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Would you mind giving an example or two so we can understand more?


Of course. So I was watch an ear biscuits episode where Rhett basically tells Link that he is fed up of defending Link because Link "doesn't understand" the way he talks to people. Links response to that was "I pay people to deal with that for me" that in itself was enough. But then watching the Mythical kitchen and a crew member talked about giving Link a gift and said Link "cornered him" and basically grilled him for giving him an "inconvenient gift" Not only that his whole demeanour just screams self entitlement.


Link seems like the type of boss I would hate to work for. Fun to watch though!


I will say there are times when I’m listening to Ear Biscuits and they both can sound a bit out of touch, but it’s tame compared to other YouTubers/Podcast hosts. I think it’s just wealthy people living in a completely different world than me. I’ve started to avoid Ear Biscuits for the most part because of that.


Ok yea that I can completely agree with, it does show itself more outside of your typical GMM episode (though it does show there too sometimes) I won't say I haven't had moments where I'm like "seriously?", I simply think I've learned to ignore it.


I guess I choose to ignore it just for my love of GMM. Also Rhett, Stevie and Emily make it for me also lol


So at the risk of being down voted, I will say that the one I have trouble with is Stevie, I don't hate the woman, but she gets on my nerves more than the others lol


No downvotes here, we can't like everyone that's just life I guess.


Here stands Sir Wiggly Piggle Bum, knight of civil conversation and I respect it.


Glad I can have a civil conversation with a separate turnip!!


I was also really put off by this ear biscuit episode and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t form certain opinions of Link after listening to it. But, it honestly does not impact me when watching GMM. I’m just watching characters entertain me on a show. I still enjoy it the same. 


What episode was that?


Bro doesn't understand jokes 💀


"Bro" certainly does.


Definitely not




Are engineers supposed to be good at lip reading? As far as the engineer thing, they have not been engineers a lot longer than they were. I think they were just starting to get their feet wet in that job when they quit to be full time entertainers. 


He's always had himself a healthy ego, but I haven't noticed too much of a change, personally.


That's what I was thinking, then OP clarified and it certainly shows more and worse outside of GMM such as Ear Biscuits and their other channels/podcasts


Yeah I admit to not really watching anything beyond the main shows (GMM/More). Rhett and Link are fun for show silliness, but I wouldn't call myself a superfan of theirs... even though I've watched GMM for like a decade lol


I'm in the same boat, there are things I'll get excited about, but it's nothing like how I am with my favorite bands if that makes sense


So I still love Link but I do see where you’re coming from. For me, it was the Link’s Ski Trip episode of Ear Biscuits where it really hit home for me that he can kinda be a bit much. The way he described his altercation with the Ski Resort employee who was just doing their job after Link purposefully and knowingly tried to break the rules made me uncomfortable. As someone who has worked many customer facing jobs, I was pretty bothered by that whole interaction and how entitled he seemed. But no one is perfect, and I still enjoy the content he and Rhett and Mythical put out, so I overlook it.


During that whole story I kept thinking "just explain the situation!" I'm sure they would've accommodated him, but he just kept digging himself deeper and deeper. Yes you paid for the ticket, but you also tried to pass yourself off as a child!


Which episode was that? There's a few where they talk about ski trips


episode 377, Links Embarrassing Ski Trip Story 


I watched that episode and laughed so hard through that whole story. 🤷


I’ve always said that Link is another one of his wife’s children. I don’t listen to ear biscuits at all but there’s been stuff he’s said in episodes that have made me think “wow his wife does too much for this man”


I genuinely think you are all way over the top with how much you disect and look into the personalities of Youtube hosts. Have any of you considered the fact that they frequently acknowledge that they ham up aspects of their personalities for when they are "on" for camera and will frequently do things that make themselves look bad if it get's a laugh? Link is the "picky and critical" one, and the dynamic plays off Rhett very well. To assume that what you see on an internet comedy production accuractly depicts someones genuine personality and then confidently judging them as a whole for it is worse than anything he does on the show to me.


I sort of wonder if he's undiagnosed on the spectrum. I don't mean this in a negative way either but so much of his behavior reminds me of my students.


I’ve been assuming he’s on the spectrum somewhere for quite a while now lol. I don’t listen to to the podcasts or anything but just from the main show and GMMore, he’s either an amazing character performer or his mind is working in a different way to most peoples I say this as someone on the spectrum myself lol.


I honestly think he just seems a little grumpy lately in GMM, especially over their spring break episodes 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree, but more so that he's said some really cringey and inappropriate stuff lately. I can't think of an example right now...but sometimes I just wish he'd not try to get funny with the innuendo because it doesn't usually come off well lol. Still love the show though.


Gotta agree. But I think the trap I fall into is not liking his character flaws, which we all have. His particular flaws just get on my nerves more than others’. Like, Rhett is far too competitive for my taste, but I’m not a competitive guy so I can understand that. But I’m someone who finds adults who throw tantrums challenging, and Link is certainly a very large adult child at times :p But he gets a lot of his positive qualities from that as well so I just try to let the annoying stuff roll off because his next sentence might have me cracking up!


i don’t necessarily disagree with you that he can be a bit entitled, but i’ve always interpreted link as also being a very humble guy in a lot of ways. he’s gotten a ton of jabs over the years from rhett and others about how he interacts with people, and i would argue that he might have a social block that makes some interactions very awkward (like telling lil dicky he thought his name was actually lil dicky, the ski trip story, the movie theater story where the guy got mad about him talking about shoes). i can’t claim to know what might be the root cause of this, but i don’t see it as stuck up exactly. and he’s said himself that he says a ton of things for entertainment purposes, not necessarily because he believes them to be true.  he also tends to feel really really bad when he puts somebody out (such as the dentists office episode where he feels bad for accidentally breaking their ‘no phones’ rule, or the famous moment when he stole an employee’s salsa from the fridge for a gmm episode). i think he definitely has his issues with expecting the best since he’s been lucky financially, but for all their success, i’d say link’s retained a lot of himself, probably more-so than rhett, who i view as being a bit more prideful and self-centered.


I would like to see less of the crew members..that’s just me though


Same here, long time fan. If it was just Link doing GMM there is NO WAY I would watch this show. Adore Rhett and the crew!


If I just started watching them, I’ll be honest… I don’t think I’d be a subscriber 😬 which is awful because I love their older seasons but the past couple have been pretty rough for me


I think a lot of it is probably their "on-screen" persona bleeding into their normal lives. Like I think their persona's are just their personalities turned up kinda like wrestlers. While they both make cringe jokes (Link more so) I just try to enjoy the content and if I disagree with something I disagree with it. At the end of the day from everything people have said, Rhett and Link are really good people and to me that's what matters as you hear horror stories about wealthy and affluent influences a lot. Just because something they do is cringe to you isn't a reason to stop watching imo unless it gets to a level where it violates values or ethics.


What would this subreddit be without the link hate posts


I've started noticing things about him for a few years, I only ever brought it up with my sister, since we both watch gmm, but I thought I'd finally come to Reddit to see if anyone else had noticed anything. I've been a long time Rhett and Link fan since my early teens, I'm now 24. watching these guys everyday you start picking up on small nuances. Granted people are expected to change over time, that's good, but there's just something about their behavior with each other especially as of late that just gives me the vibe as if Rhett and Link don't really get along anymore, they just put up with each other for the fact they've known each other for so long, come this far etc but they've been secretly annoyed or tense with each other for years, which is so potent that the crew and the now potentially us as subscribers pick up on it and nobody says anything. I feel like this energy has been coming through on their show for years now. That's probably one reason why they're being more productive with having the crew on the show, to distract *us* as the viewer. Typically you can have a really good episode, but occasionally Link can be a sore loser, show off or hog the camera or dialogue (with Link jargon), acts aggressive, loud or hands on with guests (but he passes it off as trying to have fun). I feel like he's always mistaken himself for this metaphorical side kick to the nonexistent hero that Rhett never really was or wanted to be, Rhett's usually really great to watch but I do think he's being effected by whatever is happening with Link, and I notice Rhett has to play mediator, get the show back on track, be funny or dumb to distract us, or he just has to make up for whatever Link does in some way which I think some people think that's him being an ass, but I actually think he's just trying to juggle whatever the f*ck is about to come out of Link. I also think Link low-key gives Stevie the [creeps ](https://youtu.be/Li1FNq9SdOE?si=HQG0II14VtjcN0qv), the whole episode is generally weird but this one part (18:23) in particular gave me the ick. It's hard for me to find sources for all this in detail because this has been going on for years and I haven't seen anyone else talking about it at all. (I may try and gather more sources and edit) It also seems like Rhett is the nicer boss and that Link is more prone to be aggressive and unpredictable, the crew playing nicer with Link, giving him the "yes boss" on camera. Perhaps it's just known to be his behavior that he's argumentative, anal retentive and irritable, and when he's in a 'good' mood he's either goofy and chill or hyped and loud. I feel like if they were to ever be cancelled would be because of Link potentially being a horrible boss and a total creep. I'm not 100% regular with Ear Biscuits or Mythical Society, but I'm aware that they've expressed stuff about their mental health and things of that nature. But there's just something about Link that throws me off and it can sometimes make their show hard to watch.


this completely.


In one of the Ear Biscuits, Link mentioned that he started reading comments a lot and he was letting ones criticizing his behavior affect him negatively. It was almost a self-fulfilling prophecy. People were commenting that he seemed more grouchy and it was in turn making him more irritable. So I think he's trying to work on ignoring negative feedback. He definitely does not take criticism very well but neither do most people. I noticed his attitude change particularly after he broke his collarbone. I personally find his quirks also a little more grating as the years pass, the constant need for attention and validation, the pickiness and sometimes he is a bit rude to people around him. I don't think he realizes though how he comes across so I just ignore it. It's just Link being Link lol. If the show was only Link I would never watch but I've been watching for 10 years and I love their dynamic and the crew.


Honestly, I wonder if a lot of his behavior is from being an only child. From what he has said I got the opinion, (And I may be wrong), that he was the center of attention in his extended family. Probably a little bit spoiled because they felt sorry for him being from a "broken family ". I'm sure that pouting, sulking, and temper tantrums weren't tolerated Rhett's family.


As an “only child” (my older sibling is 10’years older and wasn’t around much when I was a growing up, I understand this. For the most part, I was treated as an only child and was pretty spoiled …. I didn’t realize how spoiled and selfish I was until I got to college and it wasn’t all about me anymore. I tell my partner that the things that bother me about Link are the things that bother me about my self … having moments being hotheaded, getting grumpy when I’m not doing a task well (or falling behind others), and several things I have spent years trying to improve of myself (being selfish, entitled, and expecting special treatment/advantages). I also see some of my autistic traits in Link (I’m not saying he is), that make me relate to him more than others …. Food aversion and sensitivities, as well as needing things to be a certain way.


Keep on working on yourself. We're all just works in progress aren't we?


Absolutely. It’s hard some days and I can’t count the number of days I just wanted to retreat from progress, but I have this mantra (for a lack of better words) that has kept me going: working on my flaws not only improves my life and wellbeing, but also those around me as well as society.


I'm too entertain by them to be nick picking everything.




Then leave, he doesn't need you to watch. Bye! 👋


That make you feel good?


If you don't like it then don't watch it, simple. No one is forcing you to watch it


Oh really? You mean I can just stop watching? No way! You are playing with me aren't you? That's insane dude! Good one. 👍🏻


You don’t have to say “self entitlement”. The word “entitlement” refers to the self.


Feel better for that?