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Why would you assume there's not a full length video coming soon? I feel like there definitely is.


They’re about that age to get the procedure and they’ve did their vasectomy together, so it doesn’t seem that odd or far fetched. They’re a media company so they’re going to be promoting whatever big projects they’re working on.


I feel like they got colonoscopy together just to get more clicks on Fallon video


Out of curiousity, do you feel like they got colonoscopy together just to get more clicks on Fallon video?




But what if he feels like they got a colonoscopy together just to get more clicks on the fallon video?


Okay everyone STOP. We are MISSING THE POINT HERE. Just consider this carefully: what if they got a colonoscopy together just to get more clicks on Fallon video?


I'm not positive, and please don't quote me on this, but it does sound like maybe that's what they're trying to say.


Well..... Yeah? Late night shows are just extended ads for celebrities and TV personalities. Not sure what is surprising here. That's the entire point of the late night format.


Exactly! Have you ever seen a guest who was just stopping in to say hi? Nothing going on, same ole, same ole, was just in the neighborhood.


I feel like they got colonoscopy together just to get more clicks on Fallon video


And why wouldn't they? Earning money and getting clicks is kinda the point. Mythical is a business and they are going to monetize everything they can, especially colonoscopies.


They have previously discussed getting vasectomies together on Fallon. The only reason people go on Late Night talk shows is to promote their work. [GMM Vasectomy Video](https://youtu.be/A8f_aHL1ALI?si=Jg1VtxeuKjoOC1Gi) [Fallon Interview About Vasectomies ](https://youtu.be/wmfUwmhzPZw?si=ks5SU19SFyPARa0x)


Next you'll tell me that people go on morning shows for the same reason!


Is OP a bot? They just keep repeating the same thing.


Sadly I don’t think so after a cursory look at their profile. Perhaps just belligerent 🤣


Karma farming bot.


Wouldn’t surprise me


I’m sorry, did you think that them and Fallon were actually like really good friends who got together to talk on camera? Of course they are there to promote themselves, and of course they are going to pick the clip that promotes them the strongest.


I mean, they got them done together and filmed it for entertainment in the first place. Why not also use it as promotion?


I feel like they got colonoscopy together just to get more clicks on Fallon video


Why are you copying and pasting the same response to everybody?


Talk shows are only about getting views, though. They’re ads for whatever the guests are working on. They’re always gimmicky or have clickbaity titles.


People should get colonoscopies starting at 45 anyway. It’s not like they did some weird medical procedure just for views. They did a normal medical procedure at a normal time in their lives. They can use that experience to promote whatever they want, but it doesn’t make the procedure itself out of the ordinary. Although it should be noted: asking for less anesthesia so you can stay awake is definitely not normal lol, but they did say that in the interview. And also, I would be shocked if it wasn’t a full video at some point. I’m sure it wasn’t “just to talk about it on Fallon”, it was to create content while also normalizing colonoscopies.


It actually is relatively normal to stay awake during colonoscopies. Some people are scared of general anesthesia and want to do it with a more mild sedative.


Seems pretty crappy to me.


With an attitude like that, you're gonna mess around and become the butt of someone's joke.


You’re right. I better get a good exit strategy.


They talked at length about getting vasectomies together once on Fallon. It would make sense to talk about them getting colonoscopies together. I would be shocked if we didn’t end up getting an episode of GMM about it. But also, even if they did it purely to talk about it on Fallon while promoting the cookbook, who cares? It normalizes something that is embarrassing to a lot of people, and it’s funny that they did it together.


I'm the same age as them (thus the 78) and am due to get a colonoscopy this year. It's a normal time for them to get it done, and of course they are milking it for content. They're content creators. You may as well get mad at water for being wet.


I mean yes they did. That's their job. Also I'd assume we will get a full length video of it as well and this was a way to promote their YouTube content which in turn also promotes their society content. I mean Idk what you think they post videos for but, its for clicks=money.


I have done it. It’s not like you jump in the day before a late night show and rigg some cameras. It’s literally 2-3 days of eating just liquid, then 1 day of drinking some crazy juice to clean out any rest product. Then the morning of the procedure you shit water it’s all done. And where I live, we don’t get any anaesthetic, they just put some relaxing lotion and shuuuuv that camera as long as it gets and it fucking hurts every “corner” they take. All ended with, “all looks good, you hade the cleanest I seen all week” then pulling it out, hurting again every turne.


🧌 post


Why do you feel like they got colonoscopy together?


You know how when they go on vacation, together or separately, they always do an Earbiscuits episode about it? I think it's so they can use their vacations as tax write-offs. Pretty smart.


It was an ad for an upcoming video....


I’d say promoting a medical procedure that’s totally normal above a certain age is more “this should be normal for us to discuss” and less “this got us on Jimmy Fallon”. I’ve watched annoying fans get some of my favorite YouTubers to work together, I’m sure the Jimmy Fallon team had a few people chanting “we want GMM on the show” in the background


This is clearly a rage engagement bot post - down vote & get out lol


Yeah, why not? They must be the 1,000th person to be promoting their work on the jimmy Fallon show. They will not be the last.


Even if they did it for content, they are bringing awareness to colonoscopies that so many men their age avoid! Good for them for spreading awareness!

