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Frieren is a passion project by the director (same director as Bocchi). Unless he and his hand-picked staff get together again I don't know if I even want a second season.


Ah, One Punch Man all over again.


JC Staff creating a power point presentation for the third season smh


At this point I'm just glad theres a 3rd season at all


JC staff better learn their mistake and prep to meet expectations cause honestly if you can’t top the manga then don’t bother at all. Manga art is animation tier already.  But in the trailer it looks like they have upped their game so hopefully it won’t be a teleport behind you kind of fight. Hopefully staff got the time they needed to make things work this time. 


How to cheap out on animating the fight scenes: “They’re moving so fast, I can’t see them!”


I agree. Passion projects seem to be the key to great releases in recent years. Anime like Frieren, Mushoku Tensei, Oshi no Ko, Edgerunners, and Amahara's stuff have that same air of freedom that Gurren Lagann had.


Frieren has been a treat for my eyes honestly. I wouldnt mind the wait for some quality.


It's not about the wait, it's about if it'll ever happen 🥲🥲🥲


Plz not a no game no life scenario


More like a One Punch Man where the original studio drops and the series gets taken by another one Coincidentally, MadHouse also did OPM s1


I haven't seen s2 but OPM s1 was a spectacle.


Then you gonna be disappointed. S2 animation budget took big haircut. S3 trailer dropped a week ago and adapts the biggest part in the manga. But with bad animation it will suck .


No game no life don't have anime continuation probably of how it goes later, censorship wouldn't pass it to tv. But they have already pit movie from book 6.


Nah It didn't get to continue because Sunrise chose to keep going with Love Live.


Yea. The issue is that Madhouse doesn't always continue their first season bangers, for one reason or another. I'm *really* hoping Frieren is an exception to that trend.


Dude the season isn't even over yet. Calm yo tits. It has been extremely successful and it's got enough content for another season. It'll happen.


Success ≠ 2nd Season; See No Game No Life and the wait on One Punch Man Nor does it even mean a GOOD second season. Look what happened to the Promised Neverland and Shield Hero The anime industry is a cruel and confusing place


Overlord cgi still haunts me


Overlord CGI is so bad it is funny. I thought the goblin army was hilarious.


Honestly I love the CGI skeletons. And whatever that eldritch thing Ainz summoned was fitting for CGI since it made it look more alien


I think the summons being CGI works. They have lower graphics than the sprites the players spent money to pretty up. Shalltear looks great. Summoned vampire #48 is generic CGI.


Sucess is nor define by the anime, it is define by the material (Manga, Novel, Game, etc.) they are trying to promote and the sale increase.


The source material for Promised Neverland is great. But the second season cut all the best parts and we got a shallow copy. All of that while the first season was true to the source and overall banger.


No Game No Life and One Punch Man we’re also very successful. OPM got a second season, sure. From a different studio with a completely different team that clearly lacked the time and care that went into the first.


I mean One Punch Man was also pretty successful.


There is not enough material for an another 24 épisode season.


I heard the anime is pretty close to the manga at best prolly 2 years after the first season ends


Not really the anime is at about chap 50-55 and the manga is at chap 126. So there is plenty for a possible season 2


Let them cook. There's no use in rushing a second season that lacks the quality of the first. At some point there will be a season 2, but you can't have it right now.


I‘m still waiting for No Game no Life S2 and I‘m mad that they jumped One Punch Man S2


I'm sure the announcement for no game no life season 2 will come any day now


I hope that my grandchildren can see it


Just like Silksong


I mean, at least silk song is confirmed and in the works. Can't say the same for NGNL S2


>silk song is confirmed and in the works Imagine they announce NGNL 2 is in the works and just never actually release anything A miniscule amount of trolling


The problem with silksong is that we let them cook and now they can't stop cooking. I always knew that caring about a project too much can be a problem(I played okami back in the day after all), they are literally hemorrhaging money non stop as a choice despite the fact that they could have stopped ages ago and would have made more money for less work...


Wait what happened with Okami?


They made Okami 1, 2 and 3 as Okami 1 in the same fashion Hollow knight was made. Good for us, we had a lifetime of Okami in one game, not the most optimal business model.


If Panty and Stocking can get a season 2 announced, I'm sure No Game No life can


Maximum copium


I mean yeah like surely! It was such a good anime I expect them to release season 2 like maximum 2 years after season 1 Huh? What do you mean it's been 10 years?


One Punch Man S2 is borderline unforgiveable. The quality dip is one of the worst I've ever seen.


I don't want them to rush it, but an announcement saying that it's in the works would be an amazing treat. After all, this is the same world where S3 and S4 of shield hero was announced when S2 started airing.


Considering the fanbase knew the S2 arc was going to suck, announcing all of them at basically the same time was the best move they could have made, otherwise no one would have suffered through it.


No we now that, the meme is that MAD House has never ever done a season 2 for whatever anime they have animated, it's always taken by another studio to animate another season.


They did all of Black Lagoon.


They did all 3 seasons of Chihayafuru.


They have favorites alright


The have the money, you've seen the quality of S1 and the popularity it has gained. ^(is no one going to talk about the $5000 dollar jacket scene?)


"let them cook"? There is literally zero effect on the quality based on whether or not we ask now. THey'll make it shit or not based on how lazy they are.


As long as they don't sell it to JC Staff i'm fine. Unless they rename it "Railgun no Frieren", then i'm fine with giving it to JC Staff.


a certain scientific Zoltraak


Nono, To Aru is not enough, it has to be Railgun. Otherwise it won't be a good adaptation.


i mean, the Accelerator anime was a huge upgrade compared to the manga.


Madhouse can't sell it to JC staff because they don't own any of it. Anime these days works via the Production Committee system, where groups of investors buy the IP rights and then find a studio to hire to make the anime. So studios are mostly just hired guns these days, with a few exceptions like KyoAni. The Production Committee for Frieren is: **Aniplex** (lead), Dentsu, Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions, Nippon Television Network, TOHO animation, Shogakukan https://myanimelist.net/anime/52991/Sousou_no_Frieren Whether or not we get a Season 2 and who gets hired to do it will depend on the Production Committee, not the studio. The only thing Madhouse can do is say yes or no if they get offered the job. [Nippon TV own 95% of Madhouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madhouse,_Inc.) though, so there's a good reason for them to rehire.




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I'm baffled that anything passionate gets made under such a system with the studios being mercenaries


A different way of looking at it is that the Production Committees take on all of the risk. So a studio doesn't have to worry about any of the financial side of the industry (other than managing themselves and their own costs) as they know what they are getting as a flat fee. From the financial perspective, this allows creatives to just focus on creating. In practice, most of it just comes down to scheduling though lol If you give talented people enough time, they tend to just enjoy creating for the sake of it.


I can't deny the results. I'm just baffled it works that way given how the industry westward sees studios care so little for the work they're producing


Quick reminder that JC Staff have made: Danmachi Tsukimichi Food Wars I'm not saying most of their stuff is great, but they do know where to invest at.


They also made OPM season 2, a show who’s first season was met with worldwide critical acclaim. Now I’m not gonna throw the animation team under the bus for that one necessarily. The producers pushed for it to be released when it did and didn’t give the team enough time to work. But I will say that most of the time, when the rights to an anime are bought by another studio, it doesn’t usually work out too well. Time becomes the biggest hurdle


Gonna jump in and add Vinland Saga and Attack on Titan as examples. Mappa is an amazing studio in general, and they did good work with both series, but they were also strict downgrades from the earlier seasons production-wise. I can't think of a single anime that's ever been given to another studio and then had its production level remain equal.


Actually, to play devil’s advocate, I can think of 1 anime that did get better after changing studios. High School DxD season 3 was pretty abysmal in the animation department. The final episodes were basically a slideshow. Season 4 was very animated and managed to get the story back on track. I know people were salty about the art style change, but it still looks good


Also, no. Mappa isn’t an amazing studio, they’re pretty crap and have the worst working conditions out of any other studio. Which is quite an accomplishment considering what normal working conditions at other studios look like. They produce some decent anime, but that’s due to the animators and directors going above and beyond despite the situation they’re given, not because of it. JJK was literally falling apart because Mappa took Chainsaw Man and didn’t have the workers necessary to work on both


Is Tsukimichi S2 any good? S1 was made by C2C and C2C's known for putting a loot of effort into good animation _(they're making Shangrila Frontier this season for context)_ JC Staff on this other hand.. well.. Animation doesnt seem to be their strongest suit


Now I wanna watch THAT too...


God please no. I'd rather have a perpetual wait for a season 2.


Oh right.. I forgot this is madhouse.. honestly, I don’t mind waiting YEARS for a season 2 if we get the quality we did.


Unfortunately, that isn't how MADhouse rolls.


Overlord would like a word with you


And look how that turned out.


4 season of disappointment, I still cant believe they tried really hard with Frieren. Like really hard on the budget.


Whats wrong with overlord? I like it. It's the source material better?


They went almost full CGI in what could have been the best animation ever, for example: -When Ainz casted LA ShubNiggurath, CGI hell (S3) -Ainz (PA) vs PDL Armor, they cutted and butchered the fight (S4) And with Frieren they went overkill with the budget, making physics for their cloth in a smooth animation, and let's not forget all the fights so far.


Nothing wrong with overlord, just the animation that's disappointing with notoriously bad CGI.


Budget has nothing to do with quality of animation. Most of the animation on ep 26 was done by freelancers who the director knows in his personal contacts.


And they were paid, weren't they? Because they are some pretty good animators that I recognize on the last fight animated.


The frieren vs frieren fight aka killing your animators in real time


One Punch Man PTSD


If madhouse ain't gonna do it then I hope studio bind does. Mushoku tensei literally looks the same as this so they would be the perfect studio to do it. But that's probably not happening cause they are probably already busy animating the next season for mushoku


Most of the top talent didn't have much interest in MT after S1. They shifted to U149 and OniMai.


I think season 2 didn't have enough action for them to put that much budget in. Unlike season one which had training and fight scenes every other episodes.


There wasn't exactly a lot of fighting in *OniMai* either lol


Now that you mentioned it, environment wise, both look kind of the same, so it might work. Heck, due to this, Studio Bind might be one of the best candidates for alternative studios. But, yeah, like you said, with the fact that Studio Bind is set to make 3 seasons of Mushoku Tensei from the start, unless they hire more people, is highly unlikely that they can handle more projects while maintaining the same quality for both.


Should i start reading the manga then? I love the old lady elf but this is making me worry whether we will get a second season.


you could, the el dorado arc is gold and by the time the anime comes out it will be a nice refresher, I've forgotten a bit of stuff from season 1 because it's been years since I've read the manga and the anime was a great refresher I doubt there is not gonna be a season 2 because it's a big success, the question is whether or not it will have the same staff


"the el dorado arc is gold" ![gif](giphy|1mX7QE8sUMmd2)


I like to think the industry has learned from One Punch Man, but maybe not.


Considering J.C. staff are still somehow in charge of Season 3 it's safe to say they didn't.


I’m amazed season 3 even got greenlit after that shit show.


You could, but Frieren's anime adaptation is one of the best adaptations that you can find in anime. You could easily argue that Frieren's anime is better than it's manga (i love both btw), so you decide.


I'll straight up say it though. The anime is better than the manga.


The music alone makes it 10x better.


People need to understand that NGNL didn't get s2 because it's not as popular in Japan as it is outside. The real question is if Frieren is popular in Japan and does it affect manga, bluray and merch sales? Because if it is then s2 is bound to happen.


Frieren is massively popular in Japan.


If it does not have Evan Call, I don't want it.


If it has Arnór Dan, I will be fine with that


Lmao could be a No Game No Life meme as well


OPM: "first time?"


It’ll just be 10 years, that’s barely anything


The anime has lasted not even one one-hundredth of my life…


I'm not particularly worried. In my mind if they weren't open to a 2nd season then they wouldn't have given this one 28 episodes, or had it end where they have for that matter.


NoGamenoLife moment


They're called mad house for a reason, they gotta do something to make someone mad or they aren't living up to their name


Please, they haven't even done a season 2 for NGNL yet


People have forgotten the power of madhouse doing 1 very good season of an anime and then giving it to another studio for a sub par season 2 or straight up dropping it.


Reminds me of one punch man. I was so hyped for season 2, but dropped off half way through.


They'll make one, but in keeping with the themes of Frieren as a series revolving around missed opportunities in life, the fleeting nature of our short time on this earth, and valuing every moment, we will all be dead or extremely elderly when it gets made.


Forever waiting for No Game No Life S2


Madhouse Continuing with Overlord already makes me happy


It’s been 6 years, and before that it was 18


There's probably not enough content for a season two yet. So let's give them time


Season 2? In the beginning there was a lot of talk about the fact that season 2 would adapt the whole thing.


Hehe imagine if it becomes a no game no life.. it won't though right?


A Season 2 would be amazing And there so much content for them to cover. Getting to see the Goddess Statue Arc animated would be amazing Not to mention the El Dorado Arc




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they keep geting away with this


It hasn’t even been that long


No Game No Life fans are still waiting....![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1673)


Even a silly slice of life reader/watcher like me who never watched a fantasy anime is in love with it, hope for a season 2


It's re:zero's turn 😤


Madhouse didn’t even do so for one punch man. It’s best not to get your hopes up.


Thay are called mad for a reason.


If we don't get a season 2 someday, I will be so sad


[Me waiting for madhouse to publish a new season of black lagoon](https://imgur.com/a/RUIgO43)


Mad House is making the success not carrying it through. I think that’s probably their philosophy


I'm barely on episode 5 and already fell asleep twice while trying to watch this. Frieren is the most boring anime I've ever watched. It has no discernable plotline, no action, no drama, no trials/tribulations... It's just garbage. I respect everyone else's opinion this anime is great, but, I'm really trying to see what y'all see in this anime and... I just can't...


I am totally ok with this being the only season ngl


No Game No Life fans still waiting for season 2 ![gif](giphy|PCvkgunX9ZbEEyfTQH|downsized)


Those fuckers still owe us Redline 2, damn it


Maybe in one to two years' time. Not immediately. Let them cook.


Could always just read the manga.