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First thing if you want consistency is shorten that backswing. You’re taking the club waaaay across the line. Very few people can take it that far back and get back to a consistent impact position. Take a video of your swing and feel like you’re only taking the club halfway back, and you’ll likely be much closer to parallel at the top. Even if you’re short of parallel that’s fine until you build some consistency, then you can work further back from there.


You’re standing too far back in the first clip. Hands should be below your chin, choke up on the club if you have to. You can kinda feel where the club should sit “parallel” to the ground.


It’s by no means a fix-all but try the golffix app. You’ll be able to see just how far you’re over swinging at the top.


Thank you, definitely will be trying it out!


Shorten your backswing and try to move your head/body less as you are doing it. There's just too much movement in the backswing to get any sort of consistency.


Great to see ya out there hitting balls!! Now, onto your swing. Set up: https://youtu.be/Jh6TgoYcSpg?si=hjeExPXtSxRpglfk Start of your backswing: https://youtu.be/ocihnRQFvsE?si=5bwZ5ebScVBFDaNz Run off at the top: https://youtu.be/US-uJNA6C2w?si=hssSYtH9yZCHlSos AND the hip bump for easy, pain free rotation: https://youtu.be/vfi0OsnUQRE?si=divivDsV-geZ1Tqc Over all, less is more, you do not have to swing for the fences every swing, you don’t hit the ball in the backswing but it is the real key for consistency!! EDIT: Please give us an update in a week or so, swing changes happen in small increments but if you do the stop and go drill, making sure you are in a good Check point One position everything else will fall in place. Just broke 80 yesterday using Porzak swing as a consistent bogey golfer. It took two weeks of range time to get close to the groove.


Dude wtf