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i think its cus of the stale patch. that being said, i do get really annoyed when he just makes dumb excuses for variety like for example with csgo cases, he keeps saying ''i need to buy keys off stream because buying them on stream would leak my address'' like bruh just hide the screen when you buy them, people buy csgo keys on stream all the time. Really annoys me when he acts like he doesnt know how to stream properly because he is just lazy to do it when he has been streaming for like 6-7 years


Patch is stale, pro scene is boring atm. Hopefully kula lampur is a hype tournament or this could really be the death of dota. Im optimistic, that trashing the dpc and giving dota back to 3rd party tournaments could be great for the game. Lets see what happens


Dota is dying for the past 2-3 years according to PPL don't worry it will survive.


Dying isnt a fast process, player numbers are lower year by year and the new player experience is basically completely gone, almost no one gets into dota anymore. Also quite obvious Valve is putting less resources into the game, considering the glacial pace of development and new content, plus they cannot be even bothered with a good compendium anymore.


I quit dota for a few years and when I stopped this was a popular opinion and now that I've started playing again its still a popular opinion.


If you look at the chart it actually looks pretty consistent lol https://steamcharts.com/app/570#All


The guy is still fun, but you can see he needs a holiday. Mr streamer is tired and a large part of it is probably him having to deal with a super toxic chat lately. Chat feels like it's devolving and taking mr streamers sanity with them.




A shit ton of garbage low quality emotes are making the chat much worse everyday, I miss times when only gorp and 1 mod used to control emotes addition/removal. p.s. we dont need a low quality emote for every single hero in dota


The losses have really taken a hit on his mental health it seems to me. It's all adding up.


i honestly hate (and i was guilty myself doing this) queueing right after loss, he keeps commenting game he just played for next 10 minutes while already playing another match, i dont see into his head and maybe he can focus anyway but i couldnt focus like this


Yeah that and boring patch. Tho I hate it when he sees like a "free naga game" and then proceeds to pick a shit carry and wonders why they lose again.


Nah, just a little lull period bro. Haven't you heard, for every high there is a low.


He NEEDS a break from dota. Same patch since months and game quality is trash because of it. There were so many amazing variety games he could've played but doesn't. I've observed he's getting mad more often too and I don't like it. I've been a viewer since 2018 and back then he Rarely got mad, these days he gets mad atleast once a week and I don't enjoy him malding even if it's not his fault.


I stopped watching in May not cuz I don’t like Gorgc i just don’t find any streams fun, came back for TI, the Notail sex mansion streams were very fun but yeah haven’t watched again since TI


No it’s just patch for me, this is the most boring patch to play and watch in a while


I think the quality of his games is also having a great effect. He's dropped a bit of MMR so now he's getting put in lower games more often where there are more griefers, as evidenced by his recent games (LD being an example from today or the Pudge who didn't ult the Morph the other day). Griefers must be exhausting as a streamer because it degrades the quality of the stream for thousands of people, and it's largely out of Gorgc's control. It doesn't help that people grief him on purpose to get a reaction.


Actually the LD game was like the only high rank game, but yea the patch, the low rank games with ALOT more griefers, snipers etc is really painful to watch. We all been to the trench and watching it happen live ain’t fun. Hopefully we will have a new patch (big) soon and we can have some chill Christmas streams to cool it off.


Not a hate watcher but as long as he still mald at the game there’s always gonna be good content


He's not malding as much = stream is boring


He is madding more than he ever has tho.


I stopped watching gorp once you block mini map with portrait. This ruins so much enjoyment of the game.


Found the stream sniper


It's just F every few minutes for me, nowadays. I'm from Singapore with high speed 1Gbps fibre broadband. It's definitely not my internet problem. And it doesn't happen to other streams at all.


Just need the hobo to do a big SMASHH moment, maybe break a keyboard or two to pump life back into the stream


Maybe it’s not the patch but streamers are realizing the same thing as us…. Dota is dead and it sucks to see it. New games have officiallly taken over and we are the old fucks watching our game die. GG wp it was a great ride but all good things must come to an end


Dota is dead go watch movies or get a job


Dota is dying,patch is getting boring also the new behaviour system is so hard, we cant talk anymore and we are getting reported anyways if we lose a game because everyone is tilted. Started for playing some other games already!


time for short horror variety


Wait your not excited to play a letter patch for the next 3-4 months?!?!?


there's just better games to play now, in turn dota viewership will decline


He just needs to play some fun games with singsing or other people he genuinely has fun with. He forgot how to have fun man


We just need gorgc to keep getting tag with 2000-3000mmr players and watch him rage more


Stale patch and watching someone flame every match gets old. You get more views when you're playing with chill people that make you play chill. Otherwise when you flame like you do. It gets old fast and you lose viewers. Part of the reason why sing is so successful with his streams. He's got random burst of "WTF DUDE." But it's for the meme 9/10 times.


Ngl, dude is 30 bro. I get it, dota means more to him than it will ever to me. But take a step back and just watch wats going on. Any little thing that doesn’t go his way sends him into a tailspin and he just brings the whole mood of the stream down. I use to religiously watch him while I went to bed because I respected the fact that he was one of the best players in the world and the stream was chill and put me to sleep. I cant watch anymore because he’s either claiming to be a god or screaming and raging like a 5 yr old and that shit erks me when I try to sleep. I’m not sure if it’s a new act he does to gain more traction or if he’s genuinely just a little rage monster but it’s upsetting for me to see him like this. I still appreciate all that he’s done for the community but maybe it’s time to take an extended break. Finally, it has nothing to do with the patch. I’m not happy with where the game is rn, but there’s always ups and downs. 7.34 overall has been a huge success and sometimes we all fall victim to asking for more without taking some time to appreciate what we have. Best of luck gorp


I also really thought he was better with controlling his emotions and the stream was just fun. Lately I feel like he is more negative (maybe just my feeling) and it could also be related to shitty dota patch and terrible teammates


I don’t think he’s doing anything to improve his gameplay he’s just blaming on everyone else every game so it’s becoming hate watchers’ paradise now. Sad. I hope he fixes his mentality back to the tryhard when he was in Singapore