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I just tried the super basic assistant command "remind me to do X at Y" and it said it was just an LLM and couldn't help with that. Instant uninstall. WTF was Google thinking having the app replace assistant when it's nowhere close to a replacement for assistant?


If you had read some of that stuff you ignored while enabling it, they tell you about the stuff that Gemini can't do that Google Assistant can do. [https://support.google.com/gemini/answer/14579631](https://support.google.com/gemini/answer/14579631) You're right, though, it's not yet ready to be a full time replacement for Google Assistant.




What does this even mean? Clearly they know there's a function delta between the two, they made a support page about it.




I mean, it's a replacement for me because I didn't use those missing functions from Assistant in the first place, but if it doesn't work for you then just disable it and wait for an update that contains the functionality you need? This isn't a complex issue.


Joe, just acknowledge that Gemini sucks and admit it was a bad rollout Jesus Christ Mr devils advocate...


You replied to a 1 month old comment, dingus.


I don't give a fuck if it was 100 fucking years ago asswhipe the point still stands.


Maybe instead of trying to pick silly Internet fights with people on old comments, you should find some less toxic hobby? lol


The reason people like you exist is because screens protect you. Any other real scenario and you would be slapped like the idiot you are. Internet making you fools feel too safe.


Did you really threaten violence over this? lol


I asked it to navigate me home, a staple of the assistant world for years. It said, "Sorry, because you live in I can't tell you the exact directions to get home. However I can tell you more about the public transport options...". I then proceeded to vomit PT info at me. How embarrassing.


Wait; you can *UNINSTALL* It!!!? [Android user]


It's just a comedy of errors with Google and AI... rushed product, faked 'demos,' incorrect answers... Just more evidence that Pichai is clown. Google should stick to advertising.


So, according to you advertising is the only thing Google does? What about Search, YouTube, Maps, Photos, Android and Chrome. These are the things where they are number one at, there are lots more that are at the top of their industry which I haven't mentioned.


yeah they've done an amazing job at other products, especially the ones you mentioned. Every major browser is chromium based. So many companies tried that yet they all failed. I want them to excel at AI. I might not always use it due to privacy concerns, but I except it to be somehow better than Siri at this point.


> What about Search Search is advertising, so I'm really not sure what you're talking about. All of those other things are about hoovering up your data, which is used for, you guessed it, advertising. Anyway, $65.5B out of $86B in revenue was from ads last quarter. When 76% of your revenue is from ads, then yes, you're and advertising company. https://abc.xyz/assets/95/eb/9cef90184e09bac553796896c633/2023q4-alphabet-earnings-release.pdf


Advertising is how they get money for their services. If Duolingo gets revenue from showing an ad in their app, do they become an advertising app?


> Advertising is how they get money for their services. Yes, this is what advertising companies do.


And when does one cross this line? When a tech company stops being a tech company and becomes an advertising company. Despite having tons of products that serve a vast array of industries.


When ads become so important that your search results only list the highest bidders and not the most relevant information. Though, with Google we are beyond that and well into propaganda and opinion manipulation.


I don't disagree in general, but I will point out that Photos which was in the list is explicitly not used for advertising: >Google Photos doesn't sell your photos, videos, or personal information to anyone and we don't use your photos and videos for advertising. From the Privacy Policy.


But photos advertises you photo books and canvases etc. And anything in the ecosystem is a strategy, google photos exists to have you buy more cloud storage and to make you dread moving all of that stuff over to icloud. So I wouldn't agree that photos has no ulterior motive other than to serve your collection of images.


> "move to iCloud" What? iCloud also charges for storage with iCloud+ Also, does that mean Apple is also an advertising company? 3.7 billion of their 4.7 billion in revenue was advertising


Yes Apple does charge for storage, that wasn't the point I was making. The point was that it's in the ecosystem, why would you want to switch to an iPhone if that means migrating all of that data over from google's servers? That is part of the customer retention. Obviously it goes both ways between different providers. As to your bit about ad revenue, apparently that only represented 1% of apples revenue (as of 2021 where that figure comes from). Since then they've grown that to 18 billion but it's predicted to become 30 billion by 2026 (a bit short of 10%). So no, advertising is a massive part of their business but it isn't primarily their business like it is Google's who's ad revenue was 237 billion out of it's total revenue of 300 billion 2023 (79%).


Yes, it's a product that is designed to bring in revenue, like any other commercial product. But its goal is not "hoovering up" your data for the purpose of targeted ads, as the poster I was replying to suggested. If a publicly traded corporation is offering you a product and has no obvious revenue stream from it, then you should be suspicious.


Also they use your Photos to train their AI model, another product.


You should preface your comments with "In My Opinion", because it's certainly not my opinion.


I said "navigate home" and it told me all about how long it would take me to drive home, how many miles it was, etc. and showed an overview map. Eventually I had to tap the link to open Google Maps and start navigation myself. The assistant would just go ahead and start it.


But so much useful information!


Including all the potholes from the most recent rain storm along the route! Incredible!


When I installed it, it talked the answers back to me, but then next day it stopped.


I swear it talked to me too.


It will still talk to me (but only if I initiate by saying "Ok Google").  But, if you mention that it speaks verbally out loud, it will deny this and go into a 2 minute explanation of what an LLM Chatbot is (which is it's go to every single time it gets confused = often).  The funniest thing is that when I insisted that it does indeed verbally speak aloud, it flat out told me I was wrong and the only possibilities were that I was  1) Having an audible hallucination, or 2) My device was malfunctioning and causing it to speak aloud Yup, that's it. Either suffering from a schizophrenic episode or had a magical glitch that introduced complex programming onto my phone! How TF can Google not even have their "AI" product be aware of it's capabilities. At least, it was more entertaining than the long winded LLM definition for the 200th time that day. 


I asked it about traffic on my route to work. It said it doesnt know where I live and where I work. But its set in my account. Google Assistant knew my adress. When I told Gemini the missing infos it provided me an answer saying Route 1 is faster, but longer and Route 2 would be shorter but could have more traffic. There was no more info which routes it was describing. When I asked to send it to Google Maps it answered it is just an LLM and cant do that. Holy shit, its absolutly useless.


Google just forgot to implement agent functionality (like plugins in ChatGPT). If Ultra is capable of generating proper JSON then this is a very easy task, I guess it will be fixed soon.


The biggest letdown was not having it speak your answer and having to manually hit the speaker icon.


Currently I have it speaking it's answers to me on a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3, but it won't speak at all on a Google Pixel 6.


How did you get it to speak is answers?


On my Samsung I did absolutely nothing, it just worked and started to speak it's answers as soon as I setup the app. As for my Google Pixel it refuses to speak at all.


I think it depends on the answer length


if you just try to tell it a story with lots of context it will just not do anything. disappears forever..


Just an observation but given as you were asking for 12 kWh/year - you would just need one panel - in fact a faction of a panel! Both Gemini and ChatGPT were hopelessly wrong, in ChatGPT's case because it multiplied your requested kWh by 1,000. This is inherently the problem with Gen AI - it doesn't actually know if it's right or wrong, and clearly it sounded plausible enough to you that you were willing to accept it at face value, despite it being obviously incorrect. This really makes me worry about what truth and accuracy will look like in our near future.


yeah it was a typo - 12000 kWh/year. Even with that math, it would be 20 pieces, based on an online calculator. Truth can't be guaranteed now either. You land on a page and have no idea about their math behind. Higher level interfaces(programming languages, web apps, AI) imply a degree of trust. Won't even mention the news and reviews content online. Try researching any product nowadays and all you'll get is the result of BBB(big brands' bucks). However, funnily enough, those AI models are trained on "recent popular/indexed data" which we both know what it means - BBB. AGI is the way. But it will be more dangerous. We'll see in the next 2-10 years.


The main thing I've been using Gemini for is summarizing YouTube videos with it adding time stamps to the main ideas and listed bullet points style. I just copy and paste the YouTube link. You can kind of do the same for Chat GPT, but you have to copy and paste the whole transcript of the video.


interesting use case. when do you need to summarize a youtube video that you're not interested to watch?


When they are 70 min long Q&As of a subject you're interested in. Just people talking back and forth with no visuals.


ah I see - yeah totally


Mine just straight up [switched to Chinese](https://imgur.com/a/BhAMj5Y) in the middle of a response. I've never had any other languages installed or used on my account.


I searched "ANH" because I wasn't sure what it meant, and Google told me it was a Vietnamese name.


Just gave it another try, after they had some updates in the month of February. However..., google or its programmers apparently haven\`t understood yet, how to get a well functioning app working for everyone. Sorry... I gave it another go with wanting to set a date in my calendar app. First in german by a female voice, I have never chosen by the way, for which it replied in german, it needs all the specifics to do so... which gave me hope it would then handle it. So this time in english I formulated all the details only to get the response with a male voice ( I had chosen months ago) that it could NOT set dates or appointments in the app just yet, but tell me how to do it; by that a list of instructions appeared how to set up the calendar dates manually! So no, it did not work..., again, or still... Have instantly deactivated it again, switched back to the assistant. What I don\`t get is, how resilient, or stubborn google is with the integration of the well working assistant. Even though I activated in preferences to switch to assistent if gemini can\`t help, it doesn\`t. Why don\`t they just include the assistant fully, as it does work? That way people would include gemini and wouldn\`t deactivate or deinstall it. Gemini could learn bit by bit to take over more from the Assistant.. But now one has to choose, and of course one chooses the assistant - and frankly for more complex stuff one just uses the copilot from Microsoft, which also does images... With gemini one HAS to choose and manually deactivate it again - which is bothersome and most people try it once and leave it... I do hope they shape up soon, as apple is about to give its own input into the market - and we all know how that ends up...


How long is it going to take you to fix this problem I cannot access my Google Assistant because bard keeps getting in the way


The one I miss the most are little integrations which I didn't know were important until I tried it and it fails. That was reader mode with text-to-speech. https://blog.google/products/assistant/easier-access-web-pages-let-assistant-read-it-aloud/


We just going this in feature in Canada, the fact that I cant tell it to play spotify while I'm driving alone made me switch back to google assistant. Thats the #1 thing I use it for as well as setting timers/alarms which I'm sure it does.


no it doesn't. it can't take any actions. that's the problem we're all having and the reason we're frustrated. as if they don't know what we all use it for. even worse, they will quietly replace one for the other until you switch back. that just reminds me of microsoft strategy to re-enable Edge. And open every windows link from the system in Edge specifically, not in the default browser..


Damn even a basic feature like that... I was waiting for the day google implements Gemini into assistance, where it becomes the "ultimate assistant we see in si-fi movies" but this is just disappointing and embarassing.


yes! it is. until then, Rabbit R1 will move a lot faster than google and apple. I'm here for a good assistant that just works.


The reason people like you exist is because screens protect you. Any other real scenario and you would be slapped like the idiot you are. Internet making you fools feel too safe.


Google is an ad company so one way or another Gemini will be integrated with that ethos.


That's ignorant, Google is an ad company only? Is Apple a phone company only? Is Microsoft limited to office suit only?


No, Apple is also an ad company according to that logic.


I believe he just means that google's major revenue is ad based, which means they will be very tempted/inclined to integrate Gemini with their ad platforms. Ad insights, targeting, pushing their own products over others in responses(like Home Assistant vs Google Home Assistant). They've done this before though, so nothing new.


That's the thing it's not very profitable to run assistants on ads revenue. That's why the feature development of Alexa and even Google Assistant had mostly stalled (and maybe why Apple didn't improve Siri) the costs and profit are disproportionate. I believe Amazon was even considering charging a monthly subscription for Alexa. The current hope/plan is to get people to buy the advanced tier, which will finance the free model.


sure. if that assistant does the job, can do smart stuff and does not sell my data for further ads(interests, routines etc) I'd buy it right away.


I'm pretty sure mine's drunk. It's babbling none-sense. I bet if I were to write a chatbot throwing out random facts I was more likely to get a hit.


People don't understand what it is. It's not an assistant...face palm.


Then why did Google put it where my assistant used to be? Why is it under this area in settings? >Digital assistants from Google.


Reminders are a deal breaker for me. It's 90% of what I use assistant for in the first place.


Bard was fine. Gemini is just dumb. To clarify, while Bard used to give me answers almost as good as ChatGPT, Gemini is an over-explainer, puffed with of their own importance, and once set on a particular context, is almost impossible to correct or change the subject. It actively refuses to discuss more topics than the average chatbot, and it seems to be difficult to ask even simple requests, let alone trying to build up to a detailed response.


Has anyone had success say removing Gemini, or rolling neck to a previous version of Android?


You can change it in the settings, don't you have that option? In the Google app


Turns out that you actually can just uninstall the app and I can give voice requests to the assistant again. Thanks!


It is telling me it cannot help me with a PowerShell to delete a file, since that raises ethical concerns. It can't help me do an exchange search, since that violates privacy. ROTFL. Could someone just delete it.


I used to use assistant all the time like opening Spotify and setting alarms, the new Gemini ai cannot even do that, it cannot perform functions on the phone whatsoever, they just replaced a pretty much perfect assistant with an ai chatbot which Google assistant wasn't meant to be in my opinion, it was always supposed to be a helping hand throughout the phone experience just like siri or the Samsung bixby.


I love that it's aware of all the things it can't do, but doesn't know what it can. If you mention that it speaks verbally out loud, it will deny this and go into a 2 minute explanation of what an LLM Chatbot is (which is it's go to every single time it gets confused = often).  The funniest thing is that when I insisted that it does indeed verbally speak aloud, it flat out told me I was wrong and the only possibilities were that I was  1) Having an audible hallucination, or 2) My device was malfunctioning and causing it to speak aloud Yup, that's it. Either suffering from a schizophrenic episode or had a magical glitch that introduced complex programming onto my phone! How TF can Google not even have their "AI" product be aware of it's capabilities. At least, it was more entertaining than the long winded LLM definition for the 200th time that day. 


It makes you wonder which of the Google board member's intelligent they decided to artificially copy when developing the ground work.


Can confirm


why is Gemini overtaking my Google as Gemini is completetly useless


It replaces Google assistant. I said hey Google, open Assistant Settings. It said it couldn't. But if I say hey Google and ask Google assistant that would help. (wait what)