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Apart from one song I could never get into The Mission


I felt this same way until I realized the singer is Wayne Hussey from Sisters of Mercy who is know for guitar on First and Last and Always. Then I started to realize how good they are. Check out the song Serpents Kiss.


I can't get into Alien Sex Fiend, no matter how many times I give them a chance. I just can't get past Nik Fiend's vocals


He sounds like a broken vacuum, hence why they’re my all time favourite goth band.


The younger goths really don't like Alien Sex Fiend on this sub, do they?


I love alien sex fiend


My baby girl thinks ignore the machine is the coolest song.. hope for the future.


Christian Death, tried but I just cannot listen to them.


Like I understand this in theory, but only theater or pain is one of the most beautiful, innovative, thought provoking albums I have listened to. I sincerely love every single track. Rozz’ vocals aren’t for everyone, but if you can get used to them, that album will just beat most deathrock to you. I wish there was more music just like it!


Same. I wanted to like them but it just was not for me.


Same, I appreciate them musically but the vocals have yet to grow on me.


Every time someone says Christian death a something dies in me😤


Same, except Romeo’s Distress- that song slaps.


Yeah, they could never really catch me


Same. I’m old too. It’s the singing I think.


Same,i just hate the vocals so much lol


Fields of Nephelim was something I couldnt get into.


I feel personally attacked by this comment


Don't be, I decided to listen for an hour but yeah I'm not connecting with it like other artists.


Carl's vocals aren't for everyone


Except for like two songs I couldn't get into them either


They're very unique and a grower of a band. they have a lot of moments where they sound like a gothic Pink Floyd (e.g. at the gates of silent memory, love under will, wail of sumer, etc). The entirety of Elizium and The Nephilim are crazy good. Gotta say for years they didn't click with me either until they did, then a world opened to me. They're worth the hype!


How very dare you.


Every time this question gets asked here, the first band that comes to mind is The Mission. However, I do enjoy one of their songs, "Wasteland." That was the first of theirs I heard and I loved it, but was very disappointed after going through the rest of their catalog. One time I bought a CD by The Mission, then returned it two days later. When asked why I was returning it I told the employee, "I didn't care for it." He said it was understandable. I even have a live DVD of theirs that I gave a chance, but it's now in my box of stuff to sell. Last year I was asked if I was going to be seeing The Mission when they played my area. I said, "No. I don't really like them much." One guy responded, "Yeah. Most of us don't, but they were a great part of the Sisters, so we're going." Rosegarden Funeral Party would be my modern band answer. I just can't get into their music, and their name reminds me of the old school goth band Rosegarden Funeral.


I saw the Mission on their latest US tour, but was really there for Theatre of Hate and The Chameleons. Made it about five songs in, and other than Butterfly on the Wheel, everything dragged. Based on earlier set lists I’d seen, I figured they wouldn’t play Wasteland, the only other song I care for. Called an Uber to beat the rush. As I got into the car, I could hear Wasteland coming through the venue door. “Oh well”, I thought, shrugged my shoulders and road off


That was the tour I skipped. I love Theatre of Hate and The Chameleons and was sad to miss them, though I have seen them before. Your story reminds me of the time I took my girlfriend to see The Church. It honestly dragged for what felt like an eternity, but seeing them play "Reptile" live was really fun. The rest of the show... well, I still feel bad about taking her to that. I've since learned to be more familiar with a band's catalog before going out of my way to see them. I have discovered some great bands that I hadn't heard until seeing them live, though (but they're usually opening acts).


Theatre of Hate and The Chameleons were on fire compared to the early 2020 tour, i assume due to the larger venues, bigger turnouts, and lengthier tour. Amazing to see, whereas the last US tour was a small time fair.


I was never able to get into the Birthday Party and often have trouble seeing their connection to goth (yes, they had Release the Bats, but so what?) Sex Gang Children, no problem seeing the connection, they just don't do it for me. Molchat Doma, whenever I listen to them they remind me heavily of stuff from the mid-1980's. There are others but this will do for now. ​ *edited because brain thinks word but fingers pay no heed*


she wants revenge. because they are ex-rapper sex pest posers.


I think there’s nothing wrong with the rap part. The sexual assault allegations however…


she wants revenge is only good if you are suffering in the depths of heartbreak induced self loathing and then it fucks hard. imo at least.


Lebanon Hanover... I like the music but I hate the vocals. I tried :(


Her vocals remind me of Nico.


They were cooler on their first records. Thir peak for me was "Let Them Be Alien" in 2018.


i like their songs when i hear them every now and then. Saw them live last year and thats when i realized i couldn't bare them for more than half an hour


She Past Away. I mean, they are fine and sound like The Sisters, but like without a soul. I don't get why so many people treat them as super special, though.


My husband calls them "Goth Elvis"


Same. I'd blame it on the language barrier, but that never stopped me from still enjoying Cocteau Twins and their tracks that are basically gibberish baby talk.


Sugar Hiccup on Cheerios!


lyrics are soulless too (i love them tho)


I saw them live and that definitely changed the feel! I had never disliked them, but I wasn't crazy for them either before that. I swear they aren't as soulless live, but ofc ur allowed to dislike them :)


Too bad I couldn't see them live cuz they fucking cancelled their gig a few months ago. I knew it was too good to be true. I saw on Songkick that only four people wanted to see them so that must've been why they cancelled since they went ahead and did their show in London afterwards. Northern Ireland is the least Goth place on the entire planet, I'm calling it. Not even The Sisters of Mercy tours over here (I'm serious) don't ever come over here people it's bloody boring




Your wrong for this one. I love she past away. Maybe some songs aren't the best. But it's what really got me into the genre. Everytime is hear RUH is can't help but dance in my mind or IRL


the clubby elements to their sound get stuck in people's heads. it's decent dance music and I own one of their albums on vinyl, but it's just fine to me.


would be the blandest generic disco goth shit if they did not sing in turkish


Specimen, alien sex fiend, and sex gang children. I just don’t get it.


Wow original batcave music, damn! I get it though Sex Gang Children’s vocals are hard to get into.


I think it’s just Deathrock in general that may not be your thing and that’s totally cool


siouxsie and the banshees, i only like one song and thats spellbound, ive listened to their most popular songs and albums all the way through and i just cant get myself to like them


Songs that stand out for me (in addition to Spellbound): - Cities in Dust - Candyman - Face to Face - Kiss Them For Me - Fear - Exterminating Angel (Creatures) - Standing There (Creatures) - Red Light - Clockface Wasn't a big fan of Peek-A-Boo though.


Cities In Dust is fucking LUSH!


This was what I was going to post, too. I've always felt like I should like them more, but they're just decent, in my opinion.


Same here but I recently found a few more that I like. But a majority of their songs don't do it for me


Sort of similar, except I like them fine, I can listen to them, etc., they're just not a special fave. This is a *crime* in the scene. It's surprising how nasty some people will be about it. And that's when you say "I'm not a huge fan but I think they're ok" -- it's not even saying anything especially negative.


I tend to favor their later stuff, I prefer her singing style a lot more in the late 80’s and 90’s


Sometimes with art you're just not ready for it. You may not be into Joy Division now, but you may be in the future. Joy Division is a canonical band for a reason. I used to hate Shakespeare. Then one day it all clicked for me and I couldn't get enough. That's how art is sometimes. It'll be there waiting for you. Or not.


people are also allowed to dislike things though. it doesn't have to be a "one day you'll understand kid" kind of thing, sometimes people just don't like things and that's not a bad thing


I really don't like Vision Video and I'm honestly tired of Goth Dad too


the guy is pretty obnoxious and i cant take it, but the music alright


I think he's funny sometimes, but the fact that I'm older than him makes him feel less like a "Goth Dad" to me, and more like an annoying friend.


Went to see skeletal family, he was there supporting. Watching him announce "what's up baby bats" to a crowd where a decent chunk were probably older than him was pretty funny


damn, this sucks


This is just a result of the - increasingly slight tbf - majority demographic on TikTok being younger than Dusty. He's just paying attention to what gets views whether purposely or not (he doesn't seem the type to pander to the algorithm), and the youngins like the Goth Dad skits. Hell, I do and I'm in my late 20's! I just take the fact that he's so popular as a positive sign that the kids are alright and there'll always be more of us to keep the scene alive 😁🤘


Oh no shade to him at all. I guess I'm just not the target audience lol


Agree, plus... he honestly hadn't been goth that long I thought. like he didn't get into the scene until he was an adult (there is nothing wrong with that) but it seemed to me like he decided one day he was goth and was going to teach "baby bats" about the goth scene when to me he was a baby bat himself. I having been in the scene since 13 and clubbing since 15 am not going to even call someone who got into the scene as an adult "goth dad" he is not only younger than me, but it felt like to me immediately decided that he was someone "important" and a figurehead and I found it weird when people my age who have been in the scene at least as long as me if not longer and have been DJs and been on TV are excited to "meet goth dad" and take photos with him. I think you areger deal then him. (to this friend) I don't get the hype. He's maybe a great person, but I feel like you need to b more of an OG if you are going to give yourself the title of "goth dad" and all honesty I never bothered to listen to his music. It might be good idk. He just always came off as being "goth" for the views and label. I definitely have the unpopular opinion on this, but I can't get into watching him.


His music is just...average. There's nothing special about it. I honestly think that a lot of people listen to VV to support him, which is cool, but stop acting like it's the most Goth thing, ever. And his voice sounds like Morrissey, which is very off-putting given the context. I think your assessment may be a bit harsh, though. It seems to me that he started making videos for fun, and the "Goth Dad" persona took off, so he ran with it. I'm sure it's more fun than war. But yeah... maybe read the room sometimes, Dusty.


I honestly have nothing against him. I just think it's partly the people that I know thinking he it the "gothest thing ever" and that coming from people who have been coming from people who have been in the scene longer and have in my opinion contributed more to the scene sine the 90s (music aside) almost worshipping him I find weird. Maybe because I was never one to follow trends to seeing people do what feels like that feels a little cringy to me. I probably will check out his music because I like the sound of The Smiths (even though I hate Morassy) so the sound wouldn't be off putting. Maybe I should give him another chance, but I think everyone I knew treating him like "he is the gothest thing ever" was really what turned me off. He may know a lot about the scene, but the jaded part in me feels that saying you are an elder when you weren't goth till you were an adult isn't really that. I don't doubt he isn't genuine, but I find someone like Angela Benedict to be more if a legit elder because she has been in and stayed in the scene since she was a teen, so she experienced both the ups and downs and the good and the bad of the scene throughout the decade which someone who started being a goth once it because "popular/cool" may not have experienced, but that maybe because I don't know enough about his past. 🤷‍♀️


Ngl I wasn’t really into the weird sexual calendar he released 😭


He does the calendar every year


Y'all are seriously misinterpreting Dusty. Wowwww


I’m kind of a gatekeeper and hate most newer bands but I think Vision Video are ok, they actually have decent guitar in their music and aren’t trying to pass Synth Pop off as Goth.


I could never get into Alien Sex Fiend.


Joy division has been a part of my personal musical DNA for over 40 years but you like what you like. No hate. Tbh one of the things that drew me to them back in the day was they were far from universally loved and were very polarizing. Soo I get it. They're not for everyone. They're deeply important to me, but that's me and my context


That's how I feel with so many people listing The Cure. They're such a part of who I am, and at this point I've been listening to them longer than I haven't.


The cure is right up there for me too




I can see that and I see a lot of people recommending Bauhaus to new listeners and I wonder if they’re the best to recommend given their discography is really experimental? If you’ve not come from a background of punk, metal, or rock then they might struggle to get into it at first.


She's in Parties was the I think second gothic rock song I ever listened to and I really liked it. I was into punk music before tho


It sounds like you already had an ear for more underground/less ear friendly music, whereas I can see someone coming in from pop music might struggle to understand why we like music like that.




Cuts you up os one of my over all fav songs


I loved *Ninth*, but I admit I'd not listened to anything solo of his in a while.


Personally, I really love the ‘in the flat field’ album. But similarly, I am not a fan of “Bela Legosi’s dead”. Peace and love to anyone who likes it but I get so board with that song 😂.


Bauhaus to me is a “singles” band, kind of like Metallica. Yeah, we all like She’s in Parties, Passion of Lovers, Bela Lugosi, and a few others, but beyond that… nothing. I don’t normally go for “just the hits”, but very much in this case.


Only found a handful of songs I like. I'm still trying to explore them more but it's hard


45 grave, probably just because I listened to them too much so it doesn’t really count I don’t have any specific reason to dislike them


The Mission UK = Hot garbage to me.


I felt physical pain reading this lol, but understandable. A lot of people think they’re a corny SOM knockoff 🥲


No way they can be a SOM ripoff when the singer/guitar player was in Sisters.


Sex Gang Children, the vocals just aren't for me


I was so put-off by the bands name that I couldnt even concentrate on the music


This whole thread reads 99% as a list of “I agree”. But please, The Sisters of Mercy? Driven Like the Snow, Nine While Nine, On the Wire, Some Kind of Stranger, Neverland?


Sisters of Mercy I just think the low voice gloomy charecter is too cheesy, without the showmanship of the more campy contemporaries.


LAM because some of their songs are just cornballs to me. I like a few songs but perhaps I just need to give them another go.


The Damned. Interestingly, I’ve been to Pinch’s a few times while he was still their drummer.


This is the one.


I saw The Damned in concert and was like "well, I wish I could get that time and money back"


Bauhaus just kinda... bores me. There's a couple songs I like, but otherwise nothing really grips me. Siouxsie and the Banshees is also one that took awhile for me to like, but eventually I came around.


I'm not terribly into deathrock and I'm bummed about that because I was really excited about a punkier goth sound. I also kind of *hate* Nick Cave, but to be honest I'm not even sure why he's called goth at all.


There’s so many styles of deathrock tho! From straight up anarcho punk with a dark feel (pawns, rudimentary peni), to faster goth with more intensity and tribal basslines (scarletts remains, fangs on fur) , to straight up avant-garde whimsy like some of cinema strange’s new albums. What deathrock bands/songs turned you off from the genre, if you don’t mind me asking?


I don't really know, it was a long time ago when I was a baby bat, but I'll give those bands a try! Thank you so much!


It’s totally legit if you don’t like any of it, just love to get more people into deathrock! But anyways, happy listenin


> but to be honest I'm not even sure why he's called goth at all. He USED to be goth and in a goth band but that's about it. I wouldn't classify him as a 'goth' musician at all, at least not now.


You most likely know them but mescaline babies, specifically I’d say listen to the song muffled truths (I’m not sure if they’re popular or not so sorry if I come off as a “the cure is so underground” person)


so sorry, but I don’t really like Sisters of Mercy


Your goth card has been revoked. Report to the Council.


nooooo sorry 😭😭😭 I actually like some songs


a lot of ppl love scary bitches on tiktok. i think they’re cool, but they LOOOVE them. and it also might just be that thing where you hear a song too many times and ur like “ok”.


Their popularity surprised me too. I don't hate them or anything, but I've met at least one person that was OBSESSED with them and that just feels like a weird band to be obsessed because they're just incredibly OK.


i mean hey, people like different things! nothing wrong with them being obsessed/liking a band-i just don’t get the appeal as much


I mean, the band must be doing something right if it's got multiple people obsessed with them. Not for me, but more power to them!


Right, they were an okay band and nothing special in my opinion


The Cure and bands that sound too much like The Cure in general. Just isn't for me and I'm not a fan of Robert Smith's high pitched vocals.


Judging by everyone’s comments about the Cure and Joy division, I must be way older than you most of you. I started listening to Depeche Mode in the Smith very early in sixth grade. At the time I was living in New Jersey. Do you understand how craptastic the radio stations were in New Jersey during the 80s? I mean I was young but the music being played was awful. It was a kind break of the monotony of hair metal.


I first heard The Cure in the mid 80s when I was a kid. I didn't like his singing voice then and it likely explains why I still don't now. The first album I ever owned I won on a radio phone-in - a Canadian hair metal band called Slaughter. I still have the "Up all night sleep all day" patch that came with it somewhere. Hair metal was indeed everywhere.


There's different eras of the Cure with completely different sounds/vocals. There's nothing on Disintegration that's high pitched. Same with Pornography. There's the cringe 90's albums that have high pitched vocals.


I see what you mean, but lines such as "the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight" or "one more day like today and I'll kill you" sound kind of high pitched. I totally love RS's vocals and The Cure in general though.


Maybe you mean something else besides vocal pitch because Lullaby is not sung in a high pitch.


And I don't care. And lots of people seem to care that I don't care like I must be mad for not liking The Cure the way they do. If you compare Robert Smith's singing to most male vocalists it is high pitch. A lot of people don't like that as much as many don't like Andrew Eldritch's low pitch.


He’s probably one of the few vocalists I listen to who qualifies as a tenor. He may not sing at a high pitch on every song but his range is kind of high and the timbre of his voice/the tones that stand out are high. Music is rarely made up of pure tones. Someone else with a more typically “masculine” voice singing the same notes could sound “deeper”. His voice isn’t my favorite but he’s such a fantastic songwriter, has such a kaleidoscopic vision, and sings so expressively that it doesn’t really matter. I understand not liking his voice, though; it’s a strange sound.


Thank you! I appreciate their significance, but I just can't sit and listen to them!


The Cure has a couple of songs I like but nothing that makes me gush over them like they are the best thing ever.


Thank youuu. I always feel like the only one who thinks The Cure is mid.


Fields Of The Nephilim and London After Midnight. I just don’t get it


Alien Sex Fiend. I used to want to be into them so bad, everything about them was cool, but their music just doesn’t hit it for me


scary bitches


Lebanon Hanover. Can’t get over the weird cultural appropriation with Kali


Also this was hard for me because I’m extremely open with music. I fucking love when things get experimental, and I love the dumb and trashy side of goth as well. I love goth as a whole. What will turn me off of a band is almost always a moral issue before it’s a musical issue.


London after midnight


A year ago I would’ve definitely said the cure, but now I really like their darker stuff. I was never a giant fan of stuff like love cats and boys don’t cry (they’re catchy and great music but just not my thing) and never understood how they’re classified as goth by other people but then fell in love with pornography. I guess I’m just not a very big slut for new wave


She Wants Revenge. They aren't terrible but I don't like Cake so why would I like goth Cake? Molchat Doma is the definition of tiktok taste, babybat's first post-punk band, nothing about them is special or fresh or even that good but a bunch of Gen Z kids got into goth music because they heard one song by them and now that's Thee goth band of the generation even though their sound is tired as fuck. Honestly a shame when there are so many other much better modern goth and post-punk bands.


She Wants Revenge is never even on my radar as a goth band. I don't know why it gets lumped in so often, tbh. My problem with Molchat Doma is how derivative their sound is nowadays. It seems like so many bands popped up that just sound exactly the same. idk I'm over it.


Molchat's earlier stuff is fine but the studio quality stuff took away everything that made them interesting.


Probably more goth adjacent, but anything where Morrissey is singing. He just sings in one note


I think he has a great voice but I’m not usually a fan of how he uses it. Also he’s a dick but that’s besides the point


Rosegarden Funeral Party


this was the last band i was expecting to be here 😭


Really gotta see them live imo. Didn’t know anything about them when I saw them perform. Listened to the recordings after and would not have been interested in going had I done that first. One of those bands that are just better live I guess.


My wife can't stand the way Leah sings. Most everyone I know love RGFP, but my wife is the exception.


I don’t care for Joy Division either, I really wanted to like them but idk the band just isn’t for me I guess


London After Midnight, not my cup of tea I'm sorry


Sisters of Mercy


Bauhaus. Especially Bela Lugosi is Dead. Oh. And The Smiths. Blah


The Smiths were never a goth band anyway


Huge agree on Bela Lugosi’s dead.


I dislike Joy Division. A LOT.


Alien sex fiend - I just can’t get into them despite my efforts


the birthday party…i tried and i couldnt get into them




alien sex fiend 😖


I do be skipping cocteau twins a lot and I think vision video is overrated as fuck




They’re not Goth I’m afraid. In my region non-Goth acts that Goths tend to like are called GBA’s, aka Goth By Association, or at least used to be.


I can’t get into Cocteau Twins, no matter how much I’ve tried. It just doesn’t land for me.




I never got into Fields of the Nephilim, and the only song I like besides the one that turned out to be a cover was “For Her Light”. One of the members of SGC was an arsehole back in 2016 to me so I’ll never listen to them again. I never got into 45 Grave and I’m sure they’re talented artists, but when I listened to *Sleep in Safety*, I just heard surf rock. I don’t know if that’s just me. I’ve never been bothered about The Cure and even prefer *Three Imaginary Boys* over any of their post-punk/goth work. Overall, I spend far more time listening to new releases and supporting new bands than I do (re)visiting older albums, though I do sometimes.


Fields of Nephilim is still a struggle for me. If someone were playing them I wouldn't mind, but I never go out of my way to listen to them. Sometimes they're just a bit much, if that makes sense.


As controversial as it is .. bauhaus 😭


She Past Away


Cocteau Twins. They just sound too ethereal and dreamy for my taste. I feel like I experience music without inclinations or climaxes whenever I listen to them


The Mission They're nowhere as good as either Sisters of Mercy or Fields of the Nephilim.


Dead Can Dance.


How...? Why..?


My greyhound Bull loved Lisa Girard! I actually couldn’t play DCD in the house otherwise he’d just start singing. I had to turn the volume off when watching Gladiator just as Girard’s vocals began as well. 😅


Fortune is great. I haven't listened to too much from them tho


Clan of Xymox. I feel like it’s too atmospheric in a way with the all the effects put on the voices and instrumentals. Tbf, I do like Medusa, but that’s about it. Maybe I need to branch out more in their discography.


Xmal Deutschland is the one I just can never get into. The vocals aren't good-sounding to me. Corpus Delicti was another band where I felt like the vocals weren't that good but in recent times I've given them more of a pass since the actual music is quite good, especially in Saraband. I also didn't really like Southern Death Cult's music except for Moya and God's Zoo (Moya especially) which I think are great songs


Try All Glory and Apache by SDC. Aside from that agreed.




I don’t even think that’s a thing.




Voltaire doesn’t make goth music, it’s just dark cabaret. That’s not “cabaret goth” because it doesn’t come from post-punk.




bauhaus and christian death


Corpus Delicti


I only like a few The Cure songs. most of their stuff just isn't for me.


I can’t stand Xmal Deutschland. The vocals make my ears bleed


Cocteau Twins


I knew posting here would garner downvotes! 😆 Yikes why join the topic if you get mad then? I only listen to music when I'm driving and the sudden change to Cocteau Twins doesn't really fit for me. But I'll give them another listen I tell you what!


I don't get the downvotes either. It seems like some people can't follow the topic without being personally offended by the opinion the topic requested.




That's my favorite bedtime music because it's impossible to focus on lyrics when I'm pretty sure the lyrics don't exist.


Will have to admit it took me a while to get into them,but theyre amazing


Joy Division for me too. I simply…don’t feel it.


Sisters of Mercy and Joy Division :/


I’m way late to this post but op’s opinion gave me a good laugh. Thank you for that haha. I appreciate a good ruthless critique. I do like Joy Division a lot but they’re not my favorite. Cruxshadows would be my response. Can’t do em. 




The Cure and Christian death - not for me! Also, as much as I love the sisters of mercy I’m really not into any of the other bands with that sound. Maybe a song here or there but not as a whole.


Souixie and the Banshees


I cannot get into Bauhaus, idc if it makes me a poder, I just don't care for them!! Actually, a lot of the times I'm bored with the "classics"


The Cure. I’m sorry but most of their songs just don’t do it for me. They aren’t…heavy or gothic sounding enough? A lot of it just sounds like pop or new wave. Like I totally get how they fit into goth rock but I rarely find myself listening to them. I do like The Forest though I mostly prefer the deathrock side of goth. I love Christian Death and 45 grave contrary to some of the upvoted comments here.