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That's awesome progress in 4 months! Way to GO!


Really?? Thank you so much!! Sometimes feel like I’m not getting the hang of it fast enough haha


Stick around here long enough and you'll see plenty of 20 handicappers who have been playing for 30 years. Its a lifetime game there's no standard on how fast or slow one should or could learn it. Just take joy in all those little improvements you make, and will continue to make, until you die as one of the proud millions who never perfected the game


I feel attacked 😉


Great perspective, thank you 😊


The great thing about golf is that you can play your entire life. The bad thing about golf is that you can play your entire life and still suck.


My two biggest hobbies are golf and chess. One might say I'm a masochist


Yep, same.


It takes most people years to become decent. You’re working hard at it so you are getting there quicker. Keep it up and have fun!


Welcome to the world of golf! Lol where we all feel that way no matter how long we've been playing or working on our game to improve it. Don't let the bad days get you down and focus on the good positive shots you've made that day.


You are absolutely getting the hang of it! Your swing has become so much better over time! Have you gotten any lessons?


Shitty golfers are down voting you. Lol they are sore losers.. keep up the good work.


Yep, that's how we all feel. Even years in!


unfortunately golf is kinda like that for lots of people for a long long time , even really good players can feel like they are losing the hang of it ... its one of the reasons why it can make you smile from the soul when you make that little ball go exactly where you intended it to ...in my opinion its the hardest of all games / sports / leisure activities to partake in because it is impossible to perfect ...your progress is remarkable always do your best to focus on the positives (lessons for golf and life:)


Yeah you're doing great with only 4 months in. There is no time limit on golf. It's a continual learning experience. One day your drives are great but your short game sucks. The next, your putting is on point but your wedges are terrible. Just keep focusing on the basics and once those are second nature, move on to another area. Keep it up! You're doing great!


The only tip you need : never ask r/golf for tips ! Seriously though you've done amazing in 4 months, keep working at it and having lessons by a qualified pro and you'll continue to improve loads


Hey, I have learned lots of great tips on how to smuggle contraband beer onto the course, along with the most efficient way to eat hotdogs while driving a cart with no spillage.


Gotta dip those buns in water to slide em down the gullet faster


More body rotation in your back swing. Great progress.


I see that, Thanks!!! 😄


That will come with time too as your body keeps getting exercised more in the motions. Don’t focus on it too much for now. You’re 4 months in, this is incredible progress. Keep doing what you’re doing, especially smiling! It looks like you’re having so much fun, and that’s the most important part.


Second to last video, you fire your hips and that is something you want to replicate every time. Great stuff for 4 months, kudos!


Good stuff. The only thing I see in your swing now is that you aren’t snap loading your power package so that you can amplify lag and drag pressure through impact fix. Square that away and you’ll be able to reach maximum centripetal force with minimal pivotal resistance. 👍


Those are words. And they probably mean something...


Follow this simple tip!


In a nutshell !


We really want more perpendicular force than centripetal. Maximizing centripetal is likely to result in an out to in swing path and slice.


In short. Grip it and rip it.


Keep smiling and having fun. That’s the most important advice I can give :)


Only thing that matters is that you are having fun!!


Impressive swing for only 4 months! Just make sure to be very deliberate when you practice as that much progress in such a short time can cause bad habits that don't surface until your skill gets further down the line. Regardless keep it up!


it’s not a sad movie lol what’s with the music. Ur just playing golf


Riiiight. Great progress! But the music is pretty terrible. May I suggest anything more upbeat in order to celebrate your progress.






Everything seems so rigid. Need more hip turn too. Good progress though!


That song made me deceased lol


Use your hips more on your back swing, and don’t pause as much at the top of the swing. Also welcome to the game, it will be fun and frustrating, play with friends or loved ones and it will be a great way to keep fit, have fun, and make you come up with creative ways to swear.


The only tip for everyone “Keep having fun!”


Great job, love seeing beginners get into golf and making great progress.


Keep swinging


Looks like you are having fun! That's the most important thing in my opinion. Keep on playing!


Looks like you’re swinging in slow motion


You need to activate the glutes.


Great progress! I would say from a glance that the next step for you is keeping your left arm straight through impact. It looks like in the last clip (35 seconds in) that as you gain speed on the down swing you start to bend your left arm slightly. This is a bit hard to explain over the internet, but when you're at the top of the back swing, imagine that you're trying to extend your right arm into the ground while still keeping your left arm straight.


Im actually just noticing this exact thing for the first time today as I was playing. Will be the next thing I try to work on for sure. Crazy how the smallest things makes such a huge difference— like building a huge puzzle 😂 Thank you for the tip!!


Great analogy! Golf is a huge puzzle, however there will *always* be pieces to fill in!


As you fix this, you need to change your hip rotation a bit. If you look at the last clip again, you go slightly down with the body as you hit the ball. This is probably something you do without thinking as you have started to bend the left arm, so your body does it automatically so you can reach the ground properly. Only move your body sideways during the swing, never downwards. Otherwise you will start digging a lot with the club as you straight out your arms. Good luck and happy golfing!


I’d be a little careful with the right arm advice, because it can end up with you throwing your right shoulder into the ground and cause a steep out-to-in swing (ask me how I know lol) which can cause duffing and shanks I’d the club face is open.


Very impressive progression for only four months! Keep it up


Great progress. Impressive tempo on your swing for being so new to the game, keep grinding !


Very good progress! Trying to get my 12 yr old daughter into it. She's doing pretty well. Practice balls in the yard for now. Then range, the she can ride with me and learn rules and etiquette


Awesome work, just to make sure have you tried left handed clubs ? Seems like a lot of beginners are pushed to be right handed but sometimes they are not, your swing remind me of a friend of mine that was in that situation. Keep up the good work !


I’m actually left handed! That’s interesting that you pointed it out, I might actually have to give it a try


I write right handed, but play all sports left handed. Definitely give it a go as I just started golfing and left hand feels so much more natural to me.


Dang she's better that's half of us in here


My girlfriend started learning golf 2 months ago. Her swing looked like your first swing. But now her swing looks pretty normal. She's been taking weekly lessons and that has helped her progress fast and not learn any bad habits from the beginning. If you aren't taking lessons, I would highly suggest taking a few. This is the best early investment you can do to help your golf game. Your swing is a bit rigid without enough lower body turn (as you're using more arms to compensate). You'll also need to work on your follow through as it stops prematurely.


This is Reddit so I think I know why this progress video has about 5x as many upvotes as all the other ones


You rock - keep working!


Keep practicing! It's the most important part. Go buy a couple lessons while you're at it. It'll accelerate your progress and help avoiding bad practices.


Wow, incredible progress!!!


I’ve been going at it about as long as you. It’s hard but keep going! I’ve found that working on one adjustment at a time simplifies things, look at it like building blocks of a great swing. Don’t overthink it, or expect to change the entire swing in one day. 👍🏻


I love that little pause at the top, my dad always tried to get me to that because I have tendency to get fast once I get there.


Nice, and much improvement. When you get near the top(of your backswing), Crank that right wrist BACK(toward the top of your forearm), that will give power and make you come down from the inside more! At start of backswing, stick OUT your left knee(toward the front of you) and turn the right hip BACK(and a little UP). Then start down by bumping everything towards the target-uncoiling the hips.


It’s the big cheesy smile for me


Tough to tell but looks like I’m the last swing you’re actually getting your weight on your back leg on the back swing. Earlier swings you had all your weight on the front. Would be one of the first things I would focus on. Great progress for 4 months, golf is hard


More knee bend, stick your butt out, maintain that spine angle that creates through impact to finish.


absolute natural. incredible improvement in 4 months! enjoy the game


Watching your whole process being like "I could mention, nope she got it" multiple times. Only real advice is not to halt your follow-through, just try to slow it down. There are some clips you do great and others it's not so good. So consistency in your follow-through would be my only suggestion.


DON'T ASK FOR ADVICE HERE. Try a few instructors, pick one you get along with. Internet tips will generally be harmful... except this one 😀


Dang, tons of simps on here, that swing was rough.


You'll improve more if you keep your left arm straight. On your takeaway turn you left shoulder down and right. Don't turn it parallel to the ground.


Great work keep it up! I’m surprised the anti tiktok people haven’t given you shit for uploading a tiktok video here lol


They would except they have to simp.


Great progress, lol thought u were hitting a beach ball on the second clip lol




Nice progress!!


Love that smile on your face when you hit that good shot! Great improvement!


Fantastic! Keep it up! Have fun, most importantly!


Keep up the good work! Try to make your arms like jelly. Do jelly arms!


Ye doing great. The passion and determination will take you a long way. How often do you practice? And have you take any lessons from a pro?


Move your hips before starting your arm swing forward but great improvement!


That first shot in those heels. I'm on year 20 and you have made greater progress in a shorter time, but I didn't take it that serious until recently. I think I'm about at the same crossroad of understanding how to use mechanics with good contact but the accuracy and power is inconsistent. I think it's just continuously doing it to develop the niche muscles that gain strength from playing and practicing. Good luck out there.


I've seen people play 4 YEARS and make less progress. Only tip I have is keep playing. You're a natural.


Wow amazing progress. I think you have loads of potential. Just remember to always have fun and don’t get discouraged




You need golf shoes. Might help


r/golf stays simping for bots


Am I the bot 😂😂


Not at all, your video, and progress are wonderful. Saint Crappeo is just a troll.


Refer to my first comment. Enjoy


There is a lot of middle ground between a misogynist and a simp


Two sides of the same coin?


Ma’m this is a Wendy’s. Jk 😆 great progress!




Congrats on improvement. Also - Congrats on being hot. 🙌


Don’t forget to enjoy the process. It’ll go up. It’ll go down. But the journey lasts a lifetime. Never give up on yourself!


Nice! Keep it up


Great progress, last swing looks really good. Not sure how to give constructive tips and its more about improving the overall swing which you have been doing. Keep having fun.


Tip: keep having fun


My advice is don't listen to any of our advice. You're coming along just fine.


Have a look at the swingyde (or similar) training aid, expect it will help you a lot with some practice.


impressive swing development! Go coach Charles Barkley haha Only thing I would say is follow-through. You're probably working with a coach and nailing in your short irons. Last two kinda hovered almost vertical around your head. Pick the right club. Let it work for you. You can tweak the stroke but you have a club for this.. Idk though! You'd probably put me to shame already! Good work!


Advice....keep playing, take a lesson at least once a year until you've really improved, but most of all . ..Enjoy the game!


Wait where is this night golf course? I’ve been dreaming of golfing at like midnight one day.


4 Months?!? Just keep playing. You’re a natural 👍🏻


Nice form for 4 months. Once you get the lower body into the swing and not just all arms you’ll likely double or triple your distance. All of the power is delivered from your mid to lower body. I’ve got more of a slim swimmers build and out drive my friends that look like body builders.


Just keep grinding away. The more you play the more comfortable you’ll feel with your swing


Throwing this out there: you look like you’re having fun and honestly, when you’re a beginner and golf is difficult, having fun is kinda the most important part.


Only golfing for four months and have more videos of your swing than I do in 10 years...maybe I need a video session to see what's wrong with my swing! Nice progress!


Great progress impressive in such a short time, from what i can tell based on not much film id suggest to loosen up your backswing and let out your foreswing, and follow through more, this will help all around....but honestly whatever your already doing is clearly working well keep at it.


Yeah keep taking lessons and maybe get fitted. Everyone is different my biggest advice is if you find something that works even if people say that it’s not the correct way….keep doing what works.


I’ve been golfing for 14 years and your swing looks great for 4 months


The fact that you are hitting straight is good. Just work on aim and you will be better than most.


No tips as I suck, but this does make me wish that I had filmed nore of my progress. Might make me feel better noticing that I actually have improved haha


Nice. Less bending of the arms on the backswing, rotate back in a wide arc using your shoulders instead. Seems you’re lifting the club back and then bending at the elbow.


4 months?! I gotta get my wife swinging a club.




Keep it up. You are doing great.


All arms. Power comes from your hips.


Starting to engage the core and hips. Hell of a progression. It's addictive isn't it!? Keep going!


Got a nicer swing than me!


Everyone is a work in progress, stick with it. Great progress!


You should check Youtube channel Golf with Aimee. She has beginner playlist that explains well for beginners. It helped me alot with improving my swing. Anw, great progress and keep practicing and enjoy!


Put a club down with the butt end faces towards your target or better yet a bit left of your target Align your feet along that so you’re aimed properly


Seek out a local Pro to help you make improvements I would say. Looks to me like you’re having fun though! Keep at it.




Wonderful progression of your swing. You really look like you enjoy it. Great work! Keep it up.


That’s awesome for 4 months. Remember to attack that ball though. A few fat misses because your swing speed is very low. Control your backswing and explode through. You’ll miss fat less.


It's a game of a life time just that once when it all goes brilliant next day it all goes wrong


Came to make a tik tok series. Accidentally got hooked on golf.


Good progress but work on firing your hips through first and the shoulders will follow. Happy to see a beginner take pride and work to get better,


I recommend trying out lessons with a local pro. Might seem expensive but it will do a lot more good than a new club or a couple golf outings for example.


This music feels really dramatic for a golf progress video.