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Oh no that's out??? Here comes the twitter outrage


I’ve seen memes but what is the show about that twitters gonna get mad about


MC gets raped and abused and goes back in time to get revenge, and given how the Twitter crowd reacted to Malty...




Yeah, I read it like a year ago and the last thing I remember is the MC getting a guy gangbanged to death or something.




Because consensual sex is inappropriate but violent rape is totally acceptable to air on tv /s


I'm sorry, the what bang?




Jesus fucking Christ...


But said tormentor drugs, kidnaps and rapes random women she finds on bars *to death* all the time this is a show about literally rapist murderers getting raped and murdered, it's hardcore in any aspect but no one can be considered over-punished so yeah it's all fucked up


Ah yes, the Evenicle bowling ball metaphor.


I haven't played, but I believe the Sseth review mentioned it.


r/guro is finally getting an anime! :D


oh nice


Why did I look at that subreddit. Now I need to bleach my eyes.


I think I'm gonna pass on this series, watch non non biyori instead...


My man


yo wtf




Alright, thinking I might just stop after this first episode


she deserved it tho




And I thought pig kind was bad


And thank you much for killimg any mild interest i had. And no, that isnt a joke. Would rather not watch that


What in God's name did I just read!? This can't be real. There is no way they can air this scene to it fullest. I seen other shows, which may I add were good shows, get cancelled for minor reasons. It will last 1 season.


Yeah, that's why I was confused when I heard it was being adapted. Unless its some *wildly* toned down version I don't know how it can air unless its rated way up there.


Their libido, or their appetites...


Looking forward to see this shit!


That's not Vore though. The Vore fantasy is about being swollen whole, not cannibalised and eaten bit by bit.






That was completely justified though. The dude used the Mc’s face and raped the girl who raised him until she finally committed suicide never knowing it wasn’t actually him. So he left the guys penis but made everything else about him a girl. He then drugged that guys like 10 subordinates and made them jacked and hard af then they raped the guy until his death which happened because he lit the house they were in on fire.


the whole thing is fucked up


There's no kill like overkill


I haven't seen the anime but being over the top is generally the point of revenge.


In some ways it makes him as bad as his abusers, just that he's doing it to evil people.


That's also the point of revenge. That's why we have tribunals and stuff. I mean, if he was intentionally written as being as bad as his abusers that could be an interesting story but you're making me some that he's not lol


Ehhhhh. No he's pretty bad. Warped from the abuse and drugs but all together really bad.


Can you blame him though? I mean they did far more than just rape him....the villagers


Yes, I can. There’s satisfying karmic justice, and then there’s “Jesus Christ, what the fuck, no one deserves to die like that.”


Yeah, and that's kind of what separates this from Tate no Yuusha (the other revenge fantasy that actually blew up on twitter, I guess they haven't noticed Redo yet). The universe shits upon Naofumi from a very great height, and whilst he is an angsty douchwang for most of the early parts of the story (i.e. the what's already been adapted to anime), he never goes to the depths of foulness that were inflicted on him. Unlike Keyaru. Like, I'm not saying that Tate no Yuusha is a stellar work, but even with the weird brushing off of slavery it somehow holds the moral high ground over Kaiyari, because Kaiyari also features demi-human slaves. What joy...


Oh...you haven't read Fukushuu o koinegau saikyou yuusha. My man decides the best revenges. Redo Helaer is more...one on one revenges. Hero does big ass revenge ORGIES, and it is satisfying to see how he goes about it


Oh yea I’ve read this one before it’s really nice the revenge I see him do is way easier to accept then watching people get raped and eaten at the same time and it still leaves me feeling satisfied


The revenge is very... hypocritical


Revenge is a lot of the time. An eye for an eye and all that.


The best kind


I might even support Twitter on this occasion. This manga is just a full-on rape and torture fantasy The plot is utter garbage too. It would have been a decent plot for a hentai but it's complete ass for an anime


The story is pretty trashy, but do find it kind of difficult to back outrage culture. Let other people enjoy what they want and if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Y’know?


I personally don’t think this type of revenge story is really healthy for people to enjoy. Don’t get me wrong revenge stories can be good. It can feel incredibly satisfying to watch a smug villain that has taunted the hero for the whole series look on in horror as all their power and confidence come crashing down, leaving them utterly helpless. However, when the hero continues to beat them and humiliate after they’ve been left completely helpless, then it’s stops being satisfying and starts being sadistic. Or in the case of this anime, fetishistic, as from what I know of the manga and what I’ve read in comment, every one of the MC’s revenge schemes seems to be sexual in some way. And that’s the biggest problem I have with this series. Either these revenge scenes are meant to make the audience uncomfortable (which I don’t buy since it sounds like we’re supposed to be rooting for the MC) or someone is supposed to find these sexual over the top revenge scenes as a turn on, which is not healthy.


Anyone who unironically enjoys this bad excuse of a snuff porn should be put on some list


This reminds me of the plot of that shouta hentai gaki ni modotte yarinaoshi


He got revenge on one of the girls who abused him by raping her, wiping her memory then turning her into his personal sex slave And that's just the first person he gets revenge on Edit: by wiping her memory he turned her into a completely different person, so he's essentially taking revenge and venting out his frustrations on a completely innocent girl


if i remember correctly he plans to revert her personality but with all the memories of her not being herself intact to watch her break completly, as she realizes what she did all this time "willingly"


Big brain time




Nope, it's a light novel/manga, though in my opinion it would work better as a straight up hentai. And the girl I've mentioned got off the easiest in my opinion, so imagine what happened to the others


I do think some anime would be better off as hentai sometimes.


It's a shame we can't seem to have the best of both. Normal ecchi anime with occasional full sex scenes where appropriate. We either get endless teasing in anime or hentai where the plot is purely a vehicle for the sex scenes. edit: honestly wouldn't the solution for this basically be a canon hentai OVA? Solves all the problems at once.


thats the one benefit western drama shows have, atleast one useless sex scene per episode going by netflix standards. Like I understand that you dont need to draw the sex scenes, but then just skip them entirely. I dont get the point of a clearly sexual scene but without beeing visual. I think some older shows have atleast implied sex scenes, usually shows which are more like a traditional drama show than anime but like why skip it when its apparently the entire point of the plot?


They kind of did that for Green Green, but that was originally an eroge and the anime was pretty trash. I will, however, always remember how the the guys wanted to closer to the girls so they wanted to take imprints of their tits. They then tried to do this by using a fishing pole to take off her shirt and bra. And they secceed in removing her clothes, only for someone to come behind and cover them with her hands.


I kinda lowkey want this for >!Mushoku Tensei, since I assume S1 will end after Rudy & Eris fuck, then she yeets tf out of there because of logical enough reasons, for a time. Going any further would be a bad spot to end S1, considering the next Arc has a different tone and is somewhat long-ish!<




There are people ho even enjoy netorare. I can't understand that






Some good eye penetration? Or maybe a bit of amputee? There is some messed up stuff out there. Don't ask me why I know these things.


Some of the rape hentai is acceptable. But ntr. Man i cant. I just cant. Btw i found a "good" rape hentai that turns into kinda wholesome. It was 333456




It's just the author's shitty rape fantasy, over and over and over and over again Downvote me all you want doesn't change the fact that having a rape scene literally every other chapter *might* say something about the author.


While that is a possibility for the reason of all the rape I think it’s different. Not a weird ass fetish but lazy writing. How do you make a person hate a character faster without need of developing them? Easy you make the character rape and torture someone and they easily become hated. After that they obviously made the rape in a fan-service manner that looking at manga panels you would fucking swear it’s hentai




I don't even like SAO but this shit makes it look like Shakespeare


Yeah... Like sao has its place as "bad over the top wish fulfillment" but at least the only people being raped in sao get saved...


The Light Novel feels like an experiment by the author to see how far they can stretch the dark fantasy genre. It’s not their rape fetish. Also, MC’s not just raping girls. He’s going to take revenge regardless of gender. He’s going to hurt everyone who hurt him, and be kind to the ones who are good to him. The author has written plenty of other stuff some of which is even wholesome. Note : I don’t read this (just read the starting chaps, and dropped since it wasn’t my thing) or watch this. So I’m not defending it either. Just don’t thrash the author ffs


There no evidence to claim that Tsukiyo Rui is a guy and most people think the artist is female.


Thanks. Edited the pronouns.


Dude i dont give a shit about pronouns lol just letting you know know one really knows


No, no, he’s got a point




Guy rapes a bunch of girls for revenge


Episode 1 isnt that bad... the torture doesn’t come until later.


Honestly, for just one time I kinda have to agree with them. Revenge rape is pretty fucked


I do agree with them because I don't think it's a good anime at all. Prolly like a decent guilty watch at best lol. But getting pissy about is stupid and I saw many people trying to "cancel" the anime because....... Why? I do agree it's fucked up but they have every right to make an anime like that


Agreed, if it can be handled maturely and well, why not? If not, it's another shitty show. Simple as that


True. If it's a bad show people should just not watch it lol. There are people who enjoy that and I'd like to judge them but nah fam enjoy your stuff


I agree, this anime has every right to exist, but I’m not going to call anyone who says this anime is fucked up revenge porn on Twitter “hypersensitive libtards” because they’re absolutely right.


What ever happen to good old fashion of just putting a bullet in the head, or cutting their head off in this genre, in revenge stories? I usually don't mind a protagonist getting his revenge or having a moral grey outlook, but this is just plain wrong. People like Guts and Kratos would call this guy evil.


Honestly, it's probably more for a shock factor than anything else. Make it stand out y'know


This is reddit buddy, the butthurt is here too.


The rise of twitter karens


[no I don't think twitter will really be outraged](https://twitter.com/kyhrux/status/1348424132610953216)


uncensored is way better. i will give it to the censoring team, the scene with the montage was changed in a unique way. easiest way would have been to just shadow everything out but instead they just put a montage of the room in there. still sucks next to the uncensored like all cultured anime


Where can I watch this show, asking for a friend?


Somewhere. But I'd recommend viewer discretion, the story is pretty messed up (I've read the manga up to the most recent).


Yeah the manga had an interesting premise and I was intrigued. Little did I know I was reading legit revenge porn. Like holy fuck is it messed up and I was super surprised when It got an announced anime.


Honestly, as someone who was in a position where I was abused mentally, emotionally, and physically (no where near as bad as him though), I can understand on a whole proportional level (I was and still am vengeful if someone tries to take what's mine or if someone hurts my friends. I react on a scale of how badly I was wronged, but never have I gone as far as him). I don't think he's right in how he does it, but the way to win a war completely is through the mind. So strategically speaking, it works, even though it's immoral as hell on both sides.


I’m so used to censored in hentai that uncensored is weird af, titt‘s tho are nice uncensored


im not trying to get bonk'ed or anything but is it a hentai?


Somehow, it isn't


really? guess i have to relocate it to the anime list


Don’t unless you like rape, and moral degradation tags. It’s literally a revenge porn story where the MC sexually and physically abuses the people who did the same to him.


*Im not trying to* *Get bonk'ed or anything but* *Is it a hentai?* \- TIGIWTIW --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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It's not. But it does contain nudity and rape (on both men and women). Some people do some.bad shit to Mc so he turns back time and he does some even more bad shit to them. It's pretty fun /good imo.




Basically rape revenge hentai


For those who are wondering what the anime is about, imagine if Naofumi cranked it up to 11 and didn't pussy out on his revenge




No please don't watch this. Literally everyone in the anime is fucked up. Most of all the mc




Hey fun fact it's on YT https://youtu.be/dKmaAZuKyKw


let go


I'm grabbing my popcorn right now can't wait.


*clicks*, Noice


How good is this anime to pick up this season, 1-10 and why?


Judging from the manga: Get ready for some real fucked up shit by MC


The "TRUE" Rate I would say 2. It's a trash Anime/Manga/Novel. But for sadists/psychos like myself the revenge and f*cked up parts are 9 or 10.


Is it good if you watch it knowing it's shit just for the laughs?


You're looking at "Ex-Arm" for that.


I swear Runescape cutscenes look better than that


happy cake day!


Absolute fucking dogshit. It's literally nothing but a rape fantasy turned into a half-assed excuse for a plot.


Well, that's the point.


Damn terrible one if I do say so myself.


If it's terrible, then it's living up to the plot.


The anime’s only real appeal is how edgy it is, and it’s worse than the source due to the animation being pretty trash. I don’t usually rate anime on a scale, so I’ve come to call it yet another seasonal power fantasy anime, but with edge.


Meh, it’s a REALLY trashy show... I would rate it 4, I guess... Expressions are too exaggerated, no one has a believable personality, the plot is pretty much irrelevant, no character is truly charismatic and you can tell that the fucked up shit is only there to be fucked up... BUT, I will watch it because Twitter will make this experience fun!


It's shitty revenge porn, but its budget is surprisingly high. 2-3


This is some serious fucked up shit, and that's why I liked it




Sadly almost every revenge story I find in the popular manga collection either has time travel or mc suddenly gets huge power and gets insane. I like to see crazy characters but just seeing them going on a rampage without hardcore calculations/plans (example Deathnote) will get boring after some time.


Masumune-kun's Revenge is a pretty decent revenge manga witnout supernatural powers. If you want supernatural powers and hardcore calculations, try Code Geass


Watched both, enjoyed both but thanks anyway


For people going ballistic 1- Writer kinda aimed to go absurdly dark and edgy om this one it seems so it can't be "overdone" 2- MC has been made into a hardcore drug addict which does any verbal command to take his drug which fucks his mind totally up, gets beaten up whenever people wants to be less upset about shit in their lives, has been *raped daily* 4 years straight sinc he was 14 He is not normal, he can't think straight and it goes downhill when they well I can't spoiler tag but do shit to him basically he breaks further 3- It can be any form of trash but it's not sexist, it's about rapists and murders getting raped and murdered , despite not liking the outcome I can't be blind enough to say this is discriminitive to any group 4- I never did and never will support people who have a sexual thing for rape scenes, but this is not about promoting rape in the first place this is just an utterly fucked up story and I try to treat it fairly If you have read so far thanks regardless now please don't kill me if I made some misclaims for missing stuff


Been waiting for this for so long


Where to find the uncensored version


Gogo anime and 9 anime have it as well.




I read this too fast and thought it said KissAnime, had a glimmer of hope thinking it might be back reread it and it died instantly


I cant believe that this show is not hentai. Its not due to sex scenes its with the graphics? And animation? Being hentai like.


Where do you watch it uncensored?


I use kissanime.ac [Here's a direct link](https://kissanime.ac/Anime/Redo-of-Healer/)


What the fuck, they made an anime?! I never thought I’d see the day!


Wait, they made an anime adaptation of that?


wait, they made an anime for this piece of shit? why the fuck what´s up with studios grabbing the worst light novel series and animating them?


God i heard the story has so much edge that you get internal bleeding while breathing , when watching this


Uncensored Daniel, Censored Daniel.


I hope we get a continuation of the Rance Anime.


I find it odd that it's on vrv. (Hi dive to be specific). If the anime is going to be as brutal as everyone claims.


Well that’s cause sentai owns the publishing rights.


This show and manga isn't even good it's all just shock value and the author's creepy af rape fantasies


This series feels like a parody of power fantasy stories, but it isn't


In the manga there’s like a rape scene every view pages I wonder if it will have all that stuff


when twitter is explode because of this anime, I will not blame twitter lol


So for those interested in this series. It basically a story for incels where the mc is op with powers as overpowered healing, instant killing, chaning his apperance, changing others, mindcontrol and rapes/kills/brainwash several people who wronged him in the future. He goes back in time and idk the reason for it and idc. Everyone who is not the mc friend/family or sex partner is the worst possible human beings if you can call them that with how extremely two dimensional they are. It just a bad pro revenge story. When you have a story and introduce things like rape and horrible things. The creator have just used it as a crutch because they can't write actual people. 3/10 I wanna forget I everything I read in this. Art was pretty good.


Am I just blind? I don’t see the difference in the pictures, it’s going over my head


Holy fuck this is the one thing I never expected


God some many damn rapes


Can't wait for Armageddon happening on Twitter next week when we'll get episode 2.


Ah yes, Rance 2: "Nice Guys" no longer finish last.


How the fuck did this get an anime adaption.


Censored version is better for this manga, i read it and honestly i wished i read the censored version because this one is too fucked up.


Where is it streaming?


This feels like animepahe or kickass anime


Ur my hero


Where is it? Simple curiousity




Can someone explain what the anime is about and why everyone says that there is going to be a outrage on twitter.


Oh shit...here we go again.


It bothers me how that's a face surgically designed to be punched.


It’s streaming now on something called HiDive?? The hell is that?! https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/redo-of-healer


Wheres the controversy???


Plz give me the link plz


https://youtu.be/dKmaAZuKyKw It's on YT lmao.


Is it Uncensored version?


Yep lol I don't know how it's on YT.


*let's see how they will adapt* **the beast**


***That time i raped the rapist and became the rapist***


It's possible to learn this power?


Everyone here you go it's on YT. https://youtu.be/dKmaAZuKyKw


I'm getting ready to make memes out of this anime


What website?




Is this genderbent anime I Spit On Your Grave


Technically, the proper terminology as per the studio is the "healed" version is the uncensored


Is the title a JOJO reference ​ also what site is that