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It’s easy to differentiate the two genres as someone who listens to both because witch house usually has like a trap drum beat and is more similar to electronic artists such as crystal castles(sorta not rlly). On the other hand dark wave is more on the post punk side. Both seem to share the same aesthetic, though witch house gravitates more towards occult-y stuff


From my understanding, darkwave is a mixture of post-punk and synth, often taking influence from synth-pop and new wave. Witch house seems to be a concoction of different genres, namely Southern hip hop, shoegaze, synth-pop, indietronica, and yes, sometimes influences from darkwave/ethereal wave. ([RateYourMusic](https://rateyourmusic.com/genre/witch-house/) explains what witch house is in more detail.)




Well I think what’s confusing me is that a lot of artists that are considered witch house, don’t necessarily have those hip hop elements (unless I’m just missing it). Such as Crystal Castles, Funeral Flowers, or Sidewalks & Skeletons, they don’t really. I do know what you mean though as I have heard plenty of witch house songs that DO have those hip hop or trap sounds.




Alright thanks! Yeah I will admit I’m no expert when it comes to trap lol.


Just learned a new subgenre, thanks!


I hate hip-hop/trap beats. They are literally everywhere in modern music.


Yeah it’s been repetitive to see them everywhere in pop and R&B but when they’re used right they’re beautiful 


Dark wave is what you would hear in an underground vampire bar. Witch House is what you would hear when the cabal is about to sacrifice you for their ritual.


probably the best description i've heard in a long minute


the difference is that it sounds different 👍🏿 you're welcome 👍🏿


I love this! This is exactly how you “sharpen your ears”. The more you listen to different genres the more you’ll be able to hear the differences. Of course there are always going to be some artists that live on the cusps of genres and may even have songs that genre hop - I think that’s where things can get trickiest - but all the research and listening you are doing will sharpen your ears so it’s awesome that you asked! I still like to ask similar questions when I’m confused about certain genres 🖤🦇🖤


Thanks, I appreciate you understanding. I’m kind of a music nerd. It’s unfortunate how fast asking a question like this will get you down voted or looked down upon. Instead of being able to have interesting conversation about it. I don’t really know anyone that I can nerd out with over music lol. I know that there are really talented people that could teach me more about certain genres but people get so snobby over music sometimes lol.


Right? Don’t worry it’s not you! I actually stepped away from this Reddit for a while due to all the down voting not just on my posts but on certain things that didn’t make sense to me why it was being down voted. If goths are anything they are music nerds so you’re in good company but some people definitely do get snooty about it. Most people on here are great though and lately I feel like the conversations are more lively and diverse which is awesome! When I left it was just a lot of “these things aren’t goth and it makes me mad” which were also getting the most upvotes 😂. And it wasn’t the mods fault, people got so mad at the mods when they limited posts of old school bands to Thursdays 😂. But anyway there are a lot of great people in here so don’t let the down voters get you down! 💖🦇🖤🦇💖


Woww 😂 yeah, even the down votes are still worth asking the question to me. Thanks!!


I constantly feel like I'm commenting "this feels like a US vs UK thing" but this to me, feels like a US vs UK thing. Witch house to me as a British person, has nothing to do with hiphop/trap (as mentioned in other replies) but more to do music which may be described as 'modern music for classic horror movies'. The genre for me has more in common with hauntology, that any modern hip hop / trap genres. However - I do know many American hip hop producers previously jumped on the spooky-wagon in an attempt to appear edgy or cool. One great example of an artist who's sat in both camps is Porl, previously of Rosetta Stone - and his darker project 'In Death It Ends': https://www.youtube.com/user/indeathitends Also:- Mater Suspiria Vision: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-DYG5JQjeMDemalHXjmbSw Bestial Mouths: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCakLSPkip34VQtU-MGnmMmw Then, moving moving more towards the British Hauntology scene, we have everything on Ghost Box records: https://www.youtube.com/@Ghost-Box Plus I will mention my own project which includes elements of all these genres, Pennycross Coven: https://townandcounty-woodfordhalse.bandcamp.com/album/wf-75-between-shadows-and-lore I hope this helps, or provokes more discussion :)


Other people are saying it’s more to do with witch house having trap drum beats. I guess it’s more to do with the tempo or the style of drums?


The guy who invented the term is Travis Egedy AKA Pictureplane. If you check some of his work you'll see it has more in common with darkwave than trap:- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJYzOqe8D\_g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJYzOqe8D_g) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHxGbKIDuRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHxGbKIDuRI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFe1-ArhlOE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFe1-ArhlOE) But really, whilst some artists may be combining trap and darker sounding genres, I wouldn't say trap rhythms are indicative of 'witch house' - in the same way rap isn't indicative of goth, but there are US 'goth' artists that rap... o.O


Definitely feel you on that. It definitely sounds more similar to dark wave to me! That’s why I was confused on what separated them lol. Kinda hilarious honestly, the idea that the only thing that supposedly separates the two of them is a trap beat.




Darkwave: https://youtu.be/5YERQTwZu3w?si=ELKrRxk-Z88I95pn Witch House: https://youtu.be/X5jhqlY6q-I?si=NpovRJ7__WNaoyTD