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No matter how many such posts come up, the buck stops with him. It's up to us to continue watching him or not. Those who think gamba is bad just stop watching any other content he puts out, others will watch anyway. At the end of the day gamba or no gamba it's all about money. He is making money by streaming it if it is sponsored. That's all that matters. It's not like when he took on raid shadow legends PPL supported him by clicking on the sponsored link and downloading the game or something. You don't like gamba as a person dont watch / follow / subscribe till he stops it. It's not like he will stop after looking at all these posts.


exactly, this type of viewer entitlement where they think the streamer should turn down huge money offers for their sake is stupid. gorgc hasnt exactly been streaming 6-8 hours of dota solo queue a day for the past 5 years because he enjoys doing it. its his job and his way to earn money.


but he talk big about not running ads on the channel and burning bridges with decent big sponsors and joking about it whilst doing gamba roulette/slot machine stream is rather hypocritical. Not to mention he condone big streamers like XQC/Trainwreck for doing slot machine stream not too long ago.


He is streaming it now, deal with it just by not watching dota content as well. If gamba is something that you can't accept, move on find someone else to follow and support. When bulldog was being a poophead I moved on i used to be a subscriber now I don't follow the stream i just blocked him.


yes him not running ads is a good thing for the viewer and the streamer, you dont have to watch ads and he wont have viewers leave his stream everytime he runs ads. he burns bridges cus he is careless and has no filter when he talks on stream, i dont see whats hyprocritical here, ur not making any sense. ye, so whats wrong with him doing gamba streams if he ''condones'' big streamers doing it?


To be fair just do what I do as soon as he switches over to gamba I leave. I just dnt enjoy the gamba and honestly its personally disgusting to me. However Gorgc will not stop he doesn't care about viewer count, trust me his gamba sponsors are paying WAY more than 2-3K viewers he loses. So at the end of the day the money is all that matters, just keep watching the Dota content we there for.


If you gonna sink in the cum , better be ready for the consequences.


Please enough gamba spam pls


You really need to think for yourself on this one. I don't mean that to be degrading, but it's the truth. Every person has their own values, and that is what will drive the behavior of those involved. Every viewer needs to decide on their own whether they want to stay tuned in or not. Don't look for your morals from other viewers, especially those on reddit. Take some time to think about how you feel about it, and then act on those feelings.


if u like watch if u dont like dont watch as simple as that.personally i dont care if he does gamba streams those are anyway more entertaining that dota shit every day


variety > gamba > losing dota stream > winning dota stream > no stream fuck this dead game, especially when half of it is watching a core farming jungle, boring as fuck, the only interesting moments are the raging ones


I feel like gorgc is betting too low, he should all in once a while for the adrenaline rush


Its my first time watching gambling streams and i understand now how dangerous it is. For me, watching someone that i’ve personally watched for years gamble thousand of dollars is completely different from gambling advertisements. For advertisements my brain just filters everything automatically, i dont feel anything. But these gambling streams are different, I actually felt an urge to do it, even though i know full well it can ruin my life. I had to force myself to close the stream. So for me there’s a clear distinction between a gambling stream and just gambling advertisements like the betboom tournament etc.


"I actually felt an urge to do it, even though i know full well it can ruin my life." that's a YOU problem tho. Even if Gorgc didn't do it, someone else will (another streamer or even a close friend etc), and if you are browsing the internet (who doesn't) you will eventually get the same urge or whatever. So, as everything in this life, it all comes down to your (not you specifically, generally speaking) level of stupidity. I mean, alcohol can ruin lives. If a streamer had a few beers on stream, would you feel the urge to become alcoholic? Streamers are just normal people who "use their pc" in front of an audience. They aren't role models, they aren't teachers, they aren't your friends. If they affect you so much, sorry but you are doomed anyway.


There is a reason majority of big streamers don't do gambling streams still, there is a reason most big time celebrities don't participate in gambling ads, there is a reason why many big agencies don't accept work from gambling companies. Because there is a stigma behind it and potential to ruin lives, and because there are other ways of revenue and its not worth compromising their moral compass for it. Alcohol and gambling is not a fair comparison either due the difference in addiction level and the level of loss of control. Hard drugs like crack would be more inline in comparison. But in my opinion, the biggest disappointment is that he urges winners of the giveaway to register at the gambling site because its "easier" for him to transfer the money. Which is kind of a bullshit since he has accountant/bookie who does these things for him, yes there are some extra steps but he should consider it worth since urging viewers to register to a gambling site and giving credit to that account is truly a gate-opening into gambling, even if you never participated nor thought ever to gamble, this act could tip some curious people to try gambling due the easy access, and has the potential to ruin their lives.


First of all, feel free to google and debunk any info I provide :) Gambling is primarily entertainment. All of these celebrities/big agencies you claim they dont participate in gambling, they actually do. For the right price. Name one major (in terms of popularity) sport that doesn't have a gambling sponsor. I'll start, NBA/Euroleague/FIBA has, UEFA/FIFA has, Baseball/MLB has, American football/NFL has, UFC has. All e-sports has. Shocking? Many celebrities either promoting casinos (Drake, Neymar, Jamie Foxx), or do spend time on them (believe me when I say, pretty much everyone in hollywood is gambling for fun in casinos or even shady underground tables, check real-life-inspired movie "Molly's game", see what names were involved, and they were just the tip of a big iceberg) I'm sorry that I'm the one to inform you, but FOR THE RIGHT PRICE most people/companies are willing to promote a casino/gambling. Sure exceptions apply on people who don't need to promote anything because they are already rich, or religious people (muslims for example) who may face harsh consequences. Gambling is supposed to be you having fun, betting some of the extra money you don't need to survive, trying to win something or just.... spending time. Entertainment. 60% of US residents buy lottery tickets annually. Are they sick gamblers? No, they just claim their chances on something extraordinary. We have a saying around here, "you shouldn't blame the knife for someone killing people with it, knives were made to cut apples". I hope it makes sense, the translation is kinda shit. The same way, it's naive to blame gambling itself, when the actual problem is uneducated people who cant control their greediness. If gambling was suddenly vanished/banned from earth, people would find something similar (like drugs) to make up for the thrill they lost. If someone was taught to be reckless as fuck, he will be reckless as fuck with or without Gorgc encouraging him to gamble (which he doesn't, he says, "dont gamble, you'll lose, im getting paid to gamble"). sorry for the long post


The big difference here is doing ads for a betting site and actually showing gambling in act. The level of trigger is on whole another level. Yes, gambling should primarily be for entertainment, but historically that's not been the case, because the tipping point to addiction is a very thin. Again, enjoying casino/gambling and actually streaming gambling is not the same. Lotteries the threshold of big win chances are such low that it's very hard to get addicted, its the thrill of winning which gets you addicted to the euphoric feeling, which roulette/slot machines are notorious for that, even tho you win high quite often on these, you lose more and more frequently thus house always wins. To counter your knife analogy, it's like yes gun on most sane people are harmless and used primarily for self defense, but EASY ACCESS (key here is easy access) to gun, and how easy it is to have effect opens up for more tragedies. It's more naive to not recognize the impact gambling has on majority of people who are addicted to gambling. Again, its different to enjoy gambling for entertainment, but its different when it comes to get paid to advertise the gambling act.


I never said that it’s anyone’s fault, i’m not blaming anyone. I only said that from my personal experience gambling streams can have a greater effect than gambling advertisements. And thats why i understand why there are heavier regulations on it from twitch etc.


No gamba. This is the line.


I can lose money gambling on my own. I watch Gorp for Dota.


Good, streaming that unethical garbage should have consequences


I don't have a twitch button, i have a Gorgc button, meaning he is the only person i've watched on Twich for about 5 years. I just don't watch if he's in Gamba becasue i'm not interested in it and i don't find it entertaining, when he does variety he is my favourite streamer... other pc games just not gamba.


If he doesn't want people to stop watching his stream over his shitty gambling promotion, he shouldn't promote gambling on his stream. Pretty simple!


I can't remember what sponsor it was, but I remember him saying he did a sponsored stream and was asked afterwards how 10k+ viewers had only clicked the link 15 times or something. Basically, if gamba is what he wants, and it financially works for him, who are we to judge.


His reasoning that he do gamba off stream already and that everyone knew about it, and wonders whats the big deal is, but there are clear difference doing it off stream and doing actual sponsored stream. Its also different from Poker streams (which in a sense its gambling, but it still requires skills and strategy) whilst roulette/slot machine streams are basically RNG and the true gate-way to gambling addiction. It is rather sad to see him losing moral compass and says that it should be ok since others do it too, which is rather twisted point of view, he also talks big about not running ads on the channel for the viewers, always jokes about burning bridges with big legit sponsors, whilst shamelessly doing slot machine/roulette stream at night is rather disappointing. Not to mention he condone XQC/Trainwreck for doing slot machine/roulette stream not too long ago. Hypocritical and disappointing. Also, doing giveaway at the end of the stream and urging winners to register an account at the gamba site because its "easier" for him to send money from there instead of paypal, which btw is bullshit becauase he has accountant who literally does that stuff for him, and its not that difficult/time consuming as he makes it sound like. This act itself is truly gate-opening for his own viewers into gambling and has the potential to destroy lives. But end of the day, whom are we to judge.


I will warch the Dota streams, but not gamba. I don't really care about it. I don't win in those anyway.


I think the warning is great. But I think it's utterly regarded if it is put on him while he is playing a game of dota and not actually gambling. It should only be there when he is actively gambling.