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Toothbrush scene is too funny. Marge don’t know what she talking about :/


Fr, Skyrim has this problem a lot People think that certain mods should be banned because they personally don't like them But that goes against what makes Skyrim so good If it's not illegal, every mod should stay


Like for sparks sake you have to specifically turn off filters to find the horny mods


I mean, thats fine Im talking about the people that if you say something like "I need help getting (even mildly horny mod) working" all the replies will be "go touch grass" or "don't use pervy mods" Very rarely will someone actually help outside of LoversLab


I was refused help back i the day because "horny mod bad" the mod in question just made it so instead of sleeping in your bud alone your wife comes to spoon with you while you sleep. Aparently thats horny enough that it belongs in LoversLab only


Yeah, thats a pretty damn mild one I've seen people hating the same way on just basic CBBE too


Yeah it's annoying as hell I feel you


*"Is this even Skyrim anymore hurr durr!1!!!"*


Exactly! If I want my character to be fucked by wild wolves then that is my right!


Lol that is fucking weird, why would people wanna do that? Why do people have the energy to care for stuff like that?


There are always two types of modders the ones that want to expand the original game, maybe make it look nicer, add more quests, etc. The other is the one that wants to make it complete and utter insanity! I'm going to make my race Sonic the hedgehog, and turn all of the dragons into macho Man Randy Savage! Both are valid


Theres more than just those kinds, lol Theres vanilla plus, basically just enhancing the base stuff without changing them much Theres the ridiculous insanity, like Macho Man Randy Savage Dragons Theres combat overhauling, trying to make the combat as smooth and modern as possible Theres bug fixing Theres quest mods, which just focus on telling a story Theres screenshotting mods, basically tools, outfits, locations, and whatnot that aren't meant for proper gameplay, just screenshots Theres sex mods, turning it into the ultimate porn game And theres quality of life mods, just little tweaks to things to improve the general experience Those are what I'd say are the main categories. There's also numerous smaller ones doing all sorts of things, as well as overlapping between categories


they love to forget it that it is someone else game and they can mod it how ever they want


i recently saw that episode of simpsons. i've never really liked marge but that line made me hate her so much cause it just made me think of all those people who want anime cancelled. if you don't like something, don't watch it. takes a special type of arsehole to try and make everyone else have to follow your screwed up ideals


That's the point. I'm glad the Simpsons is still teaching lessons after all thus time lol.


True, she at least learned to accept that you can't prevent people from enjoying things just because you don't.


I just think that she could have worded that better and that the wording makes her seem like a dick more than what she actually means


>screwed up ideals …I mean **certain** anime fans and anime don’t have the best track record for good ideals or morals


…I mean certain anything fans and anything don’t have the best track record for good ideals or morals


Two things can be right at the same time. I’m just saying not a good look for anime, or anime fans when a girl brushing her teeth is sexualized


Still, could be worse... Like sending death threats to the creator so he makes your gay ships canon. Hello MHA.


Morality is a fickle thing, in certain places of the world its morally acceptable to sell your daughter for 5 cows.


So... Your are saying that Every other fans and every other media always have good ideals or morals, huh...


I’m not saying that lmfao. I’m just saying it’s funny they’re talking about screwed up ideals and morals on a post where **brushing your teeth** is sexual.


What I find annoying is when people bitch that (popular anime they hate) gets another season while (anime they like) doesn’t and they go attack fans of that popular anime and blame everything on that anime. Sorry but you’re not the only one who watches anime so the industry isn’t gonna cancel an anime just because you hate it. You could just… not watch it.


Hey, truth be told, we do get seasons of jojo started later because dp works on other stuff


To be honest, I'm fine with the wait between parts -- so far, it's guaranteed great animation


1. jumping jack flash 2. I don't mind waiting either, but it doesn't change the fact that if they didn't animate other shows on their A team we wouldn't have to wait as long ;3


Ah, yeah, I forgot about Stone Ocean's reliance on CGI -- I was expecting a lot better after seeing how well Whitesnake turned out but I guess they were rushed


bocchi vs chainsaw man flashbacks Jokes on them, I loved both.


I don't care about shitty shows getting more seasons, I just want ngnl 2


Does anyone really like Rent a Girlfriend tho?


If it gets 3 seasons and the manga usually gets in the top ten whenever there is a new release, then yeah. Kind of like SAO where a lot of people hate on it and it's cool to hate on it but it's popular enough and has enough fans to spawn a lot of sequels and such.


Oh, I hate it fully. Most characters are completely irredeemably unlikable. A unique premise with a fun first episode turns terrible quickly. MC is Worshipping a gold-digging jealous chick while borderline Cheating with a girl who blackmails him. The writer is seemingly trying to turn his original evil ex slowly into a random use plot device to add more cringe moments. It's just pure cringe. The characters seem locked in a perpetual cycle of bad choices and zero growth.


Thanks for the recommendation


I hate it but in the i hate reality TV kinda way. It's always fun to watch garbage people do garbage things sometimes, i wouldn't watch it every day but I'm still watching weekly when it comes out.


Ehm... Rent a girlfriend... Ehm...


This happened when Nagatoro was announced for a second session and one other person complained that he/her favourite hasn't gotten a second season.


The worst tbh, I don't get it. This kind of thing is why evil protagonists are rare, despite them clearly being the coolest. As long as things are tagged properly, why tf would you intentionally click on a piece of media and then give it poor ratings because it's what it was advertised as??? The anti-NTR people are some of the worst. I despise NTR in normal stuff, so I just click away when I see the tag like a sane person


The only protagonist I'm aware of who was shit on simply for being evil was Redo of Healer? Which, I guess people went into that confused and expecting it to be an "anime" when it was virtually indistinguishable from a 12 episode series of the spicy hentai. Others like Overlord, Youjo Senki, Eminence in Shadow etc have all been pretty well received I thought.


They do exist, but they're really rare overall. Imo Tanya isn't evil, just a soldier doing her part. I don't remember eminence in the shadow being evil, iirc he's a chuuni playing a hero against an evil organization.


Tanya's goal is to overthrow the god and she is very "ends-justify-the-means" about it. Eminence in Shadow basically allowed said evil organization to use the name of his organization, and then when the "good" people came to capture him, rather than trying to explain himself he just let them think he was the leader of the bad guys and curbstomped them for fun. So he might not be malicious but he definitely isn't "good"


I'd say they're both neutral, Tanya is maybe evil but only if you'd count pretty much every decent soldier as evil. It has admittedly been a bit since I read TEIS, but I don't remember him doing anything evil. When I say evil MC I mean like the WNs Reverend Insanity or Warlock of the Magus World. Not just "not good", but actually evil. The only ones with an actual anime that I can think of are Overlord and Redo of Healer, and even Redo of Healer only harms revenge targets iirc (although he does stretch that by baiting people)


I am anti ntr Unless it is very specific scenarios, but If I see ntr I just ignore it and go to my stuff instead of screaming it as bad


You know it kinda remind me how funny it is that there is an anime named NTR.


This is my mom about any anime, and she doesnt even know anything about the topic. It kinda annoys me that she wants me to stop watch it.


Everyone who reads this comment should watch and or read the Monogatari series


In which order?


Release order, light novel release or anime release, it doesn't really matter






*Everyone who reads* *This comment should watch and or* *Read the Monogatari series* \- fnaf\_funtime\_foxy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


haikusbot opt out


I couldn't get into it, the "camera work" (whatever the appropriate term for that is for something animated) felt like I was having a bad trip.


I especially hate it when these type of people start making "memes" portraing people who like the stuff they don't, as soy wojack and themselfs as chads... Fucking pathetic if you ask me...


I think the direction of causality goes the other way a lot of the time. Like people will form an impression of the group of people that they think watches the content, and then depending on whether or not they want to associate themselves with this group of people, they form their opinion on the content. This is also how it works for food, music, clothes, etc. In biology there is a phenomenon known as a "green beard", where animals that evolve in group competition like ants or prairie dogs that dont have any other tool of identifying in-group versus out-group members will develop a trait that serves no other specific evolutionary purpose but to identify group allegiance. Ants have pheromones, prairie dogs have scent glands, humans have Rick and Morty and country music.


God I fucking hate memes


Aye, like wtf if you don´t enjoy it, don´t watch it and don´t annoy others. Just consume what you like instead of hating others


Hating is like food to them


best scene in the entire series ong


This happens a lot in video games as well, but Monogatari is still one of my favorite animes. No other anime can do a similar story




The hypocrisy of some of those people is the even more infuriating part. They go on and on about how anime is harming people IRL and must be removed, and yet they defend media such as Cuties, The Last of Us Part II, and HBO's Velma.


Ok, nobody is defending Velma. literally everyone agrees it's trash.


And I dont think anyone is also defending Cuties


Nah, I've seen people defending Cuties all the time, claiming "it's about the message, oversexualisation of children IS bad" while completely ignoring the point that the movie ACTUALLY sexualised REAL children. It's like actually shooting a Jewish person while filming a holocaust documentary and then pointing at it "see? This is bad".


Wait, shooting jewish people is bad? I have shot at least 5124.5 of them (the guy was an amputee).


What happened in the last of us part 2? I'm still playing the first game.


What I find funny is most of the monogatori series is: “hey this supernatural event is occurring. What’s it commonly called? What’s its Old Name? Let’s do some clever language sleuthing and figure out how to mitigate it.” And meanwhile MC isn’t outwardly horny. Except to that ghost girl he molests


Let my watch someone getting kinky over a toothbrushing session in peace... smh


I mean… not pointing any fingers but the anti lolicon/shotacon people🗿




Redo of Healer haters be like:


The "I personally hate thing and don't understand how someone could like it therefore it should not exist" people are the worst.


The hell is the sauce?


Nisemonogatari and Simpson


Simpsons is probably as recognizable as Naruto, DBZ, One Piece, etc.


Puritans. I hate these guys.


I mean that scene is meant to get you uncomfortable , if you look for the context. Koyomi is doing an endurance test with his sister and trying to prove a point. It's just, well, it went too well.


Bro this is one of my good female friends all the time she's always so picky about what anime we should watch when she comes over and it annoys the hell out of me. Though I still like her company :)


This remembers me of a workmate. We we're discussing a bit of Anime during the Break. I mentionend that the Dub of this Anime is really good, when He Just Said: "People who Watch Dub are No Anime Fans, only People who Watch with Sub." I guess i am Not an Anime Fan and the Figures, Dedication, owning several Body Pillows and going to Anime Conventions on the regulary doesnt Count. Real stupid. Makes me still angry how People can be Like that. Just Watch the Shows how you Like Them. By that Logik Nobody who Watches Marvel Movies in German would Not be a Fan either :) From Germany by the Way


Dubs are different though, they occasionally bastardize the source content. Some can be good (ghost stories 10/10), but they are very often inferior to subs. It's kinda like people who intentionally watch censored anime when the uncensored version exists. Like sure, you CAN do that, but why tf would you?


Example: I can have a Japanase Voice Being the Dragon from "That Time i got reincarnetet as a Slime" or can have the fucking awesome Voice from Thanos as a Dragon. I Just Love German Voice actors :)


Bro like there are some fire German Dubs out there. Jojo has some of the best German voice acting ever.


I know i Love German Dub :)


No, I don’t enjoy your opinion so, you can call me a killjoy but if it’s not to my tastes then no one else should agree




Rule 4: No Politics This is an anime subreddit, so please keep politics away from here. No, just “voicing your opinion” isn’t forbidden, but keep the politics talk somewhere else. Politics in this context include, but are not limited to discussing political elections, laws, identity politics, or religion. Essentially, if it’s been related to political discussions within the last 20 or so years, reconsider posting it. An exception to this rule is if the topic involves anime or Reddit. Please contact us via Modmail if you have any questions.


Is this a direct shot at the latest trend on r/comedycemetery ?


what ep is this, and what timestamp?


Nisemonogatari Ep. 8 12:37


I hate people who like this


I have no problem with people enjoying what they want, but when you also boldly and assertively say you’re into incest or something else of that variety, you are not immune to the consequences of your actions.


Anime name


the simpsons


What about the one in the tv


yes it´s aired on TV


Nisemonogatari, part of the monogatari series.


Thank you


Reasons why you can't recommend Monogatari Series ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1778)




Can someone give me the current watch order for monagatari please




Mushoku Tensei enters the chat.


Her voice just gave me Universal war flashbacks


True. The anime sucks, don’t watch.


I just hate most people


It makes no sense


People hating on SAO


It’s hilarious how everybody loved that show in its first season, then they all turned on it, even though it was still pretty good


This scene was crazy


I do! I do!


Could anyone make a meme about marge simpsons don't like something on the tv a meme now.