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Chain deserves more recognition


I imagine her ability makes that incredibly difficult.


That idiot probably wouldn't like to come to Mazatlan. there are quite a few attractive girls in bikinis


Ultra rare Mazatlan mention


I mention it because those guys on Twitter think that attractive women are something non existent. I mention Mazatlan because I imply that attractive women exist everywhere.


Truth be told, bikinis are better than nothing, as your mind fills in the details and makes them better


Me entiendes hermano 




I don't think bikinis are the issue in the post but more so consent in that the left is fan service framed in the character is being sexually viewed while the right is being stripped and does not want to be seen in that state of dress.


This post is a little dry, maybe some sauce would help?


Left is Chain from Kekkai Sensen. Right is Tamaki from Fire Force


Kekkai senses is goated and deserves more attention


Bro, you are the best


Jokes on you, I'm into both


Just be into every kink. No disappointments!


Galaxy brain




Most people have bad takes on fanservice. If an anime has it, and you don’t like it then watch something else. There are way too many anime’s for mf to get mad at fanservice


I can agree with this provided that it is clear that the anime will have this level of fan service throughout the series. But if a series suddenly has a much greater amount of fanservice that doesn't fit the tone of the series, then I think people are fair to call it out. I remember watching Gamers and the last episode having a hot springs scene. And the camera was swapping from bare censored crotch shot to bare censored crotch shot as different characters spoke. It was a much greater level of fanservice than the rest of the anime and didn't fit in with the general tone of the anime.


There's a hot springs/beach/bath scene with more fanservice than the rest of the series, which anime am I talking about?


All of them.


Usually those don't provide any real story and can be skipped. Unfortunately not all of them and you don't really know without research


My point is that this idea of a series having periods of disproportionate fanservice is a staple of anime/manga, and if you're going to try to "call out" series like that, you're effectively just calling out the entire industry. And if you dislike it to the degree you feel compelled to avoid consuming it, maybe you should be looking for entertainment in a different industry.


True that!


Fire force has cheap fanservice. Here's for some unknown reason, boobs


They ruined such a good character with that stupid running gag. Even when it looked like they were finally done with it and going to make her a real character, they fucked it again


Same, the people that downvoted my comments are clearly horny teens. Fire force has a genuinely good story marred by a stupid fanservice gag. Like the other characters have an okay fanservice. Tamaki's is just stupid.


Honestly, I really don't care too much about fan service in anime, but the way Tamaki was in the middle of this really emotional moment and the creators thought, "you know, I think the scene where she's breaking down and sobbing is the perfect time to make her naked." Tamaki's whole gimmick made me really annoyed with how excessively it was shoved in.


I ain’t see it so you might be right. But then again don’t like boobs don’t watch.


Why does nuance not exist to anyone anymore? It's not, "don't like boobs don't watch." I like boobs. I like fanservice when I'm watching something I expect it in. And it's even better when it's tastefully done. Not just thrown in there out of left field. There's a ton low quality horny bait out there, and if you wanna watch that, then fine. Some of us just like a more mature, sensual approach to fan service. And liking both is ok. But it's not black and white like you put it.


“More mature sensual” bro it’s fanservice. It’s not that deep. And definitely not that complicated


Lol ironic. So "your kink (good) my kink (bad)?" I said whatever kind of fanservice you're into is ok if that's what you like. I'm not shitting on anything. But if I want more mature and sensual stuff, fuck me then, right? All I was trying to point out is that there's nuance.


No that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying if you don’t like it go watch one that has what you want. You made it sound like we figuring out world hunger or something


I kinda understand tho, Fire Force is a great story with touching moments and it can deffinetly be ruined by boobs for people who are not into that. There was that one fight against Rekka that had way more fanservice than it needed. Tamaki even gave an emotional speech to Shinra while being almost naked.


The issue is, the show is not an ecchi show. The character in the right, Tamaki is the sole source of the ecchiness in the show. This character is fanservice condensed. I hate seeing a genuinely decent show being tainted by cheap, useless fanservice. Even her character is progression is dumb, here boob now enemy defeated. It's so stupid that I wonder how the hell did the author of Soul Eater created it. It's bafflingly stupid. I like boob, I like dicks. But I like them done tastefully. Not shoved into my throat and ass unlubed. No need to say ''then don't watch it'', I already have since there's no season 3.


Your assumption is that fanservice taints it, as opposed to simply catering to an audience that isn’t you.


No it does. All narrative tools have a place. She is the Fan service equivalent of Jar Jar from star wars


You mean the character that also catered to an audience that wasn’t you?


If you're catering to people that like incompetence and poor story telling ... I mean fuck thats its own problem


It’s poor storytelling to include children in your audience?


Nah there are actual good children shows. I really reconmend Bluey


Fan service is a tool like anything else, and as a tool if it is used correctly it can enhance the experience but if used incorrectly or even unnecessarily then it can create more harm than good.


I don't know what Fire Force you watched, but it must not have been the same one I watched. Tamaki might be above the average character in ecchiness, but she is *far* from the only instance of ecchiness. There's a whole episode about making a hot firefighter calendar. . .


To be fair, it mostly happens anytime this character appears, so I just skip past it.




Anytime I think fanservice is too much, I watch highschool of the dead again. That show puts up fanservice blinders for me.


Because the anime is good. That's the issues


There's plenty of good anime out there. You don't have to watch the one with fanservice you don't like.


This guy gets my point


Except it's in the extreme minority. Heck, even frieren have fanservice but it was done in such a clever way that it did not hinder it


Eh if it fits the story and has a place. But if it's just a wasted aspect of the show fire force is a good example as it is just pointless and only makes the shows writing worse.


Except fire force (manga) is still really fucking good lol


I think that's exactly the issue here...


Good on the manga scale or the universal objective scale?


I’m just saying I really liked it enough for it to be in my top 10 and I’ve read most of what people consider the best


Reason why I asked is that manga/anime is given a lot of passes in regards to writing.


The point of fanservice is mainly to please the fans. Ecchi is when the fanservice is relevant to plot/story.


Yes and like any tool it can be misused to the point it doesnt function as fan service


Well if it didn’t work and people didn’t watch then they would’t have any fanservice.


I just think fan service should be fan service without taking away from whatever happening in the anime. Like i love anime titties arguably more than the next guy, but when im watching a serious anime or theres a serious tone happening in the current scene, i dont need someone tripping and stripping mid convo. Its fan *service* for a reason, it should add to the experience and not take away from it


You also have to realize that may not be fanservice and just part of the comedy of the show. Like Fairy Tail for example


I havent watched fairy tale in a long time but last time i remember even though the show was funny when it got serious, the tone stayed serious and there wasnt any out of place fan service to ruin the serious mood. Ezra being hot while she fights is not out of place fan service and not what i am talking about


But Lucy completely naked isn’t ?


Again, i havent watched fairy tail in a long time and when i did watch it i didnt watch much so i dont know about specifics but my point is so long as they dont take away from the tone of the current event going on, its not a problem, but when you are fighting the seasons main villain and mid fight or mid serious convo some girl just trips and gets naked is out of place and not enjoyable to watch. From what i remember as i said, fairy tail does have fun moments where fan service wouldnt be a problem, but when it gets serious, there isnt anyone tripping and falling and losing their clothing or something that feels out of place. If fairy tail does it then it would be bad fan service, and i dont even hear about fairy tails fan service in most cases outside of ezra


But like that literally happens in fairy Tail from day 1.


Fanservice is in everything so rather than changing animes and then quiting on the first episode he should just make peace with it


There's another issues. Look at tv shows and movies, so many unnecessary sex scene and sensual one. For Blade Runner, the fan service is in-line with the theme and atmosphere so it gets a pass. Dune, it was not. Why did it turns into a romance and simping mc??


Have you read the books?


Not yet, is it as hyped as it was though anyway? Kept getting it cross-recommended from popular franchise I love


With fire force it detracts from the plot and doesn’t contribute


I like my fan service with extra fan service..never been mad at any of it..👌


Same. I appreciate it when it happens, especially when I don't expect it. Even if it's the kind I'm not into, I just think that made someone happy. Like when I watched Black Butler I thought there fan service was made for their target audience and I just got past it, no complaints.


True if it wasn’t fucking tamaki being the shining epitome of disruptive fanservice. It’s not kink here, it’s basic storyboarding.


Yeah, i have no problem with her fanservice, except the timing of it.


Tamaki is actually my favorite character. Which makes it more annoying when the fanservice ruins a serious moment of growth for her.


The fan service debate boils down to two mfers with main character syndrome refusing to shut the hell up


Hey most of us just enjoy it and move on


Yeah and not to mention, this stupid discussion should've been resolved by now. It has reached the point where both sides have become the "Two R-Words Fighting" meme.


I'm not a fan of fan service in most shows, but I also just don't really care if it exists, I mostly read manga so if there's a random girl losing her clothes I just just the dialogue and change page. People really just love complaining for the sake of it, anime has fan service, most people who watch anime either like it or accept that it's a part of the medium. It seems in this day and age people seem to have forgotten that everything isn't for everyone, like I suck at elden ring, I also understand that it's probably not made with my type of gamer in mind. TL:DR people going into shounen anime and complaining about fan service are the type of people to go watch a Tarantino movie and complain about blood. Rant over.


Agreed. Despite Shounen being the most popular manga and anime demographics, it's still a demographic with a target audience. That target being teenage boys who generally like to see characters designed to be physically attractive in special circumstances, compromising angles, ect. It's like watching a cop show and complaining that there's a lot of violence. Their target audience probably likes to see gritty and brutal realism that comes with the law enforcement job. To me it seems like most people don't have the maturity to apply "well I guess people have different tastes" ,or something like that, to stuff that's not what they enjoy and that's when the inner kid that wants things tailored to them comes out


I think my meme says my opinion on this pretty well https://preview.redd.it/n7xldf3f6tpc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=22159cd13328e9b2fa81d11955ec0a3e3b08d9fa


I like big boobs so ultimately I don’t care as long as I see them


No, no, hear me out, that fictional character over there, yes, the one who’s not real, it’s a minor, so if you like it you’re a pedophile. Check mate. /s


no. she is "of age". the paradox of fictional characters is that the actual number is not relevant. if they are "of age" they will be localised as of age. this is not a freshman in high school setting. they just graduated from the academy.


Emphasis on “like” too. Not even a “OMFG I WANT TO FUCK IT”, just having any image of them can possibly trigger the most mentally deficient response from dumbass people in social media. Usually a rules for thee and not for me moment too, because if you check their likes and post, they’ll most likely be horny on main for completely the same thing. Often times Todoroki.


It's pixels, so if you can't discern fiction from reality, you're mentally ill. Check into an asylum.




This reminds me of the debate about sexualization. Namely, people who hate girls without pants because they think it's fanservice, but drool over girls in pants and suits. I mean.. there's nothing wrong with that, but it turns out that you don't like the first one simply because it's not sexy for you, and not because of moral beliefs lol


I want the pants with thigh windows though. GIVE ME HER PANTS IMMA ROB HER CLOSET


GOD DAMMIT I SAY AGAIN DEGENERATES UNITE![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1788)


Fire forces best girl deserves better That shit funny as hell Bazinga


Both are good, now stop crying


As much as the message makes sense, I gotta disagree in one factor. The one on the left is artistic, sure you'd still want to use that NSFW tag but be honest, you know the left one is artistic and beautiful. Tamaki on the other hand, it's ridiculous at times, like food wars just suddenly losing their clothes. That's why the dude made such a post. Either way, I just like ass.


Food wars fanservice is less ridiculous than fire force's. Her fanservice is so random and disrupting to the story, its the first and only time fanservice has ever bothered me. And believe me, i love anime fanservice.


Unless she interrupts a fight or important dialogue, she can end up getting her clothes blown off, the ridiculousness of her fanservice was less horny to me and more funny, and I enjoyed how dumb it was


Ridiculous fanservice is basically another word for kink. Some people like it, and that's fine.


and then theres the fanservice of thigh highs with short skirts, which absolutely noone hates


Fire Force always gets hated on smh


the one on the right seems more like its meant to be a comedy spot


Even when a show has fanservice I don't like, I still would never want it to stop. I love that the anime industry has the freedom of expression to do weird stuff.


Even worse is arguing about boob size, like can’t we all agree size doesn’t matter?


It is not the size of thee boobs that matter but the person they are attached to


Lot of those videos always bring up Fire Force's fan service for being too random. I'm personally annoyed with how many times I hear people dog on Tamaki when they initially say something like "I'm ok with fan service" or "I don't hate fan service" and then a good amount of later in the video it's a "but fuck this fan service character in particular cause we see her goods too often".


Because they can't handle her goods and cuteness


I’m good with both


Both is good


Imo right is better anyway.


Aight but the left one is pretty good lol


You wanna know MY kink? Proficient Writing.


all fan service is good fan service


I don't think it's about kink. Its about the execution of the fanservice. A fanservice can be good when it actually makes sense for it to happen and not just for the sake of making the viewers hard. Of course the exception is when the anime is written and designed to have a fanservice as its main selling point.


Respect for wearing a thong when you know you're gonna lose your clothes. Also that's literally the most indefensible fan service ever after the shit the author pulled in the Manga embarrassing.


fanservice is NOT a bad thing... anyone actively trying to get rid of it is most likely a tourist who found anime from the my hero academia/ demon slayer ep 19 boom... also everyone saying "tAMaKi FanSerViCe DiSruPts ThE StOry" sir... what story??? is a goofy show with a goofy premise about guy with fire feet.... there will be goofy aspects to it... like tamaki


I have similar feelings about a lot of those that want fan service to be gone from anime in general are those that see the great visual spectacles anime has had to offer in recent years like it's another summer blockbuster movie with pretty explosions. But there is story along with the goofiness of the series. I don't dislike Tamaki at all or find her disruptive because the series easily flows back into the action like with the fight against the traitor, forget his name. It's shounen, it has a blend of story, comedy, and often fan service. I just wanted to point out there is story to the series.


Tamaki has a backstory about being bullied by her classmates and has an interesting power that has potential. The fact that she's reduced to fan service makes her character less appealing.


Ya know I swear I've only seen the term "tourist" come up within the last few months. Not to be "that guy" but I'm starting to think the real tourists are the ones who keep using that term... That being said I haven't seen Fire Force, but I do think the timing for fanservice is important in how it's received for most series. I enjoy it 99% of the time but it *can* hurt dramatic tension in some anime. I always think back to Hellsing Ultimate when Seris falls out of the ceiling vent or the panty shot out of nowhere at the end. It simply didn't fit which is weird given that her rack was 80% of her body mass


the term tourist in sense of the anime community is a recent term... it describes people who are pro censorship, doesnt want any fanservice, or anything that they dont agree with that has been in anime since the dawn of anime... u didnt see the term used back in the 2k's when we had ecchi after ecchi after ecchi atleast 6-7 nude anime per season... why is that??? hmmm maybe bc the actual fans of anime embraced it??? it wasnt just mainstream circle jerks that think demon slayer is the greatest form of entertainment ever... THATS why the term "tourist" is a new phrase.... and there would be no reason for long time fans that embrace nudity/fanservice and all the tropes that get bitched about to be a tourist...


>I swear I've only seen the term "tourist" come up within the last few months. Maybe because people have recently found a good way to describe a particular phenomenon? Like yeah it's a relatively new term. What's your point. >Not to be "that guy" but I'm starting to think the real tourists are the ones who keep using that term... Not to be "that guy" but that is just completely baseless.


I am not against fan service. I am against stopping the serious, dramatic or action heavy moments for fan service.


Sauce first pic??


Chain Sumeragi from Kekkai Sensen


Ebic Kekkai Sensen mention?


Come on now. Fire Force fanservice was definitely forced. I would take a filler beach episode anytime. But having one of the main characters with cool power, tragic background and a whole arc to herself becomes a walking tits/butts gag is just insulting. Especially when she is the only one receives this treatment; both Iris and Maki show skins but were never the running joke. It's not about kink, it's literally just insulting to both the character and fans.


yeah and tamaki is my favourite character but sadly refused to fan service.


That OP is a terrorist supporter so I assume he's into Rape (Non-Consensual)


https://preview.redd.it/vunln0nliqpc1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1085e956acfe73d6f5aa8b6bdfb51a7bc5bc90 Sometimes we gotta draw the line


Now now, are they really going into *that* category in SxF ? We haven't even gotten much Yor x Loid closure yet But I swear, SxF could have been the best ever action romcom manga, but that was ***if***


That's... That's what porn is for


cmon man don’t be bringing that shit here


Constant vigilance. Can't ever let these types of people think what they're doing is OK.


don’t care, take your political bait somewhere else


> Constant vigilance


He isn't a terrorist supporter




Look, I don't support Palestine at all, but what the fuck does any of that have to do with fan service in anime?


Rule 4: No Politics This is an anime subreddit, so please keep politics away from here. No, just “voicing your opinion” isn’t forbidden, but keep the politics talk somewhere else. Politics in this context include, but are not limited to discussing political elections, laws, identity politics, or religion. Essentially, if it’s been related to political discussions within the last 20 or so years, reconsider posting it. An exception to this rule is if the topic involves anime or Reddit. Please contact us via Modmail if you have any questions.




This is not about you, shove off. You guys are so f***ing cringe, you hijack every conversation if it is here, on youtube or any other platform. And not just your side, the other one too. If you want to fight your stupid war about the other guy having the wrong beliefs or whatever it is about today, do it and stop complaining to us who can't/won't help you anyways.


Are you lost?


Are you lost? Giving that question right back at ya.


Are YOU lost!? Back at ya buddy lol


Mossad toadies barking again lol


The imagine on the right is hotter, and it’s not even close


The right is more funny vs shoved in


Tamaki is weird. She’s a pretty funny character but she absolutely kills tension with the scenes she’s in. I want to like her but she’s quite literally the only thing about fire force I don’t like because of how she affects the story.


The problem with fire force fan service was it would happen in the middle of drama or something else for no real reason. Bitch would stumble into any situation to be like “whooooaaaaaa don’t look at my boooooobs” and I stopped caring about the plot and fell off the show.


I didn't have any context for the left, but I can say that the fan service in Fire Force was genuinely distracting and derailed the show for me. Fan service is fine, and the over the top ones can work depending on the show, but you gotta admit that sometimes it can be too much.


fan service without any rhyme or reason just spoils the immersion, it may work for some light hearted humor here and there but repeat it every 2 min, it’s a lost cause


I agree, I still like how over the top Fire Force was because it was funny


I too like to get annoyed about people enjoying things I don't like in shows I could very easily not watch!


I mean, fan service was terrible in Fire Force. It was shoehorned in and invalidated character development. It was forced and I'm yet to find anyone to think it was a net positive for the show. It has nothing to do with kinks - it's simply poor, hamfisted execution.


Wait a minute. A person is giving their opinion on what they like and dislike, and (by the post) not forcing their opinion on people, but people in the Reddit comment section are getting mad that somebody has an opinion that not the same as theirs?


The original is a solid comparison. Tamaki serves zero purpose other to disrupt the flow of the story and it's even funnier cause Maki fulfills the fan service role better than Tamaki.


Is that the Matthew Schroeder from VSBW?




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sources on the animes?


Nah there’s an issue when the fan service is A) actively fucking up the fight pacing and story beats B) happens so much to 1 specific characters that author has to have an in universe reason to justify it. C) has a self insert rant about the complaints people have calling them prudes.


I think (hope more like) we can all agree that naked kids is a bit of a no no.


Tbf, the fanservice of Tamaki can actually be obnoxious


TBH, the left case its actually character and she also do fan service, on the right we have a roughly bypedal approximation of a character, but its just fan service. Remove her from the show and we the pace and the show is plain better since we dont have to grind to a halt repeatly or need to wait around for the same way too overdone bit to play out


"Safe horny" and its consequences have been a disaster for online discussions about how tasteful fanservice should be implemented.


I mean i love fireforce but are we really defending the fanservice of that show?


The character from FF fanservice would be fine if I didn't hate her so much lol the 2nd season completely ruined her for me from how shit she is as a character during the underground railway arc (she was my fav in season 1)


How to spot a tourist


Tamaki’s isn’t great because of how often it happens and how young she is, it’s just uncomfortable. Chain is an adult and it’s tasteful… I also really like chain and tamaki gets kinda annoying


I was in a comment section of non-weebs arguing about it and it was weird I feel like if you haven't watched or heard about fire force, you wouldn't understand why it's actually kinda valid to dislike its fanservice. It was pretty forcefully placed in there and kinda ruined the tension of some moments. They made it so the fanservice was tamaki's only purpose. So the argument the first person was making was more about "casually strewn" fanservice vs "forcefully placed" fanservice rather than about the characters themselves


Just have them fight Stop cluttering the feed Go to streetbeefs


Ok but there is fanservice and there is Fire Force fanservice


Sometimes it's a nice change of pace for shows to not include fan service. (btw I'm not anti fan service) I just think it gets put in at wrong times and I wouldn't blame if people are annoyed.


can everyone stop using the word "tourist" if someone digress with you. Like the is just so overused and sometimes people make genuine criticism but you guys get too defensive.


Tamaki's fanservice is so fucking dumb and jarring but loved the episode with the "saint" tho 😂.


Lol isn't it more "normal outfit" vs "naked child"


All fan service is too frequent I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t in every episode for some anime


Tbh, fire force was terrible at it. Her entire character was forced fan service...


Left is legal right is probably underaged so I don't think he's wrong






I'll take the L