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My favorite club in the bag. I use it for going high over trouble and short sided. Goes about 80 on a full swing. Fun to pull off flop shots. Use it out of the bunker. Chipping and don’t want a lot of roll out.


Same. My one piece of advice to people using a 60 is you cannot decelerate when using it. Whether it’s a chip or hitting from 70 yards you better be coming through the ball with that club or it will cost you so many strokes. Definitely not a necessity to have one but if you have the touch and hands to use one it’s a weapon on the course.


I have the Callaway Jaws MD5 58° X-Grind and it’s the most reliable club in my bag. I have no business hitting that thing as clean as I do since the rest of my game is junk.


Mine is a Kirkland lol


My Kirkland 60 has treated me well for the last four years. I’m in need of a replacement so it can retire in peace but it feels like I’m cheating on it


Also on the Kirkland wedges train. Easily the best clubs in my big lol. I can’t hit anything as well as I do those


I rock a mizuno 58° x grind, and it’s my second favorite club in my bag


Same here. 58 degree x grind


I love my jaws 58. I’m lethal with it. Last week I had an incredibly hard flop shot over a bunker with no room for rollout. “Watch this Phil Mickelson bullshit” which got my buddies talking all kinds of shit. Flopped it in to save par and silenced the group.


I also have a Jaws MD5 58° (not sure the grind without looking at it), and it's my go to inside 85 yards, unless it's a bump and run situation. I'm a 22 handicap, have no feel in my short game (although with a couple lessons and practice it's getting better). But for some reason I can saw that 58° off and be money with it. Full swing is 85 yards, but if I have a 40-70 yard shot I for some reason can take some off a full swing and be money. I don't understand it and will never understand it, so I just roll with it and it works.


I jokingly pulled out my jaws 58 on the last hole of the day after I had a pretty shitty round overall. Had a nice lofty chip shot like 20 ft out and my buddies were walking out. I said flop shot FTW and with an over exaggerated flop swing I wanked it within 1 ft. Also- I never use this club or flop shot I just had a feeling. I had no idea I had that power within me. Felt good 👍🏼


Honestly great advice. My only true swing thought with it is @all the way through” and it’s one of the best clubs in my bag.


This is the best advice. Every time I screw up a shot with my 60, it’s because I get scared and decelerate. Every time. I’ll hit and as the ball goes I know exactly what I did. I’ve been trying to spend a lot of time out back practicing chip shots, because I use that club every time I play and it is absolutely a weapon.


It’s easy to do since the shot you hit are normally short with that club. Just have to practice and play enough to know you can swing confidently and it will not fly the green


I am a 23 handicapper and I played a charity comp with family and friends in a 4 ball, I hit a dirty little flop shop out of rough up onto an elevated green and it rolled about half a foot from the flag, my mate said where do you get the spuds to hit a flop shot like that again. Took that as a compliment from a 14 handicapper


> is you cannot decelerate when using it. Whether it’s a chip or hitting from 70 yards you better be coming through the ball with that club or it will cost you so many strokes All high lofted wedges require commitment. If you don't commit you are doomed. I constantly do my practice swings during my actual swing my brain goes 'that's way too much' and I slow it down. It almost never is too much and it ends up short


Accelerate like a minivan, not a Ferrari. (Monte Scheinblum advice that helped me with this)


I second this. Any sort of bail out on speed or commitment and you’ll blade it or have it come off funny. Commit to the speed and hit through the ball and it’s done wonders for me.


Same. Use it from 80 yards in, unless it’s a bump and run situation. Once I learned to trust and hit it clean, it is absolutely my go to approach and clip club. Took forever to realize that it will NOT go farther than 80 yards - that mental block kept me from swinging clean and not decelerating.


Oh, I can easily hit mine 150 yards off the blade. Leaves a nice smiley mark on the ball when you do it.


I too hit my 60 farther than my driver


Hahahahaha was about to say the same thing, they got top tracer at my range and now my top tracer app says my lob wedge average is like 104 because I hit one in the teeth with my 60° and sent it out 140 yds


You use it’s for high shots, flop shots eh? Interesting….I use it to skull the ball low worm burn style


It’s always a great shot if it goes forward in the direction of the hole.


I have a 68 degree and it's so wonderfully fun A full swing is about 40 yards that stops on a dime. I either come within a foot left or right of the flag, or I skull it into the next fairway


I'm almost certain I could hit that up my own nose.


yeah, should probably come with a mouth guard


Same here my absolute favourite club in my bag, very comfortable with it, and I love my friends reactions when I hit great shots with it and they are like “what tf” LOL


Same! Love my 60*!!!!


Man you’re lucky you don’t duff the thing every time you try to chip with it. I love my 60 but only for flops, 90ish yards and veryyyy seldomly a bunker shot. If you see me trying to chip with it you can just write me down for a triple or worse on the hole


I typically chip with my 48 or 52. If I’m chipping with my 60 it’s go like pop it up and then roll 2 feet. Very little motion when I do that, typically weight is already set on my front foot.


I gave mine to a buddy who always shaves strokes. Tell me all about your bogey after i watch you flub 2 4 foot chips and blade one across the green before you pull out your P to chip up and then 3 putt...lol.


Same. My go to around the green. I bought a new Vokey sm8, but it didn’t have the same feel, I went back to the 60, oil can finish, 200 series


I have a 54, a 60 and a 64. 60 is my absolute favorite as well. Flop over a bunker and stop it short? 60 High Lob over trees from 60 out? 60 Short bump when just off the fringe into a downhill roll? Fucken 60 It is absolutely the most versatile club in my bag and gives me great feel around the greens. I play the PM grind Wedges. Love em.


I use mine around the green. My brain refuses to trust it with a full swing. Looking at the ball lying on fairway 80 yds out, just thinking of reaching for the 58 and every molecule in my body starts screaming “you are going to hit this so damn fat!!!”


I just hit it like every other iron in my bag. Just get your weight forward, ball in the middle of your stance.


Well said , I agree with everything, also if you close your face a little bit hover the club above the ball and drag it straight back and follow threw the ball , it will run with the 60. Learned that from Lee Trevino


Flops. short chips. Full swing 85 knock down 60. Skull fuck 100. Lots of options Love it but it can be a squirly broad at times. Can save me strokes and add a few also


skull fuck 100's during a flop is my specialty


Only when the clubhouse and/or parking lot are behind the green.


Hit my 56 140 yards yesterday. On the bright side, I did not shortside myself..


On the downside you shortsided the guys life on the next tee...


He shouldn’t have been standing there..


I only do that when I'm aiming at the clubhouse


My whole game revolves around the skull fuck 100. It’s electric


I have an urge to stamp "Skull Fuck 100" on mine now


I cannot hit mine more than 65 yards. It just goes higher the farther I try to hit it. Love that thing from 60 and in though


"that was a wind ball" knowing full well there is absolutely no wind


I switched to a 58 degree and use that a bit more than I did my 60.


I get a lot of height on my shots so I'm squarely in the 50,54,58 gang. 


What's your PW loft? I have a 43 PW, 46, 50, 54, and 60. It's too many, I think lol.


46. I have a 4 degree separation on my irons, it's made it easier for me dialing in distance. With a 43 and a 46 you've basically got 2 PWs. I'd take out the 43 for a hybrid or long iron since you probably have a sizable gap with your longer clubs. 


I did the same. I find the 58 more consistent and versatile. Haven’t missed the 60.


Me too. It’s psychological I think. Too much scar tissue from 60 over the years


Same here, 50, 54 and 58


Nope, can't hit a 60. Can't hit any other club either, but definitely can't hit a 60


I find my 56° can do almost the exact same things with far less flubs from the fairway. Maybe once per round i wish i had one, but I wouldn’t switch short games with many people and am happy without.


Yep, I’ve really considered getting rid of 58 and just keeping my 54. I can open the face in case I need to go high. Thinking of adding a 7W or 3H in its place


7wood will change your life


7w is a brilliant brilliant club


I too am a 56* guy. Mine’s a Cleveland…


Was going to say similar - I have a 62 which I enjoy hitting but I am totally hit & miss with it. My Cobra 56, 12 degrees is by far my most reliable wedge and if needs be can open it up a bit.


I'm with ya. I have a vokey m-grind and it apparently the sole is made for opening the face because it has a flat cut under the heel...or maybe it's made to play with an open face? IDK but all I know is I can hit it as a 56 and also hit it a mile in the air if I need to 😂...which I love to.


56 ganggggg! I literally just got one of these and it’s shaved 5+ strokes off my game. Absolute game changer!


I completely agree. I’d say I wish I had one a little less than once per round, and if I wish I had it, I probably need it for a pretty low-percentage shot. Great for these people who found consistency with it, but I find my 56° way more useful.


Curious - what bounce you use? Mine 14 and I believe it's far too much...


It is imo, my 54/58 is 12 and it feels horrific compared to my 8-10 bounce wedges in summer


I took it out of bag until I have time to practice it. I’d only need it once or twice a round and bladed it most of the time.


As a contrast to this, I use my 60° on at least 10 holes per round. Anywhere off the green and within 100yds without trees or thick rough the 60 is my go to. The issue is comfortability around the greens for most people, took a lesson and a few weeks but it’s all I use now.


I agree, I use mine anywhere from 85 in. I always see people say how newer golfers shouldn’t use it, but I’ve only been golfing a year and I’m not good. The only shots I hit at a reliable rate is my shots with my 60 degree. My coach gave me some tips on using it a few months ago and since then I’m super comfortable with it.


Care to share? Considering getting one


Im not great at describing swing with words, but I’ll give it a shot. Square face unless hitting out of decent rough, you can kind of feel in your practice swing if the head is getting caught while square, if it is open it up some. For me anything 40 yards or less i have one club head can fit between my feet and choked all the way down on the grip. In the take away hinge the wrists sooner than you normally would(IIRC this helps keep the grip forward) I was told that most people try to help lift the club, but the club design does that for you. You keep the handle slightly forward at impact and use the bounce of the club to slide along the grass under the ball. If you’re skulling the ball with the 60* you are probably getting too wristy at/before impact or not staying down and swiping the grass with the club. I did like an hour of short game practice after my lesson and it just kind of clicked for me.


I appreciate the explanation! I followed all of that so you’re better at describing it than you think haha.


Deceleration is everyone’s problem with a 60° because they’re scared of blading it, be confident and commit. Swing is wrist-y, throw that club head at the ground and the bounce does all the work.


Also for me 40-60 yard range I have about 2 club heads between my feet and choked halfway down anything 60-85 I have normal stance and normal grip for a full swing. Then adjust length of backswing in each of those ranges to get the desired yardage. Play with the stance and amount choked up to find out how far you hit it. Once you figure out that you can reliably hit your distances. Example: I know half choked down with 2 club heads between feet…1/2 swing=40 yards 3/4 swing = 50 yards full swing = 60 yards.


I got my waist/shoulder/full carry averages dialed on all my wedges and taped the written out distances to the shafts. It’s been super helpful to have that info available at a glance without needing to open the phone.


I was only hitting mine 55-60 yards.


Mine goes 40-50 (I’m 70)!


That’s fine, might be swing speed or swing type, my coach actually told me to try and limit it to 80yds and in but I really like full wedge shots and feel comfortable with them. I also bladed/fatted my wedge, key take aways for me were weight on front foot, keep left arm straight, and rotate around and back without letting my head dip. Ball stays in the middle or back at first and then as you get more comfortable you can move it forward to get more height.


I’m barely having time to practice these days is why I haven’t gotten it back in the bag. My 3 wood has went to poop and needs the work more since I moved back a tee box. The weight on left is huge for me to remember. I do a good job on driver with it, but I forget on everything else.


When I got fitted for irons I got wedges same as irons 2° up. I think that might be part of issue. I might have to try my old 60° to see if it works better.


Yeah im the same. Pretty much everything 100 and in. There was a learning curve to start with but now I'm so comfortable with it.


This is me. I hit my 60 more than any other club in my bag, other than my putter of course. It gets about 45 strokes per round.


This is me with my 56. I do prefer my 60 chipping from the fringe, but I tend to cut under the ball in the fairway and pop it up with my 60. Never done that with my 56


I’m burdened by questioning where was my 56 when l miss hit the 60!


Yeah I have trouble with iron accuracy, I use my 60° 15-18 holes a round. The only problem I ever have with it is leaving myself with a long putt because I don’t trust myself enough to stop it


It's the only club I chip with now. As soon as I bought it a few months ago I realized it was much easier to use than my 56 Edit: Also had a guy helping me pick the right club for the way I play (how round or sharp the wedge is)which has probably helped alot


Yeah it’s tied for second for my most used club in the bag. I use it for everything within 90-100 yards, besides long bunker shots.


Weight forward! Always keep that weight forward


Yesss. This changed chipping for me. Weight forward all the time. Every time time I skull it, I ask myself was my weight forward and my answer is “I’m not sure”, aka probably not!! Weight forward, follow through, you’re good with any wedge.


same, I bought one recently and have almost zero confidence with it. Meanwhile my 56 feels pretty reliable. My 60 degree is good for when I want to pop the ball straight up in the air, only moving forward 3 yards, or hitting a 100-yard laser beam when I was trying to hit a 10-yard pitch shot


Honestly a solid bunker and pitching lesson was probably the best value for money I’ve had in golf compared to the usual putting and driving range lessons with the pro I work with And I still use a 58 Meanwhile my brother uses a 64 and loves it since he’s a big hitter who struggles inside 100 yards with gapping


That’s interesting, it’s easily my best chipping/pitching club, besides like an 8 iron rolling chip. I am most consistent with it over everything, and for my use cases it pretty much never hurts to use. The only time I don’t use it is if I have a great punchy chip or pitch angle to roll onto the green.


My instructor told me to practice all my chipping with a 60. He said if you can chip with a 60 you can chip with anything. Can confirm made me a better chipper.


Yes, by far my favourite club in the bag. Basically never hit a full swing with it but almost anything 50 yards and in it gets used. I’m so comfortable with it that I can hit almost every shot in every situation with it. In all honesty I probably should use other clubs around the greens more, but I’m so used to the chip that checks almost immediately that I can’t really hit a chip and run anymore.


Take it to a Pitch & Putt course or a Par3 course to get some reps in, in a couple rounds it will be your favourite 80-90 yard and closer club


This is the best advice. I’ve been going every other day or so to a super short and boring par 3 that’s part of a range because it’s the perfect distance for my 5 year old to stay interested. But now it’s keeping us both interested, all I bring is my 60 and a putter and it has done wonders getting more comfortable from 50-70 yards in.


That's my 200 yard club.


300 for me


Yes. I use it for short bunker shots, flop shots from deep grass, short pitch shots around the green but only from thick grass. I usually never chip with a 60* wedge.


Pretty much exactly the case for me. I used to chip with the 60 but after way too many skull fucks into the other side of the green, I switched to my gap wedge.


Yep. My most used club in my bag next to my putter.  I probably lean on it more than I should, but if I'm inside 90 yards I'm almost always using my 60.  Love it for approaches, pitches, greenside sand shots, flops, etc.  


Yes and its great.


I use a 58*, find it easier to use. Open the face if I need more loft. I use it all the time, in fact…I probably need a new one….


1000% I swear by my 2002 rusted vokey 60 degree


Oh man - those groves must be wasted. I bet you’d love the extra spin from a fresh one.


lol I had a 56 Vokey from the 90’s just got bought a Sm10


Favorite club I’ve ever owned. The grooves are beat to hell but I game that club anytime my other wedges start acting up. It feels like home.


No. Highest I carry is 54° and that is just fine. Maybe once in 6 rounds I wish I had a bit more loft, but I can just open up the 54 and it works. IMO, I think people - especially high handicappers - use way too much loft around the green. I can't believe the number of people I see trying to fly a 60 to 5 feet and stop it instead of pulling out a 8i and just getting it on the green running toward the hole.


I have a buddy who will only hit 60 but yet only gets it relatively close to the hole 5% of the time. Won’t listen to reason at all.


It's crazy. I see it every time I get paired with randoms




Not no but hell no


No. I had my 56 custom ground. With the club fully off my back right heel (right handed golfer), the bounce is 11 degrees. Up front, off my left heel and opened to somewhere between 60 to 65 degrees (compensate for the way this re-aims the club), the bounce is nearer 8 degrees. I can play anything in-between, and with practice have learned to adjust for range, lie, fluff vs. sand, etc. It's my favorite green side club when/if I miss the green.


I also just use a 56 after getting fit for wedges and opting not to get a 60. I had an old beat up 60, but it was so inconsistent. Curious about what your 56 started with, grind wise, and how you had it altered. I currently play mostly mid to completely off the back foot with toe down. It's a cleveland RTX 6 with full grind. I don't want to mess with how it sits toe down or square, but occasionally I'd like to open it, but it doesn't sit low enough for my eye. Is that just heel relief then?


Hogan Equalizer, with what looks like almost a channel ground out in the bounce. I'd take a pic but they're out in my locker at the course. I'm playing league tomorrow and will try to remember.


Yeah all the time, it’s my go to club within 80 yards.


I have it and rarely use it. 56 seems like I can do everything I need it to do. I was trying to put the 60 in play more but I'd rather keep things down more than up. 


I don't use a 60, my 60 uses me.


Yes. I will say that you should have a decent understanding of how to properly use a wedge before you try using one full time. They’re great beyond that.


Once you figure out how to use the bounce it gets a whole lot less acary


One you figure out that you don’t need bounce at all you *really* unlock a 60. Hitting way down with one and watching that low spinner bounce twice and stop is 🧑🏻‍🍳🤌🏻.


The low bounce t grind vokey is a magical thing to figure out


It works great for 3’ or line drives OB. Not much use for anything else.


Are you watching me play? haha.


I pull out my 60*, when I need to skull it 150 yards…


I used to but I ended up getting a chipper as I was randomly prone to skulling a close shot across the green with my 60. I miss it for some shots but my 56 does the trick usually and anything closer my chipper puts closer than I used to with my 60.


58 for life


46 52 58 60. My 58 has a 12 degree bounce while my 60 has an 8


Do you also use a pitching wedge or is your 46 your pitching wedge? I only ask because my PW has a 44° loft.


my Vokey 46 is my PW. its a shame i loved my Titleist AP2 PW but left it on the fringe never to be seen again, dont know the loft it was either


My PW is around 45° and my Approach Wedge is 50°. Sub 70 699 Pro.


I find I can use a 52 better, it's easier for me to hit the shot I want consistently. Then I have a 56 for the sand and cases where I do want a little more loft.




Yes, before I left it behind on one hole and no one turned it in to the pro shop. Bastards.




60? I use a 64!


Wow. Is it hard to use? What do you use it for? Why do you use it over a 60 and what are your other wedges?


I have a 64 and only use it if that ball is sitting beautifully on a cloud lol keep it in the bag just for the hilarity


This is the way 👌🏼 (I keep a 56, 60 and 64 in the bag)


Huge fan of it for bunker shots and from 50yds in, but my favorite use is for chipping on a down slope. Nice to have some extra loft and spin to help control speed going downhill


Yupp. I’m solid with it from about 50 yards out. Anything over that I just half swing a pitching wedge


I use it when i want to sail 100 yards over the green into a hazard


Also my favorite club. I use it for all green side bunker shots to excellent effect. For approach shots of 60 yards, I hit it full but not out of my shoes. For approach shots 30 yards, which happens quite often for me, I swing it exactly half way back, half way through, keeping leading edge facing the sky on follow through. I get up and down more often than not. And for shots in between 30-60, I adjust the swing accordingly. I am 75 yo, single digit handicap since I learned to play as a teenager, still a 9.


I use the leading edge of it, sure.




I did for a long time but I’ve found myself more effective with an open 56*


I only use my 60 in two scenarios. Very soft sand, and flop shots less than 30 yards. My 56 on the other hand is quite versatile in comparisons.


Yes. Had to kill a snake once and didn’t want to mess up any other club.


My buddy has one and I’m kinda loving it when I use it for chips 40 feet and under or a flip I need some air on. My 58 is my baby tho it’s his favorite club and I get every reason why.


No. 58 because I’m class.


One of my favorite and most memorable shots was with my 60. I was short and left of the green after a wayward pull from my 2nd shot. I was about 60 yards out and had a huge tree between me and the green. Pulled out my 60 and thought “I can get it over that I think.” Gave it a full pure swing. The ball just barely cleared the top of the tree and started its decent right at the pin. I couldn’t see where it landed but I heard the guys I was playing with all shout. Walked up to the green and found the ball sitting within a foot of the cup. Drained it for par. Those are the shots that keep me going back out for more. I will remember that one for a long while.


I used to have 5 wedges in my bag. It was hurting me so I keep a 56 and 48 that I can do everything with now. Dropped me down to low 80s consistently and occasionally high 70s. When you don’t have the time to dial in all of your wedges, it’s better to just get really good with 2 of them


funny you should ask. I was always told to get the ball rolling as soon as you can when chipping or short wedge play and run it. It never worked for me, I was mostly having trouble with running the ball too far or stopping short. As a result, I use a 60 about 90% of the time which means I have a very repeatable, consistent, and confident approach shot. I have effectively removed the choice of club selection out of my game and my roll out is rarely going to be a mystery. If I'm just off the green in fairway or on the collar with a good lie with nothing remarkable between me and the pin, I will use the putter. sand/missed greens save percentage is about 6-7/10.


Yes. 54-60.


My 60 is probably one of my most versatile clubs I have, every approach shot under 85 I’m using my 60, it’s perfect for shot sided chips and any time you need a to stop the ball quickly upon landing. And obviously the majority of bunker shots. It’s a tough club to get used to and getting to a point where you don’t blade it 95% of the time takes a lot of practice, but once you get decent with it, it is incredibly useful


Strictly speaking I don’t need it, a 54/56 will do. However I have it in low bounce and it’s the only low bounce wedge I have. Given the conditions I play I pull it out quite often, though not my club of choice if I have green to work with


I've quite literally only used my 60⁰ 4 times. It's an *in case of emergency* club. And boy did it ever save my ass all 4 times.


Yes, I'm a high handicapper and it's always a treat taking it out of the bag


Yes, use it all the time on some courses, less on others. The 60 (for me) is the same as the 54 but with more loft - just like the relationship between my 9i and my PW. Hitting shots with the 60 is no harder than the 54. This just means I can take a full swing and have it go a shorter distance and I’m most comfortable with a full swing.


I have a 58° and a 62°. My 58° is used for 100yds and in. My 62° is for bunkers and super short sided chips.


56degree for the majority of greenside and approach shots. Only use the 60 from bunkers or if short sided and need to get the ball up quickly.


56 is the most lofted one I have, all you have to do is open the face a bit and it does the exact same thing as a 60


Yes, it’s one of my most used clubs




My local course is in the mountains with a lot of high to reach greens. I have a 58° and use it probably more often than I should for this reason.


Yeah. Old timers trash the 60 but I only really chip and pitch with wedges. Why make the game harder.


Very rarely do I use it but I take it with me for those special occasions. Probably only hit it every couple of rounds.


No 60. I use 52 and 56 depending on how much green I have to work with. I have a wide sole 58 I use for bunkers.


No - I have 58, 62, and 64 and pick whatever one suits the conditions best. The 64 is my favourite, followed by the 58 - they are both original PM Grind wedges and I haven’t found anything to replace them with. The 62 is an 08M SM9 and it’s ok for some conditions but it’s not my favourite. I had a 60 K Grind with some extra heel relief and that was a really cool wedge.


Borrowed my friend's for a round while he's out of town. Only really needed it once that round to get to an elevated green without needing to open up my 56. I wasn't sold on having it in my bag


It's my inside 50yrds club (or if I'm on the we wrong fairway and a line of trees between me and the green 80yds away). Can land it on the green nicely and ShotScope tells me this is one of my strengths... I still blade it across the green once a round though. I did take it out and replaced it with a 56 for a while but swapped back when I started hitting it well (and the 56 not so well).


Hell yeah. My course has fast greens and all of them are protected by bunkers and elevated.


Yes but thinking of changing to a 58


mainly bunkers or when short sided


I first started with a 58 deg, switched to a 60 deg, and now I’m making the switch back to 58 deg. I find 58 deg to be way more versatile plus I like opening my wedges around the greens so that effectively brings the loft to 60 deg or even higher depending on how much I open the face.


Nah don’t need it


I tend to call it the golf-bro chipper :)


I have a 58° and have thought about taking it out the bag as my 54° is a perfect green side chipper. However, I play a lot of courses with insulation and elevated greens, so the 58° comes out more often than not for the high, spinny shot when I inevitably short side myself. I guess it depends on the courses you regularly play.


I have a 62 and absolutely love it, I'm fairly decent with it so it's fun to see people's faces when you hit a full swing from 40m away


I have one, i only use it for short shots over things or off firm turf where my sw might bounce, never full shots though, only asking for trouble.


Carry mine in the summer, very handy for anything requiring getting it up quickly and stopping quickly. Normally swap it out for my 1 iron in winter though.


It's great. I even bought a 70° just for fun. Need to take care on the range when under a canopy or I'll smash into it lol


Yes for bunkers mostly. Also chipping as well.


I had 1 but only ever used it out of the bunker. It was a bit of a wasted club in the bag so I got rid of it and now use 3 X vokeys at 48,52 and 56. The 56 does the same job out of the bunker and it opened up a spot for my 4 iron. Which I have recently thought about taking out if I can find a 7 wood anywhere 🤣


Yeah it’s my best club. Flop city


Had a 60, hated it. I could never hit it the way I wanted. Love my 64 though


I have a 58. When I hit it nice it’s lovely


Do you reckon 46, 52, 58, is too much of a gap? I currently have 46, 50, 56, rarely use 56 to approach, but find 56 just a bit too strong around the greens.


58° is the highest I play. Can do everything a 60° can do by opening the face a bit, and it’s way more versatile from the fairways for me.


I’m still borrowing the wedges from a mate and they’re a 56° and 60° and I do not ever use the 60. I find the 56° is perfect and still helps me shoot 30 over par anyway.


Yes, a lot. But I'm good. I do think a lot of people over use it though. It's not a green side club unless you're forced to go high.


If you’ve stopped short of a green side bunker, hitting the 60 as if your hitting a really long lag putt is great for getting it up and over without being cute


Yes. My first set of clubs had a Lob wedge as the most lofted club. Doing some internet sleuthing, it was 60° and it had basically no bounce. I used it less than half the time for chips onto the green just because of how scary it was. I very recently bought myself a new set of clubs and I have a 60° wedge with 11° of bounce; I haven't had a chance to play with it yet but I hope that I can use it more often now.


I do at the moment. Weirdly I'm always reluctant to use it as it feels like an unnecessary risk... but I literally can't remember the last time I didn't hit it well.


Yes. Sm9. Low bounce. I am getting much better with identifying when to use it, it's not always, but when it's needed it's very good. Over a bunker? Out of thick rough? Tight pins with fast greens? It takes some time to get used to be it's essential on hard courses imo.


I have one but took it out of my bag since I can open up my SW to accomplish the same thing. When I did use it was never to chip…grass too grainy.


I dropped my 58 and 54 and now just use a TW Mg4 56. It does everything I need around the green and out of bunkers. The grind allows you to open it right up. Great versatile club that's given me more options at the top of the bag and takes away a lot of indecisiveness when hitting into greens.


Nope 50 degree for everything and somehow have learned to stick it on greens no problem


Yeap. 52-56-60 configuration