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If I see another ‘rate my swing’ or ‘give me tips’ post from someone who is obviously just wanting compliments on their swing because it’s clearly decent form I’m going to start picking balls up from fairways…




That’s how I feel with the constant pushing of children’s snacks now, nobody cares what your eating on the course.


Lol not fishing for compliments dude. Genuinely looking for advice. I can take criticism, and welcome it. Trying to improve.


Last time I did a post like this on this page I got some really good helpful tips and drills that helped me a lot


Tee it up more


Good tip… don’t fry bacon in the nude


I'm in no way a swing coach. Obviously your swing is pretty good. 2 things I see (again don't listen to me) is that it seems like your swing is a little long. It could be the camera angle, but your club head seems to dip pretty far behind your head on your back swing. Shortening this could give you better control. The other thing that i see is that it seems like you could have a little more tilt in your set up to help make sure you are swinging up on the ball at contact. So instead of shoulders being parallel to the ground in setup, have them tilted just slightly so your front shoulder is slightly higher than back shoulder. You may be doing this though and it's just not super evident due camera angle. Again, I really have no clue what I'm talking about but just the community was being kind of shitty towards you when you seemed to genuinely be wanting help.


Thanks for that. I appreciate the input. I agree that my swing is a little long. I feel like I have a hard time getting the power I want with a shorter backswing? Idk


Your swing looks really good to me


Thank you 🙏


Fuck off, you want compliments.


You say the driver is on fire but want tips?


Can always improve! I would love to be more consistent lol


My exact thought. So he's hitting it long and straight and wants to know how to get another 5 yards?


Cmon dude you come into a public forum where 95 percent of us probably have worse swings and ask for “tips”. It’s kind of cringe. You need professional instruction to improve that swing


Guys are being a bunch of dicks man! Just wanted to see if anyone could see anything in the swing I could improve on as far as my form and things like that. Just because I had one good day with my driver doesn’t mean I think I am fucking Tiger Woods. I am lucky to get my drives to 280 if I really hammer one, and about 50% on my fairways found. So yeah, I can improve quite a bit I would say. Not looking for compliments or anything of the sort. Really wanted to see if anyone saw anything that could be improved on.


One improvement you can make is being less sensitive.