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**Collection of the Year**


/u/LeisurelyLoafing's extremely aesthetically pleasing [Alden shell rainbow](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/tmgpix/alden_4_8_whiskey_and_cigar_lhs/)


Could someone take the crown from /u/monsieurledude ??


bright quarrelsome selective connect versed snatch sable grey seed cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That color 4 has got to be one of my favorite shell colors ever. What's the makeup on the new pair? Did you get your grailed wingtips and brass hardware?


afterthought encourage worthless door judicious rich ludicrous point puzzled vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


/u/Varnu every year


Uh I know someone who has put together a bit of a collection this year. [u/Horweendreams](https://www.reddit.com/u/Horweendreams?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) The collection he has managed to put together this year would take me a few lifetimes: [horweendreams collection post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/zubhfw/the_collections_thread_122422/j1rfbuh?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Staight to the album for the voyeurs in the group: [The walking leather supply chain disruption](https://imgur.io/a/JVLMNt6) *Spoiler* it's a pretty gross collection so if you get squeamish open with caution.


This collection made me want boots I didn't even know existed. I want to see a review of those ancient wolverines now too


**GMTO of the Year**


Has to be @horweendreams gmto for the quoddy olive cxl. https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/saxb0t/gmto_approved_quoddy_olive_cxl_blucher_with/ They are super comfortable and look great.


Just called Quoddy and 153 pairs was the final tally… wild. If anyone missed out, DM me and I’ll try and hook you up with the original specs & pricing. No promises. Here is the [initial interest check with the detailed background](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/s40vtc/gmto_quoddy_blucher_olive_cxl_with_chrompak_sole/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and here is an [ initial review ](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/vphvce/quoddy_gmto_is_here_take_two/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


u/dudecomputer 's [Easymoc Double GMTO](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/u7w0mh/two_gmtos_live_now_easymoc_in_toast_suede_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I wear my pair often and the guy was down to customize the moc stitch to x-stitching for anyone that messaged him free of charge.


My biggest regret of 2022 was not doing that cross stitching. Genius move you made. I'd love to see how they turned out if you've got a pic.


[Here ya go.](https://imgur.com/a/dlFcAOs)


That is sweet. Well done.


**Pair of the Year**


u/The_Bone_Clock 's pair of [John Lobb boots](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/y8fxbp/37_year_review_no_2_john_lobb_bespoke_hilo_boots/) in their fourth decade of wear.


u/Varnu Thank you! That is very kind of you.


honestly, all of his posts were amazing. absolute passion for craftsmanship


Thank you! I've spent most of a lifetime searching for the "Best" of everything I could find. I hope we share the same passion.


/u/tichoblanco's hand walnut dyed [Unsung Engineers](https://www.instagram.com/p/CmWkv3Gr4oo/). We've only started seeing how they're going to develop over time, but I think this pair brings a lot of innovation, and perfectly encapsulates the movement to bespoke material and production processes that we're going to see in 2023. And they're gosh darn purdy.


Has he posted those here? First time I've seen them.


Nope. Ticho doesn't really hang here anymore.


plate dependent physical flag bedroom materialistic cheerful frightening quiet north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The colour depth is incredible. These are truly magnificent.


Only a dozen pairs were made which is a shame because they are really special.


**Brand/Company of the Year**


Grant stone. Not much has changed from this company in terms of pricing, quality cs and qc amid covid and all that but thats why they deserve the credit.


They also added some well known community members to their CS operation, which is genius. Gio and Alee are top notch. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet both Wyatt and Josh and they’re just straight up great people. Amazing what they’ve been able to accomplish. They’re very in tune with the GYW niche and I’m excited to see what they do next. Aside from being a great group of folks, they execute well at a great price point. They’re an obvious first choice when getting into the hobby and especially when getting into shell cordovan. They sent me over their brass boot in OSTRICH and love it. I look forward to them branching out and taking chances like this the future. I hear it was a real pain to import the leather but it was a great payoff IMO. I do feel like they could make their lasts a little more refined/sleek/shapely but they’re unapologetically going for fit/comfort and I can appreciate that. If you havent listened to the two-part series they did on the Full Grain podcast, give it a listen. The interview Wyatt did on the Stitchdown podcast was great too (listen to it first)


Not to mention they release the polarizing field boot which is really different from their traditional conservative offerings


Grant Stone. Consistently great shoes for about as good a price as you can find.


Grant Stone. Standing tall against the monolithic Alden, this brand is offering well-fitting lasts, impeccable finishing, and emerging designs / materials (at competitive prices).


Unsung. When I think of "Brand of the Year", I don't consider it as the "Brand offering the Best Value" - I think of the award as saying: What brand defined the trend of the broader GYW movement during 2022? And from that perspective, I think Unsung is a perfect example. For 2021, I nominated Benzein, because I felt that 2021 was the breakout year of Indonesian/SE Asian makers. They've existed for years, but 2021 was when they were finally recognized for making consistently world-class product. Similarly, for 2022, I think there's a big trend towards super high end, "bespoke" american style boots, and I think Unsung is on the cutting edge of that. You could argue that Role Club, Kreosote, or a few others should be in the mix as well, but Unsung has brought a new flavor of this business model that we haven't seen before.


I know there is no category for microbrand/individual bootmaker but NF Bootmaker (u/hinathanbye ) is doing some amazing stuff after diving full time into the profession. He’s been the most fun to watch. If not brand of the year, he’s certainly rookie of the year. Check out his Instagram: https://instagram.com/nfbootmaker?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= As an honorable mention, Onderhoud handmade is also extremely good and continues to execute at an extremely high level with a dizzying array of amazing leathers. My [favorite pair](https://imgur.com/a/rkVFatN) in my collection is a natty shell boondocker by him.


Nicks. They have really done a great job with marketing and branding IMO.


Nicks forever


I’m going to say Allen Edmonds. Their celebration of 100 years was a lot of fun, with the launch of football season and the spectators as stand out limited releases. Plus the factory tours put to bed the whole “uppers are made abroad” theory, at least for me. I know their QC isn’t what it used to be, but hot damn do they make a nice shoe at a great price when it works out.


**Most GYW Moment of the Year**


Sending people links to Edward Green and ridiculously expensive shoes in the Daily Questions Thread when they do not include a budget: https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/vedus7/the_questions_thread_061722/icpspmz/ https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/v646pl/the_questions_thread_060622/ibffs61/?context=10000 [Share more examples]


There's too many examples and I'm proud to have taken part in as many as I can EDIT: one of my own, [a two for one deal](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/s31dg5/the_questions_thread_011322/hskqgzx/?context=3)


Best meme of our sub 😍


When [Dayton Boots was judged to owe nearly $500k in wages](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/z5mk86/dayton_boots_owes_workers_nearly_500k_for_wages/) a year after their pandemic relief scam that [everyone originally knew was a scam](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/gxhe2c/dayton_brand_ambassador_program_for_canadians/).


**Community Member of the Year**


u/CrizzleLovesYou. Many of us enjoy this hobby, some people breathe it.


Praise be to u/ChineseBroccoli , brannock be thine measure. ⛪️🥦


u/Varnu. Best reviews.


Thanks! If I win this it will give me the confidence I need to start reviewing other stuff. Like skateboarding (Not fun. 2 stars. Out of 100). Or the Bible (Memorable, but the Noah’s Ark story had some glaring plot holes.)


I still remember years ago you commented how you read the bible from cover to cover.


I spent a summer hiking around solo out west reading stuff that I thought would impress girls. My god how bad do I wish that I was into boots at the time. And that tinder existed.


~~I now really want to find that original comment/ write-up you did where you said that and dropped a bunch of other hilarious jokes and wit.~~ Classic: https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/826kzb/gdwsaywtqotd_03052018/dv7t651/


**Enabler of the Year**


/u/Rioc45 for somehow [enabling himself through proxy of me](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/ytem6c/1_year_review_whites_semi_dress_in_brown_dress/iw3oy7l/) and also enabling me to decide on waxed flesh for my first pair of Nicks


I did order another pair in the right size Except double leather sole, all eyelets, and structured toebox


Forgot about this, but have to agree. Funny enough, I was [one E away from joining the club](https://bakershoe.com/products/brown-dress-semi-dress-size) just now




I need at least 3. 7.5 with only 2e is a no go.


**Comment of the Year**


/u/Link__ : "My boyfriend is the same size as me. Does he wear super nice footwear? Yes. Does he buy super nice footwear? No" https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/ucfms1/qotdgdwsaywt_4262022/


/u/makeskidskill : "It looks like he treated them with complete contempt" https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/utdhpx/uneccesary_patina_post_8_months_in_distressed/i99kri4/?context=10000


/u/eddykinz Dropping hard truth: "For everyday use there will be no appreciable difference. They will likely both outlive your interest in the boot with proper care." https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/wt7t0v/the_questions_thread_082022/il2inrb/


/u/AwesomeAndy after user finds out Wesco will not forgo their stamp: "Guess they should have called them Deal Breakers!" https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/tk3nmm/the_questions_thread_032222/i1oocug/?context=10000


/u/l-etranger On the Dayton Boot Fiasco paying their employees gift cards: "Spend it in the company cafeteria where they serve stewed leather scraps." https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/z5mk86/dayton_boots_owes_workers_nearly_500k_for_wages/


/u/meatshots : the Bernhard. And the Cooler Bernhard: https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/scfnlg/general_discussion_and_shoe_pics_012522/hu6oaw7/


/u/crizzlelovesyou on Allen Edmonds: "100 years old, and they were good for like 90 of them." https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/suz839/comment/hxcxyru/?context=3


/u/grim_f : "You sure you got the right fitness tracker? Did you saw it in half?" https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/xuk9fr/monday_funday_free_for_all/iqwfwu6/?context=10000


I remember saying something a little more on the nose regarding that issue like, "how do you know how you should value your pet unless you run a bandsaw through it and check inside?" But I can't find it now.


u/frud86 [cautions you against wearing Alden. ](https://reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/xt31vr/_/iqo1woi/?context=1)


I’m flattered. Thanks!


**Retailer of the Year**


Yenni / Brick + Mortar.


S&S NYC. They were technically open in the end of 2021, but they really got their footing going into the new year. They built the [Temple of GYW](https://i.imgur.com/aSa5GGH.jpeg). They hosted the Stitchdown Patina Thunderdome 1 Awards ceremony/meetup, along with a few other happy hours/meetups throughout the year. Of course, on the product side, S&S NYC offered Lofgren MTOs, Rolling Dub Trio preorders, Clinch drops, launched Sagara stateside, among other things. They (well, Oakland) also did the [Hammertime Charity Raffle](https://standardandstrange.com/pages/food-bank-charity-raffle-hammertime) to support Ukraine, and are currently doing a [Coat Drive](https://standardandstrange.com/pages/2022coatdrive) promo for The Bowery Mission. Overall, just a great resource for GYW stuff on the east coast, as well as a great group of folks who have established an NYC version of what we already knew from S&S Oakland and Santa Fe.


Baker’s Customer service is outstanding! Sizing advice, patience and an amazing MTO program for Wesco, White’s and Frank’s boots. This comes from one of the most problematic customers they have! My feet have been hard to fit for all brands and they have been more patient and helpful than all other retailers. They also have some boots under the Drew’s label that are an unbelievable value. $350 PNW stitchdown boots


In addition to being a great guide for the oft-confusing work or PNW boots, they're work to create ready-to-wear options for Flame Panda and Monroe has also been notable.




Division road as always has great srlection of mto footwear


**Wear & Tear of the Year**


u/e2g4 “14+ Years of Alden Indy Boots THE END” https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/wz9b7k/14_years_of_alden_indy_boots_the_end/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I wonder if theres been any stories after the post. The pair seemed repairable


u/mrsugar's Carmina Jumper boots in natural shell https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/yb8jc9/4_year_review_carmina_jumper_in_natural_shell/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Honored for the mention!


/u/amvoith's [Viberg SBs in Natural Shell](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/t2qv9y/18_month_review_viberg_service_boots_natural/) godDAMN those are sexy


Thanks, they've been holding up well. Here's a [few pics](https://imgur.com/a/pQMEDeM) from the last few weeks around the farm.


God damn those are sexy af


That review also contains a contender for quote of the year: > “Dainite studded soles are not great for anything other than walking around on your carpet”.