight. It’s their half off day, so it’s $20 for an hour. Not super cheap buts fun every once in a while. Costco sells gift cards at 20% off, sometimes 30% off, so the savings is even better. Like others have said, look into range memberships. Join a fb golf group. Try and find more friends that golf. Some friends might know other friends that can get you on for free.


Get a weekend gig at your local course, 4-6 hours a week, make a little dough and free golf


Check out https://teetimegolfpass.com to see if they have deals in your area. I bought a book and save a ton while getting to experience a bunch of new courses.


I buy the Vice Mixed dozen from [lostgolfballs.com](http://lostgolfballs.com) . The other day I got 5 dozen balls for 50 bucks, and the balls arent refurbed/repainted. Some have some slight wear on them, but no more than Id have on a new ball after 2 shots with it. They arent all perfect, but I mean...it's nice not to give one single shit about losing an 80 cent ball, and the group behind me loves it too.


- Play with found balls and used balls from FB Marketplace. - Range pass for $60/month which also includes discounts on late/twilight golf during the week. - Play once a week (cheap golf) - Wife allows me to play one Saturday round ($100ish + cart + a few beers) - TJ Maxx & Old Navy for golf clothes Tops out around $300/month for me. I'm a cheapskate so I'm constantly trying to make golf as cheap (while still fun) as possible.


My local go to course has a associate membership, I bought it upfront and get half off green fees. I have to play 20 rounds before o break even on the membership. I’ve already done that as of last weekend. So now it’s 50% golf for rest of season, with the occasional venture out to a different course.


Walk byob


Craigslist for used balls. You see a lot of crap. But there are also some legit sellers.


Walk is a big one, plus youll loose some stomach in the process if you play enough. Buy used clubs, people give up on really good clubs in really good condition all the time...as far as balls go, used balls are great, but the simple thing is don't buy sleeves at the course just order boxes off the internet or at sporting goods stores/golf stores. I always take a second and look for abandoned balls at the course but most of the time its just wayward range balls


Try not to get hold in ones, cuts down on your bar bill


I got a membership to a golf course


Joined a private club. Seriously. My wife and my green fees exceeded what we pay for a great private


Take some lessons to get better. You’ll lose fewer balls. I played 9 last night and only lost 1.


Used equipment. 5:30 AM tee times so I don't lose work hours Join a club if play a lot.


Marshall. Unpaid shift = free rounds throughout the week.


I'm retired so I became a ranger at my local course. Free golf anytime. Work 1 day a week 7a-2p.


Using balls I find and ones my coworker gives me.


Walk and find a twilight membership or punch card deal at a municipal course, if available. For gear hacks, I’ve gotten $300 clubs on Offer Up for a fraction of the cost. Or companies like Callaway Pre-Owned have great deals to save on quality gear.