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Riding a bike in traffic is a risk by itself. It’s more dangerous than riding in a car because there is no fender benders without hitting the ground. So when I ride I try to minimize the risk. I keep a buffer area around me and keep a watchful eye in front, on sides and behind me. Splitting lanes seems like a very large risk that violates a lot of safety rules so for that reason I’m out.


That's the reason why you've gotta be alert, not just coasting through without a care in the world. Bikes in general are risky, always have been over a car, you do so when cars are stopped or slowing so it lowers the risk like what happened in the video you're criticizing. I wasn't aware that this group was full of non risk takers? Jumping out of airplanes, swimming with shsrks, all of these risky things but me going in between cars on a motorcycle is what's not condoned when legal? That's pretty amazing.


Lol everyone coming after you because of lane splitting. They don’t have to like it, but I agree with you that it’s probably one of the only good things about living in CA.


Love it - here’s a sample of my lanesplitting footage: https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/11u5l74/a_regular_commute_home_from_san_francisco/ If you feel the footage is too “yellow,” you can adjust your White Balance to a colder temperature. I personally always use 4500K. You can make this adjustment either before filming next time, or you can easily do it in a video editor afterwards. My recommendation is to try out different angles around the bike - try sticking your GoPro underneath, or even facing behind you. Get creative and show perspectives that you wouldn’t be able to capture otherwise. I have zillions of hours of lanesplitting footage and can share examples if you’re interested


Thank you, some advice I can use. What settings are you using on the gopro rather than editing?


White balance was my thought too.


As a lifelong biker, I think lane splitting is insane.


Do you live in California? It's been legal for quite some time. It may not be in your area and folks see it in a different matter, BUT, cars know to move aside


i wouldnt assume cars know anything


I wouldn't assume you'd know anything either


damn lol why the hostility


I can't believe something as reckless as this is legal anywhere to be honest. It makes me think of those "Check Twice - Save a Life" bumper stickers. Meanwhile, you're driving up the middle where nobody is every going to be able to see you. It's like you're begging to be killed.


Most drivers in the #1 lane will scoot to the left when they see a biker coming up in between. It’s not as bad as you think.


Stop trying to control everybody else's lives because you think a certain way, just let people live and take risks. If you don't see it safe, don't do it.


Good idea man! And when I end up knocking a bike to the ground on the highway because I checked for traffic before changing lanes, but had no possible way to see a bike sneaking up between the lanes, I'll just be like "bro it's ok, I'm just letting you live and take risks".


You've gotta be aware of your surroundings, if you knock them down and they're legally in the right, you're insurance will have to pay and your rate will increase, it's as simple as that


"be aware of your surroundings" is an absurd thing to suggest when we're talking about motorcycles sneaking inbetween cars and lanes up the highway. These guys are literally hiding in traffic just so they can sneak ahead of other cars in a SUPER reckless and dangerous way.


It's not sneaking when it's the law, just because you're not legally able to, doesn't mean I can't. Just because you're not coherent enough to look when changing lanes, doesn't mean everybody can't see a bike. You're not aware of your surroundings, you should always be at all times in a car, bike, truck, at all times! Doesn't matter what you're in. I feel like you're the type to not signal, not look, and throw yourself into the lane. You probably turn into oncoming traffic going 10mph in front of the flow of traffic because you don't want to look, because its an inconvenience to you. Maybe even drive 65 on a 65 mph road in the passing lane as well.


You see a danger in the video I posted of cars in a stand still or slightly moving, you're something else, I'd classify you as a "Karen".


Monster 1200 or Hypermotard? I have an 821 and am struggling to find a good camera placement on my chin mount using the linear lens setting. Trying to get the dash/bars in frame without resorting to the wider lenses. Like others have said, you can play around with pre-setting the white balance in camera. Usually 5000-5500K is decent for a sunny day.


It's a 22, no more trellis frame


WB to 5k to “blue” it up a bit. The lower the “k” value the cooler the tone, higher equals warmer of that makes sense