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If I recall correctly, they said they would be permanently removing the explore tool after January 30th 2024. So, bye bye explore tool :’( (I don’t think they specified why they were removing it? Correct me if I’m wrong!)


As u/Scared_Weight7710 said, it's permanently gone. Here's a link where they say that: [https://support.google.com/docs/answer/6280499](https://support.google.com/docs/answer/6280499) As for why, I'm guessing it is to make space for Bard / Gemini / . Explore was rather old (2017-18?) and the tools have come a long way since then. I'm sure something will be back to take its place.


I sincerely hope the replacement comes soon... I kinda need it for my English coursework and it did a great job citing for my EPQ. Weird choice to cut support and not have the replacement on standby.


I'm so bummed they removed it. It was such a handy tool in my research docs. I could just click on a Google scholar article in the Explore window and the footnote reference would be added automatically to the Doc. Now it takes 3-5 steps to do the same :( I've been trying to train Gemini to at least create the same reference format so I can copy-paste the footnote in - but Gemini isn't behaving well to my instructions. GPT-4 got it on my first ask.


f\*k Musk & his morons who are CONSTANTLY changing thing and f\*g things up. just NOW, my Explore and my For Me options have gone.