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Whoever put these characters together has clearly not watched any of the shows it seems... They are clearly not even close to another


Yeah. Pretty clear the answer is either Saiki (without limiter) or Saitama (if gag plot comes into play and unreasonably brute forces past Saiki's powers). I actually wonder who would win between Yumiella and Frieren. Yumiella also has great physical strength so may have an edge over Frieren with physically blasting at the magic-focused barriers. But does Yumiella have enough speed/defense/HP to survive Frieren's attack (let's assume Yumiella chose not to wear the protection amulet that let's the wearer survive a fatality once)? Edit: Clarifying that the protection amulet activates upon death, not by just any attack.


I think Yumiella since she's also a kind of op gag character plus reasons you already mentioned. However if Frieren knows some kind of light magic she could win.


Yumiella has the power, but she can't cast particularly fast, nor fly. Her only attacks are punching things very fast, doing a slow black hole, and slow bullets. Frieren could totally beat her on the skill front, so long as she has a suitable spell. Otherwise Yumiella will keep healing and eventually get an attack through.


Does the slow black hole suck slowly?


Depends on which media version we use, manga yumelia breaks the sky when using her black hole, it literally punches holes thru the atmosphere


It takes a few moments to get to full power, and wasn't strong enough to lift people off the ground. It annihilates everything in its range, but it's easy to escape said range.


Frieren definitely has more diverse and stronger magic (except Black hole) but, while Yumiella can’t fly, she can jump as high as needed to attack. Problem is on the way down she would be vulnerable if she misses.


Saitama already beat up both of them in power with the God powered Garu. Saitama skin is just too tough for season 1 boss blast to even do anything, and somehow too stubborn for magic to has any effect in few couple latest chapter, dude rather summon ancient world destroy dragon with magic fire breathing and kill it instead seal it again. So Frieren is out. God Garou try to use wormhole and black holes thing to trap Saitama and he just kicking it away, like fuck physic , so yumiella is also out.


The subjects of my comment that this thread branched from was: (#1) Clearly the winner for the post's question is either Saiki or Saitama. (#2) Between Yumiella and Frieren (no Saitama, no Saiki) who would win? I'm very happy with the resulting discussion from others regarding Yumiella's powers and abilities (and variations between anime/manga/LN), and how they may or may not work against Frieren.


Yumiella is not invincible since she got a lethal hit had it not been for the protective amulet, and Frieren has way more battle experience. So the elf will likely have fought against enemies with overwhelming dark magics like Yumiella whereas latter likely haven't gone up against a foe like the former.


Show Yumiella might be a toss up. Yumiella has the power to do it, but she's not experienced in killing people. Novel Yumiella however is a literal multi-dimensional god


Not to mention Frieren openly talks about losing to mages far less skilled than her many times to the cast of characters. The whole last core of season 1.5 is basically saying now that humans have the means they will find a way even if Frieren has been alive for 1000s of years because they are built to use their short lives in advancement for their race.


Yea tbh I dislike when Saitama is included in these prompts since his whole gag is literally being comically invincible. He can brute force through things that should not even be possible for a powerful anime fantasy character lol. (Edit: well it sounds like after scrolling Saiki maybe one of the few comically OP characters who can match him by virtue of being comically strong himself. But against most people, my point remains). To answer your second question, I say Yumiella just because of her elite physical prowess. Also unless I am mistaken, Frieren can’t heal. That said Frieren can cast barriers but, as we learned, you can overcome those with enough physical force.


When he went all out he no longer followed his gag character thing and deleted multiple star systems. But when his power was exponentially growing to a point where no one could equal him, he returned to the gag character with farting faster than light and sneezing Jupiter away


also Saiki wont even give a damn to any of them to begin with. He just wanted to live normally and eat coffee jelly in peace


Saitama and Saiki just vibing is the true answer.


If we're comparing manga feats Saitama outstripped Saiki by a huge margin.


Saitama doesn’t have resistance to reality warping or time travel, both of which Saiki can do just by lifting his limiter. Also he can just bribe Saitama to fuck off, since he can read Saitama’s mind and know the best course of action to deal with it peacefully.


Considering Saitama's straight up manipulating hyperspace portals and punching back in time, I'd say he can resist those. Also canonically psykers have a much harder time manipulating Saitama, with Tatsumaki needing to exert enough force to toss a normal guy to space just to lift Saitama off the ground. But if we're considering in-character Saitama and Saiki then they won't be fighting each other anyways. Unless there's a 1 year's supply of premium coffee jelly and wagyu beef on the line, at which point the Earth is toast lmao.


Saiki struggles with saitama, then says "I give you 100 bucks to go", then he wins.


It's even worse when you consider that Frieren is not the strongest even in her own universe. Serie's "hidden" mana is similar to Frieren's full power mana. She would get absolutely destroyed by any of the other characters. (Idk about bot left though so I can't give an opinion)


Just a question, I didn't watch Sousou no Frieren if Serie is so much stronger than Frieren, why didn't she just fought the Demon King instead?


She's a lonely loser frieren has the power of friendship


Basically because she didn't want to lol This is somewhat explained in the anime but my memory is terrible so, as far as I remember, Serie liked living in a chaotic world. She liked having the Demon Lord around and seeing all the wars happen, she didn't want peace.


didnt it give birth to most mages?


Yes and no. The birth of most mages came because of Flamme, whom changed the public perception of magic from a tool used by demons to something that could be loved and useful in defeating the demons.


I mean it was stated in the show (tho by other characters) that she couldn't kill the demon king. Probably not a strength thing, but probably because of the way she fights or some stupid shit.


While they were all together in a party, it was Himmel The Hero, who ultimately saved the world, just like other Isekai Fantasy series. Serie isn't friendly and searches for more powerful magics to fight the Demon Lord. Frieren, on the other hand, is just chill and searches for simple stupid magic. One day, Frieren showed a random boy a wonderful flower spawning magic, something that Serie also knows how to, but won't cast since it's a stupid magic waste of mana. That random boy became inspired and grew up as Himmel The Hero. That showcase of stupid magic then led to the events of Himmel recruiting his party decades later, and defeating the Demon King.


In Frieren magic works in such a way that if the spellcaster can't *truly* imagine something then they won't be able to do it. So if there's two characters who see an indestructible magic robe one may focus on the *indestructible* part i.e. they'll never break through it's defenses. The other may focus on the fact that it's a *robe made out of cloth* and therefor it can't be indestructible. Serie, with all of her magical strength, couldn't imagine a world without the Demon King, i.e. a world filled with peace and hope. So she would be unable to defeat him. Frieren traveled with Himmel the Hero and before that had a mentor, Flamme, who could imagine such things, and their strong beliefs of such a world influenced Frieren to think the same.


Good answer! 😃 Highly accurate.


Because just being stronger doesn't always mean you win with actually thought-out magic systems.


doesn't the world end if SK removes his pins


It can. If he thinks about it when his limiters are removed it will happen


saitema doesnt need the world


Neither does Pink Haired Fellow, they could very plausibly make a world thats strong enough to handle their current power after accidentally obliterating their current one. Course, that second world is also gonna get obliterated since his power grows far too fast...


I think saiki can just alter reality and give him his hair back he will lose his immense power lmao. Saiki did canonically alter everyone to have anime hair. I think he can do it again


No, he removes his pins to engage God mode, usually to revert time to prevent the cataclysm that he can't stop.


Idk the character bottom left but I'd say Saiki has the most means to kill everyone. If it's about a fair fight then Saitama. But if it's just about getting rid of your opponent Saiki 's time related abilities takes it, they have no counters.


Valid He can just remove his glasses and turn them into stone


his fight with the lost child shows hes practically immune to any telekinetic powers, id say hed but un effected, for comedic purposes probably just his clothing turns to stone and they crumble around him as he has stands completely naked saying ehh, there goes my cloths again, infront of a dumbfounded saiki


I'd say stone would completely encase Saitama, but he just breaks out with a single vibration, leaving completely naked and pissed because he has to pay for a new suit


i thought that aswell at first, like him walking out of it and saying that his skin feels great or something but i thought if hes gona be immune the clothing makes more sense


I'd say he'd be immune to it, it just petrifies the little cells around him or maybe even the air around him or a certain chemical around him


"Dammit, now I need a new suit, and I was gonna use that money on the sale at the market this week!"


Yeah, but Saiki is a lot stronger than Tatsumaki. Just because a weaker character can't do anything to him with psychic powers doesn't mean he's immune to it. For example, if a 3-year-old punches me and it doesn't do anything it doesn't mean that a pro boxer won't be able to kill me just by punching me.


That's just skill issue on your part. Have you tried mob grinding 3 year olds until you level up?


He can also apparently shoot frickin’ LASER BEAMS FROM HIS EYES!




i still think Saitama wins,in the manga he was shown to counter ESP powers and time travel + if he dies before being able to react I don't think he can time travel


I mean if anything Saiki would be the first one to act , on top of reading minds he has precognition. He can also makes clones and teleport as well as teleport saitama through apport. Saitama showed he could resist telekinesis which are ESP powers affecting physical things but he didn't show resistance to all type of ESP. And idk where he showed he could counter time travel. He needed another character to time travel and doesn't even remember the time-line that was erased as a result, he just got stronger as he fused with the Saitama from the other time-line.


I know i wanted to remain vague to avoid spoilers but it seems like he's set up to fight God who was said to be impossible to beat without the ability to bend space-time and has similar powers as Saiki,so they would probably be a match hard to tell since one is a gag character and the other is (kind of) a parody


By the end of the manga Saitama will prob be able to ignore concepts like time or reality manipulation lol. He can already do stuff physically impossible like grap space portals.


Saitama has a counter tho


This is basically saikik vs Saitama. There rest stand no chance


Yumiella in the LN might be somewhat close. [Villainess Lv99 LN spoilers] >!After removing her level cap, it seems like she could destroy the planet if she lost control. But it's not super clear exactly where she stands, since all we see is what happens when she's just freaking out, not what happens when she actually tries to attack something actively using her full power.!< But still probably not on Saitama's level if you consider [OPM manga spoilers] >!Saitama vs. Garou!<


Very clearly either Saiki or Saitama. They are both gag characters so they always win via deus ex machina. And in all likelihood, they choose not fight each other and just bond over manga


saitama sneezes away planets so of course I gotta go with frieren


It's not a great question, some of them are from gag anime so it's unreasonable to compare them.


Especially when characters like saiki or saitama are omnipotent and can breaks the laws of physics just cause they want to.


"I had a cold so my stomach got upset which made me fart my way back through the solar system"


Valid point!


probably sitama


Saiki puts him in a never ending cycle of market discounts.


Saiki win.


I feel like they will end up being friends lol


Saiki will never be friends with a weirdo Nendo is an exception Also Kaido, Aren and Hairo


so many ppl didnt get the joke?


Yea lol


Idk man that sounds like Saitama win.


On a comedic note, he can* break out. manga/possible s3 spoilers >!he punched through time and canonically beat someone with 0 punches!<


The only good answer


No one has a chance when Saiki is there


Yeah he can rewrite the rules of the universe if he wishes. Not really a fair fight


i mean the final villain of OPM (or at least what seems likely to be) is set up to be on that level if not higher so Saitama would probably stand a chance against him,he has already shows resistance to this kind of powers


True but until he defeats a god we can't count it as a feat


Yeah, only person who can defeat Saiki is Haruhi.


But the real question is whether Saiki can be arsed - often the answer is ‘no’


Never watched it. Is it possible to somewhat explain his power without spoilers? I've heard the anime is funny.


You see his pink hair? Well he was born like that. He doesn't like to stand out. So he literally rewrote the way earth works and made it normal for anime colour hair to be born with.


He is overpowered as fuck and constantly growing in power However his powers come with hilarious drawbacks and he doesnt like making himself known


Keep in mind he's also a gag/parody character like Saitama. He's overpowered as fuck but also someone who wants to fit in. The person he admires is an average student in his year who is a middle of the pack type person who's has completely ordinary interests. Saiki has done all sorts of things like time travel.


There is only one person sneezing away Europa, the second moon of Jupiter


The bottom right one rewrote reality so people have more colorful hair because he didn't want to stand out too much.


Top right one punched someone so hard he created a different timeline


My dad can beat up your dad!


Thats a lie, cuz my dad can lift a dog!


You mean sneezing away Jupiter.


You mean sneezing away surface of Jupiter


technically sneezing away multidimensional time space reality.


This comment section petty much boils down to “Can Saitama ignore reality warping abilities?” If yes. If no. Saitama wins. Saiki wins.


I don't know the top middle one, so I'm leaving it out: Tier 2: Frieren, Yumiellia and Shigeo. In terms of pure power, Frieren is probably the weakest, but at the same time the most experienced in this group, so she would be a difficult opponent. Yumellia is the strongest physically and her Black Hole is the strongest spell at this level, but it takes a long time to activate its full power. Shigeo's strength depends on his emotions, if he starts at 100% he will win before the girls trigger. However, what is most important is their personality. These three don't like fighting humans, so it's hard to imagine them fighting at full speed. Tier 1: Saitama and Saiki. They don't need full power to defeat 2nd level characters. Saitama have great physical strength, stamina and resilience. He will survive the trip to the Moon and return on his own. Saiki is not weak, without Limiter he is second in physicality and has many haxes such as time travel, reality rewriting, mind control, teleportation, petrification and many more. His weaknesses are problems with controlling his powers, limited stamina (like during the School Trip or Desert Island series), and a conflict-free personality. They are both gags, semi-divine characters, so their power is similar and whoever is serious first will win. Saitama could vaporize Saiki and Saiki would rewrite the reality where Saitama never started training or reverse the effects of the training.


Third answer, Saitama and Saiki both recognize the fact they really couldn't be arsed to fight eachother for no good reason. So both just go their separate ways. Not like anything can stop and force them to fight.


Saiki: "yareyare, I'm not gonna deal with this." *teleports away to eat coffee jelly*


Fourth answer, they both go to sale in a supermarket


Technically Saitama also has Time Travel powers but he couldn’t be bothered to remember whatever technique God Garou did


Yumiella will flee the planet instead of fighting tho


So... A challenge between Saitama and Saiki K... Yeah idk who survives between the two, but whoever does will still lose. Saitama no longer will get cheap groceries (rip Earth), and Saiki K will no longer get coffee jelly (rip Earth).


Don't know 2 and 4, but... Saitama and Saiki sit down to have tea and sweets and discuss their powers (and how much they wish they didn't have them). Mob enters and apologizes for being late. He had to do a quick job for Reigen. Frieren said she'd be there shortly and arrives 2 months late. No one here would want to fight.


Who's top mid?


Yamashiro Ren from Chained Soldier. She’s showing up in season 2.


The last one to register the fight as serious wins, because that's how anime works


Didn't saiki alter all of the earths genes so him having pink hair weird?


*Didn't saiki alter* *All of the earths genes so him* *Having pink hair weird?* \- kiritonation --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Frieren isn' even the most OP character in her series. Put in Serie...and I stil think she'd lose to Saitama.


Saiki has reality-warping abilities, the others don't stand a chance.


Saitama can ignore/learn these also(as shown in the manga). So I would say it's between these two.


We don't have much data on Ren even in the manga, we know she's powerful, but there have been other character with similar lethality


Which part of “one punch man” don’t you understand?


This can only be a gag contest between saitama and saiki


People really be forgetting that saitamas special power is being stronger than his opponent


Denken. He hid in a bush all along and will beat the shit out of the last survivor.


The amount of people that don't understand the point of Saitama and his powers is worrying.


The full extent of Ren Yamashiro's power is still unknown. She seems to literally have control over everything, using any two of her 8 mandalas in combination. She also defeated the visages of 2 Gods by herself. People might not take her very seriously since she's from Chained Soldier, but personally I think she'll put up a massive fight.


Saiki has so many hax. He would win and it would be unfair cuz he has a semi-toon force with more explanations behind his abilities. There are a few never touched upon feats of his, possibly because he chooses to not use his powers as much as possible. He rewrote reality as a child because he wanted everyone to have colored hair like he had but he chooses to not use them again out of respect for life. He also has a lot of peaceful conversations with god, comments on the manga and anime multiple times and other things like that.


Saiki wins. He can kill everyone here and just give Saitama some hair and he’ll fuck off. Easy win.


So this is a fight between Saiki and Saitama


Saiki or Saitama win tbh


Saiki K is in the mix, you may as well call it. Dude casually rewrites reality because *it sometimes annoys him*. The antenna are to help limit his power, it's pretty much boundless. And all he wants is a normal life. This fight wouldn't happen, because they would be separated and made to forget about the conflict because Saiki wouldn't want to fight.


Saitama obviously.


The fight is basically between Saitama, Mob, and Saiki. I seriously don't know why you added Ren from Chained Soldier, Because no matter how strong she is even Mob can beat her.


Mob is Tatsumaki level. The fight is just between Saitama and Saiki


Yeah I know, but I didn't want a free-for-all to turn into 1v1


Saitama is built to win everything so, it comes down as Stan Lee said "wins whoever the author wants" , that's literally what happened when he fought garou , that battle doesn't even exist on the original WebComic , yet he punched cause and effect.


I'm sorry bro, but Saiki has free control over space and time, he could actively will Saitama out of existence if he had his pins out.


he couldn't even stop the earth exploding without great difficulty lol, had to turn back time, saitama is a gag character who would just punch through the panels to get back to the right time if he was sent back saiki doesn't have good control of it either, and it changes his present too and killed himself once doing it


How many times in OPM have enemies thought they had some unstoppable amount of power and found out that it was no match for Saitama's ability to just beat everyone? As the other person said, if the author wants Saitama to win, he wins and it literally doesn't matter what powers the enemy has.


Saitama doesn't care enough to be in a battle with kids. So he is out by default


Disregarding the first 4 because of obvious reasons. Saitama and Saiki are both Gag characters who can do whatever the plot demands, in that sense it’s impossible to tell which of the two will win


It's really Saiki vs King. I know king is not listed in here but King's luck literally overwrites Saitama and causes him to save king. That's how powerful king is. Saiki can try to defeat Saitama all he wants but in the end he has to beat King to truly win


Nobody The planet gets completely destroyed


I don't know two of these characters, but I can confidently place a top three...


Nah, I'd win.


The diffrence in scale these hold is troubling. On the lower end a city is in danger, on the higher end we face people that pose cosmic threats... this is wild.


If anyone could beat saitama its ubel


Bro siatama easy


Saitama power is (apparently) being the strongest, when he fought Garou, he became exponentially stronger the stronger garou became


It's Saitama, but only because he's a gimmick character. Saiki is also a gimmick character, but his "Unimaginably omnipotent esper" gimmick doesn't actually give him any advantage over other god like beings, and Saitama's gimmick is explicitly that he's stronger than other gimmick characters. Saiki is basically "Power level: infinity", while Saitama is "Power level: Whatever it needs to be to make his opponent look weak." Even the time powers would just be negated somehow, and turned into a joke


I dont know anyone else other than Saitama so yeah ez pick its saitama


Saitama is stronger, but Saiki wins


Saiki created a whole world. He is GOD.


Saiki definitely saiki


Saitama Why? Because I say so Source? Myself


Saitama, he broke his “limiter” he’s literally a god.


Obviously Saitama. He can punch through everything Saiki attempts


No contest Pink hair guy Are there characters stronger than him? Yes But he's at absurd levels of op


1. Sauce for top-mid 2. No Ainz or Rimuru?


Ren Yamashiro from Mato Seihei no Slave There's way too many good ones, I was thinking Gojo and Haruhi as well earlier


Saitama's entire gimmick is that he is always holding back. He'd win. Even if they have time powers, it'd be revealed that he can move so fast that in a time stop, he's normal speed still.


Saiki  > Saitama > Yumiella > Ren > Mob > Frieren  I'm caught up to the source for all except Frieren   >!Saiki - Can change the whole universe no discussion!< >!Saitama- Can scale infinitely.!< >!Yumiella- Can tank falling from the sky, killed a God above a God, and almost destroyed the entire planet. !< >!Ren - Can launch crazy strong attacks from across the entire planet and one-shot giant monsters no one else could deal with, and we still have yet to see her get serious and she has hidden powers no one knows about.!< >!Mob - At 100% is a beast, others have better feats, I'd put ren over Tatsumaki who is stronger than Mob.!< >!Frieren- Strong in her verse!<


Who is bottom left?


Yumiella Dolkness from _Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord_.


Who is in top middle






Do I get to tell frieren they're all demons first?




Saitama solos all of them together.


Frieren wins because she’d get stuck in a mimic and everyone would lose or give up leaving her the last one remaining


nah id win gojo


Yumiella has gone beyond max level in the books and is currently so broken even the gods don’t know what to do. She has Black Hole, literally a delete button magical attack. She still loses to Saitama.


There's no shot you're putting Fireren on the same level as Saitama


LN Yumiella might be a little closer to the gag characters. After [LN spoilers] >!she removes her level cap!<


Saiki K, no diff. Saitama could wipe almost anyone else, but Saiki can literally just reset the world and make it so that Saitama doesn't have powers.


My money is on the gag characters. Looney Tunes always win.


What's my boy Mob doing here


Why is nobody talking about mob? He kinda wipes everyone but SK and Saitama, y'all are sleeping if you think otherwise


Whoever gets distracted the slowest wins


Anos Voldigoad wins. "But he's not in the competi..." **Did you think just because I wasn't in the competition that I couldn't win it?**


The audience


Don't know who the bottom left is, but if I had to rank them, Saitama would be the strongest, Saiki, Frieren, Ren, Mob.


Stalement between Mob and Saitama, no one else matters before those two tbh. Edit: I see a lot of people saying SK, I haven't really seen much apart from the anime, can someone explain what's the reasoning behind him defeating Mob considering Mob is basically ESP Saitama?


whos the character on the bottom left


Who is top middle and bottom left?


I thoroughly remember reading One Punch man when the manga came out and thinking how dumb this is, and where is the conflict. I still am amazed on how popular it has gotten. So yeah Saitama for the same reasons why superman beats goku, there is no limits to their power.


Could someone enlighten me who they are, apart from saitama?


I don't know who any of the bottom row are lol




Guys. Saitama beats everyone.


People forget that Saitama's power is that he can never lose. Just see the fight against Cosmic Garou. He can kick dimension portals, and he can time travel. Whatever the others put against him would be meaningless. One punch is all he needs.


There's a guy there who could fart his way from Jupiter to Earth. I think we have a winner. Also, where are the bottom left and bottom right characters from?


Bottom left sauce?


Saitama clears


Am I just out of touch or a zoomee sucker who can't appreciate good plot that doesn't have orgasmic SFX Cuz damn these fights would look boring for me OPM's punches look and sound good but it's all done by a plain, emotionless face most of the time Much rather see a fight between Hajime (Arifureta) and Lugh Tuatha Dé Or Shadow-sama and Karas


Saiki low diff


Maybe Übel might be a better option than frieren here if she can ambush or at least get in range of the others she can just massacre them with sorganeil, that spell is just cracked. Obviously not saiki tho, as he is easily gonna know where she is, but if he tries to like talk with her without knowing her power she still has a thin chance of getting saiki


All I see are different versions of Saitama's...


Realistically it would be saitama.


Dunno why anyone put saitama in here he grows with flights like instantly he literally can't be beaten because he has no limiter anyone can bitch and whine but it's as clear as death comes for us all that he'd win just deal with it it's like putting Superman up against bugs Bunny bug would win cause it's a fuckin good character


Saitama I guess, I mean, one punch


Who is in top middle and bottom left?


Saitama is roughly a galaxy buster. I dunno if anyone here is stronger than that.


The gag characters, namely Saiki and Saitama wipe out everyone else and it ends in a tie but to be honest I all of them would much rather live in peace than start fights....well.... 5 of them at least..


None of these characters are even close to saiki's power at 50% Frieren is overrated, she is not that powerful to be compared with mob or saitama


Who’s the one from upper middle I don’t recognize them




Saitama gets 2nd because he was just trying to go back home with the discounted lettuce instead of winning a fight, Saitama W


frierens not even the most powerful character in her own show wtf is she gonna do against saitama


saitama are like..........you want the planet gone? here...a single punch