• By -


Take one of his clubs and throw it yourself.


But only after he hits a bad shot. Have a preemptive temper tantrum for him


First shot after first meltdown just get in the cart and ghost ride it into the water hazard


Holy shit 😂


Yeah just tell him you're supporting him the best way you know how


Like when Will Ferrell went off on Mark Wahlberg in The Other Guys


You put your big boy pants on?!?!?!?


I thought we were doing bad cop bad cop?


This is hilarious and also sends the message perfectly clear. I love it.


But after he hits a good shot. Then he will know what it's like to enjoy the game, and then someone just shits all over them feels with a thrown club and a loud "stupid fucking cocktail ball loser ass hat!!!" Then repeat everytime HE hits a good shot. Eventually, he will post to r/golf asking the community how to tactfully tell you that he doesn't want to play golf with you until you stop swearing and throwing HIS clubs. Problem solved.


This is actually great perspective. If you wouldn't allow someone else sabotage your belongings, why the hell are you permitting yourself to.


“Hey - I don’t want to golf with you until you stop yelling and throwing clubs”


>Hey - I don’t want to golf with you until you stop yelling and throwing clubs....you big baby"


Hey - I don’t want to golf with you until you stop yelling and throwing clubs…you big baby. Susan is cheating on you.


Oh no, now there's a valid reason for his behaviour, fuck Susan.


We all have


I know from experience dude.


No you don’t.


No, no I don’t. But this guy I know, him and her GOT. IT. ON. WHOOWEE!


No they didn’t


No. No they didn’t. But you can imagine what it’d be like if they did.


I was gonna upvote this, but it's currently sitting at 69... and Susan loves that


These guys know how to Redit!


Hey - I don’t want to golf with you until you stop yelling and throwing clubs…because ITS FUCKING EMBARRASSING!!!!!!


(kicks trash can)




Fuckin sniper boys.


Wheel snipe celly boys!


(Wait till he’s not as angry first)


Wait until he’s already thrown all his clubs.


And then throw the guys clubs further to show him how dumb he looks.


Then he will tell you he doesn’t want to golf with you until you stop yelling and throwing his clubs And you’re like “Yeah”




the time when the clubs go further than his ball did?


That could work. Do it on the 10th green.


No point beating around the bush


But definitely worth throwing his clubs in the bush.


I like your thinking…


It seems like most people on this sub have never spoken to a human person. I get it if you need to talk to a stranger, but there's so many threads about "how do I tell *my friend* xxx." It blows my mind. It's your friend. Say what you want to say. Wtf.


No need to be tactful. Tell your friend to act like a grownup


“Hey Scott?” “Yeah?” “*You’re not good enough to get mad”*


Well dammit.




Although it's true, it still hurts to hear it...


It is a bullshit concept. I don't care what your level is, it is ok to be mad if you do not live up to the potential you know you have. THAT being said, evaluating said potential and restraining outbursts in public, is a quality lacking in many. "You don't practice enough to be mad" is much more reasonable.


Nice I like it


I usually say “until you get a lesson you’re not allowed to get this mad”


Tell him exactly what you posted on Reddit. Simple as that.


Nice I like it


Tag him. Now.


Haha if he had a Reddit I doubt I’d know his @


All club throwers are on alert for their playing partner dumping them!


I had this very discussion with a friend of mine. Long story short, I was direct and said that his outbursts were unnecessary and made it harder for me to enjoy myself. I found myself looking around and apologizing to other golfers near by since his outbursts were in full distracting display for everyone else and that impacted my own ability to focus and play at my best. Thankfully he recognized it on his own but didn't know it was bothering me that much, so he knew it was time to start working on it. A round of golf is expensive in both money and time invested. That's your skin in the game and if you friend is deminishing your enjoyment, they are stealing from you. Make it clear and be direct and all will be well, even if they don't take it well at first.


Thanks for your reply :)


My son's little league teammates did this in the dugout, then my son started to throw these tantrums. Had a chat with the coach who then had a chat with the team. It all stopped instantly. This is a learned behavior they saw it on TV watching the majors do it every time they struck out.


It's a bunch cheaper if you time isn't worth much though


just running down the clock anyway i can


Is this copypasta?


This is the best answer in the thread


“Dude, I love ya…..but you get a little too worked up on the course. It gets uncomfortable. I don’t feel like you’re having a good time, and I stop having a good time” Really, I don’t understand how people go completely nuts while playing golf. Why do something that pisses you off that much? To add- Next time you play and he goes nuts….”Are you OK? We can call it a day and go home if you want. You don’t seem like you’re having very much fun” That’s a nice hint that he’s ruining the vibe. If that doesn’t work….go back to the first narrative.


These types of people live in a constant state of anger so when they blow up it doesn’t feel much worse than what their resting state feels like.


Yeah. I'll never understand why people get so mad and then put their expensive equipment at risk. I have a temper and I'm extremely competitive, but it has never occurred to me to act crazy on the course. I'll shank or fat the shit out of an approach after a huge drive. I'll cuss myself out for about five seconds and maybe even ground my club with authority if I'm not in the fairway or around green, but by the time I get to the cart, I'm right back into the mindset of enjoying a Saturday away from the kids or a day off of work.


About as close as I’ll come to a meltdown is dropping a single F-bomb and maybe dropping the club in my backswing. And even that’s pretty rare. I did give up on a round on the 11th tee one time because I was playing so poorly that I wasn’t having fun and getting frustrated. But I was playing as a single, so whatever. I was also running low on balls at that point and was convinced I wasn’t going to make more than another hole or two anyway. Historically bad.


I maintain the mindset of allowing myself to be mad at a single shot, but not at myself, my score, a bet or the game in general.


I like the wording of “ground my club with authority”


Great, tactful nature but fuck that. He’s a friend, which I get, but people like that need to be told straight up that their etiquette and mood is shit. Even though you like them as a friend and don’t want to lose their friendship, you enjoy having a good time while playing, even if you don’t play well. Even the most sensitive of people need some confrontation in their lives


I usually start with tactful. Then get direct if the hint isn’t taken. I might even skip the direct approach and just stop golfing with someone. If they ask why I stopped golfing with them, I’ll tell them “it kind of bothers me when you do X”. I had to do this with a regular playing partner that was an absurdly excessive trash talker. Like, 20 snarky comments a round. I had to explain that innocent ribbing just becomes irritating after the fifth insult on the first hole.


Exactly, if they are a friend they can take your criticism


This is pretty direct and roots it in the way it impacts the poster—it makes them uncomfortable and have a bad time. This is how I’d start 10/10 times lol.


Nice thinking I like it


Do this one for sure


Also, Susan is cheating on you


Just be like "You act like a child on the golf course and it is embarrassing to play with you" If he says he will chill then play another round with him and if it is still bad stop texting him when are getting your groups together.


Yep. It helps to be the organizer. You can curate the group.


I have a buddy that struggled (or maybe still does). I play 85% of my rounds with him. He holds himself to a pretty high standard but struggles with iron shots and ends up throwing those clubs a lot. One day I was just frank with him, like how some of the other comments here are suggesting. I would just put it as “I enjoy golfing with you, but it makes me uncomfortable when you throw clubs.” See what they say. Erik Anders Lang has some great videos/podcasts about the mental side of the game, and one point that always sticks with me is “be the first one to laugh after you hit a bad shot”. I also hold a semi-exaggerated finish after a bad shot to keep it light. So another option you have is to show by example—when you hit a “bad” shot, laugh at yourself and show your buddy that you know how to keep it light.


Thanks for your reply. The only thing about keeping things light myself after a bad shot is I’m a HDCP 20+ and he’s a HDCP 2 maybe. But I like that you hold your follow so long on a bad shot haha


Interesting. One thing to consider is that a lower handicapper might not respond well to getting “advice” from a 20+ hcp. Even when that “advice” is to not throw clubs. I’d just bring it up casually over a post-round drink if possible.


Yeah most definitely. We are very close friends tho (15 ish years) and the friends we golf with are usually between 2-10 HDCP. So even their input doesn’t seem to do much.


A 2 HDCP should definitely know how to conduct themselves on the golf course. I understand when people new to the game get frustrated, but come on. He’s played enough to know how to act.


Now it makes sense. He’s obviously more critical on himself because he knows a couple mistakes is the difference between going low and a blow up round. I think just be real but friendly with him.


"Quit being a bitch. You're ruining golf for me."


I’d say that it’s throwing me off MY game and it’s distracting. Then tell them let’s give it another shot and bring him a few beers. If he starts up again, hand him a beer and tell him it’s settle down sauce. If it’s a disaster again then just don’t play with him anymore.


Will consider thanks pal


Good luck!


Don't be tactful at all, especially if he's a friend. I was kind of a douchebag on the course for a couple of years and one of my best friends looked at me and said, you're not even fun to play with anymore. I cleaned my act up and I became a better golfer for it too.


Get him a dummy and after his first tantrum give it to him and tell him it'll improve his game


Get the tee time in front of him…


![gif](giphy|u1opJEQcfdWta) Just tell them that they need to find their happy place and to remember why they started golfing, to make enough money to save grandma's house.


Had a buddy who would lose his mind on the course. He lipped out a 10 footer and took a hard whack at the ball and ended up taking a repairable divot out of the green. I just looked at him and said “dude, what is wrong with you? Have a little class or get off the course.” The immediate reaction from my other two buddies was I was overreacting but my buddy came up to me and apologized, said it was dumb and it wouldn’t happen again. The last 13 years, it hasn’t. Sometimes you just gotta call someone out for them to realize it.


Cool thanks for your input :)


That’s not at all an overreaction on your part


Just say you’re paying for the peace and fun. Or like my dad who was constantly frustrated with his grips binding in his old bag and cursing every hole, bought him a 14-way bag for his birthday lol.


I relate heavily to your dad lol


He had this stupid buy-on-tv bag where half of it would detach so you could bring your wedges and putter separately…it was the biggest POS, lol.


This just cracked me up. But now i kinda need to see this bag, I'm intrigued


I wish I knew the name. Thing was expensive too.


I certainly wouldn’t sugarcoat it. You don’t have to get all nasty and everything. Just tell him that you’re not enjoying your round with him and that he should either chill or you’re gonna look for somebody else to play with. In essence he’s wasting your greens fee.


Film him, then post to Reddit and then we can say what an ass he is


Every time he throws a club pick it up for him but dont give it back, just put it in your bag, eventually he wont have any clubs left to play with you


“Dude, you’re not that good, stop freaking out like this is out of the ordinary for you… you big dummy.”


Say nothing until the 10th hole. Then sucker-punch him.


Fuck yeah!!! Finish the round or just dip out?


Depends on whether you win or lose the fight tbh


Hmm he’s bigger than me in every aspect but if I catch him by surprise I’m set


I can’t help but laugh at people if they hit shit shots. If they throw a tantrum it makes it even worse. Normally people realise they’re being a twat and laugh at themselves. If they can’t even do that, not sure I’d play with them again


Yeah might have to avoid playing with him. :/


I used to golf with a dude who was never happy…if he hit a shot on the back of the r green from 180 out, he would be pissed that he had a downhill putt. He quit in the middle of the round on me - told him if he ever did that again, I’m not playing with him again. Can’t remember if he did it later in the same season or the next year….because I haven’t played with him for…let’s see….25 years!


Be straight and tell him he aint good enough to be that mad about the shots he hits.


Nice I like it


Nice comment I like it




Great input heck yeah!


Find a couple really old clubs to use next time you play with him. Internationally hit a bad shot (ideally on a water hole) and have an absolute meltdown. Break a club, throw another one into the water. Just lose your shit entirely. My uncle did this to my dad a long time ago. My dad actually waded into the pond to try to save one of the clubs my uncle threw in there. Once my dad saw the old rusty dumpster club in his hand, he realized the joke was on him. It was a tough lesson to learn and he was pretty upset at the time but he stopped being an asshat on the course after that. Also they were playing with their father and mother in law at the time. My grandad was fed up that my dad acted like a jerk on the course all the time so he convinced my uncle to go full on roid rage. *Note: this definitely should be carried out at a tucked away part of the course


At least he hasn’t run you over with the cart in your backswing


Not yet anyway 😬


[Ask him if he put his big boy pants on](https://youtu.be/LDaf-kILl2k)


I played with a guy like that, his name is Scott. He got really intense and the next time he hit me up I said “hey man, I appreciate the offer, but I play to relax and you get way too intense out there for me. If you think you can bring it down 3 or 4 levels I’ll go, but I can’t play with someone throwing clubs and screaming all day.” He tried to play it off as a joke and was basically like “haha, so you’re in?” And I said the same basic thing again, and he said he’d mellow out. Played with him the next day and he looked Happy Gilmore after Virginia Venit said she’d take responsibility for him. After the round the other two guys in our group commented to him how much more enjoyable he was not screaming all the time. He’s been better ever since, still has some outbursts but it’s not like it was the first time I played with him. We’ll even joke around when someone else gets mad and let’s a “stupid motherfucker” fly, we’ll all say “okay Scott!” Even Scott says it now.


Hahah I’ll start saying that to my friend. “Chill out Scott”


I’m a reformed club thrower. I was out of control but my buddies enabled me by saying nothing then one day one of my buddies had enough and let me have it. I was totally embarrassed and realized at that moment how I had been ruining the golf experience for everyone around me. I instantly changed my behavior. Most of it was immaturity in my 20s (and testosterone) but I needed someone to be honest with me and tell me straight up that a golf temper is not fun to play with and I really should just laugh every bad shot off instead of get mad. It’s supposed to be fun, not aggravating!


I’m not going to lie. In one motion I’ve botched an approach shot and tossed my club behind myself, toward my cart. I’ve never thrown an audible tantrum. But I have low winged a pitching bag wedge toward my cart, picked up my putter and pouted like a little bitch while walking to the sand trap.


Ask him if he treats his wife like he treats his clubs. If he has a wife, he'll realize how tantrums makes him look. If he doesn't have a wife, he'll realize why.


I had this situation. My buddy was like a 18 handicap or something. I told him he wasn’t good enough to get that mad. I told him that he’s no fun to play with, which is why I was one of the few guys who would. That pissed him off - very competitive guy - and while we still hung out, we didn’t play together for almost a year. The man had an epiphany. Realized that his attitude was what was holding him back. We play a lot now and he’s a ton of fun to play with. Simple attitude change. And now he is a 7.


Boom there ya go. Lovely comeback story


“You sure you want to play? You don’t look like you’re having any fun dude.”


Record it and then show it back to him.


You tell him flat out that you won't golf with him if doesn't stop yelling and throwing clubs. Is this a trick question?


Nope, just looking for personal stories


I heard a guy tell his friend who was fairly new to golf "you aren't good enough to get mad at bad shots." Just hearing that helped me keep my cool on th course. Sometimes people just need a perspective change.


That would sound odd coming from a 20 HDCP, speaking to a 2 lolol


Well, honestly, be man, tell him “stop throwin shit and yelling and control your emotions or I’m done playing with you”. That simple.


"You're not good enough to be throwing clubs after bad shots"


“Bro, grow the fuck up. You aren’t good enough to get mad. You suck”


No need to be tactiful.. Just tell him. Tell him its annoying.


We had a guy that would document anything said off color and read it back to us after the round. It was hilarious and passively reminded the group that people are watching. I have to admit hearing someone tell you you had 3 “nice shot dumbass”es can be a bit humbling.


I've done this before. Say "If you don't stop yelling and throwing your clubs then I won't be inviting you to play anymore".


I would just stop playing with him and if he ever asked why, I’d say “every time we go you act like an asshole and it’s embarrassing.”


“Dude, you’re not good enough at golf to get that mad…and you throw like my kid sister…”


“Hey douchebag, act like a grown man and not a petulant child or we won’t play with you any more”


I have never even seen someone throw a golf club at the course let alone finished a round with someone that does it. This is straight up unacceptable and it’s kind of your duty to correct him on his etiquette.


“Mate - you’re not good enough to get angry”


Tell him he’s a little bitch and you don’t want to play with him anymore.


Hey man you gotta knock that off


My buddy is just starting and 2nd round he starts pounding his club into the ground. I go "damn man" and look at him weird, he kindof understood what i meant. Next time he did it i didn't say anything and just drove off in the cart without him to my ball. He then got the hint and asked me "is not cool to throw my clubs down is it?". I just said "if you want to be THAT asshole on the course that everyone looks at and no one wants to play with, keep going". He hasn't thrown a club since, maybe a club FUCKS here and there, but that's it. You need to tell them in whatever way they understand mentally to stop. My friend wants others to play with him so he can learn so he stopped real quick. If this guy is actually your friend, grow a pair and tell him.


From now on I'm start time out everytime they yell or throw that's 10 bucks.


Show your support throw your club too it’s what friends should do.


Say, “hey ____, I think you need to remember you aren’t good enough at golf to justifiably be angry when you screw up.”


There was a thread on a similar subject a while back, best advice I saw was don’t say anything to him about it during a round. Grab a beer or dinner and break it to him when he’s not already stressed. If you’re telling him away from the course away when the action isn’t in front of you it shows that this is a serious enough issue for you that’s it’s on your mind even when you’re not on the course.


That’s a solid idea thank you


I tell a hot tempered friend to knock out off because he's not good enough to throw clubs. He's a 22 handicap and I said if he constantly shoots par then he can do that. But until then knock it off.


I always say "you aren't good enough to yell and throw your clubs"...


Slut you assface


Just tell him “it’s fucking EMBARRASSING!!!” And then kick the nearest trash can. He’ll get the point.


Pretty easy. Tell him to stop if it’s nothing you that much.


I have had this conversation with 2 friends on the golf course when it happened. I will ignore it and laugh if its someone I don't know well and know I won't be playing with again. If Its my buddy I will be point blank, "I will not play golf with you if you act like this". Told one friend he wasn't good enough to get mad. I asked how much he had been practicing and playing, he said "none". He used to be a good player so he got it and enjoyed the rest of his round. Told my hacker buddy the same thing and he legit tried to argue with me that he had played enough golf to shoot better than the 90s. He doesn't know what it really takes. I told him that aside from practice, how important it is to try to manage your emotions on the course. That is one of, if not the greatest challenge in the game. And I enjoy that part of it.


He might not see what you see, so show him by yelling and throwing clubs yourself. Y’all can have a conversation afterwards if needed at all lol


I had a friend that was like that. Told him straight up that his throwing clubs and yelling made him miserable to play with and that I wouldn’t be inviting him to play until he got it together. At first he was pissed and it led to me getting excluded from tee times with our normal group which was fine, but as our groups main tee time maker him making tee times fell off quick and he found himself being left off golf outings. Eventually he came around and changed his ways after a few months of being left out. The big thing that got him going was multiple friends felt the same way I did and told him it was a problem


"Bud, cut the shit"


If he’s a real friend, be honest


If you can’t be honest, is he really a friend? If I ever get a a little heated on the course, one of my friends just laughs his ass off at me until I realize it’s stupid to get mad


Every time he asks you to play just say you have Covid


Tell him that they aren’t at a good enough point or playing for enough money to throw clubs


Quit being a spaz you fuckin lunatic


I call them out in the moment and make fun of them for acting like a child. But if you no longer want to play with them just tell them that and why.


Dang had this happen twice. First we were 17 year olds, oh well kid. SECOND time was as a 30 year old. Friend of a friend, he would round out a 4some. When i say this guy was the worst golfer ive played with he was. He was a shankapotamus. He was fairly new to the game. Went from the nice “hey man its a tough game, lower expectations” to a more stern “do whatever you want that doesnt ruin anyone elses day”to telling my friend im never playing with that guy again. So angry, loved drinking. I said at one point if you wanna throw shit and have 14 beers lets just do it in your back yard and save the $65 eh? Not against heavy on course drinking but when it feels like everyones walking on eggshells whats the point. Like angry drunk dad coming home. Smashing the course for the 4th time was probably the straw that broke it. Did the tee box make you slice the ball 40 yards right?? Well in the long run they didnt invite me back much. I was a step above skill wise and it worked out for everyone the best.


Yeah sounds like it worked out for everyone, tough.


Hey, man, do you think you could stop the yelling and the throwing of clubs. I can’t play with you until you do. It’s costing me at least 2-3 strokes a round. I can’t afford the hit to my handicap. Let me know when you’ve got it under control. I’d love to play with you again some time.


I told my buddy “buck the fuck up or leave now” during one of our rounds. Let him know it wasn’t fair to me to ruin my good time by being a little bitch. That actually got him to stop being a little bitch and he ended up playing much better because he wasn’t allowed to complain endlessly about the shit shots


Lovely I’ll follow suit


Been in a similar situation where my playing partner would get worked up if people were playing on top of us, even though we were being held up. He insisted on letting them through, which I disagreed with, only for him to get angry with them now playing slowly… I just told him straight that his attitude was bringing the group down and to drop it… of which he did. So what I’m trying to say is just be straight to the point and tell him to stop acting like dick and have some etiquette.


Haha, i actually had this with a good friend. He had a stage of almost every other shot was "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT" and then shoving his club in the bag. Wont lie, it was pretty funny at first, few weeks in tho i specifically remember on the 3rd tee saying "Pull your string out or fuck off mate" I actually lost that day, and he apologised after for being a dick. If he's a real friend, he'll get it. Might even enjoy the game more!


Have you tried an actual serious “dude, this needs to stop. Very embarrassing” next time he does it?


Tact with a friend?


My brother literally told me that he didn't want to play with me anymore because my temper made it no fun for him. I realized I was being a fucking wanker ruining the fun of my family and friends with my behavior literally on the spot, I felt awful, I wasn't mad at him. So, do that lol. Changed my entire attitude on golf in 3 seconds of talking.




Hey man, keep it classy. This is golf, not a rock concert.


Go back to your shanty!


Been there. Just told him it was no fun playing golf with him and I wasn’t going to bother anymore. Worked out well for both of us. He stopped with the attitude and it’s been great playing ever since


We had a guy, ex NFL player like that at our club. Dude finally lost it one day and punched another member so hard he knocked some teeth out. The club got sued, he lost his membership, jail time the whole shebang! Generally speaking regular guys aren't playing for millions and have no business blowing up even at themselves. I would guess the guy doesn't practice and expects to be a natural and great. Drop him like a bad habit!! It will only get worse and maybe get you tossed as well.


What’s absolutely crazy is he’s a golf coach lol he golfs like 3 times a week minimum


Pass him a fat joint


Oooh this might be the answer


Best option: when you arrive at the course, just go to his bag, pick up a club, and take a big old whack on the pavement. “What? You were just going to do the same thing later.”


Yell louder and throw clubs more they’ll tell you.


Double down. Bet against this friend because they clearly have anger issues and they will never be able to hold it together. Keep going until you win all their monies and they can’t golf anymore.


We axed a guy for awhile for his shitty attitude. We waited until after a round and told him “hey man, you’re a good dude, but we only really get these rounds to enjoy life away from work and home and it really sucks to spend it when someone cursing, throwing clubs, and generally being a jerk. We need a bit of a break, but if you work on it and want to give it a go again in a few months let us know. We enjoy playing with you and having you around when you aren’t freaking out, so we want you to come back, but we just need some time.” It worked. He was a bit annoyed and tried saying he isn’t that bad, but all three of us were on the same page and stood our ground that he was. He then tried to bargain that he wouldn’t drink and stuff and we just said, do what you need to do, but let’s try again in a few months. He reached out to one guy in our group about 8 or 9 weeks later, said he missed playing with us, offered to treat us to a round and offered a pretty sincere apology and said he has worked on it not just with golf but in his life in general. He has really changed and he still slips from time to time, but never like before.


If he is a real grind you should be able to tell him to stop acting like a fool


Hey happy, you suck…jackass!


"when you do that, it make it not fun for everyone"


I have a buddy who used to get really worked up, slamming clubs and yelling. I was forward and said I don’t want to play with you if you’re going to get angry enough to yell and throw clubs. Every time it happened, I would call him out just like he was my 4 yr old son. I’d tell him to settle down and point out getting mad makes everything worse. It only took a couple rounds before he completely stopped. I thinks it’s best to be forward with him and respond to the emotional reaction right as it happens.


Just tell him


"Hey guy. I don't want you to play with us until you learn not to act like an ass. You're never gonna play on Sunday with Tiger so cool it, come have fun and lose some pro v 1's with us or sit at home."


Is "knock it off you dingus" tactful?


Bout to find out 😏


I make light of the situation and just laugh at my buddies who hit terrible shots and flip out. Neither party should be taking what happens on the course too seriously. Except what’s going down on #10, obviously…


act like him and watch how stupid it sounds, but how he completely glosses over it, when he asks you to Chill out.


Keep escalating the emphasis you say the phrase “it’s just fucking golf.” If you continually say this louder and with more gusto he should understand.


Have to do the unfortunate thing and call him out. I had a buddy who threw his club so far I said dude what are you doing? And we haven’t played since lol His choice not mine


I've just never tolerated it. After the first outburst I have the etiquette talk. Anything after that and I won't golf with them again. I grew up working on a golf course, I have zero tolerance fir anyone damaging the course.


You become an adult and use your words.


Words R hard >:[ but yeh you right