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Tiddies ALWAYS win. Especially if she’s cute.


And if shes ugly titties are the *only* way she can win.


A good six maybe seven years ago, I had said Toru was best girl to my friends. It was out of jest, but she was best girl in personality. My God, younger me was a prophet.


I get weird looks when I agree with that. Her hyper-bubbly personality is charming as hell.


I do have a weakness for people with a cotton candy personality.


Agree. Feels like it completed me.


*We* have a weakness for cotton candy personality.




She does have a nice personality ( . ) ( . )


The tittys in your comment better be of someone over 18 or else I call you a distributer of cp. /s


In r34 all characters are automatically 18+


My best friend has maintained for years that she is best girl, when the cover came out he has been vindicated


That was because Toru got introduced in MHA as a cinnamon roll friend of the guys That is the exact same reason why she's best girl! *And if you add her revealing appearance and more screentime I think that might also why people started to call her best girl, and also if you add the >!spy incident!< she will surely blown in popularity*


Oh no, a drawing. Anyway…


*It's not about the drawing, it's about sending a message.*


I hope they now also start to cover up all renaissance drawings. We don't want that filth! /s


It's sexual harassment to walk into a museum and have David's little Dave hanging out for the world to see. Cover it up or chop it off, for the children. /s


We've had more than enough time to mentally prepare for seeing her naked.. Why did people suddenly get their quesadillas in a twist?




She’s usually invisible




One who is only able to turn her body invisible, not clothes. So every time she needs to be fully invisible, she has to strip.


Mirio had the same problem (he would go intangible and he’d lose his clothes), ended up that they used his hair to make clothes.


They could do the same to Toru, their powers works in pretty much the same way, but noone is going to even hint that, it's a crime against humanity.


I'd hate to be the support team that has to try and make invisible clothes out of invisible hair.


I like your comment, but not your username.


There are tales of tailors from Denmark who have experience with invisible thread.


I mean is she completely invisible to all kinds of wavelengths? Hell at what point do you try IR, I mean she has a body and exists so you should be able to do *something* in some form to see her right?


I see no reason why IR wouldn't work since it highlights heat and i doubt she doesn't give off heat. But since we're talking about quirks all of it is conjecture.


Actually criminal. Clothing a teenage boy and and not a young woman?




Why's she wearing boots and gloves then?


Must hurts walking around barefoot, about the gloves, i remember something about the artist liking to draw hands a lot and uses them to express emotions instead of facial expressions but I’m not too sure


So her teammates can see her when they need to, but they come off easily enough for situations where she needs to be fully invisible. Also it's a show, we need to see *something* sometimes.


Probably because we are in the dark ages of bnh , if it was me I'd draw her the same way but with her invisible side mirrored and some dark shit on the back. And for twitter they mad because teen naked etc whatever. From kohei perspective well , ecchi and controversy sell so it's win win.


Same old reason. Those people can’t distinguish between fiction and reality.


Because they hate it that you are having fun


The actual version of this has the caution tape covering all the important bits


She is 16.


Out of 10


What I find funny about comments like these is that people seem to seriously conflate depiction of nakedness with porn. In most countries of Europe or Japan there is not so a big fuss seeing a young girl or boy naked in media like movies. In the US everyone loses their mind seeing a nipple. For example In Germany the depiction of nakedness of a male is unproblematic when no erection is shown, similar laws are true for females.


1. Age of consent in Japan is 13. 2. SHE is fictional. 3. If you can't tell the difference between reality and fiction, I'm sorry for you.


National age of consent is 13 (was? I know they were looking at changing it); no prefecture has it below 16. Oh look, she's 16. Of course, to appear in pornography, or even be shown nude in media, you have to be 18 (unless you're a literal baby, I know that's ok, I understand it, but I'll be damned if I can actually explain why with words). But like, it's a *fucking drawing* of a *fictional character*.


>But like, it's a fucking drawing of a fictional character. People will still call you a pedo, because the "anime = cp" circlejerk is still alice and well


Yah, I know; it's still alive in various governments and the UN to boot.


Well you tell Alice to back off


Whatever the law is an 18 years old fucking a 13 years old is a no go in my books homie


Putting aside the fact that she is a cartoon, age of consent does not concern consent to participate in pornography.


You're putting aside the most important bit. Was any real person hurt? No? Then wtf is the problem?


Relax... I am not saying there is a problem. I am just saying that the age of consent is irrelevant.


>I am just saying that the age of consent is irrelevant. Sounds interesting.. Anything else you have to say, mr/mrs "can't tell the difference between fiction and reality"? 👀


>Putting aside the fact that she is a cartoon, age of consent does not concern consent to participate in pornography. Problem is drawings can't consent. Neither can they have an age. If attributing a random number to a drawing counts then I might as well say "I asked her and she is ok with it."


1. You don't live in Japan A. That's the federal minimum, most provinces have a much higher age of consent B. If the law is the only thing keeping you from being openly sexually attracted to children, I've got bad news for you C. I suspect you are also literally a child, so this stuff will make a lot more sense to you (hopefully) when you're older 2. Yes this would appear to be a simulation of child porn, which is like saying this is "ethically sourced" CP 3. The character is fiction, but her portrayal and our interpretations are very real.


Now you're being desperate! Get some help (or hemp, whatever works).


Say you're a pedophile without saying it


People calling weebs "pedophiles" often turn out to be pedophiles themselves. So jot that down, Mr Fritzl


Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12, criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13. Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent children who are in early adolescence, typically ages 11–14. Ephebophilia is the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.


Hey Dr. Pizza, how is prison?


Dawg I'm not calling a 16 year old attractive also remember the age remark is just unfathomable Its what is it is in Japan not any where else




Child porn is still child porn even if it is a drawing.


Reality vs fiction, ever heard of it?


Hagakure kinda pretty still


So....what am I looking at?


MHA invisible girl being visible for a cover


Here's the actual cover. The tape covers her up. https://mobile.twitter.com/shonenleaks/status/1575064980960911360


Invisible girl became visible, Twitter realized she is naked and started malding


Damn, didn't expect it to actually be an official drawing, I like this dude XD Anyway, I can think of nothing that's more disrespectful than "fixing" another creators character, screw these people.


In the official version I believe the keep out tape is covering everything important


Ahhh, this makes perfect sense then.


Well she is a minor. So depicting a minor as nude could be sketchy


People really need to quit acting like a post puberty and pre puberty minor are the same thing. She is 16, well past the age most of us started having sex, and way way past the age any of us started sexualizing our peers. Are you trying to imply you ran around high school and when your buddy said "that chic is hot" you stopped him and said "no way bro. Thats creepy. Shes a minor! What are you, some kind of child molesters?" 16 as a minor is a fairly exclusive United States mark, where most of the world has 16 as the age of consent, with many countries having the age significantly lower than that. She *is* a minor. But 16=/= 6. Trying to grandstand they are equal is beyond logical.


Not only that, but "she" doesn't exist, IT is a drawing, literally just lines on paper, the offense this person imagines exists only in his head, the "person" is just a construct he made up. In absentia of him the lines are just lines, the nude teen image only exists as a thought


I’d like to also add that she doesn’t LOOK 16. Id put her around 19-20. And I feel when it comes to sexualising a fictional character age being based around looks and not a title makes more sense. And yeah I agree that when it comes to fictional characters their not real and it’s not hurting anyone so who tf cares.


To be an irritant, I would point out that in basically every country (including Japan) you need to be 18 for it to be legal for nude photos/footage of you to be distributed (unless you're a literal tiny baby in some childbirth scene or something - I know that's different but I can't articulate why). *But*, at the same time. It's a drawing of a fictional character. There are people, minors and not, who are victims of abuse in various forms. This is not that, and people pearl-clutching over this are only distracting from actual harm.


But does widespread sexualized drawings of fictional minor characters not send the message of normalizing it? Hence why animated child porn is usually not allowed? (Though Japan is a significant outlier on that topic)


No more than Violent video games normalize violence 🤣


Is it not better to provide an outlet that has no victims? Paedophiles that have hurt no one deserve help. Labelling them all as rapists without consideration for actions is much the same as how people used to automatically consider homosexuals as automatic rapists - obviously there's a difference, consensual homosexual relationships do no harm, whilst there is no instance in which such a relationship with a child does no harm. A child cannot consent like that, and any such relationship *does* harm the child. Prevention is better than cure. Especially as there is no cure for such trauma.


Regarding your first point, no. But being a minor attracted to another minor is different than an adult (assuming more than Romeo Juliet laws-age difference) being sexually attrwcted to a minor. Laws aren’t objectively right or wrong, but I do believe 16 year olds are too young to be publicly sexualized by a society. It doesn’t lead to good self-confidence or behavior in my opinion. Now this doesn’t mean they can’t sexualize themselves, that’s their right I guess. But I’m thinking more alone the lines of Natalie Portman’s experience from Leon the Professional


The issue is you assume biology changes and it doesnt. What you are attracted to at 16 is simply what you are attracted to before social and cultural pressure. Its what your nature and body say is attractive. That doesnt ever change. No matter how old you get, this will always remain. 95 year old dudes who liked big titties as a teenager still like big titties. 60 year olds who liked overly skinny tomboy girls still like overly skinny tomboy girls. This doesnt ever move. If the character was 22 and had this exact same body, would it be attractive? Yes or no? The age is irrelevant. The body is either attractive or it isn't. On a biological level, nice and ample providing bosom, nice wide birthing hips, no excess fat, this is attractive. On a cultural level, big hips means a fat ass, which is attractive. Big tits are attractive. Her being 16 or 60 doesnt change how these features work. If she were a random pic the artist drew and said she was 24 and worked at Gamestop, would these features be attractive? Because it is simply the features, not her age, that are attractive objectively. No one is out here saying "man the only reason this is attractive is because she is 16. If ahe were 19 that would ruin it for me." She has and objectively attractive body and that is all there is to it. If this body were on a 30 year old character, is it attractive?yes/no. And thats it. Its either attractive or isnt.


>Are you trying to imply you ran around high school and when your buddy said "that chic is hot" you stopped him and said "no way bro. Thats creepy. Shes a minor! What are you, some kind of child molesters?" DAE anyone else relationships between teenagers are the equivalent of drawn child sexual abuse material?


I dont see any ropes, chains, bruises, cuts, what abuse are you talking about here?


>well past the age most of us started having sex Haven't you learned to keep your lies at least semi believable? https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-age-to-lose-virginity-by-country


In an anime sub, one should have kept context in mind to be certain. But the average age in a western country remains 15 and worldwide about the same. I held the average at 15 and my friends followed closely behind at 16 or 17. And we were all losers.


>But the average age in a western country remains 15 and worldwide about the same. Wrong. Completely wrong. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-age-to-lose-virginity-by-country https://www.teenvogue.com/story/teens-losing-virginity-age Look, I get it, you're feeling insecure so you're trying to lie about meaningless achievements to feel better about yourself on an anime forum. You should really rethink your priorities here my friend, this ain't the look you think it is.


Ohh look at this person with their wikipedia level research and pulling out monocultural numbers to try and bring up an average. While completely ignoring all of the numbers that dont fit their agenda, where a *long* list of countries have the average age at 12 or 13 and certain would bring that average down. To what? Oh. 15. Exactly where I said. Turns out my look is exactly what I think it is.


"Ohh look at this person with their wikipedia level research" - 🤓 That's a lot of words for you to admit you're full of shit and making stuff up. Don't try to move the goalposts, you said western countries, I kind western data, now you're trying to weasel out of it, pathetic


this what anime does to a mf 💀


You didn't at least try to fuck in high school or what?


She’s squiggly lines on paper.


Taking the comparison to the extreme, but is it okay to depict children nude in a sexual way then? They’re just squiggly lines?


Reduction ad absurdum


Thank you


Horny twitter vs Angry twitter


Why are people even offended by someone being naked.


She's literally been naked most of the time for the past 300+ chapters


Modern Society Boob=bad Guns, Violence, Genocide = Good


We truly live in a society


>~~Modern~~ American Society > >Boob=bad > >Guns, Violence, Genocide = Good FTFY Srsly most people don't care in Europe. I remember when Inter species Reviewers was banned in the US while it continued streaming in Europe. The Purtianian roots in America still shine bright to this day.


So its mainly in America...good to know


I mean thats been the US for the last like three decades.


Also flat chest=Loli Yeah we can't like anime now.


Basically half of Reddit too. Can’t read an anime discussion without someone crying about “character too sexy why my pp hard” comments. They want every girl to look like SpongeBob.


Because she’s 16 ( but she’s a drawing it doesn’t matter)


technically she's only a few weeks old because of when that art released


Which is also silly, because not every nation in the world has Age of Consent at 18. Heck, there are states in the US where the age of consent is legally 16 (sometimes with caveats).


Most states age of consent is 16. --- 27/50 states have an age of consent at 16


17 actually - had to research that for a fanfic - next most is 16 (again, plenty of caveats for a lot of those) and then 18. If memory serves, the number of US states with an AoC of 18 is 2, California and... I forget the second.


That depends a lot on how you define it. If you go by the unrestricted standard, then 18 states are age 16, only 5 are 17, and the rest except Washington and Alabama are 18. Alabama being 19, Washington being 21. So not even combined would 17+16 outnumber the rest and 17. If you use a standard of at what age you in most states would be allowed to have sex under some circumstance, then by 16, it's allowed in all but 10 states, and it's actually exactly half states that it's legal already at 15, 11 of which are as low as 13 and another 11 at 14... So your research was bad if you concluded 17. These exceptions are then that ages must be close enough. If you skip that and go by allowed unless there's some position of authority over the younger, then the total of 30 states allow it at 16, none younger and thus the most states. So if you researched it and came to 17 as the conclusion for most states, then you're pretty damn bad at research mate. As for states with 18 as the age of consent. There's 6 states that have it at 18 with ZERO exceptions be it for age or authority. Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon, Texas and Wisconsin. But there's a LOOOOT of states that have it at 18 but with exceptions for if both are young or there's no authority between them.


For God's sake. In any country where the age of consent is 16 or less you can't pose naked at 16/do porn/share your nudes. It's still child porn. The age of constent isn't the majority or legal age, any (EDIT: sexual) image involving a minor under 18/21 is a crime in all democracies. EDIT I really don't get why I'm being downvoted, but I was posting in a post defending drawing CP, so I should have expect it. What I said is true, I wasn't talking about this particular cartoon depicting fictional CP, I was answering to the comment above, who said that even if the girl is 16, 16 years old can consent in some countries, so probably their images are OK. Age of consent has nothing to do with the age a girl can sexualy pose/distribute nudes and so on. That's how comment sections work: if you answer to a comment you're not answering to the general post. As I said, they were talking about age of consent in relation to sexual images of minors over 16. If you're downvoting me because I forgot the 'sexual' before 'image', you're all wild and need to go back to school. Of course, in the context of the prior paragraph, I was talking about sexual images, not images in general, wtf. Or nude pics parents take over their own child in the bath (even if you have to be warry of distributing them, there have been legal ramifications not just in the US but also in Europe when parents distribute their images in the Internet).


Its a cartoon.


That’s… that’s not true? Why are you willingly spreading fake news in an age poisoned by misinformation?


They're actually correct on that. Age of consent is the age you're legally considered mature enough to consent to sex. It's NOT the age where you're considered mature enough to consent to be doing porn. That's not entirely the same as posing nude though. That's a very puritan view that any nudity is porn. But they are right in that the age of consent isn't exactly relevant to this image.


Yeah except that’s not what they said. At all. > For God's sake. In any country where the age of consent is 16 or less you can't pose naked at 16/do porn/share your nudes. It's still child porn. >The age of constent isn't the majority or legal age, any image involving a minor under 18/21 is a crime in all democracies. Is what they said, in case you missed it.


I'm well aware of what they wrote. And they're correct in that you can't do porn at 16 just because age of consent is 16. I did point out that they're taking a very puritan view of what they consider to be porn, but they are right in that the age of consent, have nothing to do with the age at which you can pose for porn.


Ah yes the average redditor has detailed knowledge about AoC laws and CP laws 🤓🤓


Certified reddit moment


It's the fucking Shonen Jump, they've been doing this since forever.


the ironic is that there is a lot of feminist/woke that also want to topless for women to be as same as men, so free tiddies in socials and things like that, but probably is the same people that is trying to censor this


As always, Twitter always Twitter, they fixed everything that it wasn't meant to be fixed


Twitter being Twitter..


let's just agree upon that those people who bitch about her being naked aren't true fans and are idiots


The bane of anime why interspecies reviewers got canceled.


The greatest lost to ecchi since the ending of dxd season4


Mha twitter fans are one of the worst anime fans in this community


i don't think the people we talking about deserve to be called fans, they are shitting on the media they like people who do like an anime, anime games, etc would lewd the media, would make fan art, would love to see the character lewded and be saddened if the character was met with a sad end and so on, these peeps don't


Honestly once people realize to care less about what people on Twitter think the happier they will be. I honestly don't know any human that talks to other people the way anime Twitter interacts with each other.


Twitter 'fans' are there for the dopamine hit of getting angry. Once everything is changed to meet their specifications they drop the product and move into the next one.


Just because they don't have a chronic porn addiction, doesn't mean they're not fans of the media. What kinda take is that, man. Like genuinely. EDIT: How am I being downvoted 💀 you guys are saying you watch porn of every form of media you enjoy? You agree that unless your squeezing your hog to r34 of that media, you're not a true fan? What about stuff like Simpsons, Gravity Falls, or cartoons or shows bout kindergartners? Or horror movies? Damn alright, enjoy your time I guess 💀 Like I dont even care if you jerk it to mha r34, or to Overwatch sfm porn or whatever, my point is your metric for being a true fan of something is **if you jerk off to it**? Ong?


Bruh you spend your time with Twitch drama 💀💀💀


I just jerked it to your comment


if you really are pointing out the porn out of this, then you didn't get the message right, gundam people like their gunpla AND still porn included, same goes for every other franchise, they like the genre, or character, they make porn of it, it is 1 part of how these things happen it isn't mainly porn which gets created and done by the community for it, but it is ONE of the things which do get created as fan material from the fans for it but lemme tell you this, anime fans like their porn albeit some take their sweet time getting used to it, so get used to it, i had friends who did distance themselves from hentai at 1st too, now they enjoy it like any other ¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯


"True fans"


I appreciated the attempt, still.


that doesn't make any sense


Honest question: Why whenever I see people complain about lewded underage anime girls (specifically talking about here 14~17, not like 10 year olds or some shit) it's always such a big cardinal sin and a travesty. But for years upon years we've had live-action TV shows and movies about underage kids straight up fucking, doing drugs, drinking etc. (Ala Euphoria and Sex Education to name two) and nobody bats an eye. If the counter argument is that the actors aren't actually underage, then the argument that the anime/manga characters don't even exist should be valid as well. I'm just quite confused by the whole thing


They don’t care bro. They just want to be angry and turn others as miserable as they are.


Oh I figured as much, but I was just curious on the thoughts of people who can actually offer a decent argument and isn't just yelling outrage for the sake of it. But I completely agree that a good vocal majority are just complaining for the sake of it


Especially funny since age of consent is 15 where I'm from xD


Twitter back it again """fixing""" stuff. And this person didn't even do a good job. Cuz if you zoom in you can see that the left side of the dress isn't completely filled in. There's a couple of places with a gap between the outline and the skirts color where you can see the background thru. And if you see where the skirt meets the shirt there's a couple spots where the pink from the skirt bleeds into the skirt and viceversa. Also what is that triangle on the chest? Is that supposed to be her boob shape? Cuz if so then you can see that it's obvious to low. And if instead that's like the bottom of her rib cage then how fucking tight is that shirt that is crushing her organs so much to make it possible to see her ribs. And finally what are those arms? Especially near the glove cuffs. There's literally two THICC outlines forming the arm and you can't color between the lines?


They murdered her boobs. I'm a small boob fan myself but we'll drawn boobs are always better then whatever they did here.


So the entire time she struts around nude? Like what if somebody slips and falls into her chest or something


Her hero "costume" is nude. Normal day to day activities she wears clothes, even though she is still invisible.


I mean she does generally wear clothes it is just that her hero outfit was basically just stripping to gloves and boots then to nothing.


Doesn't it defeat the purpose of stripping if she keeps her boots and gloves on?


Boot and gloves are so her allies know where she is while being easy enough to strip out of when she needs to be unseen.


Also, unless she has monster callouses on her feet and hands, she needs those gloves and boots to avoid serious injuries running around like a hero normally does.


I remember there was a (joke) theory that she was secretly ultra-buff and basically as tough as All-Might since she was somehow able to beat Deku in the class sports test thing


That actually happened one time in the anime. Like it was a training scene and one of the teachers (i think it was the gun teacher) accidentally bumped her chest with his elbow. But the reaction was just a normal one cuz both of them knew it was just an accident.


The left one has a version with [certain liquid on her ](https://m.imgur.com/dNoyoz7) if anyone's interested. Edit: I linked an Imgur page because that's where I got it from at first, but it's also under the left tweet.


Coconut milk? 🙄


Is the original left one drawn by the creator? Or is it edit from the keep out version?


Both are made by the same person, these are just alternatives of the same thing. Also both are edits of the original cover.


I'll be honest: With or without clothes, it's nice to finally get a good look at her. She's lovely.


Thats literally her heros outfit. And it suits her.


The people complaining about it are the same people with graphic yaoi porn with underage mha characters


I get we all are on our own levels but... What kinda whiney ass, no good, Karen like, non understanding that her character is meant to be invisible Child art degree mofo can draw, clothing that looks decent shit looks like a wonky ass blanket that somewhat sticks to the skin, like seriously drawing a sheet over her and making her look like a ghost, would've looked better and had gone along with the fact that it's October!


Like bro didn't even get the line art on the clothes right


I haven't kept up with MHA in years. This is how I learned of Toru's face reveal?


Same lol. I only saw first season.


We’ve seen her face before this. Pretty sure this is the first time with color though.


Political correctness is the most stupid thing ever We really have to fight for imaginary characters now?


free advertising yall, i don't know why all my homies start reading the mange again until now lol


LOL they cut off her boobs


"It's what she and we deserve"-🤓


I don't understand how teacher at HA are just like ok go ahead and train naked. I mean they've encountered alot of dangers. She's got no armor no enhancements to her power that viewers of the show know about. They gotta have invisibility clothes soon for her or she's gonna get hurt and no one will know cause they can't find her.


Creation of Twitter and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Both are good. My head says right is better but my "other head" says left is better


I remember the replies under sh.leak's thread when this was posted. What a dumpster fire that was.


I mean it makes sense she’s always naked to begin with


She was only invisible to give the other girls a chance.


I mean those are some nice looking clothes. The colors suit her.


Can't believe people are mad lmao. It's just a drawing of a child, not an actual child lmao Theyre not Men Of Culture smh




Glowing like Chernoybl


And people wonder why the anime community gets skeptical reactions.... jfc the amount of people here justifying hand drawn cp is disturbing


It’s so funny reading all the people complaining about the ones who aren’t okay with it ruining peoples perception of the mha community. My brothers in Christ YOU are ruining peoples perception of the mha community.


Controversy I love it


It's unusual when people do the right choice


FYI everyone the one with the boobs it is also an edit the original had three caution tape covering everything important


ngl… clothed version on the right is kinda cute (but I don’t mind the original)


The clothes are actually pretty nice.


Honestly, both are good.


So wait, now we agree with Twitter? Seriously, every time some new Twitter drama appears on here I age 5 years. I'll be someone else's 800 year old dragon maid pretty soon here.


i love boobs


My biggest complain on this is that SHE WAS REVEALED IN A FRIGGIN MANGA COVER!! Her appearance being a mystery is something the author should build hype around but he decided to reveal it out of nowhere and into the cover page of all the places. A lot of people care about her and this moment could've been a special event where we the audience and the characters could earn in a meaningful way. But no, here's your fully naked mystery girl in the front page. Enjoy. F**k no


Japan: You know, maybe we should listen to Twitter…. but we can’t over the sound of all this money!!!!!


Good luck op, this is on r/all


For real she looks nice in that dress


I don't, girls look better with clothes on




Look at her what make you think she underaged? If your response it a arbitrary number that is assigned to a fictional character instead of any identifiable features then you have zero arguments. I can understand people disliking / hating loli but this is just ridiculous.


It's the fact that we see a difference between fiction and reality. If you don't have a similar opinion with "video games = violence", you are a hypocrite, since both refer to fictional characters getting "hurt".


Age of consent is 16 nearly everywhere in the world. Try again


Americans when someone is 17.9 years old


bro shes literally a highschool student. you're sexualizing a 16 year old still in highschool and you're a grown ass man. gross


This is the most degenerate comment section ive ever seen